>No troy
Big oof! That's a flop already my dudes
Troy Baker isn't returning to Borderlands 3
Other urls found in this thread:
Wow, who gives a fuck? What makes Borderlands fun is all the guns and making amazing builds and just tearing through mobs, not the fucking voice actors.
>my dudes
Why does your post read like a tweet from a cheeto?
I don't even fucking know who rhys is and I played all of 1 and 2 twice
Characters changing voices sucks period, regardless of the game is about.
you ok randy?
But the mobs are bullet spunges
troy thinks he's big shit, super expensive too hire so I don't blame randy for not hiring him.
From Tell Tales Tales From The Borderlands.
He's from the Telltale "game", so 90% of the Borderlands fanbase don't even know who he is.
I don't think DRUMPFFFFFFF has done any VA work.
Pick none
But if they did spin the story that Rhys became just Jack 2.0, then I wouldnt want in either cause its cheap and stupid.
Does he even have any range? Feels like he's always the same voice. It's a pleasant and easily understood voice, but there's not really much variety. Not that i've compared games back to back though
I like how Yea Forums has to skirt through the "the writing made it fun" argument now because they always scream that the writing in reddit.
he has zero range, and yet he charges the most because he was in some movie games
Good riddance. Trpy Baker is pure cancer, nobody wants to pay his high fees.
Isn’t he part of the striking actors?
>le generic voice man throws a fit
oh fuck off, baker
His voice as Joel is completely different from Handsome Jack, id say he has pretty diverse range.
Guess so, though he can (usually) deliver some emotions even if the range mostly sounds the same between characters when needed, like stressed, high strung, panic, hurt etc.
Don't think so. I think he's got something for reprising roles if he's able to. He mentioned being a little sad that Bamco didn't ask him to do Yuri in ToV's extra content.
he didn't voiced Jack
Rhys had great voice acting, usually not a fan of Troy Baker but he really gave characters to Rhys
He didn’t? My bad then.
I got curious and was actually suprised at him being the voice of several characters i'd never have guessed. Two-Face from Arkham series, the snobby brit in Binary Domain and Orkos of GoW for example. It's there if you know what to listen to, but for me at least, i can only hear it now that i know.
>Voice actors think we give a shit about them
Yikes my dude
>Troy Barker
literally and unironically who?
of course im not Mr. Lahey
He doesn't bark, he bakes u dummy
Dumb weeb
Borderlands went to shit after Borderlands 2 came out and they started to do a ton of side games and milking it to shit.
>the only good part of the franchise not coming back
lmao, dead on arrival
whatever who the fuck is this dumbass character or this stupid voice actor? I played 1, 2, and TPS a countles number of times and don't remember that faggot at all
fuck off frogposter
> troy
Nice union you have there.
He's from the Telltale game
>Im angry that other people are getting work instead of me, the guy who works on literally fucking everything under the sun to the point where I have cornered this aspect of videogames as my own, I own it
Please for the love of god, its actually annoying to hear his generic ass voice in everything, let others bring something new to the table.
So this dude was not brought back for Tales of Vesperia's rerelease and now this. What's going on? Are studios just afraid of contracting him now because he became so big?
is that basically a VN garbage canon?
>anime shitposter telling others to fuck off
I don't know what that means
maybe not worth to pirate cuz B3 would be a huge pile of shit.
If Troy Baker isn't in, then there are probably no unionized voice actors in the game. The union law says that if you have a unionized VA, then every VA involved also has to be unionized. So different Rhys, Gortys, Tiny Tina and who knows who else.
>overcharge for your generic voice
>"dudes wtf why nobodu hire me :("
troy was a mistake
makes sense DESU, 90 percent of borderlands fans have not even played the telltale game and thus think that it is a completely new character meaning gearbox can be lazy and get a cheaper VA for a character who will probably only appear in like 5 quests max
Shame. Especially when you know they're gonna get Laura Bailey to voice Fiona when she's introduced as a DLC Vault Hunter
>unironically being this much of a faggot
Here's your (You) niggy
you are a lowest-tier weeb
>Tiny Tina
No thats still Ashly, she goes by a different name for non-union work
Probably wanted a shit ton of money because he's a huge sell out prick in real life
What, no. That's stupid. The thing is, the other VA's can't "take over" agreed character role for the unionized VA for whatever reason, not that they have to be unionized.
l m a o
There is no such thing as deplorable as watchin frogposters and weebposters have a go at each other's tiny chubs
He's in Death Stranding. Why would he care this much about a worse game?
