Will they release a Special Edition?
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Is DMC5 Vergil harder than DMC3 counterpart?
Absolutely not.
No because in 5 we have styles, more weapons options and sdt.
Harder than the first dmc3 fight, maybe the second one too
No, he doesn’t have the bullshit regen and Dante is much stronger in gameplay than 3
before people say, they've done too many scythes, 1. that was DmC 2. that was an electric guitar 3. that was sparda, which was mainly a sword, the only other weapon i can think of is a spear sorta like a longinus weapon type thing
Am I the only person who still struggles with Vergil 2 because of my duel autism and absolutely destroy Vergil 1 and 3 without Beowulf RG+Spiral spam?
Strawberry sundae.
nigga just wait haha, like count to 10 nigga
I refuse to fight Vergil with anything that isn't the Rebellion in 3. DSD in 5
Do not post lewd, user.
>everyone says V is the easiest
>get to DMD
>every demon immediatelyruns after V trying to murder him and the summons die in 1-2 hits
you lied to me
What if Mundus was so obsessed about Sparda that even after he made a exact clone of Sparda's wife, he tried to make a half breed son? What if this son thinks Mundus is the good guy and wants revenge against Dante? What if this is DMC6?
>scythe as sword
>red lasers that Mundus threw at Dante/Killer7 as gun
>white color pattern/coat
>angelic-looking DT, more angelic then Nero's
The only real scythe was the DmC one
So dante has the weakest normal dodge in the game right? Table hopper is great and shadow dodge has crazy i-frames
read book
He's not even hard, I just do some really retarded shit and you can kick him out of DT with 2 Helm Breakers before he starts using Yamato
i need more smiling vergil bros
>I cant even S rank vergil as dante in Human
I am really missing something here
I can deal with him as nero no problem up to SoS (didnt finish dmd yet), why do I feel so useless as dante, what do I need to do
I can already see, DMC666
user, no!
I played DMC3 on VH and I think 5 is significantly harder since there are many more mechanics involved and the fight itself feels more dynamic
the only reason people say 3 is harder is because of the DT regen, but the thing is he stays in DT way shorter than he does in 5 and his moves are much more predictable
I'm quite the opposite user
stomps Vergin's ass with Dante but struggles using Nero
Now this is a man of guts and honor.
Oh my
the key is royal guard
learn the timings on the moves you're comfortable with and dodge the rest and you'll style on him no problem
personally I can't get the timing on rapid slash and multiple judgment cuts in a row so I trickster those
Stop, I'm confused.
why did reuben roll a natural fucking 20 in life
>has half nippon wife
>does cosplay
>does interesting art
>has the internet behind him at all times
>can be lil loopy but still chill and everyone is okay with it
>is dante
>go to parties all the time
Building RG and DT for Sin form really helps
it's as hard as the second fight against him in 3
>personally I can't get the timing on rapid slash
The one where he goes airborne is bullshit I tell ya
That's what you get for not lying and having direct contact with Anunnakis
He worked for that. That's all there is to it. His "craziness" is a bit stupid if we're honest but he can talk about it without dismissiveness which is a major plus.
to be fair it didn't just happen to him effortlessly, the guy was literally homeless for a time when he first moved to Japan and had to work his ass off to get where he is
this is why I have big respect for Reuben and Matt, they didn't let their dreams be dreams
that's the problem, I can't read the book for more than a few seconds at a time because you have to dodge constantly
honestly I wish there was a difficulty between SoS and DMD because the difference is too severe
>I'm gonna rip him a new one
Homeless ? I didn't know that. I respect him even more now.
He is imo. He hits a lot harder, because he can stun and combo you. His devil trigger regen lasts much longer in dmc5.
is it just me or do Vergil's judgment cuts get faster on the higher difficulties?
Dante and Vergil chasing Mundus in hell when?
Is she really hapa? I mean I can kind of see that if you looked at her first glance, but there was a pic of her with her family at christmas or new years and they were all asian. Maybe her non-asian parent died or something. She looks more asian when she isn't cosplaying though, like in her Lady cosplay she wears contacts and they might be the type that cosplayers wear to make their eyes look rounder/bigger. She looked more asian as a kid.
Yeah, he was basically homeless until someone told him to turn into a model and one thing leads to another
This is going to creepy territory
>someone told him to be a model
>becomes a model
Just..like that?
Yeah, she doesn't look 100% asian in the Lady cosplay
Not completely homeless but pretty much, for a while he had no where to go and slept in the airport. Cops asked him for his passport a lot.
No. 3 is the hardest game in the series, to be honest. DMD in 3 is ridiculous.
You just got to look good brah
post that one video of reuben speaking japanese
need it for... reasons
Reading Before the Nightmare summary
kek, never change Dante, never change
Finally beat Bloody Palace with Nero. Fuck Final Urizen in his dumb asshole. I failed so many times that I've actually developed really good exceed timings and can unga the fuck out of everything. Too bad I'm going to unlearn it now that I'm dropping him for Dante.
Reporting in.
>Watch it, dad!
Do you taunt him?
It was uploaded a few days ago on her public instagram account user, it's not like I'm fuckin digging deep into records or whatever to try and track down pictures of her when she was a kid.
