Rip twitch

is everyone ready for the death of twitch?

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literally who?

I'm ready for the death of pdp anyday now

>Implying it didn’t already die after 2013

I am
so tired of their constant one sided leftwing censorship and double standart

video where he talks about it

How much did they pay him for this , must've costed them a fortune , ether that or he owns shares in the company

does he always sound like a drunkard

It's like trying to take down Youtube. Twitch is "too big to fail."

Can we say nigger and faggot?

he hates twitch, clearly

No one is too big to fail. Powers that controlled entire Earth have failed in the past.

There has never been a consolidated world power

There's no reason to use any streaming platform other than Twitch.

twitch is fucking garbage and I hate it but I still think this will fail just like all the other Jewtube alternatives

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>Powers that controlled entire Earth
the fuck are you on about bitch, stop watching science fiction

sure thing Chaim

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>reward system
>takes no cuts

yeah that wont be broken and be even more riddled with ads.

This. It’s like thinking Steam or YouTube will be get taken over by a random alternative even though they’ve been around for over a decade. People are also too attached/dedicated to those older platforms to even bother using anything else.

Reminder that pewdiepie is essentially another Yong Yea and Philip deFranco as he makes money off of other people’s work
>that funny meme you posted on my reddit? Let me monetize it

Steam is getting taken over by EGS though.

No they aren’t, and they never will be. I literally don’t know a single person who has bought a game from the epic chink store.

>watching streams

ROME? china? fucking retard

i would literally do this for free if i was him, fuck twitch

streaming is not an alternative to youtube what the fuck are you talking about

>watching other people play fucking video games

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Finally a streaming site for Gamers.


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A single countries power doesn't encompass the entire world.

pewdiepie is a white supremacist

You can't even say faggot, retard, or rape on twitch without getting banned. We need a better platform that isn't run by pozzed SF leftists. Make speech free again.

>blockchain based streaming
Makes sense why pewds would advertise a cryptocurrency
Too bad this is one of those cases of the currency not meaning anything for the technology and just being a btc clone. It's centralized just like twitch and will be dead in two weeks.

Felix is literally to rich to be bought, he just does what he wants now

It's like trying to take down facebook. It's too convenient to use twitch so nobody is gonna switch to another service.

yeah you are


>Is hate speech that directly attacks a person or group on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, disability, disease, age, sexual orientation, gender, or gender identity.

Nevermind, this shit is just as garbage as twitch is.

No you idiot. People don't switch social media platforms because the entire point of social media is interacting with people. You can have a social media platform that offers objectively better service but since people are all that matters it's fucking pointless to switch over

Real talk, would there be anyone who can actually compete with youtube? Not necessarily take them down, but at least make some sort of decent competitor.
Can apple do it with some sort of appletube?

>literal who company competing with Bezos-kun

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i agree kinda, but america is a different deal, it's the biggest unified nation state to ever exist, with the biggest military to ever exist, and the biggest economy to ever exist. I refuse to believe that america will fall like qing china did, or soviet, or decolonization

the only platform that's ever come even close to youtube in any metric is niconico and that's still 95% japanese users

At this point, unless they burn themselves out, all people can hope to do is provide and cater to niche markets of content creation

What a fucking nigger

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that comments over the video thing is still cancer

Before facebook everyone was on myspace.
There's no reason to stay on facebook eternally.

Every new generation gives zero fucks about your traditional platforms. Infact it's a bonus to get away from the old people.

Heck no. By offering the same thing except less content. No chance.

>referring to him by his first name
He’s not your friend. You’re just money in his eyes.

Who is he?


>he doesn't remember youtube's old commenter annotation system

Isn't that apple's MO?

Nigger I don't even watch him, everything I said is fact. He made enough money before 2015 to retire for the rest of his life. God forbid I call someone by their name

Bezos is a meme.He fuck slags on the daily and loses quarter of his money just like that, he can't be trusted.

That was also cancer
But the biggest cancer was reply videos

and that's a good thing!

>dailymotion is actually second
who the fuck is using dailymotion and for what

>to rich to be bought
He takes almost any advertising deal he can get and will shill anything because he hardly makes money from YouTube any more and he's on thin ice with them anyway. Not saying there's anything wrong with that.

Not according to the fact that he shills some fucking chink gatorade knockoff in every video.