>you nkw remember lahey is dead
>of course im not Mr. Lahey
>he watches and plays games with the english dub
I might be a weeb but at least I'm not a faggot
going by a different name for non union work? the fuck? whats the point of being in a union if you can be in it while also still do shit not being in one?
the only good voices there are two face and joel, but joel was written well and could have easily been voiced by someone else.
the rest are generic anime dub shit.
Striking? Again?
Also he's probably just too expensive now.
Those are synonyms
Overcharging, he also sounds super goddamn generic by this point. Like, if he voices your character it is highly likely he has voiced the exact same kind of character the exact same way in another game. I imagine people are just tired of it.
This. Voice acting isnt some golden lost art. Anyone can read a script.
Yes, honestly he was amazing as Valvatorez in Disgaea 4
Speaking of fiona, what was the point of saving the bullets?
it doesn't make any sense when you get handed a fucking box of them just a few days later
Nice union you got troy, surely helped your salary lmao
Dunno but she does it as "Jackie Ross"
Not arguments subcuck weebs
>Was literally the most hated character of ME3
Huh, good on him for escaping that stigma
Damien Clark voices Jack
This is disappointing. If Gearbox make Brothers In Arms 4 they better get him back to play Matt Baker.
Range doesn't really matter unless you get two characters on screen at once.
Nah he's still in a lot of games. Charging a lot when everyone wants you isn't a bad thing.
What? He was against it.
Well for one, Borderlands is a game coming out this century.
>we want more pay for our work! Strike! Strike! Strike!
>wait, what are you doing, why are you hiring new talent instead of us!
Unions only work when you arent expendable, I can read a script and will do it for free, these people want actor salaries like they were in a fucking movie.
>all these non/v/idyaposters pretendin they belong
/an/ belong in /an/, Yea Forums and pepe belong in /trash/
This feels like a Gearbox damage control post.
nah, nolan north was against it.
Voice acting is more than that. You wouldn't have shit, mediocre and god tier voice acting if it was easy. Voice actors also have to emote and imagine without much more than a script, standing in a recording booth
Both of them were
Please do, user. Recreate Nishiki of Yakuza 0's breakdown scene voice acting. I need a good laugh
dumb shitter
Ironically the "game" is the only good thing to come from the franchise.
Unions work if the majority agrees to adhere to it
Man, what does he work for now? I feel like he's trapping himself in a corner.
>muh subcuckery
Talk about same-voice holy fuck. Does this guy by any chance voice McCree from Overwatch, Gangplank from LoL and Hit from DBS as well?
Why? You'd said you do it for FREE, so go ahead, make an audition tape for us. I'm sure someone's fetish on Yea Forums is listening to cats being torn throught a grater.
>McCree from Overwatch
That's Matt Mercer
Troy Baker didn't voice James in silent hill 2, only the abysmal HD remastered version.
They rewrote a ton of the story between episode 1 and 2. Going back and rewatching the trailers you get the impression they were going somewhere different. I'm sure at some point saving your bullets would have been useful. Kinda like the money mechanic. Only way to the Mystery Vault Hunter at episode 5 is if you collected all the money and spent none of it. Unless you saved Felix
>What makes Borderlands fun
>I'm sure someone's fetish on Yea Forums is listening to cats being torn throught a grater.
You mean listening to Japanese girls voices?
u mad? I don't even like videogames.
You know Nolan wasn't alone, right?
goddamned weebs
watch the video retard
Unions related to acting fields often have bizarre restrictions and policies in place, so usually people circumvent it by using fake names or hiring nobodies.