A surgery, perhaps?
I mean if you’re not ugly as sin you always have modeling as an outlet.
And now he's having a kid.
i refuse to believe there's any sane person out there that wouldn't like dante, he's just perfect
shit is he gonna say it???
Flip it baka
He doesn't regen health in 5. He's using SIN DT.
He actually worked at a military camp first, IIRC.
Reuben was cute
Nah, i think it's just the makeup/hair. She looks more asian when looking "normal"
they do kinda look alike sometimes, but Nero looks more like Dante in his face render
>haha foolish boy
Top kek
>Im at the point i would rather Lady to end up with Vergil than ending up alone
Pls itsuno, stop torturing our cute girl
when you are a cute blond in japan, yes
She's always got Nico user
why is Reuben so cool
>dat high thigh
So it is written....it's their son.
Oh, he got his chin from his dad, duh
> low res
Here, in all it's glory
Also, Reuben was/is a cute blondie
He still recovers health.
Nico can't impregnate her and giver cute children
Saved, thanks user
he looked good cosplaying Dante
How can people say RE Engine looks bad? Jesus. It looks good even in my toaster i3 PC
Is it strange that I want to touch his hair??
Lady has a weird jaw
Is the normal difficulty in DMC3 supposed to be hard? Like I get difficulties you unlock afterwards are supposed to be a lot harder because they adjust the AI and give new moves and all that but I heard about how hard cerberus and first vergil fight were supposed to be and were really surprised at how easy they were because. This is my first time playing a DMC game other than like the first 2 missions of 1 a day before playing 3
touch the fluffy hair
Nope. Itsuno is already on his new project.
It was on the original PS2 version but they made it easier on Special Edition and HD collection. Something about the game being shipped with Normal being "Hard" and the actual normal difficulty being "Easy" iirc.
Normal difficulty was set to Hard only in the original DMC3 western launch, not on HD collection or SE
DD2 baby
>Oh um hey Leon, didn't expect to see you here.
>I'm kind of on a date right now with my new bf, can this wait until later?
>We can hang out later though, you know, as friends!
he is definitely dead inside
I want to lick her dry
>its real
DD2 or DLC?
Maybe DD2, DLC won't need Itsuno babysitting them
Not at all
RE7 looked pretty rough at times (mainly the faces) but you can tell they definitely improved it quite a bit. I'm mainly talking abiut how it looks though, I hear RE7 ran pretty well and wasn't that demanding.
Lol no, I think any sane person who is attracted to him would want that.
yeah, you can clearly see the resemblance
Dante looks so old compared to Vergil. Yet, they're still much older than that. Then again Vergil ended up as a slave to Mundus, the demonic powers probably stopped him from aging, or slowed it down, while Dante kept aging normally. And since both have silvery gray hair, the same as Sparda's human form's, it's tough to tell how old Dante really is.
>new project team
>they're not even hiding it anymore
Ah, okay that makes a lot more sense. I'll should just restart on hard then.
RE2 Costumes mod when
here's a higher res that 4k user bestowed upon us
My mind is still blown at how well the hair is rendered
If they're not in their demon form they ages faster. I guess Vergil being turned into Mundus' toy demon preserved some of his youth
I want Dante and Nero in Power Rangers outfits.
Yes, that's it...I want to mess Vergil's hair...wait a second- user YOU TRICKED ME- THIS WAS A SET UP-----
But you must give me more fluffy hair now, since it's my dying wish.
DD2 is the pleb desire
Clearly God Hand 2 is the true patrician choice of a new game
Can they canonically stay in their demon form perpetually? or does Dante need a pizza break to juice up his Devil Form?
I'm pretty sure they can stay in DT nonstop if they want to, but that\ll just freak out the citizens of Redgrave wouldn't it?
And yes, comfier to eat pizza while human
I'm sorry for the typo and the delay, it's @tomitamanu
There's a lot of people still making art of it desu. The only thing that saddens me is that the pc version didn't come out when people still cared about it.
I think they can only keep their demon form permanently in the underworld, judging from DMC1
oh shit nigga so that's how they got the money
> that cheeky borb
god i miss it
Griffon and Shadow?
So that confirms DMC5 was a success, since Capcom already putting Itsuno to work on other shit
I want to ruffle his hair so bad
>style on him on DMD with Dante
>have problems on him with Nero, till i picked up gerbera 01 or whatever
Its kinda fun to bring him down to half hp with Nero while that solo violin is playing.
What do you anons do with Dante on Vergil's 2nd phase when he starts spamming JC? I can't get the timing right on all 4 of them, its a 50/50 for perfect RGs for me and i feel like using trickster is the pussy way out
The hair looks bad
>tfw unintentionally have more Dante than Nero pics now
>Okay it's been 30 minutes and I still don't see a pizza like you promised. Are you trying to swindle me?
A shame they don't look like identical twins anymore, or at least have strikingly similar faces, with the exception being their voices.
the duality of man
>just S ranked SoS
Onto DMD
He is much more mechanically complex but lacks the BS regen and Dante has much more tools at his disposal.
doesn't look so bad considering it's painted, post the Dante one as well
Why is Dante doing that with his mouth? Is he imagining sucking on those tits or something? He has no shame.
