Games with kino train levels?
Games with kino train levels?
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paper mario ttyd: the train level lol
Splinter cell 2
I'm not sure about kino, but I did feel quite a bit of emotion as the motorcycle did a 360 out of nowhere, causing the train to escape over a dozen times.
Motherfucking Soldier of Fortune.
Mirror's Edge
Beat me to it. Also, the first half of Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box.
>you will never own a real train
Gimme a hug buddy
Call of Juarez Gunslinger had a few good onez.
The Darkness 1
based and beat me to it
PP game when?
I wish I were wealthy enough to buy one of those 1930's art deco trains
20 years later and this is still the undisputable best train stage of all time.
Exactly. Some of my favorite levels in that game are the train levels.
Just the best FF to ever grace this timeline
ctf_convoy was godly
Metal Slug 2/X
House of the Dead: Overkill
Star Fox 64 (sort of)
Pic very related
>tfw never got to play this map even once
Painkiller has a level set in a train station. Good music as well.
Lost Planet 2.
Payday 2.
You'd have to be extremely rich, there are very few surviving ones (and none of that particular type, I believe).
That's not a train.
Lost Planet 2 has a rad train scene
The train has a CANNON on it
Someone please post the webm
a hat in time
Final Fantasy XV has a good one
All game is 10/10, but the crazy train mission is kino.
Metro Exodus is a train game but there’s only 1 actual fighting mission on the train and it lasts 2 minutes,
but the hub train is comfy and the mood changes after every level
and you get to drive a super comfy single carriage one time.
Also Timesplitters 3
What are some good games where you drive trains, bonus points for making your own tracks.
Syphon Filter 2. Its called kino sweatie you might have heard of it.
A Hat in Time
I wanna know too
Forgot how good the soundtrack was as well
Ultimate Boomer here
We just need to rob enough banks bros
Star Fox 64
Now this! This was a good game
I don't think any of those physically exist anymore, they've all been scrapped.
Megaman X4, Slash Beast's level. You can include X5, since its the same level.
Los planet 2
It has 2 trains carrying a giant railgun
Lot of people in here saying Lost Planet, but I never paid any attention to either of those games. What are they even like?
based and patrician
You lay track in openTTD but you don't drive the trains.
I loved that game so much. why did they kill the series?
Train simulator 2012
Aurora sections were to tier comfy
House of the Dead Overkill
Unironically RDR2
the ost on this game was fantastic
Well yeah, but if you're having to manually drive trains in Factorio you're doing something wrong.
>no steam train gf
LoS 2
>nobody mentioning Wolfenstein TNO
I guess it barely counts as a level but it's definitely kino
Other than re-building the one Big Boy locomotive, they're actually making a brand new T1 class duplex, I forgot why or maybe it was just to see 'if they could make a modern steam locomotive' but its cool to see them do so. Progress is SLOW on these projects though, its like all the 'new' technology made them scared to move too fast on old tech in case they fuck up, but its probably better that way.
Looks like something from fucking modern Halo
>Ctrl+F "Resident Evil 0"
>0 results
Dissapointed in all of you, the game is shit overall, but the train section is my fav section in any Resident Evil game
I really liked the combat in this game, I dont know why so many people didnt, only issue was that every gun that wasn't a pistol made you go slow
The whole fucking game is just a giant train mission
>an anime that features the automatic revolver
bold choice of art style
tiny toons on snes
It came out around the time when games journalists were really starting to get faggy so they were mostly just complaining that the game had any combat at all instead of being artsy or whatever
>When this theme kicks in
Game was rushed and thus some parts are weird but the music was so fucking good.
Fucking konami could at least port the lords of shadow games while they're on this 'bring back castlvania games' thing
UT04 Convoy as better
What is it about trains that makes them so inherently cool?
The train mission in Pandora Tomorrow was pretty cool
on PC they're nearly perfect save for ultrawide which I believe requires some mods
>used to play 24/7 convoy every day
>come back years later and the server is completely empty
they're big
go away trainwiz
They framemog carlets
Was so fun
Just Cause 3 and 4 have cool trains and trainwrecks
One of TR's more interesting level ideas
If you count metro trains as regular trains the Metro series and the subway in fallout 3 are really comfy
Just Cause 3 and 4 ARE cool trainwrecks
did they fixed 4's performace?
