What was your personal casual filter? Has to be Genichiro, took me probably 35-40 tries. I’m just past the Guardian Ape now, still no one as challenging as him
What was your personal casual filter? Has to be Genichiro, took me probably 35-40 tries...
>What was your personal casual filter
what the fuck does that even mean nigger. Stop repeating buzzwords and learn to express yourself better
Lady Butterfly. Game wasn't as frustrating anymore after I beat her. Playing through NG+ and beating her easily even with both debuffs makes me question why I had such a hard time on her at all.
None because I'm not a cripple game journalist.
most bosses have been pretty tough for me, usually 10-15 tries apiece. genichiro was tough but i never felt like i "didnt know what to do", it was just a matter of getting used to him/his moves. i'm on the ape now and finding it much more of a pain in the ass, though granted i havent spent much time on him yet (maybe 4 tries or so last night when i found him, got to the 2nd phase once).
Guardian ape was really hard the first time. But hardest boss for me was Demon of Hatred.
I got super stuck with him, did maybe 40 tries and went to sleep without defeating him super mad and tired.
Got up the next day and defeated him on first try, never had an issue with him again after that.
Owl (Father) was also pretty hard for me first time.
Both of those were much much harder for me than Ishin, who I defeated in a couple of tries.
I fucking hated owl1 on ng and i hated him on ng+, I'm not looking forward to my first interaction with owl2 being on ng+ either, but my anus is ready
I enjoyed Owl 2 way more than the first one
I absolutely fucking CANNOT find a way to consistently beat Isshin's phase 2 without cheesing him, and even then I manage to fuck up half the time. I can beat Genichiro and Isshin phase 1 without getting touched, but the moment he gets his nigger spear and his gun I always manage to fuck it up.
Someone please tell me something helpful. I've been stuck on this asshat for 2 days now and I just wanna go to NG+
>Has to be Genichiro, took me probably 35-40 tries. I’m just past the Guardian Ape now, still no one as challenging as him
Is Genichiro = hard a meme? He is the most basic boss in the game and probably one of the legit easiest. And obviously not even 5% as tricky as Guardian Ape who does all kinds of new shit.
If the thunder gives you trouble (which is literally just helping you), you are mentally disabled.
The only difficult thing in this game are the ninjas and the apes.
It's you who's memeing, ape is easier than geni
O'Rin of the Water
Took her down with only 3 Gourds and two attack upgrades, no gimmicks used.
>The only difficult thing in this game are the ninjas
>In a game about ninjas fighting ninjas
Wha... what?
Not that user, but Owl2 has seemed both pretty brutal and very fun. I got like 6 attempts in last night. 3 down to his second phase, but yeesh his increased aggression puts me down before he's below even 75%.
He's easily the most difficult boss I've fought so far (last mandatory boss was, I assume, True Monk). Does it get harder than this?
Sword saint Isshin is widely considered to be the hardest boss. I agree myself, I actually find owl 2 to be pretty easy (have literally beat him with one attempt on a NG+ playthrough no charm bell).
Ogre, Horse guy, Orin.
I don't know when the game tells you if they sweep jump on them but I missed that lesson and only learnt it during the Orin fight
Beat Lady Butterfly, Owl, Corrupted Monk first try.
I had to res to kill the Ogre in the Antechamber after beating Owl. The Ogre is simply harder because he has no flow and focuses on quick grabs
Try this: Take some distance and defend everything / run away from him.
When he tries to close distance, he will often jump and attack you with the spear: Dodge attack, the you do 1 (ONE) regular attack on his back, then parry and get out of it.
When he does his charge AOE attack, you get out then run slash and do 1 (ONE) regular attack. Then parry and get out of it.
If he stabs, Mikiri then do 1 attack and go back to Defense.
He has surpisingly low health and with 10-15 hits in, he becomes super easy to posture break.
In phase 3, bait lighting for reversal, hit 2 times then run and repeat.
You can use shurikens+strike to close distance and punish if you are slow to react.
There are of course better and more fun ways to defeat him, but this should work.
Unironically the ogre is the only boss that took me more than 3 tries to kill. I had to stop playing for him
Only one that took me more than 5 tries was the Vilehand in Reservoir. Though the last boss I killed was the Fountainhead True Monk (well, actually it was the Bull in Fountainhead, but it was easy.)
Still yet to fight Demon of Hatred, Sword Saint or 2nd Memory Boss though.
the only bosses I beat in my first try were the folding screen monkeys and 2 guardian apes
after about 7 tries, I killed Genichiro - way of tomoe in mere half a minute because that retard kept trying to shock me, and after 3 reversals he was already out of posture
Dragon was over by the 3rd attempt, because it took me so long to realize I was supposed to be intentionally redirecting lightning - I was literally trying to chop it up with my sword and shurikens
Hardest boss for me was probably demon of hatred, and that was 100% only because I was too fucking scared to go near him, which in turn only made the fight harder
30 tries on Owl 2 but mostly because I played extremely aggressive and frustrated. I had problems getting posture damage on him and I didn't realize that vitality affects posture recovery.
Only if you are mentally retarded.
Genichiro too, but after getting two more sets of prayer beads and the technique to increase posture damage on a successful parry he was laughably easy, didn't even need to revive.
I literally had a hard time with all main bosses except the final one.
I tend to get caught in the firecrackers and inevitably miss a parry every so often. Frequently enough that I just run out of healing sips. He seems super fair, and I'll get him for sure but I'm not actually great at From games (despite doing them all).
I've been trying some form of this but not as safe as the way you're describing. I'll give it a shot when I get some free time later, thanks user.
I said this once, I'll say it again: unequip everything for Isshin. That's how I did it after several dozen tries where I couldn't even get past second phase. Remove everything, from prosthetics to items to skills, they just get in the way and distract you from what you actually need to do. The gourds too faggot, not like Isshin ever gives you much time to heal anyway, trying to find an opening to heal will get you killed more than the healing saves you.
Remove your sources of hesitation.
Genichiro wasnt so bad. Once I was able to consistently get to his lightning phase it only took me a few tries. Throwing lightning back into his face was fucking cool. What a fight.
My casual filter was the drunkard. I was still learning the game and kept trying to build posture damage without first getting his vitality down, like a dumbass.
Just remember that you can't stun him out of the spear attack he does while jumping back to gain distane on you so you need to stop attacking as he does that shit 8/10 times you hit him on his back and he does it quick.
If you are feeling more aggresive you can dash foward when he does that and the spear will go over your head because he strikes while on the air, like in a diagonal way.
I found Genichiro really difficult because he forced you to actually learn the mechanics properly and focus much more on stagger than health. After him it wasn't till Demon of Hatred or Isshin that I had much trouble. The sheer satisfaction of starting new game plus and beating him at the opening to see the alternative cutscene was so amazing.
I felt like Genichiro was around the time things started to click for me, which ended up being pretty deep in the game because I had already full cleared Senpou and the Gun Fort by the time I found the entrance into the castle after the ninja's.
In terms of difficulty during my first playthrough it was definitely Final boss>Demon>Genichiro>Guardian Ape>Lady Butterfly, everything else was pretty easy. Im in the middle of new game+ now, just beat Genichiro and haven't died yet, which I expected, the muscle memory in this game is insane.
>mfw sprint behind rock
>heal safely
Still currently stuck on Corrupted Monk and Guardian Ape. Ape I can almost do so I feel like I have no issues there but I just cannot for the life of me even scratch the monk without divine confetti and Im all out. Is it possible to beat monk without it or am I gonna have to go grind for some?