I can understand that in DMC3, but they went separate ways and the different looks clearly illustrate that as well
>Lady in Ada's dress
>Nico in Claire's outfit
>Trish in the Katherine's dress
>Nero in Leon's noir outfit
modders please
He's not talking about nero's hair per se, but the miniature hair
Leash that thirst user
i'm not a 3d fag but that's a good drawing idea
I think we can all use more of this
>DMC5 team and the new project team
Plot twist: this is the same team.
Is there one that replaces him with Vergil?
You gotta be pretty shameless to be looking at a porn mag in front of your brother and mom lookalike.
>blue stahli
my nigga
I remember those threads where people were posting songs that would fit as Dante's theme before it came out
Next gen is around the corner, so they'll probably have a SE for next gen consoles, especially if there are DLCs, if they release DLC then it's guaranteed to have next gen SE
How do I deal with Vergil putting spinning blades on me? I'm trying to get good and want to clear his fight without continues, but after I get him to half HP and he transforms, he ravages my ass. It wouldn't be that bad, if he didn't some spinning blades around me, so at the critical moment, they cut me and I get hit with his rush attack.
an user posted what he was looking at using that camera injection mod
> mfw I didn't save the picture
>tfw Suy is Lady in real life and she's already taken
jump with Balrog as Dante (make sure you buy that balrog damage jump upgrade) jump and attack as Nero, that destroys them
Switch to Balrog and jump, rolling blaze takes care of them.
>How do I deal with Vergil putting spinning blades on me?
There's still Lady facemodel
DMC5 Vergil is between Vergil 2 and Vergil 3 in terms of difficulty on equivalent difficulties with no items.
I'd say about as hard as Vergil 3 if you avoid SDT entirely.
I haven't seen one but I found this kek
I wonder if Vergil would look good with Leon's noir hair
Thank you anons. I'll do my best.
>with gun
He's perfect but I'm arresting this man, you cannot stop me.
They're not identical anymore..
Dante looks like he's been through literal hell (I think he'd look 10 years younger if he shaves?), and Vergil looks like he took a dip in the fountain of youth compared Dante.
Honestly the thing that confused me were Vergil's lips, I mean I love them but...I never expected he'd have those lips or that jaw. But hey it turned out well.
Fucking Vergil and his fucking portals.
>I never expected he'd have those lips
Same, those lips are a gift from the gods, I love them so much.
Mr X gonna have a new hole ripped
Leaked Lady gameplay from the Ladies Night DLC, don't sic the Capcops on me pls
If Yamato can open portals
Bootleg Yamato that Nero summons can open portals too?
I'm glad DMC threads have started to slow down here. I'm really tired of all the Fujoposting and tumblr wars.
It IS bootleg.
That's only during fujo hours, now it's comfy hours
I've got plenty
we do have a third of the unique posters we used to have though
"Hey Vergil! Now you can shit in stereo!"
Bring 'em
>Rape blossoms
And thats how nero was born
Yamato! My wife!
>rape blossoms
I need that Itsuno face without background
Why the fuck isn't there any 'enjoy the taste of this pear' edit?! What the fuck is wrong with DMCfags with editing skills?? It's been a month since the game came out and still nothing. Just slap a pear on Nightmare while V does the deranged laugh taunt.
If anyone is ever gonna do this, know that I love ya
Yamato really looks good in DMC5, i love the new power and effects. It's draw between her and DMC5 Red Queen in my favorite swords,
>Yamato and autism is genetic
It's better if they're chasing you because it means they aren't killing Griffon and Shadow, same for Hell and Hell (where they get orb'd in one hit). Use air taunts and jump cancels to build Nightmare, use Nightmare for i-frames and resurrecting the other two when they pop, keep Griffon charging and Shadow attacking at all times and don't get hit.
A man of taste. Replicas when?
>what the fuck is this kid
Is Yamato Nero's mom?
When Mikami goes back to Capcom
I'm planning to go in a trip to Japan, maybe i will search for some good smith there to make a Yamato replica. It's one of those Katanas that looks good in house decoration. Does someone have that Yamato render with all parts?
He has three JC variants on DMD.
In phase 1 he only does the regular single JC.
In DT phase and beyond he pulls 4 JCs chained together with different speeds depending on his state.
If he's in the air the time between the JC bubbles is shorter and if he's on the ground they're almost instant
Find it kind of funny that some of his animations still use Yamato in the down version during attacks then switches to up after he sheathes it. I will kinda miss him holding it down in his ilde stance.
That's gonna be mad expensive user
Is this what you're looking for?
Also Yamato is such a cute swordfu
Aside from the human skin wrapping.
Hmm. Not the image I clicked on but alright
Can we get ramkes of 1 and 2 on a similar level of the Resident Evil ones?
Meh, money isn't really a problem, i got no family and nothing to really waste it on.
This, thanks
>haha foolish boy
>what is DMC3 Jackpot scene
>DMC DLC died for this
maybe I should try playing DD
>DMC board game
Will it be fun
It would be less the five grand. Not cheap, but considering it's a handmade sword it's not terrible either.
