Are you weebs really excited for this on pc?

Are you weebs really excited for this on pc?
We've been there before and it was straight up garbage. Halo with kb+mouse feels like that crazy chicken shooter.

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Other urls found in this thread:!StpAACBR!38mAZabDve6yWT6DWkxwwQ!GUhwjIwb!TVMIXhRaw6FbImj9n-nKhkrEWTL3NjRS4N4QYexk6MY

You're a zoomer and it's very clearly showing.

How can so many people keep posting this? Is this bait or have we actually been overrun with retards who have only played video games on consoles.

>not better with KB+m

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Halo thread?
Then halo thread it is.!StpAACBR!38mAZabDve6yWT6DWkxwwQ

A little background:
I had a huge soundtrack channel in Youtube between 2008-2012 under the name MKTUROK117, yes, I'm that faggot.

The contents:
>HCE soundtrack
>CE ingame sountrack (no cutscene music)
>H2 soundtrack
>H2 ingame soundtrack (all music)
>H3 soundtrack
>H3 ingame soundtrack (save a few missing tracks)
>Halo: Recon/ODST soundtrack
>Halo: Recon/ODST ingame soundtrack (all music)
>Halo Reach soundtrack
>Halo Reach ingame soundtrack (all music)
>Halo Wars soundtrack

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I unironically wish they didn't announce it for PC solely because they had no release date. I hate when devs have some nebulous "soon" release date. It means fucking nothing and soon could mean a month, or a year, or even longer.

I wish they had come out with a solid release date of any kind. I get that they want to release reach sometime in April; but it's fucking annoying that they have no idea when and everyone just has to guess.

Just fucking release it god damn it I want to play

Are you fucking retarded lad? They have to port one by one and they need the community beta testing the port and stress testing the servers.

Compare Halo to any PC FPS. Halo requires 2-4x as many shots as the average PC FPS weapon. Assuming there is no aim assist, you need to land 4 or 5 railgun shots in a row while aiming at specific hitboxes. It's not a problem on consoles because there's heavy autoaim.

Reach isn't coming on April, that's just the alpha testing.

They should have at least set a pre-order

>Are you fucking retarded lad? They have to port one by one and they need the community beta testing the port and stress testing the servers.

See this is what I'm FUCKING talking about. Why even bother saying "it's coming" when it isn't coming any time soon. They already hadn't announced it for years, why announce it and then not have any kind of release (besides some stupid alpha that not everyone can play)? It's just pointless. Announce the damn game and release date at the same time ffs

They said all of them by the end of the year, and each game will go through flights to make sure it's working.

Even when they are properly released, there will be missing content. Completely defeating the purpose of public testing.

Because it's literally coming you fucking nigger moron.

There hasn't been a single second of footage, no tangible evidence whatsoever. MCC on PC is not a game, it's a promise.

we already have a discord for halo squadrons

>They said all of them by the end of the year

How much will it set us back? will each game be $20 or more?

Yeah fucking when you stupid cunt?

I can tell you I'm gonna give you million dollars soon, when the fuck do you think that will be? It could mean literally anything and to announce something with literally no solid evidence at all and then MAYBE let some people test it early is just layers upon layers of maybe-horseshit.

If they had said "MCC is coming later this year in September" great, that's a time frame. Saying "MCC is coming soon" means literally fucking nothing and shouldn't have even been announced

Read you filthy faggot.

they literally said themselves that the reach beta is ready to ship and they're waiting for sign ups. It's coming this month

They didn't say it's ready to ship, and already commented on the good turnout for insider signups.
>It's coming this month
It's planned for this month, and it's only specific tests that are planned. When they did these same tests for consoles, it was generally only a couple of modes made available at specific times.

>t. I have never played a Halo game on PC

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The sniper is relegated to a pickup that spawns slowly, you aren't going to have one the majority of the time.

Your argument was it'd take people ages to kill each other because it's harder to aim on PC (???). You're saying that this is negated on console because of autoaim but here I am proving you a retard and that you can still aim fine on PC unless you have cerebral palsy.

