Now that the dust has settled, was it a good game?

Now that the dust has settled, was it a good game?

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Other urls found in this thread:,-107.75242842817931&z=3

it was okay

>have over 700 hours in the game
>never once sided with the powder gangers to wipe out goodsprings

I just can't, I feel too bad for virtual pixels.

Combat is repetitive as fuck but it's still good as an RPG.


i can't blame you, the powder gangers are shit anyways

Good game, but definitely not the second coming of Christ

It's always been a good game fuck off back to /reddit/

Definitely better than Fallout 3. Looking back, that game was boring as fuck with some cool moments sprinkled throughout.

Even worse is you don't even need to do so if you want to have good Karma with the powder gangers since the vault guys don't care

Just played it recently and this.

Companions make it playable. The combat is awful and dungeons suck. However the quests with multiple outcomes and factions and lore gathering with exploration is awesome

Its a good game in spite of being an open world survival crafting game, mostly because the RPG elements are so strong

Does literally every discussion need to start with the same canned meme phrases with no real question? How has shit like "dust has settled" not been spam filtered yet

It was pretty good despite abundant glaring flaws. I wish they had more dev time not to flesh out the factions but to fill in the overworld. There's some neat little spots off the beaten path that have nothing interesting in them so exploration can be unrewarding which hurts in an open world game.

>mfw doing a Hokuto Shinken playthrough and I come across Power Gangers

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Why side with literal convicts that want to blow everything up? I gun those degenerates down asap.

Despite the fact that it is by far the game that has crashed the most on me I still enjoyed playing through it several times.

i liked fallout 3 better and I don't know why


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That's understandable, they're pretty different games despite looking like the same shit with a palette swap.

If you don't exclusively use revolvers, dynamite, shotguns and lever-action rifles you are playing the game wrong

>But you - of all people - dare to stand before me, the mighty Caesar. What were you thinking?
>You guaranteed my safety
>And you fell for that? Really? Because I'm going to have you killed now.
>...Relax. I'm fucking with you
I switched from the NCR to Legion just because of this dialogue

I have and it's pretty pointless to side with Powder Gangers.

Get ready for my unpopular opinion
NV > 2 = 4 > 1 > 3

I can never do it, since it requires you to kill the doctor that just SAVED YOUR FUCKING LIFE. Even if I'm playing an "evil" character, I still can't go through with that.

Alright niggers let's do this
>Favorite faction
>Favorite weapon
>Favorite armor
>Favorite town
>Favorite companion
>Favorite DLC
>Favorite casino

>Stealth Suit from OWB
>Lonesome Road
>Atomic Wrangler

>Ranger Sequoia
>Desert Ranger Combat Armor
>Dead Money
>Gomorrah because for whatever reason my luck was better there

>>Favorite faction
>>Favorite weapon
dinner bell
>>Favorite armor
graham's armor
>>Favorite town
jacob's town
>>Favorite companion
>>Favorite DLC
dead money
>>Favorite casino

>New Vegas: The Musical
>opens with Benny and the Khans singing about the state of the Mojave in a song called Rigged From The Start
>House has a Friend Like Me-esque song where he promises the Courier a life of luxury in exchange for his loyalty
>Boone gets a sad solo song about his dead wife
>The Nipton lottery is shown and Vulpes does a song while he's calling numbers and executing people
What other songs would there be?

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It was better than 3 because it had better RPG mechanics but most people don’t like it because there are parts of the map that are empty
Probably because it’s in an actual desert that is even more empty IRL

I don’t know any musicals but there would be an over dramatic song from Caesar about why his ways aren’t so evil and he’s actually the good guy of the Mojave and him and the courier can have it all if he’s willing to join him

You could give the NCR a "join my side" song as well. Then near the end have another song that starts as a medley of House's, Caesar's and the NCR's, then becomes a new song where the Courier decides to side with Yes Man.

