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12 fps
It's a wallpaper for ants
wasn't made in 2030 where fully immersive vr is the norm
easy game
runs like shit
didn't play it but the only flaw I can speak of is that PS now isn't available in my shitty third world country and I ain't buying a console for 1 game.
not on pc
only 1 shield
I think it had 2 shields, not sure if the second was added in DLC or if it existed in vanilla
My only complaints are the framerate dips and chalice dungeons being really repetitive/uninteresting after the first few (aside from a few cool bosses).
30 fps
Terrible frame pacing literally ruins the gameplay at times.
Weapon and build variety sucks
The second half of the game is rushed
The DLC is basically mandatory
The frame pacing is broken
Chromatic aberration looks ugly
This game had shields?
- Environments not varied enough, just black everywhere
- Space Tentacruels twist didn't really do it for me
- NPCs not as memorable, and don't have enough storyline (compare Alfred to Solaire)
- Stuck on shitty fucking hardware where it runs like ass
Otherwise, easily the game of the generation for me. Goddamn it I love Souls games, holy fucking shit. Miyazaki fucking saved the last 10 years of gaming for me. Literally every other game can go fuck itself.
I recently tried to replay bloodborne and it’s simply not possible. The frames are so jarring it literally feels like playing PowerPoint.
The starting enemies drop shields, the descriptive text basically BTFOs shieldshitters.
It was free with PSN.
That automatically makes it a shitty game.
Why would they give good games away for free?
bloodbornefags are sub human trash
Bloodborne is the easy mode for Sekiro
Free enough.
They're still giving that shit away.
Framerate, that's literally it
It's not even like it's unstable, and that frame-pacing shit people keep parroting that no one has ever heard of before this one video is just a meme. It feels like every other 30fps game
But that's the only flaw, I'd love to see how fucking perfect it would look in 4k 60fps. Either way it's still the best looking From game
The only complaint I have is the 30 FPS, which isn’t even that big of a deal to me, personally. If there was a steady way to play 60 FPS on PS4 pro, I would honestly get it.
It has the same problems as dark souls 1 and 3, they clearly ran out of time/budget in the second half of the game
does it work better on ps4 pro? I haven't played it yet and I already beat all souls games and sekiro
the second half has some of the best parts in the game what????
Bossfights in the main game are mostly garbage.
>Framerate coping from PCbabs is still the only complaint this board can muster after 4 years
This game really is a masterpiece
BB was a solid 6.5/10 before DLC which elevated it to 8.5/10.
The second half of the game is the best half of the game. This shit ain't xenogears
Stuck on shitty hardware
It’s not DMCV
Why would it be on PC? Sony own the IP.
>throw out good world design for lmao just teleport everywhere
>all bosses are shit except gehrman
>reused enemies
To be clear, I'm talking about the game without DLC.
It's one of my favorite games of all time but framerate which wasnt that bad but I'd much rather play it on PC.
The One Reborn, Rom, and Micolash are the only bad boss fights
there's a massive drop in quality in the second half, starting with the Forest of Copypasted Snake Balls and Resident Evil 4 Ripoffs
Repetitive chalice dungeons
less than 30fps
Drops in quality in second half(if we exclude DLC which is actually surpasses anything from software has ever made)
Can get repetitive sometimes
Wet nurse also sucks. Thats literally all the bosses in the second half lmao.
Practically all the bosses in the second half are lacklustre
Based. Game should really be on PC by now. If Sony weren't such arrogant fucks they'd do it and rake in some free cash.
>Game should really be on PC by now.
Why would it? Its like saying Super Mario Odysee should be on PC. Im sure that would be nice but why would that ever happen?