In one of his recent videos he mentioned that he is still doing sponsorships and promotions until he has enough money to buy a house in Japan


Spotted the jew.
Or poo in loo, hard to tell.
Same smell anyway.

I use it for subbed Gaki no Tsukai videos. Youtube only has old shit.

>he's on thin ice with them anyway.
There will literally be street riots and mass shootings if Youtube ever bans him.

Here's why!

They just need to allow egirls to stream with their tiddies out and trannies to stream with dick cams and it'll kill twitch.
wow yeah I sure am mad

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Literal pocket change
You have no idea how much he actually has, and thank god he doesn't let people know because no one would like him if his personality reflected his bank account

neither rome nor china controlled the whole fucking earth you mongloid

fighting against google or amazon always sounds like a good idea

am I right guys

Funny thing is, he's never moving to Japan. Being a YouTuber isn't a job in the eyes of the Japanese immigration office, and all his money is irrelevant unless he has an actual trade or skill set to emigrate with.

90% of people I've seen using it is to watch some series or movies that get deleted from youtube immediately.

People like making content for him and the atention dumbass. In fact, that's the whole premise of the reddit, and people love it.

European imperial nations rules most of the wolrd in the 18th and 19th century

>american education

Pewdpiepie got paid to advertise this service, what is your excuse?

Nico is fucking imploding too, viewership dropped like a fucking rock in the last couple years. They are unironically going to youtube now.

Boy it sure is funny how Yea Forums will defend e-celebs now

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Yeah some people like being sheep. That doesn’t mean it’s a good thing dumbass.

In that same video he implied he has over 16 million dollars, so it's likely he has over 30 million dollars if you just pay attention to that video.

He can buy a house in Japan, he just is doing that be humble bullshit.

jesus fucking christ

What a dumb name.

>just like all the other Jewtube alternatives
Twitch is currently replacing Youtube the same way Youtube replaced actually playing video games ~10 years ago. Young kids prefer it.

Eat a dick, faggot. PewDiePie is a retarded name and even he knows it.

inb4 gets banned by PayPal
inb4 its internet service provider chickens out
inb4 outrage mobs make sure anyone who goes to an uncensored platform suffers the full wrath of the SJW mob

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I don't like the guy at all. Never. Horror game streaming until today. But he is too big to fail, and he's smart, so good luck.
You can wait for him to die, though. Oh wait, your fat ass will have clogged arteries first.

holy cringe

>training a whole generation of non-cucked swedes

pretty fucking BASED if I do say so myself.

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>Horror game streaming until today
Why do people still believe this? He doesn't even play games at all any more.

>Popular thing I don't like is shit and the people who like it sheeps

Why do you think he wouldn't take a better sponsor if it was presented? He might be rich as fuck but $50k a day is still better than $10k a day and it's not like people would prefer to see G fuel shilled for over Gatorade (for example).

He's rich but he still clearly has some use for money and that's harder to come by after you've dropped an nigger bomb on live internet.

so like, die? that sounds like an awful name

From the beginning till today. I have never warmed up to him, no matter his ventures. He knows how to please a crowd, though.


Well yeah, I am not saying he isn't going to take a better one, but in the grand scheme of things if he wanted to burn the channel to the ground he could and then fuck off to anywhere he wanted and live comfortably.

struck a nerve there, bud?

Keyword being NationS dumb euromutt.

America is really the only modern empire. How many bases do they have in Europe and how many does Europe have in America?

No selfawareness it seems.

don't you have some third world record support to provide?

Hopefully, in the past few years they're slowly going more and more the way of the merchant. Getting too big for their boots

You kinda are? You still his channel for free for le epic maymay and watch his garbage meme regurgitations. Pretty sheep behavior

I'm fine here laughing at you 12yos

Yeah, since I clearly love the guy. Get a brain.

America doesnt have the largest military user. We have the largest navy but overall largest goes to the USSR or China depending on accounting

>There are now people on Yea Forums who will unironically defend PDP
What Happened?

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hehe nigger


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Yeah, specially a racist bigot like him

Uhhh when has Yea Forums become so toxic?

Point to me where I shill his channel. I just said that people like interacting with him through reddit.


My dick in your ass happened.


he's based you can't debate that fucking faggot

I'm gonna buy BL3

Closest may be Persia. At its peak it controlled like 50% the world population. UK gets honorable mention for conquering some third of the planet's landmass. Mongols did a good job but couldnt stick it

the free market doesn't exist, twich, youtube, twitter can ban everyone they one because they have a monopoly.
memeber when twitter was going to die because they banned that edgy brit faggot? nothing happen. fuck you.