>Yea Forumsposter
Looks like your friends are here to save the boards
yes but i am pretty goddamn sure troy baker is in fact pro union
What if Rhys isn't voiced by Troy because He and Fiona fused into one person after opening the Vault
It's funny that the best Borderlands character and the best Borderlands game wasn't made by Gearbox. RIP Telltale
>actually attempting to document a long-term history of Yea Forums's opinion on anything
what a waste of a life you fucking faggot
yeah but while voice acting can elevate a performance, I think the writing and gameplay is more important
Probably. Real bad acting can completely destroy good writing, though
>retarded weeb outs himself
>The entire civilized world
>Unions is a good thing and an important part of working society, and everyone agrees
>seething this hard
>Newfag outs himself
You'll get it right next time!
It's all building up to the collapse my friend. We're in the decadent downfall period right now.
I like unions for jobs that can be dangerous for your health not for something like fucking voice acting in video games.
These fucks are actually demanding a percentage cut from game profit
>complains about reddit
>lol u seething bro??
where do I upvote
The only reason I was interested in this game was the presence of the TFTB characters. Troy was essential to Rhys' characterization. If they're not gonna respect those characters I won't even bother with BL3. Fuck them.
Yikes, like Oofa Dooda, my dude.
>l-look guys, I've visited Yea Forums for YEARS, I spent the best years of my life o-on Yea Forums
dumb weeb
>He didn't play the only good Borderlands game
look at this faglord
The only Borderlands game I didnt quit in 3 hours was Tales from Borderlands. Sad to see this because some 300lb bitches think Troy Baker wanted to fuck them.
>Can't even tell the origin of meme/board related images
>Just keeps posting frogs since it's the only thing "newfag's beginners guide" told him to do
>looks guys i here long time and other guys isnt hahaha he dum i smrt
>rest of series is shit
>"Why didn't you play the good one?"
I'm still a little mad about Mordecai's VA change. His laugh was gold.
>watashi wa weeb desu
It's basically an interactive 5 hour cutscene, yes. Still has great writing, is actually funny, and made you give a shit about the narrative of a Borderlands game for once. Rhys was a good character and yes it's canon. That's why he's in BL3.
He played the entire series sans Tales, cockmongler. Your retarded retort doesn't work here.
>insert vhs tape in vcr
>press play
Based Loader bot needs to come back
Let's do a little test.
You should be able to easily identify what board this image is posted a lot on as a meme reply to certain questions. Right? You're not one of those reddicucks who only browse a single board and pretend you know anything, are you?
People need money.
Antony Del Rio, the voice of Pit, has gone creditless in Smash Bros and Fire Emblem recently.
faggot lol
They'll just get Matt Mercer.
>I spend all my free time on Yea Forums
>Righteous father, I have found you
Reminder there are people who made him self destruct
This drama sure sounds familiar.
Hell, even the people who DETEST Borderlands will probably pirate and play it just to find dumb shit to yell about.
You're too optimistic
Yes, that's how you can tell actual anons from redditors being tourists.
>Hell, even the people who DETEST Borderlands will probably pirate and play it just to find dumb shit to yell about.
You'd rather they just yell about things they don't know about? Pirating it gives no money to the companies involved, so who gives a shit?
Here's the thing. TftB Writing was alright. because it actually had writing instead 99% pop culture references in 1 and Memes in 2.
You can pick out the three bad scenes in TftB.
You can't pick out the good scenes in any other Borderlands.
Have sex
Because these people bank their identity on it. I'd rather people who detest a game just don't make dozens of shitpost threads. I mean, look at fucking cyberpunk threads or DMC threads some time back spamming every hour with the same template low effort faggotry and so on. Some people take their hatred very seriously and need to ensure nobody else can talk about it in any other way but shitposts.
Who is Rhys?
Have sex
This series has always been an overhyped piece of garbage. The only reason it’s popular is due to its reddit tier gimmicky nature which works well on the retarded masses who love being told what to like
Play Tales, it's good.
>What makes Borderlands fun
Should we arrange an free for all user orgy? Everyone wins and nobody can say "have sex" anymore
he has plenty
he is by far the best joker next to Hamill
he does an incredible job with Gul'dan
He has plenty of range. For example Joker in Bamham origins.