>favorite faction
>favorite weapon
Battle rifle
>favorite armor
Desert ranger combat armor or whatever the fuck it’s called
>favorite town
Who wouldn’t pick New Vegas
>favorite companion
Ed-E or Cass
>favorite DLC
The Zion one
>favorite casino
Sierra Madre because the other ones are gay

Holorifle or AER14
Desert Ranger
Dead Money
Sierra Madre

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That would be fucking perfect, and each one could play to a different aspect of why the courier should be joining
All about liberty baby
Patriotism and democracy
Power and righteousness

Had potential to be even better

Sp House's can be similar to Friend Like Me, NCR's can be a sort of Battle Hymn of the Republic marching song (maybe occurs while the Courier is retaking Nelson), and Caesar's can maybe have a similar vibe to Be Prepared
Benny can also have a reprise of Rigged From The Start when the Courier confronts him, but this time it's sadder because it's about his failure

Follower of the Apocalypse
.44 Magnum revolver
US Army General outfit
Old World Blues
The Tops

fallout 3 was so bad i never even installed it after buying it on sale.

because it was better

>tfw my life will never be completed with a fallout: new vegas musical

Riot shotgun
Old World Blues

Some day someone's gonna have to abduct sawyer and work together to mod in the cut colorado territory, cause the legion is actually an interesting concept that deserve to be fleshed out beyond rapey budget rome larpers

>Want to play new Vegas really badly
>I have tons of memories of high school, how happy I was when my gf got me the game for my birthday, all the memories of playing while I was on the phone with her, etc
>All these years later and she was the only GF I've ever had

I grew up into such a loser.... How many years ago did this game come out? 2010?

>actually thinking NV was good game

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Quickest way to have your opinion mean less than nothing is to post a frog with it.

very good
with some light nodding to fix its most pressing issues it's a top 5 WRPG

>having a gf
fucking profligate

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>Not cool enough to be a normie
>Had sex and one girlfriend so I'm too much of a normalfag for you guys

It's not fair. I'm the Sasuke to the Virgin Naruto. You guys don't know how bad it is to have prime teen pussy and then go like most of a decade without it ever happening again.

No, I know how bad it is to go over a decade from the very start of puberty without it ever happening to begin with though. Now if I want that prime teen pussy it's statutory rape.

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Not as good as Fallout 3, but it was still good.

No. It gets noticeably worse looking over time, as opposed to real classics which get better with every replay. NV is basically just Yea Forums's version of Bioshock Infinite, where the cult echochamber meme imagery is far more present in your impressionable heads than the actual game itself.

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Has anyone ever not agreed vanilla NV looks like putrid ass and modded NV like just ass?

>the graphics are bad
has anyone on this fucking website ever defended new vegas for having good graphics?

It was fucking best game

Is it just me, or is it short? i'm pretty sure it took me like 3 hours of playing to get the chip and find the Yes Man robot guy

am i missing something?

This is exactly how i felt about dragon age. I can see how people would feel that way in new vegas but personally i never got tired of slomo ragdolls or launching people with the displacer glove

>>Favorite faction
Mr House
>>Favorite weapon
Mysterious Magnum
>>Favorite armor
Desert Ranger Armor
>>Favorite town
>>Favorite companion
>>Favorite DLC
Dead Money
>>Favorite casino

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Damn this would be a 10/10 post if you weren't a Housecuck

The main questline is pretty short yeah.

Like any bethesda-style rpg the meat of the game is in the sidequests. Soon the MQ will start directing you towards the most important questlines but there's still a bit of stuff unrelated to the central conflict.

swap 4 with 1 and put tactics between 1 and 4 and that's me

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you can't really say that you've ever played an evil character if you don't betray people. an actual evil person wouldn't care if someone helped them, they'd just be glad that they got so lucky.

>Enclave is fucked everywhere
>BoS west is getting cucked by NCR
>NCR is an inefficient beuracracy
>Legion are fucking crazy slavers
Mr House is the only one with a vision who can get shit done.

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Good but unfinished. Makes repeat playthroughs boring because there's only one route to take.

