Guys, it's so close. We're almost home
Guys, it's so close. We're almost home
Other urls found in this thread:
I still can't believe it bro, hold me tighter
is there real human beings out there genuinely excited for more meaningless grinding on a fucking 20 something year old MMO? Jesus just get a life already cut the fap bro it's melting your brain
Perfect timing I guess, I'm going to get fired today
Imagine being this upset about other people having fun
Kek pathetic
Every time.
Easy now retail fag, BFA isn't going anywhere. We just wanna go home
>human beings
6 months of unemployment benefits will get you to level 60 easy
Don't you have checklists to fill out retailfag? Or are all your dailys done for today?
>Used to be kinda sorta excited for Classic
>Seeing so many people creaming their pants over Classic like the second coming of Christ is making me actively reconsider that
imagine paying money every month for game you already own except it gets shittier and shittier over time
post yfw world war phase 2
Nobody who's taken the Classic pill will ever admit that they might be wrong
The opposite is true too, Kirby
I am not upset song, the seething seems to come from you. It's time to take a long, hard look at yourself in the mirror and realize you only jump from one dopamine rush to another to only temporally quench the void that is your pathetic gamer life. Time to stop fapping, time to lay down the controllers, time to actually struggle and find purpose in life beyond wasting your time on digital casinos
>He says, posting about video games on the video game forum
>I'm not pathetic like ya'll, I just post here because I don't play video games
How do you equate (twice btw), liking a video game to masturbation. It's really concerning that you equate the two
My daily quest is to make Classicfags seethe. Looks like I just completed it for today. Thanks user.
So you openly admit you're so pathetic that you just want to hate on things other people like.
And you wonder why you're in your mid 20s and a virgin?
No cheevos
No pets
No mogs
Only like 5 mounts to collect
What's even the point?
I'd consider playing it if i could xmog some missing t3 sets for my collection (i've sold 160 tokens so far for that, so it'd be cool to save up just so i can give asmongold a more generous donation this month)
>Look mom I posted it again
Damn user I even completed the bonus objective with all that seething. Keep up the good work.
What did you do to get fired?
Imagine associating a 10 year old defunct MMO with 'home', as if it's going to make you happy. Retail WoW is garbage, but so is Classic.
Looking forward to your collective suicide.
>Implying that was me
It must eat you up inside to know that private servers are already successful. Ditching the private server barrier will make Classic even more popular.
Don't be so rude, friend. We're just going home, why are you so angry about that?
Two seething Classicfags are better than one.
>still not playing ESO
>more content than vanilla and retail combined
>great community
>Todd posting in general chat
>hyped coming expansion
>challenging gameplay
>player housing
>unique talent system
>amazing world pvp
Playing this won't make you 14 again user. Nothing will. Those days are gone.
Leveling a money grind alt is gonna be so fucking cancer, unless phase 2 takes a long ass time to come out.
Come here bro, I know it's hard. But you gotta say goodbye to those pokemon and bikini transmogs, we're going home.
Inb4 everyone stops playing in a few weeks when the nostalgia wears off
Is there a free trial?
We aren't the one barging into retail threads to project our seething feels all over the place.
Please take a seat and relax as Classic murders Retail in every way possible. You could even join in the fun!
>my values are objectively correct and yours are not because reasons and my feelings of right and wrong
Yeah, nah, eat shit normalfag. People have as much of a right to burn their life away playing videogames as they have taking care of the poor or building houses. Just because one benefits someone else more doesn't mean it should take preference when the individual is concerned, collectivist bitch.
No BGs at launch
Southshore vs tarren mill is back
No dishonorable kills
Where were you when you leaned we are ACTUALLY going home?
That game looks terrible though.
I would but I'm a massive lore fag and they've actively decided to shit on almost every aspect of it.
>Hurr Summerset Isles are just stone castles like every other faggot city in the world, forget what the books said
At least vanilla WoW TRIED to get the lore right, and only made compromises where necessary, such as allowing female nelfs to be druids.
Cant believe you went there. This is the only thing these people live for.
The pros far outweigh the cons though.
My life was absolute shit when I was 14 though, why would I want to go back to these days? I'd rather play the best version of WoW ontop of having my decent current day life.
I love how assmad Classic makes some people.
Man I am actually interested in playing Classic again because I miss shit like the quests to learn how to summon demons or get totems.
But then I remember that I already find leveling a new character on retail boring and an annoying timesink.
to be fair the conversations with Sotha Sil seemed pretty fucking cool
kill yourselves wowfags
What's the point of PVP servers accept to gank low levels and get ganked while levelling?
Why not just roll PVE and do battlegrounds?
retail leveling is garbage, classic leveling is amazing, cant compare them at all
It's boring on retail because it's literally designed to be a boring timesink. You one shot every mob, complete every quest in thirty seconds, gain absolutely zero character progression as you level up thanks to heirlooms and the fact that they took damn near every ability out of the game. It only exists to timegate you.
Vanilla has legitimate character progression and it is actually a huge piece of content rather than timegate filler.
>videogame nostalgia
>get a life
>any other form of nostalgia
Fuck you ya normie cunt
Grouping up with random lowbies for quest mobs and then encountering groups from the enemy faction doing the same thing is some of the most fun to be had, especially in STVietnam. It's not all ganking and getting ganked, sometimes it's a fair fight.
>has no arguments so he posts a meme picture
>instanced pvp
Carebears like you are cancer.
t. 60 undead rogue in lakeshire
Then kill me instead of crying about it. But being a bitch is just about the only thing you're good at.
I'm a tranny who's going to play Classic
The world isn't supposed to feel safe. It's the whole point of the game.
Nostalgia is mental illness.
>look mom I posted it again haha i sure showed those classicfags!
I'm sure I could.
Are you good at anything except killing level 15s and then stealthing and running away?
oh dude I'm just playing comfy wow vanilla haha this is a good timooohhhnoooooooooo
WoW is trash
and what game could (YOU) be playing mister user
look at this faggot talking about purpose in life on a video game board!
>>more content than vanilla
>literally another copy of nuWoW just as FF Tranny
get a load of this faggot
Also, shit looks uglier than Skyrim without mods
Anything that isn't point and click cooldown simulator
name something specific so I can boil it down like you just did
its a board newfriend.
>Game with even less players than FFTranny and Retail WoW
>Try Vanilla server
>Join WC
>Tanks can't tank
>Healers don't heal
>DPS don't DPS
More like hell.
feels good to return home after so long, unironically going to stock up on monster zero ultra for release
I'm sure all of this really happened!
You must be playing a different ESO to the bland garbage I tried.
Classicunts are insufferable autists who are the victims of nostalgia
give one (1) example
I'm good at mcing crybabies into lava and having them read about combat log procs of my quest and profession items on wow databases after they get stunned, turned into a gnome leper and then knocked silly for thirty seconds while I replenish to full and proceed to mind control them further into elite patrols so that they'd die with durability damage.
You were in the last thread
Stick with retail, classic isn't for you
>TFW Monster Zero Ultra™ gives you headaches
I can't just pound em like I used to
Wouldn't give you that satisfaction kid
I still can’t believe how utterly they fucked up basic game design philosophy. There should only ever be two types of gameplay; gameplay that is fun/satisfying, or gameplay that attempts to be. There should never, ever, be gameplay that is outright designed to be shit, but that’s precisely what levelling in retail is, due to wanting to flog extras from the store.