On a side note, bosses that require a specific, limited item to counter them are fucking retarded and a shit design choice
*teleports through the rock*
*slashes you twice in 1 millisecond instakilling you*
Lady butterfly (which was the first boss I fought, didn't know about horse man) and again on demon of hatred. Still on final Isshin, but maybe today is the day
Why would you need the confetti for the monk?
never had that issue
I didn’t use confetti at all for the monk, I found her to be one of the easier bosses. Best suggestion I can give is that if you’re having trouble deflecting, just focus on dodging and punishing. Whittle down her vitality over time and then you can start focusing on posture, or if you’re still having trouble, just take it slow and focus on vitality. She has a lot of moves you can bait where you have a solid amount of time to get a couple hits in before she starts blocking, then go on the defensive and bait out punishable attacks.
None, since no of my tries was wasted. I used each my try to recognize enemy patterns and what can i do to counter this moves.
>Owl 2
>I didn't realize that vitality affects posture recovery
Fucking what? How do you go through 99% of this game without knowing the most basic combat mechanics?
The Lone Shadow in the well is where the combat finally clicked for me. Took me at least 20 tries and a shitload of time since the performance in the area getting to there was ass for me, single digit fps.
When it had clicked, i didn't struggle like that until Isshin. Guardian Ape wasn't too bad imo, i had more trouble with Butterfly
Same except I managed to learn nothing after defeating him.
demon of hatred is really pounding me in a new one
Owl 2 was the first boss that kept healing all the posture damage I did really quickly. I actually beat him by pushing him into a corner in the first phase and he couldn't jump away and recover
dont really need confetti for the monk, just get the deflections and jumps down and if you're struggling with that make sure your input lag isn't shit
i beat the ape before the monk though so my attack power was higher i guess, but still he's only got the one health bar so it shouldn't be too demanding
Parrying is useless until you have to fight Genichiro so...he was my roadblock I suppose
Are you fighting the ghost version of the monk?
Alright thanks. I guess I can just never tell when shes actually open and it feels like the window to get hits in is impossibly short
>Parrying is useless until you have to fight Genichiro
You fight him 10 minutes into the game.
I heard using snap seeds take away like 30% of her health.
Well, I'm not talking about that fight because if you die there the game continues
Okay, so this is going to be complete counter to everything else in the game. I beat her a few days ago, I didn't even try deflecting. I just waited for her to attack and chipped away at her health after her attacks ended.
I did that but for every boss.
So far I've had the most trouble with Seven Ashina Spears, spent maybe 2-3 hours before I got him. Now that I'm starting to grasp that the game wants you to be aggressive, I'm not having as much trouble. Just beat Genichiro, only took a handful of tries before I got him.
Hey man, cripples can beat this game
just run around without fighting her and watch her moveset so you can memorize the moveset
Yeah they stun her and do damage.... too bad im all out and these things are super rare
The first hard part you have to understand is identifying sweeps and thrusts and countering with the appropriate action. Also you have to be fearless to dash into a thrust with the right time for the mikiri counter.
Genichiro took about 8 tries for me. Had his pre-Tomoe phases down pat and was doing 1-2 damage fights against it. Tomoe just kept tearing me a new one, and I couldn't for the life of me get Lightning Reversal to do anything, since 90% of the time I'd just jump in the air, then explode and die instantly before I even hit the ground.
The winning run was one where I was stalling the fight a bit to intentionally get hit so I could practice Lightning Reversals...but I somehow jumped in such a way than I completely avoided his Lightning attack 5 times in a row by accident, then decided to just beat him to death because I wasn't getting that lucky again.
Haven't really had another fight as challenging as that yet. Except Corrupted Monk, could not get through it for the life of me, and Mikiri Counter kept failing to do anything to it's thrust attack even though I could do it reliably on every other enemy up to that point.
Unironically Lady Butterfly. Tooks me 2 hours to beat her. That was when I had just started playing.
Had some trouble getting to 3rd phase on Gen too but it wasn't that bad. His 3rd phase was a joke.
Just beat Owl 2 about half an hour ago. Took me 1 hour. I kept jobbing to his firecracker and only got to his 2nd phase like 3 or 4 times. Did a lot better after I stopped trying to rush it and play patiently. Spend 5 minutes on his 2nd phase alone though.
Ashina Seven Spears killed me more than anything. I legit lost count.
Then Demon of Hatred. 35 or so. Eventualy ascended and beat him with no dmg phase one, 2 heals phase 2, no dmg phase 3.
Then Owl part 1.
Owl wasn't hard he just has no real openings outside his cummie bomb drop and overhead and I refused to accept that until I did.
I don't know if I want to bother with Demon of Hatred. I'm learning its patterns and getting better with each try as I usually do, but man, it's just not fun to fight. And the final boss is the only other thing I have to do, so it's tempting to just finish the game and start NG+.
His lightning skill is unreliable and wonky the way it goes out.
Isshin, Fountainheaders, and Divine D were much more consistent on how their lightning attack reacts with you.
Interesting. I got 3 lightning reversals during the fight where i beat him. I wasnt sure when exactly to press the button while in the air but it just sort of worked. Shit was cool as fuck.
How do people have trouble with Lady Butterfly after that fuckfest right outside?
Lmao, beat that first try no confetti. I don't even know if confetti helps there. Have fun fighting a harder version with 3 health bars if you don't cheese.
I was still just a puppy back then.
>easier time on Isshin phase than Genchiro phase
His sweep or stab guessing game fuck me up.
Yeah, but you had to get past that fatass drunk fuck and like 10 other guys to get to her in the first place.
owl 2
>Get to Seven Ashina Spears
>still using Dark Souls mindset, lose about 10 times
>take time to understand the combat system, Mikiri Counter, and his attacks
>beat him within 5 tries after
>beat flashy fast sword man in Ashina castle attic in 3 tries
>Get to Genichiro, also beat him third try
I love this game. Anyone saying it's hard is clearly not paying attention to how the game tells you to play. Also, Genichiro's final phase is really fun.
My Samurai bro carried me.
>three weeks after release
>nu-Yea Forums still stuck on the easiest bosses in the game
oh lal tell me this board isn't super casual and normie as fuck.
Playing the game with DS3/BB experience will cripple the fuck out of you. They teach bad habits for the way this combat works.
The drunkard in front of Lady Butterfly pushed the Souls-gamer out of me. But after that I never struggled too badly. There were tough fights for sure, but everything was manageable after that.
Died more times to him than on Isshin or Butterfly that was right afterwards.
>Not being good at one game makes you a normie
It's fuckheads like you that have ruined this site and made all discussion and words in general meaningless
Died to chained ogre about ten times then realized he's just a "fuck him up the ass" kind of boss
The fact it took you so many times suggests the is game hard. I think the best way to describe the game is tough but fair. It'll absolutely wreck you till you grasp the mechanics but once you do there's almost no RNG shit to stop you from doing fantastically.
I don't know man, the camera and lock-on in the Guardian Ape boss fight was a total crapshoot.
Im on the Ashina Revisit personally. The area being infested with those purple ninjas is fucking cancer.
Or I was just playing the game wrong until I got my shit together. Even through all that I never understood why people wanted an easy mode. Put in the effort and it'll pay off.
Fuck Ape. But I bitch even after one death when in reality all bosses took me six tries at most.
Still...fuck Ape and 2Ape.
you realize not everyone buys a game at launch and then plays it everyday?
>beat Rape Ape first try with little to no issues
>Rape Ape 2: Headless Boogaloo reams my ass for several hours before I can beat it
I still have no idea how that happened. The fight should be easier and the apes seem to have less health, but I just could not manage it for some reason.
Watching them fight the Ashina dudes was very entertaining.
I never understood this. Just heal after one of Isshin's many attacks and you've got more than enough time to heal. Provided you didn't get hit. As in at all, no deflect/block or anything.
>2nd ape AI goes aggro
>firecracker and 7 safe hits
ez boss desu
After the monk does her 5 spins, run in and stab her.
After the monk does the running chase sweep, run in and stab her.
After the monk does any of the jumping attacks, run in and stab her.
i think you can safely heal when he does the wind attacks or wind 360 attack in spear phase
>Sure I can tell you how to have a gourd time.
