Ha he ever been beat?

Ha he ever been beat?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Debating online is pointless, no one wins and everyone waste their time

He's lost every single time. He's a sad little boy.

i'm certain he was beaten frequently in early life

he got fucking destroyed

No, he never lets people speak their actual point, only taking the extreme angle of their point
>I don't think outsourcing is a good thing.
>Oh you're anticapitalist?

He never has anything of value to say, he just twist the opponent's words and talks fast.

Reminder that this manlet flew to the other side of the globe and spend thousands of dollars to be part of some cuck relationship with drug addicts.

> he just twist the opponent's words and talks fast.

So Ben Shapiro?

I personally have trouble listening to any far left or far right leaning people. They're so concerned about attacking someone's words as opposed to speaking themselves.


Lots of people are too deep seated into their own side, but people on the fence are the actual target.

Any other good ones? I watched the Concerned Ape "debate" and it was good shit. JonTron was a mess though and he seems to argue with a lot of people that aren't good enough to counter his bullshit.

Destiny is literally just a less attractive, not-jewish Ben Shapiro. Both are subhumans.

Ben Shapiro rarely twists the opponent's words, and actually brings something to the debate. Destiny can ''win'' a debate in a topic he has zero knowledge in just by taking small samples of what someone says out of context and using shitty moral arguments.

assuming this is it

I wish i counted how many times he said "bad faith actors" and "dog whistle" in his last 3 debates. He doesnt even hide that he acts in bad faith himself

Not video games


>Vincent James
Got ruined by those two off the top of my head

Is this Destiny? My roommate’s won’t shut up about the guy. Isn’t this the guy who made a video on 5 ways to disprove Ben Shapiro but refuses to debate anyone with an iq greater than a pencil?

Fuck off with your e-celeb shit.

Imagine spending your life “debating” other people. I’m sorry, but that’s one of the most pathetic things I can think of. The guys not even a politician or something like that, he doesn’t need to embrace this retardation yet he does so anyways, I feel bad for him.

He got wrecked in this one as well.

shapiro doesn't twist people's words but they do both gish gallop
>muh /pol/
>destiny is allowed because i like his political stances :^)!
every single person screeching about /pol/ only ever does it to people with a conservative political opinion, left wing and progressive opinions are never told to go to /pol/ despite also being inherently political

you faggot are sniveling partisans in diguise

He debated Metokur? Link to source please? Sounds really interesting.



That's the point. He mostly goes after right-of-center comedians and uses basic rhetorical tools to "win" debates, after which his fanbase continues to jerk him off and boost his ego.
Now he openly advocates political violence against anybody who disagrees with him. Fucker should be ignored and left to rot but people keep giving him attention because he's a trainwreck.

it's fine, his multi year long tier four subs paid for it

because on Yea Forums left wing opinions get shouted down and just end up spawning more spawning right wing circle jerks. Lefties arent the ones shitting up the board constantly to the point that a containment board was needed

fuck this both sides shit

This is the posting equivalent of chimping out and throwing a cheapshot.

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the cult of personality surrounding this guy is unreal, they're so insecure about anyone dissenting they pre-emtpively flood any comment section with "destiny GOT DESTROYED in this debate" style hyper ironic comments

Nah fuck that, Nick tearing into him was beautiful and he's just as bad at finding representatives for his own side with choosing a fucking commie.

>shouted down
Nothing's stopping you from literally spamming your opinions non-stop here

This loser lost to the A MAZIN Jessie Lee Peterson.

the fact that people look favorably on metakours performance speaks volumes. He "won" by making short jokes to the point that the conversation couldnt really continue anymore. Sure did own the libs with facts and logic

>because on Yea Forums left wing opinions get shouted down and just end up spawning more spawning right wing circle jerks
i've literally never seen unironic full blown right wing rhetoric on Yea Forums, but i've consistently seen left wing rhetoric in response to centrists expressing their dislike of left wing pandering in modern videogames

ive never seen anyone ask for a game with a white ethnostate yet that's always the defacto assumption thrown against anyone sick with invasive identity politics

>he just twist the opponent's words and talks fast.

