Steam Was Killing PC Gaming

>One of Valve's own developers says Steam was killing PC gaming
And yet Steam fanboys still viciously rail against Epic because... just because they love licking Valve's boots so much?

Or did Valve actually hire thousands of astroturfers to push their bullshit meme?

Attached: steam killing pc gaming.png (1206x789, 188K)

Other urls found in this thread:,190072/

If Steam was killing PC gaming, then how did it save it?

Check mate insect.

>12% cut will allow for developers to invest more heavily into their games due to the much reduced revenue cut they have to take into account on projected sales
Ah yes, because pouring in more money always results in a better game.
Fuck off.

>desperate Valve drones seething because someone came along and fundamentally disrupted Steam's monopoly
Honestly this is pretty pathetic. Why do you lick corporate boots so much?

Ad hominum.

Where did I say anything about Valve you mouth-breathing retard in ?
Claiming that more money = better games is absolutely delusional.

>le trickle down economics

how long will it take before americans stop falling for the trickle down economics meme

Steam was the one thing that saved PC gaming from piracy.

A while. Boomers fell for it because of Reagan

it's really strange how the 30% cut has been the go to thing to be upset about
yet no one cares about microsoft, sony and nintendo taking a 30% cut on their digital marketplaces

>Richard Goldrich

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>Steam was the one thing that saved PC gaming from piracy.

Then why do they still pirate? Piratefags still pirate quality games even though they do everything right like Sekiro

>Fully Steam integrated
>Same time release as consoles

But pirates still pirate it

Attached: sekiro steam.jpg (1131x1040, 167K)

This again?
>55% is the standard for physical distribution
>30% is the standard for digital distribution

>70% of games use steam's support structure including servers and investment to prevent exclusivity
>Steam accounts for 18% of all PC sales

>Part of Steam's support structure is dedicated to the ease with which a company can release a game on their store
>Even games from small operations that receive a substantial amount of support from Steam are not locked into exclusivity deals though that doesn't mean other store like Epic won't still reject them

>Many other retailers take lower margins, such as Discord's 10%
>These other Retailers do not require or pay for exclusivity deals

>Literally who the fuck is this?
>This is rather convenient timing considering each day is another failed attempt for Epic to dodge criticism and try to frame everything as being all about Steam.


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These people are also lying about how money publishers get from game sales typically gets reinvested into projects. Budgets for actual development has hardly changed and the biggest portions go to advertising, with actual development costs kept as low as possible. All one needs to do is look at the 50% to 30% difference and realize that nothing changed.

Even then, no one is trying to knock Epic for it's better cut. Could the cuts be lower and still provide a service on par with Steam? Sure. But people lying and saying that devs are going to Epic for the cut are pathetic. They are going there for the guaranteed money that they get for not putting their stuff on Steam as well. Publishers getting paid essentially triple what they would have otherwise, you would have to be stupid not to. It wouldn't matter the cut they get from anything, they know that Steam's user base will still be around and is why they don't release on Discord or for Indie devs.

Nobody really likes Valve, they are a joke. But their store still remains the most user friendly for bullshit DRM as we have. I will never use a store that says "Fuck you" to my face like Tim does. Why would I degrade myself like that? Do you go to a supermarket that has expired milk and when you complain they just say that they don't give a shit about you? Or a restaurant that spits in your food, with your knowledge of them doing it?



>Former Valve dev
Well thats one easy way to never get employed in the industry ever again. Protip never start insulting your company after you get fired it makes you look like a salty manchild.

steam gives everyone games though sales very cheap to the point of putting a dent in piracy, and steam sales becoming a culture ln gaming
new compeitor
all of the sudden steam=bad

makes you big think

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Whoever spent more than $2K on a PC is a dumb ass though smarter people would have found a way to spend around or less than $1K on a High End Gaming PC

because there are some people who will always pirate. there are people who pirated metro exodus despite it being delivered on a silver platter by your lord and savior tim sweeney. the fuck is your point

>former dev
So why was he a former dev exactly?

quick fyi, the literal translation would be (((moneyrich))

Geld = money in german

>High end gaming PC for 1k
>Using shitty peripherals
You can't call your PC high end anymore if you still use 1080p 60fps


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Devs don't see that cut, only publishers

I just don't trust the Chinese, simple as that. If Epic wasn't majority owned by them, it wouldn't be a problem.

today I shall remind them

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its funnier when you realize the amount of money put into a game doesnt really change. The only thing that needs to changes is the number of games sold. Shit games with high budgets and overpaid VA are still going to sell like trash.

>that heavily biased first sentence

Tim Sweeny is more a problem than Tencent. Dude can't tell the truth to save his life.

Having more options is certainly better. Epic is the biggest offender of that, though.

steam is great but there absolutely needs to be a separate steam store page for shitty indie games so they don't clog up the main one.
xbox 360 did it right by having xbox live arcade titles

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>Steam is killing PC gaming
>so much so that there are hundreds of thousands of titles on Steam right now
There are things that are killing pc gaming, but Valve is not one of them

It's still high end compared to consoles

I fucking hate that Steam became the norm but what choice is there? Steam keys are cheapest (yeah, that is a reason to sell out) and the vast majority of games I play these days are Steamworks.

Nice deflect user

>muh trickle down will make the games cheaper

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It didn't save shit. PC gaming was never in danger. All it did was kill retail and normalize charging full retail prices for a rental download.

Thanks, I've been playing Sekiro a ton.

>sources say

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As always, this fails to account for the sales increase a good game gets just by being on steam.

>Slop slop delicious epic boot slop slop

>former employee shit-talks their previous workplace
WOW what a shocker!

>nobody has a problem with Steam's cut of sales
>nobody thinks PC sales are in a bad place
>Steam allows refunds
>Steam allows nobodies to publish their games
>Steam allows all content shy of blatant trolling
>suddenly devs are literally starving and unable to make ends meet because PC sales are so awful
>suddenly Steam is evil and must be destroyed for the good of PC gaming

why do companys overpay for va's? Their are 8 billion Humans on the earth im sure you can find one that will do it for cheap,
also im sure everyone is sick of nathan drake the charater voicing every single vidya game. like valve just hired whoever usaully and their direction is good enogh to make the best of the best.

>le socialist nerds don't understand economics, that more competition and lower pub fees can only make things better
Gronald Greagan bad!

I don't love Valve. I just fucking hate Epic.

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>Steam is killing PC gaming with a 30% cut
So I chess this means console and mobile gaming is being killed too. Considering Apple, Google, Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft all take 30%.

The only shit thing about steam right now is valve claiming they're allowing every game and yet banning them randomly. That and hiding review bombing. They need to be shit on for that. Too bad everyone is a cuckold now.

another faggot outed
doing gods work

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How does Tim Sweeney's asshole taste, faggot.

>Americans keep falling for the trickle down economics meme

You know what would make people believe in you ?
Making another thread ! Do it !

>Imagine if all the money they used to bribe publishers instead went to actually improve the launcher
Shills gonna shill on this board.

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>Steam accounts for 18% of all PC sales
No way it's this low

American's understanding of economy and capitalism is 100% pure propaganda from (((economist))).

and the always online DRM and your single player games not working if your internet goes down or their servers shit themselves

>49 for epic
so we have half a hundred shills here? holy shit

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Steam killed my sexlife.

PEOPLE PIRATE because the industry killed shareware demos.
Recently Capcom did with DMC and Resident evil and both were success, id did the same with DOOM4

companies are too afraid of releasing test versions, and some gamers are skeptic about said games.
Modern piracy its the only way for those people "test" those games before they end up buying on the 1st sale

>ex employee complains about the company he used to work for
I'm shocked. Shocked i tell you.

I think the core of the issue remains a sunk-cost fallacy. If I swap to Epic it means I no longer have the 100+ games in my steam library. While it’s true that I can still play them, it also raises the concern of whether I can play with my friends on any individual purchase. I’ll use the example of Borderlands 3: if I purchase the game through steam and a friend through epic, and each is hosted over their respective distributor servers, then we run into a compatibility issue not unlike that of PlayStation and Xbox. Epic is much friendlier to the developer, there’s no denying that, but there should be some legitimate concern about matchmaking and ease of multiplayer between the two.

>anonymous quote mining
wow, it's literally nothing

>suddenly devs are literally starving

This right here is the worst offender, Risk of Rain devs are glad as fuck on steam right now.
But AAA Gearbox devs, seem to be eating rocks, they need something MORE, steam doesn't have enough money nor enough people that enjoy their games (that are already on steam and sold millions)

I will never support greed, Epic could be the best in the fucking world, they can crash and burn for all I care.

Gearbox is hoping that you buy the game twice.

>to assume that the reason an half life 3 never saw the light of day was because valve had its revenue stream well secured in steam
god half-lifefags are so delusional they never planned to make a 3rd one and I hope that they never do because only the first one was good anyway
seeing half-lifefags seeth because they won't ever get another addition into their overrated franchise is amazing

I agree that Steam's 30% cut seems a bit high but Epic doesn't seem like a service provider I want to use after they've started using scummy practices to get developers on their platform. Epic took an entirely wrong approach to their battle against Steam.

Isn't PC gaming thriving more than it was about ten years ago?