I heard that if you throw a shuriken at Isshin you get enough time to heal.
If you just run away he will with high probability do an attack where jumps and strongly slams the spear into the ground, which he follows with a sword attack as he dashes forward. But after that dash you've got time to heal or punish him.
And as you said, after his charge attacks you've got time to heal.
You've also got time to heal after his ichimonji attack if you're at the range to trigger it.
Just keep moving so that he doesn't pull out and hit you with his gun instead of doing any of the aforementioned moves.
Not really any honestly. Nothing here was quite as hard as Ornstein and Smough for me. If I had to pick one then Demon of Hatred I guess, but that's optional and at the very end of the game, and it still only took me like 50 minutes of tries at most.
This game was not hard. This game was only hard for people not familiar with similar perfectly timed mechanics. If you are familiar with those type of mechanics then Sekiro should be easier than your average souls game because the actual perfect deflect timing is super lenient.
Do firecrackers work on Headless Ape? I couldn't get them to. The fight clicked once I realized that you can't fight him at all like his first form. He has a sword and his attacks are slow as shit, so deflecting is super easy. You deflect the hits of his sword combo and he gets stunned. I was actually having fun beating his ass by the end of it.
On Headless? No, he's technically an aberration for that part IIRC. So the firecrackers stop working, but divine confetti works against him iirc.
the gun part reminded me of Bloodborne it was so cool
oh you're talking about the first monkey bogaloo, yeah just parry and its easy as fuck.
you'll stop having fun when he brings his buddy
genichiro forced me to learn how to play the game. easily took me 30+ tries. i was pretty pissed when i got his second deathblow the first time and then realized there was a third phase as well.
Ishin for me. I cant mikiri that fucking spear no matter what. I haven't even seen his last phase. Killed everything else except owl 2 because i missed the eavesdrop. I just want to finish already
I honestly had more trouble with Isshin Ashina than Sword Saint. I finished all endings last night and got the all boss trophy, I just need all skills and upgrades for the platinum but I really don’t want to farm.
>Owl has no real openings
>2x shuriken into jump overhead with huge recovery
>1x shuriken into big swing you can dodge through with huge recovery
>anti-item bomb that's just a big 'hit me' attack
>firecrackers into big swing with huge recovery
>kick grab he does when he posture breaks you that can be dodged and punished
>3 hit combo you can punish after
>2 hit combo starter with followups that you can all interrupt with an attack
>dual swing with medium recovery
If you've got him cornered you can punish backflip shurikens, all jump backs.
Literally everything he does is interrupted by damage, if you get him in a corner and play aggressively he gets fucked.
I've only done Shura so far, but it was for certain Genchiro.
Last phase is the same as second but with occasional lightning. Get your reversals timed right and it’s easy to break his posture
apes are easy as fuck though. genichiro was tough the first time for many because he was an earlyish boss and had 3 phases that required posture breaks since he didn't leave many windows to get damage in. i beat him my first try in NG+ but in my first playthrough he took a long f'ing time.
you should do it while you're on NG because it will only be harder on subsequent playthroughs. The memory attack power boost isn't that huge but still.
still dealing with saint Ishiin, can barely get to his second phase after a couple of days,
seriously thinking of dropping the game at this point, feeling really overmatched right now
lurk moar
>game allows you to do 2 free backstabs
Butterfly, only boss I stopped trying to kill so I could sleep and try again fresh in the morning. Felt good going back in NG+ without Kuro's Charm and beating her in what felt like 30 seconds.
That's a relief. My first run was Shura and if Isshin Ashina is harder than Sword Saint I'm probably going to have a better time.
Reminder you can cheese every single boss in this game and never have to learn to parry or counter perilous.
>gyoubu: firecrackers
>butterfly: nightjar stunlock; sidestep cheese
>bull: firecrackers, mist raven
>genichiro: attacking him interrupts 90% of his moves
>ape: oil+fire, spear, and purple umbrella
>fake monk: snap seed, firecrackers, fistful of ash, divine confetti
>true monk: grapple deathblow cheese
>owl: dodge the overhead for 20 minutes
>demon of hatred: fire umbrella and malcontent
>isshin: dodge the overhead for 30 minutes
You just beat the entire game with ZERO mechanical skill. Nice "difficult" game Fromdrones.
fuck that. you can do it user. The ending is cool
For me SS was harder, I did Shura first as well.
I kinda goofed and forgot to clean out the Blackhat's inventory before the revisit.
I have to pick up Anti-Air Deathblow in the Offering Box, but is there a way I can still get the shield prosthetic for him?
Also missing one aside from that. Have the whistle, the abducting fan, and the mist raven feathers. Any other hard to find ones I missed or is the last one after the Revisit sequence?
>game allows you to use tools
>user calling using mechanics cheesing
You okay?
I haven't beat the game yet. Still have some Headless and Shitmen Warriors to kill before taking on the last boss.
I had most trouble with Owl.
>Still have some Headless
Don't bother.
not him but nightjar spam stunlock is definitely cheesing
Everything else is fair game, but I don't know what snap seeds do to fake monk so I can't say anything about that
Only thing you get from headless is reuseable versions of the candies you probably have a million of that cost spirit emblems.
Found the fights extremely dissapointing and the rewards are just miniscule.
I mean, fighting regular gov.ninjas is way more fun.
Of those who did no bell no charm, did anyone else find owl 2 substantially easier than owl 1? The former took me about 5 tries, got stuck with the latter for over an hour. His younger self is a lot more reckless and gives you more opportunities for vitality damage. Owl 1 takes an eternity to kill.
>do to fake monk
Stuns her, I think, since she's an illusion.
>substantially easier than owl 1
In a way. Still took me some time to get used, but you have way more space to manuver and several of his new moves have huge opportunity windows.
Ok thanks for clarifying.
Might still beat them just to say I did.
I honestly played the entire game without using any consumables against any enemy (exclusing heals and mandatory confetti against apparitions)
I missed out on a lot of mechanics, like the ceramic shards, ash, sugars and everything
>Die to gyoubu 30 something times before killing him on a perfect attempt
>Get to blazing bull, try 20-something I ask my friends that got it a week before me how they got through it
>stay behind? Thats obvious
>Dodge left? Alright Ill keep that in mind
>mfw they explain that firecrackers trivialize the fight just like gyoubu
Perfectly undestandable. On the other hand I almost never used candies, since I found parrying and backstabing systems too satisfying.
Really? 40 tries? Well to each their own I guess.
For me it was Sword saint isshin. I beat most bosses on 2-3 tries and finally thought I was pretty good and confident at the game. Then I was stuck on this fucker for 5 hours. I tilt really easy so sometimes I would even get killed by genichiro because I was so salty.
I died to Butterfly like 30 times and Genichiro probably as many.
Owl 1 was tough but I got used to him faster.
Have not done Owl 2 or Sword Saint yet.
Genichiro is the killer, for me. Were he not there I feel like I could have beaten the final boss way shorter than when I did. The worst was when you learned something about the spear phase, and then tried to rush back and test your knowledge, and then get killed by gen and you forget what you learned.
Didn't see any help threads so, what lazulite weapons should I get first playthrough? I already got the lazulite flame vent for the buff.
Shuriken is easily the best, axe and flame seem to be straight up downgrades outside of fighting apparitions, never tried the sword
axe just so you can dab on apparitions
for reference, two charged hits of lazulite axe does 50% of fake monk's health bar
7 Spears. After him most everything till Sword Saint wasnt that bad.
I found owl 2 to be easier than his first fight, when in the first fight he gets you with that de-buff your done for
>ctrl-f "click"
>28 results
just stop
click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click click
The hell? There are like 5 including your post.
Hirata Estate was a noob filter for me because I didn't know how the game worked. The Shinobi Hunter and the purple ninja guarding Mist Raven made me way more frustrated than they should have.
