Are we believing the rumours? I reckon the announcement date will be true out of luck, unsure of release. With a Nintendo Direct this week.. Maybe (MAYBE) a Switch announcement coincided with a PC announcement too???
RDR2 PC April 22nd
yes, a 110gb game thats pushing current gen consoles to their absolute limits is coming to switch
come to your senses man
Perfect game for switch!
Yeah it's coming to switch and Arthur's coming to Smash.
Who cares? The game is dead.
Single player is tedious. Multiplayer is broken.
Omg i will be so happy if this game comes to switch. just imagine playing it while lying down.
It would be PERFECT on switch
Switch is just as powerful as ps4 if the game is optimised properly though
>the game is optimised properly
No such game.
You dont actually believe that right?
Switch cant even run gtav and thats a ps3 game. Heck it barely even runs 7 year old games like dark souls fucking 1 at 30 fps and its exclusives like botw look lile eqrly ps360 titles
Well, yeah, they don’t optimise them. Otherwise switch games would have looked as good as ps4 games
Nope, they exclusives look as good as ps4 games. DaS isn’t optimized and they never bothered to make a gta v port
>Nope, they exclusives look as good as ps4 games.
Jesus christ, Tendies really are delusional
Based retard.
>Are we believing the rumours?
As much as i want to, fuck no. The "source" is just some random guy from Yea Forums ffs.
even docket, the basedtch doesnt even hit 1tflops peak compute. Thats lower than the old base xbone which is inferior to the regular ps4.
In portable mode, the performance drops even further. And not to mention that it only has 4gb ram as opposed to the ps4 and xbone which have 8gb.
Jesus christ the delusion if fucking real. Most of the low end ps4 games look like a generation above the average switch game and the exclusives look like fucking shit
You fisher price tablet is trash cope more retard you should never buy nintendo products if you dont already own a ps4 or a pc and dont even pretend you do or else you wouldnt be desperately beggin for devs to aknowledge your uderpowered overpriced tablet
>RDR2:Online wasn't a cash-cow like GTA:O
>NEEDS a PC port to milk it dry for the next few years
Rockstar are fucking pathetic, never again will I buy another title from these hacks
holy cope
Yeah, but the game can be optimized to run on switch and look just as good if not better compared to ps4
>Switch announcement
How dumb of human being do you have to be to think this even remotely a possibility?
How is it underpowered if a regular switch game looks just as good as ps4 exclusive?
RDR2 is a single player game. Fuck off.
I'll play it. More to just get it out of the way rather than I'm dying to play it.
Why do people think its coming to pc
RDO would be dope on KBM, brah
Funny how all they've done to the single player since launch is downgrade the graphics. Even the new weapons that are getting added to MP won't be added to the SP.
It’s probably a lot more likely to come to switch than PC. I mean they would much rather work on the game with a specific platform in mind instead of all the different variations of PC-specs outhere
Rdo is bad all together. Idk why a different control would make it any better
I wish you would have provided examples of ps4 games that look better than switch exclusives. Oh, wait, it’s impossible
Is the online garbage? If so, that's a pirate.
be more subtle. you're shit at this.
lol consoleplen
It was dead on arrival and they haven't added shit to it since launch.
is this an epic new meme that i've missed?
Here's you Switch port bro
Have sex
kb+m doesn't suddenly add content actually worth your time to RDO.
based retard
Wait, nobody actually believes the Shitch could run RDR, right? No way some people are THIS delusional.
The wizards at R* could pull it off no problem
but hey you sure will enjoy clicking through the menus more!
Yeah, make it look like this and the Switch might be able to run it at 24fps
i'm assuming some discord kids are trying to force a rdr2 switch meme?
don't care. it looked so fucking boring i don't think ill even play it. might be one of those things i pirate, play for an hour and never return to
Have you like never touched a PC in your life?
lmao mad
>I haven't even played it so I know it's shit!
Literally better than any shooter that's come out on PC in the last 4 years lmao
Bro. Rdo is fuckin trash. A keyboard won't make it better. You are dumb as fuck.
You don’t seriously believe that do you?
Yes it will, deal with it.
Yeah, you'll be able to do literally nothing but with a keyboard and mouse this time, great!
>wow look at all this absolutely nothing to do! My keyboard added so many features!
If you like m/kb have I got a game for you.
Oof. My switch comment was satire, Skyrim is the only pretty game which runs stable on switch and that's nine years old.
Seriously though, PC WHEN?
and all those mp pvp modes and whatever but who plays multiplayer for that am i rite
i like all controls im not racist
>Red Dead series
Its been console exclusive since Red Dead Revolver. It would be weird if they jump straight release RDR2 to PC.
The Rumor about RDR2 PC is just a fake news.
>inb4 consloletard
Im dont even have PS4. I use my PC as my main gaming platform (also for work and other stuff too) Im just being a realist.
based retard
You're going to be sad when you actually play red dead online.
>i like all controls im not racist
most pc fats wont even be able to run the game at 4k
dude, i have an xbox
Please don't tell me you're a PC player who is actually excited for RDO? It's fucking awful.
Im sorry
yeah but its not like the pc has anything else lol
Wait what the heck? RD games were never exclusive to console. PC was a TINY minority in 2004, and RDR is an anomaly when it comes to modern Rockstar ports. They said why it didn't come. Sooo much info and hints it will be on PC, GTA V printed money on Steam
Take 2 publish Borderlands 3, why would it not be an Epic exc. Given that, I don't give a shit about it.
worth it for halo5 alone.
also for holding out hope for a 4k remaster of sh2 but thats never gonna happen
this has to be a falseflag
Man, the jews really did a number on you
prove me wrong :)
Red Dead were always exclusive to consoles. If they actually want to release Red Dead game on PC, they should port RDRevolver, RDR1 first instead of 2.
>takes picture
>looks at it
>what's missing..?
>oh yes a BOOK I really should get around to reading that one day
Nobody cares about Revolver and Redemption is held together with duct tape, it's literally impossible to port it to PC which is the only reason it hasn't happened.
i dont waste my time blaming everything on other people when i have a job that makes me money instead ;)
> (You)
There is no market in Red Dead Revolver PC, and the first Redemption game apparently was coded terribly.
Stop trolling
RDR its on 360 and its easy to port to PC if they want to.
Proof ?
With that logic, Why is destiny 1 not on PC?
Bro, the 360 and PS3 are nothing like PCs. Newer games are an easier port as the architecture is the same.
Google it- Rockstar said the game barely worked on ps3 and 360, porting it to PC would have been basically rewriting the whole code.
Fun fact: if you actually do google it, you'll find that thats a meme and not true at all. Go ahead.
>he didnt knew
360 is basically a locked PC.
>google it
Its fake then. RDR2 comes to PC when HL3 comes then.
It's been disproven already
>google it
>just links to a bunch of reddit posts
>they never bothered to make a gta v port
Yeah, because why bother porting one of history highest selling games to a new, well selling platform?
haven't even played the game on my ps4 pro still in chapter 2 and have not touched the game again
Thats cool man
I have always said the guy probably did it as a prediction but it seems very plausible. Yan who leaked the GTAO shit said last year it was targeted for June/July 2019. April will mark 6 months since RDR2 console
no it ain't i want the pc port i want 144fps on this game gtav on pc was god sent while on console it was laggy a f
chapter 6 is kino
gtav feels soulless at 60fps
>95 posts
>33 IPs
The absolute state of so(n)boys posting multiple times "it wont come to PC! im totally not the same guy!!!111)
I dont see it on pc
Its on xbox too
>you may only post once per thread