Are you ready to trust EA again?

are you ready to trust EA again?

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Never trust EA.

>trust EA again
EA has never been trustworthy.

More like can I trust Respawn again after Apex and not releasing TF3

>All those posts from people too stupid to give EA games a wide birth, especially Star Wars related.

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only if they didn't force Frostbite to devs that aren't comfortable using it, and even if they do force it they're still gonna send them the proper help unlike like it was for Anthem

Anyone on board with Star Wars after the prequels and Disney's horrendously shit movies needs to have their head examined.


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If it's a good game it's a good game. Dice isn't touching this star wars game so it has a chance to be good.

I'm actually curious on what engine they'll use since respawn has seemingly only worked with source for their games and I highly doubt a AAA single player modern Star Wars game will use source. Still, Battlefront games were awful but thanks to frostbite they looked absolutely fucking stunning visually

I was thinking the same idea, I love respawn and I really enjoyed TF2, But... Apex felt more like a joke to me. Hopefully they can make something good from this, but i dont put faith in EA

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Hehe, no. :)

Haven't bought an EA game since Dead Space 2.

Based on what?

You must be under the age of 25

>trust EA
Not after they acquired Maxis and ruined everything.

>are you ready to trust EA again?

it's gonna be more work for them if the game isn't an FPS, that's what Frostbite primarily is used for. anything else they have to reinvent the wheel

I like Apex, it's just not what I fully wanted and everything so far just reeks. It has good, original mechanics and it feels good to play but most characters visually are awful and the characters abilities + balance are generally poor but it might be possible that the reason it's like that is because most of the good talent is working on this game instead, Respawn isn't that big of a company as far as I know

Hell no

I don't even trust in my shadow.

How would they have to reinvent the wheel? Battlefront lets you switch between 3rd and 1st person freely.

I also just realized I got frostbite confused with ubisofts engine "snowdrop" they used for the division

The Jedi Knight games are also jury-rigged fps/tps but still manage to have some of the best sword/lightsaber fighting out there

3rd person movement looks like shit in battlefront senpai, it's the same shit like in Fallout or TES

Don't forget that this game had to be made by the devs going to the Lucas Story Group at every single turn to get their stamp of approval to make sure everything in the game conforms to Disney Canon.
It's what gimped EA-Battlefront 2, which had less story focus than this game supposedly should have, which doesn't bode well for this one.

There's something disturbing about this painting of Jay on a deeper level than just the surface. You know that it's him and instantly recognize it yet there is something inherently wrong upon looking at it for more than two seconds. This is indeed a cursed image.

Bought Battlefront II a week ago and I'm happy with it. Paid all of $7 for it. I feel bad for the people who bought it at release though.

Respawn have shown themselves to be utterly incompetent cucks when it comes to Apex.
I'll never trust EA.

>Trusting EA ever.
I hope that you people unironically don’t do this

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Anyone else not trusting EA at all but still excited?

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they were okay during the 2000s, at least their games were. They were already scummy back in the 90s, killing studios left and right

no go away EA
nobody likes you

Fuck them, they fuck up almost everything nowadays. This game will have microtransactions up the ass if it can still run with bugs galore and 70% of the game either behind a paywall or not finished, probably being worked into paid day one dlc/premium preorders. Not only that, but the 30% that you do get to play is boring, shallow, and honestly not worth the 60$ you spent before you uninstall it after 4 hours or so

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That was dice fault not wanting to do a real storyline

They fucking said darthvader has no alt costumes, he had a different costume in EVERY MOVIE except rogue one

>are you ready to trust EA again?
No and thats not going to change. Luckily Respawn isnt awful but its going to be Star wars Titanfall edition.

Never, fucking bomb their fucking HQ and burn their CEO on a stake along with his family.

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Battlefront 2 multiplayer is unironically fun as shit (at least Galactic Assault and Capital Supremacy are), and has semi-restored my interest in Star Wars, so I'm curious about this one.


> its going to be Star wars Titanfall edition.
You say that like it's a bad thing?

ea have been based since nu-battlefront 2

Part of the vader prop issue is budget. In the OT, the props were notoriously brittle, and the IV-V upgrade to his suit was due entirely to them remaking it with newer material to make it more reflective than matte

They're already putting microtransactions into BF5 despite the shitstorm it caused in Battlefront 2, so obviously no

This is a single player game, mate. Not saying they can't fuck it up or put micro-transactions but it's gonna matter a lot less

>Hurr durr EA bad!
Back to r/gaming

It'll have some multlplayer/online world aspect along with microtransactions, screenshot this


>another Empire era game

it's set in the early portion of those 20 years when the Jedi that survived ROTS were still running around alive. It should have a mix of late PT and early OT, instead of just full one era in everything shown.
The second Vader comic was set in the same general time and it managed to carry the late PT early OT stuff very well.