What a ride! I knew it was a very nice game but I didn't expect it to be that great. Anybody here played it too? What's your opinion on it?
Also, I'm going to start playing Persona 5 on the PS4 next. There was a great sale last day (bought the deluxe edition w/ all the DLCs for under 35€)
I just finished Xenoblade Chronicles, and
I'm going to start playing it today, any tips etc.?
Great game, you should give X and 2 a shot if you get the change. They all have their own strengths and weaknesses imo.
We're close to seeing if Persona 5 R is a new experience or a definitive edition of Persona 5, you should've waited a few weeks.
I really disliked it.
Lackluster and repetitive gameplay, flat characters, uninspired story. It's like a cross between Final Fantasy 12 and Attack on Titan, only without any of FF12's world building or AoT's emotional weight.
It was pretty good. The characters didn't click as hard for me as I had hoped, but I really liked the story, the world and especially the music. The gameplay itself wasn't anything special, but it didn't make me want to drop the game either.
It's shit and I hated it. Neverending fetch quest, bland characters, mediocre music, "muh monado", 70 hours I wish I had back. Dunno why it's so popular
Been playing through the second one. I think I'm at the halfway point with 60+ hours, it's fun except for the awakening Blades
I am a brainlet and it took me 50 hours in to understand how the fuck combat worked.
1) Use agility gear, not the ones that give you a ton of defense, trust me.
2) Whenever the fourth character of the roaster is introduced ( he's a tank ), just use it instead of the old tank. He's doing so much better.
3) Grind. Obviously. In this game, only two levels can make so much of a difference in a boss fight.
4) Get ready for some serious plot-twists.
That's about everything I can think about.
I'm glad you enjoyed it OP. Have fun with P5.
Great game, you'll find there's nothing else like it, not even the other Xenoblade games, though XC2 is still good if you can stomach the anime tropey crap it throws at your for the first half of the game.
One thing I really appreciated from this game is that it felt like the story was always moving, you were never far from the next meaningful cutscene and motivated you to keep going.
On that note, the closest a game has gotten to that feeling for me is Nier: Automata which I highly recommend.
Enjoy Persona 5, it's a hell of a ride, my only advice is to not worry too much about who you hang out with or what stats to boost, just play how you want to for awhile.
You'll notice that on some days you get a bonus to certain actions, for example on a rainy day you can study for longer at certain places, or on Tuesdays(?) the bath-house uses come chemical that makes you smell nicer to women.
Also every Sunday you can buy a smoothie at a certain place that gives you a big stat boost.
But don't sweat any of that until you're in the swing of things.
Don't stress over doing too many side quests if you're not enjoying them. Don't be afraid to take control of different characters once you get too into a groove of fighting every battle the same way with Shulk.
I didn't really grind. Unless you mean the sidequests then yeah those are pretty grindy since there are a ton.
Some of the worst quests in gaming, yet also some of the best.
What's the last thing that happened in the story?
I'll tell you if you're actually halfway or not.
shit post,the only good way to play the game is to always stay 2 levels behind story enemies/bosses and experiment your own party combinations, otherwise it gets too easy
I really enjoyed the first 2/3rds or 3/5ths or so. I thought the plot was interesting and the locations were cool, but after so long the story felt too jRPG like (suddenly we have to kill God) and the world felt like an empty MMORPG.
It's a good game, but I feel like it overstays its welcome.
I feel you. The combat system of the second one is really fucking hard to get correctly. It took me about 70+ hours to master. I had to use the "elemental orbs" thingy to beat the final boss tho. It helps a lot.
>mediocre music
Weak bait user
Drop Sharla ASAP.
>yet also some of the best
OP's talking about Xenoblade 1, not X.
The only good sidequest in 1 is the Nopon drug cartel.
Shieeeet, I haven't played in a few weeks.
I think last battle was above that giant turtle against the white haired dude with a mask.
1) How important are the heart to heart moments? I'm trying to unblock them for most of the characters but honestly I hate that fairy-midget guy. Do you lose out on some kind of special ending for other characters or in general if I'll miss upgrading his relations?
2) How vital is upgrading all of Colony 6? It seems it requires a lot of repeating of the same levels. In addition ones I've already been to.
Maybe, but neither of them is best girl.
try not getting spoiled because the story is good
do you need to play anything before 2 on the switch or is it standalone?
You're at the start of chapter 7, a bit passed the midway point, maybe like 55/60% done. I'd say the start of chapter 6 is the midway point (of course, your mileage may vary depending on how much sidecontent you plan on doing and when).
I feel the exact opposite :/
>How important are the heart to heart moments?
Not important, they're just fun party interactions, they don't unlock anything beyond more affinity points for better gem crafting, which you can get by just fighting and doing sidequests anyway.
