/ctt/ - Console Tan Tuesday
/ctt/ - Console Tan Tuesday
Other urls found in this thread:
about time
second for periscope
Fast board today
Comfy is back!
What better way to start off a Tuesday than with some Gamer Fuel brand pancakes? i.imgur.com
yeah sorry, im already on my bullshit
What took you guys so long?
but how did they turn into oancakes and for what purpose?
well I cant make a thread
Are you into tf in general or just body shape change?
What the fuck... Also, why is XBone not eating herself?
Oh my God Why?!
It's the request the user from last week made of Xbone as a necromancer! But what's this? Why does it look so shitty? Well, you see, the nib on my drawing pen got damaged, and I realized I'm out of replacement nibs. I ordered some new ones, but they won't be in for a few more days. I'm really sorry, I drew this with a mouse just to tide you over until then. I promise that the real pic will be much better drawn, much more dynamic, and I'll use color layers instead of the paint bucket tool.
Have cute PS2-tan in string bikini
She can't deviate from her strict American diet of cheeseburgers or else.
Hello /ctt/, whats new in the world of videogames this week?
someone wanted an Action Gamemaster so here is a dumb thing
Requesting Xbone-tan and Gamecube-tan at workout
Reminder that you're not supposed to marry your consoles.
>another thread seething rent-free about Yea Forumsermin
Ace Attorney comes out on steam today.
Requesting PC and Toasty as Nick and Edgeworth.
more PS Tv when?
it's still pretty nice
I love my vita!
cute, what's an action gamemaster though?
A cancelled handheld by the creators of the Cheetahmen.
Dunno, maybe something heavy fell on them and they got mixed up with some real pancakes
>what purpose
To feed 2DS, obviously :^)
Mostly the latter
The most exciting time of the week has finally come!!
console-tansssssss :D
neat, how the hell could it run cds with that size?
can you please draw more thick consoles?
explain this fetish to me
do the console-tans die after they're eaten?
It's extremely painful
I assume the "CD adapter" would clip on to the back of the handheld if that shit was ever real in the first place
I might be able to do that, if there's a request that piques my interest.
Comes down to various factos like objectification, humiliation, power dynamics, etc. Not really a discussion for this thread though.
And I'm personally not a fan of those ends, but some vagueness/ambiguity on them makes it more 'exciting'
That looks great honestly. Pretty cute.
More Reactor When?
Requesting Nuon as a masked wrestler doing a plancha to GameCube.
Xbone, ps4 and optionally Switch getting fat in a small room so they can barely move.
/r/equesting limited run-tan feeding ps4, switch, and vita a ton of physical games
So I’m outting myself as a newfag to these threads to ask you /ctt/, what’s your opinion on the other characterizations of the consoles? Like skeleton/ainz Xbox and such
Spooky cat joins koikatsu!
Those are the fanbase
not canon just like stadia
I thought they were supposed to be fanboys?
I’ve seen it both ways, not quite sure at this point
PS4-tan using a bloated Xbone-tan like a trampoline
I want to fuck her thighs and lick her pits.
Requesting Xbone-tan at workout
Were there any april fools images past week?
Also suggesting Sega-tan and Sega Genesis-tan watching Sonic X on TV
How Sega-tan would react to Sonic X? But Dreamcast-tan literally enjoys Sonic X i guess
what do you mean? like announcements of consoles from the big companies, or images from the artists from /ctt/?
/ctt/ images like console-tans pranking each other.
there was a -tan based off limited rare, the knockoff of limited run-tan. does that count?
Also we want see more of Xperia Play-tan, she is pure cutie
not that i know of, unless you count the 2DS/CD-i image set.
there was also joke consoles that got tans, none that were drawn by the good artists, but its there
I like em, anything that's not a frog or wojak
those aren't console tans i think
>tfw Tuesday
who's next?
Requesting Wii and Reactor reenacting the Faker scene from SA2.
I've been waiting for this.
What a dummy
Everyone point and laugh
Wow, are you serious? I feel legitimately stupid. I’ve been on this board for about 8 years and never once did that occur to me. I thought it was representing the companies or something, instead of the fanbase
I like this. I like this a lot.
Poor Dreamcast, she needs to go for a ride and cheer up
These are NOT pancakes
Xbone! and Xbox!
aren't there like two more versions coming out soon
did scorpio ever come out? was that xXxbonexXx?
best console
Jaguar remake.
to add to the pile of thicc requests, need some thicc xboxhueg , possibly outshining xbone
American sized consoles are the best.
Dreamcast grew well
where's the fish game
Why isn't she canon? Don't tell me you're butthurt, user
Not him but don't worry she's canon.