Steam saved PC gaming while Epic turned their back on it and started making console exclusives. This was circa 2005-2010. Now they're crawling back, they can get fucked.

>waaah why don't you want to pay more for a worse service on Epic waaah!
Fuck off, cunt. I'm going to buy from Epic when they offer a better service for me, I don't give a shit who they bribe and how good it's supposed to be for devs.

reminder to hide and filters shills thread.
do not bump.

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winnie the pooh

>industry standard is too damn high of a cut!!!1111
stop copying shit mongoloid.

>more and more japanese devs start to port their games to pc thanks to steam
>they sell realy well making the same jap devs port EVEN MORE games to steam

maybe for shitty western devs

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You are right, its lower. To be more precise it was 17.991% in 2017 only including digital distribution.
If you include all sales for PC it was 13.312%.

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>Steam was killing PC gaming
Explain to me how a DISTRIBUTION platform kills gaming in any capacity? Using a publisher and creating hard copies + retail cut still costs significantly more in $currentYear. It's the best option until something better for devs shows up. Now that Epic store exists and offers a better cut that doesn't immediately invalidate Steam or "kill" PC gaming.

Where are you getting this very precise information?

Fatsos virgin cucks defent their own kind nothing surprising

Nice rebuttal.

That's higher than what I'd have expected. You have to remember that a lot of games don't make money through game sales anymore, they make it through microtransactions.

EA have their own launcher. Epic have their own launcher. ActiBlizz have their own launcher.

lmao implying gogchads view valve malware any better than epic malware

Right, I didn't realize that getting more developers to port their shit to PC and make more money is somehow bad and they're LITERALLY STARVING because of a industry standard. Meanwhile in reality we've had several massive successes already like Sekiro, DMC V and RE2R on Steam in less than 4 months.

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Have you guys seen this video


>stop copying shit mongoloid.

It seems high when you start thinking how much the developer gets from sale. For example let's take a game sold at $10. They lose $3 off the bat to Steam. Then they're paying taxes which depends hugely on where in the world they're running their shit from but it's likely that they'll be left with less than $5 per copy sold. Especially from an indie PoV it seems harsh. If it's the industry standard then maybe the entire industry needs to take a look at how big the cut is.

I think it's a bit weird how only Steam gets railed for it but I guess it's because Epic being so vocal about their shit lately. Nobody's trying to compete against the console manufacturers with a third party shop so it isn't exactly the same.

What did you try to link?


gog lets you import your library from steam

Nobody is going to pour more money into anything. I don't understand how people can be so naive.
When games moved from physical to digital the quality didn't magically increase either.

>lick boot poster in every thread
Get a trip already.

to free your games from the clutches of DRM, your point?
Steam Spy figure for the end of 2017 was $4.3 Billion.

I wonder what's easier, paying chinks to shill all day or cutting one guy a check to lightly bash a former employer. Thinking emoji.

I'm still waiting for someone to explain why Epic becoming a pseudo-monopoly is better than Valve running one.

It seems like you're putting your fingers in your ears and screaming "corporate shill" at anyone who isn't hopping on your bandwaggon.

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Thanks user

Fair enough. All my friends almost exclusively use steam so I didn't realise that that's not the case for most people.

means two things
GOG is in good terms with valve, the shitposting is stupid

and valve is so pro consumer that they will literaly let you play the games you bought with then in another launcher

RE2 Remake had a demo that everyone played and they still pirated and bought the shit out of it.

>I'm still waiting for someone to explain why Epic becoming a pseudo-monopoly is better than Valve running one.

Steam used to be a monopoly, but now it's becoming less and less so thanks to Epic

interesting to note that at the bottom of that image tencent is mentioned

t. 20 year old

So you can call me a fag for having a trip?
No thanks retard

>former valve dev says
>no name of the guy
>no interview
>only mention of him is just one line before continuing to state the obvious
Nice article OP
Nice thread OP

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Who is the former employee?

please read . How is 18% a monopoly?

How does gabe newell's asshole taste you retarded nigger?

Steam was never a monopoly, they've almost always allowed key codes to be sold externally, not to mention that we've had faggots like uplay and origin for over ten years already
you epic shills literally have no excuse so you just lie out of your ass

lmao again
gog is covering this migration of of their own pocket because they realize you won't buy the game you already ""own"" twice, and the more games you have on their platform, the greater the chance you'll coma back
and they're using an open API to do it, valve is not involved at any point

>Valve is killing PC gaming
this is hilarious because Valve saved PC gaming back when it was barren and had absolutely 0 games in the 360 era. No one remembers the fucking wasteland it was, every publisher abandoned the platform because they thought it was full of piracy and hackers. Valve is the only company that put confidence in the platform and convinced publishers that PC is a worthwhile market to pursue, I remember the exact year it happened too, 2009.

>The train of thought is that Steam itself changed Valve from a software company to what mostly amounts to a service prodiver.
I see. So that quote refers to Valve as a developer and not the vidya industry as a whole, which means the headline is shitty clickbait. Thanks for clearing that up.

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shitty unfinished store
stealing games instead of competiting as a better product

Jesus it really is just a shillbot.

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I was there when they took counter-strike hostage, zoomer. Go on, post some boxes of games you bought in the 90s-00s

>Steam was never a monopoly, they've almost always allowed key codes to be sold externally,

Epic does too


>Anyone who doesn't defend Steam like a cultist is a shill!!!1

Attached: epic store humble.png (1037x801, 89K)

>"thanks to Epic"
EA, Bethesda, GoG, and Blizzard say hi.

post a single source

>30% is the industry standard
>the only platforms that don't follow this standard is Discord and Epic
>way behind the times
Why do (((((they))))) only ever use Steam for this muh 30% argument

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>EA, Bethesda, and Blizzard say hi.

Don't sell third party games


GoG is dead

no you fucking imbecil,
I mean that steam allows every game to sell on any platform, except for products they've made themselves
Valve has NEVER paid for exclusivity or encouraged it.

choke on smol chink cock you fucking retard

fucking chink spam

most of my favorite franchises bit the dust thanks to developer greed and delusion, but i guess steam's at fault here too.
these people's ability to avoid responsibility and blame external factors every time just blows my mind.

You're a fucking retard though.
Epic is going to let their games get sold through Humble Bundle.
Steam has since forever let developers generate their own activation codes, which these developers can then do literally whatever they want with.
It's not the same at all.

Fact remains that Epic didn't do jack shit to break up the Steam "monopoly".

anyone who believes in trickle down economics is a fucking literal retard

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Thanks user

And you get everything else steam offers, like a safe store, a gorillion users across the world, web hosting, safe payment options, achievements, modding support, community, and so on. And as far as I know, the 30% go even lower if you sell a certain amount of copies (probably too high for indies). And that's only if people pay through steam. Otherwise, they take a massive cut of zero per cent. Literally, all keys bought on other sites give steam no money but will cost them the hosting service.
Don't buy misinformation up from epic shills and contrarian twenty-something faggots. If I was a dev, I'd be happy that steam would take all the maintenance and billing for me.
I work at a collection agency, and it's pure agony if people don't pay or try to cheese their way around it.

Can you guys fuck off to /g/ or /biz/ something I just wanna talk about video games?

no one really writes about it so I cant give you a source. I mean I can spend time looking for figure heads saying shit about PC, but I don't want to lmao, those articles would be fucking buried. I lived in those times and trust me PC was fucking dead. Everyone was releasing their games for consoles only where PC just had F2P and MMO games.

These threads get deleted regularly anyway. Just filter them.

How many again Xiao?

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Instead of bitching about Steam and Epic just don't buy your games. Pirate your games or don't play memelands 3 anyways because it's going to be shit.

You people bitching about Steam and Epic are all pathetic man children

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>>Literally who the fuck is this?
>>This is rather convenient timing considering each day is another failed attempt for Epic to dodge criticism and try to frame everything as being all about Steam.


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everyone is going to do that anyway kek

None of this profit share shit matters one lick to the consumers because the benefits will never reach them.
Tim Sweeney is probably laughing his ass off that people still consider this some kind of argument.

>Fact remains that Epic didn't do jack shit to break up the Steam "monopoly".

No, you're projecting of feelings of GOG onto Epic - GOG has been in business since 2008 and has done nothing to stop Steam - they've just been Steam's little bitch boy

Pic related, GOG in the dog mask and Steam in the business suit

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anyone who spams the same bullshit rhetoric is an epic/tecncent shill.

epic has done nothing for consumers, besides give away shitty games that people who are interested already bought.

>besides give away shitty games that people who are interested already bought.

I was interested in Subnautica but didn't want to give the devs money

I was interested in Thimbleweed Park, but the price always disagreed with me

Everything else has just been gravy

>Steam accounts for 18% of all PC sales

Wow, so this is the power of a monopoly

There is no Steam monopoly retard
>Blizzard's shit
this list goes on

this is about videogames you fucking mental midget

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It's almost like GoG offers inferior service and sometimes even inferior versions of the games they sell.
Nobody actually cared all that much about the no DRM gimmick except for pirates.

>I lived in those times

So did everyone else you fucking kid.
Count the games that were not on PC in pic related please.

