Do you think you'll still be playing video games when you're 30?
Do you think you'll still be playing video games when you're 30?
People who make your favorite games are over 30. They also play other devs' games recreationally.
If I'm still playing video games 4 years ago I'll kill myself.
>tfw I'm already 30
I'm 54 and have grandkids and I still enjoy playing a good RPG.
what are your thoughts on big tiddie lolis, grandpa?
What sort of RPGs, mister unironic Boomer?
I got into dungeons and dragons back in the 70s as a kid and it stuck, I like neverwinter nights and used to play some runescape.
Wouldn't it be healthier to focus on girls your age, user?
Why would I stop? Is there a single reason other than the prejudices of other people?
I'm 30 next year and showing no signs of slowing, so probably. Grandpa poster is my role model
Most likely yes, but probably as much as I do now which is rarely
Why the fuck would you? Because of Social brownie points? Lol fuck outta here.
I'm almost 31 and I am.
If i will be still alive to that moment, sure.
*Why the fuck would you stop?
I don't think I'll live to 30
I'm 34.
>wanting to get old
absolute cuck
I look ten years younger than I am. Does that mean I can keep gaming until 40?
Elwgo who the hell looks like that at 30
Yeah haha imagine being 30!
>Wanting the shorter/lesser of two experiences that end in the exact same way
Why rush? You'll get there eventually.
enjoy your arthritis
British women
can't wait till i'm 60 and retired. Will finally have the time to play vanilla rust
>Be 27
>Already feel old as fuck
Don't waste time playing games. Quit this non-sense hobby right now.
As opposed to what hobby?
There is nothing worthwhile in this work slave society. Why suffer while waiting for the inevitable?
>any job ever that requires hands
more like enjoy your weak genes
already have. learning to draw so i have something to fall back on in case everything else fails. i may sell my soul to the devil to do commission work for absolute degenerates, but at least the lights will stay on.
That feeling passes, 27 is prime existential crisis age. Take that feeling and find better balance in your life, but don't discard something you enjoy.
I'm determined to stay and find happiness, if only as a middle finger to the soul crushing machine. Quitting is admitting defeat
Yes, I am
I never signed up for this shit in the first place. I'm not defeated, I quit.
Turning 27 soon and of course. But I can definitely feel my tastes changing as I get older. I always thought I would play oblivion all day every day if given the opportunity but in reality I prefer to slowly complete new games and anticipate newer ones while I listen to shows or do more productive things. I’m just over halfway through Sekiro even though I’ve had it since launch. Not because I’m bad just because I’m pacing myself. Lady butterfly only took me three tries, kinda proud of that.
Bros, you ever look up at the night sky and stare at all those tiny holes in the black canvas of space? All those stars, representing infinite possibility? You ever think that somewhere out there, maybe in an entirely different universe or dimension, your waifu is also looking at the stars just the same as you...wishing she could embrace you just as much as you wish you could embrace her?
Not before I use up all your inheritance son!
Nigga you sound gay as fuck right now. Get married already, cuck.
I thought that as well and here I am.
this user the type of nigga to see a man proposing to a girl and interrupt it to ask if they know where the nearest burger king is
>tfw 30 year old NEET
I’ll give you a point because I did have Burger King yesterday :( double stack combo
That’s clearly a maj
HAHHA okay now this is
actually depressing
I wish the Burger King gave me a double haha
Careful u are in ur first saturn return and life is a complete piece of shit in the transition
I'm with this guy. Shit sucks and it's only going to get worse ad they get more and more ways to monitor you.
You can still make it user.