Epic drones WILL defend this, LMAO!
Epic drones WILL defend this, LMAO!
Other urls found in this thread:
So basically the same as Steam, except a much worse store for consumers?
Can't wait to see even more people white knight this trash. Because some people are like that.
Valve already dominates the EU and US markets. Growth opportunities are in Asia and emerging countries in general. If you want to sell in those areas you need to offer regional pricing and deal with expensive payment methods, so valve does that in a the best possible way for customers and it seems to be working pretty nicely.
Epic is the new guy in town and just want to grab a piece of the cake, even if they have to operate on a loss for a while. They naturally focus on the most profitable US and EU markets and ignore the rest. Since they are unable to compete with steam for customers, they just outright buy publishers into exclusivity deals and piss pc gamers off. I hope the fail badly. I for one will never install the fortnite launcher, not even for their free games.
Epic Store is still based
I have been trying to explain that to people for weeks now. Epic literally said months ago that they could not keep the 12% cut if they covered transaction fees for all payment methods. Gamers are paying the bill for bonus profits for publishers. How much more anti-consumer do things need to become before people stop defending this shit?
Steam covers all sorts of fees with the 30% cut
Don't worry though goiym, with the 12% fee, they will have more money to make you more dlc to buy!
>If mods thing that this is not worth discussing or that i didn't covered it well, feel free to lock the thread.
what the fuck is wrong with that place
is this the one thing we have in common with trannyera? Out hatred for china?
Everyone hates the chinese
There's not a single person who doesn't hate the chinks, even they hate themselves
This company went from awesome to chaotic evil in the blink of an eye. Was it all that Fortnite money that did it?
Seems a bit entitled to expect the store to cover transaction costs when it's the buyer who's supposed to do it through their method of payment which requires higher fees.
Epic games is fairer and makes more sense for buyers to pick the transaction that costs the less fees. In the end it works out better for everyone from the consumers to the developers and the storefront.
>It works out better for me if I pay for something I didn't pay for before and the person I'm buying it from keeps that money instead
Do you work for Verizon or the FCC or something?
I never paid any transaction fee on steam, they even cover paypal fees.
Opting for the best service and expecting a competitor to offer the same or better deal is not entitlement.
1989 Tienanmen square massacre
Absolute scum.
>Someone says EGS is anti-consumer trash; news at 11.
>OP replies Please make this discussion civil
Jesus Christ what a bunch of cucks. Fuck you OP for linking there.
you don't even read
Steam absorbed all transaction costs.
not for the consumers
>makes more sense for buyers to pick the transaction that costs the less fees
so Steam
As an american, i dont see the problem with this
Wait do people not use their cards/accounts on paypal normally?
Paypal is for people who don't have cards
I use paypal so the seller only gets a transaction id instead of my payment details.
but the pirates
but you need a card to use paypal
Brainddead valvecuck faggotry general?
This thread is borderline unreadable due to the stupidity.
How can two men be so fucking based. Their factor is off the charts.
>Half-Life/Metal Gear crossover never ever
why live
>calling anyone braindead
>seems a bit entitled
Stopped reading there. Do they pay you to lick dogshit off their boots or do you do it for free?
>devs get a better split
>let me the consumer front all the transaction fees
So this is the power of competition huh?
Did Gabe lose weight?
It's so puzzling. Every other company on earth goes out of their way to cater to their customers because they know it's how to bring in customers and make the ones you have become loyal. Epic though seems to think doing the opposite is better, treating themselves like gold and the customers like shit.
but muh free games!
no, its assblasted tim "chang" sweeney general
>EPIC does something good
fuck off chink with your bait threads
None of that matters until it becomes cheaper for the consumer
This, Valve has literally alleviated piracy in places where piracy used to be a massive problem.
Good. Consumers are irrational toxic cunts and the industry would be better off without them.
It's not just Epic, being a condescending ass to your fans is growing trend in Vidya at large. Both EA and Blizzard tried to do the same thing last year by telling fans they didn't care about feedback, and told them to not buy their product if they don't like it. Look how well it worked out for them.
Epic's entire strategy is catering to developers/publishers, not consumers. They think that consumers will blindly follow wherever developers/publishers go, even if means paying more and using a worse service.
Epic store has nothing going for it besides a few exclusives. I'll probably install it to play Phoenix Point in 2020 when the game is finally finished / exits EA status, but beyond that, I don't see any reason to use it. It seems to lack all the shit I use Steam for, like:
>family sharing
>big picture mode with Steam Link
>a fucking community and all the community tools
>several hundred other games I own / want to own
Maybe in like 5 years when Epic finally catches up with Steam in terms of library, features, and community quality, I'll consider giving a shit about it.
You appear to have misunderstood the context of this thread. EGS didn't do anything good here.
how is this in any way a good thing
You're too taken up in shitposting at this point and threw away any subtlety.
>>EPIC does something good
it's incredible how open they are about it
>don't know why you would sponsor transaction fees of up to 25% though
like how the fuck can you say that and then expect to still get money from the people you just blatantly spit in the face? it's like everyone in the gaming industry thinks of their customers as retarded scum that wants to be treated like shit. it's even worse that it is true in too many cases
>>devs get a better split
This isn't even fuckin true, publishers gain most of the benefit from picking EGS. Devs don't see that much more money.
+Epic dont have full regional pricing yet and barely any sales and so far epic exclusive games tend to be more expensive, having no competition and all.
Epic fuck devs and consumers from every direction, before even mentioning the spyware stuff. and chinks drones will defend this.
gotta make room for the implants
the sad thing is that it actually works on millennials, they worship corporations and will gladly pay through the nose so they can have some sense of belonging to an exclusive club. and it's why I have no sympathy for the "victims" of shit like that Fyre festival, they wanted to be part of history and they fucking got what they wanted.