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>Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft all take 30%.
Only digital version, but the physical version, they take more than 56%.

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>It’s not ok when steam does it
>It’s ok when Epic does it

Even so, only about 5% of the Epic Games Store userbase even bothers to download the games they give away for free. They literally only use it for Fortnite.

Shit you right kek


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What was killing PC games was the video game companies becoming lazy and profit driven, letting marketing and administrative suit and tie executives determine the fate of games that they neither play nor understand.
What was killing PC games was publishers rushing projects because they thought it would make them more money.
What was killing PC games was developers falling into a state of apathy and copying "success formulas" of other games because they thought a recipe was more important than an original quality product.
That is what was killing PC games, not the extra 10% the publishers save from going with epic.

Steam could afford to revise their fees, but they aren't entirely undue either. Just like it is more expensive to sell your products in a mall than in the streets, Steam offers more than simply a place to sell the game. But like I said, they should have revised their fees at this point, but to say THAT was the issue with the industry in the last years is ignorance of the highest level.

consolecucks might be fine with corporations telling you where you can or can't buy games but pc chads will never accept this bullshit

Anyone remember when digital distribution was the promised land that was supposed to make video games cheaper because there was basically no middlemen or manufacturing costs? Now these faggots really want you to care about the revenue split which doesn't have a single fucking thing to do with consumers. Fuck them, fuck publishers, fuck platforms, fuck digital distribution. If it isn't physical I'm pirating it, there's literally no reason to pay the same price for less quality, service, and bonuses.

If it was any company besides the fortnite machine itd be absolutely fine. Fuck epic

>PC gaming back when it was barren and had absolutely 0 games in the 360 era
Yep and coincidentally you can thank Epic in part for that. They sold out to Microsoft, made Gears 360 exclusive, and even talked shit about PC when asked about it in interviews. But zoomers don't remember those days.

This guy didn’t make any Valve game and was hired for like a year in 2010s as a net coder.

Here’s this guy’s actual portfolio:,190072/

Surprise surprise his most recent work was Anthem.

You're actually retarded if you think Valve is concerned about losing a game or two off Steam.
These are the same people that have done nothing for the past 6 years except release a shitty card game and they still have the funds to R&D knuckles AND a top of the line VR HMD.

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Have you guys seen this video

Epic is practically owned by the Chinese government


actually what I was saying is 2009 was the year where PC had gotten alot of games released you faggot. Anything before that it was a fucking wasteland. Yeah I figured you were alive but you were probably underaged, retard.
Type in 2005 games or 2006 games and see how many came out on PC during that era, faggot.
Also here's a source from everyone's favorite website kotaku

>It wasn't until 2005, when Valve began signing on external publishers, that the service began to change, not just in its priorities, but in people's perception. By 2007, Valve had convinced many of PC gaming's biggest and most important companies, from id Software to Activision, Eidos to Capcom, that selling their games on Steam was a good idea.
you can suck my nuts now.

There is no Steam monopoly, holy shit you're retarded.


>GoG sells old games that Steam doesn't give a shit about while providing a launcher with most of the features of Steam
>Epic takes games away from Steam while selling basically nothing else and providing a launcher that lacks fundamental features

That's my point, epic shills somehow forget that literally anyone can make a store and put their games up as exclusive to that store so they can engage in their delusion of a Steam monopoly that literally never existed.

Not only that, he was extremely disgruntled and went on a rant on twitter about Valve

>if you buy a game and more of the money you pay for that game goes to the developers who have already been paid and either moved on to a new project or have been out right fired, then that game will become better

this is literal 6 year old logic.

Now post third-party retailer prices being compared to epic.


People going "no you Steamdrone, Sweeney still owns a majority" are absolute retards.
Tencent owns 48.4% of Epic Games. That's huge. They definitely make major decisions daily.

>working on the ability for games to run on linux
>working on input devices
>released a controller
>funding and helping out VR devs to stay independent and release their fucking game one day
>did nothing
Ok, kid.

100% factual post. now that the market for PC is getting strong again, epic is trying to get back in. fuck epic, and fuck cliffyb, just because.

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Yes, and now Epic will kill it even faster.

>Battlefield V
KEK and people take this man seriously

crude, but accurate.

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Mate. There is literally 0 benefit to the consumer. ZERO.
You pay the same price and you have to use an objectively inferior platform. The only people who win are the EpicStore and the publisher that get an extra 10%.
It is mind boggling to me how people defend something that is only negative for them.

>there's literally no reason to pay the same price for less quality, service, and bonuses.
Except, you literally have to pay MORE for less quality. service and bonuses depending where you live.

Somehow Epic has the nerve to push their shortcomings as the responsibility of customers.
.. and these chink niggers think they're "competing"
There's a reason why steam hasn't responded to this shit. It's because steam doesn't care.
The only thing steam cares about is shitty publishers who use steam to market a game and then make it epic exclusive a few weeks before release.
This is pretty much the rudest fucking thing you can do, if you ask me

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Ten Cent is majority owner with a 40% stake in the company. They pretty much make the decisions

No one is saying Steam has the best probably takes that medal. But hell, everyone will choose Steam over some Chinese spyware.

Honestly, they probably wouldn't catch as much flak if it wasn't for the fact
>They are literally buying out games with Tencent's deep pockets
>China's well-known tracking and censorship policies

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>Pro-consumer BAD
>Anti-consumer GOOD

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This, and if anyone disagrees they should take a long look at EA.

i guarantee you everyone saying epic buying off exclusives not being a big deal are also consolefags

ebin shills where u at

>You pay the same price
If you're lucky, a lot of payment processors (esp outside US/EU) charge more and the consumer has to eat that higher price.

Like I said, you're a cuckold but also a retard.


Listen, can you people stop shitting on Epic so much? The Chink money and guaranteed sales contract is paying for my free games.

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why would you leave money sitting around when you could invest it for more?

fuck off sweeney

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Like this user said Epic doesn't even have regional pricing, so to a lot of people the situation is even WORSE than you said, and yet they still defend it.,190072/
Reminder that he doesn’t have any authority

bingo! this is exactly what happened. epic is not the friend of PC gamers, they just saw valve making money, and they're trying to force their way into the market with underhanded techniques that they can't keep up forever.

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Steam needs a kick in the head but epic is an inferior option in every single way for consumers.

And frankly I don't give a single shit about "muh developers". The actual developers won't see a single cent extra anyway. It's all just pocketed profit for the company.

the gaming industry is now a global-multi-billion dollar industry. the source of rising development costs isnt valve's 30% cut, which is well below the cut traditional retail stores have taken for years (a 30-80% cut depending on the game and retailer and year). The source is the increased bloat. The voice acitng. The diversity hires. The faggot getting paid 'developer' pay when all they do is check twitter and facebook all day for 'pr purposes' or write some item/quest dialog. As more real developers get swapped out for poo-in-the-loo h1 visa hires or purple haired trannies, it becomes more and more difficult for the handful of competent developers left to put out quality product so the industry has been falling back on rehashes, ports, and remasters which require significantly lower development costs than launching a brand new ip with unique features and mechanics. Expect to see more shitty phone games ported to pc and found EXCLUSIVELY on garbage platforms like the epic store as fewer and fewer competent people get into vidya games.

This. Epic literally did nothing wrong. They're giving free money to developers to make more games which means more free games for me

Epic shills do it for free

> 12% will allow for developers to invest more heavily into their games


stay forever cucked by insectoid launcher

consumers do not win with epic. the logic of "b-b-but the developers" means shit to consumers. make us a product that is good and we'll buy it

we're not saving money on epic the publishers are, if you want consumers to care you'd lower price of games on epic to $42 and devs would STILL make a higher cut than they would on steam AND customers would win, but no can't do that, randy needs a new solid gold lambo with a BDLNDS3 license plate on it or some shit

>companies are profit maximizing and only care about money
>except they're not and they leave money sitting around

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Still mostly multiplats, except single-system exclusives. There was never a time when a sizeable portion of AAA games was not released on PC. There's a handful every year but that's still true today.
>quoting kotaku
>not reading what you're quoting
"convinced companies [...] that selling on Steam was a good idea"

The games were always available in stores. You fucking underaged retard. We're done.

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Consumers actually pay more on Epic

What improvements do steam need? They have more features than anyone could ask for. They even have support for Linux and native DS4 support in Big Screen even though Valve has their own controller to sell.
Steam is more generous than any other gamedev company, its actually surprising how they did not go to shit in the boom

Don't you see? The only reason they had to exploit us gamers with lootboxes is because Valve made it unsustainable for them to do anything else.
Open your eyes.