Dis gonna b gud
I still remember when Ralph pumped and dumped DLive and left it in shambles.

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>defending e-celebs

Children and people who come to Yea Forums thinking it is a shitposting ground for their retarded view of the world

people started thinking for themselves

Thumbs up from me. Twitch is jew as fuck now. None of the original developers are present.

Until you make a joke and get permanently banned by smug tranny admins. Stop deluding yourself, Twitch is cancer and we need a successor that's more free speech oriented, they run it like naizis because there is currently no competition.

8k views on a 12m twitter


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Who says that?

It takes longer for pirated content to get removed from there, if it ever does.

The children who were 12/13 and grew up watching PewDiePie are now old enough to post on this site. In a stroke of genius he actually aged up his content with his audience, creating content that appeals to the edgy adolescent demographic.

>smug tranny admins
This is how to out yourself as a retard in 3 sentences

how can I make people upvote my memes on /r/PewdiepieSubmissions/? my Yea Forums memes can't make it to his videos...

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>Horror game streaming until today
Ever tried to figure things out yourself instead of blindly believing everything that others say?

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>3 sentences
this is your brain on HRT lads

Your best chance was when he browsed /gif/.

Kids eventually grow up, dude.

Literally every country in the world has a "I got 50 million dollars to pump into your local economy" clause in their immigration policy.

Mixer is actually a superior platform to Twitch. If you set it up right there's literally less than a second stream delay. Unfortunately it's ran by Microsoft who don't know how to market anything to do with games.

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wtf is gif

You know you could actually look at his content and compare it to what he was putting out back in 2013.
He's not screaming into the camera and faking reactions anymore. He's significantly changed and barely plays video games anymore

No one is buying it dude

read the about its seem interesting like Minds but I dont know if it can be truly sustainable

You sir are a fucking retard.

Mixer is pretty good actually, but once again why ever use a platform with 1/100th of the reach of twitch

That's because you don't have any friends faggot

look at this fucking redditor holy shit

>The internet historian video

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Dlive is a really shit platform, I wish he did this when was still alive so whatever the fuck was going on there could have lasted a little longer

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check the community guideline idiot. The bank decide the what guidelines should be follow.

didnt that ass game buy him as a sponser?

>he doesn't know
They want users because they run a crypto miner in your browser. That's how they make their money.
As compensation, they pay streamers in their own crypto that can be exchanged for bitcoin.

yeah he went from soul to soulless

A Chinese company.

And this is your brain on paranoia and propaganda. Amuse me and cry about the jews now, retard.

Never. Just like nobody can compete with twitch.

Remember Youtube gaming?

A certain race was nationless for a very long time and have used this to gain multinational power

literally paranoid

How is faking being scared "soul"?

What the fuck is t-series again? I remember /ournigger/ e-celeb at the moment had video about it but don't actually listen to them, vids just play in the background.

Other than mixer wasn't there another Vod and streaming services that also uses crypto shit to pay? It was something like or or some shit like that

he doesnt give (need to) give a fuck about viewers or money or anything anymore for the rest of his life you stupid faggot

>no u
Top kek. What out retard, those transsexuals are coming to take your videogames as well.

Oh nonono

Attached: literally.png (208x98, 3K) wasn't

They're India's MTV

It's like the youtube page of the indian government or something, everytime someone in india makes a youtube account they're automatically subscribed

Its like Vevo except for India

Are you implying there isn't a leftist agenda to destroy videogames by removing all straight white male characters?

Attached: 15657869654.jpg (593x569, 211K) was doing fine but ownership got death threats and doxxed and all that.


why would anyone need a base in america? do you expect europe to go to war with mexico?

Americans have bases in europe because its alot closer to the middle east and israel than america is

I see. Well, we got less than year until India becomes THE superpower of the globe so...

Why did they death threats?

he said the n word once and all of the edgy faggots are all over him.