Now Laura Bailey, that's a VA that has no range.
Explain yourself. Where's the chemistry with this "other"?
>Speaks japanese
>Calls others weeb
>"speaking japanese"
>Rhys and Fiona don't have chemistry
They're both terrible, terrible people, and they deserve eachother. Most of the best scenes are the two playing off one another.
Rhys/Fiona had the best chemistry, by far. What are you talking about?
I don't know how, but Telltale's b team did a fantastic job and had such a great intro coreography and music selection.
I still am frankly shocked that their mediocre to bad GoT felt like a C tier product and fucking Borderlands their A+ product when by all accounts, one would expect them to put their best on GoT for easy money
>Comical chemistry is romantic chemistry
This time with substance. All the protags are awful people that have solid banter that's why the "game" is so good
He's from the only good game in the franchise
>destroying Jack
He's just taking a little nap
Fiona was much more sympathetic towards Rhys than Sasha ever was. And they're on equal footing, so it's not just Rhys chasing after his boyish crush.
I won't even be upset. There aren't many actually entertaining characters like Jack, if they want to take another swing at trying to make me hate him, they're welcome to.
I'm so glad this gay company died nice "game"
wait is Rhys going to be playable?
I will actually buy if true.
No, Rhys is busy running Atlas. Jury's out on Fiona being playable.
No he's just an NPC.
>Male cast of tales
>Top bros, funny, clever and great
>Female cast
>Boring, bland, srs business, no fun allowed
Thinking back, i can't recall any female in tales that was funny. Some were okay, sure, but none stood out unlike Rhys, Vaughn, loaderbot, Vasques, Jack and so on.
is that voice actor strike and union demand still going on?
do they still not realize how fucking replaceable they are?
I'm torn. I want B3 to be a huge success so that Burch finally kills himself, but I also want it to be a huge flop so that Randy kills himself.
There are '''people''' that sacrificed Loader Bot in Episode 1.
Unless her a prominent character I'm not buying.
Perhaps user, the answer is to take the future into your own hands
America will soon realise that they can hire Bongladeshi VAs for peanuts like everyone else
flop so Randy kills himself and Burch is still not able to join back into Gearbox because someone else took it over
It won't flop, as long as we have Anthony Burch write something for the game.
>People literally saying in this thread that Baker made Rhys
>Lol why bother just get a new one
That's the exact same logic of Randy. Are you Randy?
Randy stays with his company. Burch is like a parasite finding a new host every week to infest. Which one is the greater evil?
Baker isn't worth whatever he's asking for these days. They can bring in Matt Mercer and literally nobody will be able to tell the difference.
They shouldn't even have brought the TFTB characters back if they're gonna treat them like this. I was thinking of getting the game on steam next year, but now I just don't care.
Burch is a rat that jumps from ship to ship, stealing bits of food. Randy is the captain of a ship, steering it straight into an iceberg.
more like borederlands, nothing lets me know faster that someone has shit taste than them being a fan of this garbage
It's like Laura Baily, it's such a common voice the second I hear it, my immersion is shattered and Baily at least has a boner inducing voice.
Any word if Fiona will be in the game?
Matt Mercer likely won't do it because he's said he doesn't wanna be Troy Baker lite. In general, being a cheap soundalike is the worst possible position to be in as a VA since you'll never see any career advancement that way, let alone much more lucrative union gigs.
He was just in Catherine Full Body, I think this is more about VA union crap
Sure, but his ship goes down with him, while Burch keeps getting fed and grows more and more bloated aka "experienced" and thus more desirable for companies.
That said. I don't really dislike Randy, but in all honestly i never cared for any internet drama either, i'm just trying to parrot the general impression.
now i wish i didn't delete my tales screenshots from my folder
>archive doesn't even predate 2015
god i miss moe and foolz
Matt Mercer doesn't want to be discount Troy Baker. There's no way he's the new VA for Rhys. It's gonna be some rando, mark my words.
I'm seething they aren't playable.
I would buy it if Rhys and fiora were playable.
