>Great Hill Partners, a private equity firm, has acquired Kotaku et al for an undisclosed amount of money. According to Variety they paid significantly less than what Univision paid for the bundle of brands back in 2016 (for $135 million) after Hulk Hogan sued Gawker and won.
>Great Hill Partners managed to acquire Kotaku, Splinter, The Root, The Onion, Lifehacker, Deadspin, Jalopnik, A/V Club, ClickHole, The Takeout, and Jezebel. Cumulatively the brands reach 100 million unique visitors a month.
What caused the value of the brands to decrease so much? Isn't Kotaku one of the top website for video game news?
Great Hill Partners, a private equity firm, has acquired Kotaku et al for an undisclosed amount of money...
Other urls found in this thread:
Probably has something to do with them hiring 20 useless people with unnaturally colored hair for every 1 actually competent employee.
No one goes to Kotaku for news anymore. That's why they finally had to start trying to do actual journalism.
I hope Kotaku is melted down and destroyed
>Great Hill Partners, a private equity firm
Strike 1
>had stake in EGM and 1UP, both dead
Strike 2
So this is how Kotaku will die. And that union contract doesn't mean jack-shit to a US private equity firm.
>So this is how Kotaku will die.
But then where will I got for articles about how half the characters of Apex Legends are queer and that's a good thing? Polygon?
>linking oneangryincel instead of
Yikes, go shill your shitty website somewhere else.
If you haven't noticed news media from all over are having a rough time with firings all over.
News media got to cocky. When they initially realized the power of clickbait they went ham and literally everyone started doing it. But now it's an old hoodwink about as effective as getting the news that you're the millionth person to visit a site and can now sign up to get a free laptop. Nobody is falling for it and even worse now the news media is largely seen as completely untrustworthy and corrupt. It's devolved into the same bad reputation something like lawyers or politicians have.
But here's the thing: People as much as we hate them still need lawyers or politicians. You might argue it's because the system is rigged so you need them, but you still need them. You don't need the "news" when you really think about it. You don't need to click on an article explaining why you're objectively a bad person or tune on the tv to see that everything is awful. You could realistically live your whole life fairly well without every clicking on these articles. Nobody cares anymore. People realized it ain't worth it. And now many of these websites are suffering from their bad decisions of quick short-term gain that ended up having long-term consumer disdain.
Get Woke Go Broke!
Fake news urinalists should stop puking out lies news.
mass firing incoming?
I don't, I want them to get bought and become a good site
>One Seething Incel
buy a banner
They must only have 19 employees then.
They can't unless they fire all the people there
looks more useless clickbait bloggers would be out of a job
but who cares, only retards still paid attention to them
have sex
Stop shilling your blog.
when did the incels raid this board?
i don't know wich is worse, wanting to have a discussion about fucking kotaku, or you linking your disgusting piece of shit blog
Good, I say.
The problems are directly the fault of management and each and every one should be fired. Fresh new start for the whole company.
Maybe hire back a couple of the 'good' guys, but not enough to establish the cabal that rooted itself in the first place. Tim Rogers was pretty good, Schreier had some full retard moments but otherwise did some good stuff. Maybe that's it. Just keep it focused to a team of writers and playtesters and not have middle management at all.
Y'know, like gaming magazines used to have when the were GOOD.
How hard is it to just use a fucking archive, faggot?
At least archive that shit.
kys redditor legbeard
Fuck the site, kotaku got bought by a vampire liquidator firm, thats the real story, can we talk about that?
Right after you, LGBT suicide statistic.
People are sick of sensationalism and being told that everything they like is bad and it's their fault.
It must be so hard being the onion in today's world. Other than that, I'm seeing seeing anything of value being lost.
Onion is the biggest loss here, but even that has become a repeater for talking points in recent time
Onion hasn't been good since 2012
It's hard to be a funny news site when the modern journalism is already a joke.
Has it been that long? fuck that's depressing
>Gets accused of collusion between various outlets working to push singular, politically motivated narrative.
>Attempt to disprove the internet nerds by publishing 10 or so articles across varying gaming news platforms all saying the same thing: 'Gamers are dead'.
What the fuck were they thinking?
>Yea Forums thinks Kotaku would get shut down because they're degenerates
>not because the market for """journalism""" grew out of video games and was replaced by rabid mobileshit twitchfags
They just thought no one cared and they would continue along with no problems because all of them combined were bigger than their fanbase.
They were sort of right, gg ended in 2012 and they survived that. They died mostly from their own doing, grinding down trust until no one trusted them or wanted to read them anymore. Sites like twitter sort of made them obsolete anyway, because why would anyone read an article recapping a twitter post?
the reason the market grew out of journalism is because the journalists are leftist nutcases who hate their audience
More like that's why mobileshit twitchfags didn't pick it up. The market grows up regardless of journos.
>They were sort of right, gg ended in 2012 and they survived that.
GG didn't start until 2014 as a response to the Zoepost. It was retroactively redefined by the accused journalists to mean "harassment" to fit their circular reasoning.
"Gamergate is harassment of women and minorities, don't look into it."
"Because any harassment is now referred to as Gamergate."
They weren't subtle about it at all. That your timing is as fucked as it is, is a nice indicator that it at least partially worked.
You're working off of Anita's definition of it, where she literally said in an interview that "Gamergate is essentially the harassment she'd been receiving by being a female critic" which is where you get your 2012 date from. It's flat out wrong and misinformation.