Someone link the last thread, please.
Every classic thread is the same. Same posts, same memes, same shitposting.
chaos REIGNS.
every time.
>that guy who steals your kills
>that guy who steals your nodes as you fight the last mob near it
>that guy who puts same item in AH for 1 copper less
>that guy who trains mobs to you
>that guy who never thanks you if you help them
>that guy who auto runs into a wall and afks for 1 hour
I hear the voices too
Reminder to everyone. If you don't have friends or try to group up in classic, you're gonna have a real bad time.
Retail is for solo players.
>>that guy who auto runs into a wall and afks for 1 hour
He's dead
not true if you roll hunter
>wanting to pay $12.99 every month + tip
how will you even find time to play with your wage cuckery
t. 340 ilvl babby
To be fair it's not like it's good for the individual either.
m8 you're describing the Eastern European and Balkan subhumans that infect private servers. They won't be on classic because they can't afford it
You were also in the last thread
>being poor
I'm glad I won't have to deal with third worlders and poorfags.
>No, it means the absolute best choices are known.
Nice semantics, you got me.
>No it doesn't. It's completely vague what it means because there are so many separate goals in WoW.
I listed the points that anti-classic posters regard as "solved" in regards to WoW Classic. By implying that your goal can be to just sit in Stormwind tavern and rp as belligerent drunk you're just deflecting from the way that the word "solved" is used in these threads.
>Not it doesn't. It only means no human plays well enough to beat the computer's strategy. This would only mean the game is solved if we knew humans used the second most optimal strategy.
So I used "solved" wrong again in regards to chess or such games in general, yet many versions of chess are in fact solved as you can easily find on Wikipedia so I was only partially wrong in that the main version isn't solved yet.
>No it didn't.
Again, if you take the official definition of "solved" not, but I am arguing against anti-classic posters here who would call that solved. If you think it's dishonest of me to use this non-standard definition of "solved" than that's on you being autistic, because we're still arguing WoW here and I only took Chess as an example of a game that is arguably solvable at some point and has been solved when you take out a couple of pieces.
>No. There are far more factors in WoW (and you need to specify a goal and players first). Depending on the goal you choose, WoW is unfathomably harder to solve than chess. In fact, even trivial goals in WoW would be practically impossible to solve. Chess is already practically impossible to solve with current technology.
That's because nobody cares about solving WoW. People say Classic is solved, because at some point people can raid Naxxramas successfully or just watch it on YouTube.
>Win at what?
Raids, boss fights, dungeons. Content that has been declared "solved" by anti-classic posters.
it's okay user, i'll be sure to pour one out for you.
Classic is for the boys, i'll be playing 'rock you like a hurricane' while sipping, grinding yeti's in winterspring
After yesterday's update there isn't much left to show? Only thing left I can think of is server names, pop and numbers?
That depends entirely on the individual.
Close, 362.
>yesterday's update
There are no people like gamers who love to get angry about other people being happy. I guess we're all just miserable cunts.
>that guy who steals your nodes as you fight the last mob near it
I once got one of these fuckers back once, I was flagged they weren't and while they were running to the next node, I jumped in front of them before they could click it and made them auto-attack me. Was the greatest feeling in the world putting them in the fucking ground
Is this good or bad
I didn't play WoW after wrath and the gearscore shit was in the thousands
Why do Classicfags pose themselves as boomers when they post nothing but wojak edits and none of the old 2006 memes?
It makes sense when you realize what happened. Blizzard back when they were a small independent developer made games that they themselves wanted to play. Literally every person on the development team had a passion for playing games and it showed in their design direction.
Modern Activision-Blizzard literally makes every single design decision based on player analytics and data. It's completely soulless and there is no passion anywhere left in the company. Suits are calling the shots who literally do not play video games, anyone left with a passion for developing great games has left the bureaucratic hellhole and fucked off to an independent studio.
It's tragic, really. This is what being a large publicly traded company will do to you. Shareholders and investors and vampires who suck the life blood out of a passionate company.
Honestly, where can I get one of these hats flex fitted. It would be supremly comfy.
Nostalgia is mental illness.
You will still have bills to pay.
You will have work the next morning.
Your family will bitch about you playing 24/7.
Underage fags will make up half of every server.
Nu-Blizz will punish you for going against new world order.
You posted this last thread
projection, the post
>Your family will bitch about you playing 24/7.
I live alone. No one will even know I died.
>seething at boomers going home
pvp release schedule
I'm free whole summer with pay since I work at a private school
I live with my brother who's a chef and he's playing classic as well
couldn't be more perfect
It’s even better this time around since I pay my own bills and just live with my girl no one can tell me shit. I didn’t play till wotlk because my parents didn’t believe in allowance and wouldn’t pay $15 a month for a game
Your friends, rivals, and guildmates will know user
We're going home
>cringy warhammer retards bringing their dwarf-elf rivalry to wow
please stay as far away from rp servers as possible thank you
I remember that was actually a legitimate bonus in WoW’s favour back in the day.
All the poorfags went to the f2p, and paypigs weren’t a thing in video games yet.
Hopefully the insectoid/Slav/BR menace will largely still be kept at bay, while the paypigs that have emerged will stick to retail.
so when does this actually come out
I see Classic WoW as a nostalgia containment facility. Lock all you guys up in there and throw the keys away :)
What race and gender, also class.
Bros you should be talking about the PvP system blue post and how it's unironically gonna be the death of the game desu.
It's legit the worst case scenario and very few people actually understand what the consequences are gonna be.
>its so close
>no release date
More like insecure zoomers trying to play a decade and a half old game to look cool to strangers online.
>projecting his Chasity fantasies
Nobody wants to be in your gay server elfhomo
>It's legit the worst case scenario and very few people actually understand what the consequences are gonna be.
it's a great plan though
I can't wait for you fags to delve into WoW classic, then two weeks later the nostalgia goggles wear off and you're all complaining on how WoW was always shit.
>that's so cringy he says, as he's ERPing sucking off a giant night elf futa cock in goldshire inn basement
thank god for your containment servers
it was an update to the idea not what they are going to use to fucking reddit spacing faggot
nobody tell him
2 first months are going to be the absolute best experience of the game either way
i seriously think that for the sake of item progression blizzard should consider rolling some items back to their original state, releasing their later states in later phases
>implying Classicfags will ever admit being wrong
They'll still be playing and shilling months after everyone will have left.
>half the boomers will roll the wrong faction on their pvp server and quit after 10 days /played because they chose a server dominated by the other faction and get gy camped as soon as they enter a level 50+ zone
pvechads win again
>muh no BGs
>muh standings
>muh honor
t. the virgin ranker
not even gonna play classic seriously, but I enjoy how assblasted zoomers and cynics get over the idea of people getting a game they actually want
enjoy your game classic bros
I wounder who's behind this post
ERPers will stick to BfA since they have all their slutmogs, new models, and new races there, and Classic and BfA will share monthly fee
Stop shitting the board with your braindead wojak edits, you subhuman piece of scum.
Amen brother
t. 2016 tourist
go back
Financially stable adults don’t fear bills
Adults can balance responsibility and recreation
If you’re any indication, they clearly won’t
Blizzard is on board with classic.
