Why do people pretend that Ghost of Tsushima has batman combat?

Why do people pretend that Ghost of Tsushima has batman combat?

Attached: ghost of tsushima swordfight.webm (720x580, 2.88M)

Have you seen how Sekiro looks?

Every fucking Sekiro fight is literally kino if you have the right camera position.

Also there were some moments where I really felt like glorious nipponese warrior desu.

That looks janky as shit, 2005 style animations want their game back

stay on topic

I have nothing against sekiro. I don't even claim that GoT looks amazing. I just ask why people pretend that it has batman combat.

do people seriously never played a batman game here but just heard that it is supposed to be some insult to action games?

>when you spend all your money on falling leaves instead of animation and gameplay

this looks pathetic after sekiro, they should cancel it

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And why are you retarded that you can't even see the obvious writing flaw from the e3 gameplay?
>let me hurt you a bit so you can help me fight against the invaders

>clearly hits him with his blade
>still keeps fighting
i was hoping this game would be semi-realistic

>Why do people pretend that Ghost of Tsushima has batman combat?
It is a mystery...

Attached: 1523385834318.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

the animations are jank, characters magnetically move towards each other during moves so it looks like batman combat. That said, Batman animations were absolutely great aside from magnetic attacks.

>get hits once
how would this be fun?

>That said, Batman animations were absolutely great aside from magnetic attacks.
I'm always amazed at how many there are.

This looks bad. Aside from the scenery that is. Why cant western devs make good combat?

Christ almighty

Can you not see that this combat sequence looks extremely stiff and very basic for a pure action game?

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that's a stealth mechanic tho, not the actual combat, and it's not even like this kind of chainkill is a unique mechanic to batman

this is pre-release GoW all over again. When everyone was spamming how GoW is going to play like TLoU because there was a similar looking grab animation it, and it was spammed with a similar comparison webm.

if it was a new onimusha game with the same visuals everyone here would be fellating how good it looks

hell, same if it just wasn't an exclusive game

>talk about game
>some fag comes out of the blue and just need to praise and suck on his stupid unrelated to the topic game for some odd reason

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>everyone shitposts the game with how "it is bad because it has batman combat"
>user asks why people say that, with clear gameplay that shows that it plays nothing like a batman game
>b-but look at those ugly visuals!

can we say that you are literally SEETHING?

Attached: ghostofts.webm (1280x720, 2.42M)

Then the combat better have some depth. So far, from what I see from OP's post, I see a very pretty, but very basic action game. The stealth sequences in the gameplay trailer are also showing serious red flags.

I mentioned nothing of the visuals but of the animation quality. Which looks like garbage compared to sekiro

There is already footage of why it's been called for the Batman game, where the player literally presses x to win on a room filled with enemies

Maybe. Just maybe. When people talk about bamham, they talk about the shitty stealth shit. No way that’s true though. Right?

The graphics make this look like a toy instead of a video game.

>Why do people pretend that Ghost of Tsushima has batman combat?
They said the same about GOW. They are just the same faggots that reeeeeeeee about every PS exclusive.

Except we were right about Dad of Boy. The combat was ass and is easily the worst in the series.

Oh, so you are a person who thought GoW had good combat. That explains it, you are a retard.

That's called an artstyle kiddo, games had it back in the day before all the AAA execs started screeching about photo realism and washed out colors.

Is there any reason why I should play this when I already played Sekiro? It looks like a slower, clunkier version of that.

thats fake and you know it. Also most of the fights won't be like this.


But seriously how can anyone enjoy this

We don't really have any idea what the combat will be like

animation is part of the visuals you retard. Not like there is anything wrong with them in this game either. You people got so used to the exaggerated souls animations that you forgot how real swordfighting actually looks much less weighty, and now like some NPCs instantly call anything with a non-weighty animations bad.

having a similar stealth mechanic doesn't explain why people call specifically the combat to be the same as batman's

You just posted a Press X to samurai webm
Just like batman was spam X to superhero

Does anyone else feel bad for these devs?

Also what are the chances that they'll make a reference to the whole easy mode thing, i.e. how their game is for "all gamers"?

looks like a three-dimensional fighting game, combat and camera controls will make or break the game

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>boring mongol shit instead of based Sengoku

oh, so you are a person who never played GoW but still pretends like it is bad, even though it is literally a faster souls combat with abilities that you would fellate in any non-exclusive game

the only fault of GoW was that it didn't have more weapons

That is seriously lacking fluidity.

It literally just looks like basic 3d realistic models with shitty graphical effects turned up. That is not "art style." This is a game with a distinct art style but still more "realistic" graphics.

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Now this is how you derail a thread.

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>even though it is literally a faster souls combat with abilities that you would fellate in any non-exclusive game

Attached: I was only pretending.jpg (680x383, 63K)

>Faster Souls combat
>Souls is a good RPG with nice level design and passable combat for it's genre
>Your barameter for an action game combat system is this, instead of even the fucking earlier games in the series, which while mediocre is at least a mediocre action game

Yep so like I said.

I doubt that. This looks bad and you know it. However, I have seen other footage and it looked better so we will see.

No. I played it and it was mediocre as hell. The fact you bring Souls combat into the discussion is hilarious because Souls combat has always been weak as fuck. That series is defined by it's world and enemy designs. GoW is defined by combat. Dad of Boy has inferior combat and wanks over story all fucking day

It's not going to look like that pretty when it releases, you know. These videos are almost always running on machines that aren't representative of the current hardware.
You people really should have learned this by now.
>Dark Souls 2
>Witcher 3
>fucking Anthem lmao
>God-only-knows how many others

Why should I feel bad? The first thing they advertise about this game is “MOVEMENT”, which is their way of saying “we spend 80% of our budget on graphics and make grasses move pretty”
That’s what’s wrong with western dev right now. Obsession with graphics above gameplay and pandering to people who don’t play games. The accessibility and easy mode bullshit seems to be catching fire too.