Yeah, she's supposedly dead along with Sasha, which is why Rhys decides to help the vault hunters
More like Gaynonymous. Nothing lets me know faster that someone is a vapid milquetoast bag of piss than bitching about what people like instead of talking about things he likes.
BL3 flopping is also a mark against Epic so flop for me.
Is Troy having money problems? He fucked off from a ton of roles when he started blowing up, didnt care about losing Kanji and Matt took a lot of his anime roles. Now he’s back in Catherine for some reason and upset about losing this Borderlands gig.
Tales of the Borderland is unironically a fun time. Would have been good if there was an actual followup to it instead of side characters in the new game. They even have the characters that could be playable that still fills diversity quotas.
The tales ending worked because it was open ended. Now they're gonna ruin these characters with their "great" humor and characterization. That'd be ok if they had the original voice actors to make up for it, but no such luck. Hard pass.
>Sasha dead.
God fucking damn it. being Rhys is suffering.
>the little onions at the end
i see you
The union strike fucked him, fuckers held out for royalties when everyone figured that was the fake demand you drop at the negotiating table to look reasonable and so all his big roles just replaced him.
if i cared about borderlands, i'd be happy about that
>I like unions for jobs that can be dangerous for your health
Your criteria for health hazards is total shit, fag.
Try to repeat even two minutes' worth of this dialogue by yourself, and see how healthy your throat feels. Then realize that, if this were actual professional work, you'd be repeating those lines several times over to get the inflection the producer wants. In addition, as a non-famous VA, you get paid less, receive fewer benefits, and are expected to put out more work.
Who gives a fuck? I’m tired of hearing the same voices.
We need to get rid of Jonny Yong Bach or whatever the fuck, Troy Baker and Matt Mercer.
You really shouldn't believe anything you read on Yea Forums pertaining upcoming games
Well, duh, of course I couldn't do that. My voice doesn't sound like that. Just find someone who does.
where the fuck do you think we are? if you're coming on fucking Yea Forums for positive and interesting discussion you're doing it wrong. except maybe with more fringe genres like shmups.
To be fair, it was a cute running gun
JYB and Matt are top tier you shut your whore mouth.
Ah Bo, second best vidya nigger after Barrett
Anonymity is good for discussion, the only reason it's a free pass to act like a nigger is because the moderation team is a fucking joke.
Why can’t anyone criticize the gameplay?
All Yea Forums posts about is humor they don’t like because there’s no ironic brainlet wojaks. Obviously the peak of humor.
This, but using all union voice actors is not only a pain in the ass but still more expensive. Randy might suck at a lot of shit but this isn't really his fault.
All 3 of those people sound the same and are in every game ever.
White people were a mistake.
Shut up retard.
Unions are shit, my dad literally cant get a full pension after 50 years of work because the union fucked him.
50 years is probably his fault to a degree
Who did he voice?
booker is the only character on there i give a damn about
Uh, it's the government who pays out pension depending on years employed/taxes. Where are you even from?
You are thinking social security chum, which the government fucked him on
Wait, he was Revolver Ocelot? Now that, and two face i could never have guessed.
No, at least in my country, the government pays pension to retirees, sum depending on total taxes you've paid over your working life. Granted, some few public/private higher education companies might pay a small addition depending as well, but in no way anything to brag about and nothing to survive by without state pension which is garantueed with a minimum pension no matter if you fucked away your life/cripple/whatever instead of working.
Only in MGSV.
Considering he's one of the very few vidya VAs that's famous and sought after I doubt he has any problems to get decently paid.
Yeah, i assumed that due the character shown. Still actually sounds a slightly old tired guy, something i'd not expect from Baker.
He was against it. He said in '16 that an union would be one of the worst things since it would undermine how the vidya industy works, which is different to the film/movie one.
he's pretty good when he's actually trying to do a different voice.
>These fucks are actually demanding a percentage cut from game profit
Is there anyone in the entertainment industry with something like that? Except Robert Downey Jr, who only managed that because no one was expecting Iron Man to be as popular as it was and he basically became the face of the MCU for a while?