That mission was so awesome even if it's completely retarded
Well, I never had any problems in the first place and they did a lot of patches. So, I guess?
Only part in that game that feels like they put any effort into
hl2:ep1 Could of had a cool kino train level but they scraped it and turned into a Strider boss fight
>why are men obsessed with their penis size in awe at a giant phallic simbol?
also sexy
More like Fallout, they had a nuclear version.
Hunt Down the Freeman
But there are female train autists, too
wut game in that webm?
ac syndicate.
It's in the fucking post. Just Cause 4.
Train segment is only one or two missions though. Don't think you can drive them in freeroam.
>Live in USA
>Comfy trains are all gone
I hate cars so much. I hope General Motor execs all rot.
Your train is irrelevant if doesn't exist, Hitler.
Everything or Nothing
Heritage railroads you slut.
midwest still has plenty of em
no bully pls
ratchet and clank series riding the tracks.
with the appropriate music of course
surprised it wasn't posted yet
Damn no one mentioned Time Crisis 2?
>108 replies
>CTRL+F marc ecko's getting up
>0 results
I knew Yea Forums had no taste, but come the fuck on. Really?
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves unironically has one the best train levels I've played
>inb4 shit taste normalfag tier casual game
based Ratchet mind-brother
I might aswell bury my shell at wounded knee.
We missed the most aesthetic era, bros
1800s up to 1950.
I would have loved to have come of age right after the end of WW2
we are well past the golden years
you'd be a literal boomer now, and wouldn't even play video games
Timesplitters 3
sounds good to me
I want to buy a Mercury train so badly bros
Sounds fantastic.
Silent Hill 4
>live in a town with a steam railway
I wish I appreciated trains as much as I used to when I was 5.
Trains, train tracks and train stations are so fucking great user I don't even know how to describe it, I don't want to use the word Comfy
came to post this
>all I ever wanted to do in life is drive a steam train
Why is reality so cruel?
One of the most fun moments in gtao was riding a train with like 20 /gtag/ people and boarding technicians on it.
>Final Fantasy XV has a good one
Not really. It felt like a generic action sequence with a poorly designed "DEFEND THE TRAIN" bullshit section because they train was being damage by shit you couldn't see.
FF6, now that was a kino train level
Because they just are
It's mostly the turn of the century look and feel to me. I think that's when it all peaked.
Much of the cool shit was there, but we hadn't gone full retard yet.
Japan still has a proud train tradition, some older models are still in service for countryside rides.
Goldeneye 64
>FF6, now that was a kino train level
The ghost one? yeah that was great.
FF7 and 8 kinda have train levels too
Did someone say trains?
the only good one
donkey kong country
Civ2 ww2 scenario
Go back to Yea Forums, Sneed.
>tfw driven multiple trains in real life
The aesthetics and the feeling of sheer power when they pass by.
they're like cruise ships, but on land
none of that spooky water stuff
>IG-88 at the end
ooh, that jedi academy level counts
tfw I'll never freighthop around pre-war America and Canada
Kinda loses some of that awesome factor when you realize the whole thing is pushed by the small cylinder at the front and all the machinery built around it is just to get that cylinder to required pressure.
>so fast she is blocking bullets with a sword
>too slow to let someone catch her hand
Will anime stop this shit already?
Just give her a buckler or something, fucking weebs.
Crysis Warhead had a pretty extensive train level
WoWs shit but it has a could dungeon thats on a train.
>yep it's still on the track
Metro Exodus
The final part of the western level in Animaniacs foto the Genesis. It was a great boss fight.
Ninja Gaiden 2, Bloodstained Curse of the Moon had great train levels.
The train level in The Flinstones game for the Genesis, the music was really good, I still remember that whistle.
Does humanity lose its awesome factor when you realise that the entirety of the human body is to get a dick into a vagina?
based anti-reductivity user
Lmao is this supposed to be ironic or is it just fucking horrible
Came here to post this
>"No! Idiot!"