You forgot celestial emissary,mergo,amygdala,rom,witch of hemwick
Maybe Epic will strike a deal with sony but I think it's unlikely
Its like saying maybe epic will strike a deal with Nintendo
You are no the first I see praising the dlc, why is it considered so good in your opinion? It just adds a new level and a few bosses just like every from dlc right? I'm asking because it's on sale right now on ps store, 7 bucks, and I don't know if I should
>find a flaw
60% of the main bosses aren't required and a good portion of those are easily missable
the witches is the shittiest fight in any video game ever
the secret final boss shouldn't be the second easiest boss in the game
the nurse glitch
>Yea Forums is finally leaving Bloodborne honeymoon phase
It is a souls game and there is no story. I am sorry, flavor text lore is not story.
You have to kill best girl
Bloodborne has already done it's job as a PS4 exclusive/system seller. The console generation is nearly over. Hanging on to it out of some retarded pride or obligation is just leaving money on the table. There are plenty of people who would buy it on PC, and it wouldn't cost Sony much to do it. It would also win them some goodwill which they are in DESPERATE need of. However, the company is being run by idiots atm so it'll be locked on PS4 until they eventually release a "remaster" on PS5 in a few years.
BTW I own a PS4 and love Bloodborne. I have 400+ hours played. I just think porting it would be a wise business decision at this point.
Bad framepacing at the most intense moments and the difficulty in the latter half drops off.
Area variety is kind of lacking. Conversely, it realizes the theme it goes for really well too.
Performence could be better too.
DLC has the best weapons and bosses in the games hands down. Ludwig is the best boss in the entirety of soulsborne imo. I've literally fought him hundreds of times through co-op and repeat playthroughs.
Its on PS4 because Sony own the IP. Are you fucking retarded? Would you have made this wall of text in argument that BOTW needs to make an official release on PC? No you wouldn't, because it would be a retarded suggestion thats never going to happen so people emulate it instead. Sony isn't magically different from Nintendo with their IP's.
It's just the quality and everything in old hunters dlc is just absolutely amazing,from atmosphere to boss feels really unique and stands out on its it it's the best part of souls borne every thing just clicks.
Of course they own the IP. They can still release it on PC if they like. Nintendo should fucking do it too. It would only help their bottom line. They're stuck in the past with their fucking exclusive shit. Microsoft is the only console company making smart, consumer friendly decisions right now, and that's only because they got fucking trounced this gen.
I don't get it, does owning the IP somehow prevents them from releasing their game on another system or something?
user the fact that you bought a PC with your money has NOTHING to do with competing companies. While we are at it then, Mario Kart 8 ought to be on PS4. Why? Oh becuase money of course, who cares if they are the competition there are a lot of people on PS4 who would buy it. See how dumb you are being? Go into a BOTW thread right now and post your argument again but replace "Sony" with "Nintendo" and "Bloodborne" with "BOTW." You're only argument is "well i bought a PC so where is it? Where is my port."
you get one at the top of a staircase, and theres another one that only blocks magic damage in the dlc
Yes. Sony are COMPETEING with PC vendors. As are Nintendo. How is this a new concept for you? We know why Xbox games are coming to PC its because those are MICROSOFT GAMES and WAIT FOR IT microsoft make PC's and have a PC store. Woah!
I've not played Bloodbourne yet.
I've never played a Souls game.
I've been saving them until I've cleared some of my backlog and now I'm about to get up to them.
I assume I'm in for a good time but I've heard they have online elements.
Are those parts dead now?
twisted metal 2 was released on pc,take that nigga
Even the oldest one (Demon's Souls) has a private server you can use after the official online was shutdown.
wow user, tell me more about how that 1997 release helped bridge the gap between Sony and PC for games getting ports.
DaS1's and BB's PvP is pretty barren, couple in with Sekiro release and you have even less people playing atm. DaS2 and DaS3 have decent activity and are good, but the general PvE is kind of lacking. Play offline for your first playthrough, and don't do the sequels. Start off with DaS1 or BB, then check DeS, and finally the sequels.
Nothing. Sony won again.
I fucking dare you to name ONE (1), ONLY ONE (1) good game from the last decade that wasn't made by Fromsoft.