Just search for it, retard.

Every single time, people say "he just debates people who aren't good at debating, but _____ would dumpster him", and yet the same thing plays out. People talk a lot of shit, then get fucked when actually in a live debate. He constantly gets dodged by some people as well, like Blair White.

>the cult of personality surrounding this guy is unreal
I've noticed this too, is this guy some sort of a messiah of manlets and "intelligence/evidence" obsessed autists? He couldn't even really argue properly with fucking digibro, and he's a retarded mlp and anime youtuber.

>Now he openly advocates political violence against anybody who disagrees with him
he didn't say that though.

did you just roll straight in from reddit? there's no downvotes here, moron.
you can voice whatever retarded opinion you hold and there's nothing your boogeymen can do about it.

Okay for real
1. who is this fag?
2. Why should I care?
& 3. Why is this garbage on v?

small dick
shitty opinions

>less attractive
They both look and sound like manlets. They both have really grating voices and Shapiro has disgustingly sunken eyes.

>1. who is this fag?
some semi controversial eceleb
>2. Why should I care?
no particular reason
>& 3. Why is this garbage on v?

At least he's got a hot sister, what's destiny got? a fat ex wife and his cuck buddies?


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Lol absolute manlet made out of straw.

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>ive never seen anyone ask for a game with a white ethnostate yet that's always the defacto assumption thrown against anyone sick with invasive identity politics
that is a weirdly specific bar for someone to be considered right wing. Personally id say all the people bitching about literally any game with a black character or any kind of vaguely lefty message and decrying this as the downfall of civilization is evidence enough of the phenomena

or are you going to tell me that Yea Forums never bitches about women and minorities

He's not particularly smart or anything but I swear every single person he ever debated is literally double digit IQ. It's just embarrasing to see him wipe the floor with them, and without even been particularly bright.


yeah, I've seen the same and it's absolutely pathetic. thank god I don't actually watch any of this garbage. who listens to these idiots argue for literal hours?
it's just emotional sportsball politics

>Ben Shapiro rarely twists the opponent's words
o i am laffin'

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Thats metokurs whole shtick though isnt it? In pretty much every "debate" hes been in he's made it pretty clear in the past that he doesnt really give a shit about the debate aspect as much as he just likes using it as an excuse to piss off whoever hes debating

oh fuck me. hahahaha

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Not that guy but can we see some examples?

>libtard so out of the loop that he believes /pol/ likes Shapiro


DarksydePhil vs Destiny

Who wins?

I don't have it on hand but at some point Sargon got him to say that we should just carpet bomb Mexico.

Why are you defending a kike that said he wants Israel Jewish but doesn't give a fuck about whites?

Why do faggots like this think talking fast makes them seem cool or informed? It just makes you look like a complete tool.

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was that suppose to be funny?

DSP I would imagine. He's got the mass on him and Destiny is a manlet.
A cage fight would be pretty good

Well i noticed that metokur dose the bull fighter approach and its obvious with destiny. He will have a calm and civilized conversation with anyone at the start letting them say their piece. Until they piss him off or just wrong and depending on their reaction he'll roll with it or move on.

>Personally id say all the people bitching about literally any game with a black character or any kind of vaguely lefty message and decrying this as the downfall of civilization is evidence enough of the phenomena
that's both disengenuous and hyperbolic at the same time, the left wing involved in many of those cases is clear as day to the point where it's spoken verbatim by the developers involved and rarely does anyone outright claim the latter
>or are you going to tell me that Yea Forums never bitches about women and minorities
yes im outright telling you that Yea Forums never bitches about women and minorities and it's always about the politics involved and now how that expresses itself on the surface

yes. just seeing people this out of touch with reality is simple enough entertainment for me when I'm tired

how about how he claims anyone who wants universal healthcare wants to enslave his doctor wife? He is either comically uneducated on the different forms of universal healthcare that could be implemented (which is inexcusable because its literally his job to know and talk about current events) or he is being disingenuous.