Epic is no better with them bringing exclusivity contracts into PC gaming. Both storefronts are total shit and I'm not going to support either of them especially not Epic with Tim trying to act like the savior of PC gaming while arrogantly saying shit that implies that he doesn't give a fuck about consumers. This is absolutely unacceptable for a retail storefront which is supposed to cater specifically to consumers

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>Steam: Highest fee but also provides the highest amount of services and traffic. Has the most movement in the entire market, offers actually good server structure and commodities in their launcher
pros: Exposure, Sales, Quality of life features for the user, server structure, highly customizable interfaces for the store, no exclusivity
cons: High fees, requires a launcher
>GOG: Lower fees than steam, has a decent amount of traffic and offer games without a DRM, perfect places for older games or games that don't really require support and indie games
pros: Lower fees, no drm/launcher
cons: No support features for games, it is what it is. Just a store, which is reasonable for the fee it asks.
>Epic Store: Inferior quality, security breaches, requires games to be exclusive and causes delay in releases.
pros: Literally 0. There is no pro for the consumer. The only people who benefit from epic are Epic themselves and the publisher that saves on 10% they'd pay on Steam.
cons: Exclusivity, shitty launcher, low security, barebones game support

are you such an out of touch, unemployeed braindead manchild zoomer that you think the literal developers, as in the people doing the art/code/ect are paid extra money every time the game is sold or something? That they have some kind of time machine where if they get an extra dollar from the game they sell they can some how magically teleport back in time and add an extra dollar of value to the game you've already bought? And it really doesnt matter because even if these magic time traveling game developers were real, the fact is that inchina, tencent takes up to 90% of sales from their developers, and its logical to expect that within 10 years developers who get in bed with these shady chinese fucks should expect to see that same bullshit on epic store.

Oh that's a good one. They hate Trump with a passion. Compare them directly to Trump. They'll fume.

bethesda introduced horsearmor first on 360, loot boxes were inevitable

I wasn't saying they'll be paid more retard.

you arent retarded, im retarded.

>saves pc gaming
>then kills pc gaming
Should have sent a poet

epic shill detected

The only thing on Yea Forums right now is anti steam shit. Yea Forums is dead and the only thing left are bots and shills. Really rumbles the pistachios

It doesn't matter if you write all this user, we consumers all know that this shit is bad, only shills will continue to push Epic.

>Half-Life 3
Jesus fucking Christ can't people stop with this shit already?
HL2 was a poor game already, not every series needs to become CoD shitfest.

Steam killed PC gaming. Valve should have been boycotted into bankruptcy after they launched Steam.
Anyone that uses Steam or pays for digital distribution is a casual, not a real PC gamer, and is the cancer that killed gaming
It didn't save it.
Steam was the consolization of PC

People wanted Half Life 3 because they wanted to know how the story developed. It is a retarded comparison user.
Half Life was a franchise with an on-going story and world building. CoD really was just the brand name for same games that barely connected to each other.

No fuck you cunt. Don't ignore my post How is that refuting the goddamn point? You're just showing the archive. How about some fucking debate you stupid twat?

>ayo hol up and decolonize the pc market

based and underrated

attention thirsty retard. Why don't you go back to plebbit where you came from if all you want is (you)s?

Valve is cancer because for hundreds of games it's the only store that sells them.
The breaking up of that status quo through some timed exclusives that will eventually be on steam anyway doesn't hurt PC gaming in the long run.
If Epic proves it self as a platform and games get released there without special per game incentives it would mean that devs will release on both platforms day one.
At that point using money for exclusives would be unprofitable and they will stop doing it. We know this because Epic itself has admitted that they lose money for every exclusive.
Then we will have two platforms to buy from with all the benefits that come with that. Maybe Epic will offer new features which steam doesn't in 5 years, maybe they'll secure more price reductions and sale events.
If Yea Forumseddit wasn't inhabited by mouthbreather reactionaries that can't think beyond the hill we wouldn't be having these pointless threads every 5 minutes.
This isn't Origin or, the long term plan isn't to have exclusive games. The long term plan is to be another Steam that sells the same games as steam minus the crapware.

Only complete idiots could be fascinated with HL story.
>lol alien breach
>Gordon, help!
>wellcome to city 17
>bla-bla-bla Mr. Freeman, here is a boat level for you

Why does Uplay have Friend activity and install folder redirection as No when it has both of those things?

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Anybody who believes the spiel about publishers making better games if they get the bigger cut is fucking delusional. IF they ever reinvest the money instead of paying out bonuses to upper management and stocksholders it'll all go to marketing. If fallout, anthem, battlefield etc. can go like 30% off couple of weeks after release and still turn a profit in the millions then publishers can make do with 30% cut.

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No windows 10 killed pc gaming
I have to buy a copy of win 7 and hope it installs on my ryzen to avoid the absolutelt shit microstutter and broken vsync

You're absolutely fucking delusional.
>epic store comes along
>promises bigger cuts for developers
>developers will make more games and/or bigger games
>pirate the game
>pirates win again

winnie the pooh

you're full of shit if you believe that nonsense. epic doesn't give a fuck about the consumer, and they are not your friend unless you work for them

>developers will make more games and/or bigger games

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based. epic has no interest in offering better deals for consumers.

Nigger get reported

>accuse someone of boot licking while literally being paid by epic to shill their store
Hory sheeto

>developers will make more games and/or bigger games
Thats a wew lad if I ever saw one

companies are profit maximizing entities.

Lad, you need to be 18 to post here.

Did you know games are like 75% easier to make than they were 20 years ago? And yet game quality is continuing to diminish. I'm sure giving these megacorporations more money will definitely give them an incentive to actually make good games again.

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Literally look at any billionaire.

Bug budget games don't lose 30% on steam because after a number of units Valve drops that percentage lower.
Indies are the ones that usually take the 30% hit on all sales.
I don't remember how low the % got, maybe 21%.
Indies aren't exactly spending on marketing as their usually 2-4 man crews.

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>80 80 80 80 54 80 54
So are there 2 bots or is someone shilling for free.

tell me where I said they'd be better

Muh revenue split
>Be game publisher/indie dev
>Man Steam is killing us with this 30% cut, if only there was a more generous store
>Proceeds to ignore Discord's 90/10 revenue split

Sometimes they minimally change the image to less easily be BTFO on archive sites.

Neither does Valve.
They care about selling me games.
If they want my money they'll have to offer something after the exclusivity phase.

Exactly! Less expenses, more profits for less work!

yeah, their net worth fluctuates with the companies they own. they're not leaving cash around

Like what?

How is giving business to the Chinese government a good thing?

I'm specifically talking about publishers.
If Valve would decide cut a 15-20% deal for

Nigger they do lmfao. They literally add new features to steams backend every patch. Like having every controller work automatically. I doubt those games on epic work with anything but Microsoft controllers

Anyone else uninstall steam? I find it hard to support such an unethical company.

>paid mods
>hey valve paid mods are bad
>takes down paid mods
Yes, they don't care at all.

I'll never understand why any consumer gives a fuck about revenue split. it isn't like the consumer is going to benefit.

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The games with the biggest budgets are the highest selling ones look at GTA 5 and MW2.

Because middlemen are always bad and it's a leftover instinct from that. But shills like to ignore the fact that Steam provides more than just a hub to buy games.

>bigger cuts for developers
You sure are dumb, user.

Considering all the cheap things I've gotten off of aliexpress doing business with china sounds good to me.

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It's pretty much the only thing epic games and its game jurno sycophanths can latch onto because everything is else EGS offers is strictly inferior.

I wonder how much of those budgets is marketing.
Wouldn't be too shocked to find out they regularly exceed 50% of the total cost.

But Metro Exodus was cheaper*
*Only for burgerclaps
*Probably not as cheap as 3rd party stores like Fanatical or GMG with a discount coupon

of course they're concerned about making money, they're a business. the path they've chosen is to cater to us, the consumers. not to big business. why would you support a business model that doesn't focus on you?

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Honestly I hope Valve goes bankrupt

Fuck them for killing TF2

So supporting slave labor is a good thing while simultaneously driving business out of your own country?

Get a trip so we can filter you jesus, it's getting tiring

Are you implying those are good games in any way but profiting the publisher?

Part of the appeal of steam for indie devs is all the things steam is willing to do for them, and how easy it is to get on steam. Case and point some indie dev who was going full retard on twitter shilling for epic and going on about steam and the standard 30% had to eat his words big time when epic blocked his game on their store. Making sales is better than not making sales indie devs deal with standard margins on steam, and steam eats the cost difference of 3rd worlders.

The fat fuck literally came out on stage to defend paid mods and you cumdrinkers still defend him because he backed down eventually?
You even count that shitshow a positive for Valve?
How far up your own ass are you?

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thats a gross exaggeration, but Steam model and its monopolist status is bad no doubt

Ive been saying this since months. So many retard zoomers on Yea Forums lmao.

But more money for the game development means they'll spread it all around. They're not going to sink it all into marketing.

>not liking Epic means you must love Valve

truly the days of corporate brainwashing are upon us

Life is never a simple black or white situation you dumb fuck retard idiot fucking mongoloid morons jesus fucking christ use your fucking non-functional brains for once in your fucking life yes im fucking mad you fucking idiot

>Free games
>Didn't purchase anything
You're a fucking retard


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I really need to know. Who the fuck is shilling the Epic store? I never saw people shilling Steam as it was getting big as a platform.

Is this some form of elite shitposting?

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I'll probably regret this, but how is steam a monopoly?

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Fuck off commie.

>company makes changes to how they do business to suit what consumers want
>"Why is this a good thing for business?" ~ Epic Shill

Either they care what people think or say or they don't.
Pick one, you faggy frogposter.

>2 paragraphs of how Epic's revenue cut is less than Steam
I wonder who's behind this.