Not trying to say that everything they did was good (fuck Dark Souls 2 and 3 and partially Sekiro), but the only good things of the last decade was made by them.
Witcher, God of War.
Yep tell me more about it user. When does Ape Escape get the port? Medievil? Ico? Uncharted? Demon's Souls? Bloodborne? Huh, whats up with that... someone tell Nintendo too, dont they know there is PC money just waiting for Mario Kart doubledash or Metroid prime 3?
>last decade
Resident evil 4
>I just think porting it would be a wise business decision at this point.
I also own a PS4 and Bloodborne, in fact it's the only game I own for it hehe.
I would fucking love to be able to play it in decent conditions on PC, but it won't happen for two reasons, one which you have already cited: they will sell the 60fps remaster on PS5, that's an absolute fucking guarantee, and second, it would set a precedent and people wouldn't believe in Sony exclusives anymore in general. This is also the reason they took Demon's Souls and MGS4 to the grave. So yeah, it's unfortunate, but it's how it is. Fuck Sony I guess.
No way I'm buying a PS5 though.
You can't even spell properly, faggot. Please calm down. Console companies are hardly competing with PC companies. The crossover is minimal. They would absolutely benefit from pursuing a more harmonious relationship with PC manufacturers/gamers. But spergs like you exist, so they don't.
Resident Evil 2
What about Detroit? Does that count as a Sony game coming to PC?
>so y WAS going to make PC versions but then an user said "thats retarded on the internet so they didn't"
Why are you such a victim. You bought hardware knowing full well that these two companies dont port their games but then cry about your lot. I think you SHOULD get the games but im sick and tired of listening to pathetic crying from people who already knew the score. So you built a PC, so fucking what?
All of the hardest boss fights are difficult because of the sucky camera
I literally already said I own a PS4 you fucking retard
I dont consider it a game at all.
>Are those parts dead now?
Yes, you're late to the party I'm afriad. Only DaS2 and DaS3 have regular invasions, co-ops and FCs (it's full of tryhard metashitters don't even bother). Just enjoy the PvE. Start with BB, DeS, or DaS1.
bayonetta came out 10 years ago
>long load times
>arbitrarily have to go back to Dream to move between lanterns, which is exacerbated by said long load times
>only half the bosses in the base game are decent
>defeating final boss bumps you right into NG+ and gives you no choice to remain and do DLC, Chalice, or other areas.
>basic healing item is gained through grinding
>framerate chugs to unacceptable levels during heavy particle-effect sections like hotdog
>features (summoning/invasion) are locked behind a subscription fee
I'd buy bloodborne and ps4 if it wasnt abandonware that runs like garbage and doesnt even have a pro patch
it's an amazing game but it really would be better on PC
blood vials
The zombie enemy before the turret section uses the same sound effect as the piranha plant boss from super mario sunshine and that's just not ok
>win some goodwill
Most retarded thing I've ever heard. All it would "win" them is endless "SONY IS FINISHED", "OH NONONONONONO", "THANKS FOR BETA TESTING" threads. It would be a huge blow to company pride and make Sony look desperate, a big no-no in Japanese business culture.
Weapon variety doesn’t suck
screencapping this for my future OH NONONO thread
I don't even care if BB is on PC but I would love to see it just to make all those hardcore sony fanboys seethe
>Japanese business culture
Sony is Californian now. Had you not heard?
witches felt like a demons souls boss. I liked its different pace
>game drops in quality after Amelia
>different weapons are cool, mashing R1 being the most viable "tactic" is not
>bad enemy variety, just beasts beasts and beasts
>a lot of bosses are kinda meh
>a lot of areas look the same, feels like they run out of budget
>story is practically nonexistant
>technical problems like bugs, bad hitboxes and wonky framerate
>the best parts of the game are hidden behind an additional pricetag
>i liked doing nothing for 5 minutes unless I had all my insight until that point saved up
Still not over it all i see.
Only those that people give a fuck about count.
Everything after Rom feels phoned in. Terrible fame rate and chromemetic abberation
Still game of the generation tho desu.