>can't use the app unless you link a M$ account
>if you create a M$ account, you're assigned a xbox live tag

What ever happened to Livestream, Ustream,, etc. Why was twitch the only one to survive?

oh for fuck's sake

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It's too easy to force a retarded post from you like this, keep amusing me

Pretty sure they need to stop shitting in the streets before that ever happens was kinda lawless, for the most part, there were a lot of "troll" channels where people would just make fun of faggots and trannies and all that is twitch, ya dingus

They'd need to pay several dozen streamers to move over to the new service from twitch for a month or more to get people to leave twitch. The issue is companies try this shit all the time, mixer tried it even, they offered instantaneous partnership and easy money to people who switched over, but didn't have exclusivity clause in their contract so everyone took the money and just continued to stream on twitch, and then when mixer updated their tos no one bothered to side with them cause twitch has the larger viewerbase.
It's the same way own3d got buttfucked, they moneyhatted so many streamers that when money ran out, they all dipped. I was one of them, streaming league of legends, they owed me $830 USD in ad revenue before they shut down, and I was totally out of money. Luckily twitch took me back, instant partner, with a signing bonus for a period of exclusivity. This of course was back in 2012, they'd never bother with that shit unless a real celebrity started streaming.

This dlive shit overestimates pewdiepie's relevance to streaming. No one who watches streamers watches pewdiepie, so it's unlikely they'll get any serious money outside of whatever shit he gets the first day he streams, then probably never again.

as big as youtube is, its not making google any money. in fact, google got to pay off pocket to keep it running. its weird.

livestream and ustream still both exist. livestream is the most popular choice for normie stuff like "omg giraffe baby cam!" or whatever. ustream is the second most popular choice in japan over niconicolive. justin tv existed alongside twitch but eventually twitch just overshadowed it so much that they sc rapped the justin name.

Not really, he's just proud to be white like most people should be of their race

>his 12 year old sycophants
Going the way of in under a year

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imagine if every vevo channel was merged into one and imagine the subscribers it would have
then imagine that you have the population of india
then imagine you have a deal with youtube to auto subscribe anyone in india to your companies channel
then imagine still losing to some swedish twink

They used to be separate. When amazon bought Justin/Twitch they shut down Justin that day.

>Going the way of in under a year

I mean as long as you start the conversation I can't get banned. No matter how many of you shitlicks report me.

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probably hired goons from twitch killing off the competition

Cause it's a name brand at this point and while the site itself may not be profitable through ad revenue, they're making their money through companies paying for top spots on stuff like trending (to get more eyes on their content which leads to conversion into further, easier sponsorship recognition), I'd also point out t-series but i'm sure anyone with a quarter of a brain knows how they're buying subscribers, considering they jumped up to 25 million subscribers in under a month, and have since slowed down and sped up to keep parity with pewdiepie almost exactly.

changing his name and doing the exact same thing?


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all thanks to Brenton Tarrant

and now twitch has an irl section which is what justin was

probably just a branding thing, probably gets less attention as a name than twitch since to the uninformed twitch could be anything, whereas justin is just a guys name

If by fine you mean running at a loss then yes they were doing fine.
The site wasn't profitable and wasn't going to be for a long time if ever. If it had been, measly death threats wouldn't have affected them.

Media companies like this will always rise and fall simply because of a different generation coming into the picture, thus the platform that the older generation uses is seen as lame by the younger generation, so they switch to something else. Facebook is an example of this, and soon youtube will suffer the same fate.

>I'd also point out t-series but i'm sure anyone with a quarter of a brain knows how they're buying subscribers, considering they jumped up to 25 million subscribers in under a month,
arent they at 90 million now?

Actually it's known now that pretty much all gaming and alternative clickbait websites like kotaku have been lying to investors about how much money they were actually making for quite some time.


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I miss being young. Hope these little zooms grow up to be respectable fine men.

Yes, but i'm talking 2017 when the channel was made, then suddenly jumped up to 2m subscribers in under 3 hours, then 25m over the course of a month, and hit the fucking brakes and have slowed to a far more reasonable rate of 'growth' since, because if they just jumped up to 250m or whatever they plan on, it'd look incredibly suspicious.
>hurrdurr india is massive
it is, but there's some level of foul play here, their videos barely scrape 500k views, if that. That means they've got under %0.2 viewer retention. that's fucking pathetic if it's legitimate.

wtf i love pewdiepie now
Both at 93 million. Pewdiepie has a 300k lead


>being proud of something you have no control over
Being happy to be white is fine, pride is a personal accomplishment not a happenstance one

What's your opinion on gay and black pride?

It's a myspace Tom. Everyone in India is automatically subscribed.

Nobody growing up in today's political climate turn into respectable fine men.

is it true that if you sign up to youtube using an indian ip then you get auto subbed to t-series?