Attached: panic snipe.webm (720x405, 2.84M)

Halo as a whole is built around autoaim. Without it, every weapon is just a straight downgrade to the sniper. Your starting weapon is now exactly as difficult to use as a sniper, but takes many more shots to kill.
That version of the game from your webm has autoaim, btw.

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Still not an issue. You have to be an actual shitter to have problems with it. I played Eldewrito from one of the first betas until its death and even when autoaim was removed I never had any problems killing people or finding it took too long. Same with Project Cartographer at the moment.

>Still not an issue.
It is if you actually care about good game design.


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The kills in my webm's take roughly the same time as it does for a kill at mid-level quake or unreal. I don't have much recordings of launch Eldewrito but it was basically the same.

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i'm sure good players will still be burst people down with battle rifles fine as you can actually track people with a mouse.

The difference is that Quake doesn't have health regen.

Which halo is this?


i think that is el dewrito or w/e it is called

>tfw waiting for bannerlord
>"soon" for three fucking years

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A hack of a cancelled Russian F2P Halo game.


>The kills in my webm's take roughly the same time as it does for a kill at mid-level quake or unreal.
I think his argument is less that the TTK is too high but rather that the balance goes to shit when weapons like sniper rifles are easy to use.

Mostly, yes. Compare any Halo starting weapon with something like the AK or M16 from Counter Strike. The latter kill in 1-2 headshots in almost every scenario, while Halo's weapons require 4-5. The slower pace is fine on console because the game is balanced around it; most weapons have a fair bit of leeway.

The Virgin Mendicant:
- Canon insane until he 'got better' hundreds and thousands of years later
- Spent 40 years interrogating an ayylmao, becomes a turncoat
- Robo autisim makes him predictable
- Has free will, cripples his creator's entire galactic population as a result
- Causes the Covenant religion with his insane babbling, resulting in another species' genocide
- Tries to fix his mess, gets cucked by alien muscle worm
- Septuple texts Master Chief how he "diddu nuffin"

The Chad Offensive:
- Doen't have complete free will, doesn't need it
- Created purely to fuck with Mendicant
- His existence fills Mendicant with seething rage
- The death of the entire galaxy is all according to Keikaku
- Outnumbered [436.6:1], wins.
- Swordfights Mendicant with empty frigates to add insult to injury.

Attached: Offensive_Chad.png (350x350, 21K)

Posting it twice doens't make it funnier.

you're vastly overestimating how much better lock on makes players and, and vastly underestimating how fast and easy it is to aim on PC. Players in halo move damn slow, the opposite of games like Overwatch where there's no inertia. With a BR or pistol, even the average Mouse user is going to be hitting every single shot, hell hitting all headshots would be pretty much just as possible if it mattered at all.

That still doesn't bring up the issue of the BR and pistol being sniper rifles that take multiple headshots to kill, with no of the benefits.

>This power weapon is powerful!
no shit

Power weapons have always had downsides. On PC, the sniper has literally none.

Slow fire rate, low ammo, perhaps long reload

Slow fire rate doesn't mean much when you instakill with proper aim. Low ammo and long reloads don't matter when you have enough shots in a mag to wipe a team. The only reason it was slightly balanced on console was because it had no aim assist unless you were scoped in.

>Every weapon is just a straight downgrade to the best weapon in the game

You're a fucking mong

You seem to be going off the assumption that everyone in the game will be using aimbots?

No, that's what is insinuating.

This isn't the case on console.

>Halo reach full in game OST
You sir are based.

Halo has always been largely about controlling the map and spawns of power weapons. Of course the sniper is better than most guns, that's the fucking point and why it has limited ammo.

>it spawns on the map so it should be a straight upgrade to every weapon in the game

t. Never played outside of slayer

Shotgun is arguably better in CQC.
Rockets are better for 1 v multiple enemies or vehicles.

What do different modes have to do with the sniper having actual downsides on console that don't exist on PC?
>Shotgun is arguably better in CQC.
Not if you just aim at the head.
>Rockets are better for 1 v multiple enemies or vehicles.
So a single weapon has an upside to the sniper? One even more limited than the sniper.