Still laugh at the dude who played Rhodey in the first movie being insanely assblasted that he didn't get the same contract, and got dumped when he refused to be in Iron Man 2 unless they gave him the same cut Downey Jr had.
Which makes me wonder, is it the producers who "force" him to use his most common voice? Can't imagine VA's get free reign on the "type" of voice they're supposed to produce.
Rhys from Tales from the Borderlands. I just played it last week, it's really good.
They tell them to use his normal voice so people who play games can easily tell who is their favorite VA
Is he from any of the mainline stuff though?
Agreed, at least they gave him some nice armor and dreads in Bordie 2
Hahahaha....so you want me to share, huh?
Fun, but not very good.
Fucking casual
>He's back in Catherine Full Body
Troy please come back to my shitty anime games. You're the best voice actor I know. This guy fucking killed it as Yuri in Vesperia.
kill yourself randy
I'll have to hear who they hired before I can form my opinion, but goddamn could the new guy be a lot worse compared to Troy Baker.
>Trying out Gaige for the first time
I'm not really feeling this this Anarchy inaccuracy deal.
You moron
you're supposed to level up your DT not Anarchy
>Everybody says to do Anarchy for Gaige
WELL GEE, I wonder why I got Anarchy?
You respec to anarchy after you're pretty levelled and get the ricochet gun, at least that's what I was guided to do.
Guess I'll do that then. Everybody was all "Oh get Anarchy straight away!" and it's made this more of pain than it's had to be.
Thank you.
>vidya game voice actors doing so good they can afford to turn down roles
Maybe we need to go non-union after all
Randy is a pedo
It has been 3 hours so here's a pity (you)
Because you literally have no choice if you want to use the red tree.
no one cares about v-celebs
there are no reason to keep Jack alive, especially from Rhys point of view, even if you sucked up to Jack in episode 2, made an alliance with him in episode 3 and "rule" Hyperion in episode 4, Rhys will still rightfully get pissed off at Jack for wanting to transform him into his meat suit and making a Jack army.
After that he tries to kill you in the ruin of Helios and then get on his knees to plea for mercy (after trying to kill you one last time when Rhys is about to pull off the rest of the echo eyes).
I don't see any reason to spare Jack, he is one of the best character in the series and was stellar in Tales but I don't get why people spare him.
Also I don't think Rhys blue eyes proves anything, when Jack took control of Rhys it became orange/yellow, not blue. and jack had taste, he wouldn't grow a mustach, I bet it's a fake one anyway
>that shitty new Zero voice from the last episode of Tales from the Borderlands
I'm kinda glad i didn't get him as an option.
I always criticize the gameplay first and foremost when I want to shit on a game thats what I did for Sekiro when I first saw video of it but I was glad to be wrong for oncebut we have nothing of substance to shit on except for Gearbox trackrecord of shit writing and horrible gameplay decision
I just checked, yeah it's terrible, I think he had a deeper voice in Eps1 and an even deeper voice in Borderlands 2. I think it's the same voice actor but they forgot to insist on the voice modulator effect
Torture. Let Jack live forever agonizing over having lost everything instead of giving him mercy.
No but he's about to be. For good reasons considering Tales from the Borderlands was better written than anything coming from the mainline by far.
I too am getting tired of reddit zoomerspeak. I hear it all the time from undergrads at my school and I just don't think it belongs here if all places. Even doing it ironically is cancer
thats a reason. I feel like the risk would be too big though
It ain't just from there, dumbass.
Sorry I'm not down with the lingo, zoomer. Feel free to enlighten me. Is it from some YouTube eceleb epic memer?
Rhys would no doubt see to it that Jack remains lost and forgotten forever.
Honestly, it's that mindset that's the reason why the idea of voice acting is so unattractive in the west, while it's considered a much more healthy and prestigious career in Japan. The result of that is a much more varied and talented pool of VAs.
Meanwhile in the west, anyone with a modicum of acting talent jumps ship for real acting the first chance they get, leaving a bunch of C-listers who couldn't cut it anywhere else.
Normies don't care about voice actors. It will still sell like hotcakes.