Call of Duty WWII has an awesome campaign level with a train
aesthetics, sheer size and power. they're so fucking awesome
Such a shame they didn't get a second season
>tfw no old train ride through the peaceful Japanese countryside
hell yeah motherfucker
finally somebody is making some sense around here
I want to tie you to a chair and then hurt you
Not just the battle, but this whole sequence of finding the train in the woods, getting on, finding ghosts, etc.
I want my gf to tie me to chair and hurt me. I got a lot of rope, and she tied me up a few times, but it's boring for her and she thinks femdom is weird. She doesn't like maledom either. She just wants boring vanilla sex. My balls are so fucking blue that I would let you do it.
my ex used to want me to tie her up but I'm horrible with knots, rope, string, all that so it didn't work out
We got a few shibari books that show you how to do all the ties.
More power than I ever realized. The railway rated for the heaviest loads in Europe is supposedly the ore rail from Kiruna mine to Narvik. Every car weighs 100 tons, and IIRC they tend to run 68 cars. They can engage some kind of alternators to generate huge amounts of electricity they pump back into the grid when going downhill.
You have a bus-sized vehicle capable of pulling like 20 buses. Just gives you a sense of scale.
Try 100
As always Lost Planet 2 is forgotten
Nothing wrong with Uncharted. There pretty fun
>nobody posts Lost Planet 2 kino
It's been posted several times now.
It's literally TWO POSTS ABOVE YOU
Mega Man Legends 2
Came here to post this
>not a single post about Lost Planet 2
Wow what is wrong with you guys
dude come on
>tfw Half-Life 2 originally aimed for this kind of aesthetic
>Then they gave us a post-soviet boring sunny shithole
Fuck you life
this is so fucking gay jesus christ
I liked the trains in watch dogs because you could enter them and fight the cops from them. Unfortunately the npcs on the train were fucking tied to the train, they never left, no new npcs ever entered, the ones on the train you shot were obviously just parented to the car, had no ragdolls
a thinking dev would make a new instance of invisible physics objects in a static coordinate space and copy the locations to open world to prevent floating point inaccuracies and fast velocities fucking up the physics simulation on the train, but tyhen you'd have to account for new objects like bullets or cops entering the train, and that'd be haaaaaaaard
Can we all agree that train levels are almost always good while sewer levels are almost always bad?
still waiting for a day where trains in games actually do something for gameplay don't give a shit about kino, if you couldn't tell
logistics sims like picrelated have something going on, but it's really just a case of "did you upgrade me? did you put all the services I need? You didn't put too much on one line, yes?" and that's it. But maybe someday.
it's the yin and yang of vidya
same thing when I saw your face..
Gen 6 Double Agent also had a level on a subway train
Wtf happened to the US? They used to have the coolest and most impressive train. Now they are so far behind, it's like they don't give a fuck about train since the 60's
Absolute kino thread, lads.
>Wtf happened to the US
the automobile
Factorio is the true train vidya kino you're looking for
You need to design and build a train logistics network to effectively shuttle materials around over long distances
When you get it things up and running, seeing your trains whizz by and knowing they're keeping your factory going is truly exhilarating
Be careful about running on those train tracks though because a speeding train will flatten you in an instant
>so far behind
Only for passenger trains. In Europe it's more viable, but you don't understand how fucking large the US is.
Mother Russia Bleeds
What can trains do in games beyond move and transport stuff?
>tfw I have 100GB of TS dlc
>collection is still growing
Deltic Prototype is my favorite loco
There's this game called Transarctica where you have to tend to your train, check equipment, manage crew and inventory, defend against bandits and mammoths etc
okay but what does it have to do with the Silmarillion
This cover is the coolest video game cover ever.
good taste my northern friend
>Ctrl+F "The Last Express"
>0 results
You people are embarassing.
Though admittedly, the entire game is a train level.
There is a beutiful french kino vidya flick called
>tout ce que tu devais faire était de suivre le foutu train CJ
I know. Wish there was a really high def scan of it somewhere, I would seriously get it printed and hang it on my wall. Apparently the game has hot train vs train fights. And there's a fan remake in making.
