Reveal event is this Saturday
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order logo revealed
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at least it got lightsabers,what are the chances it will have outcast combat speed instead of press hit 1000 times like in force unleashed?
I'll wait till the release, and if there is not a single trace of micro transactions I might possibly get it. but its EA so that won't happen
Customizable character and lightsaber, and large intricate levels on a variety of planets are a must.
respawn developing it, wouldn't bet on much level variety
>Modern Star Wars.
A dead franchise game brought to you by a shit publisher. It's like you can see the train wreck coming from miles away, but you can't do anything to stop it.
Titanfall 2's singleplayer was pretty great
What genre is this game supposed to be? Is this the SW rpg they were talking about a while back? Thought it got canceled.
Oh I'm sure they'll be plenty of customization
all of the customization options will have to be purchased with credits you buy with real dosh or tediously grind for or gotten from lootboxes
it was pretty meh at the parts where mech wasn't present, it's only great part is a mech.
if it gives us a new Jedi Knight or Force Unleashed type game I would like that
action adventure rumors say
they already canceled 3 SW games. If this one got to release I wonder what train wrecks got killed.
I don't care about SW.
But I liked FU 1 and 2, so if this is something like that, I will be interested.
Couldnt care less. They pretty much managed to ruin SW on every front, both movies and games. Also
>getting hyped about EA games
Isn't this a game they're scraping together with assets and shit from that cancelled game?
Why do they include the EA logo in the title?
Fuck no, i want a real character that isn't a custom, i'm sick of custom characters, especially if it's not an RPG but an action game.
It's made by Respawn and Titanfall is fucking amazing, and it's also written by Chris Avellone.
Now get the fuck out you retarded boomers, this is 100% a singleplayer game.
I agree, Anonymous! I too will be purchasing the EA Deluxe Pass and will be satisfied by my purchase!
Dragon Age Inquisition and Mass Effect Andromeda were also singleplayer games
If this is about the Dark Jedi then it could be really good. Dark Jedi, also known as "Fallen" Jedi, were Force-sensitives, frequently former Jedi, who chose to deny the light side of the Force or follow the dark side.
>single player game
>from EA
Sure thing buddy.
Respawn are the only guys on EA's payroll I trust at this point because of Titanfall 2.
If anyone could make a successor to the Kyle Katarn games it'd be them or maybe Arkane.
I'm not optimistic, but I'm not going to completely write it off.
it will be nothing like jedi knight huh?
i will pass on this one
Fuck i want a game with Dokuu
it's about the Dark Times
>Star Wars
Hard pass
Fuck, a star wars game with a gameplay like Dishonored would be fucking cool. with all the force power and all, and the chaos system make you a light side user or a dark side user.
It's by Electronic Arts Inc so you know it's gonna be quality! Anyone up for a round of Apex Legends™ while we wait for this amazing game reveal?
>Disney Star Wars
>the only guys on EA's payroll I trust at this point
I swear I heard this before somewhere. Was it Bioware...Viceral...Pandemic...or Westwood? hmmm
great another star wars game with no gore
Nah, Dark Messiah gameplay
there will never be a Star Wars game with gore. Dismemberment at most.
Maybe they can shit out one good game before being completely corrupted?
To be honest, both gameplay are quite similar. Dark messiah could be considered the proto-dishonored in term of gameplay. it's just less stealthy (but equally fun...That fucking kick.)
None of those studios made good stuff after the merge. Everything they're loved for was earlier. Respawn is the exception.
>Disney wars
>already confirmed to play like shitty Force Unleashed
dropped at the speed of light
>Running around as one of Jerec's inquisitors
Would've been neat
gonna be sjw and feminist shit
I still can get over how they announced it
>hey, you over there what are you working on ?
>oh nothing a new start wars game senpai
Respawn has only made one game after being purchased by EA, and it was fucking Apex Legends
They were also made and written by bio ware, who are bad at making and writing video games.
Respawn is good at making video games and Avellone is good at writing them. So this game will be good, you dumb fucking retard.
This is basically KotOR 3, right? Fuck, I’m excited, dude. Only beat the games recently, now I’m ready for the next helping. Really hope the combat feels good and all the twirls and pirouettes look authentic and cool. I would also love to have an in-depth lightsaber customisation feature, choosing the outer casing and all the components therein. I want a compelling story that provides immersion as I inevitably forsake the Jedi and become a mighty Sith and destroy the last remnants of their order. I would also like a really deep Force system with many, many powers that make you feel like a force of nature.
Respawn got bought after TF2 though, and seeing how Apex Legends is shit.
I hope this implies that we delve deeper into the Jedi mythos and religion itself.
By denying the light side, you are following the dark side. Theres no inbetween. Yoda makes that extremely clear.