Mods can heavily fix the combat thank god.

post screenshots

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Youre supposed to do other stuff besides the main quest retard

>Favorite faction
>Favorite weapon
>Favorite armor
the army general outfit from lonesome road
>Favorite town
Mutie town
>Favorite companion
>Favorite DLC
Dead money
>Favorite casino
Lucky 38

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I hated it personally. The major flaws with Fallout 3 were the absolutely criminally shite gameplay and physics and this was a copy paste jobby.

>BoS, NCR for main factions I guess
>AER14, colt (light shining and common), red glare, compliance regulator
>sierra madre if it wasn't kinda broken, t-45, great bear with helmet modded back in
>grandma, danny trejo, joshie the mummy
>Honest hearts, OWB if the leveling was unfucked and the humor was just a tad less randum penises xd
>sierra madre, tops if it has to be alive

Most fun i had recently was when chet was selling a hunting rifle scope right away (i have gun runners) and i took my rifle to the outskirts of the prison and just sniped as much as i could.

>Favorite faction
NCR, they're a bunch of fuck heads in many ways but I love how dynamic many of the characters in it is, from begrudged alliance to zeel. Really shows how "unified" they are.
>Favorite weapon
.45 pistol, barely need anything else in the game. True bread and butter.
>Favorite armor
Desert ranger
>Favorite town
If we can't chose NV it self, then Novac
>Favorite companion
Muh girl Lily
>Favorite DLC
They all sucked in different ways, Lonesome hearts sucked the least.
>Favorite casino
The one with the masks and cannibals

I'm glad someone remember Tactics

>They all sucked in different ways
This is probably the best way to sum up NV dlc, I like them but most of the time I feel like I'd rather just mull around the mojave proper some more, doesn't help that they're all "stuck until you beat the quest" DLCs except LR

Is “now that the dust has settled” the Yea Forums version of “and that’s a good thing” ?

not quite

Sided with them my most recent playthrough. It's pointless. It isn't even satisfying. Also, the Powder Gangers fucking suck.

It’s definitely starting to feel just as obnoxious.

yes its a great game

It was pretty good

Raiders and bandits are only good for killing and massacring them. Aligning yourself with them is retarded. Being buddies with Powder Gangers has shit benefits anyway.

>t. someone that's always wiped out nuka-world asap as well as genociding the powder gangers

I like the combat in NV for some reason. I hate it in 3, but NV feels different.

Is it iron sights?

Ring-a-ding-ding, baby

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could also be weapon variety and wildly different damage/resistance with DT

They tweaked just enough that gunplay feels miles better in NV despite still being dogshit by any standard

Oh yeah, tons of different weapons for every kind of playthrough was definitely a great thing about NV.

>prob general chink's shocksword
>chink stealth suit
>sierra madre
>lonesome road

>Favorite faction
House, I suppose.
>Favorite weapon
Don't think I have an all time favorite, it switches from playthrough to playthrough.
>Favorite armor
Lightweight leather armor.
>Favorite town
>Favorite companion
Toss up between Raul and E-DE.
>Favorite DLC
Dead money.
>Favorite casino
The tops, no contest.

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>Favorite faction
>Favorite weapon
Medicine Stick
>Favorite armor
Riot Gear
>Favorite town
>Favorite companion
>Favorite DLC
Honest Hearts
>Favorite casino

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>Alright niggers let's do this
>>Favorite faction
Followers because they seem to actually help out people.
>>Favorite weapon
Gobi campaign sniper rifle
>>Favorite armor
Power armor t45 pr whatever the brotherhood wears
>>Favorite town
Good ol Novac
>>Favorite companion
>>Favorite DLC
The white legs must be crushed, free Zion
>>Favorite casino

Man of culture

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This thread makes me want to reinstall NV, but I'll probably drop it after Novac again
380 hours in the game, finished only once

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closest thing we'll ever get to a real Fallout game

good ol' nuke

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2 > NV > 1 > 3 > 4

2 > Tactics > NV > 1 > 4 > 3

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its graphics and mechanics even at the time were severely outdated, but i appreciated the multiple ways you could interact with npcs and the choices you had.

