I dont want to get good at this fight because the reanimation animation gives me the willies and I just want to watch it over and over
You can win without any single hit by him, but its gonna take time.
Just run away and doge poo, sometimes you will be able to graple and do like 4 swings.
Run away and repeat. In phase two you doing same shit and waiting for his jump with swing.
Doge it with jump and do 4 swings, repeat. Easy win.
how do dodge poop?
Flame vent level 2 or with oil in phase 1 dodge his attacks and when you find a opening set him on fire, on phase 2 umbrella to defend the scream and spear when he falls down so you can pull the centipede out of the neck hole and cause a bunch of posture damage.
Prosthetic Tools are your friends, look how to get the ceremonial tanto you can use to get more emblems.
I know everybody probably did
But I shit bricks when he picked his head up
Use firecrackers you shifty gook
When poo is near to you just jump away, but try not to jump too early cuz you will get hit.
I was so happy cuz i used all of my divine grass to beat him for first time..
>he didn't skip the ape
lmao @ ur life for wasting time on that bullshit
Why is nobody mentioning the third parasite giant ape fight, the orange one in the oval office
When he does the 2 hit combo then goes to fart you have time to run to where he will end up after the fart. After that his pop throw will always miss
I can't believe these madmen at From designed a shit flinging ape this well. It's pretty funny.
he reach up butt before every poop throw, and will usually poop throw after punch into fart. step dodge into run deals with poop
>shit flinging apes
>enemies that rip your soul out of your asshole, then shove it up their own ass
>squids that steal your youth, which you can steal back by eating their heart
god I love this game
you can deflect poop.
This game has a good sense of humor.
just summon some help lol
You can deflect the shit. It still adds some poison but if you can take the meter its better than dodging
>>enemies that rip your soul out of your asshole, then shove it up their own ass
>>squids that steal your youth, which you can steal back by eating their heart
wtf where are these
First one is the Headless grab attack, second is the Fountainhead Palace nobles enfeeble.
he killed millions...
Took me two tries. Come on, it isn't hard. Just don't be afraid like I was kek
I know nothing about Sekiro but I hope all the posts ITT about an enemy flinging feces and how best to dodge it aren't ironic
They’re completely unironic. This is a good game.
Does dragonrot fuck your game over at all, because I've died a million times to that drunk asshole and that horse asshole
Why was he so ignorant?
1) You will get a lot of cures, i had like 15 in NG, and used like 4 times
2) It jus stop NPC quest progression, curing NPC will just fix it.
what does this guy do, i spirited him away, now what
You will meet again.
Play the damn game.
2nd phase is so much easier, no poop or grabs to worry about.
run towards poop
There is literally a boss (Guardian Ape) that does a poison fart before leaving into the air and throwing a fistful of shit at you.
Fucking autocorrect.
i already have fucking 45 hours in this game, chill my guy
He'll reappear later in the Hall of Illusions area and give you an item for the Divine Child of Rejuvenation's questline.