Do it user, its actually real good.
Lucky bastard. Here's my ref list. Take care of her.
>I can't get the timing on rapid slash
why bother when you can just royal revenge it
Thanks bro, those gold parts are really dapper
I can't fucking stand this Kickstarter only boardgame fad.
>he doesn’t have the bullshit regen
he does tho. It's just a lot slower
So what is this?
clearly skin
did you open the atos/nrmr files?
>Bootleg Yamato can open portals
>The destination is random but it can go anywhere
Do it. Be warned though, the first hours are pretty weak and boring though once you get to Gran Soren the game starts getting better and giving you more options. And from that point onwards the fun factor just keeps on rising until you reach the post game content which is really fucking great
Aaaaa, fuck that Vergil. I had the son of a bitch, I did some amazing guards and counters in his superman phase. Then he destroyed me with like a sliver of HP
I am dead inside while playing as V and mildly enjoy Nero, but Dante is pure fucking euphoria, what is it that makes him more fun by such a large margin? How are they gonna top his 5 moveset?
Psssh kid
>nero tries to open a portal to hell with Bootleg Yamato to bring Dante and Vergil back
>bootleg portal is opened to heaven
>perfect guard every single slash
>fuck him up hard in phase 1-2
>doppelganger shows up and I choke harder then never before
This has been my time in dmd everytime.
>bootleg portal is opened to Mundus
Enjoy PTSD Vergil ride when he and Dante will try to save the princess from the castle.
DT stinger wrecks doppelganger, or just shotgun him a few times m8
None of them could ever get the fine details right, like the hamon on the blade or the demon foreskin texture of the wrapping, let alone all the flashy engravings
It's what happened to me too. I charge up the RG for the super saiyan phase then unload on the guy during that phase. Then, we both drop outta it and I chose at the last stretch.
You know what'd be cool?
A Nevan themed metal guitar that's wireless with purple LED lights.
>demon foreskin
It's the texture for the handle wrappings
Judgement cut delet this or I'll have a cringe stroke
Does DD have a bloody palace? Didn't think so. DMC 1 - Dragon's Dorkma 0
DMC3 Vergil isn't as fun as I remembered
Am I supposed to switch weapons every 3 milliseconds?
>bootleg portal opens to DmC
The styles are really good and the weapons are all functional but different, best iteration of Dante yes. Probably most complex/best action game character for the time being unless Bayonetta 3 surprises everyone.
playing as him or fighting against him?
you could literally just use Trickster and equip Rebellion and you'd still have fun defeating him and dodging his attacks.
Oh my bad, I meant playing as him
>what is everfall
What form of bad end is this
Rips of the mission clear photos FUCKING WHEN
Does jumping in DMC1 have iframes or do most attacks just have little to no verticality in their hitbox?
>Since demons and "angels" are the same thing in DMC urns out Heaven it's just another realm for exiled demons
You were about to make me choke on a Jolly Rancher, you fucker.
>implying anyone can stay flaccid when experiencing that ass
Sort of. I can still divekick vergil into submission from wherever he wants to be for v3 but dmc5's Vergil actually has attacks I have to respect
>bloody palace
>floors filled with enemies and bosses
>floors filled with enemies and bosses but with better transitions and loot
You rang?
wait why is DD's endgame faceplanting into concrete?
What did user mean by this
Killer bee JC?
I can't jump cancel for shit
He also got to be the protagonist of a sentai show.
Is that the pizza model from the game? No wonder Lady keeps getting friendzoned by Dante, she eats pizza with olives.
>tfw no tomboy devil hunter gf
>tfw no christian big ass innocent gf
There are no Christian girls who are into Anime weeb shit.
there is
DD loot system is garbage
It gets even better
have sex
I need a second monitor, i'm addicted to these threads and can't play anything
What's your excuse for not already having a second monitor?
Are you perhaps POOR?
Yeah. It's kind of silly how you can handle that entire fight with nothing but that.
I wasted all my money on a 144hz monitor
It's like my third eye has been opened
Will he pander Nero's newfound power autism and make him Nero Angelo?
..is it at least IPS?
>unless Bayonetta 3 surprises everyone.
Unless they go in an opposite direction from 2, the forward direction is just going to be WT fucking everything up again by being required to do anything on IC.
I just hope all the weapons are FUN to use this time around. For the life of me I'm just too stupid to understand how the bow is supposed to be used
I don't know, it's a AOC G2460PF
post proofs. Oh you don't have any?
Three bosses before Mundus are Jack Pott, Gilver, and finally Nero Blanco Angelo
>unless Bayonetta 3 surprises everyone
user, i...
Fucking hell
>*Makes you gay/Enforces your daddy issues*
Heh, adiĂłs kid
Sexy lad
>The “yellow carpet” of rape blossoms is near Otemon Gate, about a 10-minute walk from Shimbashi Station. Apparently some 300,000 stalks of rape plant grow in this field! Unfortunately, when I visited the weather wasn’t too great (although the sky was clear when I left my home!), but the contrast between the skyscrapers and the rape blossoms was vivid and interesting to see.