Stealth Suit MK.II, But I miss the winterized combat armor from 3.
Anywhere but the ultra-luxe.

I didn't like Tactics. I think it missed the original atmosphere

Fuck the powder gangers, but I don't give a shit about what happens to Goodsprings outside of that first quest, so endings like the Legion and House don't bother me whatsoever.

Doc saved my life, I saved his town right then and there. I don't owe Goodsprings any more than that.

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It totally missed the atmosphere of F1 and F2, but it's a very good squad tactics game. I love the death animations and the music

My only problem is the lack of armor variety and that most of the armors dont look cool otherwise it's a great game

>The Strip
>Hunting Rifle
>Desert Ranger Combat Armor
>Cass or Boone
>Honest Hearts
>The Tops

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>Caesar's Legion
>Too many to choose from, Assault Carbine I guess.
>Ulysses' Duster
>Dead Money, yes really, it's the only one that really stands out to me.
>The Tops.

The combat's actively shit but they at least made an effort with it, take a look at Unarmed for instance. They took 3's basic system that only had a light, heavy and block and added four new moves that all had different inputs and effects and scattered them with characters to teach you them, on top of more basic ones you unlocked through increasing the skill. It's that clear passion for making a great game that makes NV shine through all the bugs and general clunkiness.

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>Favorite faction
Followers of the Apocalypse
>Favorite weapon
Dinner Bell
>Favorite armor
>Favorite town
>Favorite companion
>Favorite DLC
Dead Money
>Favorite casino
Sierra Madre

MF Hyperbreeder Alpha
Dead Money

if it came out today, at 60usd like it did, everyone online would shit on it for reusing assets, basically being a fallout 3 overhaul mod, and letting you join the problematic women-are-slaves faction

Survivalist's Rifle
Van Graff combat armor
Dead Money
Atomic Wrangler

>take over Goodsprings so I can get free passage to Primm
>do a few quests for the Power Gangers
>backstab them and wipe them out, too
Ruling the Wasteland is not a task that should be left to the weak-minded.

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kek basically true

People already did that nine years ago. This game had a terrible reputation for being a glorified FO3 mod for years before it got cool to hate Bethesda

the prior two were complaints on release through to this day, the latter was just passed of as an "evil route". Maybe for like 4 years when the shit was at it's peak would caesar's legion be an issue, but people are giving less of a shit now, and bethesda got shit for writing out any serious slavery/prostitution in 4 (along with the comical bit about cait only being sold as a slave once she turned 18, because age of consent is more important than literal slavery)

Is this actually an RPG like Deus Ex and Alpha Protocol or just multiple choice shit like Bioware/CDPR shit?

I was glad that wiping all those fuckers out was an option because not only did it mean that I could finally stop playing that shit game forever, but it actually meant my character was able to, for the first time, make a decision that he actually would have made instead of settling for the shit Bethesda allowed me to do. Fuck those raiders, and fuck the fact that even if I do kill the power armoured dude without the squirt gun, the treacherous cunt that gave it to me acts like he helped In anyway.

>pretend the game starts after Goodsprings is taken over by the Powder Gangers
i mean, if you are going to roleplay, go all out

also, don't you get a discount from Chet if they take oveR?

you're mom

>A group of NCR soldiers sing "Wish for a nuclear winter"
>Joshua Graham sings a song about how we cant expect God to do all the work.


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>Hunting shotgun
>Joshua Graham armor
>Dead Money (Don't @ me)

>Gecko-backed leather armor
Anything in Lonesome Road looks fantastic
>Lonesome Road
>Lucky 38

I mean it's a game, and you can form different roles in it

Get ready for my unpopular but objectively superior opinion
2 > NV > 3 > tactics > 1 > 4 > brotherhood of shit

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>I mean
You know where to go back to

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What mods?

