Claiming Jade.
ITT: we claim our Waifu
please do not lewd the toobs
I love Fuuka!
my wife ilsa
First vidya crush
I claim all these ^ and v for me.
Can one have many waifus?
I love my gorgeous wife!
We will always be together
Reminder Mahiru covered up a murderer even if she wasn't /despaired and no one gives a shit
How based
Lieutenant Mira is mine, fuck off now or eat bolt gun.
>best girl doesn't win again
Such a fucking shame, I love coffee
Kanny is kawaii!
go to bed, gaider
Since the release of Awakening and now through Smash and FEH
protect that smile
Sadayo claimed.
What did she not win?
i love aba
I claim my wife Kasumi!
you lose
My wife can do better than cuck-co-nut
True, but she's probably sad now
Turn around.
I’m going to marry Freya!
>having more than 1 waifu
>More than one
There we go...
>high iq
>plays vidya
>named after an imageboard
>cute & funny
My waifu is literally perfect.
I love Anne.
Nothing disgraceful about Freya
ITT: pathetic faggots
Surprised no one claimed her yet.
She won in the manga though didn't she?
rats are gross
My one and only.
No, the guys doing the anime were the Sayafaggots. The real author always intended his waifu Hotaru to win.
Why? She's not even waifu material.
Agreed, I have no idea what the anime guys were smoking.
Nah I meant Hotaru. She'll stick around for a bit then leave, more likely. at least go for the long term plan.
>Nah I meant Hotaru
Then you're just as gay and contrarian as they are.
Dibs on Pyra
Maybe it's because she is taken Cloud.
fapping to your waifu
>you will never cuddle with 2B in bed, holding her from behind, stroking your hands through her hair, kissing the back of her neck, interlocking fingers with her, rubbing noses together, put a collar and leash on her and take her naked for walks in the park at night and have her shit and piss everywhere like a dog
The only thing I claim is my undying love for Fuuka!
I love Olivia!
I love Nei!
Robots don’t s or p
I love Bayonetta! Claimed.
fuck off footfag
Is it wrong if I use mods after finishing her quest to make her look not like an addict
how could such a shitty series have such amazing girls. Only flat girl I like
Claiming Maya.
>all of this anime shit
Begone from my sight
My waifu is so rare she only exists for ants
I love Callie!
Theres not enough Mahiru lewds. Fix it.
I'm gonna grab two
Nuru is my wife
I love Curly!
Fuck kasumi
I want to BLACK 2B!
But she wanted to coconut.
Leave my wife alone please
Says the bastard...
but you're not black...
>posts NTRgirl
Its weird that theres no fetish about anime girls fucking neckbeards. Its the same kind of wish fulfillment fantasy as girls actually wanting to fuck blacks.
old news
stay in your closet while bestgirl handles it all
>not the coconut
>"free spirited" "journalist" roastie who had 40 dicks in her MINIMUM before you came along including some of those weird furry races they had
Yeah you can keep her
I don't even know what you're talking about
Mine, but you can have the Catalyst version
I love these threads because i dont even have to scroll through to know that no one has claimed mine.
At once?
Claiming the most underrated Bioware waifu
Who knows what went on in that weird lighthouse hippie commune they had
Damn it!
Thats a terrible image of her.
Get cucked Bill
the one made up of mostly little girls?
Leave my wife alone please. It's time for her workout
Sayori. I have no shame.
Good waifu, here is mine
Excellent taste, user
Sayori was to pure even for the fake world, let alone this one.
>Tsundere of KOTOR
Good taste, user.
Jade always looks good, but I'll post another.
My tomboy princess!
She is just so perfect.
Ready for 2?
Why just one?
I've been waiting so long for 2...
If it has more Jade in it then I am inclined to check it out; however my initial response to the first BGE2 trailer was lukewarm at best. Who knows though maybe the slightly darker tone might work.
I really just want an RPG sequel with fun mini-games, awesome music, and most importantly the characters (Jade, Pey'J, Double H).
This always sounds like shes getting aids or something. Just say fuck, retard.
>why just one?
>Posts 2D, 3D, and 3DPG
>78 fucking waifus
You disgust me honestly. Finding other girls attractive is one thing. A waifu is different, but an incel like you could never understand commitment. Waifus aren't just fap bait, they are a part of you that makes you want to push yourself, and improve. A waifu will always stay by your side as long as you remain loyal, and believe in her.
Neck beards don't want to see reality as it is.
At least you have good taste in hentai.
Thats pretty accurate though. Bbc is mostly a male fantasy. Women dont like blacks as partners in dating.
Lilly belongs to me.