Nothing else filtered me. Snake Eyes were annoying but not challenging. O'Rin seemed like the toughest challenge but I committed to deflecting and ended up having fun with that.
Lady butterfly, took me 10 tries. After that no boss took me more than 2-3 tries.
lady butterfly or that guy close to the spear weapon.
I didn't even bother deflecting properly until those points since it didn't matter. Figured out midair Ichimonjis were almost broken.
>Ashina Seven Spears
I struggled on him as well. At first I tried using all the tools at my disposal, like throwing oil on him and using flame vent to inflict burn status effect, but it wasn't helping. After several deaths, I did something similar to what this user suggests, focusing only on aggression, deflection, thrust, and sweep counters. I killed him immediately this way.
Isshin took me like 4.5 hours. I was so fucking furious.
Nothing in the game even came close to that, although I haven't done a second run and seen the alternate bosses yet. I expect them to be just as nightmarish.
HAHA no. Genichiro is legitimately the easiest boss to read. All his attacks have long and distinct tells, make his fun to fight but very easy. First time Ape I had no clue what the hell his tells were and now in NG+6 I am still confused at some of his tells.
Is corrupted monk supposed to be hard? He is super parryable and mist raven just shits all over the guy
>First time Ape I had no clue what the hell his tells
that's why i just set him on fire and run away the rest of the time
I'm being filtered constalntly as we speak.
Dark souls made me a pussy and now I have to learn how to be hyper aggressive.
I have the opposite problem. Trying to play Souls for the first time and getting BTFO because I just want to attack all the time.
I almost gave up on him today for this motive, it's a clusterfuck of an unfun fight against the camera with an HP sponge bloodborne reject
it was luck I guess, he don't pulled any of his bullshit attacks out of his ass in 3rd phase and I manage to do it using confetti and damage sugar.
the fight is so infuriating and boring that I didn't even got that drug-like high of satisfaction after it was done
Casual Filter 1
pic related aka Fyre Festival
number 2
this boss is literally designed so that you want to hug his legs to prevent him using his most dangerous attacks.
As he is an optional boss, they probably also intended people to cheese him with malcontent and suzaku shield.
At first, I thought you'd beat him with lazulite flame vent because the description literally says:
"Cleanse deep-seated hatred with flame"
but it turned out it really doesn't do much
his pattern are same yes
but i think his fight was fun
>Lady Butterfly
This. If people played the game correctly and faced her when they should have you wouldn't see half of the "waaah it's too hard" posts. She teaches you to block, jump, and dodge appropriate and the importance of utilizing posture and sprinting.
Ironic, considering "buzzword" is the biggest buzzword of all.
The Seven Spears dude completely killed my interest in game
It took me 3 days to finally kill him, and I haven't picked the game up since
>3 days
he's mikiri counter tutorial son
I played nonstop through to Lady Butterfly (as my first boss) on my very first session, gave it a rest after an hour struggling on her and went to bed for the night. Next morning I beat her on my first try. After that no boss took me more than five tries, many only taking one. If anything seven Ashina spears and the straw cape guys at the top of Senpou gave me more of a challenge than any boss.
Haha what? He was like one of the few minibosses that I killed on my first try.
>seething fag probably stuck on butterfly or bull
>What was your personal casual filter?
I haven't. I beat this game 3 times. Every boss.
You get casual filtered if you quit the game.
Found the game really easy because deflecting came to me naturally as a skill, until Owl 1 and 2 shit all over me. I feel like these bosses are specifically designed to punish over-reliance on posture damage, forcing you to dodge often through the holes in his offense and squeeze in attacks while also deflecting anything he does in retaliation to your hits. He basically forces you to master the trinity of Attack/Deflect/Dodge, you'll get destroyed if you don't do all three in harmony. Every boss beforehand felt like you only needed one or two portions of that trinity. Definitely my favorite boss after it all clicked, he's the only enemy I've had to use Bestowal and Mortal Blade Art against.
Guys, I’m lost. So I just beat the Ape and I think I must go to Ashina Depths but I don’t know how. Is there an entrance in the poison pool? I only found a path to the dried heart.
>28 secs vs 3 days
You need to go to Ashina Reservoir.
>has firecracker to finish
seems you HESITATED to use it
>beating shinobi hunter without the counter
What the fuck was Owl's problem, anyways?
>mfw playing without Kuro's charm on ng+
all you shitters who pretend that 'demon's bell' is something hard, you need to eat shit
Guardian Ape was when I stopped giving a fuck. The fight itself was cool but the sum total of the game up to him didn't make me want to keep playing. So after him I just did shura ending and shelved the game.
>without counter
what are you saying
why won't you use mikiri counter that guarantees win?
are you one of those people who just gave up using mikiri counter?
Just realized DoH looks like a more bestial Crimson King from Otogi.
Sword Saint. I uninstalled the game after like 50 tries with little progress. Demon of hatred was piss easy in comparison.
which of this pic fucked you up?
How do I beat the Demon of Hatred?
Where there’s Suichimen warrior? I thought it was just connected to the other section of the Abandoned Dungeon?
Did you ever consider gitting gud?
get close to him
keep beating his dick
get fire-umbrella shield
also occasional ninjathrow->slash to catch up
The identity of Demon of Hatred is so fucking obvious it's not even funny, but when you talk to the grandma in the building next to the boss fight Sekiro says that he didn't know who it was.
Is Sekiro a dense anime protagonist or something?
guardian ape 1st phase > 2nd phase on NG++
not many people knows that
gotta try high monk next time on him
There are multiple Schuimen warriors, but there is one in the Abandoned Dungeon. You need to go through Ashina Reservoir to get there.
you didn't trigger the conversation event
where sculptor asks you to finish him
if he ever becomes Shura
Oh right I forgot about the umbrella
>tells other to get good
>uses mist raven, the biggest crutch prosthetic after the umbrella
but it was still obvious as fuck
user he's the man who eats raw rice
I'm saying the Mikiri counter boss is the Shinobi Hunter, not Seven Spears.
>doesn't utilize the tools that game gives
>bitches about people who uses it
>whine and bitch about how bosses are impossible
makes you think
Imagine not beating Ape on your first try.
The first boss, as easy as it was I didn't understand that I didn't have to dodge everything and start parrying.
yeah, I stayed on his balls, used umbrella and malcontent, but still it's too much bullshit moves and also the retarded camera
thanks god I finally did it, but it was a shit fight
on to Isshin now, which I'm guessing it will be fuckin infernal, but fun to fight
gyobou or lady butterfly?
Can someone explain to me how Isshin comes out of Genichiro's body at the end?
finger-fuck fweeeeeeee must be saved till third phase
At least DSP beat it.
Probably the second monk encounter kept getting terrorized during the final phase do to greed overall 10-15 tries
Git gud.
Funny enough I did beat him first try, albeit I used a divine grass and a jizo statue but still. He plays like a bloodborne boss so I think that helped me a bit.
Who didn't? Note: journos do not count as people.
get ichimonji double
if he ninjathrust do not mikiri
just parry 3 times which does more posture dmg(WTF? i know..i know..)
deflect every attack he throw
his phase 2 is " you think my attacks are one by one , boy ? "
example, when he use katana then jump backward with slashing spear
use gun then immediately slashing spear
Victory is victory. Not using all the tools at your disposal is just dumb.
Owl 2 has a 6.4% completion rate on PS4 and none of the endings have a higher completion rate than 10%.
how do i beat emma/isshin?
O’rin of the fucking water.
Pride wouldn’t let me proceed without killing her, and she fucked me at least 30 times.
fuck his grab and his shitty range
took me like 10 tries until i relized all you had to do is being patient
Wait. Deflecting ranged attacks builds posture too? And you just teleport in front of them if that leads to a deathblow? Kind of weird.
this is the best combat skill
Fuck off not everybody waits a year for a game to come out then rushes through it in 2 days like you autists.