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Based negroman bringing unquestionable truth and destroying the chink shills.

Fuck off OP

Epic is even capitalized as EPIC

How am I a commie when you're the one supporting one of the last communist regimes?

All the publishers that sold their games on Steam signed the contract knowing the conditions voluntarily. This faggot is just another shill.

>12% cut will allow for developers to invest more heavily into their marketing

>>not liking Epic means you must love Valve
>truly the days of corporate brainwashing are upon us
it really is sad.

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Right, and Bannerlord will be released next year.

I bet some of them are anti-pc/steam snoytards and low-paid epic shills.

>fat middleman who does fuck all should get a huge cut and devs can fuck off

this is the mindset of valve nuthugger

>if we make it all about steam versus epic, and act like nothing else is relevant, then we can just shit on steam and we'll win
Fuck off. Fuck Valve. Fuck Epic. And fuck you.
PC gaming is bigger than Steam or the Epic Game Store.

>EA makes a store/launcer filled with exclusive games
>it sucks
>nobody cares
>CD Projeckt makes a store filled with games unavailable elsewhere
>it's okay
>nobody cares
>Bethesda makes a store/launcher filled with exclusives
>Blizzard makes a store/launcher filled with exclusives
>Ubisoft makes a store/launcher filled with exclusives
>Windows makes a store/launcher
>they all suck
>nobody really cares
>Epic makes a store/launcher
>it sucks

Smart people. A valve dev has said it himself now and still you people dont change your minds.
>not changing stance even when provided proof
Hmm who else is like that.. Oh yeah, leftist soigents and roasties.

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I feel like Valve need to do something to respond, AAA games really are going to dry up on the platform as they are being pressured by investors to minimise margins. and Steam is a huge margin liability to them.

Valve are being slow to respond because they aren't feeling the pressure, but by the time they do start feeling the pressure it'll be too late.

>non sequitur
Haven't they only done one or two trailer(s)?

Gaben came out to defend paid mods AFTER the backlash, he backed down after the failing to defend paid mods and Bethesda pulling out.

Valve has done more damage to gaming than any other company. Valve popularized most of the cancers plaguing gaming today. The rest of the industry picked up Valve's tactics after they saw the "PC master race" cucked out to Valve.

because they are poorfags
hell I started playing it only because of family share

Gabe doesn't give a fuck anymore user. Hasn't for a long while. He's not going to do shit other than have his devs do the usual by making some more hats and trading cards.

They've been postponing the release since like 2012

bugman detected.

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Hi, former Valve dev here.
Disregard what the faggot in the OP said he's fake and I'm real.

John Exvalveman

btw i dont care either way. pirate all games

Guys, i know how Steam can save itself. Drop Windows & MacOS support, become Linux exclusive.

It's sad how Epic keeps paying journos to shill for them.

Valve doesn't need to do anything but wait. They're smart enough to know it's not appealing to developers and publishers that gets you sales, it's appealing to customers. Epic can't keep buying publishers forever, it's not a sustainable business.

My dad owns Steam and says you're lying.

This is a question to anyone pro Epic.

What benefits, asides from the % split and exclusives, does the Epic Store have that Steam does not have?

I'm legitimately asking here.


a company started doing something
consumers said they didn't like it
the company changed to suit the consumers

how much of a retarded shill to you have to be to try and paint this kind of pro-consumer business as a bad thing?

epic even admitted that it's not sustainable. they're a fucking joke.

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literally the next post Kill yourselves epic shills, customers don't give a shit about publisher profits, hell we don't even care about dev profits.
What matters are prices and service and epic wins at neither

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Epic is still a shit. Buying out games, especially when it's a smaller niche game that would have uncertain success just limits the market to those that have firmly established capital. Smaller shops and those who won't sink to that level are less able to compete in effect creating a worse environment for competition rather than a larger one.
And localizing games on a single platform by force completely cuts out competing for the customer so the platform remains shitty and potentially exploitative.

>an 'alf life
I'm almost tempted to take this as a sign of chink shills

zero. and the split benefits the publishers, not consumers. consumers have literally no reason to use epic unless that want to play fortnite.

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>debate me debate me!
mmmm wonderful debate opener, the classic strawman spammed every thread, truly a signal someone will be worth the time to talk to and isn't a paid shill

Publishers and indie devs get paid more. Even if a publisher doesnt reinvest it in a future game, its better they get the money than Gabe Newell's bank account (the fat fuck makes no games any more so how does making him rich benefit consumers)?
>inb4 screeching retards

>yes, he tried to rape me
>but he stopped when I started screaming
he a gud boy

This is the most stilted bullshit "competitor" I've ever seen. Of all the weeks and weeks of this trash I haven't seen a single sentence putting forward how any of this benefits the consumer...because it fucking doesn't.

So why are they pouring so many god damn dollars into pushing a system while simultaneously offering absolutely zero benefits? Epic is literally worse for the consumer in every way and yet every publication talks about it like the consumer should give a half ounce of a fuck.

Epic has nothing to offer, period. This 'competition' will go on only as long as chink money can buy it. It's blatant and retarded. Struggling news orgs take the money they're given to publish outright fiction because its the only thing that keeps them alive anymore since they stabbed their own readerbase in the back years ago.

Let it burn. Fuck Epic and their bullshit influence campaign on Yea Forums and among the Yes-Men gaming journos.


Arguably competition with Steam could end up being better for the consumer (price wars etc) but for now that's one big hypothetical benefit.

Winnie the Pooh

kikes and chink bugmen eternally BTFO by black man

The core of the issue is much simpler than that, people don't like an inferior piece of shit that buys exclusivity and literally spits on their consumers saying they don't fucking matter.

Post your PC games library, "PC gamer". Oh wait, you're a CONSOLETARD.

Do not reply to the bots

If Epic wants to only get a 12% cut Steam will lower it to be about the same

Which is better than Tin Sweeney just calling you a retard basically, yes.

that's why epic is resorting to stealing exclusives,
this way they don't have to compete - because exclusivity literally removes the need to compete since it's not available elsewhere

Epic and their shills are all hypocrites or retards.

it allows bitter cunts to act out a revenge fantasy against gaben

I said apart from the % split and exclusives.

What else do they have going for them?

I have never used the Epic Store and am considering whether or to use it for The Outer Worlds and Borderlands 3.

Go to bed Wang.

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>makes a bullshit argument
"in b4 screeching retards lel"

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>that 88/12 split

oh the irony

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>it's appealing to customers
This. A customer gets no benefit using Epic over Steam.

I exclusively use steam, but I never buy anything new from them because it costs too much. Just enter the keys I get from other stores.

How about you read the fucking thread you piece of shit mongoloid , ah right forgot these are just chink bots.

Nothing else. But its good for the industry in the long run. Also publishers who DO reinvest profits will release higher quality games. If gabe keeps getting that money it will just be used as inheritance for his kids.
>no argument

good summation of the situation, user.

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>It's sad how Epic keeps paying journos to shill for them.

It's the only way they stay afloat these days. Gaming journalists shit all over their own audience years ago, the readership must be miserable these days. Most links come with an archive or a screencap.

Steamworks is DRM, supporting Activision strips you of any right to complain about abusive practices, and it got released a whole 12 hours ahead for japs and chinks. If the piracy boogeyman was nearly as bad as you subhumans make it sound like, publishers would have simply dropped the platform ages ago. Piracy doesn't do shit.

I believe it!

Attached: le trustworthy article at just the right and convenient moment.png (360x138, 3K)

>Also publishers who DO reinvest profits will release higher quality games.

Name one time that happened and the publishers don't just pocket the funds. Look at EA and tell me that shit. They massacre developers and laugh about it. It's an outright fantasy you've got there.

I'd agree with Cliff for once, especially if he mentioned Fortnite as well.

you don't like the idea of gabe getting more money, but ok with epic and tencent getting rich? top kek

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>sources say

>ea is the only publisher
They dont even release games on steam.

Not a PC gamer, but why don't studios/publishers just sell their games directly and cut out the middle man? What's the point of Steam?

Epic doesn't piss on it's consumer base, it pisses on steams.
Sweeneycheeks states the obvious, people follow games, which has held true true in the past. I can't condemn a man for being truthful.
Origin worked because people follow games, Bnet worked because people follow games, it's a fact, when you have exclusive games people come to you to buy them because they have no choice.

At this point any reasonable with 2 digit IQ person knows this, but the chink bots will keep shilling, only way to combat is to just report and move on

>reinvest profits
I wonder who's behind this post.


>companies only caring about profits ruined the industry!
>but they don't want more money so they pocket money and don't reinvest!

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what site is that?

That's what, Origin, uPlay and whatever Todd's store is called are for. They all failed.

>people follow games, which has held true true in the past. I can't condemn a man for being truthful.

The difference here being timed exclusives, which wasn't the case for your other examples. Epic is temporary, and people know that. They'll just wait.

steam makes it convenient for games to reach consumers. it's a one stop shop.

Having a shakeup is pretty healthy for the industry, all of Epic's exclusives are timed anyway, so they'll be on steam eventually. A little bit of disruption to move Valve off it's laurels and maybe do something cool.

