What went wrong

What went wrong

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No news during one year.

too much anime

>let's add a sjw western cringe cartoon who's fan base has never touched a fighting game!!
>let's tease a 5th franchise but give no date for announcement!
>let's only announce one character from that franchise after a year of waiting!
>let's announce another franchise to show that we are still supporting the game
funny that they practically killed bbcf for this

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No Asuka
serve those cucks right

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This wtf ArcSys

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I liked it

The announcements and support of the game have been absolutely fucking awful. They still haven't even released the update the announced 2 months ago, that they waited 6 months to show off in the first place. Not to mention that the characters they revealed at EVO had already been figured out months before the game launched, so there was no surprise.

Is there even a reason for them to be holding back on it for another two months? We already know what characters are coming, and they even released the list of the balance changes for 1.5. What’s the point in still having it locked up?

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Arcade exclusivity.
Even Japan was mad at the radio silence and the patch delay. Just fucking release the patch first and keep the new characters arcade locked for a while if you care that much.

>almost an entire year just for 3 reused assets and Heart
>still have to wait another month or so for it all to release
Just stop bein' so entitled, bro!

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ArcSys is nothing but suffering

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Lack of updates and announcements with convenient releases.

It's not just 3 re-used assets. It's also a massive balance patch that will completely change the way some characters go about their combo routes.

The balance patch is basically an entire revision tho. Characters are getting new assists and I think mechanic overhauls as well. Still, they should've split the new patch and the new character releases the same way DBFZ split the system mechanics and character change patches for this year.

I could never find a partner for Waldstein.
On the bright side, if I ever decide to play Under-Night I know who to main.

Too simplified compared to the games that it draws it's characters from. Bad online with no proper rematch option, lack of content with no compelling game modes besides versus. Story is not even worth mentioning it might as well not exist.

probably gonna sound like a real fucking brainlet for even asking but the 5th franchise is love live? I unironically will buy it if so...

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That was actually a really good idea. The game is already an even more casual version of it's crossovers
Adding RWBY brought in a lot of new blood

Wouldn't that be something

The 5th franchise is Arcana Heart. The SIXTH franchise is unknown.

Why not tager?

RWBY fans don't play games, they complain about gay girls

Sounds to me like you're describing UNIST (minus the simpler inputs part).

Ranked matchmaking actually gives you the option to rematch quickly unlike UNIST.

It took a few years to create a new revision (though they admittedly fixed the game with said revision) and no content came out after launch (including no balance patch) and online lobbies are still only 1v1 with turns even with 8 players in a lobby.

The story mode is only a build up to the main event and doesn't progress beyond that.

I think BBTAG has quite abit more going for it and that you're writing off the complexity of the tag mechanics too quickly.

Adding RWBY stirred up more discussion for the game than Heart

The most brain dead baby traditional 2D fighter is what went wrong. Seriously, half the game is played on fucking autocombo

RWBY went down the shitter. Before you say "it was always bad durr", I mean from a fan perspective. Literally no one enjoys it now, it's gone full shit after monty writing was removed. First 3 seasons were great and it went down in quality since. Terrible story, underwhelming and short fight scenes, hardcore leftist agenda shoved in your face non stop.

>fighting games

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people would have rather just played BBCF, Persona Arena, or Uneil

He's still not wrong about Tag being completely devoid of single player content outside of its story modes, not like I personally feel like that matters too much for fighting games.
As one of the 4 people on this site and actually gives a shit about under night's plot, I'll at least say getting the prologue that the game has been building up through external means was necessary so I'll give that more credit than whatever they wanted to do with Tag's self-aware "plot" that acknowledged how contrived its reasonings were.

i assume Arcsys has a lot on their plate
even DBFZ's season 2 is shorter than 1 for no reason at all
Blazblue Central Fiction and GGRev2 are essentially finished games at this point
But we do know now they are currently working on Granblue
and something Guilty Gear related is in the works but has probably taken a backseat

things we can assume they have in the works are also Persona 5 Arena, and maybe even transitioning Blazblue to 3D so doing updates for this ugly duckling of a game is hard

>even DBFZ's season 2 is shorter than 1 for no reason at all
Probably because there's no base Goku/Vegeta equivalent here.

>Guilty Gear
>but has probably taken a backseat
you will never be able to convince me that guilty gear isn't the priority for arc. I would bet anything that everything else, even granblue are short staffed and the majority of the company is working on the new main line guilty.

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if its an issue of asset reusing they are putting in DBS Broly and Gogeta who technically should have similar features to Vegito
i would hope they go out of their way to make them look distinct however

Aren’t they working on that granblue game right now? That seems to be the priority for them right now

There's no reason for a 5 Arena game to exist at this point. Persona has all the fighting game representation it needs with 5 being in Smash Bros and 3/4 in BBTAG. Plus I'm pretty sure Granblue is in a higher tier than Persona when it comes to "popular with japanese teens/young adults and has a sizable worldwide audience" licensing tiers.

All the 3D ASW games are outsourced as fuck tho. There's a reason they're doubling down on licensing projects, they get access to a lot resources through the other companies while their core staffers get to do more projects.

Seriously this pisses me off more than Gordeau/Ruby plaguing the game.

Atlus listed the domain at the same time they listed the other ones. P5D, P5U, P5AG, P5R
P5D - Persona 5 Dancing
P5U - Persona 5 The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena. Aka Persona 5 Arena
P5AG - ???
P5R - Persona 5 The Royale

they must be working on it

People found out about UNI from it and moved to that.

so retards add sjw to anything now?

5S wasn't registered then and that's something new. They probably do have the idea in consideration but I doubt it'll happen any time soon. Like I have no reason to believe it got delayed because of GBFV.

I still play it but it's fucking dead and I've never had a connection better than Zero.

Something on the left half of that pic.

Though as an aside, I wish they did more with the story and interactions. The Undernight chapter felt like the best one in this regard. Would've been nice if every character got a chapter and the story wasn't just: "Here's a stone, fight the other guys, whoops the annoying announcer lady manipulated you into charging her stone and now you gotta fight her"

>Guilty Gear related is in the works but has probably taken a backseat
I don't think so, Team Red aren't working on anything else right now, so the new GG should be having work done on it. Some of their staff does work on other projects as well, but I don't think GG is taking a backseat.

I really wish this was just a new IP. It's a really fascinating game but the crossover aspect holds it back a lot.

Pachi is the lead gameplay director for GBFV isn't he?

The gooks say some random phrase in broken english