>games where you want the bad guy to win
Games where you want the bad guy to win
people actually watch cape shit?
are you just pretending to be retarded?
>highest grossing series of movies of all time
>not thinking people watch it
>most anticipated highest grossing movies each year
>hurr do people watch this
Hating popular things doesn't make you cool and retarded statements like that are even worse you fucking idiot.
who's the nigga being strangled?
trillions of flies like to eat shit too, does that mean literal shit is good?
:o) uwu
If you are a fly then yes
Brie Funguson
Crypt Keeper Brie
flies aren't people
gta 3, i like catalina
Zoomers fucking love this shit.
No one said it was good, just that you're a fucking retard for asking the question of do people watch this.
but the bad guys did win
thanks for agreeing it's a SHIT analogy
It's amazing for plants.
Looks like captain marvel, though I doubt it would ever make the final cut because brie is marvels feminist icon mary sue
Legacy of Kain
How do people stomach marvel trash?
Its fucking beyond me.
The stories and characters are so fucking predictable.
Having the bad guy win once was considered ground breaking.
The only one I could take was x men and that was because I was watching it with somebody.
Capeshit is great you pretentious cunt.
normies have shit taste, are you just realising this now?
who said it was good you gigantic dumbass.
Nigga you just asked if people watched it, and they do because most normies have absolutely no standards and will shallow everything companys engulf their mounts with no matter how shit it is
based fly
if you are a literal fly, then shit is literally good.
All me
If that'd be true we'd get a second Alita movie. Sadly you are, as always, completely wrong and should seek help.
>people actually watch cape shit?
>How do people stomach marvel trash?
>Its fucking beyond me.
>The stories and characters are so fucking predictable.
better than watching little anime girls the whole day rofl
cope more
stop pretending to be me
this was me
>"I don't like this so is must be bad"
Grow up, kiddo
have sex
I watch capeshit for the fight scenes.
The only good reason tbqh
well trolled my friend !!
>food analogy
fuck are you doing here pajeet?
Unironically yes, shit is good.
only mexicans and the chinese.
you were the most retarded poster today
congrats, retard
We will, m8.
posts like this show just how overrun by redd*t Yea Forums has become, holy fucking shit
t. fly
The zombie era was actually better than the capeshit era.
At least people could actually fucking die forever in a zombie movie, not like with capeshit where they always come back or are replaced with an identical black character
woah, that's so deep...
Watching little anime girls the whole day is better tho, what are you talking about
Only bothers me because the same people who'd mock you for watching anime watch this shit which somehow manages to be even more gay
actually, all these wasn't me. my bad, guys
Where are the spoilers so I can be an asshole?