>Respawn is good at making video games
before being purchased by EA
>Avellone is good at writing them
Avellone is basically freelance bait devs hire to write one character so they can say Chris Avellone worked on their game as a marketing tactic.
modern bioware
They'll call it a Jedi outcast spiritual successor but it will be terrible and do it no justice.
No bioware was always bad, they just only got unreasonably bad after Dragon Age.
>basically Kotor 3
No, not in any way
movies are b&w schlock for mainstream, who cares
EU and games is the only saving points of the setting.
>bioware was always bad
I liked MDK2
>before being purchased by EA
They were purchased by EA in 2016 and TF2 (2017) is a much better game than the first.
Avellone said he wrote it.
I think the greater Star Wars universe is really limited and boring, the people who own the property don't seem to understand what anyone liked about the original trilogy, are content to just show you lightsabers and GNK droids and expect you to clap because you saw a thing you know.
>the greater Star Wars universe
Current one or Legends?
The OT is more spiritual and cultural depth than the autism EU and then games, all of which are shit besides Jedi Knight, Kotor, and Tie Fighter series. And those are good because of game play and characters, not because of world building and spirituality
Season pass?
Take your pick
you're misinformed, they weren't purchased by EA until after TF2
>Kotor 1
>good gameplay or characters
>trusting EA again
you people fucking ask for this
No Darth Icky and Darth Insaneous, no buy.
What will be your Darth name? I’m thinking mines will be Darth Obliteratus or Darth Malignus.
I'm just gonna pirate it if it ended up being a single player, I literally have nothing to lose
Darth Nogoodingtonicus
I wish I could care.
Darth Impotus, the Impotent.
EUfags are retarded.
Its about the dark Gaydy, they are the opressed Jedi of the council who were not given Master status because of their sexual preferences. They all united to fight the evil force patrairchy. Also, they are the ones who canonically killed Darth Raper and Patrarchine
that's one of the perks of living in the 3rd world senpai, no one would bat an eye for shit like this, especially games
Darth Ichorous.
Or Darth Icky, for short.
muh character customisation if this isn't a full on rpg theres no point might as well have a fixed protagonist
do not respond to Grey Jeditards
is this the same canceled game that they shown years ago? the one that was said to have Amy Hennig as the writer?
You're already playing as a persecuted minority, no need to make it THAT obvious.
It's gonna be some cinematic "nu"game where you play a good guy jedi
They don't make games like old Jedi Knight anymore
no, that was something else
>assembly line
>time travel
Who still cares about fucking Star Wars lol
Its gonna be an AssCreed clone
>shilling for EA
kys my dude
I don't really care about the movies anymore. could use more games though
It had good characters, yes.
stole this of retardera
>Third-person, action adventure
>Holiday 2019 release
>Single player
>Being developed in Unreal Engine 4 instead of the modified Source Engine used in Apex and Titanfall
>Stig Asmussen (Director of God of War 3) is leading the team as game director
>Chris Avellone (KotOR2, Fallout 2, Fallout: New Vegas) did some story work, story/character reviews, and wrote cinematic scripts for the game
>Jason de Heras is the Lead Combat Designer (Senior Combat Designer on God of War 3 and Ascension)
>Canon to the Star Wars universe
>Will be like "Force Unleashed without the Mountain Dew qualities"
>Game has a "dark" tone and vibe to it
>Narrative lead is Aaaron Contreras who was the lead narrative designer on Mafia III and narrative designer on Far Cry 3
sounds like shit lmao
>the lead narrative designer on Mafia III
So the absolute worst possible game?
I think her title involved smugglers
>The worst God of War
>Will be like "Force Unleashed without the Mountain Dew qualities"
What the fuck does that even mean?
It's dead, Jim.
how the hell did they manage to convince EA not to use Frostbite for something as big as Star Wars?
Lmao this, what a bizarre e3
Star Destroyers in atmosphere is a cool image but holy FUCK are they overusing it
No over the top Force action, I guess it'll be more grounded like the movies.
I thought only Sith deal in absolutes.
So it's a melee game first and not a shooter
Supposedly this game started in 2016, EA ate them in 2017
Frostbite has a bad rep for non-shooters after Inquisition and Andromeda were technical shitshows
>chris avellone
what the fuck? how?
Yeah, don't get hyped about it.
Never forget:
>Heavy Rain
>The Last of Us
>Watch Dogs
>The Division
>No Man's Sky
>Arkham Knight
>nu-Battlefront 1+2
>Left Alive
>Dead Rising 4
>Crackdown 3
>Street Fighter V
>Fallout 4
>Fallout 76
and countless others
Yea Forums has a long history of lapping up hype. There's no need to create endless threads about how this game will be the cure for cancer. I'm not saying some of those games I listed haven't improved over time, but the launch version was not what was promised in the reveal by a long stretch. Anthem and Left Alive aren't even in a beta state yet. Most importantly: resist the desire to pre-order. Ultimately, it's your money so do what you want; I'm just suggesting everyone be sensible about it no matter how amazing the reveal is. Wait until after release before seeing if it's worth your time.
