Just bought it and waiting to download. What am I in for Yea Forums?

Just bought it and waiting to download. What am I in for Yea Forums?

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Decent characters, meh story, fun combat (though it takes a while to get going).
Don't attempt to do the sidequests without a guide, it's a fool's errand. Save it for a second playthrough if you like the game enough.

Eww, can't stand that shit.

yuri and yuri

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It's a pretty good game. You get some alternate outfits and exp with the new version. I wouldn't use the EXP unless youre underleveled because I hit max level with it and all the fights are trivial.

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Never bothered for story unless it catches my attention but I play for gameplay and a bit of grinding/farming.

Best girl?

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depending on the version, minor problems or even random crashing
the pc version is most stable but needs a mod to fix the framerate
all versions are lacking 4 outfits though

A game that supposedly gets good near the end. I couldnt stand that shit and dropped it half way through. Main character is nice i guess.

Got it on Switch, not a huge person on outfits so I won't be too disappointed.

Ams going to purchase this on switch after i finish octopath. Kinda wish i started this first but i don’t like buying a game until i’m finished with my current one.

A good story and awful combat, par for the course with Tales of.

Yuri being lewd

How does no one in that universe know what a high five is?

At least you gave it a chance, that's what I say.

Octopath was fun, need to go back and do side missions and some extra stuff.

Why are you blaming everyone else for Estelle being a dumb cute retard

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Mediocre game that was overhyped by xboxfags because it was their only acceptable jrpg. Awful cringe voice acting (even the fucking dog is acted poorly by a guy doing dog noises and failing at it) and terrible story. Boring, clunky combat system that consists for the most part in spamming the button X. Graphics are dogshit and there are several smear filters that make everything look even worse (can be fixed on PC using the Special K mod).

I hope you didn't pay for it.

Friend bought it so I didn't lose anything. Thanks for the heads up about the dog, expecting an Oscar level performance.

Me on the left

A story that goes full retard 20 hours in, a MC that loses all his characterization 30 hours in, and a battle system that aged like milk. Enjoy.

I want to give you a big hug

A story that's so stretched out and takes so fucking long to go anywhere that you'll soon forget what the fuck anyone is doing.

>Boring, clunky combat system that consists for the most part in spamming the button X.
That's because the game develops at a snail's pace and the combat only gets good when you have enough skill points to enable all the good stuff. Unfourtnately that takes dozens of hours for no good reason.

Lack of story is what killed it for me. Also Estelle, fuck she just made me mad every time. How many fucking times does the story need to come to a screeching halt so she could decide what to do in her life.

An ambitious-but-flawed JRPG that suffers from a severe case of "it gets better 30 hours in". The first 1/4th or so of the game is simply bad and the combat system doesn't become acceptable until almost halfway through. It DOES get to be pretty fun by the end, but it's a slog to get there. ToV is also needlessly obtuse and it does am awful job of teaching its own systems/mechanics to the player, so you're just going to have to be willing to figure things out for yourself or go read a guide.

Ìts a tales of game. There is no special one, the whole franchise is mediocre shitfest. Don't fall for the hype, pirate it if you have to