it is one of those situations where it isn't even worth the bandwidth user.
blackout is unironically the best battle royale experience out right now
I can't wait until battle royale games die off
And ironically still not worth the time
They could give me the full game for free and I literally would not even bother downloading it, they would have to pay me because there are far, far better games that deserve my limited time than a dogshit 2019 CoD game with a battle royale meme.
The only time i play battle royal is on my phone and when im taking a shit.
okay? then what are you doing in this thread?
The regular multiplayer is better
And don’t give me that “oh the time to kill isbto long where’s muh twitch shooter old cod experience”
But where is my old twitch shooter experience? COD prided itself on casuals but black ops 4 is loaded with tryhards both in multiplayer and blackout.
I played it when there was a free trial around when it came out. I won one game of regular blackout and I didn't really feel like I had to play it again.
Really tight, but it's still call of duty, at the end of the day. Everything else about it just feels offensively boring.
Doesn't this have a cash shop?Why is there a price attached to it and why would anyone download a 50gb client for a month.
How is facing good players bad
BR is shit
>gimmicky black ops go go gadget warfare
>online shitty battle royale mechanics done infinitely better by other games with less gimmicks
Tch, yeah user, I mean, what excuses does Activision have left before it goes completely F2P?
My excuse was playing it last time they had a free trial and got bored, now that apex is out there is literally not a single god damn reason to even think about downloading this
You invited me
How is the show? On par with prior anime?
apex is better
dumb fucking zoomers
>Zoomer for liking a game headed by the guy who worked on some of the best CoDs post 3
You're trying too hard, bud
They still make those?
I'm over it. Took too long to get meaningful updates.
I don't know how but epic manages to consistently update fortnite with new content that keeps me wanting to play every week. Apex legends took a month for it's first content update, and had 1 gun in it. blackout took weeks to fix critical errors and start optimization procedures.
>just the shitty BR
I was born in 1999 not 2005
kill yourself shillnigger
I was so close to giving this a genuine reply until I came to the realization halfway through my post that this has to be bait. Good job
Shooters are a boring genre that all play exactly the same.
>I don't like CoD.
I don't like Hungarian Games.
I like Alcatraz.
Because I got the CoD4 remaster for free last month and that’s what I’m playing now
>Generic multiplayer BR
>No single player Sim BR
>No Kaiju BR
>No wizard BR
>No demon possession BR
>No Mech BR
>No mutation BR
>No mythological monster BR
>No slave trainer BR
It's shit.