Incomprehensible ramblings spoken at the speed of light

My money is on Phil for the sheer meme factor.

> hold on let me google that real quick to see if you're right then I'll debate my mom for a show

>this kills the /pol/tard

Christ he's the personification of the game time meme.

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not* how that expresses itself on the surface

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He's going to debate a 14 yo girl apparently.

>yes im outright telling you that Yea Forums never bitches about women and minorities and it's always about the politics involved and now how that expresses itself on the surface
really, all the WE WUZ KANGS shit is actually complex critique about the nature of race in media? Thats fucking retarded and i dont believe even you really think that

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>criticize eceleb making an ass of himself
>"Heh nice try /pol/tards but did you know Ben Shapiro exists? Checkmate"

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>Vincent James
That nigga couldn't even read a graph, Destiny assblasted him.

They aren't being ernest user. shouting we was kangz is just a dumb meme, calm down not everything is super serious

How is people disagreeing with you equivalent to you getting "shouted down"? You're still able to express whatever you want just as much as anyone else. If anything, the more angry (you)'s that you get in response, the more likely it is for your posts to be read. Disagreement isn't persecution. If you feel bad that everyone doesn't immediately lick your cock in response to your opinions, that's too bad. But acting like some ideas are somehow forcibly removed from Yea Forums is just dishonest.

did he actually debate his mother?

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So he's one of these poly freaks, that explains everything

what happened to his nose?

And she won.

Basedgoy made a fool of him over racial genetic differences last week.

>2016 Election Night vs Streaming Time

Didnt he try to defend CP at some point?

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I guarantee 85% of people in this thread couldnt squat the bar. I hate desTINY too but that's a weak roast

Yeah the fag called his mom and debated her on stream. Imo she had good points that he laughed off and basically called her a retard. This is the man these fucking edgy teenagers fund so he can live his cuck life because they all want to be dicks to their parents too.

>actually its not racist, its about the politics surrounding minority characters and how they are portrayed
it literally cant be both. Its not even controversial to say people post racist shit on Yea Forums, why are you even trying to argue this obvious fact?

not really, Destiny pretty much got a free lecture here


who cares

He was alright till he went off the deep end with politics, kindof dissapointing really and I avoid him now because its all he fucking talks about. Now his method of approach is "if I talk over them and never let them finish a sentence before chimming in or making a remark I can never be wrong". Its easy to look intelligent when you argue with stupid people, granted, its usually funny, but taking that same approach to actual debate is aggravating to listen to, you want someone to just have a button for whenever someone else is talking it has Destiny muted, so you can get the whole argument out before having him pop a blood vessel over trying to respond quick enough.

Ye abandoned his child but uses it as a crutch


That and incest
I think his schtick is "defend your position logically"

Sure seemed like he did with the way him and Hassan were sperging out during that debate with Sargon and Nick Fuentes a few days ago. That shit was legitimately hilarious to watch.

>WE WUZ KANGS shit is actually complex critique about the nature of race in media?
so where does it say it has to be a complex critique on the nature of race in media? i never even mentioned race, i mentioned politics and we wuz kangz was a meme already in motion for a year or two thanks to the ridiculous claims made by a subset of the african american community and because it became clear the big publishers were going all in with their political pandering during that E3, that's the E3 where they showcased BF1 with black soldiers being played live by predominantly black men, the nature of the politics in that game later confirmed by a developer interview with DICE

so when yet another series came around and chose a black protagnoist coming from a publisher that also made sure to pad itself on the back life for featuring a black female in their reveal of beyond good and evil 2 after also emphasizing how it was multicultural it was more than clear that some form of political pandering was involved

jesus christ that's low. regardless of who won or anything, why would you broadcast trying to make a fool of your mother?

Except arguing the politics around representation is retarded. The young right focuses insane amounts of attention towards representation if we're to take the absolute explosion in anti-sjw videos on Youtube for example. The vast majority of people on the left want to get free healthcare and college in America, but for some reason the conversation is always turned towards this moronic shit.