PC gaming peaked in the years before Steam. Steam didn't save nothing. Steam's rise to dominance happened concurrently with PC's demise

Big picture needs a massive re-work, hopefully it'll come as part of the client redesign.

Online infrastructure costs money, user

>Budgets for actual development has hardly changed
The best data we have suggests dev costs for high end titles have continued to rise at a predictable pace

This only makes sense in a world where Epic sales are the same or greater than Steam. Right now devs don’t have to worry about it because Epic is giving them a fixed amount of money and guaranteeing a certain level but presumably at some point that will go away.

This. Game companies don't switch to epic so they can increase the budgets of their games. They do it to increase profits for investors.

no, the point you were making is that your concerned with how much money gabe is making. you're just shit at defending your point, so you respond with "strawman", which tips your hat that you have no idea what your talking about.

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Because the average PC gamer is too dumb to check multiple stores.
Also if you are on Steam you aren't allowed to undercut the Steam price on your own website, so Studios can't use massive discounts on their own website to get people away from Steam.

They need to drop the music shit. And the streaming. And the controller mode being reliant on Big Picture. The controller mode could also use a whole lot more settings.

>consumers don't get to decide
>according to Sweeney, consumers already have the best experience they are going to have anyway

Attached: thanks tim.png (806x798, 516K)

Ok I will explain one time
>Corporations need to increase stock price every year
>They do this by making sure new games make more money than last year's games
>Only way to reliably do this is use the cash you earned and invest it in future games.
>The amount of cash a company has is irrelevant for shareholders. They only earn money if the stock goes up
>So this is why publishers reinvest profits into future games. Hoarding cash will get all the top execs fired.
Don't respond with non intelligent replies pls.

>you're stupid if you don't waste time with inferior alternatives
Okay, Hao.

Also, the controller thing needs to be reworked so I can just set a global button binding instead of being forced to manually tune each game, what the fuck.

>epic doesn't spit on the consumer
>lacks 90% of consumer features valve has
>Tim chinkbuttlicker says himself that consumers don't matter
Holy fuck these bots..

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Will they?
The world is bigger then Yea Forums and all the other gaming dedicated forums.
We don't have sale numbers, but time will tell.

Give me 1 (one) reason as a paying customer to buy games from the epic store

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IDK how people haven't realized that video games are more reliant on higher advertising budgets for sales instead of higher development costs.

it costs mere cents per GB of traffic.
Why do you think so many indie devs and small publisher still run their own stores alongside Steam? It's because it's a lot cheaper to rent a server from Amazon or some other cloud service and make your own website and store than to give Steam 30%

Wehn will 12% be seen as too much of a cut?


Attached: Tim-Sweeney-300x275[1].jpg (300x275, 21K)

Only shills pretend to not know.

I don't really like Steam, but I definitely dislike EGS.

But ultimately, the problem isn't individual actors.

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What will I do without item trading and loonix support?
Tankvyou volvo for gret features.

Man, this "Izzy Doherty" really knows their stuff.
They managed to pick the most obnoxious, smug and unflattering image of Sweeney that was possible.

The entire article is the perfect cultivation of annoyance - It's like reading about 1% politicians talk about how poor people have it too good

That's a vertible post you got there

Hats off to the 'journalist', not vertible shill, for not doing any research to know the extra % is to help make up for the keys thst can go to other distributors.

>Why do you think so many indie devs and small publisher still run their own stores alongside Steam?
That never happened. At best they put their shit on GOG and Humble Store so they don't get raped on chargebacks.

Article is retarded, because no company reinvests saved costs into putting out better games, they just pocket any extra cash flow to look better to investors. Just look at EA/Ubi/Acti/etc. They don't give a shit about making good games, they just want to shit out money factories and pad out their CEO's piggybank.

Read the thread Wang

1. You don't have a choice :^)

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If anything, retail killed itself, I remember back in the day having to pirate shit on PC only because it was the only choice I had in some matters, since good luck finding a copy of anything that isn't Sims 2 or Blizzard, or some shovelware bullshit no one wants on store shelves in the PC section. This was before steam was that big

>don't respond with non intelligent replies
make it a little more obvious that this is your proverbial get out of jail free card.
investors don't want the money reinvested, they want as little cash spent as possible, so their stock value rises. but you're not interested in that, are you?

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I don't like China. Winnie the Pooh.

>sitting on old releases is a sure fire way to get new shareholders and customers

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dumbest post in the thread
see LMAO are you fucking retarded? Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.

Isn't 70/30 the industry standard for digital distribution for any media?

>"but but fat beard man kill gaming"

Attached: Tim-Sweeney.jpg (1920x1080, 109K)

Origin most certainly sells 3rd party games. Fuck off insect.


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True, Bethesda and Nintendo are hurting real bad.

>I don't understand business: the post
any CEO that sits on a pile of money instead of spending it is getting fired
share holders make money by having the company grow and growing happens when you invest and grow internally
this is especially true for games, nobody gives a shit that CDPR is running at a loss this year because once CP77 is out the stocks and internal revenue will jump like horse with a firecracker up it's ass

Then what about Discord offering 10% cut?

>Former _____ says...
>Ex _____ says...
uh huh
uh huh

Rage 2
Smash Bros
Animal Crossing
Yeah totally not releasing new games

We'll see when the Fortnite/10cent money dries up and they actually have to compete.

I very much doubt Epic's cut will stay that low, especially after the money dries up and Epic will actually have to compete without buying exclusives.

Epic berry gud dear u buy gamu me get yuan for big dinneru

Attached: 1499405571959.gif (194x142, 1.99M)

I never said that, retard. businesses invest as little as possible to get games out the door and picked the rest of the cash. maybe if you graduated high school, you know that. or maybe chinese schools didn't give you this information.

Attached: u wot.jpg (429x720, 65K)

Report for spam and move on folks. Don't give these chink shills replies.

>Epic shills are all for muh competition
>Valve trying to make Linux a viable alternative to Windows is somehow a bad thing

Attached: 1534142212321.jpg (699x919, 75K)

>Smash 4.5 and literal toddlercore that is virtually indistinguishable from a decade old entry

He's right about them not investing in better games. You just get shit like loot boxes. Don't act like vydia is the same as other industries.

>A real pc gamer would never use the best PC gaming platform
of course...

There is something strange about his appearance that reminds me of a ghoul.

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Report for spam and move on. Don't give these chink shills replies.

Attached: OH NO NO NO.jpg (960x540, 73K)

your responses never contain a counter argument, only an insult.

Attached: shill.png (767x411, 133K)

Still sells, retard

Higher budgets are directly correlated with bigger returns

That's exactly my point, stupid drone. Nintendo makes bank on old games.

Epic Store sucks but Satisfactory is worth it though

Also The Witness is free, it sucks but it's free at least. That's the 2 games I have on there.

But can the Epic Store sustain itself on it's current business model AND offer the same consumer benefits as Steam does?

Did Nintendo hurt your feelings by releasing a smash game again?

Mountain Blade devs have been selling their games on their own website since before you were born.
Aerosoft (niche simulators)
777 Studios (IL2, Rise of Flight)
Matrix games (niche strategy games)
Gaijin (Warthunder)

And then there is the big ones like Bethesda, Rockstar, CD Project, Ubisoft, EA, etc.

None of them would be running their own store if it was more expensive than giving Steam 30%


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Based website

What's with amerifats and their nonsensical food analogies?

Vidya is the same as any other industry.

interesting I think those are free and on other online places...

Why did you post a picture of two Winnie the Poohs?

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Sweeney has started that the bribery costs will exceed sales of third party games. they know it isn't sustainable.

additionally, he's started that they can't compete with steam, which is why they're buying off consumers for timed exclusives

>424 replies later
OP here

The steam baby/shill seethe in this thread was well worth it.

I hope you guys know your favorite corporate overlord/the company paying you to post for them is getting railed in the one area that constitutes 90+% of their revenue, and no matter how hard you shill for them or """review bomb""" (lmao) games that go against your precious Valve, you already lost.

Devs are leaving in droves, simply because Epic takes less than half of what Steam does for doing literally the same thing.

PS fuck China, I actually just hate Pcbros more and few things make me happier than seeing all the obvious redditors get blown the fuck out lol

gg, no re. You lost.

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Minecraft was never on Steam. You can't run an amateur online store without chargeback protection or it WILL bankrupt you. I remember an article about an indie studio going exactly through that years ago.

so publishers make more with digital copies, right?

They can't stop thinking of burgers.

This has to be some kind of bait.
"A valve dev said, proof has been served"?
This "valve dev" is a guy who did netcode for 1 year. The highlight of his portfolio is working on Anthem.
And what proof did he have? Everything he said was retarded "I think 30% is antiquated. It should be 12% because."


Attached: Bugeyed_reaction.gif (294x285, 1.99M)

>gets destroyed
>haha v-pcbros everybody

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What about, you know, all the other things?

the fuck is Mountain Blade?

Can we trust developers to reinvest money into their games rather than just their own pockets?
What about the companies that pulled bait and switch tactics for the exclusivity bribes? Can we trust them to not use scummy tactics going forward?