How is that good? This is "I'm gonna build a wall on the Mexican border and make Mexico pay for it" tier. Only we're the Mexicans.
Why are games the same price then?
by making people quit gaming and pick up a more productive hobby like drinking beer.
0.02 social credit points have been deposited on your social credit store
inb4 the Epic shill specifically mentions Shakedown Hawaii as a counterpoint
>Epicfag doesn't even know what transaction costs are
Epic is literally telling you to pay extra for their games because they can't be assed to cover it themselves like Steam does, so you pay extra for games on their store.
"eventually trickle down to the customer"
>$500 ticket for a full Bahama holiday with celebrities
I'm surprised people fell for it and I'm surprised the "Twitter influencers" weren't sued. If someone had died they might not be celebrities anymore.
When did that movie Idiocracy come out? It literally predicted this.
I don't get it, if I buy a game on epic, I paid extra? or is there a hidden cost or something?
Because Epic is unironically "building a wall and making non-Americas pay for it". Want to know why Metro is $50 USD instead of $60 in the US? Because it's $70-$80 USD in Europe and $80-$100 USD in Asia to cover the low American price. They even jacked up console prices to cover losses in the American pricing.
I'd like to see how long they can manage this.
Because if you don't like it, you're just an "entitled manchild racist sexist greedy whiny pissbaby incel" like the paid off game journalist said.
Corrupted marketing always boils down to "give me your money or I will call you names".
They literally have nothing else to offer that benefits the consumer. This is them scraping the barrel for benefits.
Basically a sales charge for using a specific service. Steam outright covers it and some others do to so you might not notice it.
It's double the price for me compared to what it was on Steam, fuck this gay earth.
Payment method overhead isn't even an excuse since Steam supports local methods with small fees that they cover.
>convenient to use
It doesn't even have a fucking shopping kart
Epic was literally never awesome
fucking epic exclusive cancer will be the same as console exclusives where a year old game is still fucking full price
meanwhile not even half a year later most get a sale on pc, be it gog/steam or any other 3rd party keyseller
Reminder that epic drones doesn't actually exist, only actual paid shills
How is this even related to what OP is posting? How is epic even responsible for game price outside of its store?
Leaving UT4 to die in a gutter should have been enough of a warning sign. The original Epic would never have done that.
>Why Valve takes 30% everywhere I do not know
>after literally explaining why they do
>how would the consumer benefit from epic?
>by getting less features and devs earning more
lmao. and it's not even true devs don't really earn more on epic.
What happened to the consumer mattering the most?
I liked Unreal and Unreal Tournament
>using paypal with big mainstream stores
Probably very few shills, just contrarians and shitposters farming (You)s. This board has the most low effort bait on the entire site.
Paid shills who pay their own payment fees apparently.
>giving stores your credit card info
these were the only good that ever came out of this shit company.
How? can you prove it? is there a transaction receipt that list the extra cost?
Then I'm entitled to take my money where that doesn't happen.
These posts make me laugh because/v/ likes to pretend they're not a tranny obsessed board
They used to be my heroes. That engine is so easy to use and was definitely made by three-eyed warlocks. Also they made unreal which was a huge part of my youth.
This whole turn of events though is out of nowhere.
I don't have any other screenshots handy, but they make people wait in line to sign in. This is a company who just handed out $100m in grant money for games made in Unreal, I'll remind you.
>How is this even related to what OP is posting
Read what Sweeney was talking about in the tweet.
'Influencers' are some of the worst scum around honestly, they shill the worst garbage like irl lootboxes and gambling sites and they still make bank and have a massive following. I'm waiting for the day they fuck up and the FTC rapes all of them.
they earn a whopping 15% more there than they do on Steam.
>Then I'm entitled to take my money where that doesn't happen.
not anymore, because epic bribed the publishers of your favorite games to only sell on their shitty store where you pay more.
t.. thanks epic..
I doubt it's all that light on my system with all the tracking going on.
they literally tell you they do themselves in their FAQ
Considering capcom and namco are still not on EGS they didn't do a very good job bribing
>copies PlebG with wacky bullshit and becomes stupidly popular
>kills UT4
>kills Infinity Blade
>creates a store that simply moneyhats already funded and even completed games instead of funding their own
Epic should just go back to consoles and mobile
it runs heavier than most existing launchers, including Steam
don't worry after their next update epic will automatically turn off your anti virus and firewall, to allow itself to work faster. they might even add some entries to your hosts file,who knows..
Yeah but it also show a PS4 store that have nothing to do with epic. Games cost more in canada and Australia too in case you're wondering
It stopped mattering when they realized that gamers are the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet that will bend to the worst practices
Watch what'll happen if red dead 2 actually comes to PC as an epic exclusive
That has never been a thing in the history of mankind.
the Japs are only just now breaking in to PC gaming, and they started with Steam. It'll be a while before they're comfortable with moving to different launchers.
Steam literally says so, it's always been one of the things they are proud of. When I buy shit off PSN and the Nintendo eShop and XBL I always pay a little extra for the transaction fee.
>except a much worse store for consumers?
i mean they have never claimed that
they have always said it's better for developers, fuck the consumers
>dude competition is GOOD
>valve monopoly lmao
>think of the devs, better cut means cheaper games
>actually no its more expensive in most parts of the world
i just find it hilarious how games nowadays sell well on pc thus being a higher priority for devs and publishers alike, then epic swoops in like a fag an attempt to ruin everything
it was never meant to be like this
>doesn’t even have wishlists or even a shopping cart
>still heavier than Steam
Yikes and yikespilled.