Morgoths giant helltrain is only mentioned in Tolkiens letters.
Huh, thought I recognised that train.
It's originally a poster by Rodney Matthews who's quite well known for a fantasy'esq beatles picture back in the day
Cab view is really awkward, but it adds to the soul of this train
Here's a high quality version of it, straight from the artist's website.
holy fuck that's awesome
something something war machine of Angband
I can already tell the game is full of soul and also plays like absolute shit.
sonic mania
what kind of sound do you think it makes?
Indeed. Only one level where you actually fight tho.
It appears YOU are the nigger here sir.
my nigga
FFXIV's Train fight was absolute kino.
Muh updates
Do you see how nobody bothers to debate this claim? That is because, dear user, there is nothing to debate, for this is the one and only truth.
Literally the post above you, retard.
What could cause a man to nut this violently?
TimeSplitters: Future Perfect
That train level represent everything that was done right with the UC franchise.
Goat animations.
They don't make them like this anymore then the IG88 fight.
have you filmed and reviewed the footage of yourself masturbating?
I wouldn't recommend it.
>sword beats gun XD
when will show stop that trope?
The train section of G Police was one of the most frustrating parts of a frustrating game
>tfw live in a valley with a fuck ton of trains
>tfw live next to a train viaduct
The noise you hear when they're cleaning the rails is horrifying and it's always done at unsocial hours
Wouldn't matter, only a dozen or so in the world that probably run. Would have to be a new construction... if anybody even builds steam locomotives... which is a no.
Still, feels all around fren.
came to post this
pandora tomorrow was kinda crappy as a whole but that train level was some of the best stuff I've ever played in a videogame
We had a brand new steam train built in a the UK a few years ago with a second one on the way.
But was it kino?
for me, it's just the sheer engineering and awe of a train, for 100s of kilometers this giant machine can drive through mountains and over ravines while carrying a huge amount of weight.
Absolute kino.
Not huge on the paint colour desu, otherwise she's not bad
the absolute GIRTH of the train in gears of war really fit with the aesthetic of the game.
If you have 16gb of RAM or better then yes.
Sly 2's Canada level and its one mission where you run through the train to reach the front engine was pretty fun.
>I don't want to use the word Comfy
It literally is, there is nothing quite as perfect as spending all day on a steam train as it cuts through gorgeous countryside during the height of spring. When the sun is shining and golden, it's warm but not too hot and everything - even the trees - are in full bloom.
This show was such a massive disappointment after the first episode.
that's the works primer you idiot they've done Tornado up in BR green now
but can you SUPLEX the train?
why are the slower threads on Yea Forums always the best?
Shadows of the Empire
You'd have a harder time naming a game without a kino train level, because trains are inherently kino.
So what are games with bad train levels?
Final fantasy 7 and 8
rented this from blockbuster many moons ago and couldn't get past this part
why the FUCK do trains in the US gotta suck so damn bad?
I can't even have fun taking the Amtrak because literally every time I've rode it there's been a delay because some autist decided to jump in front of it.
It's not fair, bros!
I can still hear the music. This game had some great songs.
this is a great thread, i fucking love trains man
>no Railroad Tycoon 4
that's Railway Empire
transarctica, but the entire game, not a single level, which it has none of.
Are there any games where I can design and build trains?
Become a machinist and you can build your own once you reach boomer-age.
Y-Yeah, kino.
Don't know about burgerland, but most heritage railways in the UK have some sort of "Drive a steam train" service where for some low triple digit sum you can drive a steam train for a few hours.
>playing through the game as a kid
>finally get through all the platforming form train to train
>IG-88 fucking bodies me
The still makes me tense
I know its technically cheating (its not kino levels) but you guys should try Mashinky. Its made by a guy who loves trains and it shows. Plus its peak comfy
Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow. God I wish the game would get fixed to work for newer GPUs.
It's more it's just obsenely expensive to build a new loco from scratch. The Tornado took ~14 years, and that was in the UK, train autism capital of the world.
We're not crashing now.
came here to post this
Big, powerful, symbols of technology and progress. They make cool noises and are fun to ride.