0% see me after class.
holy fucking based lmao
Your posting style is the same every time you give this thread a bump with these desperate baits
retail niggers are about to have their game crushed by the older version like what happened to runescape
WoW is boring. Where did your lives go so wrong
ESO's animations are oblivion tier.
this. ERP is the one part of the game that retail does objectively better than classic. Imagine trying to ERP without draenei, worgen or void elves
great plan? winnie the pooh?
reddit spacing is 2 spaces you braindead fucking mongoloid no brain nigger monkey retard
it's literally the worst case scenario for both casuals and pvp autists like me, everyone is gonna get farmed like a fucking dog 24/7 in the world
I think they'll wisen up to that pretty quickly, but the itemization is currently the least of our worries with wpvp ranking
you don't even need a solid majority, cross faction collusion will happen on every single server. everyone will get camped as soon as they hit 48
enjoy staring at a spirit healer for the majority of your day
Zoom zoom.
t. Yea Forums poster
PROJECTION posting lmao
>complains about wojak
>calls others zoomers
stop larping tranny
Nostalgia is a mental illness.
Every oldschool flagship that Blizz created has crashed. The only reason that Classic is being released is due to having any original ideas on the board. They know they are failures an know you will buy old games again and again. They will release every expansion and you will throw money at them. You are supporting failure.
>Crying zoomers from last thread followed to the other thread to complain about the threads.
This is obsession.
because in vanilla/TBC you actually ran into members of the enemy faction around your level fairly frequently, so organic somewhat fair fights could break out. i killed a shitload of gnomes in tanaris and ungoro while leveling.
ive never played wow. can someone redpill me on the game (classic)?
do you group up to level or do you solo to max level?
is there forced exploration of the world, or do you sit in town and warp to your objective like every mmo nowadays?
how many people do endgame raids require?
I used to play ffxi in the 2000s never got into wow. theres no hope of a classic ffxi server ever coming out, and private servers are severely hampered by biases of their owners. figured i'd try classic wow with a couple friends maybe
are these threads a gathering for ERP homos
>be player who likes to chat more than talk for regular stuff
>willing to talk on voice coms for organized gameplay
Why is this so hard to find? It's either completely mute faggots who will never get on coms or retards who sit in voice coms(required) all day, never saying anything instead of comfy guild chat talks.
>do you group up to level or do you solo to max level?
you can do either
>is there forced exploration of the world, or do you sit in town and warp to your objective like every mmo nowadays?
you're forced to move around the open world
>how many people do endgame raids require?
20 or 40 depending on the raid, mostly 40
I bet it's annoying to have to wait that whole 70 seconds every time you post these stupid bait responses.
Solo leveling to Max is nearly impossible. You can do many quests alone but you can't avoid groups forever either
>gguys pls play eso... I want to see at least one other player one time i play this game...
You can play solo/group at any time, the world is free to explore. the great thing is user, just ask for help in game, everybody in classic will be GLAD to help you. Just ask. Come home with us.
I think the 1.12-tuned stats as early as BWL is a mistake and I think there will be a ton of bitching and moaning during phase 2 but I also think it won't be as bad as some people from the private server scene are expecting. Assuming Blizzard keeps server populations capped to similar numbers as they were during vanilla the ganking and FP camping won't be anywhere near as bad as it is on private servers simply because there won't be a constant 24/7 13k+ concurrent playerbase on any given server. There will be peak times and off-times which you don't get on pservers like nost or northdale since they're open to all regions and everyone is concentrated on a single realm.
nost was cool but I never want to experience that view distance again
>do you group up to level or do you solo to max level?
Mix of both, you can solo all the way but you'll find yourself joining groups often
>is there forced exploration of the world, or do you sit in town and warp to your objective like every mmo nowadays?
Almost no porting anywhere, your ass is running on foot and it makes the world feel huge. You won't even get your first mount for a long ass time.
>how many people do endgame raids require?
>>Tanks can't tank
>>Healers don't heal
>>DPS don't DPS
which one were you
>do you group up to level or do you solo to max level?
Both. Most quest content can be done solo but will require you to be a bit careful depending on your class. Buddying up with another person can make your life a lot easier. There are also group quests specifically designed to require 3-5 people depending on the difficulty. Usually has you fighting enemies with gold dragon borders around their portraits known as 'Elites'
>is there forced exploration of the world, or do you sit in town and warp to your objective like every mmo nowadays?
You're forced to go out into the world. The only way you can 'warp' anywhere is by your using your hearthstone (60 min cooldown) or if you're a mage. Even so you can only visit specific hubs like this, not magically teleport to where you need to be in the wilderness for a quest.
>how many people do endgame raids require?
We posting screenshots? I'm down
>baby alliances first pvp zone
lmao at Astranar more like Nevernar
>posts a wojak for the hundredth time this week
If you liked XI chances are you'll like WoW too man.
>my videogame is better than ur videogame lmao get a life loser!!!!
you definitely can level solo wtf are you on about, nobody ever had to group up to grind levels only to do elite quests and dungeons
>mfw I'm going home, I know it won't be the same, but I'll still have fun
Have fun missing the most fun gaming event of Summer 2019, classic haters. We'll be having fun, enjoying the memes, and taking in the chaos.
Liking unpopular things does make you an uninteresting person?
Nostalgia is mental illness.
Some reason there is a general in Yea Forums and not /vg/, tranny jannies do nothing.
>reddit spacing
you can either solo or group. solo is a bit faster depending on your class. there's group quests too.
the only actual portals are created by mages and they cost reagents which aren't free. there are flightpaths at most towns which are basically a portal that forces an unskippable cutscene that's longer depending on how far you're traveling.
endgame raids require mostly 40 players. there's only 2-4 drops per boss so it takes a lot of weeks of farm to get everyone geared.
No it isn’t. It’s boring, but completely and easily possible.
>below mythic 0
Sucks to suck
i tried once in like 2005. i couldnt get over how bad the graphics looked compared to xi so i never played more than a day kek
If nostalgia is a mental illness then seething as hard as you do must be too
NOOOOOOO!!!! Stop going home! Stay in retail! Mods! Mods! Arrest these anons!
>this frightens and confuses the retailcuck
I'm going to level in redridge and I am going to like it
We are fucking going home
>still not playing OSRS
> Real community
> Jagex meme in general chat
> excellent game story
> 23 fucking skils ( and yes one of the skill are those things you call " quest")
> has a pvp system
>Still 15 dollars a month
the itemization is just objectively a bad choice and I'm sure they'll go back on it. spellblade is equal to aq40 femur. At what? Possibly late MC/early BWL patch? It's just stupid.
The problem with what you're saying is that you're underestimating participation this time around. With the updated blue PvP gear as well everyone will want to get at least 10, and as soon as they get to 10 they'll try and push for 12 out of curiosity and fun. Everyone will want to have a slice of the new pvp gear and pvp in general since there's so much more information about the PvP system today that wasn't really readily available back in 2005. You'd be surprised just how few people it takes to completely lock down a zone. Depending on which formula they go with for pool size/bracket size that can affect it as well but that becomes too long of a topic at that point.
tl;dr trust me bro it can turn to hell real quick
>i dont actually know what the word means but ill use it to pretend i fit in
imagine how insecure u have to be to try and fit in on an anonymous basket weaving smoke cloud communication platform
340 means you haven't touched any group content except maybe normal dungeons
>do you group up to level or do you solo to max level?
you can do both, but while partied experience is split between all members, and the higher level your groupmates are compared to you the less exp you'll get. this is mostly to prevent level 60s from steamrolling content for lower levels and letting them level up easy that way. there are some quests that you will need to group for since the mobs you need to kill will be too difficult to solo. some classes also have harder time leveling than others (most notably warrior) whereas others can solo most things and even some group content (hunter/warlock).