Maybe there's a problem with representation maybe there isn't, I dunno, but even if there is there are way bigger problems that are hobbled by the admittedly very effective right-wing tactic of making people squabble among themselves while the people at the top keep raping everyone below them financially and politically.


>I think his schtick is "defend your position logically"
Imagine actually trying to defend CP to seem logical and intelligent.

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He got absolutely destroyed just last week by Nick Fuentes and fucking Sargon of Akkad, which is embarrassing

I never mentioned politics who cares about that shit? This is v user

No, it's just one of the smears people use against him, he might unironically be the most smeared and lied about e-celeb.

He said that if studies showed that using previously created CP to rehabilitate pedophiles lead to a decrease in the amount of children being raped, then he would be in favor of it. It's not something core to his beliefs at all and it was an off-hand comment in a debate where he was on the side of keeping age of consent laws.


>Has he ever been beat?

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It's just devil's advocate for the sake of debate, it's a debate """show"""
Haven't seen the CP one but the incest one seemed to trigger the fuck out of people who couldn't back themselves up

>The vast majority of people on the left want to get free healthcare and college in America, but for some reason the conversation is always turned towards this moronic shit.

Making you pay a 60%+ income tax so Jamal and Stacy can get bachelor degrees in basket-weaving that do nothing for their careers (if they get one at all) isn't a noble goal. Neither is paying for every illegal and nigger's hospital visit, despite them barely paying taxes (if any.)

>right-wing tactic of making people squabble among themselves while the people at the top keep raping everyone below them financially and politically

Yeah, that thing that defined Soviet life sure is a right-wing conspiracy.

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>He said that if studies showed that using previously created CP to rehabilitate pedophiles lead to a decrease in the amount of children being raped, then he would be in favor of it.
that it patently unethical and indirectly condones cp

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look at this cuck

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Which is better, small cock or big cock

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He said that it would have to go through an ethics board and that the CP would only be used with the consent of the person it was made of. If either of those proved to be an insurmountable problem, then he wouldn't be in favor of it. He isn't in favor of CP, it was just a hypothetical.

> i never even mentioned race, i mentioned politics and we wuz kangz was a meme already in motion for a year or two
yeah, it was a racist meme. The whole point of the line is to make fun of black people and it gets trotted out only when their are black characters involved

>were going all in with their political pandering during that E3, that's the E3 where they showcased BF1 with black soldiers
so again, yes this is about race

>the nature of the politics in that game later confirmed by a developer interview with DICE
just on a side note, does anyone else find it hilarious that in a game about a real world war over that was over political conflict, it is considered adding "politics" to the game by making black characters. BF1 was already a hyper-political game simply by the nature of its subject matter and the fact that this notion is glossed over in favor of talking about how problematic it is to have black people in the game speaks volumes

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>using previously created CP to rehabilitate pedophiles
Nah, legit pedos can fuck off.

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>successful cases are largely homogeneous Caucasoid societies
>America isn't

p.s. i hate being forced to pay for health care, in NL this shit is completely out of control and its only been getting more and more expensive for no other reason than frivolous government spending and bailing out of large corporations

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Has he ever not?

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Metokur destroyed him.
Nick destroyed him.
Even fucking Sargoy did.

I wonder what it could be that America has that those countries don't?

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Ehh, Ryan's politics certainly aren't basic. He has a very impressive knowledge of U.S. foreign affairs that probably rivals even congress members.

pretty sure cell phones are pretty ubiquitous today, dude.

Well first off that image kind of proves my point.
We pay twice as much per capita for healthcare as almost any country with universal healthcare. It's been shown to be cheaper overall even if it costs more in taxes.