>tfw part of the 6.4% masterrace
>the point of being shinobi is to use everything
High Monk Kick >
Nigga, I wasn't the guy you replied to. I beat Sword Saint with nothing but parries. Git gud yourself.
Ah, fair point. But it's like that if you look at any game. Even something as easy as Ace Combat 7 had like 5% completing the last mission.
Even worse he probably got filtered by the ogre
She killed me more than anything else in the game so far. I have no idea how, I just could not adapt to her attack timing.
and this is the console that had bloodborne
god so many casuals on fucking PS4
Same, although it's no hard too see why it's so low: Owl 2 is the hardest boss in the game and locked behind a bunch of cryptic bullshit.
>sprint around in circles
>only go in and punish the unsafe moves
>win 100% of the fights
only downside is taking 30 minutes per fight
high monk is just for last boss phase sadly
wish the last hit of high monk was
shoudler bash technique instead of a kick
You can't get stuck on butterfly
Just come back later
Nevermind, I just checked and it's up to 7.2% now.
There are two entrances. Pick whichever you like.
are you implying that you wouldn't?
man i didnt even bothered to make Pepe out of chained ogre
Lady Butterfly fight taught me how to play the game
Had to die to her about 100 times first though
Screenshot is where im at right now.
this boss is fucking TERRIBLY designed. its just shit waiting for the terror bar to go down.
Fuck this fight.
rice on that bowl is cooked user
It's a late game mini-boss fight. Why are you doing it when you haven't even beat Genichiro yet?
that boss is literally
Use Divine Confetti
or Spill the Spaghetti
Anti-Air Deathblow shits on that dude.
There's 3 of those guys in the game btw
Honestly Demon of Hatred is really intimidating but he isn't that hard. He gives you a lot of opportunities for free damage.
>Giant overhead flame whip
Run laterally to the side of his giant arm while inching closer
Run behind him
>2nd phase homing fire balls
Just keep sprinting any direction horizontally and when hes done you can attack him.
>giant stomp
Can be parried and get an attack in
>phase three double unblockable charge
after the 2nd charge you can attack
There's also more that im forgetting/too complicated to try to explain via text. Also he has two attacks that let you grapple towards him for free hits. Malcontent lets you stun him, it only worked once per phase for me though. Fire umbrella is good if you get caught in a bad spot.
I dont know
because I stumbled upon him?
I'm just fucking going man
Stay on his ass and force him to melee you. Deflects takes a good chunk out of his posture and it doesn't regenerate.
You can parry the lazer for zero terror damage, if that helps. It's very easy to do.
pst, Lotus Umbrella
Go fight Genichiro.
Father Gascoigne only has a 45.5% clear rate
I think I'm going to take a break from the game now
Actually curious, how far can you get in each path before you absolutely have to fight Genichiro? I know you can't go past the Gun Fort without the key in Ashina Castle, but how far can you get in the Hidden Forest and Senpou Temple before you HAVE to fight Genichiro?
ok then. ill be back for your ass shichibitch
You can fight Corrupted Monk as your second boss. Folding Screen Monkeys don't spawn until you beat Genichiro, though.
>bell, no charm, vitality nerf
absolute madman
forest I think you can complete up to monk, but not sure
sempou temple if you go before geni, you meet the headmaster monk, but there's no bell to enter the illusion le monkey trouble realm
Use Divine Confetti to damage him more and Pacifying Agents to get rid of Terror. If you don't have 2-3 of each then you'll have to come back later or have a miserable fight. Bosses that require or heavily depend on consumables suck.
I don't think you know what filter means.
Shichimen Warrior is a joke if you have the umbrella and anti-air deathblow. Both of which you can get at Ashina Castle area. Only real annoyance is the Confetti, but if you do it right you only need one.
Divine Confetti.
well its for you to try
Sekiro:Enemies Die Twice Edition
Kill them.
>vitality nerf
What do you mean? It's regular vitality at 40 beads.
And it's not ng+, it's ng++, not sure how much harder it was.
1.pattern study
Purple dude in Hirata memory. Despite all the talk of getting good, fighting this enemy is much easier closer to the end of the game than at the beginning because of the inflated stats you get after defeating bosses and minibosses.
>Imagine leaving a enemy for later..
my honore does not support that
I had an easy time with the whole game, but the last boss took me days to beat and I just beat it today. I'd get on every 3 days or so to try him again and play for about an hour or until I broke.
The first two stages are fucking easy as hell, but the spear had me for a while until I calmed myself and played less impatiently.
God the feeling of beating this game is like nothing I've felt in a long time.
Black Scroll:
>In addition to the red Mortal Blade, there exists one that is black in color. The blade's name is "Open Gate", and is said to hold the power to open a gate to the underworld. It is through this power that it creates life. I beseech you, make offerings for the Dragon's Blood...
Saw a girl streamer try to brute force Genichiro today for over 7 hours, ragequitted and uninstalled the game.
Might return to the game later after she was told that playing it with a keyboard + mouse is the worst way to play the game and that a gamepad is essential. She broke 4 mice during her playthrough.
Ashina Castle - Old Grave. Jump down onto the buildings and talk to the midget vendor.
Blackhat badger, old grave, building with a hole in the roof
oh no no no look at this dude
Wait where the hell is the old grave?
o'rin of the water
Same here. I started realizing how effective the shinobi tools are and how effective goomba stomping someone after a sweep is to their posture.
What? Mouse+KB is kino. especially on sekiro
>better camera controls
>parrying/attacking is easier as theyre literally on your fingertips
>overall better experience
Just deflect.
I'm at NG+4 and I've never used umbrella.
I consider every umbrellafag to be a massive casual.
doesn't red sugar halve your vitality? or am I misinterpreting this
The bridge to the serpent shrine, just before it
>What was your personal casual filter?
If I can't beat a boss in a couple tries I just wait a couple days or explore somewhere else for a sitting. Usually my reactions are better after getting wrecked for a day. O'Rin of the water was probably the hardest fight imo. The non-mounted spear dud wasn't shit, genichiro was basically a tutorial boss again, and owl was only getting me because I didn't expect him to have shinobi tools. Also, that shit that he drops that stops you from using items really makes me feel like there was almost multiplayer in this game
Ashina Castle - Antechamber. Jump down to the first floor in the main room and open the doors in the room where you found Sabimaru. Follow the path into an alley where you'll run into a black-robed spearfag. Idol for the Old Grave is just beyond him.
agree with this
can't imagine playing sekiro on
controller with locked camera angle movement
fuck no
superior FPS camera control is needed for this game
My personal filter in this game was the long arm giraffe guy.
I took a bet with a friend to beat the game with no guard/deflect, and that mini boss made me think I would never win the bet, straight took me like 4 hours had to back track to find the firecrackers and learned how to jump off his head just to get somewhere, it pissed me off cause he doesn't seem hard if you play the game the way they want you to.
>waiting for the terror bar
Or you can literally use the item that was made to reduce terror build-up, you fucking casual.
yes,they probably are souls shield shitters leftovers
>Not being part of the /shura/ master shinobi class
Use your pacifying agent.
Ako's sugar doesn't, there is another red sugar that does
>Implying Soulskiddies didn't get filtered at Chained Ogre
I'm currently stuck at her, do I really need the seeds?
Yeah, you need some git gud seeds.
>Ashina Seven Spears
I fought that dude the first time I went through the ashina shit and I had no idea how much trouble he gave people. It took a couple tries but after the first stealth death blow pocket sand and mikiri counter fucked him up
seed just make fight much faster
other than that, use pillars to block those projectiles
You don't. She's the only enemy in the game tells you to use them on and they're fucking useless on her. It dispels her shit at phase two but you can easily ignore them.
Genichiro on the rooftop wasn't hard. Took me 3 tries. Guardian Ape was hard because it takes so long and you have to learn what moves are safe to jump in on and attack.
No. In fact it's better if you don't use seeds because you get spirit emblems from killing the illusory niggers.