>How vital is upgrading all of Colony 6
Not vital at all, colony 6 has no impact on the main story and you can just finish it post-game, or not at all if you don't want to. I don't even recall what finishing it actually unlocks, I think it's just strong gear, more sidequests and rare collectopaedia items.
heart to hearts raise affinity and the only reason to level up affinity as far as i know is to extend chain attacks to ridiculous ammounts of damage (and also share skills on the skill tree) so it is worth it but it doesnt affect story in any way, you can also use collectibles to raise affinity
i didnt do anything with colony 6 so i dont know anything about that, but i dont think it affects the story in any way either
it's standalone
there's one minor reference to the first game and a few characters from the other xenos show up in non-canon dlc, there's no prerequisite knowledge other than that
someone post THAT webm
It's one of my favorite games, and one of the only large scale jRPGs I've played more than once. I'd play through it all over again if they put it on the Switch eShop.
The concept is great, and the pacing is some of the best a JRPG has ever had.
However the story is really basic and downright cliche, but that's masked by its fantastic presentation and writing.
There's a shit ton of plot holes in the second half of the game, but it's masked by the fact that the story starts to move really fast and everything is so hype that you don't really question the minute details until after you beat the game.
The main flaw of Xenoblade 1 is that its characters are really shallow. They're great characters for what they are, Dunban's one of my favourite characters in the entire series but he's really flat. The characters never get a chance to really flesh out because they move along with the story, when the series usually has the story move along with character growth.
I'll end you.
It hamfists a love triangle into the story with a twist that's pretty much spoiled by the game's splashart of robotits standing with the rest of the party. It trivializes humanity's struggles and suffering up until that point with generic "MUH CIRCLE OF HATE, IF YOU KILL HIM YOU'RE JUST AS BAD AS HE IS" bollocks (at least FFXII had an intelligent and believable implementation of that sentiment). The combat is overly simplistic and the fights drag on for way too fucking long. Each and every single one of the party members has multiple parallels across dozens of different jrpg titles, and many of those parallel characters are a lot more likable and sound a lot more natural.
>can just finish it post-game, or not at all if you don't want to. I don't even recall what finishing it actually unlocks, I think it's just strong gear,
He and his race doesn't fit the setting or atmosphere at all.
i cannot get to enjoy the gameplay
it makes me fucking mad that i don't, because exploring huge ass places made my peepee hard and i was kinda liking the cast but then the battle starts and my mind goes numb, this mmo-style auto attack is just so fucking boring i can't take it
the fact that there are motherfucking three (3) of those games, one with huge anime titties even, makes me extra mad because i know there's shit that i love in those but fucking hell these battles
>one with huge anime titties even
three*** with huge anime titties
Play as Dunban, by the time you use all your arts into a combo, the first arts you used should be off cooldown to start another combo.
>A different opinion, it must be bait!
I actually genuinely disliked it. It's so fucking bland and generic. Nothing about it is original or creative. You brainlets will play anything just because it's someone made it and shoved it on a cart/disc.
Two, if you're playing the censored version of X.
Censored X still has tits
>heavily dislikes
>says it's ok and was her fault
bitches,every fucking time
Immovable Gonzalez roars you off of the bridge.
my problem really is the battle system. i've tried different characters, it's just not for me, it never clicks.
>Shulk and Reyn kit is so synergistic to show up the absolute friendship the two lads have
Name another game that does this.
no homo but I want dunban to ride me WILD
>Fiona gets axed
>Shit just seems to get worse and worse
>Shulks gets another vision with Reyn getting killed
>Every part of the vision is becoming true, Reyn is about to get eaten.
>This kicks in youtube.com
>Shulk saves Reyn with the monado
>Reyn proceeds to protect Shulk with the monado shield like the fucking bro he is
>Both back to back "WE CAN CHANGE THE FUTURE"
>Muh dick
But no, XCX and XC2 were cool too, I guess.
Overworld is actually empty, unlike BOTW (contrary to popular belief).
Overworld is superfluous, battles take place in essentially an enclosed separate area.
Arbitrary party member limit means you can't use all characters simultaneously in battle.
Shallow tactical game. Try Divinity: Original Sin (actual RPG to boot), XCOM, Jagged Alliance, Fallout, Fire Emblem, Shin Megami Tensei, etc, instead.
>emotional weight
you what
Vision reacts is so underrated.
People usually hate this track because it just stops the other ones but it gave me chills everytime I changed the future
>Overworld is superfluous, battles take place in essentially an enclosed separate area.
>Playing Xenoblade and Persona 5 back to back
You're lucky as fuck user. Ignore the contrarian dipshits, both games are amazing.