>As you walk deeper into the field of rape blossoms, you’ll soon see a poetic plum tree grove in the vicinity of the water-bus pier.
>From late February to mid-March, you can enjoy elegant plum blossoms in addition to the lovely rape blossoms in Tokyo and its surrounding areas.The rape blossoms in Hamarikyu Gardens bloom between the beginning and end of March. In mid-March, the plum trees will be in bloom. And, beautiful cherry blossoms bloom in early April.
user, NO! I'm weak!
>over shoulder camera of bayo and just limited to some weapons.
Oh no
bloody palace coop, yay
capcom, why are you doing this
>Jack Pott
>not Nyto Crimsontomb
What if they were all wrong and he was actually Dante’s kid
>>has half nippon wife
>Will they release a Special Edition?
It is the only way for playable Vergil to happen
I honestly prefer Vergil's.
>no playable REAL Vergil in Vergil may Vergil V(ergil) game
It's perfect
Mundus doesn't like failures and Nelo Angelo failed pretty hard to stop Dante. He'd probably have to come up with a better idea than shoving Sparda descendants in cool armors.
>mfw I had a cute dream about Vergil, but then he morphed into my dad
Papa Vergil memes got into your brain
Why so slow today
Glad I’m not the only one who wants it to be called that
I just want to see what the fuck they're going to write. They already have demons, angels and time travel.
What's next? Alternate dimensions? Traveling through galaxy?
Kamiya is a hack.
Is this from the CG magazine?
I like that way, it's comfy
Nah. By the way it should come out today, jap time.
What's coming out? The magazine? What's this from anyway?
why does donguri keep uploading videos with the same combos in them
Jap/korean twitter. People are screenarchering a lot lately.
There's a tool to let you pause cutscenes and move the camera freely during them
Just consider them a progression chart
Could an entire graphic novel of Sparda be made?
Because he's been doing that for literally 10 years.
His strong suit is getting down a strict A>B>C formula combo and then executing on it. When it comes to freestyle and the like he's not all that good because it's not what he's spent a decade focusing on.
Doesn’t sound very fun to me
It requires a very specific kind of autism to enjoy but if they enjoy it then that's all that really matters I guess.
I feel like he's still trying to apply his guard flying formula to playing DMC5, resulting in boring combos.
This is gold, how did I never see this before
I miss easy mode is now selectable
Vergil's lips look just normal to me, nothing special
You word it like this and I'm like WHY isn't he a bonus unlock
So this basically confirms no Vergil expansion then. Well lads it's a sad day but DMC5 is officially worse than 3 and DmC is STILL the only game to give Vergil a proper DLC.
His moves have a lot more leniency in terms of startup and recovery time, he's less aggressive overall, and the player has way more tools available than in 3.
I guess if you let more than one clone spawn he might be tougher. With just him and one the pace is brought way up, but they can be killed.
>So this basically confirms no Vergil expansion then
?? What's your logic on this
Sparda and his feats seem like they work better as a legend, hell not even Dante and Vergil knew him well since he disappeared early.
Unless you're talking about his time as a family man, maybe clarifying a little about his and Eva's last years.
>Itsuno is already on a new project
>that means any DLC we get for DMC5 will be minor stuff at best like costumes
>if we get new characters they'll be botched like DMC4:SE and even worse Vergil will just be going through everyone's levels again with his DMC4:SE moveset
It's over
>So this basically confirms no Vergil expansion then
U w0t
It’s reverse psychologie
I've been searching for this mod for a while
That could be DMC5 DLC team too, but even if it is not, Vergil has already a complete moveset, they can do it without Itsuno babysitting them. Hell, the DLC may be already almost done at this point.
i don't know, if there's a DMC5 team and a new project team, that implies 5 will have support going forward as development on the new project starts to rev up.
IF they are making a proper Vergil DLC, Itsuno's role in the matter would have been done a while ago leaving him free to start on his next project. The post really doesn't indicate much
vergil is already a playable character in game, even if without usable moves besides his basic attack. I bet he's already done or mostly planned, especially since the rest of his moveset exists as vergil boss battle. They don't need Itsuno to finish and deliver it if it's just a playable character, without story.
It's a possibility sure, all the major work on DLC could be done so Itsuno isn't needed to supervise the final touches, but it's still a warning light regardless of how you look at it. I'm too pessimistic to see any kind of good here.
This. Blade down is how he should always hold it. It switches really inconsistently in both cutscenes and gameplay in 5.
>That could be DMC5 DLC team too
yeah no
CGWORLD pages when
I might be retarded cause I never noticed any instance of it being inconsistent. Got a specific moment that I can look out for next time?
Is that the singing in the rain dance or what is this.
his devil arms are gonna be fist weapons aren't they
It's gonna be something hat gives him two mpre arms for full giga nigga Asura mode
he needs to cut his nails
Vergil can wear anything and look good, it's amazing
It makes me imagine something like that mission in 3 where you’re stuck in devil trigger until the end with health draining.
Instead you get stuck in an Angelo armor that’s trying to take you over, and at the end of the mission you unlock it as a costume or new weapon for yourself based on the armour.