When she turns them into projectiles just run in circles or hide behind a pillar.
Every move is safe.
Genichiro for sure. Took me probably 20+ tries. After that bastard, i killed the giant ape and the old lady in a few tries. After 20+ hours, i'm finally enyoing this game.
Game is brutal if you try to play it like a souls game to be honest.
>second seven spear when Ashina on fire
>came with katana guy
>after countless times, popped gachin sugar , went around katana guy and deathblow him
>seven spear was my BBQ for dinner
Imagine not being able to press B->attack repeatedly.
did butterfly as first boss
then one run I decided to stop dodging and spam parries, and I discovered the secret to beating sekiro. parry spam.
no really, dark souls trains you to fail at this game, dodging is bad in sekiro 99% of the time. parries build posture, so parry everything.
I'm surprised such a railroaded game with enforced limited mechanics was made by miyazaki, especially if you consider he literally apologized if dark souls 3 felt too linear and incomplete
>“i am conscious of that when i make these games: i try to make a game that has beautiful open spaces, gaps, room for players to enjoy it in ways that were not authored. i never want it to be where you have to follow the rules completely, where you have to do things exactly as the designers intended. i like to think that this way of creating – leaving spaces – is satisfying. so if there are incomplete aspects of dark souls iii, please forgive us.”
sekiro goes against everything he said in this quote, it's such a fucking shit game
no, guide the adds to one side, sprint to the other side, and hide behind a pillar
>What was your personal casual filter?
Not playing this
Nor have i played any dark soul games
i'm a 30 y/o boomer
deal with it punks
now get out of my neighborhood
I popped gachiin's sugar and mindraped the samurai.
Then I felt bad and used bite down out of shame and went on to fight both of them head-on.
I died to 2 ape because I got ever get the deathblow in w/o that headless faggot hitting m before I can start the animation
He can believe this for one game and make a game where that was not his goal. Why are you holding a concept he had for one game to another game that has nothing to do with it?
I tried it out, it's definitely faster and there's more potential there. Just doesn't feel good for me playing a 3rd person game with kb+mouse.
>feel bad to use anything for your advantages
I died like 15-20 times to the first general dude(no stealth takedown because I wanted to fight him head on) but then coasted through the rest of the game only dying max 3-4 times to every single mini-boss/boss.
Does that make me good or horrible?
>i'm a 30 y/o boomer and i hate games
Then this is exactly the game you should be playing, you ancestral retard.
It reinvigorates one's enjoyment in video games.
I am using that fight as an opportunity to get better at killing people so I don't get filtered by people you can't cheese.
Genichiro. Once I killed him the game became way easier, I breezed through most areas in 2 days.
Every time someone mentions how hard O'rin is, I actually lol.
There are several bosses in the game where you literally only need to press b to dash, attack once, and repeat. Butterfly is similar but she has a few other attacks. O'rin and Ashina Elite are both just dash>attack, repeat.
It literally doesn't get any easier.
that's some premium gouda
The hardest fights in the game are still one-on-one duels. You learn nothing by submitting to the tedium of juggling two different enemies.
sometimes, her attacks can clip and still register
happened to me couple of times
>install new nvidia GAME READY drivers for sekiro: shadows die twice
>halves my frame rate
anyone else have this problem?
All right lads about to fight owl what would be a more useful farm ashina cross or living weapons
>You learn nothing by submitting to the tedium of juggling two different enemies
I enjoy it though. I often ran through an area aggroing every enemy available, especially in dojo area and fought all of them at the same time.
the game literally tells you to prioritize victory over honor nigger
Nothing the game says matters on Yea Forums.
I took about 12+ tries with every major boss except the Screen Monkeys and the Divine Dragon.
>TFW Divine Dragon took me five tries
How though?
I kept dying.
It's probably the easiest late game boss. Since it's there with the likes of Sword Saint Isshin, Owl 2, and Demon of Hatred.
That sucks, but at least you got it eventually. Honestly, I spent most of the fight dodging the dragon's attacks and throwing shurikens at it. It wasn't until a good while in that I finally realized I had to hop on the lightning branches and zap the fucker.
Quick question. I beat Owl in the memory and haven't talked to Emma yet. Does it trigger an endgame sequence or anything like that if I do or does it just go on as normal until I get through all of the Fountainhead area?
I mean that answer could be used on any boss, but he means how did you ever die to it even once?
Try it out on other souls game too, you will literally feel like a god having that top tier camera control
Imagine dying to a gimmick boss.
His attacks did a lot of damage and I kept getting hit by them.
On the bright side, Sword Saint only took me four tries.
you can have the option of 3 different endings after Owl 1 fight if you gather different things to give to Kuro at the end. So it's after all the same stuff, but the end is different. Just choose what to give him.
I'm not ashamed to admit it was the purple ninja guy in the reservoir where you start the game
Didn't know you could deathblow him from above
No. She just tells you you did a good job or something. Things proceed as normal until you beat Isshin.
Demon of Hatred took the most tries.
Like 12 at least. His moves were a little harder for me to familiarize myself with. Then again on the other two phases.
Eventually I figured the timing and movements well enough I could beat Demon without ever taking damage.
I mean by that time you have a lot of gourds and it's pretty clear that you pretty much just need to avoid and get to the tree root things that have lightning on them. Isshin took me probably less than 10 but more than 5 tries. Actually it might have been more like more than 5 less than 15. Only took 7 and a half minutes when I finally won though, which surprised me.
I thought he was kinda cool to fight, works more like a Zelda boss or something.
Lady Butterfly. She was my first boss. No one else has given me nearly as much trouble except o'rin. Seriously, fuck O'rin.
>Spent 3 hours on Genichiro
>Finally kill him
>Has completely cleared the way to the Guardian Ape before fighting Genichiro
>Spend another 3 hours on him
Alright. Thanks anons.
I didn't use puppet, just deathblowed him, because fuck fight those two together in that arena, it's >literally impossible
my one question is are people brought back by the black mortal blade automatically made immortal when they come back?
So far mini bosses have killed me more than any boss proper. Like the gun chick in the underground and the ninja guy on the temple. Only like 5 bosses in though. Most have been one shots except butterfly who took like 6 tries just because I kept panicking in the second phase.
Sword Saint Isshin is the boss I died to the most, and even that was only like 8 or 9 times.
This miniboss fucker in pic related is the only guy who killed me more than that.
If you died more than 4 times on the orge, the bull or the horseman then uninstall this game.
O'Rin's posture is terrible, you could break it without ever attacking her.
>The guy who tells you that is the antagonist who relies on tricks instead of skill
>he gets reamed so hard even his grandpa disowns him
>taps out during the rematch after one round because he realizes he can never win fairly
>meanwhile said grandpa is the very concept of GIT GUD made manifest
well there's no CHEAT ENGINE and SAM on PS4
>that zero startup overhead slam that does 99% of your vit
I always beat him but it's not pretty
I'm going to keep going just to spite you.
>literally impossible
But it literally isn't.
I did it.
There's barely any lore on the black mortal blade because it was shoehorned in messily as a gimmick and doesn't fit in with the rest of the plot
Butterfly and the Snake Eyes guarding the double monkey pit are the only things I've died more than a dozen times to, the latter only because I went there really fucking early, did absolutely no posture damage to her because of it and got twoshot by everything she did. I die like 6 times on average before getting a successful run in on most bosses.
For a few bosses I was just accepting defeat while trying to memorize their combos and patterns. No bosses are really that hard if you just do that and remain calm and focused.
Recently got done beating all the bosses and the ones that made me actually consider quitting the game were both versions of Isshin. That dude does not fuck around.
I think it does cause Isshin died of illness, and then he comes back from the BMB and you had to sever immortality from him, so I would have to assume so. I just wanted to see what someone else may have thought. It is pretty messily shoved in there.