>is there forced exploration of the world
yes you have to run to dungeon portals in classic. there are travel points that can take you to cities/hubs on a flight path, but you have to hoof it there to find the flight point in order to be able to use it. also the warlock class can summon people, but it requires 2 other people to do, and it costs them resources, so you WILL get bitched at if you're constantly asking to get summoned everywhere. the only exception to this is battlegrounds, which have a queue, but you still have to go to the battleground entrance to queue for them, and they're not going to be in the game on release.
>how many people do endgame raids require?
anywhere from 20-40 people.
Ah yeah maybe coming from FF games the difference in visuals can be jarring. Though if you manage to get over it, I think there's a fair chance you could like the game, really.
You're the only one in this thread who's sad he can't be 14 anymore
projecting this hard
I never played retail vanilla
Started in wotlk stopped in mop then i played vanilla on nost and loved it
No nostalgia here
Seriously get new material or shut up u miserable cunt
>Currently playing on a vanilla server
>Worried it'll ruin my fun on Classic
>But I'm having such a good fucking time I can't stop
Given his posts and shameless samefagging, he’s sad that he is 14.
I'm personally not playing on private servers for that reason even though I don't have vidya to play at the moment.
Favourite moment of recent times on private server was getting the epic sword from Zul'Farrak. I farmed it for ages back in actual vanilla so to actually get it felt very rewarding
thanks for the (You), keep it up
You fucked up. How are you supposed to go home when you're surrounded by subhuman third worlders?
I'll wait for classic desu
Half the fun is going to come from the buzz of the community. Imagine the hilarious threads we will have. *sips* Yep. It's gonna be a good summer.
how does gear progress in wow. is it replaced every new patch like ffxiv, or do you get stuff you will use forever?
I recently started playing again but had to stop at level 30 because I feared burning out before Classic launched. God damn I just wanna play some vanilla.
This is what pledging your life to meme pseudoscience looks like
Go away man. No one has the energy to list any of the millions of reasons eso is fucking retarded. I'm mentally exhausted just fr the amount of attention I've just given you.
Very nice, user.
I can't wait to get my hands on Rhok'delar, personally. I could never finish the questline.
Which server are you playing on?
Itemization is pretty fucked so depending on your class you may have some odd pieces of gear that remain BiS for a LONG time, though generally most major content patches will have upgrades for most of your gear slots. Gear takes a lot longer to actually accumulate than in modern MMOs though so expect to be wearing the same shit at level cap for an extended period of time.
>So I used "solved" wrong again
All you needed to say.
> yet many versions of chess are in fact solved so I was only partially wrong in that the main version isn't solved yet.
Chess with less pieces and less squares? Endgame chess?
So? Those are sub-problems. There are far, far more subproblems than the main problem. I could give you 1000 solved subproblems. That doesn't mean it's "partially" wrong to say chess is solved. It's 100% wrong. Anyone with knowledge in this area would NEVER be caught saying that.
>If you think it's dishonest of me to use this non-standard definition
That wasn't dishonesty, it was being wrong. This backpedaling now is dishonesty.
>and I only took Chess as an example of a game that is arguably solvable at some point and has been solved when you take out a couple of pieces.
No, you took chess and said it was solved. It's not arguably solved. It's not solved. And it will not be solved soon.
>That's because nobody cares about solving WoW.
No, it's because it's arbitrary to define, and even after picking some goal, it would likely be impossible to compute. There are far too many variables, all with a more continuous spectrum than chess. It's an understatement to say it's impossible. With any conceivable amount of resources, it's impossible.
>Content that has been declared "solved" by anti-classic posters.
I'm don't care that people want to play classic. This is about your bullshit statements. You're both wrong if you used "solved" this way, but you could maybe be excused UNTIL you call chess solved, because then you've moved into formalized territory.
It's not that you understood this and just used "solved" colloquially. You made completely wrong statements because you didn't know.
>It's the definition of solved,
>every single move combination is known
>every single outcome is known mathematically
>a fucking simple ass mmo pc game [compared to chess]
>It's gonna be a good summer.
If it's not Blizzard's "Summer". Imagine if they launch it on the last day of August or some shit
Classes sorted by difficulty of leveling:
>Easy, almost retail
Hunter, Warlock
>Easy but takes skill
Priest, Mage
Shaman, Paladin
Warrior, Rogue
>Very hard, almost impossible
you wouldnt happen to have a list for raiding difficulty for dps/heals would you? i hear rotations in vanilla were braindead easy
>play private server
>get group quest to fight ogres
>try it alone
>fucking die
>someone of the same level sees my embarrassing defeat and asks if I wanna group up
>actually chat as we quest
>add each other as friends afterwards
>a day later run SFK together
You just don't get shit like this in retail
each major patch usually comes with new raid content, which will have upgrades for most classes. vanilla itemization was super weird though, so not every new piece of gear is going to be an upgrade depending on your spec. for example the warrior raid tier sets were all focused solely on tanking, so if you're a dps warrior the new gear isn't always going to be a dps upgrade for you. so sometimes you'll end up wearing the same pieces for a long time.
generally, that's how it works though. but because you need to have sufficient gear in order to progress through the new content, the older gear still remains pretty relevant throughout new patch cycles for people who can't progress through the new stuff yet.
What’s THAT quest chain you’re looking forward to?
The fuck happened here?
In real vanilla WoW it wasn't because most people were dumb children, but in Classic it will be. Well, most classes will have a couple of lower level/tier items that stay useful for a long time because Blizzard was terrible at itemization, but expect to have ~75% of all items replaced within the next 50 days of new content release.
I'm going home bros, to my new home.
Yes I raid as a ret paladin. How did you know?
There's still time for you to get a job so you can play with us. Sorry your mommy won't pay this time
druid is literally hunter tier you moron
Druid is almost as fast and easy as hunter
Or is this some joke
>Leveling a human mage in retail lastnight.
>Global chat mentions two rogues ganking in Lakeshire
>PTSD of a lvl 42 rogue from 2007 ganking a bunch of us in Lakeshire.
>but expect to have ~75% of all items replaced within the next 50 days of new content release.
Not happening with how few items drop in comparison to raidsize
Fellow troll players, are you brushing up your troll accent?
nonsense, druid levelling in cat form is fine and not even slow
because you've been benched for so long that you had time to get jacked
Druid is just behind hunter and warlock in leveling speed. It's also cheap as fuck to level because you only need to stay up to date on like 4 spells tops.
I looked into that new XIV content people kept shilling and it looked like trash, what the fuck even are these shitty bara cats lmao
Wife was super excited for Classic. We started dating during Warlords and got married right before BOA dropped. Happy times.
She died back in January. I havent been able to touch a Blizzard product since.
Chink's Hope
We're 6/9 AQ40 in a fairly casual guild
Worst classes, races and spec combinations that will make your life miserable in classic, and you'll never raid or be invited to PvP premades with them.
>Tauren Hunter
Literally the worst racials of horde for hunters, orcs and trolls are just a better option overall.
>Tauren Warrior
Only viable for MT, but you probably wont be a MT on classic since it's a role that requires high effort. And you if you are doing PvP, Orc is better.
>Troll Warrior
Same case as taurens, only viable for MT.