>nobody remembers NOLF
>no mention of The Final Station
Literally sci fi kino, featuring a train
Looks good, how does it play compared to Railway Empire?
Came to post this and The Last Express. Syberia 1 & 2 are weird af but just oozing atmosphere and a very unique one at that, especially the Rocket Base and that Arboretum and the beach pavilion, the Inuit stuff is nice too but those are etched into my memory.
Sonic triple trouble
Call of Duty 2
>foamer thread on vidya
I'm glad I only watch CGDCT anime, because holy moly that looks retarded
the best
I loved this stage so much. Looked great and the music was awesome. Fuck RAAM though.
Every subsequent syphon filter was much harder than the previous one, with 3 being damn near impossible.
I live near a train town and the rail only runs during the summer, although they have these like fancy diner cars that look like they should be running on a much longer rail than the one we have.
It's a damn shame those trains are just sitting there to rust. Along the rail theres so many fucking rusted passenger cars left to die.
>[Harry Potter theme intensifies]
>The Final Station
thanks for the recommendation
>ywn be a perfectly contented boomer biking along old scenic train tracks
this level
star wars shadows of the empire
also this one
Not played it but I've thought thought this looked extremely comfy from the first time I saw it.
>comfy single carriage
so comfy
fuck off, nigger
>used to be a volunteer at that railway (Great Central)
>it was great apart from the fact that almost all of the younger station staff at Loughborough were fucking eachother and trying to convince the remaining young lads to go gay
>some did and later regretted sucking the dicks of the acnew ridden bastards
>mfw everytime this happened
guess a lot of guys got RAILED haha
you'd have to be LOCO to work there
I live in Des Moines and we only get long ass cargo trains blocking traffic for 20 minutes
Wario Land 2
This one is a cool one.
Fuck it's all coming back to me
This is the map I always wanted to play on and never got the chance
Sunset Riders
>The Last Express
Absolute KINO.
The game having its own schedule makes it all feel so immersive. Also, hiding on the toilet.
pic related
Railroad tycoon 2 obviously
>just finished this game
>tfw mai husbando died
Series won't be the same going forward. ;__;
And revolver train mission
For you.
>Bragging about operating an engine
What did the hogger let you push the reverser forward?
Fuck i hate normies
based railroader
Cn or CP?
Do you live in british columbia?
WoW actually had a pretty decent one
Why does this look more futuristic than many modern vehicles?
because people lost their sense of style and optimism for the future
Any games besides FF where you have to FIGHT a train?
Sonic Triple Trouble
Actual kino
>Any games besides FF where you have to FIGHT a train?
does Starfox 64 count?
ZoE 2 has a pretty good one
RIP lucasart
From the Depths (some assembly required to actually make the train level though)
>that escort mission
>Big Boy locomotive
>Cn or CP?
post comfy mountain pics from cab
That Red Dead 2 mission that ripped off Assassination of Jesse James
Battlefield 3’s first and also final mission where you fight the terrorists who hijacked a New York subway train
Warship gunner 2 has a giant train that shoots giant fireballs at your ship
because it was literally made to look futuristic
look up retrofuturism
the current design trend is minimalism
>Not posting the definitive footage
Playing it right now. Plot is kinda retarded, it just made 1st and 2nd game stories just stupid and irrelevant.
I still hate swamp levels, but Volga really gives good S.T.A.L.K.E.R. feels
>looks for a lionel model
>over $500
Not getting that one for a while.
The game has bots though.
>the best
Came here to post this. Close second was the train in Space Marine.
Hi, Rabbi.
*blocks your path*
best level in episode 1
I don't think there was kinoer. Also fear 2 should be mentioned, mainly because of music.
pic of kinoerest train level*
Because the modern world is a degraded husk of a civilization.
FF6 and 8 have great train levels. FF8's train level is kino as fuck.
The one in Lost Legacy is even better since it weaves grapple hooks and vehicle driving in between while also being not as drawn-out.
Hey I live in Des Moines too! Are you Oliver? I know Oliver goes on Yea Forums.
based, came here to post it
>when you near the end and you HUD subtly gets overrun by creepy shit
It wasn’t called retrofuturism when it was popular, obviously it was just futurism.
