Meanwhile, on the Yea Forums safe room graffiti wall...
Meanwhile, on the Yea Forums safe room graffiti wall
No, that's you
It's only gay if you know they're traps moron.
You’re still a faggot
>I miss the internet
Yeah, I really do miss the internet from when L4D came out.
I wanna cum inside Zoey
>tfw no qt zombie gf
Hey guy and if you fuck one of the crying ones they become your pet
left 4 dead 2 came out 10 years ago
It'll be ten years in November.
I thought Valve could do no wrong back then.
Just like Blizzard
Who would've thought user
Vote Kicking everyone in this thread
L4D2 was exactly when I realized Valve could do wrong. Barely a year after the original game, still being sold at full price.
>that one indecisive player that keeps the vote menu on screen for as long as possible
I used to play with a DOOM but I think he might've been [DE]...
RIP Team Weeaboo
Blizzard became shit. Valve just lazy
>Valve starts doing something
>It's censorship and bans
Ur a faggot dude
Spurdo sparde.drawing oh fugg it's the hoarde xDD
Dhrow Molodov :DDD
Turtle Rock is working on a new game, boys!
I rubbed my balls over all the guns and medkits.
>no little girls in the apocalypse
What's the fucking point
The word bed looks like a bed
The word shark looks like a shark
Fish have sex in water
Its ok as long as he wears a dress
L4D graffiti was some 10/10 world-building
>No L4D3 where you can use graffiti to post your own messages other people can see online while playing ala Dark Souls
It's amazing how Valve just lets their IP's slowly turn to dust.
I miss Touhou
>implying touhou was good
Who are you quoting?
>implying touhou w
whats its name again?
Portside 4 deceased?
The fact that people actually draw and use meme arrows IRL is proof that humanity deserved this apocalypse.
>all people vote yes
>person screams into mic as loud as possible before being abruptly cut off as they're kicked
"meme arrows" existed a long time before Yea Forums
What do the survivors eat anyway?
when a reddit fag tries to go on Yea Forums and make a shitty greentext
hurt durf faggits get out of my vault
Valve isn't really innovative with their gameplay design. They are just really good at taking other peoples ideas and turn them into marketable games.
Bunch of the safe rooms have MREs and packaged/canned food, add in some candy bars here and there
I even remember one of the safe rooms in Blood Harvest having a fire pit that looks like it was freshly extinguished like they were done cooking with it, if I remember right
Burger tank
>tfw no toilet paper in the apocalypse
Accompanied by a crude graffiti Wojak.
>enter random VS game as Hunter
>spawn around a corner wait for five seconds anticipating the survivor I just saw
>"What's that faggot Hunter doing"
I was literally in the game for less than 20 seconds.
Who are the autists who do things like that?
No pressure, kid.
>spawn as Charger
>wait behind cover ahead for the Survivors to get out of their spawn area so i wouldn't have to run out into the open
>kicked for idling for about 20 secs
some players just think the ideal way to play is the keep charging at the Survivors no matter the situation
So does anyone think that crying bitch that is fucking everywhere kinda hot?
What are the successful chances of fucking it?
just slowly approach her and shine your flashlight at her ahead of time so she knows you're coming bro, they only attack when they're surprised
I love playing as the tank especially when there are cars around
literally just hit a guy in the general direction of a survivor and they are screwed
best of feels.
nutted in a witch lads, wat do
Can the infection spread through sex asking for a friend
have fun losing your dick
you'll have to take responsibility
>"The zombies just broke into the safe room. Don't come in here if y- AAAAAUUUUUuuuuggghhhh........"
>"nice try faggot why would you write ellipses if you're dying"
But who leaves the MREs behind?
The previous occupants? Do you think they would care enough to just leave a bunch of good food behind?
>But who leaves the MREs behind?
A mysterious survivor. Some say his superhuman immune system holds the cure to the green flu.
>alleyway on Dead Air level
>spawn as tank
>punch a trash can once
>entire survivor team dies
I hate you simple-minded faggots who only think there's either gay or hetero
did you forget there's the inbetween or what?
based steve poster
For once Yea Forums has a post that isn't crap
good job OP
Now normalfags use this, thanks reddit.
>you walk up to a safehouse
>it reeks of a dead body
>you walk in and see a Jesus like figure lying on the ground
>he has a backpack full of MREs
>you look into his hand you see an open MRE that he ate and must have died from
>Its a 2018 Chinese PLA Type 13 MRE
Nah, Blizzard became shit mid-WotLK when they were bought out by Vivendi and they started implementing features to appeal to everyone and no one.
>be me
>16 year old shut in barely any friends
>didn't even fit in with the weirdos but since I was pretty strong I defended them from bullies for lunch money
>become friends with the weirdos
>see they play a lot of L4D on Xbox live
>I only had it on PC
>bought L4D and a Gold suscription just to play with them on my little brother's 360
>vote kicked by my them every time we were about to finish the missions
Made me realize that even people who look innofensive can be assholes when given the oportunity and started using them as my lunch money piggy bank again.
Then again, Dota 2 is almost 10 years old too and I still play that game at least once a week. Dota Auto Chess is a better game though. Dota 2 is only enjoyable with a good team.
sucks 4 free
Big 4 You
>Play Versus
>Everyone is a piece of shit who votekicks or teamkills at the slightest provocation
>Play Campaign
>Everyone is friendly and nice
>Probably 1 in 5 players is female, which is fun
>Pop open a beer and have a good time
I guess versus is fun in concept, but man was it fucking awful to play.
It was a matter of finding a good server
Fucking enter key
It was a matter of finding a good server and sticking with it. I found a server with 32 player versus with perks and shit and played on it over a summer until it disappeared completely
>Original L4D versus
>Playing as the zombies
>We get a Hunter - Hunter - Hunter - Smoker team
Name a better feeling that this.
Anyone remember playing expert with 12 people when 2 came out
I remember holding the gnome
>Play as smoker
>Enemy team about to reach the saferoom
>Pull one guy back to the start of the level
>Whole enemy team spawns back at the start of the level
Is there any gaming experience more satisfying than this?
>L4D2 versus
>first level of Dead Center
>spawn as the charger
>enemy team is on the ledge right down from the start of the level
>charge survivors, pushing two off the ledge and running off the building with the third one
>hunter jumps the fourth survivor while he's hiding in the room
>"better not fuck this up, bro"
>get fucking raped as tank
>get mocked by survivors while your teammates yell you out
>already on fire when you start
>everyone bitching when you die in a minute