I know, I live in Southeast Asia. When it was on Steam it wasn't fucking $80USD until it went to the Epic store.
Even the cheaper pricing is a fucking joke? 10$? I can get 100$ games for prices like this months before release
>Industry that is built upon catering to consumers will be better without them
Really makes you think
That'll be $59.99 plus tip
must be because im a lolifag and lolifags hate tranny fag land vice versa
>EGS could have an amazing and healthy indie game incubator where they could go all in and make the games they want and have it grow a fan base before moving into consoles and steam
>instead as per usual cAAApatalism hones in on the free money train and ends up polluting PC gaming as a whole just as we are on the brink of a new console generation
Why are video game publishers so much cancer?
Reminder that Epic abandoned PC for consoles because they wanted to make more money on consoles.
Reminder that cliffy B used to be an employee of epic and a large part of the reason PC got such a bad rep.
If PC gaming takes a dive again Epic will definitely not stick around.
Charging extra without telling your consumers is illegal user, they have to put it on paper what those extra charges are whether its tax or services charges. If a game listed price is $50 but they charge you $52.50, they are obligated to show what the extra $2.50 are.
>Epic drones WILL defend this, LMAO!
I'm not totally against Epic but this is the one point I absolutely will not defend. They need to fix their payment systems.
literal lies
they won't until they toss out their main selling point
>barely any sales
Sweeney's already confirmed they have no intention of doing sales like Steam does them.
They can't, they would have to eat the cost themselves which they can't do with the margins they presented to entice devs, which means you pay for it. Sorry pal.
Based. Sales are cancer.
>Not sure single epic game is cheaper
>Some are even more expensive
Epic games store is like some weird supply side economics but there's no benefit to the consumer in anyway from the company getting a bigger cut.
So it's exactly supply side economics?
Reminder that this guy shills for Epic
>mfw finding out discord was planning to charge the same 30% cut before EGS showed up
>they already shut their store down and only sell nitro bundles and buying games have been moved to the official discord server for that game
+5 social credit score
Good job citizen.
Reminder that Resetera is unironically playing this board like a fiddle
UE4 is amazing.
The Publisher does, not the devs.
The devs can jerk this off all they want, they are getting none of that money.
Consumers have never mattered outside of how much money they give to the company. 90% of moves that seem altruistic and good for the customer only happen because they think the extra money they get from the good publicity of such moves will make up for it.
The only difference is outside of the gaming industry, and occasionally the movie industry, they're at least good at PRETENDING they're all about the customer. Your local supermarket is just after your money, but when's the last time they called you a cunt and told you to fuck off and don't buy from them if you have any complaints?
And here we have a paid shill out in the open. Notice how he criticizes consumers and praises Epic regardless of the logical cohesion of his statements.
The benefits of supply side economics are supposed to be lowered prices due to lowered costs for the producer.
I'm not saying this is how it works out in most situations but there's no reason it couldn't work this way for a digital store.
In the case where there's no publishers though (independent studios), that's some extra coin in their pockets.
Reminder that they're going to have a very, very bad time next month.
>There's no reason it
Yes there is. The same reasons communism doesn't work. People are greedy horrible cunts and are just going to exploit it to make more money.
Jesus, they literally couldn't come up with a single positive thing to say for the buyer.
If you use 'nonstandard' payment methods that have a transaction fee, that fee is added to your bill. See or i.imgur.com
This isn't an issue in the US or most of the EU, but in Eastern Europe, Asia, or South America, where Visa/Mastercard/AmEx /Discover aren't common, there's usually a higher transaction fee. For example, someone in the Philappens paying using a local card company with a higher transaction fee for an international purchase would end up having to cover that fee on Epic whereas on Steam they wouldn't.
Dont blur lines, user
>steam actually has lower cuts if your game sells a lot
Yeah and nothing will suddenly improve their game except some better financial security. More money won't sell a game
>Why should I, the consumer, shop at your store?
>Because it gives the people who you pay to more money...and takes out all the features
>Also it's "light weight," but in reality that means it's an electron app that actually runs worse than something like Steam.
>Also because it has an entire web browser with it, just like steam does, while running worse, it's the same size of an executable, runs worse and-, wait please come back we have exclusives.
It doesn't work because that requires companies to voluntarily walk away frok market supported profits, which they CANNOT do due to the colloqiual (but inaccurate) understanding of Fiduciary Responsibility and their own profit sharing bonuses. Stock holders want Max return. They will revolt if you willingly lower price when evidence suggests you can charge more.
>epic store is so fair
>region based pricing is okay guys
>Imagine if all the money they used to bribe publishers instead went to actually improve the launcher
I gotta ask, is he an actual retard, Carmack level of autist or just a scumbag business guy hiding behind the "me so nerdy" image?
That's true
I was an EPIC fan at the time of UT2k4 and they really loved making a great game and listening to their players and not trying to dime and nickel them with a meme game.
It was a great time to be a player
There's a reason that they're called "consumer" and not "customer."
A customer expects reasonable value for their money and a pretense of respect.
A consumer just mindless eats whatever shit is shoveled in front of them.
This is exactly what I expect all trips to look like, regardless of board.
I like how lightweight is a synonym for having no features.
ironically the Chinese can't even use EGS
It's populated by tyrants, their enforcers and bootlickers.
Some, but he's bottom heavy. The guy has legs like fucking tree trunks.
Carmack level autist. He is very smart and very autistic. He is the same level of programmer as Carmack too.
is gabe gonna be in death stranding?