So less fun? It's a god damn video game who cares about how over the top it is
he's a freelancer these days
Darth Sasuke420
the last of us is a good game why was that included you stipid nigger
>QTEs are fun
Anthem was a final nail in the coffin.
I'm started to think that this was all just a ploy to get rid of BioWare, that Kotaku piece about the development of Anthem was a total disaster
You know smacking around Stormtroopers and anyone in your way was the best part of the game, right?
It means it will be like Unleashed except your force powers will be toned down to be “realistic” and stuff.
>Force Unleashed but with Chris Avellone writing
Sounds pretty great, honestly. Hopefully the physics are more like JK though
can't wait to hit troopers billion times with a FUCKING LIGHTSABER. what a great design choice.
>JK will never happen again
>I will never force grip troopers and throw them off high places
>I will never force grab weapons from troopers and let them run around in fear
>I will never duel with lightsaber in high risk fast combat
>the last of us is a good game
made me laugh
Oh I like the games, user.
>Last of us was a good game
It wasn’t a game. It’s a movie.
I'm trusting Respawn not EA
yeah, it was great in JKO/JA, it's shit in TFU
Your reading comprehension skills are lacking, and you have a terrible memory of the reveal versus the launch of that game, retard.
You're a good man.
I'm satisfied with the series since his clone got a happy ending. May Disney forever suck a dick.
>this is 100% a singleplayer game.
>modern EA
EA got some quota to fill. They simply couldn't cancel 4th game, so we get the scraps.
still seething holy shit embarrassing guess who won game of the year noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it was the last of us get fucked
why? Their track record under EA doesn't exactly inspire confidence
Absolutely triggered
being triggered over game of the year not as much as you cuck
Do waifus fall under "mt dew qualities"?
What animu is this from?
yes, so don't expect any cute, white ladies.
that imperial commander traitor from Battlefront 2 was cute though
Jedi Knight II Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy exist user.
Also there Knights of the Force for Jedi Academy is a total conversion with all movies in account with good NPC placement for some good combat scenatios.
They have to beat previous mentioned game in terms of jedi combat and we are dandy. But I some how doubt they can do it
i think its action rpg. This game has been so low key and features a "dark time" of star wars, between third and fourth movie, that i think there is a chance of being good. i just hope they dont pander to nostalgia fags and add random shit from Star Wars IV
The realistic saber combat cheat was the best way to play any Star Wars game. The sheer adrenaline of fighting another lightsaber user and knowing that a single mistake kills you.
I certainly would appreciate some III references
I remember a point on Bespin where you get jumped by two sith guys hiding behind pillars. Used to crank up the difficulty to max and reload that save over and over. FUCK the armored guys though
>American game
>design document uses food analogies
sadly a lot of people missed on JA Duel golden age multiplayer(no force bullshit, except jump)), it was the best mp sword experiences I've ever had
split second combat maneuvers, you could control saber with a mouse extremely accurately
what a time it was. pure skill, only yourself to blame
>all your friends are dead
>the people you swore to protect want you dead
>the entire galaxy wants you dead
wat do?
After EA closed visceral and fired Hennig i don´t really feel like supporting them.
Also, can someone explain how light sabers work? i mean what regulates the longitude of the beam after it is created and how the fuck is the beam state changed to solid? Yes, i know this is a silly question but we live in a world where Disney spent millions on a movie that explains the Death star heat exhaust meme...
It could be good, unfortunately it uses Disney Wars canon so it won't be.
i used to get home from school and play duels for the entire day, it was really awesome.
If the combat is similar to older games its gonna be nice, if it plays like Devil May Cry, God of War, Sekiro or any other game like that its gonna be shit. Lightsaber has to be completely lethal or it ruins your immersion. (unlike a sword)
I hope this game has cool cutscenes and not just people talking.
That’s boring and poop.
I hope this game has cool GAMEPLAY
is this an actual RPG or another multiplayer piece of shit?
the hilt basically projects a force field that contains a stream of plasma that's created by focusing energy through the crystals. This contains the heat and allows the lightsaber to deflect other forms of energy, like blaster bolts and other lightsabers.
Can’t wait to see how EA is going to fuck this one up.
and it pains me. Jedi outcast with g_saberrealisticcombat 9 + bloodmod was awesome
Shame star wars will stay kid friendly forever
sounds like it's going to be an action game
I hope they'll use the movie soundtrack.
A couple of original compositions, sure, but gimme that movie shit.
I'm not a super star wars faggot, but i know my shit since i played rpg as a Jedi for quite some time. There is a force field along the "blade" that keep its shape and heat. Its powered by a energy cell. The crystal is used to focus that energy.
Some Jedis from legend stuff had sabers with buttons to regulate the energy, meaning they could increase or decrease their blade size to get people by surprise in a duel.
tl:dr:Star wars has a super conductor with almost infinite energy in miniature size.