>You disgust me honestly. Finding other girls attractive is one thing. A waifu is different, but an incel like you could never understand commitment. Waifus aren't just fap bait, they are a part of you that makes you want to push yourself, and improve. A waifu will always stay by your side as long as you remain loyal, and believe in her.
Ok, though for me it's just my favorite female characters that I also find attractive.
There is, they look like this.
>he thinks I wouldn't honestly and truly live a happy life with literally every girl on this chart
I pity the size of your heart that only contains enough love for a single person.
Who let you out of /fog/?
How the fuck are you supposed to love that many? It's barely love at that fucking point holy fuck.
I'll take a Mithra, please.
Claimed Kitty
Too slow:
Good taste.
Not always true, desu. I know woman who care about that sort of thing, and women who don't.
That's not love. How can you love everybody on a personal level, let alone an intimate level beyond the scope of a close friendship.
>Pity your heart being only to love one person.
I love people other than my Waifu. My love is not like a common penny found in the street. I have compassion, understanding, and respect for many people, but my love is something that is sacred. If you love everyone then you in fact treat everyone as if they have no personal value to you above another person.
she doesn't even remotely look like that...
For me, it's Henrike.
For me, it's Saint Jeanne d'Arc, la Pucelle d'Orleans
I'm going to marry Makoto and make lots of little squirrel kids with her!
I recognize at least three of those hentai sluts
This is my wife, say something nice about her
What a stupid trope
cute horn
I love Kass!
And hey! It's not fair to make these threads while I'm working! I need to make a living to support my husbando, you know!
Claiming my wife Emilie for my exclusive personal use.
How many kids you shooting for, user? I'm aiming for at least a baseball team's worth with mine.
Based Kassfag, you damn homosexual
no thanks
this is not a husbando thread.
Thank you friend
So hostile today
Looks like a tranny
Jesus Christ. If you autistic fucks put this amount of energy out in the real world, you wouldn't even need shit like this. The OP said "Waifu" not "Waifus".
Also, I'll claim this little lady.
>Not always true, desu. I know woman who care about that sort of thing, and women who don't.
Im talking about what most women want and prefer. All the stats Ive seen show its tied between asian and black for least attractive in dating,
>My external apperance is down 5%. user, I need to be cleaned.
>baseball team
She is pretty color coordinated.
That's... a lot of pictures. That's some dedication. Keep working hard, user!
I love my fox wife!
>not seamlessly fusing a multitude of different waifus with similar character traits to create an Alpha-Omega amalgam waifu with all positives and negatives collectively evolved into a perfect apotheosis
my pig
Green lipstick (as well as blue lipstick) does things to my dick that my dick does not understand, but does appreciate.
but what if all the my desired traits are on one preexisting waifu?
I've met plenty of Asian women that are attracted to black/mulatto men.
Good choice.
fuck you nigger
>tfw all the fictional versions of my waifu are watered down from how great she is
What about black lipstick?
too slow
Claiming Quistis.
>I've met plenty of Asian women that are attracted to black/mulatto men.
I havent seen many but Im talking about stats. Obviously if you take the population as a whole there are going to be tons of different opinions
>I've met plenty of Asian women that are attracted to black/mulatto men.
So like what, .01% of the population?
Why does nobody ever claim the known waifufags waifu's in order to piss them off?
If somebody "claimed" her I would just post her anyway. Doesn't really matter to me I love her more than anybody else possibly could.
Because these threads are just a notch above "post my fetish" threads that never get deleted and the only people who come here are absolute degenerates.
You all are good people with good taste
Because I like delicious brown and super pale equally. So unless she's a were-melanist I don't see that working.
Nobody likes mine enough to bother but me lol
I love Reisen!
Waifus are already perfectly paired to the their husband. Pure perfection is boring. It is much easier to imagine your ideal waifu rather than to make the "ideal waifu". An ideal is utterly subjective to an individual.For example, short vs tall, flat vs busty, cheerful vs gloomy. Even if your waifu can change her appearance/ characteristics at will she would be inferior to an individuals waifu. The individual waifu is not a Ditto pokemon made to please everyone. The individual waifu is for you alone.Therefore no Aplha-Omega ideal of a waifu can exist.
One of downsides of statistics is that it can't give you a perfect model of group of people, simply because everyone is different . Stats is good for models, but models should be taken with a grain of salt along with what you witness in reality.
>One of downsides of statistics is that it can't give you a perfect model of group of people, simply because everyone is different . Stats is good for models, but models should be taken with a grain of salt along with what you witness in reality.
What do you even mean by this? Im taling about in general attraction. Its never 0% for any group.
I don't get it, can't I just fill everything I want with blue and the opposite with red? How the fuck do the rules work?