Borderlands is the biggest redditor normie honeypot to ever exist. Acting like these games aren't complete dogshit in every way is pathetic. Anybody who likes this trash is guaranteed to have shit taste.
>unga numbers bunga so randumb jokes haha
Switch to Jakobs shotguns.
Also you have a much bigger film and television industry in Hollywood and most VA studios are in proximity so it's easier for talent to get sucked up.
>joins union
>companies stop using all union actors
wow what a fucking debacle. who could have seen such a thing coming?
Well there goes any interest I had playing the game, started with the Epic shit and then this. Troy's voice acting in Tales was amazing.
>they're going to turn Rhys into a generic rich bad guy
>they'll have him voiced by Yuri Lowenthal
They're just phrases you pick up if you've been outside to talk to somebody in the past couple years
are there more whiny cucks than voice actors?
Troy Baker sure made the right call in that union strike didn't he
Mercer probably will get the role I bet. Mercer still does anime, video games, and cartoons. Once Baker got big he stopped doing anime and became the defacto male voice with Nolan. Joining that strike and now people are dropping him from roles, what did you think would happen.
Are your hearts ready for Gortys' return, Yea Forums?
You sound like a grumpy middle aged neck beard. Make friends and have sex
yes, but I'm even more ready for her husband
>Hear his voice in cheaply payed Anime.
>Actual range. Couldn't believe it was him.
>Hear his voice in highly payed video games.
>Zero range. Easily recognize him the second a character opens their mouth.
That's when I learned just how low standards are in video games.
Make me
Got rid of original claptrap
Scooter is dying
Handsome Jack is gone
Dumped the ashley burch doing sex voiced hot tiny tina idea
All of the MCs look like the lgbtqa version of the power rangers each with a color and sexuality.
Game is shitting the bed already.
>triggered virgins
It sucks, man. They're high enough to prevent PS1-tier kino but low enough let the VAs suck ass
seething incel
>Got rid of original claptrap
Yeah. Original claptrap voice is gone.
It's why clap trap doesn't talk in any of the crappy trailers for the game.
actually kill yourself my guy
well shit, and after they pulled off a "it won't be borderlands without claptrap" joke in the final episode of tales
Will you be my friend and have sex with me?
>Playing Borderlands for the dialogue
He's on the box cover. Claptrap's not going anywhere.
he did actually.
and rhys is in 3 or we wouldn't have this thread
I just wonder what they'll do with so much changed
>Dumped the ashley burch doing sex voiced hot tiny tina idea
His only good voice was Valvatorez in Disgaea 4 because he went full ham.
Nowadays all he is hired for is to do the same generic gruff man voice over and over.
Is he a narrator of the "board game" or something? Or just a cameo voice saying memetic lines?
Can't imagine this guy reading a sheet of paper and somehow be "missable" in anything.
Also those graphics on the cover looks a lot like Capitalism 2/lab. Man i gotta play that shit again. Great business game.
> liking Ashley Burch
actually, they'll probably make a dumb sidequest about it or something, still weird though
TT was supposed be a hot soldier who does demolitions. Like shit nigga what the fuck tier hot.
They dumped the idea because quirky lunatic tina is "more marketable" as a fugly grating chica.
The dick wants what the dick wants.
Fuck you Randy, Rhys was the only reason I was going to buy your game.
Looks like performance doesn't matter, huh?
he's basically a narrator in the game, but he doesn't actually narrate everything.
I think it's only the mission opening.
Your dick is broken
That should classify him more as a cameo i think, sorta like the Civ voice guys like Nimroy, as he never is a "character" with a personality.
Though that's just my dumb idea on these insignificant and trivial differences
I wish.
The massive bastard has gotten me into tight spots and sticky situations that I would have rather not gotten into.
Ever had a middle aged knife wielding lesbian chase you naked down a dirt road after she catches you plowing her wife?
This. I hate the gameplay of all borderland games except for TellTale's.
The setting and some of the characters are god tier though. You just have to utilize it properly.
No, we played TFTB for the dialogue. Now that they're using those characters I'm BL3 we just don't want to see them ruined. That's all.