There is absolutely NO hope. Don't set yourself up for disappointment, no matter what it's not going to be what you want it to be.
>Titanfall is fucking amazing
No, Respawn are also shit considering they keep fucking Apex up instead of fixing it.
not everything needs to be stuffed to the brim with "adult" violence
tl;dr it's Lucas magic I ain't gotta explain shit
Who knows they're obviously oblivious to the fact that it not only destroys the box arts/logos but also kills all hype surrounding a game. It's the most soulless, corporate shit imaginable.
>another shitty jedi game
hard pass
revive 1313
i'm probably too excited for the reveal just from the setting they've given the game
It won't have cringe inducing fanservice moments and retcons.
cryststals is the key, it's not plasma sabers it's lightsabers
it cuts with light not plasma. think of it as advanced laser. The idea is only force users can regulate the crystals to make it effective.
No clue about disney canon.
haha, is she peeing in diaper, that would be weird haha
Sure, that makes sense... i guess. Thanks.
>guys who made an FPS game with mechs are making a third person lightsaber game
yeah doesn't sound too good to me, also
More like the only good God of War
reminder that the jedi order is a cult that kidnaps kids and indoctrinates them
all hail emperor palpatine
That's because it was not supposed to be announced then, someone leaked the existence of the game online.
1313 was never going to be a real product, it reinvented itself every few months and was doomed long before the official cancelation. That game's development was a huge shitshow.
>Caring about Star Wars
>In 2019
It's dead Jim.
She's in.
Different teams
old canon is explicitly plasma. Disney is less clear.
Honestly, they should use For Honor battle system for a Star Wars game.
>Will be like "Force Unleashed without the Mountain Dew qualities"
So it's shit?
Remember when game titles and logos looked cool and weren't just a standard font with lots of spacing between the letters?
Didn't she survive and became a lesbian after scissoring someone?
honestly i'm more hopeful about harry potter game made by nobody than this
and they will not show gameplay during reveal, 100%.
It’s 4 fucking letters.
>putting "EA" in the logo
Fucking hell they really had to do that huh
somehow they will add loot boxes, premium pass and cosmetics. fuck this
Interesting. Got four factions with each four melee classes in mind?
I want to be in her.
laser makes more sense I think, plasma has too many limits to it's power output.
But... Emperor Palpatine does the same. But use them as shadow agents instead of public workers.
isn't it supposed to come out this year?
damn, what vape mod is that
then what prior experience does the dev team have?
oh I agree there will be no gameplay whatsoever, or it will be scripted if so
it doesn't really matter what makes more sense, it was plasma before and now it's generic "energy"
fake news
only proper clone warriors are used for dirty work
Titanfall series was fun but far from amazing. There were several gaping holes in the design theory which people noticed immediately and called out and ultimately lead to the destruction of the playerbase. There will never be another "amazing" game until devs stop pandering to ADHD retards by giving them tons of stuff to do aside from playing objectives.
no clue, WB somehow is a better gaming publisher than EA. go figure how it works.
She survived, no signs of lesbianism or bisexuality in any stories I am aware of.
>character customization
>custom lightsaber creation
>you are a jedi who surived order 66 and are on the run
>you can turn to the Sith side maybe
My only hopes, I want to make a qt jedi, how many sexy Jedi girls exist in Star Wars? They all look meh
probably because it's not hard to be better than EA
I hope it's a starwars porn game
Why does she have gundam legs? Looks off.
>There were several gaping holes in the design theory
Name two
also they better have some cool armor and shit too for the male characters, I dont just wanna wear the robes
Some user told me it had something to do with that Disney series. Haven't watched it, not even on Youtube. Wouldn't even be mad if the lesbian thing was true, it just makes me wonder what the fuck she was doing all this time aside from fucking some random girl. The entire galaxy's in turmoil and all she does is fuck?
What the hell did happen to her?
sexiness leads to the dark side
agreed but its also dumb that a light saber cutting into flesh only creates sparks
you'll play as a padawan wearing gay ropes the entire time, you know it'll happen
They exist but there's been a lot less since DIsney
fuck, disney really just stole Revan design, didn't they?
>he doesn't know
>Shaak Ti
>Aayla Secura
and that's just the movies
>implying it isn't a SW kinect port to VR
light, medium, heavy, darth maul
High Repub High Imperial
original throw away characters consist of last 2 factions which are a tad more neutral but more brutal and being required to follow orders from first two factions respectively. High reps would be commissars.
for free
I know thats why I want you to be able to turn Sith in the game, and help to hunt down remaining jedi
I'm expecting too much from this game I just know it. This is what happens when you have a fucking 6-7 year gap in Star Wars games, fuck
>several classes of titan that are virtually useless in most game modes
>footsoldiers arguably more effective in most scenarios on a game centered around mechs
I could name several others. It all comes back to balance and not reeling the playerbase in. It was a game designed for tards who have no interest in taking it serious and it shows. But that's not how you keep a healthy community.