If we're not going to invest further in education then we can't really complain about all the jobs going overseas or being automated because we don't have skilled labor at the rates we need. I don't even know why I'm arguing against you. What you said is moronic. If you're going to give away free college then you can determine what vocations the colleges should generally be aimed at. Otherwise you can pay for your own tuition. Even if their major was in something useless then they still have to complete many of the same classes and prove aptitude which is largely what college is even today. The majority of people don't get jobs in the fields of their major.


Wow bros, how could policies that demand high social trust actually work here?

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These should be the test for if you are a brainlet. If you think either of these faggots won, you failed it.

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>If you're going to give away free college then you can determine what vocations the colleges should generally be aimed at.

No you can't. Kids will be told "college is necessary for a good career", and that will be correct, but it won't make certain groups of kids (particularly niggers and women) any less lazy. So they will go for some bullshit degree, and there will be demand for said easymode degrees, and shitty colleges will fulfill them, and you will have accomplished nothing except make taxpayers foot the bill for all of these shitheads. You stupid faggot.

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I agree he even interviewed a congress member, but anyway the picture implies that he had to water down his debate to a basic lesson because Destiny was that uninformed

$5 says once the NSFW spammer gets banned he will sperg out and start posting CP on a proxy

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Debate time

Wasn't there audio of Destiny saying he was jewish? I know he's not, but it's funny pulling his stubby little legs

>yeah, it was a racist meme.
laughing at dumb people doesn't suddenly become racist when they're black
>so again, yes this is about race
no it's about identity politics and pandering
>does anyone find it hilarious that someone might have a problem with forcing in more blacks for social credit browny points in a game about the biggest war the world has ever seen and that featured 99.999% european people fighting in it?
hmm i dont know?

i dont understand why you cant grasp that someone might be fucking tired of gaming getting shittier and shittier, first there was DLC, then there was call of duty and casuals, then came microtransactions, then came political pandering

this industry is so devoid of any fucking originality it hurts, gaming was always inherently diverse, but people made choices about the hcaracter in their videogames fot the sake of how fun the game was going to be, not because they thought it'd make them look virtuous when they literally just inverted the white male call of duty paradigm and started injecting black people everywhere, it's cynical, lazy and trite bullshit that nobody should be defending

Thanks for immediately outing yourself as a destiny fanboy lmao

>mods banning spam in off topic e celeb shit rather than actually deleting the thread
That part sounds likely though

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I'm done with you after this. You ignored everything you can't argue with and failed to argue convincingly towards anything you believe. You're just another retard on Yea Forums who sucks the stupid shit from anti-sjw propaganda straight out of the asses of media personalities.

The picture is also hilarious. It's from a fucking Breitbart article and most Republicans don't even believe in evolution. I really wish all the people like you would do the country a favor and sterilize yourselves.



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>most Republicans don't even believe in evolution

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JF annihilated him so hard he could only resort to pathetic adhoms.

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How did you even find this website? You don't last very long being such a fairy ass with no arguments

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>most Republicans don't even believe in evolution
wow what year is it 2003?

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>most Republicans don't even believe in evolution

You're that sort of lefty who worships science like a religion, until it finds something inconvenient that you don't like.

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why is racism considered worse than murder, human trafficing, drug dealing, child sacrifice, pedophilia and terrorism by the left wing?

Being racist isnt really that big of a deal

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Those 3 countries are mostly infested by Chinese and Chinese while being fucking abhorrent are at least programmed to be mindless drones that support society.


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>actually complaining about racist comments on Yea Forums
come on now

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>i've consistently seen left wing rhetoric in response to centrists expressing their dislike of left wing pandering in modern videogames
It's because not everyone is informed of the benefit of representation in media.

It's a studied phenomenon where minorities/women seeing themselves in positive roles in media will act accordingly. Scully from The X-Files lead to more women in science.

Left-leaning people want to make minorities have the good feelsies, so they should be for this.
Right-leaning people blame "black culture" for the problems of black people, so they should be for this. Now Jamal in a hoodie isn't scary, because he's no longer more statistically likely to mug and rape you, right?

