>party member casts healing
>on your worst party member
Party member casts healing
Other urls found in this thread:
He is proud of his beautiful daughter, not disappointed atall
>Party member casts healing
>On the boss
What would a healing spell do to a tranny?
Yea Forums is obsessed with trannies
>its a percentage based heal
Yea Forums IS trannies
Fix their mental health or gaping crotch wound, whichever was more severe.
I was looking for this webm. Thanks.
>snaps his finger
>40% of people commit suicide
[desperate hope this is just a phase intensifies]
glad Im not the only one
Because it's a crime when a cute trap cuts off his feminine penis.
>not wanting sweet dick-swinging parses
Poor form, even for a shitpost thread
This is what he took half the population of the universe to snap-city for.
Healing spells don't really work on mental states. They're debuffs, so a dispel would work better.
so desu ka
Nani ga?!
Not all of us cut off our penis
t. dick girl
>Party member betrays you
>They were working for the game's antagonist the entire time
fuck that roastie i feel sorry for christian
pls be in london.
>it's a fucking full heal
>boss goes from 20% to full
Fuck you Persona 5
where is the proof
post butt
trannies arent welcome in london anymore insallah
>Half the population of the universe was thinking of switching sides
What a dark timeline
is islam, dare I say it, our guys?
>Muslims put a stop to tranny agenda
> /pol/ doesn't think they're based
What gives?
The final boss off 3 is more infamous for doing this. youtube.com
No. Just more foreigners to mutt your dying culture.
>enemy steals mp from guy with no spells
It's amazing how ultra-liberals still defend them.
Birmingham isn't in London
>Enemy steals the healers MP
Tranny/tolerance/SJW agenda was installed to let the Muslims in.
Leftists are AIDS. Muslims are a fever. When your immune system is down from AIDS even a cough will kill you.
You're dying.
Everything is in london. Nowhere else in the country matters or is of any relevance whatsoever.
I hate this london-centric country.
Yeah London has even more muslims
Just say liberals
Trying to be fair and make the distinction between the honest, everyday ones and the rabid vocal loonies.
>Boss is an undead
>theyre all just liberals bro no difference
yet you chimp out when they call conservatives alt-right
>AI defaults to attacking the lowest level party member
>Just keep the tank underleveled and ace the game
Bad AI drives me insane.