This is the literal opposite of the truth.
Yea Forums is 95% assmad console war trolls trying to convince everyone that everything not on their chosen platform is shit. There is no hype on Yea Forums. There's only hate. No one on Yea Forums is hyping this game, read the thread.
To Yea Forums, everything is dead on arrival until proven otherwise, and even then they'll find an excuse to say it's shit.
>now I can be literally Solo
she was helping out the proto-Rebellion before dying in a duel with Vader, then the MC of the show found a Force nexus that let him time travel, so he saved her. What she did after that isn't detailed because LOL MOVIES
does it let you do the lightsaber-copter, though?
The youtube series does not show her being engaged with anyone. She has a few moments in Rebels and that one novel that lay out what she was up to most of the time: helping the early rebel movement and taking a deep dive into force stuff outside the dogma of the prequel era jedi.
That user is just super thirsty.
Can they just copy the multiplayer from jedi academy? I like fighting bots
fuck Disney so much man
if it does take place during the Dark Times, Inquisitors with their coptersabers are almost guaranteed to show up
It's been shown repeatedly that brainwashing kids with magic Buddhism is the best (read: better than the alternatives) way to keep people from killing millions/eating planets/etc
just play movie battles 2 if you want that, seriously go play it
>There is no hype on Yea Forums
You must be new. The Watch Dogs and NMS hype threads were fucking relentless.
>wings of Inquis copter-sabers to flight of bumblebee
this is good
>24/7 dotf_ffa
watch dogs was literally shilled here, ubisoft have the most obvious marketers. And NMS was shit on constantly, it was meant to be the next TORtanic
hype and shills are two different things
I will unironically clap if he shows up.
>1977+42 years
>still carrying about Star Wars
>Singleplayer Game
LMAO. EA said they won't do singleplayer games anymore since they can't milk multiplayer whales that way.
Yeah because allowing potentially absurdly powerful espers to run free with their powers unchained or worse, be picked up by the Sith is a better idea
Sound that will be very linear ,""cinematic"" and boring
It's a pity that we will never see KOTOR 3 or a new Jedi Knight
whos that
more like 24/7 deathstar, which is just as shitty.
We saw her walk away alive and well in the episode where she duels Vader, the world between worlds did not actually change anything.
What the fuck she was doing during the ot is still a big thinker.
>falling for jedi propaganda
Ok so referring only to TF2 as it's the most recent one and is responsible for 'fixing' anything wrong with the original;
>several classes of titan that are virtually useless in most game modes
Only Scorch is bad. This is sad but it's acceptable to have one bad class.
>footsoldiers arguably more effective in most scenarios on a game centered around mechs
The game is not centred around mechs. The whole point is that it's possible to be effective as a pilot or a titan.
That said, try fighting a titan 1v1 as a pilot in TF2. It's possible to win. Key word possible. It can only really happen if the titan is positioned horribly and the other player can't aim for shit. Assuming equal skill the titan will win 95% of the time. Thus the pilot must take potshots, duck in and out of buildings, work alongside other pilots, use their high mobility to get in and out of engagements. Almost all of the time the most a pilot can hope to do is take a decent chunk of health off the titan before they have to run away.
Ducking and diving and poking a giant mech that can one shot you is one of the very best things about Titanfall. It's so much fucking fun.
Pilots are objectively not more effective than titans.
sith wouldn't exist without jedi
so lets just kill them all
....battlefront 2 post june 2019 according to leaks and hints
the Masked Man
Star wars with Sekiro combat please
her clothing makes her look a bit thicc there
Vader explicitly was about to kill her before Ezra yoinked her out of there.
>First mission has you as a padawan
>in the Jedi Temple
>clones and anakin storm in, killing anyone in sight
>"objective: survive"
Post YFW
>Pilots are objectively not more effective than titans.
In a vacuum. The problem is you generally arent going to get games with all good players. In fact I barely took teh game serious and I was constantly top 3.
Also no offense but your post was all just rationalization and spoke nothing to results. You forget who you are talking to. I love the game. I see what it can be. But I also see through that bullshit. Almost nobody even fucking prestiged on the game. That's how terrible the community is.
Nioh combat, you mean
Didn't they mention in the Anthem article that Bioware had tossed around ideas for Kotor 3 but never did anything with it?
>Phantom Pain-esque opening sequence
>Slash the clone soldies 10 times with a lightsaber, only finish him off when you parry him
Sith are violent autists and gray Jedi are the star wars version of enlightened centrists, Jedi propaganda is the way to go
star destroyers are fine as opposed to the HURR BLACK WHITE AND RED NAZIS, GET IT, THE EMPIRE ARE NAZIS
>Try to actually fight clones
>Die after a few minutes
>Take intended route after
Does anyone have the pic of all the cancelled titles?
