He only plays a DPS role

>He only plays a DPS role

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>he plays a support/tank role
Have fun being an unskilled nigger while I’m clicking heads

>game has no healer role
y i k e s
d r o p p e d !

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>team has to hold aggro
>team has to manage health bars
>team has to upkeep buffs
>team has to position mobs
>dps hovers mouse over boss and mashes hotkeys
wow skilled

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I play them all

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>play mmo
>1 tank and 1 healer class that are generic as fuck
>9 dps classes that are actually fun
>tanks and healers are absolutely vital to the game
I hate this shit.

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What's the jerking off a lot role called?

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>The DPS class could also fall back into Healer/Tank if needed
BLU in FFXI is so damn fun.

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dps with damage meters

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>play MMO
>only 2 or 3 big brain Healchad classes to play that are actually fun and not a snoozefest compared to mashing incel rotations on dummy bosses or spamming hate combo and pressing 'take less damage' button once every few minutes
>devs refuse to add more Healers and keep giving brainlets new copy-paste dds/tanks

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Don't know but I want to support whoever plays that role.

>healer memes ruined our healer reputation with their retarded healer slut meme
>also wow fags think that they are relevant

Kill yourselves

Okay then that is my role then!
It's me, apparently!

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Shadowbringers is a fucking let down.
I wanted Chemist or well any other healer.

>game realizes tanks and healers are boring and just has NPCs do the jobs

Let's start playing then!

>Not playing all, rotating between gear based on what's needed

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Tanking and healing are support roles
Why would the most skilled players support the peasants around them instead of getting the job done themselves?

>not having an autistic screeching centrist

Stamina drain.

>mashing incel rotations

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Sure, how do we play though? What are the rules? Win conditions? Seems like a lot to discuss.

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>Fucking love playing Healer/Support
>Also enjoy DPS roles with interesting mechanics
>Stay healer/support because can't trust people playing that role
>The DPS are trash players too
There's no winning.

You're the one with lots of experience apparently so I'll just let you decide.

>healer reputation

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>reverse search does nothing
artist name please

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>game is divided between DPS, tank and healer

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It's me

worst games

I do? I wasn't aware of that, I was certain you were my superior here! Well there is a lot to discuss so a place with faster messaging would be ideal before we party up and do any real gaming.

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>not maining dps/heal hybrid role for maximum self sufficiency

>why yes I micro my pet all the time, it wouldn't be fun otherwise

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it's boku girl you fucking newfag

who made you, and where can I see more

>be me
>watching my cousing play grand fantasia
>on some weird lvl 60 dungeon as a DPS
>the son of a fuck playing the tank role while actually being DPS.
>the game was so P2W that a full assa lvl 60 could tank better than an actual paladin/tank

that was actually could and i was thinking "wew why don't they let you choose different clases to make the roles more fun"

And so they did later on with eden eternal and the chance to change classes at any time.

Faster messaging sounds good, what do you suggest?


The real top tier is playing a tank and building damage. Only thing I play when my friends make me play Smite

Support is my favourite role. Because of the tankyness there's a lot of freedom of movement on when you can aggress and start fights. And hiting your abilities at the right time to save an ally always feels good

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Time to drop that discord tag for some desperate heal slut!

Discord probably since it's good for gaming. Want me to post mine?

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What MMO do you guys even play (and if you do what's your gear look like) or are you all just pretending to play one.

Why don't you drop yours?

Wait, which one is it?

I know a guy who's an Isis main, please explain the appeal beyond landing your stun

Sorry, was just passing by, I'll leave now.

Go ahead and post it.

Helo non normalfag with friends

The silence can stack off minions and give you 600magical defence which is pretty funny. There's also the ult which is pretty low impact on a support about as useful as a Guan 300hp heal But on a mage build it can give your entire team +2k health back which is very cool. I'm guessing your friend is a fan of utility characters because she has a lot of it.

Healer is the most manly role. I love cucking people out of kills more than I love actually killing them. You guys are just fags.

Don't just leave me hanging, user.

I play whatever role has the most fun and unique spellcaster.
That just happens to be dps alot of the time but sometimes its the healer
FFXIV Astrologian is rad


cancerous newfags stole our oldfag memes also you normalfags for having friends

>game is not divided into degrees of FAST
Healing is for pussies

everyone here is just pretending to play MMOs

What's an MMO?

What did he mean by this?