Designers and architects still have a hard-on for futuristic designs today, it’s just that now they think the future will be full of colorless polygons and glass as opposed to the functional and stylish designs of old.
>train heist for a private political group
>uncouple the cars of a moving train while hiding from military guards and their alarms
>attach the remaining car containing the president to the aforementioned group's car to confront him
>president is actually zombie body double meant to kill off his enemies
name 3 train levels where you're physically on the train and the train actually has an end-point it can reach before the player achieves their goal on the stage
ahhh... Good times... Good times....
>and countless steamrolls
any open world game with a train heist mission
>MoH: Frontline
>Queers of Whores
>Uncharted 2: AT
Crysis Warhead and Red Dead Redemption 2 are the only ones I can think of.
Fucked up the outlaws link
The last train game I played was Trainz 2004.
What are the latest kino trains vidya?
One of my favourite things about cities: skylines is building train routes.
FFXV technically. While there isn't an end goal per se you are free to fuck around in the train while it is travelling (and it actually is travelling, you can check your location on the world map as you go)
is that future perfect
Real train driver here
driving trains is stressful, boring, and comfy as fuck
I wish that there were more chill train environments.
A hat in time
How's the pay?
Average for my company is 45 an hour.
Don't listen to google or glassdoor sites for the "pay" because they are almost always wrong. It fluxuates between companies of course, for instance union pacific starts at 35 average, while amtrak starts at 30, while BNSF starts as high as 40 an hour.
Pay is good, your on the clock on 16 hour shifts and it's very comfy travelling states and countries.
>english wasn't my native language
>play this mission 30 times before accidentally crashing the train WITH NO SURVIVORS
My mind was blown away at the time
Full controller for train games when
I didn't even realize Lost Planet was a japanese series
>16 hour shifts
no thanks im good
Your on call 24/7
Rain, Snow, Sleet, Tornado, ect. you have to be there within the hour
All hotels, motels, food and other shit is paid for
After you work 3 days in a row you get the rest of the days off unless you wanna do OT
Doing OT means you get paid 55-60 an hour
Im only 32, I started working the rails as a driver at 25. I just bought a 300k house and in like 2 years i'll have enough to buy a tesla
uh sounds pretty good actually
free food and hotel
you're a conductor for cargo or passanger trains? food's made in the train like proper food or just snacks?
Has anyone played Tracks? It looks pretty comfy, but it doesn't seems to have too much replayability
>I didn't even realize Lost Planet was a japanese series
Also a lost planet spin off
How. The whole seriess dialogue is written like a poorly translated light novel.
ut99 as_hispeed
Black Lagoon pulled some goofy shit off with muh folded steel but he wasn't a match for a gun in the end
>Always wanted an electric train set ad a kid.
>Parents wait till you're 15 and outgrown toys to get you a train set for Christmas.
>Get pissed you never use it.
Macbeth is a perfect example of how gimmick levels aren't inherently a bad thing.
1. Cargo
2. We can literally stop anywhere, at any yard for lunch break at any time. We've sometimes stopped out train on a siding, literally crashed a lawn to get to a mcdonalds of chic-fil-a and ordered, then hopped back on and continued driving.
Your not supposed to be on your phones or laptops, but you can bring them along with you.
Sometimes your stuck in hodunk shitholes for 12 hours - a day with no warning or call until the last minute if you got a ride out or not. It's pretty shit, but comfy as fuck.
Nothing comfier then checking into my hotel, walking down the street and getting some pancakes, and waffles at a denny's at 4 am
>Parents wait till you're 15 and outgrown toys to get you a train set for Christmas.
imagine your dad waiting 15 year just to pull this based prank on your bitch ass
fucking worth it
>Tfw train tycoon games are dead.
>No more Railroad Tycoon games.
>2 and 3 no longer work on modern systems.
>Transport Fever games are mediocre as hell.
You could always own Thomas props
>American level
>German train cars
I bought Railroad Tycoon 2 through steam years ago and it works fine for me on W7. Blessed video game. Sad that the series is dead though.