I'm sure JEDI and SITH were among them.
nu-wars is much less focused on SPACE I noticed, everything is more down to the ground, in atmo, where are all the cool space battles fuck
the soldiers were literally called Stormtroopers, the Empire=Nazis parallel was never even remotely subtle
not that hard to figure out
>does it play like outcast/ academy but better with better graphics and even better multiplayer?
>yes: buy
>no: no
Somehow I feel like I already know the answer since this is a 2019 star wars ea disney basedboy game and the only thing it has been compared to is TFU
just about the only redeeming part of Rogue One was the space battle
and Solo almost had some cool space bits, if we had been allowed to see them at all
what if a gray just wanted to dual class for 1 skill huh? Niggas always hatin'
I'm not surprised you kids overestimate the influence EA has on a studio, but it takes a second to Google that this single player game exists.
Empire at War 2 never ever
>The problem is you generally arent going to get games with all good players
Bad players aren't more effective as pilots either. In fact they are probably worse since by definition it's easier to die as a pilot and harder to do damage.
>[you] spoke nothing to results. Almost nobody even fucking prestiged on the game
Logic fail; the game failed to garner a large audience, therefore it must have failed in terms of game design.
It's well established that TF2 was bafflingly released the week between a COD and Battlefield and was dead on arrival for the pleb audience (i.e. vast majority of people who buy and play FPS games).
>no clone bros
>Urizien Style boss fight against anakin where you're supposed to lose
Gray Jedi are just Jedi who left the order but didn't fall
2 dollars have been deposited into your Origin account.
>you kids overestimate the influence a parent company has on its wholly owned subsidiary
I tried playing Force Unleashed 2 recently and jesus christ it is fucking horrible. A braindead hack and slash with combat that makes GoW 1-3 look like Ninja Gaiden. The level design is so boring that I don't understand how humans even achieved that level of fucking bland.
>logic fail
Says the guy using a no true scotsman fallacy.
>Bad players aren't more effective as pilots either.
Yes. That's my point, 9/10 times footsoldiers are more effective. To casuals, pot shotting with a rocket is fucking ez mode. so is sneaking up on titants with tunnel vision engaged in a 1v1 to steal cores.
not knowing the real fucking Empire had Stormtroopers in WW1. user fucking please you are embarrassing me around the jedi
if it takes place in the immediate aftermath of the Purge, they'll still be around
then the Stormtroopers show up as an OH SHIT moment
>Zann will never slap your face with his big criminal cock
That imagery goes back to at least the 90's, I know the rogue squaron books depicted the imperial flag in much the same way. The dark horse comics also made it overtly a nazi flag.
you really think ol' George knew that? This is the guy who made the actual Nazis villains in Indiana Jones, he's not a subtle man.
>you run your ass off to protect the Younglings
>by the time you get there they are already dead
EA doesn't have the balls, do they?
>Urizien Style boss fight against anakin
Does he also say "I MUST HAVE MORE POWER" when you do the impossible and slap his ass hard enough?
also red has been a tertiary Empire color since LITERALLY THE FIRST MOVIE
I think theres laws against under 16s being killed in vidya games
I thought this game was cancelled.
I don't. I'm bored of the music.
Survived her duel with Vader via time fuckery (though it should be noted she was literally seconds from death as she simply could not best him), and the last we saw of her was as some kind of notJedi sage going off on some new adventure. Supposedly the Clone Wars revamp is going to being her back in some capacity
Flash Gordon
ITT: EA shills on maximum damage control
he knew. some designs stripped from WW1 Empire. So im being serious user, im leaving your ass here and going with the jedi.
Jones Nazis are more akin to Wolfenstein nazis as they both were searching for artifacts/magic/fucking anything that gave them upper hand.
I guess real nazis did that too
god damn, I can hear it
I like the way this was done in Path of Neo where the longer you survive the harder difficulties you unlock.
>This is basically KotOR 3
I wish
>Same logo as the NuFront games, even with the same font
For fuck sake!
the craziest thing George did was sound fx.
Why not save the reveal for May 4th?
Tor is the closest we'll ever be to kotor 3, all the noyltes and plot points that were planed for kotor 3 were instead funneled into tor.
>movie is set in the late 30's/early 40's
>hmmm, what group of people in that era would have the resources, desire and ability to storm into a sovereign nation to look for God's super weapon?
>decisions, decisions.......
seeing star destroyers in an atmosphere triggers me
there is NO WAY that fucker would stay up there. its got too much god damn mass. starkiller didnt pull it down the fucker fell out of the sky because IT HAS NO DOWNWARD FACING PROPULSION TO KEEP IT AIRBORNE
came to post this
>mfw I actually enjoyed my time with TOR
Do your worst, EA.
the italians!
So they were going to canonize a male Revan and bring him back as a whiny little bitch edge lord who literally separated his light/dark sides this entire time?
oh boy another FUCKING game where you play as a guy with a LIGHTSABER, haven't had fifty million of those already
where the FUCK is Republic Commando 2/Imperial Commando at?
