How many anons here still have the fatass PS3?

Although Sony made the most arrogant console ever, it was also the most ambitious one. Blu ray, HDMI built right in and most impressively, the exact same hardware found in a PS2 and PS1 (partially for PS1 as the PS3's CPU handled the PS1's processing). Basically you had a PS1, PS2 and PS3.

Discounting the yellow light of death, I've heard it's a rare console these days. I only knew one mega rich friend who bought the fatass PS3 at launch but other than that, everyone else had the Slims. The OG PS3 is the ultimate custom firmware machine as well.

Attached: Five-hundred and ninety nine U.S. dollars.jpg (1200x800, 91K)

Other urls found in this thread: a PS3 actually works or not , and how long it lasts.

I have my fat but it isnt a backward compatible one. Sometimes I forget they made revisions. That one with the slidey top looks like shit.

It didn't play a single ps2 game I wanted to play without some kinda problems that made it unplayable (like not being able to be played with a ps3 controller) so I traded it in for a slim.

My PS3 I got 10 years ago still works

I still have mine, and it YLOD last year with my Dark Souls 1 disc stuck in it.

Got mine 11 years ago. Played Yakuza 3 to 5 and demon's souls just last year.

Everyone told me that it would break and get a yellow light but alas, still kicking.

There have been 3-5 in my family but they all broke in some way. One of them the disk tray stopped working and it'd eat games and crash, on all the others the power/eject buttons stopped responding (who the fuck thinks touch buttons are a good idea needs to be fired)

I bought mine on release day, still trucking along, only had to send it to repair twice. Once was due to the disk tray refusing to spin the disks so it wasn't reading anything, while the second time had to send it for reballing. That second time was a bit spooky cause the entire system just had a massive stroke and refused to even release the game inside, which was a bit of sticky problem cause it was a game a friend lend me, a game he took AGES to find.

>bought one second-hand for like 80 bucks like 6 years ago for exclusives
>everyone says they die eventually
>still running strong
Shame there isn't really anything I want to play on it these days though

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I still have mine, but lately it started randomly crashing during loading data from BD.
I just hope I will be able to beat Ar Nosurge before it finally dies.