ITT: Games that deserved better

ITT: Games that deserved better

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Really great game but the cancer monetization killed it for me, I was a fairly avid player and never even managed to get enough monies for permanently unlocking my primary weapon, that was long ago though and I don't know what the game was life after that.

>cowadoody clone
>deserved better

What do you mean? It came out before any CoD's went all future gimmicky.

I mean gameplay, not the aesthetics.

Katana was great fun.
Fuck all those faggots that purposefully stacked armor to go 1-2 HP over the threshold needed to instakill with the majority of melee weapons.

It turned out to be much worse on consoles, shitty clunky aiming and movement, and even worse monetization


I knew it was going to die but I didn't want it to

Attached: hmm.jpg (200x211, 7K)

coop was a blast

>cancer monetization
>destroyed the game with a patch
>lied about fixing it
these people are making bloodlines 2

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A better GITS game than the actual one.
I hope they make a new one if VTMB2 sells well.

They already made 2. both flopped.

You could harvest so much anger from people by running a proximity mine on this shit-heap of a map. I also loved how during the control point gamemode (Dominion, I think?) you could consistently score triple/quad kills on HeloDeck by just banzai charging the enemy point with a cooked HE grenade.

Attached: helodeck3.jpg (1920x1080, 278K)

It hurts so bad

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I was a bit grindy. It took around 20-30 matches to permanently unlock a receiver or attachment.

The servers closed down for good last month on pc. They made everything free in the shop the months before closing it. It kinda made me wish it was a buy to play game with everything unlocked or locked behind a reasonable grind.

I did that to counter 200 damage snipers.

awful cheaply made game, it was like playing some copypasted gook fps

>read Daikatana was great fun
>proceed to type furious reply
>read it again... wat
>mfw nvm

The expensive pimped out advertising bus still makes me laugh.