>I enjoyed my time with TOR
Repulsorlift tech, same thing fighters use for VTOL.
The venators land just fine in rots and are only a little smaller.
Star Wars Celebration Con, that's why
TOR class stories were unironically good in almost all cases, the only exceptions being consular which was boring, and all the imperial classes except imperial agent for bond knock-off jokes.
>another FUCKING game where you play as a guy with a LIGHTSABER,
Name ten without resorting to the kinect games
that means the empire has a catapult somewhere...
then you hit cap, you cant fool me i was tricked too. I agree though questing to cap was better exp than either KOTOR
Wake me up when the mouse (read: rat) loses the franchise to someone else and I'll be curious. I have no faith in Disney after the fucking SACRILEGE that was the recent movies.
>good in almost all cases except for half of them
>thinking Jedi Knight was good
>thinking Smuggler was good
Some details would be different but the broad strokes would be much the same.
There's almost no such thing, once you throw away the Jedi ways it's a downhill slope. It's pretty much the plot of Jedi Outcast.
i wish i could be excited for this, but i know better by now
>inquis pvp
Looks like a you'll never wake up. If a Disney franchise doesn't do well or audiences have gotten sick of it. They put it in the vault for like 10 years and try again.
why would you even make this thread, kill yourself shill
they got one of these landed in a movie, it can stay in the air.
like they throw the fucking thing into space or assist it. Like the navy
Luke's Jedi Order is much different from the old Jedi Order. Not only does it allow love and marriage, it outright encourages emotional and romantic connections. The old Order collapses multiple times because it's too hidebound by tradition and too strict with its rules.
Even just the plain text of the title would have been enough to kill any hopes of it being remotely good. Like I said, Star Wars is a dead franchise. Just a corpse to be picked clean and discarded, same as any memorable property from the last 50 years.
Hope everyone likes a never ending series of remakes, remasters, and 'reinterpretations' that all continuously degrade in quality. It been in full swing with movies for years, but mark my words, that shit will happen with games too.
There really weren't that many good ones, but the ones that were good were pretty great.
>sith warrior
>half of inquisitor
>one-third of trooper
Don't bother with any of the rest, all garbage-tier.
t. loser who played every story to completion at least once during release, and some twice
its EA, so no hope.
Good. I'd rather be in a fucking coma than deal with todays reality of bullshit.
JK was literally 'you are the hero, go defeat the BBEG'. It was KOTOR 3's storyline edited for MMO.
Smuggler was boring story wise but at least you to got to be a wise ass son of a bitch han solo wannabe.
Republic Commando was top tier, but mostly for the gameplay. Most of what makes Star Wars interesting from a story perspective is the Force imo.
EA is just doing cause the average dude just wants to have a lightsaber though
Does EA even have any self awareness? They must know on some level thateveryone hates them right? Especially after winning "worst company in america" awards multiple times.
So why the fuck put your name in the title?
>Most of what makes Star Wars interesting from a story perspective is the Force imo.
Bullshit, its just that the clone troopers were given the shaft.
JK was boring as hell because it just retold the movies, only it retold them over and over again because they had to drag it out over 50 levels. At least Consular picked up after the first act.
Smuggler was just the PC getting bamboozled by everyone
I just can't be excited for this.
When did EA last stand behind a truly fantastic game?
This isn't going to be it, and if it is then it'll be an actual miracle.
is this game gonna be more sjw trash? I kind of dropped star wars after the last movie it was so atrocious.
Some of the best Clone Wars episodes revolved entirely around the troopers, the fuck you talking about?
Because hated or not they're still raking in cash. Almost every single release is insanely profitable for them, your average dudebro really doesn't give a shit who makes a game as long as he finds it fun, and a lot of them still enjoy the stuff EA puts out. At least, more of them than we have people on Yea Forums who will avoid EA.
On bosses you'd have to replace the hits you land with the katana with lightsaber strikes that sort of break their guard and cause them to stagger rather than actually striking the enemy. Direct hits could still work on tanks and super heavy droids, though.
They are just recycling the nu-Battlefront type of logo, and it was mainly done because
>Hey kids look! It's SW Battlefront, yes OUR version of SW Battlefront, preorder it now for an exclusive Han Solo blaster and forget about the old (yet better) ones
I just want KOTOR or TOR but good
Star Wars: Obi-Wan
Star Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (video game)
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Jedi Alliance
Star Wars: The Clone Wars – Lightsaber Duels
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
No character no buy
>ever EVER unironically defending EA
>>Canon to the Star Wars universe
>>Will be like "Force Unleashed without the Mountain Dew qualities"
>>Narrative lead is Aaaron Contreras who was the lead narrative designer on Mafia III and narrative designer on Far Cry 3
Dropped harder than Battlefront (EA) after E3 2015
I don't know what the fuck you're talking about with JK "retelling the movies". No it doesn't. You don't start out a peasant who has to learn the Force after their foster parents are killed, you start out as a Padawan. The BBEG is not your father. He doesn't cut off your hand. Your master doesn't die making sure you escape from a big ass moon sized space station, he dies like a bitch thinking he's hot shit and can take on the evil guys by himself. The BBEG captures and mind controls you then the BBEG's lieutenant and executioner betrays him and frees you and helps you defeat him because he saw in a vision that only you could do so.