>.45 Auto Pistol
>Desert Ranger combat armor combo'd with authority glasses and smooth talker hat from the Willow mod
>Veronica I guess. I prefer partying up with cute girls and Cass is for cucks. Being gay won't stop me from giving her the D anyway =P
>Toss up between Honest Hearts for the location and OWB for the dialogue
>If a modded Lucky 38 doesn't count, Sierra Madre Casino

this isn't an unpopular opinion though, most people would agree with this. I certainly do.

How do I git gud at Tactics, senpai?

epic bait my dude

>MF Hyperbreeder Alpha
>Courier's Duster/Joshua Graham's Armor, + 1st Recon Beret and Lucky Shades
>Boone since he actually does shit
>Old World Blues
>The Tops

Project Nevada
Solid Project, adds skyrim-like stealth kills to the game, improves melee combat, you can sprint into people and knock them over etc.
Asurah Reanimation pack-makes all the combat animations extremely fluid and satisfying. Anims feel like a modern game

there are probably others too

What part of it do you think was bait?

>Gecko-backed leather armor
>doesn't have gecko leather incorporated into it
fucking gei
NV was infinitely better than 3 with uniques, but that just kinda made the non visually unique ones stick out more
>Thinking quickly, Elijah jury rigged a tesla cannon with nothing but some string, a rad squirrel, and a tesla cannon

Attached: FNVTeslaBeatonPrototype.png (2950x1000, 886K)

>Willow mod
>Cass is for cucks
>unironic use of =P
>OWB for the dialogue

Trying too hard, if even that's a reddit phrase to you you might just be autistic, ignoring that the post is facetious to begin with

House is kind of an idiot DESU. How does he know people won't rebel against him like Benny did, and fuck up his plans? He'll have a securitron army, sure, but how is that going to fair against the Eastern Brotherhood of steel wiht Liberty Prime, or the Institute?
Inb4 "those aren't canon" shitlords scream in my face and cover me with (you)s

What do those groups have to do with House? They're on the other side of the country. The Institute doesn't even have influence outside of the Commonwealth.

I am autistic. I'm so fucking sick of fags starting every sentence with I mean

Awe, true to Caesar.

He could get helios up and running regardless of the player's choice since he's a mechanical genius. And liberty has shown that space lasers are particularly effective against it.
Or just hack the fucker since his company built it


Yes I use it, I'm a lonely and horny old man even though I won't be 30 until later this year
She is, literally used goods and you actually get cucked in one of the NCR endings
That one was bait
I actually did find some of the dialogue funny, I admit to having a juvenile sense of humor at times, child at heart perk irl

best rpg I ever played

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Good shit nigga
>Favorite faction
>Favorite weapon
Survivalist's Rifle
>Favorite armor
Desert Ranger or light leather
>Favorite town
>Favorite companion
>Favorite DLC
Honest Hearts
>Favorite casino

>a girl who you're not in a relationship has sex with someone who isn't you

How is it that most of us favor the desert ranger armor?

>wanting to dick a professional nerd's quirky self insert
This is why felicia day has to fear gamer t-shirts, not because of gamingdoor but because of shit taste

Anyone else interested in the geographic layout of the Fallout games? Apparently Shady Sands and Ulysses temple are pretty close to each other and The Hub is a day's walk from Mojave Outpost

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>ranger armor is the coolest fucking thing in the game
>but is a faction disguise and a pain to get
>queue non faction ranger armor clone
Not sure why more people don't say the LR riot armor though, maybe cause it's too clunky looking comparatively.

>Unkillible holograms
>An army of robots
>The Player

is there is anything worse than this horrible, boring game, it's the fanatic community of fanboys

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I know it's a pipe dream but I hope we get to the Midwestern BoS again someday now that they're at least halfway canon. Those guys are based as fuck. They're the NCR but competent.

I still don't understand what the deal is with ED-E and the Divide. Why was there a copy of him there? Did the Courier deliver a package with ED-E inside? If so, how? He was supposed to be flying from DC to Navarro, how did he wind up in a box getting shipped to the Divide? How did he wind up on the road again afterwards? WHERE THE FUCK DID THE CLONE ED-E COME FROM?