How is this not /thread? Especially since not a single epic shill touched this subject.
The subject being the fact that moving from Steam to Epic not only has no positive impacts for the consumer, it has only negative ones.

if you pocket money then you'll get fired

>losing developers and exclusives left and right
>"b-but we did a whole lot of screeching on Yea Forums and r-reddit, s-so that means w-we won! t-take that epic!"
You should try review bombing another game, and accomplishing absolutely nothing, again. Lol.

Valve drones are truly, truly pathetic. I literally respect Discord trannies more than you, because at least they can actually accomplish something

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retard detected.
You think this money makes it to the devs? The devs are the code monkeys. The artists. You think they will see a penny of this?
This money will go straight to management. It is going to be the suit and ties that will have an extra profit. The executives. The "Team leaders" and "Project managers". Hell, I'd be surprised if it even made past the publishers to the development company.

he doesn't have an actual comeback, just shitposting

Attached: kek.gif (445x250, 2.41M)

>the fuck is Mountain Blade?
hello shill

A lot of companies have tried and found it is really tough to make a store. Uplay is probably the best of them and it’s a good 5-8 years behind Steam feature wise and it’s just never going to catch up ever. Same with Origin. At the worst case you have which was more broken than Steam in 2004. They threw in the towel and are putting their games on Steam.

I know why epic is doing this, they figure might as well strike now and set up a sustainable long term business, but they’re going about it in a terrible way IMO.

Then how do the Factorio or KSP devs still run their own store even though they are on Steam?
They could just shut them down if Steam is so much better for them. They won't because it isn't

If you ain't got online friends or use social features, play on one computer and use m&kb, then the list gets very very short.
I've never missed any of it when I use GoG which does sync to the cloud, but the feature has never been of use to me.

you're assuming that they give a fuck about counter arguments. they only care about shitposting and their social scores

Attached: shitposter.jpg (477x640, 40K)

>please for fuck sake use the epic store dear god here is an anonymous former source saying you should

Another day, another turd flung at the window.
Who cares.

you mean mount and blade?

I think Valve are going to invest heavily in their streaming tech over the next 5 years, and eventually they'll launch some kind of paid service, say fiver a month, it cloud syncs your saves, and lets you play your games even when your home desktop is off, maybe throw in some sweetener like a free game every month.

Even if a small bonus is cashed out then the rest will go to development. I don't see why the management would irresponsibly handle money and run the risk of being fired. It's illogical to assume that a profit maximizing company won't reinvest to make further profit

I wouldn't know, I don't care about these games. What I do know is that measures to open an online store and not run out of business within weeks must not be cheap or else every indie dipshit would set up shop. It can't cost much less, if at all, than the 30% cut on the long run.

Argue a point instead of childish namecalling and >le review bombs!
Here is one for you to argue: Name one way t hat Epic is better FOR THE CONSUMER. That means "the publisher/developer company makes more money!". Name just one way Epic impacts the consumer in a positive way other than "That 10% difference is what is holding games from being good!".
Because multiple people in this thread have gone through the several NEGATIVE aspects.
-Exclusivity makes for no competition, so the argument of "competition will improve the market" is pointless.
-Epic has a history of security problems regarding user data and their own data
-Their launcher is barebones when compared to steam and provides no game support, like servers and other features.
-Consumer pays the same price to use the same product through an objectively inferior medium
Again, argue a point instead of stupid shitposting.

since you don't use it, no one else does? top kek

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No it isn't.

Literal redditors

>Inferior quality
What does that even mean lol?

>security breaches
Such as? Genuinely curious.

>Requires games to be exclusive
... but they don't?

>causes delay in releases

It's honestly crazy how hellbent you are on defending Steam. And no, Steam doesn't do anything so special as to deserve LITERALLY TWO AND A HALF TIMES higher fees.

I know Steam has been building up an army of astroturfers after Epic came in and disrupted their pseudo-monopoly, but there's no way they can afford this many. I think some of you are actually 100% seriously just fanboys, vigorously defending a company that doesn't give a single fuck about you.

Worse than Xbox or Playstation fanboys. You are the pinnacle of cuckoldry, truly.

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The only thing I have against Epic is no community and their alleged Spyware from China.

>Former valve developer
Was it someone who worked on Artifact? Because if so I have a really spicy opinion on just how much his opinion is worth

Does your poor bait addled brain even know what this word means?

Better than gabe lining his pockets sweetie.

No, because the companies that can offer that are the ones who currently deal in selling cloud servers, like Amazon.
Valve lacks the infrastructure and expertise. Their business is a web store and a few servers here and there around the globe.

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Always accuse others of what you yourself are doing.

You are literally all fucking shills
Cultivated identities either way
Play some vidya dumb fuckers

There are a couple crucial ones mate. Server support, for once. Say what you want about steam, they do have good servers for the games that use them.
The sheer amount of customization you can use on the store to dictate what types of games you want to see is also an objectively positive feature.
Further, even if you are not, a lot of games ARE social and those tools are useful to a lot of people. Even if you don't use them, which is fair, this is not a fact you can deny. You can not care about it, but it isn't any less true.
Controller support is important in a lot of games.
Linux and Mac support, again while not particularly good for you or even most, it is still important to a fair amount of people.
The paid exclusives part is also a valid one.
A lot of games do benefit heavily from the workshop and its in-built mod distribution.
Wishlists help a lot when keeping tack of games you want and MORE IMPORTANTLY, when they go on sale.
So yeah, it is a bit more than the two things you mentioned and the "social features".

>no good counterpoint
>le redditors! gottem!

Attached: trolling 4chin.jpg (500x362, 141K)

>Name one way t hat Epic is better FOR THE CONSUMER. That means "the publisher/developer company makes more money!"
Uh, yeah. This is the whole point. Sure it won't make a difference for AAA games, but AAA games almost always use their own publisher's launcher anyway. It matters for lower budget and indie games, a lot.

>-Exclusivity makes for no competition, so the argument of "competition will improve the market" is pointless.
Except no it doesn't? Exclusivity is the literal definition of competition. Epic offers a better deal than Steam -> devs switch to Epic. Really straightforward stuff.

>-Epic has a history of security problems regarding user data and their own data
I see this shilled all the time and not once have I seen a single source other than "super 100% verified" reddit posts and people whining on Yea Forums. Prove it, otherwise label this one as "source: my ass"

>-Their launcher is barebones when compared to steam and provides no game support, like servers and other features.
Barebones is a good thing. "Like servers and other features"... so, servers. And sure, if a developer wants to pay two and a half times the price just so they can have Steam servers, then by all means they are allowed to do that. But for the devs that don't want to pay that much, Epic gives them a choice. You could say Epic is providing... competition.

>-Consumer pays the same price to use the same product through an objectively inferior medium
Maybe for AAA games. You don't know what the broader impact will be. And besides, I'd much rather that extra money go to people at least tangentially involved with developing the game rather than Steam that sits there and does literally nothing while collecting millions of dollars.

>objectively inferior medium
Putting "objective" in front of your retarded opinion doesn't make it any less retarded.

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>give money to the chinese
good argument for a digital game store!

Attached: trolls_sir.jpg (341x313, 58K)

It sounds like you don't even have a horse in this race, just want Steam to fail because it's Steam.

>no, u

Attached: v poster.jpg (619x501, 34K)

>steam users: "We just want to be left alone. Please fuck off."
>epic users: "STEAM IS SHIT!! USE EPIC NOW!!! *makes 6 threads in a row*
>steam users: "You okay there dude?"
>epic users: "Fucking SHILL, u mad?!??!" *walls of text* *2016 fake news style article* "WHO ELSE IS TIRED OF THE VALVE SHILLS BOYS!?! LETS GET EPIIIIICCC"

Really makes you think.

publishing agreements are % based user, it means more money for pub AND dev

Pic very related. Doesn't matter how much you wail, Steam is losing and Epic is winning, by offering a better service.

But go ahead and keep shillin' away, I know you're desperate to protect the one company you honestly believe cares about you. It really is pathetic

Yeah, it means people paid to pose as "just another normal consumer who just happens to be super supportive and always side with this one company who is TOTALLY not paying people to do that"

in other words, you lol

>completely ignore everything
>ad hominem
Valve drones at work. I can't believe they're actually paying you monkeys to do this. How much do you make, like 15 cents per post?

Attached: 1507210107994.jpg (400x505, 51K)

>over 400 replies later, all from pcbros viciously defending steam
>"n-no epic fanboys are the ones going c-crazy!"
>still losing despite their impotent rage
That's gonna be a yikes from me, dude

Attached: 1521870467898.jpg (550x550, 25K)

Yeah, suddenly user, around october when steam fucked every indie dev with new algorithims.

Of course it was sudden.

absolut based

Attached: DEATH.jpg (3840x2160, 2.04M)

Algorithms are not the reason your tired pixel platformers are ignored.

I hope Epic fails, user
If they succeed it'll do horrible things to the video game market

Attached: 654644656536346.jpg (720x480, 186K)

inform yourself user, there was a dramatic change for all indie games.

>what do you mean by inferior quality
It is right in the post you are referencing. It explain what it means by inferior quality right there in detail if only you bothered to read it. It even points out the features. You saw it, pretended you didn't see it and chose to play the fool instead of trying to reply.