He literally said "fuck white nationalists" in a recent video though.

Holy shit last year pdp was on 60m

[citation needed]

Even if that's true, you think there's been a growth of 90 million indians on youtube in the last 20~ months? I don't. That's nearly 10% of their population. No amount of infrastructure related improvements will lead to that. That's like 10% of america suddenly being able to buy a house.

pretending to be retarded doesn't protect you

F. If I had to hear/play Levels that many times I'd kill myself too.

I mean white people did create the world as we know it.

>zoomers actually watch pewdiepie
fucking nerds lmao

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What the fuck he was 490k a couple of days ago, how are t-series are catching up again that fast.

Internet is becoming more affordable over there, so that's part of why they grew so much

I'd sign up if I could actually get that verification code. The servers don't look ready for all these new users.

they're gonna be manchildren shitposting on-line complaining about not having a gf, shocker

He needs more subs than the population of India desu

internet is, and has been affordable the world over due to satellite providers and 3G becoming the standard. You can go into the heart of the continent of africa and pull a super stable 3G internet signal. For under $1 a month USD for many of those same countries.

That's been the case since 2014 or so when android really exploded.

Aren't you automatically subscribed to T-series if you make a youtube account in india?

3g still requires cell towers. Satellite phones are extremely basic and expensive to call from.

Literal fake news
This is not even your opinion, it's just something you heard a literal sweden cuck spouting and didn't even question it

Listen to the truth, not a cuck

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>mobile yet again ruining the internet
first we get normies and thots ruining the internet thanks to their internet connected phones and now niggers.

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I'm not talking about satellite phones, you are misinformed about the availability and advancements made in cell technology.

hopefully it takes off
fuck corporate media amazon-owned twatch included

>T-series is great cause indians love music!
then why are none of their subscribers watching anything? Is that not in the slightest bit suspicious? Even absolute garbage ilke machinima was getting 1% of their subs to watch their trash videos before they kicked the bucket. t-series isn't even getting that much.

/r/pewdiepiesubmissions here
get dabbed on nibba

I'm not watching that video, but can it pay streamers?
99% of people streaming are doing it for cash. Get up to 50 viewers > get partnered > get free games and cash from playing those games for a given time. Get more and more offers and benefits the more viewers you get. Thats why twitch is dominant.
Being a literally who new startup can it even compete with that? Cause nobody else with more resources wants to bother

I read that part its just if for whatever reason a lot of people leave what would happen it seems risky for them somewhat

I miss being young.

>50 viewers
you can get affiliate on twitch for 3 concurrent viewers now, which gives you the sub button and access to bits. And yes dlive offers a partnership program but it's less robust, you only have subscriptions, no ads.


>kids giving the nazi salute

he taught them well.

Don't forget the bounty board. You get the game for free (runescape got free membership), AND get paid to play it for an hour. It's ridiculously easy to make money.

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Felix has some balls standing up to corporations.

Didn't he denounce white nationalism? Can we finally get this e-celeb shit off Yea Forums?

based, the fact that PDP has unironic fans on Yea Forums shows just how far this shithole has fallen
kill yourselves

poopiepie xd

>Ustream will kill Twitch guys
>Hitbox will kill Twitch guys
> will kill Twitch guys
>Picarto will kill Twitch guys

There's a huge difference between let's say, people who sub to a very niche youtube channel who puts out a video every month, and millions of indians subbing to massive channel that shits out thousands of music videos to people with different tastes, so % retention by itself doesn't tells everything, context is important

You said it yourself, only 1% of machimina subs even watched their content
If even a hobby channel like that can only pull 1%, imagine something more casual and massified like t-series

Also, snowball effect (pajeet subs to t-series because it's the most popular channel, then rajeet does the same, then sajeet and so on)

Thats the same as people just donating money, not the same. I'm talking about this shit Without something similar its dead, there already are plenty of other streaming sites that you can set up donations for.
Again, this is why twitch is dominant. Nobody wants to 'just stream', or at least 99% dont. People want a fucking career and steady income off fucking streaming videogames.

A site with a bitcoin miner and ran by chinese..

How many viewers do you need to get that? Just set up bots to watch yourself.

It’s literally just the kids that grew up with him are now young adults. It’s the same reason people have nostalgia over Minecraft now


I was watching him when he first put out anmesia videos and stopped when he move on to happy wheels. I started watching him again recently because of all the negative media attention. Him saying nigger was probably the best thing to ever happen to him.