Not him but do worry she's not canon.
she is canon, it's just a few butthurt wojakniggers
Don't forget to upload new drawstuffs to the booru!
If you tag them correctly, switch-tan might give you that sweet, sweet final release!
she's canon enough that we got /d/ user to draw her
tag the pictures user
shitty design that spawned from a flavor of the 3 days
I draw for /ctt/
>I draw for /ctt/
prove it
>I draw for /ctt/
so a butthurt drawfag instead then
I love ngage but also retron 5
where are my comfy consoles
I want comfy GBA
and comfy switch (the cute twins one)
and comfy wii
and comfy cube
Is the PS2 still on the top of the food chain?
Comfy death.
Pretty much
She also has no friends
Who needs friends when you have kick targets?
why does it even matter, is my opinion suddenly more valuable if I'm a drawfag?
I just find her design bland and uncreative, a girl with a shirt and a floating ponytail or something like that.
it's a design that would work for any tan, just draw a girl wearing a shirt with the logo of the company they belong to and you're done.
also the amount of shitposting it brought made me dislike her even more.
Ok now do Vita
>is my opinion suddenly more valuable if I'm a drawfag?
yes actually
>is my opinion suddenly more valuable if I'm a drawfag?
It is when you're flaunting it around as one you fucking sperg don't bring up that you're a drawfag just to use it as leverage in some petty argument you pathetic fuck
pretty sure wii has gotten her beat by now
jesus christ and you called me "butthurt"
ain't that ironic?
he's right you know
The ironic thing is I never said the word butthurt
Stop posting, you're embarrassing yourself
Nah, Wii is like 50 million away from PS2
DS is the closest, being about 2 million away
aight user, gonna just assume you had a bad day.
Wow. At this thread is gonna make it to after night and Wednesday morning.
>Wii is like 50 million away from PS2
oh well, its fine to have a comfy thread every once in a while
Last week's after dark thread nearly made it thursday
I'm actually really impressed
inb4 dvd player
last week's Afterdark had good reason to last that long
dvd player
It was really comfy too.
What happened?
It's too comfy.
we were blessed with the most sacred of lewds
they were great
Has anyone's grandma covered their Switch with lace? The dock design seems a bit counter-intuitive for that.
I second this
Don't forget ds
things got too comfy there, we could have died
So how is every one? what games have ya been playing recently?
one day someone will make a version of this with the modern -tans. One day.
None. Studying for tests now that I only have nights to do any work.
i've been playing with CD-I's rear hole
This was done by Graph, wasn't it? Maybe he could be convinced.
Although current tans are much more different than what's depicted here - PSP being the more petite gal and DS being ripped and busty.
Hollow Knight. I have about 10 other games I have partially finished and want to play but foolishly I decided to 100% hollow knight (not steel soul mode though, not doing that. All I have left to do is the Nightmare King, the Pantheon, getting the Hunter's Mark, and the Trial of Fools.
I'm stuck on the Trial of Fools and have been for about 3 weeks now. I keep getting brutalized by that one part with the flying enemies where the spikes come out of the floor. Aside from the difficulty in general, it's especially nasty for me because I run a healing set. Quick Focus, Deep Focus, Spore Shroom, Grubsong, Weaversong. But I can't heal on the part with the spikes because there's no floor. That means that I have to run a different charm set, get all the way through the trial with that set to the part with the spikes, and then hope it's enough. I've tried all sort of different sets and combinations but I haven't made much progress. I know Nailmaster's Glory and Quick Focus are a must, but what else can I do to make that part easier on myself?
Been playing borderlands. It's kinda sad how much better 1 is when it comes it the loot and general balance.
Best bully with the best bullyable girl!
Little early for afterdark posting, ain't it?
Too lewd! Spoiler that shit
>6:42 PM US east coast
>156 posts
>thinking there will be an afterdark this week
DQXI. I've done everything I wanted to do in that game, now I just need to actually beat it.
I also played the demo for Coffee Talk. Seems decent.
Thanks doc
MHGU. One urgent quest away from G rank.
We need a photo of just any tan standing in a middle of a field or empty city asking 'Where did everybody go?' for times lime these
Like* Damn it
>posting anything other than Arcade-tan
Yea I guess that sorta counts to what I
Guys, schools out. Wake up.
shut up dad
this is what happens when threads get too comfy
you've all brought this upon yourselves
Boy I will slap you across from this very screen.
oh goddamnit a duplicate file already exists
Looks like Xbone is spared from her terrible demise this time. This time.
fatties begone
Get this thot out of here Swtch-dog is the only acceptable anthropomorphism of the Switch.