>Troll rogue
Enjoy never being invited to PvP premades.
>Undead warrior
Literally the worst.
>Human priest
Pretty much the taurens of alliance, really shitty racials, dorfs are better.
>Nelf priest
Same as human.
>Nelf warrior
Same case as taurens and trolls. Gnomes, dorfs and even humans make better warriors for PvP, you wont be main tanking in classic.
>Nelf rogue
Same case as Troll rogues.
>Human warlocks
Gnomes do it better.
>Ret paladin
>Prot pala
>Any druid that isnt restoration
>enhance/elemental shaman
>arcane mage
LMAO. Literally the worst specs possible.
sorry to hear friend
>when you trigger the Chess champion of Mongolia who has masters degree in game theory
I just wanted to take a piss on Chess you wanker, not get fucking owned by you.
When did you try it? To be fair ESO has been hugely improved since it's beginning. It was JUST tier when it came out, now it's not bad. Not saying you should play it over Classis WoW but there's fun to be had nowadays.
>want to roll fire mage
>tfw no sindorei
Human and troll mages just feel so inferior when you know in the back of your head that there are elves.
Guess human/undead warlock then? Was destro a thing in vanilla or am I forced to go afflic/demo and spam shadowbolts
Virgin rankers should fuck off and stay on their containment private servers.
Chad immersion players don't give a fuck about any of that shit and will get invited anyways due to their skill and alpha personality.
only MC shitter guilds will take dwarf priests, human priests wipe the floor with them
if you want to progress beyond puggable content (mc/zg/ony) you will go human priest
Nostalgia is mental illness.
You will not make new friends, most of your old friends will not play this. Ingame all will ignore one another and guilds will be utility only.
Nef basically requires a dwarf priest on Alliance
people pug aq40 and bwl lmao
Because they have actual RL friends, unlike you.
holy retailcuckeroly projectingeoly
Based and Redpilled
if average boss drops like 3 items and the raid has 40 players its safe to assume you will get one upgrade every other raid more or less. Do the raid ten weeks in a row and you'll have like half of your gear upgraded. Vanilla gearing is slower than BfA, but not that slower. If you're in a raiidng guild, by the time next tier comes out you should be mostly decked out in current raid gear.
>100% braindead tier
mage, warlock
>easy but requires the ability to think tier
dps warrior, rogue
>normal tier
healers: priest, shaman, druid, paladin
>hard tier
hunter, totem twist shaman, prot warrior (tank)
>four-dimensional mathematics degree tier
shadow priest
>/gkick tier
ret paladin, balance druid, enh/ele shaman
Posting the same comment 20 times in a thread dedicated to a game you hate is the only mental illness here. Seek help
Destruction/Demo is viable with either being the dominant part, and I think affliction and destruction is also fine
I hope I can find a strongk warrior tank bf(or gf) to carry my priest ass
>tfw 3rd last session on saturday
feels goodman
But my bara Hrothgar Dancer isn't going anywhere
Nelf rogues are fine if you'd rather go daggers than swords, there's just gonna be fuck all for good daggers in early content.
Or I can FF14 and murder both groups at the same time.
Laser* not last
Shadow priests aren’t hard, they just have to accept the OOM and know their place as the warlock enabler.
Can someone explain to me the appeal of fresh servers every few years? Seems like pure autism replaying classic repeatedly.
Actually keep playing XIV user, hope it will keep you distracted :)
Orc warlock is the superior min/max choice because stun resist is fucking absurdly strong and counters the shit that is hardest for you to deal with. Warlocks eat other casters for breakfast so wotf becomes redundant.
>people who idle in voice chat all day only doing greetings and trying to strike up a conversation every hour or so which awkwardly dies down after five minutes have rl friends
>people who want to do things ingame but are to afraid to directly communicate with their teammates per voice coms have rl friends
Try again.
Don't forget to take your tranny HRT pills today
leveling practice, you dont want to get stuck in the normie pack forever while leveling, right user?
Please dilate
The journey to 60 and gearing up pre raid bis is very fun especially with a guild and/or friends
which race/gender combination has the best healing animations
I can't think of a better way to ruin classic than getting so far ahead of the curve that you don't even see other players. I guess that's expected from a virgin private server NEET though
Only pills I take are allergy pills so I don't sneeze all over your strawman arguements and "Muh tranny" insults. I bet you're gonna play a female orc, arent you tranny?
I have a zero depth vaginoplasty which doesn't need dilating (and I still have a penis)
I'll be playing a chad male human warrior. Anime is absolutely disgusting shit for fags and trannies
Put Hpal in braindead tier. All they do is buff and spam FoL on the tank. Spriest is /gkick tier too. You might as well have a holy/shadow priest using r1 mindflay to apply shadow weaving and refresh it with r1 mb instead of a full shadow priest.
>mfw all the retards going dwarf priest for fear ward thinking it guarantees them a raid spot
>this just leads to an excess of dwarf priests being benched and denied entry into any raiding guild
>"dude we already have like 4 in our guild lol we dont need you"
Should have rolled something kino like Nelf Rogue or Troll Hunter instead of minmaxing like a dummy.
We already did the same dungeons and leveling content for inumerous times, theres nothing better than rushing to 60 just to get rich by gathering all world resources and also camping low level packlets.
Your first post implied that they simply didn't want to small talk with you, faggot. People on voice that don't even communicate shit that's pertinent to the game are fucking cancer, and so are morons like you who think I want to hear how your fucking day was.
Hey, me too. It's like 'tranny' has lost all it's meaning as an insult or something because it's thrown about so much.
fem nelves have the best casting animations period
I hear the call of the wild.
Don't mind me guys, human warlock coming through.
Have some more dots you filthy horde apes. I'm sorry what was that? More dots you say? you go.
did you try leveling druid without animal forms or something? It's the easiest shit ever, you have almost no downtime when grinding mobs, have stealth, cc, and fastcat to get quests done easily, can also easily fit in to groups for questing, aren't completely dependent on gear for your damage/survivability, can quickly find groups for dungeons because bear (and you will be tanking, because getting a warrior to equip a shield is harder than most raids in the game), and just generally get around faster with cat and travel form.
Wow, really tranny class there
You female nelf priest ERPers aren't going to convince me
You know this is a mmo right?
Its about playing together and not looking for ways to be able to play alone u autist
I think bfa is the better choice for u
>human warlock
>caring about PvP in a PvE game
I feel like someone could easily make a modern "mmo player" version of this image. I think the wow classic, wow retail, ffxiv and eso images would be pretty easy to nail.
Sorry, user. I already have a guild full of private server tryhard autists ready to farm you when classic comes, I don't need to socialize with shitters anymore.
Good luck getting stuck on the pack.
You still don't understand I want voice coms for effective fight coordination. NOTHING MORE. I don't want to hear about your day either or trivial shit from your life, I might be done with having a fun discussion or spouting some fucking memes in guild chat, but that's about it. It's just that from my experience there are either guild where people refuse to play coordinated via voice coms or they force you join them in their gay ass voice chat all days which is fucking awkward most of the time.
Don't. Nobody wants you there, or anywhere for that matter.
>0.025% drop chance
Virtua Fighter picture is missing dangling legs
That'd be fun.
What do you have in mind?
why would anyone play in patch1
>tfw no rp-pvp servers
I just wanna do autistic military drills with my Dwarf bros.