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Because for a game about slicing niggers with a sword, we've barely seen anything that tells us how the gameplay structure will be, and the little we've seen is extremely basic.

I look at this and i don't see a video game, all i see is yet another Sony exclusive cinematic experience void of any actual fun gameplay.

All of their resources pumped into looks and cinematic cuts but nothing about this looks fun to play. Talk shit about cutscenes and Kojimbles all you want but atleast when it came to actual gameplay parts the games he produced look was acctually fun to play.

Fuck Sony
Fuck Naughty Dog
Fuck Quantum Dicks
Fuck current Sucker Punch

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>Souls combat has always been weak as fuck
>souls combat is passable combat for it's genre
you retards have zero fucking idea about what good game design is. Souls has amazing combat design, there is a reason why every fucking game started copying it's basics.
And it's also not like GoW plays specifically like Dark Souls. The combat designer literally stated that Nioh was the biggest inspiration for the game's combat, but there are still shittons of things that make the game differ from it.

show your copy faggot

Attached: god of war4 combat.webm (768x432, 3M)

100% every bossfight in that game will be like that of OPs where it's a tekken/soul caliber fight. Meanwhile, regular mobs will be arkham combat

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>Souls has amazing combat design
No it doesn't. It has top tier enemies and encounters. The actual act of swinging a weapon is mediocre at best.
>there is a reason why every fucking game started copying it's basics.
Except they didn't.
> The combat designer literally stated that Nioh was the biggest inspiration for the game's combat, but there are still shittons of things that make the game differ from it.
I don't care if he took inspiration from Nioh and Sekiro and DMC5 and Bayonetta. What I've seen is shallow babytown garbage. Looks like it belongs in Spider-man or Batman

>It has rolling so it's Dark Souls!
This is pathetic.

>Play Sekiro
>enjoy being challenged and keep getting better through the game
>Play GoT
>enjoy the more narrative and casual approach with great graphics
>Play Nioh 2
>enjoy the sequel of a cool game with the hope that it's even better

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Sucker Punch always made fun gameplays you falseflagging fuck
Quantic Dream is not even Sony studio

don't give much fuck about Naugty Dog, but the real reason that's killing their games for me is because how boringly realistic their visuals are. Gameplaywise they were always on the same level as shit like Gears of War or the action oriented RE games. Nothing mindblowing but completely decent.

It's going to be one of those games then. Kill one enemy at the time, they never actually swarm you, just standing around waiting for their turn.

Obviously a game about shinobi and samurai made by Japs is going to be better than one made by gaijin, no one is surprised by that.

>talks about visuals and graphics
>when the OP has nothing to do with it

>What I've seen is shallow babytown garbage
at least you finally admit that you haven't even fucking played the game yet you are spamming shitposts like crazy, pretending to know jackshit about it

congratulation, you are the cancer killing this board

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>he has a heart to love all games

nice techdemo

U mad cuz u know the game will suk

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>What I've seen
Any and all criticism for a game loses water if you haven't played it.

>at least you finally admit that you haven't even fucking played the game
user, you haven't played Ghosts of Tsushima either.

Re-reading, I can see you actually claimed that the GoW combat designer is the one who's claiming Nioh inspiration. You must forgive me for assuming the Samurai game was taking inspiration from Nioh and not the Norse cinematic axe 'em up game. That's absolutely gut bustingly hilarious if that's true. Nioh and Dad of Boy have nothing in common at all and Nioh's combat is ten times better. You've proven to me that Dad of Boy isn't even achieving goals it set out for itself. It attempted to take some notes from Nioh and managed to fail at literally every turn.

I'd be in a space similar to him if this wasn't some shitty western studio doing a Samurai game. I have no need for this. No interest at all.

I was interested before Sekiro was announced.
Now, who gives a fuck?

>if this wasn't some shitty western studio doing a Samurai game
It's the funny thing about it, I want to see how they will handle it.
I hope we will have some stupid western ideas of the japanese culture like with the ninja concept in Mortal Kombat.

I would be on your side if they were doing a non-historical setting. Shoulda been full fantasy instead of an attempt at realism. Same would apply to Fromsoft if they wanted to make a super grounded and realistic historical game set during the War of the Roses or something.

Those animations look really bad
That doesn't look engaging at all

Video games are toys

You seem to be in the wrong thread

>retards think that one use stealth ability that you have to recharge and actively drop skill points into is entire combat
Although arkham combat isn't particularly deep, there is a room for variety with all of the gadgets Batman has at his disposal, especially by the end of City (Knight dropped like half of them).

>Journalists are mad at Sekiro
>Will praise GoT as a fuck you to From and From fans
>But by doing so will have to ignore their own arguments of cultural appropriation

I can't fucking stand the delay combos in GoW. How they could take something that worked flawlessly in a bunch of PS2 games and make it feel so clunky is beyond me.

But Sekiro had good critical reception
Those "mad" journalists are just a loud minority, stop giving them attention and they'll eventually shut up

I’m willing to give it a chance because Sucker Punch has a good track record. We haven’t really seen enough combat to judge it well.

>souls has good combat
Light attack, light attack, roll, ad infinitum. Souls is my favorite series for its other qualities but its combat pales in comparison with other sword fighting games. Sekiro has much nicer combat than souls or GOW for that matter