>I don't understand what power weapons are.
If you don't wanna be sniped then learn where it spawns, when it spawns and stop others from grabbing it.
Heaven forbid you play an actual arena shooter with powerups like quad damage or armour.

I was playing the Borderlands remaster last night and the first hour or so was completely trivialized by kbm. Just walking nonchalantly up to enemies and obliterating them with a garbage pistol. Eventually they get dangerous, but the game was definitely designed for sticks. Enemies are dumb as fucking rocks. I don't think Halo is as bad, but it might be similar.

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Art Books:
>Art of Halo 3

>Art of Halo 5

>Art of Halo (Original)

>Art of Halo (CE to Wars/Reach)

>Art Compilation from CE to 4


>Halo Books

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Grabbing red armor in Quake isn't 4 instakills per reload.
Quad only spawns in meme modes.

based, do you have a link to the rest of your shit?

This makes me wonder why they didn't announce this during E3

Can I play this solo offline

Aiming for a body shot 1hk with a shotgun will always be faster thna aiming for a headshot with a sniper rifle, especially at close range.
And yeah, sniper is a power weapon, it being objectively better than a starting weapon like BR or AR is perfectly fine. That's what encourages map control.

I think it's because they are going to release it on E3.

They wanted to build hype for a beta test.

Absolutely based sountrackposter, may you be blessed for many centuries.

>it being objectively better than a starting weapon like BR or AR is perfectly fine
Halo has never had weapons that are straight upgrades, there has always been some sort of risk to using them. Be it blowing yourself up or having a more difficult weapon.

You do realize there is descoping right


So? It's still an advantage that you get in reward for controlling the map. Stop moving the goal posts and git gud.

It's absolutely true, you will just get dumpstered by players carrying around a sniper rifle with a mouse and keyboard if you let them keep LOS on you. No two ways about it. Since halo games have massive movement inertia, you can't even really move fast enough to strafespam mouse players.

But at the same time, you're also going to die much more reliably to BR fire, since players just aren't going to miss the headshot finisher.

Rockets are pretty much a straight upgrade. If you actually blow yourself up with them you're retarded.
Much easier to use than sniper rifle at least.

Which doesn't do anything on PC because there's no aim assist to make your shots harder to line up.
I haven't moved any goalposts. The advantage that Halo's sniper gives you on PC is completely disproportionate to everything else. Grabbing armor in Quake isn't even comparable.

>See this is what I'm FUCKING talking about. Why even bother saying "it's coming"
because a marketing cost/benefit analysis shows that it usually results in higher sales when you do this.

Hell yes, I used to play through these as a kid with my best friend on legendary, it's gonna be a huge nostalgia trip for me.

Rockets are a slow projectile that are unusable up close. It's a good weapon, but not a straight upgrade.

Ritsu best Kon, ODST best Halo. Thank you sir.

Yeah, and unless you have a literal aimbot, sniper rifle will also be close to unusable at CQC range

Nope yui and 3

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You don't even need to be an aimbot, just shoot the body and punch once. Rockets will kill you if they're used up close.

Youre wrong but I respect you opinion.

With a DMR or BR, you just reverse that to melee and headshot for the exact same ttk

Dude just jump first lol.

you're good people, user

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It's not. Recovering from the melee animation is slower than shooting and then punching.

Then I guess the guy who had better map control won the fight.
Alternatively, a shotgun is still faster than shoot+melee, so there's a weapon that will in fact counter the sniper at close range provided you also know the map and can reach it.

wort wort wort

With that argument, why don't we just spawn a BFG on maps that instakills everyone on the enemy team? just git gud and control the map lmao

>completely ignores the second part of my post

Shut the fuck up fag.
Halo custom edition on PC was the best Halo game.

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It wasn't worth responding to. Comparing one pickup-exclusive weapon to another doesn't help your argument.