His lips are plump. In my eyes they are perfect. The problem I have with V's mouth overall is that it's too big.
Yes, it was a singin in the rain reference
When he's first reborn it has the blade up, in the next shot of him the blade is down, in the shot when he picks up the book it's up, when he opens the portal it's down.
Almost all of his combos are animated as though the blade is down and it's being drawn and returned that way, but the animation immediately flips the sheath so that the blade is up when he's in a neutral position.
Is it casual if I use Gold Orbs if I'm doing a RG only run? I just have a lot and just want to practice my timings on everything.
Use BP warm-up for that bro, or even Void
>Is it casual if I use Gold Orbs if I'm doing a RG only run?
Practice is practice, man. Hope you get better.
Well I hope he doesn't
Is 5Dante kit the most complete and complex out of all "cuhrayzee" genre?
King cerberus nunchuks alone has more moves than many other characters in the genre.
SS subhuman feels more hype than SSS, i like YOU CANNOT KILL ME alot but they should be reversed
Oh is him radiating the aura constant after the taunt is used?
Im on DMD how to build more DT Sin form faster sir?
>Probably most complex/best action game character
It's Bayonetta 1
Kamiya is just an idiot on twitter. The father of DMC has some of the best game credits in the industry.
El unga goblino
>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim
Doesn’t Bayonetta have really large move sets for her weapons?
I only played a demo but I remember being overwhelmed by the number of combos she had.
RG, air taunts and just hit them LOL and JC Revolver 2 spam is pretty good
All of Bayonetta's stuff is dial-a-combo, it doesn't have the freedom of DMC's stuff so its potential is less
>It's Bayonetta 1
I'll admit it's been since the wii u since I've played Bayo 1. But what was complex about Bayonetta's control scheme.
Dodge offset? Parrying in NSIC? Couldn't be the weapon or moveset as you're not given a whole lot of flexibility. I guess I'm in the mood to play it again so I'll go experience it.
Thanks Dante, I haven't had my dose in a while
pin em to a gray wall
Bayo's combo list is shared between weapons so seems a lot bigger than it is. For example PPPKKK will always have three melee attacks with your hand weapon followed by two low spin kicks that trip and a straight kick with weave regardless of what you have equipped (except Rodin).
How the fuck do you do the different moves while riding Punchline?
Melee attack, shoot, and breaker are the inputs used for doing Punchline tricks.
Pretty sure you have 3 moves. Gun/Sword/Breaker. Jump takes you down of the punchline. Also you can knuckle at all times.
What, they look just a little more than thin to me, not that it's a bad thing
>The problem I have with V's mouth overall is that it's too big.
Yeah, not in every shot, but it can look like a rubber dinghy at times. A sexy rubber dinghy
If you're talking complete and complex that is still Gene, Dante definitely has the most options but with that comes the most filler.
>more filler than Gene's 80% useless move list
come on now man
Take a look to a few of Vergil's pics they are plump the same as his model Maxim :) but yeah I can understand why you like his mouth find him attractive. He's not the kind of guy I find attractive so maybe I'm biased because of this.
DSD Round trips. This move absolutely cheeses him. As long a you royal guard a few summoned swords here and there you should S rank the mission no problem.
Nah there are different imputs for different shit.
80% is a wild exaggeration, most moves can be made useful when you build properly, and aren't locked into otherwise fantastic weapons like most of KC's firestaff moves or two revolvers.
>it doesn't have the freedom of DMC's stuff so its potential is less
I guess if you played it, you didn't play it enough
They have different animations. Otherwise we could be saying the same with all the back+imput forward+imput etc stuff in DMC
t. not Alexander
I do remember seeing a bit of homogeny between moves. With her weapons looking a bit more like tweaks of the same core than different beasts entirely.
Thank you.
>They have different animations
Only sometimes and only for the punch parts, the kick parts of combos have the exact same animations for every weapon every time (except Rodin).
Most of the moves literally share the exact same properties and effects. Then you also have all the upgrade moves and then you also have all the pointless trash like most regular punches since the final multihit ones that you unlock are infinitely better than anything else.
It's filled to the brim with bloat
>Doesn’t Bayonetta have really large move sets for her weapons?
Bayo has a giant moveset but it's essentially the same across all the different weapons.
The main difference between weapons are their special properties, damage and speed
So, is Dante stuck with just one loadout for the entirety of Bloody Palace, or can you change it later?
Are the timings for Exceed and a Bringer knuckle different?
Wonder whether it would be viable to bind them to the same key.
Kyrie my ex now suing me for child support, what do
A less to anons on Yea Forums: Look (size) of your lips changes depending on your expressions/how you talk. Hence why Vergil's lips, that are far cry from THIN (in fact, he has most fat lips in this game), look thinner than when he hes completely resting face (render/pic-related).
You're welcome for this lesson.
The timings are different. Doing knuckle at the same time as a successful ex-act will cancel into a buster, instead.
Knuckle is very linient while exceed is tight. Would be an interesting idea to try.
Should have used her as a model instead desu. Not that I don't like current Lady, but Sui is cuter. Though I think Reuben would be creeped out.
