2019... I am forgotten

NOLF 3 when

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whenever they figure the rights issues out. sorry user, I'm sad about it too

So...never? ;_;

yea if its a rights issue then RIP

Who is going to make it anyway? Monolith today suck and most of the old guard are long gone.

Tbh, Im strugging to think of a devteam that would be equipped to handle the matter.


She's like 24. That's is not MOMMY territory.

Well, technically she's grandmother tier now. That or she's dirt.

Nobody in today's climate, you'd get bluehairs or their cock-caged lackeys putting in cringe inducing political bullshit instead of just having female characters.

Nolf 1 Cate > Nolf 2 Cate

Who DOES hold the rights?

Nobody knows. It's either Warner Bros. or Activision and neither cares to track down the contract, which only exists as a physical document in an archive somewhere, to find out.

Which is weird, because a proper NOLF game would easily be a great success. You've got the cult following, plus it's a female protagonist in a light hearted adventure. It's hard to screw that up.

>tfw no good rule34
Life is suffering

Cate kind of had to deal with a lot of sexism too. The only reason she got a chance to prove herself was because all the other agents got dead.

>You've got the cult following

No major publisher is going to care about a cult following. Cult is just a nice way of saying "not very popular". That's why only Night Dive went digging.

NOLF 1 was the better game all around. Way more gadgets as well.

>tfw still zero cate art

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never, bitch

Waiting too long for something so obscure. Unless it blows people away graphically no one will care.

>Spy game where you can't be stealthy because the levels are too linear and the AI is so poorly-implemented that everyone in the level knows exactly where you are as soon as you get spotted


NOLF1 oozes charm and was a blast when I played it last year, it's still a game thats confused as to if it wants to be a full on stealth game or a straight up shooter. Thankfully the plot, charm and good writing are so good they end up carrying the game.

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He's right you know, its still a great game however.

The demo was so good. I was very happy the rest of the game was of similar quality. Does it run on windows 10?

Yeah I ran it on windows 10 and the game is available for free IIRC due to licensing issues. I think I used the PCGamingWiki website to download fixes that allow it to run on modern OS's. Oh you can also download NOLF2 from the same website.

Based, I might give it a shot then. Thanks user.

You want new NOLF game. In today's industry standards?

Enjoy user, some of the mechanics can be a little archaic but it's still a lot of fun.

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Why not? Then again I like nuDoom and nuLara

unofficial nolf 3 is actually the tv show archer

in personality and voice? yes
looks? nah. but only because it was a low quality model. her orange and white suit was great.

Nolf 1 or 2?

I felt like 1 had more soul but 2 had better levels

>stealthgame with infinite respawns
I'm surprised anyone actually likes nolf 2

I cant really remember NOLF 2 levels. There was the construction site... and, well, I dont know really. Whereas NOLF1 had the Egyptian level, the sharks, german nightclub, plane, secret base, snow level. God it was so fucking based.

for its own sake hopefully never.

I remember the japanese level, trailerpark tornado, indian level and that tricycle mime chase

gas yourself.

Wasnt the constuction level the same as the japanese level? I vaguely recall something about a tricylce now that you mention it.

I don't remember the construction level. I think that was in Nolf 1

So we need a faux NOLF3 as lawsuit bait to find out

Yep. The idea of a spy game set in the '60s is a great one and NOLF does it very well, it's just a shame that the levels and AI are the way they are. When I started playing it I was hoping for Deus Ex in the 1960s but that isn't what I got.

Excuse me but this game is too problematic for modern audiences

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You look like you need a monkey.

Maybe Im mixing stuff together, but I thought the construction level ended at the top floor of some skyscraper decked out in japenese interior.

Why won't someone make an obvious rip-off titled Everybody Lives For A Set Amount Of Time with the same mechanics

there are 42 hecking pieces of intel or something on that level
how am I supposed to find 42 pieces of intel?

"Everyone has to die at some point" sounds better actually

speaking of lith games, tron 3.0 fucking when?

By taking it real slow user

A shame it's forgotten. They were both good games, and Cate Archer is probably the one vidya girl I've masturbated to the most as a horny kid.


I got up to 39 I think. that's the slowest I can go.

Agent Archer is one of the best STRONG FEMALE CHARACTER there ever was.

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Arkane studios

Warner stated that they dont own the rights
its ACTIVISION, and kotick is a dick.

The absolute state of the gaming industry and the virtue signalling political ideologies that now run it would destroy any sequel(look at the alleged sequel to VTMB so pic related). They'd be deeply "offended" by the first two parts. Can you imagine a developer doing the indian missions today?

Cate was an awesome character. Let's not let the braindead naive left ruin her. She's perfect as is.
First game was more intelligent aswell.
Look at this example of some of the groundbreaking ambient dialogue from random NPC's to add immersion.

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100% this.
Well written, well designed. Likeable. Not a complete bitch or mary sue. Makes mistakes. Admits mistakes. Attractive without being a slut. Doesn't get offended by absolutely everything and highlights actual feminism rather than the modern version which is literally just "We hate men": The Ideology.

