Did you cheese her?

Did you cheese her?

Attached: monk.jpg (1280x720, 213K)

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You mean play the game as intended.
Yes. You're a fucking ninja. Where did you get the idea that they fight fair?

Does she have the same playstyle as the fake corrupted monk?
If so its going to be a piece of cake

Yes, with even weaker posture until the third phase.

Mostly the same, though a bit harder with some extra attacks.

What even would be "cheesing" her?

if by cheesing you mean skipping the first most boring phase then yes


what's the cheese? deathblow from the tree above? i missed that somehow but still beat her first try

No i killed her with parry only quadraplegic faggots cheesed her.

i skipped 1 phase because that shit takes too long

Wish i knew that when I fought her.

It doesn't, her posture is really bad so just deflecting, mikiri, and jump breaks it without you ever having to attack her.

that's fine but you never beat the boss

you can also jumping deathblow the fake monk

t. samurai
this is a shinobi game

t. James Davenport

Again - nothing wrong with it. But you didn't beat the boss.

there's a difference between cheesing and using cheat engine

t. illiterate
cheese, not cheats

this, if you cheated you didn't beat the boss, sorry cheese fags i guess you get cheesed by yourselves lol

No, and I'm glad I didn't because she was a fun fight.

No because I'm not a faggot Soulsbabby who memorizes the wiki and all the exploits before playing the game, so I had no idea she even could be cheesed.

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Only second phase, but i found it out on my own while grappling away from the shadows.

cheese =/= exploiting an obvious glitch that will most likely get patched. Spamming dodge attacks on lady butterfly is fine, an endgame boss having 2x stealth deathblow vulnerability is very cleary not intentional B)

you know you could have just watched the game on youtube if you didnt want to play it right?

>an endgame boss having 2x stealth deathblow vulnerability is very cleary not intentional
how do you know?

>2x stealth deathblow vulnerability is very cleary not intentional B)
>you know you could have just watched the game on youtube if you didnt want to play it right?
Based on what? You have no indication that it's a glitch and it's incredibly easy to reproduce. What makes you think it's a glitch? Just that you think it should be harder than it is?

No. I didn't even know you could cheese her.



>seething soulstard mad that people play smarter than him

I couldn't do the double assassination trick after like 5 tries so I fought her normally and beat her that way on the first try.

You're as bad as the retards who claimed the Ceaseless Discharge easy victory was a glitch when Dark Souls first came out. Just because you didn't figure out the easy way and wasted tons of time deflecting the same attacks does not mean it is a glitch.

Everything in this game can by beat by perfectly timing your deflects. Theres really no reason to cheese anything. Stealthing a bar doesnt count as cheese BTW. Trapping her in a bush where she cant move counts as cheesing.

I couldn't get the cheese to work at all and was getting annoyed so I just fought her normally.

Attached: 1446770973102.jpg (1024x768, 144K)

Compared to Padre Buho she's a cakewalk. Old man has been kicking my ass but now I have just beaten him.

Attached: owl hirata.png (1280x738, 1.17M)

There's a fucking unique animation for death blowing her from above. Did that animation glitch into existence?

>Everything in this game can by beat by perfectly timing your deflects
Not ape 1st phase or demon of hatred

watch this quadriplegic faggot beat her w/o cheap deathblows:

Why would you cheese her? She's one of the most straightforward bosses.

he is normally not that hard but I am playing NG+ without Kuro's charm so I have less posture and take chip damage, and fighting him in the tower is like a brick wall

Yes because I already fight her fair and square on Mibu village.

Based on no other bosses in the game being vulnerable to stealth deathblows and based on the fact that it COMPLETELY trivializes an end game fight set up to be a gatekeeper to an end game area. It doesn't even make any sense why you could stealth deathblow since she's very clearly aware of you from the start of the fight.

If you're really capable of convincing yourself that shit's intentional then nothing I could ever say is going to get through to you anyways.

But hey, glad you had fun with your movie.

wrong, using prosthetics, stealth or items is cheesing
you are a beta male if you did anything above

OK now address this post

Oh shit fighting him is gonna be a nightmare in NG+ since I don't use resurrect. Wonder how I'll fare with the next bosses.

Oh just so you know I beat ceaseless discharge on like my first try? Isn't he like not a 'real' boss? Lmao was not even aware of 'cheese' for him.

And Corrupted Monk took me maybe like 30 mins. I'm not trying to brag here but the game is already a good difficulty for me without the cheese. Just the last phase of Corrupted Monk would be incredibly easy and not much fun.

No, she was actually really fun to fight legit, her posture raises super quick..
If the second phase wasn't skipable then yeah I would have probably cheated.

>seething this much over people beating a boss in a single-player game using something you THINK is unintended
Yikes. Get over yourself.

The whole intention is to reward you for getting behind and above her during her second phase, since she keeps trying to sneak behind you. The possibility to do it phase 1 is there purposefully since you cant do it again phase 3.

>has an animation for stealth deathblows
>arena specifically allows for stealth deathblows
>you can get up into the trees before she spawns
>this somehow means stealth deathblows are unintentional because they make the boss easier
maybe Sekiro isn't that well put together in the first place

Oh so you literally ARE one of those retards, amazing.

yes, but I'm playing through again and I won't when I get to her

The first two phases are easy as fuck and it's no coincidence that those are the phases you can deathblow her in. But go on, explain to us how a unique animation glitched itself into existence, I'm still waiting on that explanation.

This is why it's okay to cheese her.
That first fight was hard too

you can deathblow any enemy from above by breaking their posture with a jump kick and get a unique animation for it. I did it to Genichiro/Isshin in the final fight and you get a unique animation.

She's actually fun to fight, so no.

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The monk one if unique dude to her body shape and size. You are wrong faggot. The entire basis of your argument is "It's not supposed to happen because it makes it too easy" even though it's easy as fuck to reproduce, only works in the first two easy phases of the fight and there being no similar "glitch" throughout the entire rest of the game. There is literally zero evidence it is a glitch and you are a retard who has been told that by upwards of like ten people by now. Move on.

She tries to get behind you? Are you talking about her teleport attacks because you can literally just hold L1 for that phase

oh i actually really don't care, just here to remind people like you that you never really beat the boss. Why would I be upset by that? I'm not surprised at all the seething normies raging at the idea though

>What the fr*ck! You guys aren't supposed to beat bosses using the methods the game gives you! You're supposed to play my way!
Gonna be a hard yamero from me, baka.

>Being a pretentious fag over Vidya that we all like

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he's just trying to find new ways to feel superior now that summons are gone

i guarantee you that you and i did not enjoy the same things about the game my friend

I think he misses the ebin "beating Souls is the ultimate gamer cred" mentality. Sadly, really.

yes, i skipped the 1st 2 phases

I was kind of bored of the game at this point and just wanted to finish it

"hurr durr you didn't REALLY beat the boss. You used ninja mechanics that they've been hyping up all game, and let you use deathblows on other bosses, but not corrupted monk. cause I think you should have to sit there and slog through a 10 minute fight of pure deflects when the developers literally make it so you can deathblow the first two phases if you're thinking ahead and playing smart, using the tactics taught all game. But I don't like that, it's not like my shortsword melee build on DAS2, so you gotta just slash through"

what's next, I didn't actually beat pokemon yellow if my pikachu didn't stay level 5 through the elite 4?

Yes, and gamers everywhere are cheesing because it’s fon to due
