Is this worth buying? its only 12 australian right now. Should i buy it?

Is this worth buying? its only 12 australian right now. Should i buy it?

Attached: borderland.jpg (1920x1080, 342K)

Read the new reviews to help decide.

How much is the Handsome Collection one? Pretty sure its cheaper

thanks doc

It's fucking awful.


mechanically it's a bad fps and the characters are annoying. it's a bland and boring game.

Attached: blhours.png (284x119, 71K)

At one point it was 91% off so if it isn't that I would suggest waiting for a sale for both bundles
Pre Sequel isn't all too good but if you have a slight interest in it I would suggest buying it just to save money

Piracy works with multiplayer you goon. Quit trying to sell shit for Randy "Magically 18" Pitchford

Pirate it, fuck Steam

But its hard to find another pirate to play with me

No, don't support jews.

>Started playing this
>No AA option
Devs who do this should be punch in the throat.

Do you like FPS games where the gunplay isn't very good, has bad AI and terrible writing BUT has a ton of weapons and co-op? then go for it, if not go play some other shooter with decent gunplay

Attached: 5fe36e35a2fa9f9c8c7bfd14e5689ab8.jpg (1080x1026, 115K)

You can play with people who own the game, based retard.

No, you can't, you can only play with people using steamwork fix

>Bordermeems 2
Just pirate it

Pure Yea Forumseddit

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Attached: Best_girl_AND_class.png (400x433, 143K)


Why does every Borderlands thread start with the same question? Why do they always point out an on-going sale as well? Why can't Randy hire competent marketers?

Because its on-going sale at the moment? well, i just want to know if it worth buying because its pretty cheap. I just finished Sekiro and i feel pretty boring right now, heard that randy something is a faggot though so 'm on the fence right now

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