>Garbage framerate
>Awkward giraffe stickmen models for playable characters that also tainted DS3
>Guns are a glorified parry/stagger tool for viscerals instead of being actual guns, not even the DLC fixed this
>Game would be better without pointless stat systems
>The grind for blood vials
>Rune nonsense
>Viscerals trivialize the game
>Dodge is better looking that rolling but just as overpowered
>Hunter's tools are half baked retools of Souls spells most of the time, many of them aren't even useful
>Most bosses are crap
>The camera is, as always, shit
>Chalice dungeons, as cool as the concept is, are more of a chore than anything
>Worse environments the series, can't see shit most of the times
>Chromatic aberration
>Garbage OST as always
why you mad also what
the less insight you have for witches the less adds spawn
R1 + L1 + L1 is the better, more viable tactic
What do you mean story is non existent? It’s a FromSoftware game; and it has more story than the souls games by far
the bosses are inconsistent and random.
>Weapon and build variety sucks
False. Each weapon is wholly unique from the other, save the two saws. Every single weapon is also viable. In souls, each class of weapons have the exact same movesets and even weapon arts, thus making most of them redundant and only prioritizing the few that have good stats and scaling. Which gives the illusion of "weapon variety".
>The second half of the game is rushed
It's not atrocious at all. It's perfectly fine.
>The DLC is basically mandatory
As is the case with every souls game except DeS. Also, it elevates the game's quality significantly more than in any DLC FROM has made.
>The frame pacing is broken
>Chromatic aberration looks ugly
True, but I think it gives the game a charm to its aesthetic.
>blood starved beast, the third available boss is fuck near impossible for a newer player
>moon presence, the secret final boss could be killed in a handful of attempts by a blind deaf and dying child
This. No reason to keep it a PS4 exclusive anymore, when everyone who already would have bought a PS4 to play it has likely already done so. Now release it on PC for the people who refuse to get a PS4.
Part of the narrative. You gain the powerlevel of a Great One. So you challenge the inheritor of the Dream with ease.
this tbqh
It adds like 10 weapons, including ARC and BLT weapons, makes hunter tools actually viable, and has the two best bosses in the game.
>Left Striding Beast
>when the game shits beast blood pellets, oil urns and fire papers at you in the level before
The only thing hard about Old Yharnam is having to go through two load screens to actually upgrade your shit.
from a narrative perspective sure that makes sense but from a gameplay perspective it's fucking stupid. if you hide an extra secret boss it's almost always a superboss that's ready to kick your shit into the concrete if you even breathe in the wrong pattern, but in bloodborne its
>hey spend a ton of time gathering these super secret items
>*boss stands still for 30 seconds at a time*
You're supposed to have no insight for the witch fight you fucking dummy
>Sony is Californian now
Ok so Bloodborne will be ported to Epic Games Store (DLC Sold Seperately) in three more years, gotcha. Also, the Doll has a hijab now.
>>Guns are a glorified parry/stagger tool for viscerals instead of being actual guns, not even the DLC fixed this
BLT builds exist, you dumb nigger.
>>Game would be better without pointless stat systems
No it wouldn't.
>>The grind for blood vials
Don't get hit.
>>Rune nonsense
Runes are useful.
>>Viscerals trivialize the game
Like souls.
>>Dodge is better looking that rolling but just as overpowered
Circle strafing is also pretty OP.
>>Hunter's tools are half baked retools of Souls spells most of the time, many of them aren't even useful
Get better at optimizing builds.
>>Most bosses are crap
Higher ratio of good bosses than in souls anyway.
>>The camera is, as always, shit
>babby needs lock-on
>>Chalice dungeons, as cool as the concept is, are more of a chore than anything
They can serve as decent boss gauntlets.
>>Worse environments the series, can't see shit most of the times
Best environment in the series, at least it doesn't have nonesensical transitioning between areas in walking distance.
>>Chromatic aberration
Has a charm to it.