>You have to go back and manually reset the bomb
Yeah no, fuck that
there's always OpenLoco
transport fever is pretty good if you mod it to be whatever you want. the community is very active
So do you only work three days a week or is like a week on week off kind of deal? Did they train you or do you have to go to school for that kind of thing?
Blood, and Starwars Shadows of the Empire, objectively have the best train levels in all of vidya.
Man there is nothing comfier than working a +16 hour day and eating breakfast at a shitty diner watching the sun come up
3 also had a train level as well(well subway train but whatever) which was the game's final level.
1 you went through DC subway but not on train but you had to avoid trains during Aramov's fight.
You saved my OC :)
here's another train frog i made
howd you get the job? Did you need a special degree for it I can I just waltz up to a community college, get training, and then find myself a job?
north and south
Came to say Outlaws
welding is your best bet, other then that just know someone. Even if you don't weld for the railway specifically. I welded in a shop for 5 years, and when a position opened I applied and got it nearly instantly. Train driving is all on the job, theres no specific degree they want. Really the biggest aspect is having a job in an industrial environment, because train driving is very industrial
in ff6 all you do is pick words from a menu
nothing was kino
not the same user, but I'm around my 20's and want to get out of wage slave my parents recommend trade or king crab fishing, and I eventually want to get married and raise a huge family, what should I do?
does lost planet 2 count? Because that's what I think of when I think videogame train
Didn't mean to quote sorry
Killer is Dead had one.
The level is on literally a cursed living train and the boss is the front of the train.
That platform hopping bullshit followed by that janky as fuck ig 88 fight.
Everytime you die you have to redo the whole goddam level.
Kids these days have no idea the shit we went through in games.
Killer is dead
>playstation game
>takes place entirely on a train
>you're a spec ops dude trying to find a doctor and stop the terrorists
I can't think of the name though
Why is Train Simulator one of worst offenders in history regarding DLC?
The numbers of DLCs is 504 and 98% of them are single new models and recolors for like 15 dollars or more a pop. The total amount for them all is something like 4000 dollars or more.
I'd sooner bully someone that even slightly disagreed with this.
Mario party 8
but black laggon sucks ass
>no one posted paper mario yet
wtf is wrong with you people
>literally the second post in the thread
i only pay attention to post with images in these kind of threads
fuck thanks for the reminder nothing beats this one
That one train level on Need for Speed Underground where you drag race on a train track at incredible hihg speed
fuck yeah
based dude
foamers will pay
The shells are going at 90deg angles to the barrel
It will be extremely painful
don't be so hard on yourself
user you buy that train and I'll join your crew.
Parents got me my first train set at 7 or 8, proper OO Hornby set and everything. As much as I love it, I do wish younger me had taken better care of it as some of the paint on the tender and such has chipped off, and EVERYTHING with a motor doesn't want to run properly because they need oiling, which never seems to work whenever I try to.
Subpar but very charmin stealth game
>blast someone into the air
>blast em again
I didn't think the intention was for any one person to actually buy them all, there's people who're only into British steam, and there's people who are into only modern American diesel, different kinds of players get different groups of DLC pertaining to the kinds of routes and locomotives/rolling stock/etc they want.
What does piss me off is still no VR support, of any game that would 1000% benefit from a VR mode it'd be that one.
You lose your awesome factor when I ram my steel hard cock into your mouth like the piston does to the cylinder
No brakes on this train, baby
Came here to post this.
Most trainfags are autists so they're an easy market for this type of stuff
how is this thread alive A DAY LATER
Most of the DLC is made by third party companies. You aren't meant to buy it all. This is not a story driven game or something. It's a simulator. You are just supposed to buy the things in particular you are interested in. What you are doing is equivalent to going into a model train shop and see all the shelves stacked high with shit and proclaiming "HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO AFFORD TO BUY EVERYTHING IN THIS STORE? THE MODEL TRAIN HOBBY IS A RIP OFF!"
I didn't know such kino exists
I want to fuck a train
Never underestimate the power of trains and autists
Hey was this the train that had a skeleton inside? or like a monster. I can't seem to find on google, but I remember being on that shape
a man of fucking culture
It was very good