>try to sign up
>no code in my email for 20 minutes
nnice site shills

You have to be partnered (bare minimum 75 concurrent viewers unless you're topping charts consistently and have 40+ sub points on a dead game) and usually it's only for people with 500+ viewers doing variety streams anyway. It's still in beta at the moment, I'm in it (the monetary compensation is way less than in that mockup I'll add) , but basically I just got an email asking if I was interested in it, since I'd already been given fallout 4 a day early to stream, and more recently I got given a copy of borderlands remastered a day early to stream.

Mr. Kjellberg it is

>Go to their site
>They have a section on the top banner dedicated to PUBG Mobile

Into the trash it goes.

Post your Dlive links if you're enough of a faggot to stream video games so I can follow you

Another platform that enables thots? Yay!

They have stats they look at and someone personally looks over your stream to make sure youre not botting during the review process. Also the money is scaled to the amount of average viewers you have. You'd have to set up a considerable amount of time into setting up intricate bots to pass it and make that sorta cash. For sub 100 viewers it only makes back the cost of an average game.

I dont have a camera and use a shitty 5 year $10 clip on mic.

can i be a streamer mom

If you use a vpn to India and open a YouTube account, you are automatically subbed to them.
Nobody watches their videos, let alone subscribe voluntarily.

They banned my Kung Pow stream so I hate them.

I don't use a camera either. I'm not ever going to be pulling ten thousand viewers but for the 120~ I do get they don't seem to mind.
I look like a fat greasy balding troll so it's for the best anyway.

underaged retard. pewdiepie is a symbol of the counter culture, he deserves our support

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is it in their faq or are you pulling it out your ass? not saying this can't be true but I just need a source

rather do other shit like living and improving my life than wasting my time "supporting" a millionaire who's already living his life like a retired man

But you do you

Cringe. He's /ourguy/

I am surprised and saddened by the negative replies to this post.

>living and improving my life
> posts on a Korean basketweaving forum where opinions don't matter

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He owns the site now. He has a majority control over what happens so he is going to shill it for free.

I dont like pewdiepie but I can respect him for just being honest with himself from the "forced happiness" video, and isn't apologetic for the "alt-right" things he's accused of.

Why is a paid promotion he took need an post on /v?

>rather do other shit like living and improving my life
By posting on Yea Forums?

>you can sign up using your twitch account

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I was going to say I bought "My Time at Portia" but then I remembered I actually pirated it.

It's lucky I did, the game was made by chinks.

Naaah not really. They want to leach of him for attention but since his jokes aren’t eve edgy and he is not really supremacist or racist they, they ignore him

will it have THOT's ?

Attached: Thot.png (400x491, 115K)

using someones surname is a sign of respect. fucking idiot nigger

So what do the millions of faggot Japan vloggers do for a job then

For people who don't get it:
This is a Chinese company that paid Pewdiepie a huge chunk of cash to promote them and stream on their site for 7 months. Pewdiepie also "offered to give upto $50k randomly to a streamer" which in reality means the company will give him $50k to give to them.

Having said that you'll see a lot of streamers probably swapping since they will get 100% of the tips and 90% of the subs with it.

Greed > all.

Pewdiepie was originally from Yea Forums and would shill his vids here

The number 9 top stramer on the site is a thot

It's also going to be flooded with chinese streams since panda TV is shutting down and twitch still has a bunch of stupid restrictions for chinese streamers like not being allowed to talk about certain subjects.

you really must be 13 to not understand what a surname is

They are all married to japs

when he said blockchain my mind instantly went to them using your pc to mine while you watch a stream

you call him felix because its his first name because you dont respect him enough to call him by his surname. spic nigger retard cunt

>using someones surname is a sign of respect
Yes, when you add Mr./Mrs.
Nobody in the west just refers to somebody by their surname.
Plus you dont even know what a surname is you retard

Getting into the streaming video business is a bad idea. The money it costs for bandwidth is insane to push out 1080p/60fps video to thousands upon thousands of people.

What the "little people" need is some sort of Bittorrent based streaming technology, in which you could offload the bandwidth weight onto the viewers. Yes, I consider Pewdiepie a little person, he has a lot of money, but he isn't going to turn a profit on this anytime soon. This is just going to be a money sink unless he gets big advertiser bucks really quick.