>assblasted retailfag zoomer upset that classic will outperform Battle for Autism
I really like everything about eso but they combat feels so unimpactful even when I knock a man to the ground with my attack. I think it’s that dumbass vague health bar and no damage text that makes it feel awful. That and the stats being so arbitrarily inflated that it’s hard to tell if they’re having any effect.
My experience has been the complete opposite, no one is in a voice channel unless we're running an organized group. You might be joining casualfag guilds or something.
>no sindorei
Thank god
>200 players online
>Tauren Warrior
What the hell are you smoking? Warstomp is useful as all fuck and HP is a warrior's most important stat. The orc weapon skill doesn't even work in PvP by the way.
>playing le reddit efficiency simulator after they caved in to GE fags
alliances first pvp zone is Redridge doofus
I've never played WoW in my life but never stop homeposting. It's extremely wholesome.
Mostly speaking about my experience in niche MMO and EVE. I'll be very happy if this won't apply to WoW.
Use double dragon's call instead.
Who would be the ESO player? Tranny fantasy is obvious, and retail wow would be an obese manchild wearing blizzard merch.
Cant wait to tank shit
warstomp is trash for warrior
Unironically this. I don't think this pleases a single person. The amount of salt in this game's future could power a small nation.
Dwarf male
>first pvp zone
yeah these orcs level 18 are going there just to kill you
>he's so poor he can't afford 15 dollars a month
It pleases everyone who isn't a poopsocking virgin ranker. Hopefully it keeps the private server faggots away.
Truly based
Redridge is a hot spot for ganking on private servers. On Northdale there are people there all the time killing low levels in Lakeshire.
Higer base agi of Nelf is nice, but I would pick human or dorf over nelf any day.
Stoneform is just too based.
>orcs leveling in Redridge
based retard
>It pleases everyone who isn't a poopsocking virgin ranker.
How? The opposite if anything
i actually got a flurry axe on my warlock on a private a couple weeks back in stranglethorn
i disenchanted that shit cause noone had enough money for it
>people actually bought into the lies about sharding and think they will be able to see this many people
This is gonna be so fucking awesome. I literally can't wait for this game to come out again.
Blizzard really must have fucked things up, imagine this being more popular than retail lol, and I honestly believe it will be.
It had 10 million+ subs at peak, and retail is down to what now? 1 million? It wouldn't surprise me if this gets more popular...imagine the retarded devs faces when the realise their predecessors did a better job 20 years ago LOL
Also I'm gonna be rolling a Tauren male warrior. Imma go MS as dps and pvp spec. Even tho fury is considered the pve dps spec, u can easily top the dmg meters with HOJ- WF and sword specialization. Also that AV polearm reward :D
>when you IQ is inferior to 40
Yeah hot spot ganking from high level players that went there to kills nobs that's like saying barrens is the first pvp zone for the horde, for the majority of alliance players stranglethorn valley is the first pvp zone
Nelf is great for twinked rogues in the 10-29 range. Improved ambush in particular can one shot clothies
No BGs at launch is blizzlike and based. Causing havoc will be fun.
Horde don't get force flagged in barrens so no that's just you being retarded.
Who's gonna listening to Linkin Park and other 15 yo stuff while playing?
Honestly, I can’t believe how much I’m looking forward to classic. I played a lot of MMOs, still do. But everything right now just feels wrong in one way or another. MMOs are about playing with people, interacting with them as much as the world. But every game released recently is a singleplayer game with some group content. I’m aware that’s WoW’s fault in the first place, since it’s just casual Everquest, but I think it struck the right balance of needing people and not always needing people.
I’m playing XIV and XI right now. XIV has some fun loot hallways but the story doesn’t interest me and there’s nothing to really motivate me to go outside of them since it’s all samey solo content. Pretty much every other MMO I’ve poked my head into recently has been like this. XI is interesting and exploring is still nice but the trust system made the leveling process completely solo and the gameplay just isn’t there to entertain. Private servers are fun, I’ve enjoyed Nasomi and Ascension is an interesting gimmick but it just makes me want a populated, stable experience. I want classic WoW, and I know I’m setting myself up for disappointment when Blizzard inevitably fucks it up.
>when you realize success in classic wow is 99% time spent and 1% skill
You should start with classic user, you'd love it
gonna play an ud rogue and play dragonforce on repeat while ganking lowbies in stv
Couldn't have said it better myself.
my country minimal wage is less than 10 dollars bro
yeah because retail is like 99% skill amarite lol
It's okay bro. You're fine now. We're going home.
>do you want to buy this shit from me?
>no why would I want to buy shit?
>sorry you're poor
It's not WoW's fault that it did something right and everyone else tried to copy it and failed.
It was always inevitable that WoW would be unique. Blizzard was in a very unique position to pull off what they did in 2004 and modern studios are simply too large to create an MMO with soul now.
Said the people so happy to see current WOW crash and burn.
Nice projection there.
Yeah, people like murderfresh and redridge boss sit there all day killing low levels. It's pretty funny to see people complain in general chat and on the lights hope subreddit. The tears are palpable.
release when
>being a third worlder
I know I will.
>tfw minimum wage is $7.25 in us
>tfw gonna blast Freedom Call while riding around Tanaris farming nodes on my free pally mount.
>tfw going home
>playing on a private server
>realize this is literally me
I mean, sucks to be you. Yoink, my kills, my herbs
>29 level twink = redridge it's first pvp zone
Horde first pvp zone is Ashenvale redrige can't be considered the first pvp zone when the only people going there are either twinks that you are not going to see in a long of time when classic release and high level hordes that will take another good chunk of time, so no you fucking alliance baby your first zone where you level ALONG with horde players in the same zone is stranglethorn valley
Retail wow crashing and burning is what gave us classic. God bless that shitty game
>puts on cloth gear
>takes all non healing abilities off his ui
based paladin
>tfw make $15.40/hr
>Classic literally costs me a mere hour of my time per month
Feels good man
>tfw blizzard will drop the news that they don't have the server infrastructure to do Classic without sharding throughout the game just before the game is released
I've never played on a private server
I'm just waiting for official classic
Haven't played in so long it'll be all fresh
retard, enjoy being crushed by min maxers if you are playing a class that can be a orc but you arent one
>just before the game is released
when IS it releasing exactly?
I hope so.
It’s true, and kind of sad. I logged into EQ for the first time in a long time a few years ago and they practically made it WoW. WoW was great but it definitely fucked everything up, including itself, by making mmos such a big business.
Someone doesn’t remember the times.
It was ten percent luck
Twenty percent skill
Fifteen percent concentrated power of will
Five percent pleasure
Fifty percent pain
And a hundred percent reason to remember the name
>tfw younger brohers will deeps and tank
>tfw gotta keep my brothers alive
I suspect either this will be the case or reduced server sizes to below what they were in 06. Their server architecture is built with sharding in mind. If you've played retail recently and been in an area where 50+ people are using abilities it's an unplayable lag fest. MS sky rockets to unplayable levels.
>min maxers
>mfw it's actually the oldfags and not blizzard that destroys classic by shitting on all the new blood in every conceivable way
there's literally nothing more to be announced aside from server pop
release date is most likely this month
>playing an orc
Nah, I have standards. You’re gonna play female anyway which is even more degenerate
this, after a month or two the game will be nothing but the min maxxers who populated the private servers before them
Wow is literally the best it's ever been and the only reason it's lost players is because the game is old as fuck and everyone has grown up and moved on.