I am saying that general attraction doesn't exist, and that any hope of reaching that abstraction is a vain attempt.
Here is an example.
Blue is what you want in a partner. Red is what you are willing to tolerate in a partner. White means that you would not tolerate said value in a partner.
My wife Arcueid.
Not them, but is this how you'd go about it?
I'm super lenient in terms of preferences so it was mostly just based off her. Pink is red obviously.
>I am saying that general attraction doesn't exist, and that any hope of reaching that abstraction is a vain attempt
Its not perfect but you can absolutely see how different races view other races by stats. Saying "I know some asian women who dont care"doesnt change anything
>waifuing a one legged mutt
you got SHIT taste
Yuffie is about the only good taste I had when I was 15.
The good part about having an obscure waifu is that none of you fags will beat me to it
Not even best girl in that game. Reiter's scene was 100% goat.
Top tier taste.
Looks like you did right to me, user.
You can get an idea, but in my opinion first hand experience is more an important factor.
>Saying "I know some asian women who dont care"doesnt change anything
True my case study doesn't change your statistics. Your statistics don't really change my view. Let's just agree to disagree.
Wow, guess I get the ultimate best and most comfy waifu in vidya.
Lot of hard work for a good jump!
Green is the best
i LOVE to creampie my older sister
This is my wife
Are you supposed to organize this from inside-out or outside-in depending on what you’ll tolerate and what you like?
My wife a best
update when
Oh wait, never mind.
He IS top tier material.
I prefer my dick to not look like Shrek's.
As if. Cloud shut down after ruining the planet.
>tfw you will never search for Mithra porn for the first time ever again
Hurts a little.
Springfield is my wife
I love Lara!
Five is mine.
What now?
Im gonna go fully obscure.
I claim Mordessa from Enclave.
My angel on the pic related
My old hag wife!
Wait a second, I just realized this. What the hell happened with my pic? That was not what I originally posted.
my yuna
Bad thing is she probably smells pretty bad
You're still here
I HATE Sofia!
Must be that glitch where if you submit a pic at the exact same time as someone else, they swap.
Never heard of that glitch. Weird.
I love Aya Brea!
This witch is mine.
Magic Knight is my one and only.
sauce? reverse image search gives me nothing
>Search for the original of this
>It's just a normal looking cinnamon roll, nothing special about it
The internet was a mistake.
Is this canon?
I agree. Adding the cute woman improves it by so much!
Claiming Ms. OOOHOHOHO
what game was this again?
Bloodstained: Dusk of Vengeance
I like seeing bad things happen to my husbando!
Not claimed yet somehow. She's mind and I love her.
she was claimed, just not with an image
Well too bad him then, if he can't be assed enough to post an image of her.
Why does she have green lips ? And if its makeup then why it its not worn off after all that action ?
aa i see that normalfag Yea Forums thing
I love my dumb smelly hobo wife!
>he doesn't want a rainbow party
Always makes me happy to see a waifu thread up. Means Yea Forums isn't total shit, at least yet.
Yea Forums could be worse.
Stay back you filthy animals.
Not much worse though.
posting her again because i can
not bad, could be worse.
>Lisa Simpson cameo appearance
Good taste.
It must be lipstick since in the new trailer the Jade we see has regular lips.
She probably carries spare gloss around with her, and it is probably a really high quality.
There are so many obscure waifus out there.
And I love her fat best friend.
I want her to protect me.
Eating a lot =/= fat.
Halo Reach waifu marine, great taste
>mein nigha
She has shonen metabolism.
mado and i are in love
more flirtatious Susie lewds pls..?
I want her to sit on me
didnt expect this thread to be so based. btw annemarie > henrike
Lust isn't love. Why do so many people on this website not understand this?
i love yuna
unironically baste
Most people here aren't serious, retard (I hope.) The serious ones are mentally ill.
I love my perfect goddess Lenneth Valkyrie!
Fuck you, don't talk to me and my waifu like that.
I sincerely love Jeanne
You gotta be autistic to look through the entire thread to see if anyone posted your waifu. Just post them under the assumption they weren’t yet, by the time you sift through it they could’ve posted her by the time you did.
I don’t care if I’m breaking “rules”.
Looks like you don't know what love is as well.
Take your schizo meds.
My wife!
>most people here aren't serious
That's where you are wrong friend.
You're already autistic if you are posting in a waifu thread on an Anonymous Polynesian Windowcleaning Image Board. Don't act like you're above anyone here.
She's the best.
is it bad that i love her too user?
Read up on the definition of love. You're essentially saying it's mentally ill of someone to actually care about something past the surface level.
oh, wonderful
Good stuff.
Thinking back to my teenage years, I think it was Talim for me.