>he has a lot of money, but he isn't going to turn a profit on this anytime soon
he profited just by saying the name of the site

Is it ok if I call him faggot e-celeb?

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Old Yea Forums hated PewDiePie because of how cringey he was. Now all of PDP's underaged fans have "grown up" (some are still under 18) are on Yea Forums and suck his dick all day.

Twitch works because it pays out like 2.5 or 3 bucks a sub every month and its owned by probably the biggest company in the world currently. Anyone with 2000 subs or more makes a decent wage off of playing video games. Unless someone is willing to pay 100s or 1000s of people 5-6 digits a year to play video games it'll never work.

hes a real celebrity at this point


bitcoin mining with cpus and gpus aren't even viable anymore

imagine being a fag who wants to "support" 'pewds'

how old are you btw?

Why is no one complaining how it’s not on twitch?
It’s disgusting how you guys are

dlive is such a shit platform, how can they afford pewdipie i have no clue but it will day pretty fast. I mean just look at the website.

I can only imagine the smell.

is this real? who gets to use bounty boards?

Anybody who responds negatively to this statement needs to leave this site

I wonder why this blatantly off topic thread hit 300+ replies hmmm. What a mystery hmmm

Punished Pewds
A man denied his N-word

Twitch is scared. They know that e-thots is basically what keeps the company floating. If they switch over to DLive, it's over.

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and underage

Are you fucking dumb, how many of these sites has popped up, same skin and UI just different colour. They pay 500 viewer channels from YouTube and manlytears to stream. It will die in 3 months when the money drys up.

This but unironically

and its dead already bros

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Right now it's in beta, you have to opt in to a waitlist. They offered it to people who have a history of high sponsorship quantity content on their channel. I'd been sponsored by runescape, by nexon for lawbreakers, bethesda for fallout 4 (and 76 but i'm not allowed to talk about it because of how bad the game was), gearbox for borderlands remastered, and about 50 other titles in the last year and a half.

The bounty board, for me personally at an average concurrent viewercount of 350 (+- obviously) gives me access to 2-3 titles a month. Instead of being paid $1000 up front by the company, or potentially more, or even nothing, in a few of the earliest cases (fallout 4 I got 0 cash, but the game for free, and a few days early which bolstered my stream from double digits to triple). Now you always got monetary compensation, as well as the game, though you tend to get way less because twitch is taking their cut. Recently, I got an offer for apex legends, so I was playing that for a while, I got $37 and about $50 in apex coins which is their premium currency/"not vbucks" thing.

The rate at which they're changing the board, and asking for feedback (roundtable with my group of 6 other partners + me + bounty board coordinator/pr tech, every month) makes me think the pool of users is probably still fairly limited.

as long as twitch is getting money hatted by amazon's infinite supply of funds, Twitch will always be on top for streaming.

I don't see myself ever using the service though because prudish family friendly corporations aren't worth my time.

>offer the same as twitch
>people will just turn to dlive a new platform with shit design and name

yeah no, idk how these CEOs get the money to afford PewDiePie but damn

>dlive is such a shit platform
Works better for me than Twitch. But that isn't such a high bar to clear.

>live stream on blockchain

Nah, not investing in a crypto ponzi scheme.

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Oh and an aside, not every title is some AAA pub tossing cash at you, last month I had some survival indie game called "green hell" on my bounty board, for $1.37. That is one dollar and thirty seven cents USD. For a 4 hour block of gameplay. I passed, naturally. I'd make more playing a game i'm not being paid to play anymore like fortnite or runescape or PoE.

but dude, we're all gonna get fucking rich. Stop thinking about it and just commit usury already.

when you google dlive it says largest streaming service on blockchain powered by lino blockchain.

LOL its the biggest fucking scam, they literally mining coin on the website.

This. Fuck e celebs

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>pubg mobile is second
Yeah, umm, that's gonna be a yikes from me dawg.

Was just about to start using it. Definitely not using anything associated with chinks though. Fuck dlive

>PUBG Mobile and Roblox with high views
So this is the power of PDPkeks

Stop talking like that you NPC

Chinese hustle
Where's Sunny

Subscribe to Dolan Dark.

he has no money to buy a house in Japan? LOL

I don't think he can live in Japan unless he has a job.

He's probably wasting a crapton of money on plateau shoes


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He has enough. In his google myself video he said 20 million was low balled.