Newsflash, nostalrious existed and no one fucking played it aside from like 3000 autists. All the people who ACTUALLY played classic like Jesse Cox, like crendor, you know humans and not retards, have said by and far the same thing "I had my fill when vanilla first came out, I'm not going back"
*shards away*
heh nothing personel
you better believe it
This is basically guaranteed to happen too, which is the sad part. If you're the dumb asshole who makes a gnome warrior or whatever you're just straight-up worse
>no one fucking played it aside from like 3000 autists
jesse "chugs blizzard cock" cox
crendor literally put out a classic vid the other day
>not going for the gul'dan big shoulders death machine fiend look
imagine opening on this guy and getting your shit resisted
>WoW was great but it definitely fucked everything up, including itself, by making mmos such a big business.
Isn't that how most genres are though?
Look at another "going home" situation, even. Halo threads. Halo CE was a great game that also "ruined" it's genre by bringing first person shooters to the console market and spawning tons of copycats. Everyone wants to be the WoW killer or the Halo killer because these games were essentially first to market, even though they had predecessors they were the first to take their genre, a diamond in the rough at the time, and turn it into something more accessible.
This is the natural flow of the free market I think. Now everyone wants to be Fortnite killer or the LoL killer. 10 years from now people on this board will be saying that Fortnite killed the battle royale genre. And by that time the MMO genre will have a new champion, probably. The cycle repeats.
What I wanna know is, aren't most people playing Classic gonna know everything about it already? I mean, hasn't everyone's fun already been kinda compromised as it were?
Nice. Hope you are getting severance
>Phase 2 releases
>40 man raid groups form for WPvP
>Everyone complains about camping at flight paths, lv 50 zone, etc.
>Stability issues ensue
>Blizzard extends sharding to those zones to address the complaints
>Zones become seemingly empty
>You're back to an empty leveling experience like retail
All part of the plan boys.
Private server players are going to be a heavy minority come classic. I don't know why people think otherwise, the amount of people interested in playing classic but have never touched a private server before is huge. Also helps that most of these degenerates are EU so NA chads will get a much better experience.
>gnome warrior
>literally the best pvp race for warriors on alliance side
nice bait, human warrior, even dorfs make better pvp warr
I’m gonna make a gnome warrior like I did in classic and it’s going to matter just as fucking much. I feel for the PvPers but there’s no content you can’t do as a whole raid of the “wrong” race.
How can it be babbys first pvp zone for one faction? Players from both need to be there in order for any pvp to happen
Probably not, especially if he's getting fired.
Nah there will be elitism but the majority of the population of Classic will be those that have never played Classic, mostly retailfags. And the average player will be a mouthbreathing retard just like in every other online game.
that looks like shit
>nice bait, human warrior, even dorfs make better pvp warr
I'm assuming you mean worse or else I'm right
True, but why would people who raid seriously choose someone worse over someone else who's better
>speed levelers can get to 20 in 8 HOURS
What the fuck bros!
>the amount of people interested in playing classic but have never touched a private server before is huge
How do you know this?
t. sewer undead
Orc Warlock master race.
Imagine playing anything other than an orc warlock the original disciples of chaos.
>work for two hours and you can play for a whole month
where's the problem?
>the amount of people interested in playing classic but have never touched a private server before is huge
This seems like an enormous assumption.
Having 40 man raids clashing into each other with warmode creates massive fps lags, not serverlags.
And that's because WoW is just fucking ~15 years old, basically only utilizes the CPU and only one core of that.
It's not something they can avoid while still wanting better graphics
>and modern studios are simply too large to create an MMO with soul now
Well first of all you would have to create a masterpiece strategy game which introduces millions to the lore of the world, sadly also something they fucked up with making those characters loot pinatas later on and trying to involve the players in the story like they're some main character.
human warriors bring nothing for pvp, perception is trash
gnomes have escape artist to get out of mage cc which is their biggest counter and dorfs have stoneform which can get out of rogue poisons and blind aswell
>Guy made an alliance and horde version of the pic
What a faggot
>Phase 2 releases
>everyone complains about being ganked
>Blizzard puts War Mode into Classic
Legit how mad would you be
3k for an mmo is literally dead tier
What is your plan while leveling? Take it slow and enjoy yourself or autism rush to 60?
I know a shit ton of them. The vast majority of people don't want to play private servers, the usual rational being "I don't want to waste my time on shit that will get shut down by blizzard" (regardless of the truth behind that statement)
Fuck, many people aren't even aware of them or don't know how to play on one.
Hordes usually go to Ashenvale first and there are like 4 or 5 alliance nelf there that didn't know how to reach stormwind
No, private servers are not representative of the majority as normies don’t touch them
So, ""I'm assuming you mean worse or else I'm right". Seriously, actually read your statement again. Otherwise you're saying "gnomes are the best race for PvP but humans and dwarves are better"
>Imagine playing anything other than an orc warlock the original disciples of chaos.
The original disciples would actually be the Eredar, user
underrated, based and redpilled
I got to 60 in a month on Kronos while working 9hours a day. This time I have 5 weeks of vacation to spend when I want
The last time the southshore versus tarren mill brawl was available everyone had their MS drop to unplayable levels. It wasn't just FPS lag.
worst class for pvp is druid
debate me
Yeah, but they're not playable. I would play those red skinned goat morons if I could.
Anyone else have a bunch of empty bottles ready to piss in so you don't have to get up?
with r14 gear they are annoying
>"B-but they're the best flag carriers!"
>Elwyn forest and Dun Morogh are small in comparison to Barrens and Mulgore
How do i know this was made by a Hordelet?
how many r14 druids were there lol
They're good, you just have to gear them out properly (which isn't easy) and frankly most gear isn't built with them in mind.
not that guy, but i'm one of those people. private servers were always a huge turnoff for me for a lot of reasons.
>f2p so no chink/3rd world gatekeeping
>rampant bugs with no real incentive to fix them
>corrupt gms banning you for making them mad
>officially sanctioned gold selling
>deliberately tweaked spawn/drop rates
>other loot tables/mob stats are guesswork since no official data on them was ever released
>server stability notoriously shitty
>don't even know which private server to roll on since distinguishing the difference between them isn't easy if you haven't played on one before
yet all of that would be tolerable if it weren't for the possibility that the server could get shut down instantly by blizzard and all of your progress is just lost. with official blizz servers there's at least a sense of longevity since they have a financial incentive to keep them going. that said, i'm still extremely apprehensive about classic due to the shitshow that is modern actiblizz.
imagine if we could play with fel red orcs, it was possible on private servers by editing some files and people could see you with it, but you would get banned quickly
Anyone got a link to any of those old PVP videos that were parodies of the tryhards and their shitty nu-metal music?
The one I’m thinking of was a female troll rogue
Imagine picking a race for racials and not aesthetics
It's rare to see one but I was on a 1v1 server and they are pretty much impossible to kill as physic damage, only locks stand a chance.
It's really just sad. Watching all these people that overcame their WoW addictions being baited back into that hamster wheel where your life ceases to move forward for years because all your free energy is invested in work with no real life reward.
This is exactly what Blizzard wants. It is a calculated move to suck back in as many addicts as possible. Like a drug dealer passing out free samples. All of you are weak-willed faggots. And the sad part is 90% of you never even played before 2006. And by the time December comes around, you'll be demanding they add Burning Crusade to it because you're bored of old world.
