Consolefags have to pay for online

>consolefags have to pay for online

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based aqua poster

pc players have to pay for our second hand games :) enjoy your shitty ports why us real gamers get the best AAA titles

PC gamers have to wait years to play those same games, except the communities dry up overnight as people chase the next port.

All good day 1 ports.
It must be sad to be a filthy consolefag

Can you play the best game ever made, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. in a console?
You can't.

>PC friends don't own any of their games
>PC friends have DRM
I'm fine with paying $20 to avoid that shit.

oh no no please tell me this is a joke i can't take this in the morning

paid online is bullshit, but pc mustards have no room to talk when they happily pay blizzard and square for the privilege of using their own internet.

Here's another "joke" for you PC kiddie, Early Access, which your kind openly embraced. While they failed the first time, you cucks will support Paid Mods eventually.

>best AAA titles
Lol ok

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Hahahaha holy shit, who do you expect to buy this shit? Who actually believes that consoles are better? Your spectrums are showing.

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>Aqua posters

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You are of course aware console babs dont own their games anymore, either.
That ship has sailed.


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That's true, however PCfags have to pay subscriptions to play games. I believe on consoles this exclusively applies to FFXIV.

> opantsucucks

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>using "cuck" unironically

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>PC-fats don't pay for online
>all their online games (besides mainstream shit) are dead cause everyone's playing on consoles

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Left consoles for PC last year. Consoles have legitimately become such a fucking scam at this point. Not to mention that they're holding back gaming from reaching it's full potential, Not just in terms of power, but also in gameplay, periphreals, mods and overall community.

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>pclards don’t own their games

>backup game
>download crack

We can host our own servers, thus allowing games to be played online practically forever. Once servers shut down for consolefags, it's over


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Why do people play multiplayer games on PC when its objectively a worse experience

>everyone is on a equal playing field, same framerate, same controllers, same FOV, same graphics

>people can buy better hardware and get way higher framerates than you, giving them a advantage
>people can buy wider monitors so they can see more of the field, giving them a advantage
>people can change their graphic settings to remove details so its easier to spot a enemy, giving them a advantage
>people can buy different controllers and mouses with more buttons on it making it easier to preform tasks, giving them a advantage
>people can change control layout making it easier to preform tasks, giving them a advantage
>a lot of players you fight are third world poorfag Brazilians and Russians so you didn't beat them with skill cause their games run so bad they have a hard time trying to fight
>more hackers and exploiters that ruin the matches

Only reason I see people like it is cause its free, but PC is pay 2 win

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Does Aqua purify cum?

>have to pay for online
>they already paid for the internet connection
lmao imagine being this retarded

No, now take responsibility

redditfags sure are retarded

>this whole post

you clearly have no idea what you are talking about do you console peasant?


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>uses steam

But isnt this basically the same for consoles in that a larger higher def tv gives an advantage?

That's cute. Want me to help you masturbate or something? Not that I care much.

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>can't think of a argument so name call instead
How childish

Larger tv doesn't give a advantage


Oh what will I do without the overpriced, microtransaction infested garbage that passes out as AAA games nowadays, don't forget to pre-order and buy season passes

>consolefags have to pay for internet
>system servers still regularly go down
>data leaks every other year

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Not an argument

If Steam was your only online store it would've been only a matter of time until Steam started taking money from pc players as well. PC players should be happy Steam has competition.

No point in arguing with retards

How are there actual console warriors on Yea Forums?
I own both and have to say while exclusives withstanding, PC is FAR superior. There's no defending consoles. Just admit you want your Bloodborne/Persona 5/RDR2/KH3/GoW/Spider-man games for those games instead of attacking PC.

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The only okay point you made and its something that consoles already do. Just give up.

s-stop laughing at my penis! that's the biggest i could get it!

>mmo garbage

> he thinks consoles aren't DRM themselves

Oh you poor user...

If you could with that attitude it'd be great, thanks.


Imagine being this retarded

Yet you keep replying and browsing a image board, do you got anything better to do today champ?

>5 bucks a month or hackers in every game
I can't decide Yea Forumsros, help me out


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top kekerino user. Tell me how easy to is to backup any of your console games. Go on, put the disk and make a copy. Oh, try to copy paste the game files somewhere and try running the game.

Epic > Steam

Not really, just taking a break after an EU4 session.

Only if you go out with me

>PCfags get spyed by Chengs

I want to fuck Aqua in the ass without lube or anything, while slapping her asscheeks, calling her "my bitch goddess" and drinking her favourite booze.

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What attitude? I suppose I could spare the few minutes it would take you, I already knew what you wanted anyway, user.

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>wanting to rip your frenula

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>in the ass without lube
Wouldn't that be painful for you too?

>PCfucks have to download Chinese spyware launchers

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virgins are clueless, what a surprise

What do you expect from a virgin?

>having more options is bad
Consolefriends, everybody

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>Consolekiddies have spyware built in

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Epic store

that is all

To be honest, that applies to PC too if you've got windows 10

>he doesn't game on Linux

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You know you can buy games off steam and epic store. What's the point of buying a game off their platform if they don't have what you want.

The price I pay to play in an environment that isn't rife with cheaters and bots.

The average age of this board is like 15 most users can't afford a PC pay them no mind

Consoles aren't digital barriers to entry you utter imbecile