>>Garbage OST as always
Best OST in the series by a mile.
they saved all the real bosses for the DLC for some reason. Imagine having to fight Laurence instead of Amelia who is one of the easiest souls bosses ever.
>you're supposed to make the shitty boss fight even shittier by spending the currency that makes the boss have mechanics at all
Starting the fight literally gives you 1 insight. Plus witches isn't fucking worth spending all that currency.
Soulsdrones will defend anything
>>>Chromatic aberration
>Has a charm to it.
The absolute fucking state of fromdrones. Jesus fucking christ.
It really does have the best and most expansive story of all From games, dude named Redgrave unironically wrote a short book detailing the story. Say what you want about the other From titles, you could not fill up a small book on them.
Didn't defend the FPS or Framepacing did I?
Horrible fps
horrible jaggies
horrible chromatic aberration
>Higher ratio of good bosses than in souls anyway.
Bullshit. There's like good 5 bosses in the whole game. Not only that but most of them are piss easy.
It's currency, it's designed to be spent. The game gives you far more than enough to buy everything anyway. Start the fight, use bold hunters mark, spend insight, go back to fight her. No adds spawn
>fight Laurence instead of Amelia
The arena *was* designed for the Cleric Beast.
I'm guessing you're a DaS3 babby who thinks combo sperging, air flipping dudebros with ear bleeding orchestra in background is pinnacle of boss design and presentation.
Shittiest fanbase.
>It's currency, it's designed to be spent.
It's extremely limited and not the main currency. You also barely have anything to use it on besides clothes.
>The game gives you far more than enough to buy everything anyway.
It also doesn't require you to do it because the witches are easy as shit.
Not an argument. Most of Bloodborne's bosses are garbage.
sony owns the IP of planetside 2 yet its on PC
>Sony are COMPETEING with PC vendors
what fucking vendors PC is a free market platform retard
>no ps4 pro support
>no 4k support
>still janky framepacing after tons of patches
>still shit loading compared to a standard 50$ SSD
>everything about the chalice dungeons
>2 loading screens to go level up
>shit linear pacing with low choice (same fucking problem they repeated with dark souls 3)
>covenants are shit
>paid online for peer 2 peer laggy gameplay
there, plenty of flaws
not 60fps. They managed it with darksouls 2 on ps4 with no drops, could have managed it with BB, even at the cost of graphics. artstyle>graphics anway, so it could have still worked.
Guns should have been a main attack option, with a lot more bullets able to be held in inventory. Don't care if you think it would be overpwered or make the game too easy. Let that option exist for less skilled players and the muh hard game fags can still gimp themselves by going full melee like normal if they want. bbbut pvp I don't give a fuck about pvp. Also, I've seen people use range weapons as a primary attack option in dark souls so why should bb have less options for gameplay style?
Magic should have been a viable main attack option right out of the gate with immediate access to spells, and a separate resource system for magic, like mana or some shit. That eye spell attack should literally be at the beginning of the game, not fucking tucked away in dlc.
Longer main game. Too much optional/side shit that can be missed.
Original, fully fleshed out levels for a lot of the really cool chalice bosses, like queen yharnum, hot doggo, and headless blb. They deserve so much more than generic copy/paste levels. Especially considering the lore.
That's it off the top of my head.
the sheer amount of good and lenghty quality content that enriches the base experience despite being side shit, it's an evolution of artorias of the abyss dlc in terms of quality and it makes shit like ashes of ariandel feel like scrapped content they repurposed for business
"Faggot will always find a flaw" as they say
lmfao stay mad cuck
>no ps4 pro support
Wait, really? I was thinking of getting pro because I thought BB would run better on it
shit bosses (except gherman and dlcs)
shit chalices are shit in every way
shit framerate
You can use boost mode to get a smoother framerate (with the same badly paced 30fps cap), but it won't raise the cap or the resolution.
The ones that sell multiplatform videogames you vapid cunt?
I like how easely you got triggered.
>no u