>Genuinely curious about their security problems
(it talks about credit card security later in the article, although it focuses on other problems for the most part)
Forum post, I know it is cheap, but it is in their own forum. Even if you ignore it, the other links paint a good enough picture anyway.

>delay in releases

Look, mate. I am not defending Steam. I am AGAINST THE EPIC STORE. Those things are not the same. I think Steam has its own problems and it could do more than fix it. I think Valve has gotten too comfortable and haven't done enough to keep up the quality in their product.
But Epic isn't the answer to those problems. It is a clearly inferior alternative. It doesn't has a single objective positive quality to the consumer and has a bunch of clearly negative ones.
It is, in every shape and form, a bad product that they are propping up through bribing publishers and developers. This just isn't good for the consumer and I don't see how anyone can say it is.

Epic store is meant to attract publishers.
If publishers publish on it they're also going to want people to buy from it, because when you buy from epic they win more then if you buy from Steam.
So publishers are probably going to give incentives to buy on epic. Either sales, reduced price, or worst case (for gaming) exclusive content.

>muh developers
Not an argument

>I'm scared of China therefore I'm right about this
You tell em brother, We all feel safer with more power in the hands of the 1%

This x100.

I see people keep throwing around this idea that theres some sort of platformwar/valve defense force. Yet 95% of these threads start with Epic shitposting.

At this point its just fucking tiresome. Why isnt gook moot doing something about the fact that we have like 6+ of these threads going 24/7? I mean if the tieanamann square copypasta was shitting up the board then surely these threads need to go too.

Look, buddy, he said "as a paying customer"

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Factorio devs do not run their own store. They offer downloads, sure, but the payment processing and key acquisition is done using a Humble widget.

I stand by my post. You can't fool idiots with bad bootlegs forever.

>You tell em brother, We all feel safer with more power in the hands of the 1%
>says someone who protecting CCP itt

>constantly on the attack instead of self-improving
It's so shallow, contrived, and obvious.
People follow the winner, they are drawn to the stronger horse. Epic looks seriously weak with the constant shit flinging, not a single leg of its own to stand on. Without steam and fake controversy they would already be a forgotten relic.

Perhaps people wouldn't feel the need to "defend" anything, if you just kept steams name out of your mouth and wrote a letter to epic to be better than steam. It isn't rocket science, but its pretty obvious epic would rather play social science manipulation over actual core improvements. Otherwise they wouldn't pay chinks to shit this site up with their trash.

>AAA games almost always use their own publisher's launcher anyway
That's not accurate at all tho.
>Epic offers a better deal than Steam -> devs switch to Epic.
Then why aren't more devs switching over in droves? What incentive is there for devs to make better games if all you have to do is exist and they'll give you additional fun bucks?

Linux/Mac support, refunds, controller support, anti cheat support, redistribution keys, ect. It's like you're trying to be willfully ignorant.
>The extra percent is for lining pockets and nothing else
ur cute user.

>shit/shillpost about epic
>thats dumb, epic is shit

Maybe stop making these threads holy shit.

Remind me, how many games are there on the epic store?

Attached: 1549882502776.jpg (540x564, 67K)

>using a 1%'er argument in defense of china
>a land that abolished voting all together so 1%er's can do whatever they please so long as they kiss winnie the pooh's ass

What the fuuuuuuuuuuuck.

Why did everyone suddenly turn against Steam and start sucking Epic's dick so hard? Are we really that eager to be under China's boot?

Hey I pay for my internet service

>lel epic #winning
how much are they paying you for these posts?

Attached: dickhead.jpg (952x873, 186K)

>he doesn't know what moon man stands for
lol shill using reaction images he doesn't understand

It's just memes and shit posters.

So how are you so convinced? How are you so convinced that the only games affected were the bad ones?

I understand you already believe what you want to believe and won't respond to facts (that valve is best with no flaws) but I'm curious how you can be so guaranteed sure?

I'm hoping I can understand what lead you to stick to this ideology that's been packaged and handed to you so readily? To deny any allegation that steam is less than ideal?

You see, I'm going to start a cult, and you're exactly the sort of person I'd like to target.

>Both Steam and Epic stores have good and bad points
>People arguing over all this stupid shit
Remember when PC fans called console peasants stupid for the console wars? Yeah. This is somehow dumber. This is like if there was 2 digital stores on the Switch and people were arguing endlessly over it.

Kiss me big boi, we're coming for your freedoms

I see a lot of these shitty posts with a bad reaction image attached like these guys think they post here a lot.

Astroturfing is when you're from one place but go to another and act like you're from there, a 'how do you do my fellow kids' type situation.

Like what you're doing.
Yea Forums is pretty heavy on Steam use, we have sale threads and sometimes anona buy games for other Anons. You'd know this if you were actually from here, but you're not.

Also does Epic intend to do big sales and let me buy games for my friends without a friends list? Hmm.

you're spending way too much time feeding the troll, user. he isn't interested in discussion, just low key promoting the epic store

>This is like if there was 2 digital stores on the Switch and people were arguing endlessly over
That's a poor false equivalency and you know it. Not everyone wants to directly support people with bad consumer business practices.

China didn't start the wars that flooded my country with sandniggers.
The world would be better under their rule.

it's not like valve was using any of the money they made to fund games. fuck valve and their greed.

>That's a poor false equivalency and you know it.
I don't know it because this is all stupid. Both companies have equally bad customer business practices, don't be retarded. Just because one is less bad in some areas don't mean shit.

It's literally just s*yboys who are mad on Steam for not treating them like special snowflakes.
Apparently selling oneself into chink slavery is their vision of BTFO Gaben epik style.

Attached: Epic Shop prelude.jpg (886x608, 213K)

>equally bad customer business practices,
>Just because one is less bad

This isn't about bad practices or china.
It's about games not being on steam and steambabies crying over it.

this thread is fucking amazing

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>I applaud spyware in my computer because one person is upset about something, I am teh weener!
Cutting off your nose to spite your face.

They're both equally bad in different ways, user. That's literally the purpose of these stupid threads.
>Uh no I think one is worse
Yes that's the point of these threads you dumb nigger

>How are you so convinced that the only games affected were the bad ones?
Because the only example ever brought up for this argument is some low quality Megaman clone that sold better on Switch because any indie at all sells on Nintendo platforms as showcased by the 3DS, the Wii U and now the Switch.

>I understand you already believe what you want to believe and won't respond to facts
You haven't presented any facts.
>but I'm curious how you can be so guaranteed sure?
I've been patiently waiting for the indieshit bubble to burst since XBLA. I've seen the worst practices of game design get praised simply because it's indie.

>I'm hoping I can understand what lead you to stick to this ideology that's been packaged and handed to you so readily?
You must have confused me with someone else, I'm not out here felating low quality clones of childhood games by hacks who don't even understand videogames.
>To deny any allegation that steam is less than ideal?
I never even mentioned Steam, are you okay?

>You see, I'm going to start a cult, and you're exactly the sort of person I'd like to target.
I suggest you look up indieshit culture then, it worked wonders making idiots pretend shovelware was special based exclusively on its origins.

No, it's still Gold. Gold has the same meaning in German and is spelled the same.

top kek

Attached: kek~01.jpg (201x200, 5K)

Why do video games not made directly by Nintendo, Sega, or Microsoft piss you right the fucktiy fuckfuck off?

I will user, thank you.

Any titles you recommend? Ones where there is a clear lack of quality yet a surprisingly large and loyal fanbase?

This is relevant to my interests.

Attached: 1512859507383.gif (80x70, 20K)

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Why do you think there are only either exclusives or indieshit?

Super Meat Boy is a shining example.

I would have to say its fear. Fear that if they stop supporting Valve. No matter what they do. Because people have a financial interest in keeping Valve and Steam alive. Why? Because of the games they have on steam. SOme even have hundreds.. Thousands of games. Maybe not thousands. But they have a lot of money spent on digital games. Locked to their steam account. And what is going to hapen to the steam locked games if Valve goes down? They will be gone. Erased. And which is why they are strongly afraid of losing everything. Which is why, whenever any new platform comes out. They are afraid. Theydeny it. Claim its useless. When there is Valve and the Steam Platform. Forgeting that competition IMPROVE platforms. If steam kept on being THE platform for all games. That means that steam could end up demanding MOER and more money. Its 30% right now. That is a bit to much money. For a platform where the game is sold and kept. Valve didnt make these games. or even PAID for these games. And 1/3rd of the money from a game going to the platform... Its theft. And if Epic store didnt try to fight steam with its 12% if you use its engine and ... 17 otherwise. or whatever it was. Then steam wouldnt change. THey would just grow fat. Pushing out lootbox games. Whenever they felt like it. But they dont have to even worry about making games. Or else Artifact would maybe make them shit their pants. But it didnt. And Gabe Newel wouldnt be braging and showing of his knife collection that he made.

PC gaming went to shit in 2008, coincidentally around the exact same time Steam became mandatory

You didn't answer my question. Why does non-AAA people making games make you shit yourself into a fit of stupidity?

It's gone to shit? Funny, I'm still enjoying a bunch of PC games. Maybe you're all just retarded.

You didn't answer my question. Why do you think there are only Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft and nostalgiafags who think they like videogames on this market?

you won't get a good answer.

>Y is bad so X is good.