Why did Splatoon fail?
Why did Splatoon fail?
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It didn’t you massive faggot
It didn't?
Not safe for children
It squidn't
It didn't, it captured not just children, but also pedophile and sjw-trans-faggot audiences, bringing everyone happily together :) I love videogames.
>It didn't, it captured not just children, but also pedophile and sjw-trans-faggot audiences
>but also pedophile and sjw-trans-faggot audiences
>pedophile and sjw-trans-faggot audiences
Those are both the same thing you mong.
Because they had to work on Animal Crossing
Cute tummy
>played a bunch of matches yesterday
>no trouble getting rounds
what does 'fail' mean to you op?
It didn’t you dumb shit.
Now post woomies
I got something better!
>Has more sales in both vidya and merchandising then decades old franchises like Metroid, FE and Star Fox despite being only 4 years old
Just saw that video yesterday. It was pretty wholesome.
I have that stylus and I use it for everything. I unironically love it
pedophiles are minority
I wish it could for the horrible teammates and atrocious wifi i get on it, but it seems the community were ex sado-masochists and actually like getting raped
>Git gud
No amount of git gud can salvage an entire team of timmies, try again
>Poorfag's wifi
Checked multiple times, my wifi is excellent and i even play as close to the router to avoid disconnecting shenanigans
get an ethernet adapter user. It significantly improves the connection issues
I liked the Pearl and Marina exchange.
You suffer through soloq until you reach X, then you play with good people from twitter.
Thanks, i'll try, but first, i need a new screen bacause i can't play when half of the screen doesn't display images
Might as well wait for that new version of the Switch.
You can’t use the Ethernet adapter in handheld mode anyway.
post the webm, you know the one
Keep that shit out of here.
Post it.
if you never played Splatoon by now, (You) are the fail
I dont think it failed, but I kind of dropped the series. I preferred the maps and weapons in 1 a lot more, it just felt better to me. It really settled it for me when I realized the starter splattershot jr was the only loadout I could enjoy using. In 1 I loved the bucket but it seemed like it got nerfed hard, my favorite was double squelcher which at the time I quit was not in the game. Did they ever add it?
I traded it in when I learned that the game was hacked. I would rather just play smash.
Thanks, lads.
You're welcome.
Oh yeah, make sure you turn subtitles on.
Despite the /pol/ memes, they really aren't. SJW trannies absolutely freak out at even the suggestion of a 2D loli being lewded. See "Arby's waifu".
Paid Online and Fortnite came on Switch.
I love it
i dont get it