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woah..... is that...... soul?
A classic.
>pvp fights going from instagib to epic 5 min duels thanks to a million defensive CDs for every class
>all the classes that sucked in vanilla pve dps now dominate the meters
>burst damage is no longer a thing
>best pve weapons can be obtained for badges or through smithing
>wpvp ceases to exist thanks to flying mounts
It was the beginning of the end.
>oh noes no more one shot frostbolt I have to cast two!
>destrolocks apprently sucked in vanilla now and pallies still sucked at dps
>charge ms lol
>yeah lemme run BT in greens to craft blazing guard or run 34 times the same boss hoping for my only viable weapon to drop
>what is elemental plateau
>hey remember that game that you really liked?
>yeah, fuck you, it's gone
Nice argument friend, what was your class? full naxx clear r14 one shot wf? haha bring back le warcraft
At least that was fun. Blowing up dipshits just didn't get old. Especially when you kill 2-3 of them at the same time because they just can't get through your 6k hp pool.
>pvp fights going from instagib to epic 5 min duels thanks to a million defensive CDs for every class
I can't think of new defensive cooldowns other than Cloak of Shadows and Spell Reflection. Fights (in PvP gear) got longer, yes, but in terms of cooldown usage, the nature of fights is basically unchanged. You're thinking of Wrath.
>all the classes that sucked in vanilla pve dps now dominate the meters
Now, raid DPS contribution is one thing (the first shadow priest would be #1, followed by enhancement shaman in the melee group), but hunters are the only class to have experienced a major shift in personal DPS ranking
>burst damage is no longer a thing
It's very much a thing.
>best pve weapons can be obtained for badges or through smithing
When BS weapons were the best ones available, they required BoP raid mats from the final tier, which in itself required attunements to enter. Anyhow, your complaint is basically "professions provide valuable, unique, bonuses", which is just silly
>wpvp ceases to exist thanks to flying mounts
Since supermajority of all PvP encounters take place when you're doing stuff, not while transitioning from point A to point B (100% ground mount was pretty safe against most classes to begin with), flying in itself barely affects the frequency of PvP encounters. There's a strong argument it makes the world feel less dangerous and complete safety of travel eliminates world PvP entirely if you don't need to farm or use summoning stones or whatever (ie. what happened in Wrath), but PvP hotspots exist in TBC to near-identical extent they did in vanilla. It's just Skettis mafia to Devilsaur mafia, Elemental Plateu to Tyr's Hand, Auchindoun summoning stone to outskirts of Scholo. Whatever perceived effect to actual quantity of WPVP comes from mistaking pre-1.5.0 to later versions, people simply becoming more goal-oriented and less inclined to fight for no particular reason, or confusing 5x retail population cap private servers to retail.
Pure kino.
Yeah so fun = blowing up people without a chance to resist cuz the stars aligned for you 10/10 gameplay
>6 years later
>ArenaNet STILL haven't topped the Super Adventure Box
>And they STILL haven't added new content to it
It's nothing short of a miracle that the team behind that shitpile of an MMO managed to make something this good.
never happened to me as a disc priest
>hunters are the only class to have experienced a major shift in personal DPS ranking
Yeah we went from 3 button rota + trinkets and shit to 1 button macro + trinkets and shit which basically amounts to 2 buttons: macro, macro, macro, macro, macro, macro, macro, macro, badge+rapidfire+TBW+drums-macro, now mash macro. Wait for hero, now mash macro again. Boss dead, move to trash.
>It's very much a thing.
It's not. I went from 2500-3k aimed crits(buffed ofc) in vanilla to 1800-2200 steady crits(buffed ofc) in T6 with the stupid fucking xbow because damage no longer mattered but speed was king.
>less inclined to fight for no particular reason
There is no such thing. You always fight for the sake of it. To prove you can beat that dude, to prove that getting all that gear was worth it, to prove that you're not a glorified mannequin who just happens to wear T6.
>primals are hard to get
>LF 3 dps -hero dungeon- primal reserved
uhhh yeah, so hard to get
It's overrated.
Yeah I'd love to get a new world, but replaying the old ones really isn't that interesting anymore.
You and me both know that the box got originally canned thanks to the 2nd world being a flop.
Vidya commercials have always been cringe inducing. It's just that you were too young to realize that.
>You and me both know that the box got originally canned thanks to the 2nd world being a flop.
Nah, it's more owed to the fact that pic related got shitty at the SAB team for stealing the spotlight from her lame lesbian salad story and that the SAB runs on its own engine.
singlehandedly convinced me to buy this game, one of my best decisions ever
a modern classic
The hype for W2 was huge, but then it got destroyed since it wasn't just a 8-bit jumping land with memes but actually challenging instead, and nobody wanted to do W1 again to get back their touch before going W2.
The fact that they started selling the infinite live coin in the gem store at the same time made it even worse.
This was the general impression at the time.
People were even complaining how the levels were too long (they were) and the answer was pretty much "lol y u complain about 2 much content"
I remember people were genuinely hyping Josh Foreman up, but after the W2 incindent it felt like he got pushed into a smaller role, we started getting less jumping puzzles, he'd always come off as kind of bitter when he was on podcast, and now he's fired.
Sometimes I wonder if things had gone differently if he just had a proper playtester telling him "this shit is too difficult" before they shipped the 2nd SAB world.
Sorry, I stand corrected.
Halo ads are cheating, they're too good
Nintenchads win once again
>this is a wholesome
>this is a wholesome
>animal dating simulator
I mean, the add is pretty great, but