So who's left to be against this?
People that aren't aware of this net benefit to society; uninformed people, which is forgivable.
People that just don't want to see brown people on their screen, actual racists.
People that want to keep the status quo, that almost exclusively pandered to them; insecure white Yea Forumsirgins.
You'd think people that cried "I don't care what race/gender my protagonist is; I just care about the gameplay!" wouldn't be so uptight about playing as a black, crippled woman,
but here we are.

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>game devs start shoving stronk womyn and stronk minorities into everything all of a sudden
>people notice
>"wow racists, just accept it and buy product"

This is 4channel

> alt right hates jews


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You realize the majority of terror attacks in America are from the right, right?

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Daily reminder that he would unironically support an Iraq War-like intervention of Mexico.

things get a little crazy around here :^)

>futanari sex battle

It only matters how you use it

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>It's a studied phenomenon where minorities/women seeing themselves in positive roles in media will act accordingly.

Citation needed

>Scully from The X-Files lead to more women in science.

Citation needed

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Imagine being such a megalomaniac you think packing poorly-written unconvincing unrealistic token minorities into your badly-made boring trite dime a dozen video game will stop black people from being the same creatures they've been for the past 20000 years. This is the same moron logic that led communists to believe they could force human nature to change in one generation via authoritarianism and mass murder.

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>tfw race realist (racist) who believes in evolution but also thinks trannies should be free to be whatever they want and think universal healthcare is better than schlomo's medical bills but also thinks gun control is dumb but also thinks women should be able to abort (as long as it isn't too far along)

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Do you love black people?

gets him to admit racism and sexism is ok but only against white men for the sake of affirmative action
he also wants to bomb mexico and essentially stage a coup instead of building a wall

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Well it's filled with rejects angry at society. They just so happen to redirect that anger at minorities because they were probably bullied in school by them.

>that guy who injects his black bull fantasies into everything

this but unironically
trannies are still mentally ill and it should be encouraged they get mental help rather than cut their dick off

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I love all people.

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DesTiny is disgusting. He uses data and studies as a crutch and is unable to actually formulate arguments

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maybe, but it's also one of the few places people can get away with calling each other niggers online

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Has he ever been beat?

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Oh god an actual retard in the wild. The country has historically been majority white which would explain why the majority of terrorist attacks are done by a vague term like “right wing”. If you were not retarded you would know about a thing called “per capita”, which takes into account population. In that sense muslim terrorism is the largest instigator of terrorism.

No I'm just saying the world would likely be a better place if the vast majority of the people who use this website were dead. They spread misinformation and survive on hate because their lives suck for the most part. Besides the genuine psychopaths of course.

You fucking centrist not believing in anything. 0 opinions. I hate fence sitters like you. Pick a side and let some amorphous internet ideology do all your thinking for you like a real adult.

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I dont support a foreign intervention but Mexico definitely needs something to happen to fix it, if Mexico was a good place to live would you see as much immigration as there is? How many people migrate TOO Mexico. Same with the middle east, its a fucking trashfire over there that needs fixed and opening everyone elses borders so the people just walk away from the issue solves nothing, infact it makes it worse since its mostly the intelligent and wealthy that leave, you know, the people that could actually rebuild if they stayed.
>but they could die
They can die everywhere, abandoning your homeland yet carrying your way of life with you is dumbass concept, you bring the issues you left behind with you.

futa on femate > futa on futa > male on futa > female on futa >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> futa on male

I don't think he has, but that's because he won't debate anyone other than college freshmen.

Why would he risk his brand?

the world would be a far better place without blacks too though

>the majority of terror attacks in America are from the right

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You accidentally swapped the top two around

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god damn i love this place, what other place on the internet can you have both of these going on at the same time

fucking kek

Ideally yes but in the same way it's not my business if this guy wants to be a cat it's not my business if someone wants to give his dick to an equally mad woman

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I was talking about Yusef. Fuck Crowder.

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>hopping up the mentally-ill on the wrong meds isnt my business

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Yet Spain is up there too, how does that work with your anti-latino """"""graph"""""

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>How many people migrate TOO Mexico

A growing number of people. It would have been incredibly easy to find this.