>Are the timings for Exceed and a Bringer knuckle different?
>Wonder whether it would be viable to bind them to the same key.
apart from the timing issue it would be absolutely dumb to do since you don't want to use bringer knuckle all the time.
The main usage of bringer knuckle is to kill the momentum of an enemy and thus not launch an enemy with an attack that would otherwise do so (eg bringer knuckle on streak doesn't launch an enemy forward)
>we have finally reached the point in which someone has to explain retards how mouth work
What's next?
We teach people how to exdee and enemy step, so...
Its a 1-2-3 timing
Why do you DMCfags always start fights with Sekirofags? There's been like several threads proclaiming that DMC5 is better than Sekiro in the last several days.
Why so insecure?
>what is a falseflag
DMCfags like Sekiro too dummy
I can say the same about dozens of sekiro threads and the reaponse is its not either but a group of shitposters
There are no "us", dude. And that is called a b8 thread. Just ignore, anons don't shit on sekiro in dmc threads.
Thanks for posting this pic. I'm always amazed by it every time, even if I saw it approximately a thousand of times now. I'm never tired of his beauty.
No I don't, but I don't make bait threads either
Yeay! We've finally reached THAT point in these threads. Now, someone please explain how squinting works while at it and how people tend to squint their eyes when:
>they're outside
>they make stern/angry expression
Somebody explain those as well since I saw a lot anons confused at: "Why are Vergil's eyes squinty in comparison to Maxim's resting face. Why aren't his eyes same shape like Maxim's?"
>15th June
>tfw that’s my birthday
this is like the third post like this I've seen and I'm starting to think you're the one falseflagging trying to start shit
>tfw it's also my best friend's birthday
Dodge offset alone is one of the best evolutions for the genre. If you actually know how to use it right.
Taunt offset
Panter offset
Crow Offset
Umbran Spear Offset aswell
> Couldn't be the weapon or moveset as you're not given a whole lot of flexibility.
What foolishness makes you think something like that?
It has more weapons. 4 weapons at a time. If you switch those same 4 weapons you get diffent combos aswell. You can acces all of your weapons in a mission.
Learn to play it right and enjoy it.
As much homogeny between moves as there is in stinger and streak I won''t make a list. Please use your brain or go replay it.
Sekirofags do the same
shitposters gonna shitpost user
DmCfags are getting worse than Smashtards and KHbabs.
Happy birthday here, a Vergil for you.
>Why are Vergil's eyes squinty in comparison to Maxim's resting face.
I'm honestly starting to think that some anons on these threads never went outside and met another human being in their life. It really feels that way.
sekiro and dmc5 are both good games you fuck stop trying to start thread wars
so you admit you are just shitposting to start shit ok
Naisu beito meito
Now you just dropped the facade, good riddance
>mfw mine is the 16th
Patty? Is that you?
T-thanks but it’s April user
Maybe I’m your bff
is it wrong for me to say that Exceed was easier in 4 turbo than in 5 default?
It's the same hue-hue retard that tried to start shit between V and Vergilfags. He literally, and I mean LITERALLY, uses same format. Only differences are that he uses DMCfags starting fight with Sekiro fags instead of "Why do Vergilfags always start fights with Vfags?"
Literally the same comments!
>mfw had a dream of having all four of Dante's styles and killing thugs with SWORDTRICKSWORDROYALGUARDGUNSWORD
What did it mean by this?
Yes, Exceed is much easier in 5 i'm not complaining. Watch the GDC appresentation
>Learn to play it right
I was actually going to engage in some back and forth until I saw such a silly reply like this. I PP'd NSIC and IC. I feel there isn't a more definitive example of learning how to play it "right" than that. See you.
>mfw it was two days ago
>Nero in Sekiro: he can counter grab grapples
>Wolf in DMC: he can sneak past demons or stealth kill them
now THIS is how you get some (You)'s
What the fuck is wrong with you, i already apologized and i was only mad about the gay posting that day. I really did striked a nerve, huh? Rent free
habby birthday V
I'd be shitposting too all day long if I lived in hue land and had puffy nipples like that guy.
>finally got all blorbs and porbs
now to just git good, see you in a million years
I just wanted an excuse to post Vergil
You played too much DMC user or spent too much time in these threads.
Shit's hilarious tho
Run out of arguments to defend yourselves already? Fucking cancer. Mods should ban this general for instigating flamewars. Enjoy you death soon, scum.
>CG render
Trish CG face render looks stunning and looks like OG Trish.
Your lesson is invalid.
S m o l l l i p s
>hurrr I'm not the one instigating flame wars, you are!
keep whining bitchboy
It's just funny at this point, kek.
Barry we talked about this, its not healthy, your obsession with games better than XV is going to give you a stroke
My birthday is April 30th.
It was a day when Vergil returned Yamato.
(You) aren't even trying at this point.
Are you really so autistic that you don't realize the irony in your statement?
>looks stunning
Trish looks like horse in the game, nothing like her render at all, what are you talking about?
She does have the same features retard, she is a just worst in game.
>upgrading moves = bloat
That's called progression you penis.