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don't monkey paw it fool, you saw what happened when we finally got a multiplayer beth rpg.

You have like a 140+ video game threads you could be participating in right now and choose to bitch in the one you don't like. Come on now

You haven't played many rpgs huh

He's just looking for (you)'s. You fell for it

>OP makes a question
>I answer
>my autistic friends get triggered
what's wrong?

>tardos in the NCR sift through enclave crap following F2
>hey this shit has the same symbol as that divide place, let's send it there
>courier is hired, does it
>symbol actually means that it's wired to remote blow the nukes, blows the nukes
>blueprints for eyebot saved on local computers, automatically build a spare
>since it's an empty shell it connects to the nuka cloud and downloads programming from the nearest eyebot, i.e. ED-E
something to that effect

>Ulysses gets assblasted
>Places blame on Courier or doesn't IDK
>Mentally tortures Courier w/ unending talk of bear bull bear bull

not op but what rpgs are better and also have post-apocalypse design?

>House always wins baby
>love and hate
>desert ranger, get it every time
>new vegas
>old world blues
>Modded Lucky 38/the tops

the original fallouts

>House always wins baby
surprised you can speak so clearly with Daddy House's dog collar around your neck you little bitch

could the fanboys BE any more fanatical?

>Courier, the Divide, Old World Wall, Bear and the Bull, Symbol

Ulysses is cool and all but he says these words more than any other and it drives me crazy.

What's even his deal anyway?
>complains that Caesar and the NCR need to stop clinging to pre-war ideas of society
>liked the Divide because it reminded him of pre-war America
make up your fucking mind

It's a shame, he was part of the cut legion stuff I think (or was it van buren, one or the other) where he would be a normal follower and you could get actual fleshed out interactions instead of
until you tell him to cut it out and he just emos on a cliff and gives you homemade drugs sometimes

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Well it's better than Fallout 3 and Skyrim.

well damn user, did you fuck up your playthrough so badly you got the yes man ending?

>all the rifles
>some power armor I forget
>don't care
>don't care
>OWB for the loot
>don't care

Maybe Call of Duty would be more your speed sweetie

I prefer original Fallout.

Skyrim had a better world than both at least, a decent mix of feasible layout avoiding 3's theme park setting and shit to run into avoiding NV and Oblivion's expanses of samey deserts/forests (which I don't mind, but can admit are kind of boring design wise)
And skyrim has one thing few other games of the '10s can boast: a solid uninterrupted decade (inb4 TES6 comes out before 2021) of being the most recent in its series yet not abandoned, ergo a decade of modding autism to unfuck it as thoroughly as humanly possible while toddler laughed his way to the bank, while NV/3/4/>76 can't hold a candle to their autism

Yes. It was very fun sniping niggas with my fatman.

Go back to your containment board, incel.

The powder gangers are just terribly fleshed out. If you're gonna have a bad faction, at least give them a damn good reason to be bad.

>Great Kahns
>Desert Ranger Combat Armor
>Honest Hearts

I think Ulysses would've been legit cool if he talked normally, i don't hate what he has to say i just hate his delivery

The people in the Divide were thriving and they were building themselves up in a way that they wouldn't repeat the mistakes in the past instead of how the rest of the NCR is just roleplaying as America without understanding why it ended up the way it did

Ulysses has a problem with people doing things without thinking why they do them, hence why right at the start of the DLC there is a painting on the wall that says "You can turn back", if you really think he is wrong or you don't think your Courier is in any way responsible for the Divide then there is no reason to play LR, completing LR proves him right because at the end of the day you just get there for the sake of getting there even though you have absolutely no reason to even meet him

All DLCs seem to have this "let's question the player" motif to them, Dead Money is a deathtrap if you follow your Pip-boy markers, there are a lot of locked doors and blocked entryways that require you to detour a lot, in OWB they tell you "don't explore, don't do anything other than the main quest" and in LR they say "don't do things without thinking why"