This if you also factor in AmaiSosu and Chimera Discord Alpha Build

Yea Forums server when?
It still shows the sniper rifle can be countered.
It's fucking obvious that a power weapon will outclass something like a BR or AR, even outside of its intended range.
The point is that the best way to counter power weapons is either more power waepons or superior positioning. If I could kill a sniper user with a BR, what would be the point in having a sniper rifle?

It allows it to be countered in once specific scenario.
>It's fucking obvious that a power weapon will outclass something like a BR or AR, even outside of its intended range.
That has never been the case. Have you ever played Halo?
>The point is that the best way to counter power weapons is either more power waepons or superior positioning.
That's garbage game design that leads to snowball leads.
>If I could kill a sniper user with a BR, what would be the point in having a sniper rifle?
Higher risk in having a more difficult weapon that rewards you with an instakill. No such downside exists on PC because aim assist isn't there.

The only people who hated Halo on PC before are the people who never played Halo on PC. CE was incredible.

CE has a starting weapon that kills in less than a second.

Your point?

But the sniper still has lower mag capacity and less ammo than a BR, plus no real player will hit 100% headshots, so it's still objectively harder to use. A sniper rifle does not guarentee instakills, only gives you the chance, like any other power weapon.

I listened to Hunt the Truth again after discussing it in a thread the other day. Found out I never finished season 2 so I finished it and omg that was a gut churning ending, fucking zombies man.

While it may be worse than the sniper, it's not to such a degree to where it becomes detrimental to the game. Later games have much weaker weapons overall and the problems really start to shine through then.
>But the sniper still has lower mag capacity and less ammo than a BR
They both get 4 kills per reload.
>plus no real player will hit 100% headshots
So he gets you one-shot and switches to his BR for a quick cleanup.
>so it's still objectively harder to use.
It's not. Both the BR and sniper require the same pinpoint accuracy.

You've clearly never played on PC in your fucking life before. Anyone with a mouse WILL aim better than anyone relying on controller auto-aim.

That's not what the argument is at all, retard.

Present yourself better then you autistic fucking loser

BR has three round burst, and only one of those bullets needs to hit your head unshielded for the kill. DMR perhaps you have a point.
Still in my experience, if a sniper misses just one shot, a BR or DMR user will have time to finish him off before the slow fire rate of the sniper allows for another shot.

Anyway I'm just now remembering, didn't 343i say they wanted to do some minor rebalancing with the KB+M? Maybe they'll give the sniper an even lower fire rate or something.

Never did I even imply that people with a controller would be better than a mouse user. You inserted that yourself you aspie.

Almost every reply you got seems to think otherwise so clearly the problem is with how you type, you actual fucking reject.

>and only one of those bullets needs to hit your head unshielded for the kill.
Key word there is "unshielded". You need to land full bursts before that.
>if a sniper misses just one shot, a BR or DMR user will have time to finish him off before the slow fire rate of the sniper allows for another shot.
On console. Where it's much more forgiving to land shots with one of those weapons.

Emperor's blessings

Why are quake fags always shitposting in halo threads instead of playing their dead game? This the reason why your game is dead stop posting and play your shit faggots

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All the shielded shots can be body shots, which should be 100% guarenteed if headshotting is as easy as you say. Then you aim up on the last burst for easy kill.
I mean I'm sure the sniper will be easier to use on PC, I just believe that between the long respawn of it, the limited ammo, and people missing shots because humans are fallible, it wont be the game-ending terror some of you are making it out to be. Remember for most small 8 player maps there is only one sniper spawn.
I'm not any more worried about coming up against snipers on PC than I ever was on Xbox.

You throw a fucking frag to disrupt the sniper, there i ended your argument

It's not just the sniper, it's also the other weapons requiring sniper accuracy 100% of the time which will drag out Halo's long encounters even moreso.

How will Quake fags ever recover?

The complaints about mouse+keyboard seem to imply people are hoping the MCC is going to be the next big competitive shooter.
Besides, playing in Reach servers now usually results in only being matched with good players who are landing headshots constantly with controllers, and most people can still break even.
Even if some guy can rack up a kill streak with a sniper, people seem to forget that everybody else will have the same advantage (mouse). Any advantage a sniper has is lost when you can fairly easily land a couple of headshots with a dmr.