Never played the HARM spinoff, but that was garbage wasnt it?

Contract J.A.C.K?

Yeah it was nothing like NOLF which destroyed the planned third part to the trilogy.
It was a generic shooter set between 1 and 2 and explains why Volkov was in his plaster cast and chair.
Some idiot on the board decided it was a good idea to do a generic shooter due to the popularity of other shooters at the time instead of making part 3 of nolf as was planned.

Yeah thats the one

Im sure theres some stuff on deviantart

Warner Bros, who owns the studio who made it

Disney, which now owns Fox, who originally published the game with Sierra

Activision, who owns Sierra

Id kill for this

Why so negative?

Truly a different time...

To whomever it might interest:

nolfrevival (dot) tkyoutube.com/watch?v=qAUhoms9VHg

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I played NOLF 1 fine using this but 2 was an unstable glitchy mess. The widescreen "fix" fucked up the subtitles and menus as well.

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oh yes

Please god no. Even though NOLF as a series had some heavy feminist memes & themes in it because it was ripping off old James Bond where the girls exist pretty much only for Bond to fuck and is literally set in the 60's it makes sense to subvert it in that way. The games are VERY heavy on the parodying of this stuff.

I can't think of a single studio today who could do the series justice and keeping it in that time capsule attitude instead of putting in "orange man bad, black male white female romance good". And even if by some miracle some developer out there does exist that could do a NOLF3 without forcing in modern political bullshit, the retarded goobergabbers who have never even played NOLF1/2 exist that would try their hardest to make every discussion surrounding it about orange man bad even if there was nothing to do with it in the game.

Let this series stay buried in the past. System Shock 3 is already getting kang shodan, vtmb is getting tranny communist muslim vampires. A re-release of the first two games with shit fixed up for modern OSes by GOG - yes please but stay away from even the idea of a NOLF3. Even with NOLFRevival that shit does not run properly even on Windows 7, I can't imagine how jank it is on Windows 8 or 10. I played through both a year or two ago using NOLF Revival and the first game crashed a little but was mostly playable - it had some weird performance issues and stuff. NOLF2 on the other hand ran like dogshit, was graphically artifacting as if my graphics card was going to explode and would crash every 30 minutes - I'm surprised I even managed to finish it through all that, just shows how good the game is I guess.

has he been infected?

>ywn be able to play a remaster of this or AvP2 because of corporate bullshittery

Why would it matter if cate had a romance with a black dude?

It would matter because it wouldn't need to exist and only would because of modern political pandering. Remember this game takes place in the 60's.


>Even though NOLF as a series had some heavy feminist memes & themes

It had a female protagonist who was competent and didn't put up with people's shit. And some people didn't take her seriously because she was a woman.

How fucking joylessly preoccupied with fighting your stupid culture war do you have to be to think that the presence of a woman as a competent protagonist is a feminist statement.

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I still want AvP2 with modern day graphics. That game was the shit.

NOLF1 is one of the few games that genuinely almost put me to sleep.
>it's a ten minute cutscene with two static camera angles and one line of interesting dialogue every 60 seconds

I mean, it's not like the series are known for their realism. Dont get me wrong I dont want to see any shoehorned romance either, but I dont really see the big deal if the dude is black (or any other ethnicity for that matter).

in today's environment, it doesn't surprise me that people would react like that even looking back, though he is wrong

the other day someone was whining that Perfect Dark was feminist bullshit

The sort of person who would look at Cate Archer through a contemporary political lens and see it that way is exactly the sort of joyless fuddy duddy that bitches about how the characters in Sly Cooper are racist or that old Lara Croft was problematic.

It is indistinguishable behavior. When people say "the far left and far right are the same" this is the sort of shit they're talking about. They are doing the exact same thing to their perceived enemies, just spouting different buzzwords.

Post le centrist memes all you want I'm right.

Are you kidding? The whole point of every cutscene at HQ was about Cate's superiors undermining her abilities because she's a woman and her being all girl power about it. It's definitely a feminist subversion of old 60's spy movies, but it's done in a way where it's obvious parody and not political agenda by late 90's Monolith. The point is that in the modern era of social justice pandering this cocktail would turn out completely fucked up in the hands of pretty much any modern game dev.

Metroid is a game where the presence of a woman and Samus being a woman means nothing at all to the plot or how it's structured around her and the gameplay, aside from thebabythebaby in Other M. NOLF is the polar opposite and half of her gadgets are disguised as the contents of some 60's girl's handbag, she's not just using James Bond watch lasers and shit. Half of the point of the game is that she's a stronk womyn - but it's lighthearted and grounded in the 60's where it makes sense for her to be rebelling against her superiors treating her with disregard because she's female.

>Are you kidding? The whole point of every cutscene at HQ was about Cate's superiors undermining her abilities because she's a woman

Yes, because the game takes place in the 1960s. It's an effective plot device to make the protagonist an underdog, not just in relation to the enemies but to her superiors. This makes her triumph at the hand of the player all the more satisfying.

