Buy my game you fucking bigots

Buy my game you fucking bigots

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1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre

formerly chucks

Randy is one of the peak examples of entitled devs that actively shits on customers. Dont buy his game, he's a massive faggot

Is Borderlands 3 the new Half Life 3?

>why should customers be able to speak?
I dunno

I think he's trying to be so wrong it flips over to right again.

>It’s another twitter screenshot thread
Give me one good reason why people who post these threads shouldn’t be range banned.

>Steam has a great review feature
>Steam drones break it and make it worthless


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where were these people when shit like Hunt Down The Freeman got review bombed?

cos that's mean

I created the thread on /qa/ about that and I got no replies from mods or owner.


You should tweet it, make a screencap and post that instead. Guaranteed replies.

>voicing concern right in the face of the publishers vs bugmen being """""offended"""" over a joke because their leader told them to

It’s not about needing the system, it’s about providing additional information to consumers, who may choose to ignore it or not.

Randy is saying less information for the consumer is better, you’d literally have to be a cuck to buy his games.

He's not wrong though, steam is a fucking cesspit.

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>Being this much of a mental midget where your first sentence doesn't actually have anything to do with the rest of the paragraph

Can you imagine only being able to play she and pedo shit?

>guys, i'm a video game develloper and i think you should have less information about whether the game is good or bad, but i totally have a consumer's wellbeing in mind, not mine as a person who wants to sell a product. you can trust me

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I feel like Randy is the type of guy who rehearses his tweets in the mirror a couple of times before posting it.

Curation = censorship
I fucking hate indie games and if I had the power I'd veto them from the internet. Now imagine if someone like me gets hired to curate the store.

Why does a store need a review system? So that creators CAN put whatever they want on the store, but it can still be curated by the consumers themselves via feedback

Why would I literally want LESS when I can have MORE?

Why should we want other people to tell us what we can and can't buy? There is very little reason why more options isn't better. Free for all puts the responsibility on the customer to decide what is good or not. I'd rather make an occasional mistake on a purchasing decision than have my options spoon-fed to me. It creates dependency, removal of responsibility, and an overall dumbing-down of consumers. That's what people like Randy want, of course; dumb, gullible consumers that don't speak out against devs, don't have opinions of their own, and accept poor business practices because they don't know any better.

who's Yea Forums's leader?

This reads like satire but Randy actually unironically believes this

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That's not how challenging an established system works though...

This dumbfuck realizes Epic doesn't have curators and Steam does, right?


>As a customer...
>Randy Bobandy

This dude is digging a massive hole for himself and he can't stop. It's practically a mental illness of itself, good god.

>steam curators
they only exist to receive keys for free shit. otherwise completely worthless

>How dare consumers be allowed to rate their satisfaction with a product!

Only in the video game industry can developers be so openly anti-consumer and get away with it.

Why is he getting so desperate?

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>cover my platform in dogshit to "send a message"
>wonder why publishers are pulling away

So glad I desinstalled steam last week. EGS runs better anyways.

I'm not gonna disagree with you on that, but still, my point remains.


The good news is that they're really not getting away with it. People are ripping into him like they should.

I have a small sliver of hope left for zoomers honestly. The old guard can't be around forever. Keep it up. Don't take any shit from these pricks.


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>anyone answering anything
/qa/ is the place that mods can dump thread about board quality to, without answering anything. It's only purpose is to let hiro tell us his shit ideas.

your point is shit. he obviously means curators as in people who control what gets in the store and what doesn't. steam curators have nothing to do with that

not everyone likes the things you like Randy

>Hehehe fuck Borderlands I'm gonna pirate it teheheh
Alright I'll just ban you

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Considering that he thought Colonial Marines, Battleborn and Duke Nukem Forever were worth selling I'm guessing his store would be filled with literal garbage anyway.

If he ran a store the merchandise would be children.

I'm tired of entitled game developers and publishers.

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But you have shit taste

Hiro on suicide watch.

>why would I want a democracy?
>what if instead the richest people just paid a small group of people to do all the lawmaking for us?

He's right. There's no guidelines to opinions. People can make shit up to give a poor review about anything they personally didn't enjoy about the experience regardless if it's relevant to the actual quality of service. Take Yelp Reviews that do all their aggregated scores with a star system, but stars vary widly between opinions. One person might call it "okay" and give it 5 stars, another gives it an "okay" opinion but with 2 stars. Customers don't deserve to talk about things they aren't knowledgeable about.


>If I ran a store I would be bankrupt in 3 months
yeah, it shows

Please get off of my site. You are a retarded nigger.

>I want corporate opinions to be the only ones that matter

And SJWs still can themselves "leftist"


Is Randy literally retarded?


Didn't this mother fucker have cheese pizza on his fucking hard drive? How is he still free?

That’s why consumers should read multiple reviews and do their own research. If you have a brain, you should be able to discern the shitposts from the actual reviews.

Noooooo my inter-

>Only in the video game industry can developers be so openly anti-consumer and get away with it.
Car manufacturers are right up there, too.

>Want diagnostics from your car's fancy computers? That'll be $1,000 for the tool plus a $500 two-day license for the software, please!
t.grumpy Toyota owner

It was loli and jailbait.
Neither are illegal.

>We want to bring trust to the game industry and remove user reviews
>from the guys that brought you Aliens: Colonial Marines

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how does this man still have a job

>Happy government spy blushes
My little spy can't possibly be this cute!

>as an AAA studio, I don't want to compete with non-AAA studios
Wow very bold claim, Randy, now go fuck yourself

who do you think looks bad in that pic, Randy?

It still falls under the same problem that there are no guidelines for opinions. Millions of people still watch Dunkey for his reviews and take him seriously.

Consumers are going to Randy to vent and he just argues with them. They're going to him to communicate instead of review bombing and he tells them to fuck off

>"Le bad ass pirate" bent the knee
Honestly if you're going to brag about being a pirate, knowing full well they don't allow that shit on the server (Says they warned him) and the suddenly shrinks back when someone tells you stop acting like a faggot, that's fucking hilarious

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Fake and gay

Hi Randy. Fuck you.

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>t. cuck indie dev
Meanwhile good indie games are doing just fine on Steam, funny how that works, huh?.

This is some entitlement if I've ever seen one.

nah, i think it was supposed to be a thumb drive of Just-18 videos
he gets a pass for it instead of being torn down for it entiely because he already employs SocJus cartel members like Anthony Burch and Anthony Burch's sister, so they don't attack him as he's already keked down to them.