>Sneak behind him
>Super obvious attacks
>Easy Mikiri counter
Sword Saint Isshin took me days of playing on and off to finally pass. My nerves just go to shit in his later phases. Nothing else came close besides Demon of Hatred which took a couple of hours. I think the only bosses I one shot were the monkeys and dragon and a couple of minibosses. Everything else killed me at least once.
>TFW used 50% slowdown and don't feel bad at all
Feels good being part of the master race.
Ironically his third phase is the easiest since the only new attack he gains is one you can easily turn back at him for massive damage. Thank god I practiced lightning reversals in fountainhead.
Probably the most difficult boss I have ever beaten. Still haven't tried orphan of Kos though.
After grinding for hours on Genichiro that second fight was piss easy
>Hesitation is defeat
Still ringing in my ears tho
Sunken Valley: Everything up until the locked door behind the claw thing.
Depths/Mibu: Everything including Corrupted Monk and O'Rin.
Mt. Kongo: Everything up until the main hall of the temple.
As far as I know.
It's like everyone in the game is obsessed with the Dragon's Heritage to get immortality with all its severe drawbacks and limitations
Oh wait here's this sword that just raises people from the dead in their prime lol, just in time to be the last bossfight!
Yes, yes. Everything sounds simple in theory.
Funny thing is I didn't even realize it was the same guy a 2nd in burning Ashina until I saw an user point it out, and that fight was a cake walk.
Her attack rythm is so fucking weird I could never get used to it. Ended up basically facetanking her after I'd done everything but fountainhead.
*blocks your path*
Yeah the second is much harder. He does add that diagonal double slash in the third though. I didn't really get gud at dodging that before I beat him.
me too bro. i didnt parry his big attacks cause i was scared, and ran away from them so far i didnt see the pillars last phase.
Although immortality is the theme for sekiro, but story and its narrative kinda ass pull desu
>prepare myself mentally for yet another boss fight
>reserve all of my sips for it
>farm some coin for spirit emblems because i'm all out of them
>the boss is a complete fucking pushover
No, the webm maker just cut to the end.
Wait, what game is this? Legit could go for another hard ninja game.
Orphan is far worse, almost as bad as Loran Camerabeast
Isshin is more like a Gehrman style fight
Throw oil at him and set that faggot on fire!
It makes sense in the context that Genichiro is just not strong enough to defend Ashina. So he uses sudden plot sword to make Grandpappy come back to try and kick your ass.
>tfw fucking WALLS ruins a kino moment
was a great boss fight tho
>Okay, he at 1/4 hp
>Hmm what to do
>Dodging around for 5 minutes until notice there is dead trees spawn behind whenever he stab the sword into the cloud
Fucker made me wasted my healing and revive
God Hand
Not a ninja game.
also shitty webm converter removed the final part of the vid wow
>just got to fountainhead
>backstab blue alien lady
>slumps over and moans revealing cute shiny blue soles
>bonner achieved
>keep returning to this area and can't progress any more
Yes, deflecting ranged attack also build posture, make easier for you to hold it
god hand has that same satisfying feel to it tho
>Okay fuckhead, listen, take all of your confetti, ash and your crackers.
>Now throw confetti before you start the fight.
>Rush to the ghostbitch.
>throw ash
>excactly 2 slashes
>throw ash
>excactly 2 slashes
>rinse and repeat with crackers and ash.
That fight looks so stupid, i love it
Owl 1
Took me like 3 hours, couldn't find an opening to deal damage. I was trying to stick to him to build posture but he kept jumping back.
Then I went to Owl 2 and beat him on my 2nd try.
And after genichiro the next hard stop is the ape.
Snake-Eyes' gay move where she jumps back from your attack and surprise motherfuckers you is total bullshit
>Didnt realize you can deflect his two slashes
Fucker gave hard times, at least it help me to breeze red eyes version and isshin
I mean it's the epitome of like an anime samurai. You should be able to wreck him while he pauses to attack but you have to wait for the draw cuts. and just parry him to death.
Git gud.
Nah, just run around in circles in the arena when she summons the illusions, they can't hit you and neither can the butterflies that they turn into.
>not using puppets ninjutsu on the katana guy
Use this formula to calculate the bitrate. x is the length of the webm in seconds.
>8 * 3000 / x
If the webm is over 10 seconds use 960x540 resolution to conserve your fellow user's eyes.
a shinobi should know the difference between honor and victory
I didnt realize i equipped it, probably too mad with dual boss thing
It's not that the fact that you can't heal. It's the fact that you can't cure the poison and you're forced to watch as your health ticks down.
Also, getting hit by it means he doesn't do it again until it runs out so you lose your best damage dealing window.
Didn't have one, at most someone took 15-20 tries and the runbacks in this game are nothing.
One of my favorite visuals. The prelude to beating up a dragon to make it cry.
kys faggot
There's nothing shit about the game aside from people like you playing it. The sad state of humanity man. Accept that it is what it is and it accomplished what it wanted to accomplish. I'm tired of people calling things "shit" just because it isn't for them...
Here's what saved me SOO much heart ache.
Stay in close, do 2 hits, parry his next attack/attacks, repeat. That's fucking it. You get a short window between most attacks, but he doesn't stagger so when you get in that state where you're attacking relentlessly because he's not blocking, he'll fuck you hard and fast.
>i beat him
wheres the proof of webm?
Just killed Ishiin.
>That Immortal Severance ending
I was stuck on that spear mini-boss in the memory, so played the main game up until Genichiro.
Then I was stuck on Genichiro, he wasn't necessarily hard, I just didn't understand that lowering their vitality made their posture bar 'stick'. (He would often back away for bow attacks, and it would drain instantly.)
Went back to the memory to actually make some progression. Lady Butterfly is prob the one I died the most to, but the game clicked at that point. And then the game was a cake walk after Genichiro.
Guardian Ape is the most fun boss in the game IMO. Took 3 or 4 tries.
After fighting him near 60 times, I realized how easy he is once the factor of intimidation is gone and you've seen all his moves just like with Guardian Ape. The problem is, the last boss fight encompasses the player using 3 different sort of strategies in order to beat each stage and it doesn't really let you sway out of that unless you're either really lucky or a god of Sekiro. I think I can beat the final boss in my sleep now.
>TFW Purification ending
this game gave me tinnitus
Anybody kinda sad they beat it? The game has no replayability. I think I will do another BB run.
>The game has no replayability.
Nice bait.
>not going for the wholesome (by comparison) Dragon's Return ending
Gonnna do that next.
My question is, is Owl 2 locked out once I kill Ishiin or should I just go into new game plus?
>is Owl 2 locked out once I kill Ishiin
You can't do Purification without killing Owl 2.
>I just didn't understand that lowering their vitality made their posture bar 'stick'.
Stop skipping tutorials.
I think once you have the bell it doesn't matter, you have to interact with Kuro to actually finish the game.
Currently stuck on ape boy but only on my 7th or so try. Genichiro took at least 25 tries and is tied with Gehrman as the hardest from software boss I've faced
Owl 1 and 2 were hard, but the final boss gave me the most trouble.
i kinda want to throw a firecracker there just to troll them
>He reads tutorials
I think he means can he go to kill Owl 2 even after fighting the final boss. Which you can.
that's where i got the final skillpoints on NG+. faster methods exist but are much more boring.
Yeah I interacted with Kuro, I'm on a screen asking whether or not I want to start new game plus.
>centipede monk guy in senpou
I had to quit the game because it was so unnerving.