And then...
>and her being all girl power about it

This is where you go full retard. There's nothing "GIRL POWER" about her character. Her entire personal motivation is avenging Bruno, her MALE mentor and the main antagonist is another woman. She merely participates in banter and demonstrates her own competence with immense style because she's a well written character.

You are imagining a feminist angle that literally isn't present in the game.

Stop trying to make my favorite fucking games political you stupid retard.

It was good dialogue though

Retarded shitposter, the banter she returns is literally the lighthearted girl power dialogue. Learn to fucking read you're arguing about nothing.

>Cate's superiors undermining her abilities because she's a woman
They also undermine her abilities because she failed like, five missions in a row.

What the fuck is "girl power" about responding to a person condescendingly dismissing you based on your sex with clever witty retorts that sometimes invoke your sex?

Do you remember in Aliens when Vasquez was asked if she was ever mistaken for a man, and she responded "No, have you?" Was that 'girl power' dialogue to you?

Girl power is not just a woman defending herself against sexism.

There's bits of good dialogue. But then Cate begins to lore dump for five minutes about an antagonist you saw for all of five seconds and it's the most boring shit imaginable.

these times seem like the perfect space for such a game. the jurnos would shill it as well. depending on studio it might even turn out great. well...

There is some merit to the whole "horseshoe" thing. Self-appointed moral guardians are equally obnoxious whether they're decrying competent, sex-positive female characters for offending their puritanical sensibilities or whether they're complaining about a powerful, attractive woman daring to enjoy flirting with men instead of treating masculine attention with cold hostility.

femminism will always be ethnocentrism for women. fundamental self interrests are opposed between men and women and someone always has to pay higher costs. women have just figured out how to rally betas behind them.

You are fucking delusional if you think a NOLF3 in current year wouldn't be an SJW-riddled catastrophe. Pink haired trannies would jump at the chance to use it for some political agenda.

Depending on the definition feminism can just simply be equal rights. Noone loses there.

Lets be honest here, it's not like you would give it a fair shot anyway.

As I said, delusional.

No, I simply dont see a grand conspiracy of the SJW cabal ruining muh vidya.

Ok cuck

Wilful ignorance from a discord tranny I guess.

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>There is some merit to the whole "horseshoe" thing
There's none, you're just a cuck

It's very easy to say that this is simply the nature of the world when you're in a position of advantage.

I wonder if you would feel that way if you were the oppressed party.

Do you expect people to just accept that their lives will be shittier by virtue of factors outside of their control and try to be content with things as they are? Of course not. That would be cowardice.

Hey now, common sense is a thing for cucks!

Wait, do black people really use hi-points? I thought that was just a meme

It would certainly be accused of that!

Most of the things that you retards accuse of being SJW propaganda aren't actually that at all.

Some of it is, certainly. But you retards cry SJW any time a gay person or like a black guy is there because apparently their existence is enough to trigger your delicate sensibilities.

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Is it even a conspiracy if they don't try to hide it? Aren't they just making games the way they want?


I don't know how old you are. It's too lazy to just say you're a teenager, but that's probably the case. But you ARE retarded, and one day when you realize that you're going to look back at the fact that you spent your free time regurgitating empty rhetoric in the most lazy way possible and be extremely embarrassed.

At the very least some of your peers are actually willing to talk, but you're too stupid for even that, you just re-post the same shitty memes as your brain leaks out of your ears because you can't handle anything any more complicated than that.

Triggered discord tranny.

>he said as he """"ironically"""" posts pictures from his trap folder

Kinda looks like the left Cate had her head shopped in

here's a fun game: turn on the television and watch it all day while making note of every interracial couple/pairing you see. See if you can spot some patterns!

>trends in media writing represent a high level conspiracy to corrupt the populace

But most protagonists being white men is perfectly innocuous and has no effect on the population, right?

Can you all go back to discussing NOLF instead of discussing shitty identity politics and all that? This is sickening for god sake

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Not when it's being consumed by white males

His title sounds like a haiku, though. I go with him.

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is interracial code for black in America?

3 will take place several years later.

link or it's shopped

it's shopped
he would'nt look so happy if it wasn't shopped

That’s 1

Predictions for this E3: Activision will announce NOLF 3, Hexen 3 and a new Soldier of Fortune. multiplayer only

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>soldier of fortune 4
Id love this, but jesus christ was SoF3 bad

Did cod:mw2 rip off NOLF with the snowmobile level?

CDPR I have no idea really

I discovered the game a few days ago, I'm loving it. It has open my eyes to a world of old but amazing games.

How far along are you?

Not so much I belive, just boarded the freighter on Germany.

The harpoon is so much fun.

there's no horseshoe, it's all authoritarianism, they use different excuses to restrain freedoms and increase their own power

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Not that far in, I've got no harpoon. You make me look foward to it tho.

Where's the best place to download the first two these days? How come they never got a digital release anywhere?

It was already posted

I got you covered