The market never left and never will leave, it's more that they quit doing actual reporting and thus pissed away any value in their writing.
The Bioware article from a week back is real reporting that you can't get from twitchshit mobilefags. But they make articles like that every, what, once a year at most?
If that was their bread and butter, for all of these sites, then these sites wouldn't be disappearing. They decided to race to the bottom and memelords on twitter and twitch beat them to it for the modest price of 'free'.
If another site came along and was like the gaming magazines and articles of yesteryear, it would eclipse the twitch memelords and do pretty good for itself. However no one wants to do it because you can't create quality from pocket lint and clickbait.
>>Yea Forums thinks Kotaku would get shut down because they're degenerates
but that's literally what happened?
Okay, it was 2014. That said, it didn't do anything significant to these companies by itself. Polygon, Kotaku, Gawker, 1up. These sites demise is an apparent suicide, not because of external forces.
>The Bioware article from a week back is real reporting that you can't get from twitchshit mobilefags. But they make articles like that every, what, once a year at most?
And even then, that was literally just Schrier just trying to salvage his career in writing. It's not a coincidence that something resembling actual journalism tumbled out of Kotaku so shortly before the announcement that they were toast. He's just securing himself a job somewhere else by making it seem like he's a real on the ball journalist when the reality is most of the time he's not.
>it didn't do anything significant to these companies by itself
Sure thing zoe.
Their sentiment has more or less bled into the mainstream opinion at this point though, especially on Reddit. You go on r/pcgaming and they yell for archives of stories from Kotaku to read instead of actual links. Literally Gamergate's methodology to ensure that shit-tier publications don't see advertising revenue.
People weren't doing that prior to GG. The same is true of the other sites you mentioned as well. Polygon gets archive links all the time now when people share their bullshit.
I thought it was the Obama era ministry of truth funding drying up and cancelling most of these shit shows.
Not the other guy, but you're right; they twisted it. But it's the same old song. It starts out righteous, then trolls come in and take it too far. By this time, no one kicks the trolls out (the first big mistake), and unbiased people start leaving the group. Soon, all that's left are trolls and agendaists which then gives the original opposition something to point at and say: "See! We were right!"
Happens every time and there's no way to stop it.
Schrier is pretty stupid on twitter, but 90% of his actual articles are true reporting. He's been doing this kind of thing for a long time, from at least Diablo 3 to Anthem. This isn't just him stepping up his game, it's only the first time you've noticed it.
>The market never left and never will leave
naive. This shit is held up by 10 year olds, just like it always has been. 5-10 years ago that young age bracket saw reading as an acceptable form of eye usage. Same bracket still dominates the market but it's now filled with a generation that don't got time for no word shit.
It's hard to kick out trolls in a faceless movement started by anonymous people online. When something has no figurehead to lead it, it allows anyone to infiltrate and corrupt a movement.
Are the old gg threads archived anywhere?
He's Kotaku's resident Destiny shill, he might have good articles but his integrity is still very much up for debate. He also has a very strong bias towards devs. It might be a righteous one, at least intentionally, but an honest reporter wouldn't be so brazenly subjective.
It didn't help that nearly every website banned discussion on it. RPGCodex is the only place I can think of that still has an active forum for it.
>People weren't doing that prior to GG
jesus what a nasty post
Fuck off Billy, you are a terrible writer and if it weren’t for your gamergate grifting nobody would read your shitty blog.
>tfw 3 people I absolutely fucking loathe are sweating heavy right now
>tfw they might soon be out of the best job they'll ever have
Get the "learn to code" buttons ready boys
You can hate an artist but love their work. I don't much care for his personal politics or how he shit talks other ecelebs on youtube for wrongthink, but his reporting on poor working conditions within dev studios or how a shit game came to be are genuine articles of journalism. He may be anti-consumer, but most of these articles are about the friction within a developer or between a developer and a publisher. You don't really need to worry about his bias against consumers in this regard.
Like I said, I don't care for his personal politics. If I ever met him I'd probably butt heads with him quite a bit. That doesn't change the fact that he's probably the only person at kotaku and one of the few in the industry that does actual reporting.
>jesus what a nasty post
It's crazy to think how deluded Kotaku writers and commentors must be. You literally have to be hand-picked as some kind of Kotaku ally for your comments to not be hidden by default, so everything you see is super agreeable and congratulatory of whatever the article's writer is pushing. Everyone gets polarized into agreeing that everything as unholy as fuckin reddit is a literal nazi. All the gizmodo sites are like this. I hope to god they actually get shut down.
The left lives on lies, conflict and mistrust.
its easy to control idiots when you label them of something that they project, or manipulate them during the period in between 10 to 20 years old, when they are on high school and in early college, where they can shove socialist shit upon them.
Racism and mysogny being the biggest ones, mainly because modern feminists are both, and they hate seeing other healthy and wise woman being more sucessful than them by not being a false flagging idiot with rainbow hair, obesity, piercings and shit, even at Gaming media because they see them as "Rivals".
Back in the 90's til 2005 or such, no one ever cared about it, because people had more freedom. gaming media back then had people.
You could very well attribute the last five years to Gamergate. Ever since Journos got outright exposed and they managed to spin things hard enough to survive people have been increasingly suspicious of them and they have become increasingly arrogant in their cause. They hanged themselves with rope they stole from us.
Married with Children was way ahead of its time.
I wish I was gay no joke