>5 Trish
We are here FOREVER. And then more with DMC6
Is this a Vergil taunt posting now? SHCUM
Now that DMC5 is out an the 11 year wait is over what other games are you guys looking forward to?
I got none, dmc5 literally got me out of a 5 year no gaming hiatus
Stop talking in Vergil quotes NOW
You're the silly one. To play the stylish action genre right you must experiment with your toolkit and not have a boring brain. With that you will have amazing results.
If you PP NSIC you're good at the game.
the old moves become bloat you moron
Doom Eternal maybe. DMC5 DLC/DMC6, DD2
You came all the way itt, just for that?
Nothing. Probably going to look into 4se because I only have the original version and Sekiro. I've been left satisfied, really all I want to do is play as Trish Lady and Vergil
>Tree Urizen in DMD
What the fuck is wrong with her shin and neck? She looks like she has giga double chin and her neck looks absolutely retarded there. Pic very related.
So easy to get (you)s in this general. Pathetic.
It has nothing to do with you, stand down.
Love ya too user
Thanks OP
Why does Lady have such cute tits
Think closeups just don't work for her, I can see the line where her neck ends on the right, but on the first sight she did look a bit chubby.
If they once served a purpose and you aren't forced to carry them with you after they're finished serving that purpose they can't be bloat, dummy. Is Stinger 1 bloat because it turns into Stinger 2 later? You're just being an obnoxious retard for the sake of it, suck my dick and choke.
original poster
Yep, that's how it works. Stay mad because I have more than you.
Because she's cute all around
>Is Stinger 1 bloat because it turns into Stinger 2 later?
That is not the same as this
If we bug Capcom enough, will they give us Phantom summon?
lmao in no world is Gene more complex than Dante.
why not both?
Besides the obvious interest in what is next for DMC, I also can't get exited over any other game, even though I played some over the years. Maybe a little hope for continuation of Resident Evil, but mostly to see if Wesker really returns.
It's more kino
What do you think the word "and" means?
The only OP is who start the thrad my dear newfag
Her nose still kind of bugs me, but it's not as bad in that render. That hairstyle does not look good on her. I remember someone used FaceApp to give her different hairstyles, and it made her look much better despite not changing her face at all. Actually I thought she looked much better facially in this render, despite it being part of the OH NONONO posting when it came out.
That user didn't say anything about how she looked in game, can you not read?
Spotted the retard.
Cavaliere's cute
I know
but he technically isn't wrong don't bully him
Wonder how threatening Dante would have been if he was put in an Angelo armor.
What makes Dante not "complete"?
No they hide their teeth
I am cautiously looking forward to DOOM Eternal and MK11, but not nearly as much as I was for DMC5. Also Animal Crossing 2019 although we know nothing about it, maybe something will be revealed at E3.
As I said she has the same features in both but is worse in game. Her render help her case a bit. It's not complicated to understand.
la goblina diablos...
Let me giive you another precious piece of info
It involves this
Quite the blessed artist...but be careful. Some of his/her art bites
I want to cuddle her
new thread
Who's the red one?
Keep going, you retarded buffoon.
Proto Angelo
And when I say bites I mostly mean Shadow and...
He looks pretty buff to me
>in game
I know you mean like in cutscenes but Trish actually looks kinda cute during gameplay. Wait did that shot of Trish ever actually happen in a cutscene in game? I don't remember it. I remember they used it for TGS, and it doesn't look like a normal render because there's stuff in the background, it looks like the inside of the Qliphoth in Mission 10. Why would they bother making that picture of her if it's not even a scene in the game and it's not flattering at all? There are other shots of her that make her look much better than that.
With his diet it's no wonder he gets bloated.
>That user didn't say anything about how she looked in game, can you not read?
All of those brainlets CANNOT read
Shadow and V I'm guessing? I think most people saw that coming. I'm a little surprised about people going for Griffon and V.
Ape Escape 4
It's high quality CG. She looks extremely beautiful there. She never looks like that in the actual game
Well to be fair during this scene she is motion, so of course she looks weird there. If I remember correctly it's when she passed Dante and say "hurry up Dante" or something like that.
I'm looking forward to a few games on the Switch but I don't have one yet and these games aren't available yet anyway, like SMT5, FE16 or Bayonetta 3.
>that spoiler
I had my no gaming hiatus for almost 2 years but I finally had the free time I needed to complete DMC1 and another game since one month ago. I don't have anything I can use to play DMC4 or 5 so I'll focus on DMC3 and some megaten games until I have the money for a PS4
Yeah, it's on pic related cutscene
okay, how the fuck do you pull up someone's gallery without making a twitter account? I feel stupid for not getting it, but it keeps trying to make create one.
'bloat' has absolutely fuck all to do with it. A huge amount of Gene's moves are "bloat", doesn't make him any less complete as you like to put it. Dante's moves generally all serve a purpose with very few exceptions here and there. There's very few redundant moves in his moveset.
WHY IS THERE NOT MORE V x MALPHAS out there, you tastless drawfags
>If I remember correctly it's when she passed Dante and say "hurry up Dante" or something like that.
nah that was this scene, and I actually thought she looked good here. In that pic she's just standing still. Weird.