>proper Sangheili SFM models instead of the shitty Halo4/5 ones
Might actually convice me to make my own shitty porn

Neither side of this balance discussion has any convictions or is even arguing so I'll just lay it out for you guys so the thread can be over;

When Halo hits PC (again), if you try and contest sniper weapons at long ranges without another sniper rifle, you are a noob and will get bopped. This is obviously the intended behaviour for the weapon in terms of game balance, but it will happen to a much higher degree, just like it'll be much more likely for players to 180 instantly with shotgun/melee weapons and clock players who think they safe.

Doesn't matter anyways, any game mode with motion sensor will be trash

You said it yourself. Because it's dead. And two or three faggots that still bother bringing it up can't even hold a thread alive so they infect Halo's.

That's where you're wrong buddy, us quake players only play the REAL quake inheritor, Call of Duty Blops 4.

Like what?
And don't say "beam rifle" because that's just another word for sniper.

Remove snipers, problem solved.

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Based Ron Peralcat

>This is obviously the intended behaviour for the weapon in terms of game balance
It's not. The only game you haven't been able to reliably contest snipers in was Halo 3, due to the starting weapon being random.

We're getting close.

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Everything. When you remove aim assist, the basic action of aiming becomes the same for all of the weapons.

This whole sniper argument is here because the sniper is a 1hk with a headshot. Many weapons don't even do extra headshot damage and the DMR/BR and equivelants still require anywhere from 4 to 6 shots to kill, even with all headshots. Not the same.

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And landing shots with every other weapon is exactly as difficult as the sniper, without any of the benefits of an instakill headshot.

Except each gun has its own bullet magnetism

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Not on PC.

Different fire rates change the effectiveness.
If you miss with a BR or DMR, you can get follow up shots to make up for it. If you miss with a sniper rifle, there's a larger cooldown.
Plus with a BR and DMR you get 12 or 15 chances before reloading, sniper you only get 4. Missing hurts more with a sniper.

What an awful helmet

The BR fires faster, but takes more shots to kill as a baseline.

Yes on PC, since it's the same game and bullet magnetism is part of the gun stats


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MCC Steam will have aim assists? Source?

Yeah, that's the tradeoff. Sniper gives you a chance for a 1hk, but missing hurts more.
BR cannot 1hk as long as the enemy has shields, but can fire fater so missing hurts less.
were coming home bros

There's a reason I post an image of her every time I link my mega folder, she's my waifu

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super cringey and super heartwarming at the same time

>calling people excited for a shooter weebs
How fucking dumb are you?

The beta testing starts in two weeks you dumb nigger.

That's gonna get a based from me, user.

to be fair the boomers excited for halo pc and the boomers who love anime overlap alot

t. weeb

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Since Halo 1 on pc, since it's apart of gun's stats

tfw no Sangheili bf

I was talking about MCC on Steam. Do you have any source?

I thought most boomers hated anime?

>She's my waifu
Good taste.

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Kiggies are cute

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tfw no Spartan III gf

is that the full picture?

>wanting a drugged up aggressive orphan who only knows war
>not wanting an honour-bound, proud alien who would protect you


No. I'll post it somewhere soonish.

Posers. Nobody is playing Quake or Unreal but shitters will always try to use them in shooter wars

>>wanting a drugged up aggressive orphan who only knows war
Is this supposed to sound bad?

I sure hope that somewhere is e6 because that's the only place I know where to get alien porn.

All right, whatever floats your boat, my man

>slow fire rate
bull fucking shit, it has same same fire rate as the BR and has 4 shots despite being a weapon that can double tap or one shot

I'm pretty certain in Reach it had a much slower ROF than the DMR and needle rifle.
Maybe in 3 is the same as the BR, it's been a while since I played it.

Thanks, brother.

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Will they be ditching matchmaking for servers or are they going to keep that busted matchmaking crap they had on Xbone?

There's going to be a custom server browser.