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Agreed mainly because I want the futa to tie into my impregnation fetish which works best with a normal female than some nebulous ballpussy

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Loved Tiny's silent contemplation.
>why the fuck did I make a literal communist my debate partner

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>X axis could go backwards
Shit graph.

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>property is theft

Citation needed. How many people killed per population of Muslims and right wing ideologies in America.

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I could be attacked by some meth head or nigger too, trannies are kind of low tier as a threat

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Who is the destiny fan trying to crash this thread with his porn stash

Post sources before 404

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Those are just spics/illegal immigrants from us moving back after stealing wealth from white america.

Nick Fuentes destroys this psycho cuck every time.


Uh I forgot lol just use SauceNao

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Mexico is the 15th largest economy on the planet.

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>Mexico definitely needs something to happen to fix it, if Mexico was a good place to live would you see as much immigration as there is?
I agree with this, but it's not our fucking problem. Maybe if we forced migrants out and back over the border, decent Mexicans might decide to actually do something about their awful government instead of bringing their problems to MY country. As it is, the US border is a revolution release valve.

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That was Jim Metakur.

>trannies are mentally ill
implying this is a destiny fan

phil every time

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destiny is a girl's name.

Yes I agree who is that mysterious patrician gentlemen who hates e celebs and has godly taste in fetishes he should post more

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I wonder what it's going to be like when humans unlock the gene therapy tech tree
Obviously trannies today are 98% hag mutants but what if they were just genuinely changed into females, like an actual transition

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why is destiny always twitching?

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favorite panels so far

>but it's not our fucking problem.
Mexican drug cartels made themselves on the back of US policy. The US is very directly responsible for a hell of a lot of it and is most certainly responsible for anything that happens due to it's foreign policy in the rest of south an central America.

Hell the US is responsible for almost all the major criminal organisations in the Americas.

trans species will arise of course.

panel number 4 is really good

she got really into it there, like a dog in heat

Which is NOT a big achievement with 120 million people.

JonTron was right about wealthy blacks committing more violent crime than wealthy whites.

Literally the T-level of an 80 year old woman.
Nah, lardasses usually squat pretty heavy if they try.

The idea that Mexico is some ultra-poor state is ridiculous, it's not nearly as wealthy as the US, but it's not destitute, and none legal migration estimates to the US was at an all time low even before Trump's wall rhetoric.

wait which panels?

Did he ever debate the quartering? I'd like to see that

Even skeletons can squat 135.

topless and bent over ones
she cute

>fuck the federal government
>fuck the CIA
I endorse both of these views. The US government has largely become an enemy of the American people, and I, and one of the people, am not too keen on picking up the glow-in-the-dark tab. It's a global tragedy that this has been allowed to happen, but I don't support lifting a finger for those people.

Oh yeah those are nice too.

Yo how about those video games, am I right?

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>fly to another country
>fuck another mans wife
>stream it and make money

sounds pretty based desu


you have to go back

Didn’t Metokur get him seething in his debate with him?

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If you're reading this ZZ stop shitposting about this faggot in my mumble channel or I will fucking crush you

T. Rei

quartering is a giant pussy in actual debates, he would just backpadel and not take a single stance like boogie. would be a waste of time

Metokur is mostly just a troll who doesn't really know anything about anything except maybe internet drama. I think he talked to him a few times, but if I recall Destiny had said something like "I bet you won't come in here and scream retard at me for an hour" and Metokur hopped on to do that exact thing. Literally the exact thing although it turned into something resembling a debate later.

Metokur isn't that smart to be honest. Even if you don't agree with Destiny you can tell Jim isn't equipped for debates so he always just trolls.

Nigga literally ate boogers, nice argument though.

>haha you can't debate any of my points because i'm just being le epic troll and none of my viewpoints are sincere, I win!

Oh and he said something like
"Have you talked to your son about the ethical implications of fucking him yet?" which was pretty good.