It's the typical marketing tactic
>It's not a small house, it's cozy
>Epic ditches PC gaming because they think everyone is just pirates and they'll lose money staying
>Steam swoops in with "piracy is a service problem" mindset and makes bank.
>Epic sees this and tries to jump back in, bungling so bad that piracy is going back up again.
>When Epic Store finally crashes and burns, they'll probably blame rampant piracy again.
I wonder at times if Tim Sweeney pretends to have zero self-awareness, or if that's actually how he operates.
This is why autists need to have a tard wrangler otherwise they say shit that pisses people off without understanding why it pisses people off
I want Epic to fail so much
No, lightweight is great and I love lightweight programs.
Adobe PDF reader is bloated garbage so I use sumatra PDF which is light weight. It opens PDF's, reads them, is fast to load and fast to scroll and a joy to use.
Epic Store is bloated electron based garbage with no features. It has none of the benefits of being an actual lightweight program and doesn't even do the one thing it's designed to do well.
Is he? Cause I trust Carmack to be blunt but make sense, but Tim here just seems to actively lie. Says he's solving one problem, ignoring that Valve has solved it ten years ago. Explains Epic's tactic then pretends like he doesn't understand Valve's tactic, clearly trying to make them look incompetent. It's all so sleezy, like what you'd get from a used car salesman.
What's with so many companies joining a market without providing a better product than the dominant one?
Why the fuck are people in charge of multinational billion companies making products and just... expecting to sell because fuck yeah?
He is. When Carmack explained why they went to Facebook and how Facebook was okay, it is similar to what Sweeny is doing here. It's great for game developers what Epic Game Store is doing, and that's all he cares about because it benefits him. Autist also generally tend to be libertarians (like Carmack) so in his brain, he believes all the benefits of the developers are going to get passed to you.
Now in reality that isn't going to happen, but there are a few things you can be sure of.
He is too autstic to realize he's fucking everything.
He is too autistic to be lying about Chinese spyware, it's most likely not happening if he doesn't want to.
He is too autistic to make a good consumer oriented product like Gabe spearheaded.
This board is the only place I've actually seen besides marketing hellholes like twitter that defend Epic
Which is why every company states there will be a surchage to cover that
Does steam mention that cause if they dont chances are they are covering the cost
Because contrarians. It's cool to hate things to get (you). And then you have actual shills.
This shitty board needs IDs.
Every board would be better with IDs.
>He is too autstic to realize he's fucking everything.
I guess there's a silver lining after all. I kinda wonder how easy/hard it is to influence someone like him.
>Boards get merged.
>Yea Forums get flags and /pol/ merge with /mlp/
>For that single day shill are entirely gone for that boards.
Weird how /pol/ actually liked /mlp/.
There is no point to Yea Forums with id's. We might as well have accounts.
>playing on your 10k$ pc with chink parts
>playing aaa or indie games made by chinks
>every thing on your house is made by chinks
Literally kek
I haven't even used this program but I'm 99.9% certain it's yet another "desktop" application which is running on Electron or some other browser engine in order to display the UI. That means it's fat as fuck and in no way lightweight. Steam also has embedded Chromium of course, since the actual store pages are just web pages.
It literally is, and it's a resource hogging sluggish piece of shit.
>still anonymous
>just less same fagging
What's the downside?
Lightweight is a sugarcoated way to say it lacks everything
IDs only work for a single thread and shit is piss easy to workaround.
It don't solve problem just make retards even more obvious.
I appreciate it's a less bloated shitty storefront because I don't even shop on Steam anymore because of how bad the store page is, I only use keysites. But how the fuck is "the developer" a reason for the consumer to care?
I remember downloading the epic launcher to play fortnite when it first came out and the uninstalling it a few days later. I got emails about unsuccessful log ins to my account constantly for months until epic finally responded to my ticket to delete my account. Fuck these guys.
That's what happens when you are only doing to give devs more money. He shoulda just donated money straight out instead of doing all this other shit.
Pretty much, that seems to be the case.
I use paypal all the time becuase retarded consoles dont take my third world debit card
>says nothing to actually counter the point that the Chinese are unlikable
>Yea Forums gets flags
>every single shitpost, console war faggotry, and gay threads made by leafs and aussies
>everybody simply forgot as soon as the day is over
>mixing autistic right-wing edgelords with harmless autistic furries
>forms the perfect equilibrium with the power of friendship and jew hating
>Yea Forums has similar results
Really makes me wonder what mixing other boards would be like
>change password to Winnie the Pooh
problem solved
It's like pottery
/fitlit/ still ended up being the best mix IMO. The two boards got along really well and the resulting memes were pretty good.
russians steal everything
I got my Origin account hacked and had to ask costumer service to get it back, I now have 2 step verification in all of my accounts
>Does steam mention that cause if they dont chances are they are covering the cost
A simple google will show that Steam also have a transaction fees user
You won't see the extra fee until you go to checkout
>is this the one thing we have in common with trannyera?
also hating america, loving traps and not playing games.
Like april fools of old when we had boards like /fitlit/ well rounded citizens, and how it got extended a day longer to add /spa/ tanoshi sports, and /bant/ international random , after I personally said those were missed opportunities in a thread debriefing of the event.
/spa/ was fun for the mods and for Yea Forums.
>For example, someone in the Philappens paying using a local card company with a higher transaction fee for an international purchase would end up having to cover that fee on Epic whereas on Steam they wouldn't.
Not if Yea Forums is retarded or what, how about you stop talking about business user, clearly you don't know shit about it.
they act like epic is the only one that exist , GoG was been doing the thing in the left frame for years and now they are dying
lowering prices is not the only thing you need to do in order to thrive
Epic games will cover the sales loss of pirated copies if a game fails to meet sales expectation. NOW IS THE TIME. Pirating is okay. They’ll handle it. And they will keep handling it until they can no longer survive.