>Fights the Jewish oppressive NCR aka ZOG
>Even after breaking out, still sticks together in brotherhood
>Uses badass cowboy weapons like dynamite and revolvers, not shitty AR15's
Yeah, I'm thinking they're pretty based

Not because I think that they are best, but because I play with mods from lovers lab and greatly enjoy being part of the wasteland slave trade.
>War club
You can fight toe to toe with death claws with the right build.
>Centurion armor
Makes you borderline invincible
>Novac (with mods)
It's a nice spot to have a house and to store slaves
>Danny Trejo
>Dead Money for story, Honest Hearts for all of the items.
>Atomic Wrangler for quests, Lucky 38 with the mod that lets you run it.

>Caesars legion is my favorite, even if i usually side with the NCR or mr House.
>ballistic fist
>none (the game really didn't have much im terms of attire)
>lonesome road (fuck you i liked it)
I honestly barely went to the casinos. Even if im probably missing a good bit of quests

>Caesar's Legion
>Legion vexillarius armor
>Cottonwood Cove
>Honest Hearts

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The inherent problem is unlike most other factions in the game you are GUARANTEED to meet and learn about goodsprings first, and need to make a conscious effort to avoid the standoff quest (which is presented as urgent) or blindly follow the gangers, go to the jail, and THEN talk to the assholes for what little story they have. Better option would have been if the douche at the beginning says to come to the prison to get to know them, then have some generic tutorial quests for both factions, THEN do the standoff mission.
And make the NCR raid its own thing, that you ironically need to be a trusted helper to the powder gangers to tell the NCR "yeah help me murk these shitbirds" otherwise you draw a blank is stupid.


hol up profligate

>Brotherhood of Steel
>Sprtel-Wood 9700
>Elite Riot Gear
>Lonesome road
>Sierra madre

Well the Powder Gangers get some sort of fleshing out if you follow the notes and somehow don't get mauled by the Deathclaws before you reach Vault 15
I mean, it's pretty fucking acurate for prisoners to not know what the fuck to do with their lives after busting out of prison

Why the hell did they barely put any western type clothes? No ponchos. Not many hats. Not even a jean jacket or pair of spurs to be found. I really wanted to jump into this game and try and get a clint eastwood look

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The most Wild West kind of attire you find in the game are the dusters and i think there are only like 2 in the game, one is in Primm and the guy you kill in Debt Collector has the other

nuVision Goggles

3 is fun. NV is a talking sim but all the writing is like something a high school kid would produce.

V15 gangers are effectively a split faction
And yeah they make sense, but it would help to get to know that from them instead of
>ay yo hol up, know that doctor that just brought you back from the dead, and those nice people who gave you free shit and a place to stay? how bout you help me kill em
before you even learn they're more than generic raiders

>Followers of the Apocalypse
>Medicine Stick
>DR Combat Armour
>Dead Money
>The Tops

perhaps in the hands of competent developers.

Do you guys play wild wasteland on or off?
I love my YCS/186 too much.

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What would you say is an example of a well written game

I think they did really good with that. I wish there were more "i really want to know what to do with my life now" types and not "hell yeah let's tnt these guys because they looked at us wrong" types. Really would have added depth. Like maybe have a bulk of them just want to find peace while the leader keeps saying they need to fight because the NCR won't let them go anywhere anyway. So many stay. But you can free them through multiple options

>too much.
At first i always used it because i thought you were required to pic two traits and i didn't want to cripple myself. But now i usually go without to focus on fleshing out my individual character

What are 1 and 2 made by the original developers?

He means closest to what we used to have, you fucking twit

I have a mod that makes it always on so it doesn't take up a trait spot.

the autistic anti-bethesda crowd was able to keep going long after everyone else stopped caring. now the intense nv circle jerk has become all people see continuing the cycle of praising this shitty game simply because it isn't bethesda.

heres my unpopular opinion:
I love them all though. except I haven't gotten around to playing the classic ones even though I enjoy old crpgs .