1. You're a furfag, kill yourself
2. That's 3ds, you fucking newfag, kill yourself
That's 3DS moron
imagine being such a newfag that your epic callout targets the wrong tan
uh oh
Please, keep the thread alive for tomorrow today was a busy day
I'm liking this teaser
I'll try my best
I really wish this design had caught on.
I'll try. Though it might only be morning since we're closing in on 200 unless the night is incredibly slow
Goddammit how can just a smile be so lewd???
whoah mama
I love retard!
Well, I have not drawn anything since last week so don't think I saving something, I'll improvise.
Maybe cause you yourself are lewd, mr. anonymous
>tfw no 3ds
good morning
It's almost 7pm!
actually it's almost 8pm
Keep it alive
we can't user, there isnt anyone here
This is not the kind of shortstack I was hoping for.
throwing out my contribution to keep things floating
It's one in the morning
But what about
I'm trying, just give me a little bit
Reminder to lewd 2DS, Gamecube, and Wii.
It would have been nice, but deep down we all knew the lewds would never be.
Oh baby
Let me know when one of those threads with the console guys surrounding her on the couch pops up, they never seem to be around when you want them to be and I'm hoping to instill some poorly made nostalgia in it.
>tfw no comfy switch twins
I want Wii lewds with Reactor. With Wii dominating with her Nintendo superiority.
Alright, who keeps putting their lewds on the booru.
Some faggot has done that to probably every Yea Forums-related booru there is
It's either a bot or someone really dedicated
I love Xbox 360!
I love her!!
I love all the micrsosoft -tans I think. But I wish the one-x tan and the xbox hueg-tan got more art.
obese you mean
I think the proper term is "Walking Heart Attack"
Do the images have phishing links on them? I can't imagine why someone would dump porn when there are more unpleasant things to dump instead.
I can't wait to see who this is.
is that an X I see?
RIP my request
I'll take 20
best girl
I want to stop reminding my Master System request but I can't stop. Just do it once for all
>tfw I bought my xbone s bundle for $250 on black friday that came with Sea of Thieves but then sold it to get Rare Replay instead
what was the request?
Master System playing videogames with Mordecai and Rigby
Somebody draw it already.
>Just do it once for all
>draw it already.
real pushy today
This thread needs more Zeebo, draw more Zeebo!
not likely soon
i love the pc guy. He makes me giggle haha
this will only make sense to me and anyone who's played this to the end: youtube.com
Ehh I probably shouldnt post this here buy I started drawing this in another thread and this seemed like the next best fit
Sleep tight user
nice, user
I want more of this
I really like this image.
I wanna do lewd things to that PS4
user don't stick your dick in machines
Who dis
I like that these threads always end up making a lot of good porn
pstv is a lewd girl
There's a meme image floating around of Stadia-tan with with her in the background along with a Ninty soifag and a fat PCfag
Boy you guys sure did request a bunch of thick.
Only got to this one tonight, might do another for next week.
this edit?
yup that's it
This meme image is where she came from to begin with
I...kind of want to see a helmetless/human version of this Xbone.
Over 9000 hours in MS paint
sweet mercy
Why is Xbone-tan so perfect?
Very nice.
based oldfag
God the Nostalgia. Has it really been over 13 fucking years? I miss Snacks most of all. And when it was called OC, not memes
w-what year is it
Shit I guess all the old guard haven't left. There's still a little hope for this place
based grinman
Is there a tan with Yotsuba's personality?
Impossible. ALL -tans get lewded. A yostuba expy cannot exist.
I don't know how many of us are left, but we lurk. We don't shitpost like all this wojak and regurgitated "now that the dust has settled" bullshit, but we're either too addicted to leave or still find a few gems worth digging for. Truly Anonymous, nigga. You'll never know if we really are here.
as far as comparisons go, closest would be 2DS-tan who is a cute retard
That's the point I think.
Nobody ever leaves. Kinda warms my heart knowing al the faggy names and trips from back when grew up and embraced the anonymous
I'm really disappointed these thread died as soon as they did, mainly because I made an edit 2 weeks ago and have been waiting for another Stadia-tan thread to post it in.
Why not post it here? Stadia-tan is part of the /ctt/ family now after all
That Bone sure has a lot of meat on her.
Taking a request.
switch-twins hugging stadia
new -tans need support to get through the post-birth shitposting wave
Retron 3 dumping a tub of gatorade on Retron 4
The only thing tying it to Console-tans is the fact that it uses the original image as a template.