I dont get it, why would anyone use paypal over a credit/debit card in the first place?
/pol/ works fine and they have ids AND flags
>unironically linking to resetera
Big fucking yikes.
Metacouncil is where all the based PC master race and anime folks have been exiled to and it's 1000000 times better.
you are still anonymous user, the only thiong that ID does is you are unable to shitpost
>NOW IS THE TIME. Pirating is okay
lmao fucking moralfag, its always fucking okay to pirate user
GoG was never a direct competitor to Steam, they always focused on older games
>it has been the market standard for a while
>entitled to expect the store to cover transaction cost
epicdrones are something else
meanwhile outside of the gaymer world companies try to facilitate the customers life in all ways possible, from having products at the exact height to not bend people too much or creating loss leaders just to make the customer come back and buy more shit.
The reason steam got that big was that gaben the ultimate fat fuck tried to make bydeo gaymes cotsco.
epic won't win no matter how much chink money is thrown at them.
Why would anyone ever use a credit card. Luhmowing at debt cucks
Not kidding. Read their statements.
Pirating is not only legal, it’s encouraged. The developers will still be compensated accordingly. And the spyware company will die.
theres a handful of games thats on both stores, mostly indie games
wait epic store uses electron? FUCKING KEK I had no idea since I never installed that shit
Epic games has a minimum sales offset guarantee of sorts. If a game doesn't meet expected sales amount, Epic pays the publishers to make up for the "lost sales."
Essentially there's not the usual morality problem against pirating because Epic is paying for your pirated copy.
how do you pay for shit online then?
>Valve already dominates the EU and US markets.
Not just that. Steam got the so-called emerging markets as well.
See languages share on hardware survey survey: store.steampowered.com
English is just barely over a third and that counts all the non-native English speakers who use it in addition to natives.
Russia for one has always been notorious for piracy. Steam singlehandedly eliminated it by offering affordable regional pricing and making purchasing actually simpler than pirating the fucking madmen.
Those 12% of steam userbase are simply outside the reach of Epic until they have those two things at the very least.
>op posts a direct link to trannyera
>nobody calls him out
Yea Forums is dead
The way Epic justifies the bribes is that it's a minimal sales value, ie. here's x amount of money that would cover x amount of sales upfront, even if the devs don't actually hit those sales numbers.
So if you pirate, the devs are still being compensated.
it was never awesome
Reminder that customers and 'gamers' don't matter to Timmy.
You will pay your own payment processes and you will like it, bitch.
>directly using credit card and main bank account on a chink infested launcher
anyone who gets their data stolen absolutely deserves it
user, the source isn't as important as the validity of the information. OP is and will always be a gigantic faggot, but that has no relevance to the topic at hand.
GoG isn't successful solely because most publishers don't like the no DRM so they don't put games on it.
Well no pc should have to deal with loading the 5 bajillion spyware programs that come with EGS lol
Imagine spending multiple hours every single day just to upload the same image over and over in every thread you can find.
Just imagine.
delete this
They were the perfect board combinations as well. If we can't have mergers again we should at least have flags like /vint/ because seeing the leaf meme not be a meme blew my mind.
He only turns on his trip to shill against frogposters
100% true
That would be telling. Please look forward to it.
>actually reading OP
people just want a thread to shit on the yellow man
Who is this girl? I saw her on a thread yesterday dissing Wu-Tang Clan music.
lmao'ing at u autists
Piracy digitally distributes games for $0, what is Valve and Epic's excuse?
Let devs fight it off then. If I'm not part of the equation, I'll go back to pirating.
I can give Gaben a lot of shit for the way Valve has been going but he was right when he said that piracy was mostly a service issue. That's why I quit pirating the first time around, Steam just offered a good service.
Charging for a download is inherently anti consumer
Fucking companies should charge less for us,actual human beings, using credit cards or paypal to buy shit.
Meanwhile Pajeet not only pays less due to regional pricing but uses a payment option where another street-shitter goes to him to personally collect the cash to confirm the sale while the first world subsidizes his expenditure.
Too bad only Metro Exodus is actually cheaper (50$), this could really be the deal breaker just offer the games at less than Steam due to lower store cut and only first world payment options are free. Epic should definitely force publishers to do this.
People who want to use their third world monkey payment option should pay more.
i don't care how good a game is if it's tied to a launcher that spies on me
I don't know what any of this means, but fuck EPIC.
I'm going to fap to this.
first post retard post
Why do europoors put the dollar symbol after the amount?
>Already paying 80$ for a fucking game in leafland
>Now have to deal with this shit too
That place is the real 2000 era forum experience where the mods are power tripping and everyone but their pets has to kowtow to them every day.
>muh anti consumer
The developers are consumers too you fucktards. And they've been living too long oppressed and unaccounted for.
Because you put the € symbol before the amount
so lets see
>Valve 30%=$60---$42 to dev---$18 to valve
>so epic gets an extra 25%(so devs only get the 88% from the $60 not $75)
>epic 12%(+25%)=$60($75)---$52.8 to dev---the rest to epic $7.2 w/o the free, $22.2 with the fee to Epic
yeah epic is saving the pc gaming industry
Does Epic seriously think it can succeed by being anti-consumer?
go back.