What the fuck are you even on about. JK storyline has nothing in common with the movies beyond the fact that you're a Jedi.
>mafia 3
you mean the game where you are a nigger and arent even in the mafia yet its named mafia 3?
lol what a joke that game was.
They even got "totally not Drumpf" as the antagonist iirc
What the fuck is Mountain Dew Qualities? Last I checked, that game didn't let you spray caustic soda around.
i thought that was watch dogs 2 aka where is aiden pierce ubisoft you fucking cucks
They better show the gameplay and not a teaser
Is the main character going to be a sassy black women like battlefront 2?
>Expecting anything like that from EA
You better wait 60 for E3 if you want to see any...oh wait
I'm 90% certain it's the retard moments like lmaoing on Vader and the Emperor in the last level, or the heavily advertised star destroyer pull.
TOR was fun, and ghost dad made the DLC enjoyable
What would be the Mikiri Counter equivalent? Niggas can't step on a lightsaber.
>ea in the logo
>no kyle
>no mention or hint of jedi knight to drum up hype even though activision don't hold the ip
>instead they mention the force unleashed
>your master dies saving you from a Sith
>literally the entire first act is "blow up the Death Star" except you have to do it five times
>get BTFO entirely in the second act due to being overconfident and underprepared, except it has to durdle around a bit because gotta pad out that leveling experience (again)
>third act builds to a final confrontation with the Big Bad, but again has to durdle around doing random bullshit because we need to KEEP padding out the leveling
>there's even a throne room sequence at the end
1. Your master does not die saving you from a Sith, he leaves you back at the temple and tries to take on the sith alone, which predictably fails. You were never in danger, particularly given the sith secret orders not to kill you.
2. Disabling a few orbiting ships is not the same thing as blowing up a death star. You don't even blow them up, you literally just turn off their bombardment lasers.
3. That's part of the heroes journey you dofus. Also there's a world of difference between being defeated in a fight and losing your hand, and being defeated in a fight and mind controlled into serving the evil empire until someone frees you.
4. That isn't a story comparison.
5. >implying egotistical sith DONT all have ornate throne rooms
Like literally every single sith EVER has a fucking throne somewhere. It's part of the standard evil sith kit.
Just be fuckin quiet. We can argue about the quality of JKs storyline or the game itself all day, but the storyline itself has nothing in common with the movies beyond the broadest brush of scifi tropes. You're basically doing the scifi equivalent of this: kindergarden cop and running man both have schwarzenegger in them so they MUST be the same!
on no no no no
>dude goes for a thrust
>sidestep and use Force to hit his lightsaber's switch to turn it off
>stab him through the chest in the split second he's defenseless
I don't really see what is wrong here? It's some nobody toying with an engine?
Half the game was cut off because they were told to finish up by Lucas Arts (preparing to be bought by Disney)
There are trailers showing different planets but they were cut off.
you'd think they would learn to avoid this place by now
>movies are b&w schlock
I bet you think Tolkien is simplified black and white too just because absolute good and evil are things
Is it singleplayer focused?
0-2 It’s gonna be a shitty on-rails game
3-6 it’s gonna be an open world
7-9 it’s gonna be a Star Wars Space Sim
Darth Incont, the incontinent
I wear really thick robes
did this meme work for Anthem mr EA?
golf stroke away from weilder, jump with stroke continuing rotation (horizontal in air spinning) stay tight make sure the blade is pointing out and behead opponent when the spin brings the blade down
Because TLJ fucked spacebattles forever
i really dislike wasting kinetic energy
>the masters of the FPS genre
>forced to make tpp jedi action game isntead of Republic Commando 2
Fuck this gay planet
lightsaber combat better not be the same, lightsabers in nu-Front 2 are awful, magnetic auto locking bullshit, hit like dull heavy swords, and don't cut through anything,
compared to Jedi Knight/Academy its inferior
I'm worried that they're going to fuck up the lightsabers. I want them to be the powerful beam swords that they're meant to be. But I get the feeling that, just like in every other star wars game, they're just going to be colourful batons that you hit the enemy with over and over until they fall down. Force Unleashed lightsabers suck, KotOR/TOR lightsabers suck, the only game that comes close to getting them right is Jedi Academy.
>colourful batons that you hit the enemy with over and over until they fall down
thats exactly how they feel like in nuFront 2, not very satisfying
got your back