It's shit. It looks like shit. It plays like shit. It's held together by snot and chewed gum.
Yet it's the game I sunk countless hours in and every time I start it, it just feels right.

that's not even close to what you wrote.

>side with the powder gangers
>betray them to the ncr
>whistle all the way to mccarran with my ticket in hand
i loved my merc run.

>lmao XD that game has shit writing
try again, fag.

>No option to take over New Vegas with the Powder Gangers
shit game

That's literally what you just did though

>tutorial starts with you shooting cans and geckos while Sunny Smiles sings "On the Sunny Side of the Street"
10/10 would watch

Some of the more casual ncr folks guarding the radio towers have some pretty decent cowboy attire, but id have to kill one to get their clothes, from what i know. I haven't seen a single one in a chest or anywhere.

>marvin the martians gun or the hunting revolver
>merc armor
>the strip

yeah and i would again

Literally what?

>Dubstep remixes of all songs by the Think Tank

No, not Bullshit. 1, 2, & NV are based on real life locations that are close together. The Divide stretches pretty far north and Ulysses temple is not far from shady sands, Vault 15 is to the east of there

i would explain it but you seem to stupid to waste my time.

No, it was great.,-107.75242842817931&z=3

Link to the map if anyone is autistic as me and is interested

I like having it on, goofy ass jokes and ayys in fallout are a mainstay as long as they don't intrude too hard (see: mothership zeta, fridge ghoul)
Should have just been a yes/no check box though, and nothing should be mutually exclusive (as you said, muh YCS)

if you don't shoot any of the powder gangers when they attack goodsprings during that quest, you'll walk away with a shunned reputation and still get to do all their quests at the prison

>Favorite faction
>Favorite weapon
A Light Shining in Darkness
>Favorite armor
Joshua Graham's armor
>Favorite town
>Favorite companion
>Favorite DLC
Dead Money
>Favorite casino

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>it'll waste my time
>still replies anyway
You're bout nuttier than a bighorner dropping, you know that?

>Now that the dust has settled
Dust never settles, House always wins

Jesus. This is actually amazing. I wish i could see shady sands again...

The only good thing about it is that TTW exists and I can play in the Capital Wasteland with improved mechanics.
The Mojave is extremely boring.

> 4>NV
[50's pop music stops]
I mean I don't hate 4 as much as some people (even after dealing with caitfag for a few months), but aside from the better shooting the retarded story, retarded writing, dull overworld, and terrible weapon variety they were hoping the mod system would make up for (best receiver, biggest mag, best barrel, choice of sights that invalidate 80% of mods and magic enchantment don't replace a good system of uniques and varied base weapons) wore me out quicker than normal. Only fallout I haven't beat the story on actually. That said I don't hate it, and robot building, modded settlement building, and Far harbor were good.

>this is the person judging your taste in vidya

Yeah the alien gun can be useful on lonesome road

It's incredible how far the Chosen one and Vault Dweller travelled compared to the courier. All of New Vegas' locations could fit into one square/tile on the F1/F2 world map

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really puts it into perspective the kind of work that highwayman was putting in

>finite ammo
my autism prevents me from ever using the ayy pistol more than like once on lanius or the legendary deathclaw

Sometimes on sometimes off. I generally like it on, but I played too many playthroughs with it on. The item choices are a killer though.

dusts not settled yet

Attached: Fallout west coast map.jpg (960x957, 222K)

>nobody said favorite weapon this machine
I am dissapointed

I know that feel i don't use any gun until i have a decent stock of 1000 ammo

And yet new vegas was still great. There was gonna be much more. Especially with the legion. I really wish we got it.
Also the chosen one did have a car, so it wasn't nearly as hard

It was a buggy, incomplete mess. And they REALLY tried to ram the faggot shit down your throat.

Powder Gangers sing Gee, Officer Krupke

>the frontier
that vaporware still exists? it looked great but feels pretty never ever