>/pol/ works fine
>won't someone think of those poor billionaires?!
he's a programmer not a businessman so he's retarded when it comes to business
Yeah, Mao did good by denying Chinese peasants harvests
I guess that discussion with Tencent went like
>It works in China, why wouldn't it work here?
have fun with transaction fees
t. foreign shitposter that would be immediately told to shut the fuck up because they're a foreign shitposter
It's baffling how they got as far as they did. Every century they got invaded which killed a couple hundred thousand people. When they stopped getting invaded they instead decided to have a civil war every century that kills a couple million people. When they stopped having civil wars they endured a century of humiliation by getting buttfucked by every modern country of the period which killed a couple more millions of people. When they stopped getting humiliated they let a dictator come into power that killed a couple hundred million people. Now that have a new guy declare himself leader for life and nobody bats an eye, there is a factory explosion or building collapsing every other week, and their prime export seems to be the webms I see in rekt threads. The Chinese individual has hit peak expend-ability where toddlers are run over in the street and people will just keep walking. Despite all of this people are still talking about them like they are a thread and they have one of the most populated countries in the world no matter how many times they are stomped, like cockroaches. It is no meme, they truly are bugmen.
Go back and stay there
Friendly reminder there's an active push from China to get the west hooked on Chinese style microtransaction games.
They were, but only for developers who are fine with their No DRM clause.
Bless them for never dropping that, unlike the (((Humble Bundle))) folks.
This. Devs are basically the poor farmers getting exploited by the shady distributors.
Steam has been abusing these producers for a long long time and none of you care about them at all.
it seems to make sense?
i mean, with a bank account, YOU can keep track of what you bought, so if something happens, you have record that you bought it.
im guessing its because they want to cover their ass in that having a real bank account tied to PP makes it easier to track YOU down in case you try to trick them or some shit.
>Valve 30%=$60---$42 to dev---$18 to valve
>so epic gets an extra 25%(so devs only get the 88% from the $60 not $75)
>epic 12%(+25%)=$60($75)---$52.8 to dev---the rest to epic $7.2 w/o the free, $22.2 with the fee to Epic
>Discord has 10% cut = 60$ - 54$ to developer - 6$ to Discord
Yeah, Epic is doing absolutely nothing good for this industry
fuck Epic
yea, by publishers forcing them to only put a game onto a store without even telling them
>le 51% meme
Epic board has 5 people, one of them is Tim, two are tencent representatives. board is ruled by majority vote. all tencent need to do is get one of the other directors on their side and they can literally fire Tim. not to mention they have nearly 50% power in stocks and more power in board than Tim.
and I'm sure Tim our bro will totally risk himself to fight tencent over stuff that don't affect him because he cares about us customers sooooo much....
Does Discord have dedicated 24/7 servers for multiplayer?
you don't
tl;dr if this applies to you you are a worthless 3rd world shitholer who shouldn't be playing vidya in the first place.
Does Epic have dedicated server anti-DDoS?
>implying EGS lets anyone uses their servers
we'll see when we know how BL3 handles co-op I suppose
dumb American here, can somebody explain what all of this means for consumer? like what are these extra fees?
>like what are these extra fees?
it's money you pay
does your state have sales taxes? it's like that
Shut up and pay more, gweilao, we make game industry better, you don't see.
except you aren't paying towards the government, but to consumers you just pay a bit more like a sales tax
It means you can add funds to your paypal account and buy, you have to give them your credit card info
It's so they can charge western countries more because their money is worth more.
This is wrong. Look at BL3. Randy pushed for going Epic because he, the fucking DEV, would get the money. die valve drone.
it means nothing to you unless you use some shitty 3rd world payment service nobody ever heard of.
so this only affects third worlders who dont have a chase bank?
are you too dumb to read the OP? It says "ONE of the following"
Payment processes. Exchanging money isn't free.
Don't forget that day outed who were the biggest shitposters of us all.
>Credit card: no fee
>Paypal: no fee
>Amazon: no fee
>Paysafecard: 6.75% fee
>Sofortüberweisung: no fee
>Sparkasse: no fee
>giropay: no fee
>Skrill: no fee
Where is the problem?
can we spam winnie the pooh images, like a LOT, and then report tencent to the chinese government and say that they are looking at winnie the pooh pics and mocking dear leader? what would happen if this went through?
how are you so fucking poor that you can't even afford a free debit card
spot european
Tencent IS the chinese government you fucking retarded animeposter.
who knows
and they are mocking dear leader by looking at pooh pics in a place where they are supposed to be shilling
Then the Yea Forums mods will ban you because that's racist and against discord policy
So who will report Tencent to the Ching Chong gubment?
Consumers don't make games, and since I pirate everything and hate valve, this is epic
>GOG is dying
People keep saying this after they "only" made $7k in profit last year and made a few cost cutting changes, but ignore the fact 1. exchange rates weren't working in their favor for most of last year 2. their Q4 2018 profits were higher than their Q4 2017 profits and 3. their gross revenue has only been increasing year over year. The company continues to grow, they continue to get new publishers like Blizzard on their platform, they're making a profit again after a rough start to the year, and they've got a major title from CDPR coming out in the next couple of years. GOG isn't going away any time soon.
I love bootlicking idiots that willingly give away their freedoms
for doing a good job screwing over wypipo?
not that user but the artist is sergey gurski on artstation - it's the one pic i keep saved on my phone at all times.
Tim Sweeney isn't entitled to anyone doing business with him either, that's why he is trying to leave people no choice with exclusives.
are you a "sovereign citizen?"
>Imagine if all the money they used to bribe publishers instead went to actually improve the launcher
Or to undercut Steam, so instead of making the game exclusive to the store, make it a lot cheaper than buying it from Steam
How does paying the same amount of money on a different launcher benefit me?
i hate epic and i will never get it. just answer the question.
I'm not the same person.