What the fuck do I do with these snek hearts? I don't think I've heard them referenced outside of the crazy rice lady. Is there another NPC I need to talk to for this? Just got to fountainhead
do you get more exp on ng+? and with the bell curse applied? getting all the skills is gonna be a bitch
she'll eventually ask for them
>do you get more exp on ng+
>and with the bell curse applied
Oh if it asks you can probably say no and go back to do other stuff. I would imagine if they're asking you they'll let you fuck around if you say no. If you got the bell and went to the second memory then if you say no i think you should be able to go to the memory and still fight him. I dunno though. Just say no to NG+ since they give you an option, as you can likely say yes later even if you can't go back to other bosses.
keep talking to the "fake" divine child girl until she sounds sick or something like that, and then find her a tome from some water hole,and then find her in the monkey illusion world and then another tome she points you to
Genichiro, Owl, Demon, and Sword Saint were all about an equal effort from me, between 20 to 30 tries each. Jobichiro is a total pushover for me after beating the game.
yeah, bit more than double i think. and i tried the Shura ending on my first playthrough, then reloaded and did the proper ending, so i didn't have the skill from the Shura ending anymore. trophy unlocked on NG+ when i bought the last skill from the skilltree (if that's what you're going for).
no he doesn't mean the rice loli he means the old rice lady who can point you in the direcction of the snek hearts. I assume that's what crazy rice lady means.
>I'm illiterate and I'm proud.
Fair enough. You do you, man.
Give rice to the old ladies and keep getting more from the girl
That is what I meant. I haven't interacted with rice loli outside of asking for rice once
>casual filter
It was the gameplay.
As soon as I picked it up I knew it was gonna be boring so I just dropped it one hour in.
right, figured "crazy rice lady" might apply if you're being cheeky. i just kept asking for rice and eventually had to fetch some stuff for her to complete the path. seemed to be stuck sometimes so maybe you need to progress to a certain point for those triggers.
like many it was the giant. after him shit went smoothly until Isshin.
well keep getting rice until she becomes weak, then she'll ask for something else, try all the vendors if you want to find that something.
>t. didn't fight Owl 2
>What was your personal casual filter?
You didn't get fucking filtered if you beat the boss you fuckwit.
I thought having Kotaro go to the illusion place was a necessary thing, but some people have told me that's not true, but she only went there after he showed up. so I assumed he was and all the invisible children were her friends. so I though kotaro needed to be there for the children to be there for her to go there to talk to the children.
Does anyone else find this game really boring?The world just doesn't intrigue me like past From games.
How did you feel about them becoming standard enemies in Ashina castle later on? Personally I loved it since I got so good at fighting them, to take them on so early on the game on repeat playthroughs delivers such a sense of satisfaction
no one in this thread is really going to agree with you man.
Genichiro was the fight where it clicked for me, after around 20 attempts.
Up until that i played the entire game exactly like dark souls with dodge and run and barely any block/parries (and a lot of deaths).
It's better than DaS2 and DaS3, but not as good as DaS1 and BB is the general consensus.
you don't need the skill from the shura ending for the achievement. you just need to purchase every skill in the skill tree.
it's a total fucking grind, even in NG+. i did a lot of farming for XP to get skills in NG and i think it's gonna take me at least 3-4 hours of additional XP farming to get all the skills. the fucking mushin skills require 20 points alone which at this point in the game was like 50K+ per skill point.
I like them because they are easier than their miniboss counterparts, with only the one bar of health and all.
>I played a game that wasn't Dark Souls exactly like Dark Souls
Yup, that's gonna be a yikes from me.
It's like ashina and senpou are the same area but one is in snow and the other in summer/autumn
Honestly the hardest part of that fight is the cramped quarters. Same reason the Mibu Village ninja sends me packing every time
Standard ninjas are easy but the vilehands can be tricky since they block everything and get hyperarmor on some moves
Seems like the same kind of story as before, only on a much smaller scale and actually told instead of impled.
Did you do the grinding spot in Fountainhead?
I found them interesting, because senpou has a different feel than Ashina castle. Even revolves around a different kind of immortality.
no i'm doing a spot in the ashina castle right by where you go in the window. there's a purple ninja there who's easy to stealth deathblow and run back to the idol and refresh. he gives 2K XP per kill and i can do him 4-5 times per minute for around 500-600K XP per hour. it's boring as all hell though i might change it up in a bit.
Is this supposed to be cool or impressive? lmao
Senpou and Fountainhead are the only aesthetically interesting areas, t b h.
hm, didn't think thrusts ever worked on this guy.
>boss's "ultimate attack" basically just gives you a free hit on him
they do they just have a higher risk because he can Mikiri counter them. As he is a shinobi.
I'm sure it's his very first moment of feeling like a shinobi and thought it was cool enough to post. It's so early in the game.
He’s drinking the water!
I have been at demon and isshin for an entire week and I seriously doubt I'll beat them. Lady Butterfly killed me about 20 times until I read the kunai tip for midair enemies and beat her without dropping once. Never died to the monkey or monkeys and can't understand why people call it so hard
Also, Isshin and Genichiro
Why do the harder bosses nerf themselves on their last phase by adding shitty moves that introduce huge weaknesses into their routine? The only thing Owl adds that's effective is the shuriken throw to his backleap.
They work if you hit him during his recovery but it's not worth the risk imo
Ashina is interesting, it just gets that "heavily reused" feel cause you go back there a lot to advance story. At least they made it interesting in that it gets attacked so the means of traversal and how you go about going through feel different because enemy placement (and difficulty) gets a changeup.
best spot is during the last attack stage, after the dragon - right where you fought the chained ogre, you can refresh and stealth 6 of the red guys for 4000+ xp or 8000+ on NG+. i timed it to under 40 seconds every run.
>start NG+
>exhilarated at the chance of taking out snake before he destroys the bridge because I already have puppeteer
>snek is not there
Well wtf. When does he spawn?
Only after the bridge is destroyed?
demon is actually really easy, try running right at him and hitting his nuts. You're probably overcomplicating things.
Isshin has no tricks you just have to learn his moveset and git gud
is there anything i should bother doing before NG+? somehow i havent got the discover all locations achievement... i've beaten demon of hatred ofc
i didn't even do the chained ogre on NG+ yet since i was just rusing through to get the platinum. i guess i could do that and try that route though thanks.
Best spot is Fountainhead bridge: Stealth kill the Okami warrior and kill the two guys in blue robes, refresh.
Demon of hatred
problem with demon is that I know I have to stick to his left leg and etc but he hits like a motherfucking truck and has midir tier health so 2 mistakes at most and i'm toast
Not that it matters, you land on the other side of that bridge when you kill him and there's nothing there but some shitty items
I'm a coward and just going to go to new game plus.
Don't want to get stuck on Owl 2 after beating Ishiin, that'll feel like shit.
I'll give him a try in ngplus or a new save.
one of my mid NG spots was the hidden forest idol, you can grapple to a spot where two ghost nightjar spawn and you can backstab one and kill the other in less than like 30 seconds, then grapple and sprint to the idol and repeat. get around 1200 exp and for mid game that's not terrible.
wait do you mean the chained ogre on the outskirts or the chained ogre in the castle?
you can just jump over the fucking bird? I'm so dumb. how did I ever beat him
But I like having bridges intact.
Owl 2 is harder than Isshin.
That's way more clever than how I did it. I lured them into the poison and waited for it to take effect.
I was waiting a very long time.
I mean he'll be even worse on NG+, and you're also skipping a battle memory that you can use for NG+. He's not too bad, and since you beat Isshin first you'll have more attack power for Owl 2. I won't judge if you do just go to NG+ but at least give it a few shots, man.
The only thing you have to worry about is the stomp (deflect), bellyflop (umbrella or run away and grapple) or sweep (jump)
He's not aggressive at all so even if he hits you, you can heal easily.
The biggest concern is closing in, if he's too far away bait him into committing to something so he doesn't fireball you, but if you're close enough you'll just go right under most of his moves
Yeah it takes forever but it's not hard
Well, there you go.
I skipped Demon too.
I now want to see Black Isshin
What is the right time to face her?
This game must trigger you hard then, it's like someone made a concentrated effort to destroy every bridge
Thank goodness the Interior Ministry construction crew fixes some of them. Even their ninjas build bridges