Post Zeeba
I've got a fever
And the only prescription
Is more borger
Has anyone drawn anything about how many adapters you would need to plug an Intellivision into a modern TV yet?
Virtual Boy emerging from a TV, The Ring style
lord of the borger
is it after dark yet
~200 posts to go, and we have ~30 minutes left
we're not gonna make it anonymous
Nuon-chan is the cuttest tan.
fucking based
30 minutes EST and we have 200 posts left. The only hope we have is if an user in the pacific makes an after dark thread since its 8 30 over there. And that's only if it hits 500 before 12, ctt gets slow around this time.
I've seen mods more often than not delete threads made after 12 EST, but leave any that were made even by 11:30 EST, so I think they use the easternmost US time zone as the judge. Most users don't seem to want to tempt it either, the more pushy we get the more likely it is we get the same fate as a certain other Yea Forums culture thread.
Holy shit! Cute!
Doomguy/Doomslayer having Stadia-tan ride on his shoulders as he slays demons
can someone edit it to have user or pc right behind her like hes impaling her with his dick
Why not both except PC is behind Xbox who is behind user all riding the dick train
Okay so, if sales = bigger tits, why the FUCK isn't the Wii or even the Switch an Oppaii loli?!
The Wii sold like 110 mil or someshit
perfect work chief
PS2 should be literally just a giant pair of boobs
YES! sure let's do that! Come on don't fail me /ctt/
You just know somebody wants to draw that.
uh oh!!
uh oh wat
page 9
oh well user. There's always next week
just passing by to say i admire your guys' resilience to keep these threads alive
Thank you
best n64-tan
Why is it so hard to come up with a popular N64-tan design
My favorite is the one with polygonal pigtails
When's Daddy Atari coming to save vidya?
If I upload a mega, is anyone willing to update the booru?
Goodnight best girl
Dead general.
Dead fanbase.
Dead show.
Wrong thread?
I wish there was a console-tan show
Think of the comfiness
Poor little PSOne
wargraav was here
ctt is a loser
That's a big Bone
a BIG bone.
Time for bed
If you're not here when I wake up, I'll see y'all next week
Morning /ctt/
Can we agree that this family is the best? (Photo is missing some though.)
Give me ideas
But for real I'm serious about the fanfiction
It isn't what you think either
Main difference is that the heroine isn't underage in my fanfiction
But whatever
Revenge for the wojackniggers
Anyone here also making a tulpa?
Any tips?
Very cute photo I agree it's the best family
Also is code academy good for learning coffee?
Assembly specifically
Anyone else here having gay sex with their brother
Any tips?
based derailer
How do I aim better in tf2 it csgo?
I'm literally posting a comic with video game characters
In the video game board
No derailing here
Now please answer my fanfiction question
that art is worse than the first one.
I've actually unironically masturbated to two babies one fox before
they had a tight budget and had to make cuts
Thanks mods
I ask this, but for my last 3-4 years of saving things of the flockmod and aggie.
I'm a lazy fuck sorry user
>I was fapping
You should b hanging yourself instead
I am too, no need to apologize.
We need a pic of these two doing it
Just give it up my guy.
We have mod protection and arent going anywhere any time soon.
We already have a million
we need 2 million
I have to admit, he's giving his best, and I admire that. I wish he'd leave us alone, but he's a lot better than the other spammers we've had.
Have to wake up early tomorrow good night /ctt/
Don't let your old consoles collect dust
Its amazes that we actually have mod protection. Even if people do post some bare tits from time to time.
Same, but I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Thank you to the mods who protect /ctt/, know that you do it with love
If you really want to shit on /ctt/, you go for broke and post real CP and take the permament ban.
And the main character is immortal
Any questions?
do you suck dicks too?
Woah. Mods cut up the thread
I know we have lewds of WiiU and Vita but we have lewds of Genesis and Vita?
anime good anime like kaiji and Dai Mahou Touge?
i need to watch more anime
No, because they are of two different wedding. however, I doubt either spouse would be too upset to see it especially if Wii U fucks SNES
I can rec tons of manga but no anime.
Like, a Console-tan Jitsu Wa Watashi Wa, I'd buy physical volumes of
But Console-Ecci, it depends on the couplings.
There is 4-5 pics probably missing in the booru. Be a man and do it yourself.
How many pics, and how many do you think are not uploaded in the booru? I dont promise something inmediate, but I can do it.
Shoujo ramune
>How many pics, and how many do you think are not uploaded in the booru? I dont promise something inmediate, but I can do it.
I honeslty dont know, and many of them would be just incomplete versions. If there's anything valuable in there, though, I'd want them uploaded I'm simply not mentally available enough to know.