Payment platforms charge a fee for their services, a commission if you will.
Usually the store pays for it since they get the added value of having additional payment methods which in turn increases their market reach.
However, Epic are chinese so fuck you. The only other video game store I've seen pulling this crap is G2A.
>sergey gurski on artstation
But my gaming journo bros told me Steam was greedy!
My question is. Why do chinese gamers have such a desire to spend that much more than in the west?? There obviously are whales but in china is more widespread, maybe not in the tens of thousands of dollars. Is it a cultural thing??
That is a powerful image.
yeah I got a couple of 'em
Steam takes a 30% cut whether the transaction cost is 2% or 15% (hint: for 80% of customers it's 2-3%)
Epic takes a 12% cut and passes the cost of using expensive payment methods on to the idiots who actually use them.
Who is greedy here?
>only" made $7k in profit last year
I didn't know this. I'm actually really surprised. I don't use GOG often but I just assumed they had a more profitable niche.
>basically the same as Steam
Steam doesn't make customers pay for their own transaction costs nor do they impose a big ass fee if Steam decides to absorb it for you.
This shit Epic is doing is how they're getting away with only a 12% revenue cut so that dev-OH WAIT IT'S ACTUALLY PUBLISHERS get to see more of a profit on sales.
>the absolute state of right-wing chuds
Epic because I don't give a single about the devs.
Was already proven to be slightly below Bethesda's launcher in resource-hogging
>Gives developers a better deal
Every fucking time anything related to Epic giving developers some sort of benefit just remember that they're actually talking about the publishers instead.
Imagine for a moment if you will a country whose soul purpose for existing is investing in your massive population and throwing your citizens through meatgrinders for quick money. Now imagine if 25% of this country was still in the dark ages while the other 25% is experiencing prosperity the country has never seen in 1000 years. Now imagine growing up in this massive amount of "prosperity" in some communist megacity not valuing money in the least bit and actually getting free money from the government while the other 25% of the country is forced to slave in their fields and are offered no social benefits.
Epic doesn't make you pay for transaction costs. Go the epic store, put something in your shopping cart, go to checkout and see which payment options have a fee attached.
Unless you live in Turkmenistan you will have multiple options to pay with no fee.
Epic gets an additional 25% for transaction costs. Also not like every indiedev wanting to change shops is really going get this deal anyway as EGS picks the content they want on their game. So sorry your "thought simulator" platformer isn't going to find a place on EGS anytime soon (never)
Third worlders blown the fuck out.
>mfw Epic managed to piss off literally every single scene group currently running right now with how fucked up their business strategy has been, to the point that they've actually united to get Epic Store games cracked immediately out the door
Why are you posting this retarded pic again?
>Epic gets an additional 25% for transaction costs
but they don't. see
>Besthada launcher
why is that a thing and how is it the biggest launcher
What site is this user?
Valve let them down by not pushing paid mods past reddit.
wtf I love Valve and Steam now
Publishers, the only time developers ever fucking see any sort of cash flow from game sales are
a) they self-published themselves, or
b) they have some kind of agreement with the publisher to give them some of that money
For example, Platinum Games have made a good handful of stinkers over the years but they haven't actually lost any money over it. Sega or Nintendo or whoever pays them to make the game and then that's all the cash they'll ever see from it, with Sega or Nintendo or whoever then reaping in the money from selling the game ie Bayonetta or Metal Gear Rising. This is the norm, has been the norm for decades, and will probably continue being such.
Cause this is Bethesda we're talking about. They're probably hoping some modder finds a way to fix it.
Based and truthpilled
>Epic though seems to think doing the opposite is better, treating themselves like gold and the customers like shit.
Because China
Not even a meme, legit because of fucking China. It's how their society/culture operates, in their eyes it's the customer that has to make all these leaps and bounds if they want to use Epic's store and Epic doesn't give a shit if the customers are getting swindled or run over by trucks and buses, Chinese logic states that it's the customer's fault for having such a thing happen to them, they should've been more careful. If I had the screencap of that one user having a shitload of problems doing steel orders with Chinese companies I'd post it, because that's what it's like trying to use Epic.
>epic store is owned by the chinks
>Their payment costs are almost unilaterally passed on to the chinks.
Im confused.
Yes, HE. The CEO, the guy at the top. No one else in Gearbox will see an extra dime.
Here you go, always a fun read.
My opinion is that any game in the Epic store should get zero attention, literally, no torrents to show that people WANT to play the game, and no purchases EVEN after the exclusivity period has passed and released on Steam or GoG or whatever platform what so ever.
Hell they shouldn't even sell on consoles.
Show the devs and publishers that their games will fail, and they will lose their jobs because of no sales if they are such arrogant shitheads.
The boycott should be absolute.
Thanks fren
Not him but it's IsThereAnyDeal. Very good site, the digital games equivalent of camelcamelcamel, it just lacks showing premium deals like gmg vip discounts.
Still a shitty country, full of shitty people following a shitty culture, eating shitty food. The only thing they are good at is making shitty copies of everything, and it is cheap because their time is worth nothing. Their time is worth nothing, since their lives are worth nothing.
>Devs will decide
>Publishers are the ones putting things on Epic
>He's asking why something made by Bethesda is bloated as shit
Customer-first is an American ideology. Epic is owned and operated by China.
EGS isn't even a thing in china dude, and stupid outdated mobile phone payment with QR codes are all the rage there now because of convenience
I'd rather not give Sony my credit card details so they can get stolen. Or some retard like NCIX.
Fuck consumers.
It's not about us actually mattering as people, it's about them acting like they are actually trying to please the customer, and thereby creating a better service. Denuvo is anti-consumer. Epic is anti-consumer. Bad deals.