Yusef is 1 for 1

Crowder is such a cowardly bitch

At least Metokur has layman common sense, like
>The Iraq War was a poor decision. We probably shouldn't do it again.
Still ahead of Tiny.


except that's not what happened, metokur used destiny's own cancer debate tactics against him and pointed out holes in his logic


Only destiny and destiny fags keep calling him that as if it was some epic roast tho.
Based and redpilled people call him Spic Fuentes.

When he debated that guy that made death threats on Hillary and got jail time. You know, the medicine guy whose name I can't remember right now, Martin something. It was actually quite sad to see Destiny try to debate about a field where he had absolutely no experience.

They’re both incredibly stupid but I’d say Destiny is more retard. He reminds me of the Internet tough guy stereotype and tries to make himself look stronger than he actually is, makes Metokur look like a saint in comparison

If it's the one where Jim was yelling then I don't remember that at all whatsoever. I mean it's been a long time since I've seen it so maybe he had some good points, but my memory of it was distinctly that Jim looked like a giant troll who was obviously using troll tactics in place of good arguments.

its one thing to post lets players or whatever, but this retard just plays league all day. literally what does this have to do with video gamen

So did the nigga eat boogers or not? Also he loves when people call him Mexican, it lets him be alt-right without being called a racist.

us radical centrists sure are smart with no opinions

>Ha he ever been beat?

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Fuck centrists, they can shouldn’t have a right to vote

He's just an afro-latino campus conservative.

Where's the source of morality?

what are you talking about? All jf could do is defend his obsession with fucking retarded girls, HE WAS BTFO

I don't understand why you retards follow or care about streamers/youtube people.

>is gonna get sued by JF for defamation
how'd that go

The welfare of the people. The nation. Everything else is expendable.

The only debates he lost were Dawson, Shkreli, and Vegan Gains.

Dawson and Shkreli had too much knowledge for Destiny to compete, turning it into a one-sided lecture.

Vegan Gains rhetorically man-handled him, forcing Destiny into a philosophical position that came off as disingenuous.


It doesnt matter, what matters is that only seething leftards call him that and think it's funny.
Which is why I successfully identified you as one.

He's kind of an asshole, but it's offset by the fact that he destroys right-wing/alt-right idiots and is actually very good at converting people deep into those types of ideology.

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>Yeah, that thing that defined Soviet life sure is a right-wing conspiracy.

this is completely irrelevant, both the left and right are capable of doing this

does nick just ask random fat black women to flick him off for fun

Imagine beign this out of touch holy shit

Hey, I'm not the one eating boogers. You're the one who wants him to be called Spic Nick as a thinly-veiled appeal to boogernicks agenda.

>converting people
This meme is funny. I've never actually seen this. Like, how the fuck do you just convince someone that things like interracial crime rates and the Israeli lobby just DON'T FUCKING MATTER? It makes no sense.

sex isn't determined at birth you mong, its determined at conception

Things that never happened.

the shkreli debate wasn't political though

>Destiny into a philosophical position that came off as disingenuous.
destiny said from the begining he'd only be arguing constantly not that he'd be arguing his beliefs. This is actually common in real debates, people debate for sides they dont agree on in real academic debates

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But bro that"s just ETHICAL CP. Totes different.

I don't care? I just stated that you are clearly a destiny fanboying leftist. Do you deny?

sorry Consistently not constantly

Chile isn't homogeneous

You don’t need to actually back it up retard. If it’s wrong it’s wrong.


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powerful post

>dismantle right wing arguments and help deprogram right wing brainwashing

Thats why i loved him debating andy warski and sargon because they're walking talking points

yep, prevents him from going on that ride

>oh god oh god I can stop drinking African cum aaahhhh
Destiny fans are weird.


>concedes point
>"yeah but I feel that..."
>concedes pont
>"I just don't know that..."
>concedes point
>"but what about..."
>concedes another point
>"I have a hard time believing..."
>concedes another point
Why do people think this douche is a good debater again? He sucks

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