Isn't the only console related anime Sega Hard Girls? Besides World War Blue but that motr console war than anything.
SeHa, WWBlue, Neps. That's aout it.
More* ugh typos.
I forgot Neptunia had an anime.
Was that manga even good?
This is NSFW, SFW to come later. Most of it should be on the booru, but if even one pic isnt, i'd be greatful. NSFW might have even more.
Wow. Stadia really wasn't much of a problem compared to Switch.
I'm streaming, so uploading the SFW arcive to Mediafires a problem , anyway I could mediate this?
wait till the stream is done?
At a quick glance I see most of the pics in the folder uploaded. Will work around it when I have some free time. Thanks for that Wii-U webm, been looking for it for ages.
Link it so I can bully you.
Lewd Console Flockmods. Reast of lewd Consoletans in a moment.
Isn't it the same file?
Can't wait for a comfy morning
it might be, iu'm rather disortanized, which is why I haven't uploaded much to tbe booru.
>Wii-U webm
I am curious. Show us.
SOrry, I am way too inebriated to load thigns properly. I'll upload all my archives for next week,. I apologize in advance.
I mean, it's the same link and everything.
>iu'm rather disortanized
It's ok user, I save all my shit in the same folder with the tans names and some stupid flavor text.
What did I upload? just SFW flock? let me know so I can uload the rest of my archive next week.
what would arcade think of model 2?
I've been playing Saga Saturn Mahjong Strip games all night. Any chance I could get Sega Saturn stripping to topless (including nipples, just like a red band game) after losing big hand to me
needs 2 be a cute boi.
Yeah, most of the pics are NSFW, flock and not flock related.
Here anons
SFW is 2GB so itll be coming soon, but mightb e delayed to next week
I have some time, anyone want a low quality doodle of something?
Doodle cdI's puss or 2DS's puss
Gamecube getting CD-I's newfound cock
draw cute my man.
Seconding. Bonus points for Saturn/PC98 aesthetics.
a confused -tan of your choice with a question mark around her head
cute pussies
I wanna bite that.
bite what?
it would be extremely painful
415th for periscope
she's got a big tush
>The only good games on PC were console games.
very cute periscope
I wanna smooch those lips.
Her i/o port
this doesn't as NSFW right?
I see some nipples so maybe yes
the lad is going into overdrive
Very nice.
>this doesn't as NSFW right?
Of course not. I dont know how you get away with all your risky posts lem, but I think you fucked up this time.
I do not know what you are talking about.
all my post are r-13.
i love you lums.
Bump of love
Console-tan quality is directly proportional to the amount of borgers they consume
nice, there should be more reaction images with -tan
smol cd-i is best qt smol.
Sony and mobile tan swimming in saint quartz.
Funny. Eating lunch right now.
You guys are still here?
Reporting for duty
just barely
>55 posts left
Shit, I'm not gonna make it...
the hero we need
Die /ctt/!
I hope this ends with Vita getting double teamed by stupid.
oh boy
>bride Vita
my heart
and my dick
Make us.
>ywn be inside that shirt
We speak English on this board, Hans
Hope we get to see this
oh boy here we go
here we go
based and bolsopilled
Gotta end it in a bang amiright?
Reminder that SouljaTan is still the best
Shit, I forgot to post my shitty Masked Reactor design user wanted me to post. And I'm busy at work atm. Fuck.
Quick question
She was killed though
choice b sounds hot
I hope it's Soulja-Tan
Arrested and Killed are two different things.
B is for friends
>search Soulja on the booru
>0 results
what the hell is she tagged with then
Souljagame. That's what they were called. We call her Soulja-tan for short. Souljagame Handheld is also nicknamed SGH
what about genesis?
She fell in love with her rival, she's a DORK
so did master system though
Of course not, such thing never happened. So you don't need to search for proofs since they don't exist. Please don't.
Give me ideas for next tuesday of Gamecube-tan, Xbone-tan and Sega Genesis-tan?
I'm a foreshadowing genius
Should we start telling the thread to post their requests now? Or keep it comfy. It's kinda tradition now.
Hoo wee
I hope for this every tuesday
I want a vita ona now.
good morning
well there's 8 posts until the thread autosages so I guess we should start
>several hours into the afternoon
>on a weekday
Classic Vita
is that a request?
maybe next thread
Flash game-tan when?
Alright. QUICK! Make requests! I made one already so..
There's a couple I think?
I still love Xbox 360!
Oh shit. I MEAN A REAL ONE! /d/friend stop!
500th post for this request.
501st post for more fat Xbone-tan