>One of valve's own developers
>Doesn't elaborate, doesn't say who he is, what position, etc.
About as believable as one of those fake Nintendo leakers that populate twitter
you should add dead dogs and chained kids to this picture
So they're willing to blow millions in setting this up, except in less profitable countries? This is a sign of their future operations if they succeed.
why was this post deleted?
china controls this site
One of the Yea Forums mods is an actual, legit Epic shill.
>actually linking to trannyera
>linking to resetera
absolutely fucking kys
That's Todd's Turd Launcher. It is used to play Fallout 76 and it uses so much ram because it constantly scans your computer for pirated Skyrim games.
Is that file size or RAM usage? Because of those those literally doesn't matter and the other is criminal.
Delete this;(
I would not trust chinamen with my card info
Ram usage. It's the task manager...
>Is that file size or RAM usage?
>Todd's Turd Launcher
At least Tim is fucking himself by buying trash and blowing tons of money prematurely on shitty games
desu noone asks for lowering prices. I already have more games in my library than I can play
RAM Usage. Those are active processes in the task manager. For a client that is touted as “lightweight” it ironically uses more RAM than steam.
That's the point of lowering costs.
>Why should the consumers use this?
>It gives corporations more money!!!! :^)))))))))
>also hating america
You go to /int/ and they unironically suck Chinese cock.
>File name
When does samozbor gets released in this store?
you sure it's not just yellow fever?
Seriously, does Tim think Epic is untouchable? Does he think that the customer can't do shit and that's why he's being such an arrogant schmuck? Like going back on his promise that Epic wouldn't do anymore exclusives?
I really hope all this buildup is going to bite him and his Tiananmen Square Store in the ass hard. This isn't anything to do with Steam or GOG at this point, it's "FUCK EPIC".
More fake gamer outrage? As you can see I can pay directly with my credit card for free, through paypal for free or I can if I for whatever reason would want to throw 6.75% towards Paysafe whatever that will do for me.
Basically, this is an invented non issue to rile up retards. Get smart, gamers.
No you can actually find threads with Euros praising Xi and complaining about why China isn't number one already instead of the US. Or you just have to make an anti-Chinese thread to see it for yourself.
No one defends fucking chinks except shills.
Use GoG.
Based, today I will start using this everywhere to remind them.
Epic's CEO ladies and gentlemen
Hello Grzegorz
The fact is that you have to pay that fee to use your payment method of choice. Valve eats those cost so you can use one of their many methods globally. Hence why they take a bigger cut.
Imagine being this delusional.
Tim is a snake and the more he gets called out, I hope he makes more and more mistakes.
That's very chinky of him.
Funny thing, there is a saying in historian circles saying that East-Chinese are the Jews of Asia.
No wonder.
This is naive and infantile. Do you know who decided this costs money? Not Epic, not me but Paysafe. Why? Probably because cash is an expensive thing to waste resources on. Now, to your idiotic mind the solution is that Epic should take the cost for you, but that's naive. What that would do is spread the cost on all customers, and that's what Steam is doing. Different transactions have different costs and it's only sensible that you pay for yours yourself. Those of us who don't unironically buy codes with cash to feel safe online like some reactionary trump supporter don't want to pay for you. If you want to do that, you take the extra cost. Not me.
Hong Kong left China exactly because they were tired of being chinked
I have started using GOG, and I don't have too many games so far but I'm hoping to make more of my purchases on there as time goes on, even though I still use Steam. And honestly, I have Origin and Battle.net (the latter on and off my computer depending on my mood with Blizzard). But I am NEVER installing the chinkware that is Epic Games Store.
even origin has other publishers' games
Tim said that. He has nothing else to fight for that benefits consumers. This is all about giving devs more money at the expense of the buyers
Good Lord the absolute state of Yea Forums
Time > money
Running more launchers, researching how the launcher will fuck you with spyware, grappling with shitty launchers, searching more to find the game after shitty exclusivity deal. Then calling customers entitled like every other hipster faggot with a self guilt cuck fetish.
There are so many reasons why Epic is 120% earning the backlash from customers.
>Phoenix point.
Holy fuck user just pirate it, Gollop literally asked epic for the publishing deal and shit all over you, especially if you were a backer.
Just think of it as epic buying your copy for you.
>-33 points
At least even reddit calls him out.
>reading comprehension
based retard
Whats the original thread for this?
I hate epic as much as the next guy but no one is going to take this seriously with a resetera link.
>oh no the poor devs in the indie clique that shit all over half the country, and ninety-five percent of the gamers
>417 replies
It's a storefront war thread, of course it's gonna get replies.
thanks user, i needed a new fetish and this is patrician-tier
and (I assume) no one actually clicked on the link and is only replying based on what's in the OP and all the twitter/reddit screenshots of Tim defending his shit
Its funny how everyone ignored the Discord Store when they came out before Epic launched their store ,they offered a better cut than Epic, Exclusive games, and launched with way more features than Epic. This goes to show you that Epic has been spending some serious money on shilling and trying to shape their narrative, either that or journalist are THE most retarded most short sighted motherfuckers I've ever seen. Journalist went from bashing Steam for being a monopoly and not catering to indies yet now Epic is literally doing exactly that, trying to be a monopoly and catering way more heavily on bigger publisher games and titles.
Screw gaben
The more this retard opens his mouth the less likely I am to get anything from his store. And that chance is already sub zero.
>are THE most retarded most short sighted motherfuckers I've ever seen.
Dude, they have a journalism degree. Was there ever more of a QED in life?
The only reason you would ever use paysafecard is because you are laundering money.