Balance resto druids are beasts when played right (which 95% of people cant)
what race are you going user
i'm gonna fucking do it bros
Im sorry user
True. If something is popular, it’ll have imitators, then the market will flood with diluted garbage. It’s especially painful for MMOs since they’re built around other people - the whole reason new ones embrace singleplayer so hard is reducing that reliance to hook some whales at the cost of everything that makes them worth playing in the first place. But you’re right and I hope whatever we have in 20 years is pretty good.
i’d rather be any other horde race than a dumb green nigger
Come home m8
i suck at editing and couldnt find bigger images for alliance zones, also going alliance this time around, teldrassil/darkshore reminds me of tirisfal/silverpine
Rolling sub rogue with my boyfriend and a friend both playing kitties. We're going to terrorize your leveling experience and there is nothing you can do about it.
Human Male Paladin
I cant take it anymore. I want it now, right now god damn it.
Havent touched vanilla since Nost and I'm graving it again like no tomorrow.
You are going holy, right?
Of course, I don't mind healing
When is this home coming even happening? I keep seeing this thread. It's been months of it aleady.
>with my boyfriend
i hope you are a female
Why you keep making this thread over and over? You shilling for a boring game that only gets mediocre content because fat asses like you would cry if not
based and holypilled
Is there any raid healing class/spec that can also do some solo wpvp? I'd hate to respec everytime I go out in the world.
Slow is best. Going to roleplay, keep my professions up to par with my level, form parties for quests, rest in taverns, explore each zone, read every quest text. Going to be max comfy.
priest half holy half shadow, or half holy half disc
druid half resto half feral
shaman half resto half ele
pala half holy half ret
but dont tell ur raid leader
I remember holy paladins could fuck some shit up but you needed a very large amount of spellpower. Like AQ40/naxx levels
Holy shit I'd play one of those as a Warlock in a heartbeat.
>both classes I want to play will be overpopulated
I can still make a name for myself as a good warrior right? Or will everyone be playing at about the same level since it’s 2019 and we’ll actually use keybinds this time around
Remember that your spec doesn't make you bad at doing other things, it just makes you better at whatever you choose to do.
The fuck are you smoking?
>Instant WSG victory
>Stealth regardless of spec allowing you to pick your battles
>Stealth & Healing allowed Vietnam Gurella warfare in AV, stealing towers & graveyards when nobody was looking
Every fag on the planet will make a warrior or a hunter. This is a fact. Most of the serious people I've seen talking about Classic are choosing those or possibly priest/paladin/shaman
>No cheevos
>No pets
>No mogs
>Only like 5 mounts to collect
What's even the point?
I'd consider playing it if i could xmog some missing t3 sets for my collection (i've sold 160 tokens so far for that, so it'd be cool to save up just so i can give asmongold a more generous donation this month)
Based comfy gamer.
Autism rushing is what causes
Holy/prot pala
Oneshotting melees is fun
I don’t partifculalry want to heal unless my group goes horde, I might go shaman. I was thinking maybe going mage but the rotation is so simple it’d literally just be bring the most geared mage you can find
>Want to play Warrior
>Don't feel like tanking
>Also don't want to be the faggot who asks for a tank for a dungeon as a warrior
Should I just roll Warlock?
>nobbel87 isn't going to play classic
literally dead on arrival
Stay thy hand.
Everyone's rotations are simple in vanilla, user. Maybe some classes are slightly more complicated but they're all pretty braindead, especially when it comes to PvE
spending months grinding my Winterspring Frostsaber all over again
you don't even need to be prot to tank, friendo
You can play with her son.
He can tank, and I assume you're going to play priest.
how difficult is it to get into raiding in classic?
I started in cata and never did vanilla dungeons/raids
>want to tank dungeons
>don't want to roll warrior
Prot Paladin it is then.
>you dont need to be prot spec to tank dungeons
>you can get your fury pre bis easier because you can make ur own group
>but the rotation is so simple
Give me a class that wasn't simple
Why not rogue?
>Classic is extremely hardcore and only for true gamers
>You don't even need to spec into protection to tank
This seems contradictory
Someone shot up the ironforge religion district and the diverse races of the alliance decided to make a wall around ironforge to show that the horde will not divide them.
I guess. There’s a difference between like, watching your rage and hitting stuff based off that and just spamming frostbolt though. But yeah that’s my biggest concern, everything’s going to be easy enough to play that I don’t know how I’ll stand above people and get invited to stuff.
You must be new here, friendo.
Who the fuck ever said it was hardcore
The best thing about classic is that it starts casual and gradually becomes more serious, but its really not hardcore unless you want it to be
>mulgore with zeppelin
>zeppelin was added to tb first in wotlk
I have that picture as live wallpaper and that still annoys me
yoy literally just press 1 button
Nobody ever said either one of those things.
>tfw all the babbies who never had to learn what threat was pull aggro off the tank after two fireballs
Can you not make OC? Is everything a fucking wojak edit to you? Yea Forums is plebbit.
Mate I'm not going to suffer off-spec tanks in my Dead Mines groups. You're not getting in unless you're Prot.
>mc and BWL cleared in Naxx cleared in 80 minutes
In vanilla every warrior has access to the same kit, minus a very few amount of abilities. There are talents in prot which make it easier to tank, but aren’t required to tank. Does that make sense?
And don't get past 1st boss in either.
>inb4 literally anything
No. PUGs don't get past Prophet or Razorgore, period.
well everything works in 5man, even shaman tanks, for raids the mt need to be prot
the "hard" thing is that you can do a dungeon 20 times and not get the drop you want, and vanilla dungeons such as strat/scholo takes a while to complete if you have a mediocre group
????? We pugged bwl in vanilla when everyone was shit
Do holy paladins really have to wear cloth in vanilla?
>for raids the mt need to be prot
Yes, armor was considered part of the Item Budget for an item, therefore plate has less budget to spend on stats than cloth
The difficulty in vanilla is completely different from retail. The hardcore part is about grinding to prepare for raid. The raid encounter difficulty is mostly down to trying to coordinate 40 people and not having people go oom in the second minute of the fight, some bosses are just straight up hard gear checks too, something you pretty much don't have in retail anymore.
>mc and BWL cleared in
>hes rolling the most populated class in classic
Today i will remind them.
That and when you’re raid healing how much armor you have doesn’t really matter, so if a cloth or leather piece drops for you that’s an upgrade from whatever plate you’re wearing, why not use it
Was it really that good? I thought the extra fast speed meant you weren't getting a lot of damage on that extra attack. Or does the proc apply to main/both weapons?
>pick horde and stay with my faction and never see past 4 horsemen without a poopsocking guild
>Roll alliance and tanks will generate 43% more threat making every fight easier because they can stack more tank gear instead of threat gear
people pug bwl and aq40 all the time, it's just you're retarded and can't find a proper pug
for pve i think they need to use a pre bis cloth but for pvp you can go plate tier sets
But user, I'm rolling a hunter...
>22% undead
>that many warrios
>rogue second highest
It’s fine. I’m a NEET and I’ll grind way harder than normies
>>mc and BWL cleared in
There’s a mail crafted chest that’s pretty comparable to the robe so you have options
Rogue is 4th highest
>literal poopsocking NEETs who play 20 hours a day for the past 5 years and have an optimal raid comp and every single buff imaginable are representative of the average raid team
ok retard
Its second, priest is 4th