>a soul game includes gayshit now
How are you OK with this?
>a soul game includes gayshit now
How are you OK with this?
>a soul game includes gayshit now
Blame the fujos
>How are you OK with this?
I don't look at the fujoshit art
Literally fat fujos fault. Ingame models aren't attractive at all. They're common npcs without any sexual context. Lusty retarded gamers fault.
Liking cute boys isn't gay you faggot.
>it's gay because i said so
>a soul game includes gayshit now
Took you long enough to get aware of it, m8.
t. gay arab shithead
He's cute so it's fine.
>They're common npcs without any sexual context
Literally every scene with Kuro has a close-up of his feet.
Don't be jealous of Wolf because he has Lord Kuro and you got nothing.
Oh fuck off with that. Kuro-sama is cute and Wolf is handsome, that's undeniable. You probably just hate chinks (I don't blame you.)
Just cause you're gay doesn't mean the game is
Solaire jokes about hitting on you, and then there is this femboy
That's in the first damn Dark Souls you goofball
Its ok if theyre cute like girls and not flamboyant faggotry hamfisted to meet western diversity quotas.
this unironically
its okay when japan does it
>Yea Forums loves little jap boys now
what happened
except it doesnt include gay shit, you pedo faggots make it gay
at least there's still some normal stuff in there
DMC went full gay
> goofball
He said "a soul game", smartass.
t. fujo
>DMC went full gay
What? How so?
>Samurai game without gay stuff
Literally impossible.
kys faggot
i mean it
It's not gay if he hasn't hit puberty yet
What's your point? If it's been part of the franchise for almost ten years, it's hardly a matter of happening "now".
I'm just a faggot, sorry to disappoint you. How many girls do you think actually use this site?
Imagine being such a fucking faggot you see gay shit when seeing someone act on a code of loyalty.
Insecure much?
>DMC went full gay
I wish, still waiting on Nero's SFM.
Fujos are the most cancerous existence that are hiding inside every fanbase.
They are projecting gayshit in everything.
You say that then you same fucking fags insist that every hot women in a game would lez out instantly with every other one and no one bats an eye. It's almost like it's a fictional fucking game with fictional characters.
Don't feel to bad, Sekiro will never have more porn than Overwatch or Devil May Cry for example because Sekiro ain't as hot as Nero or McCree.
>New twink character
>Scruffy Dante
>Chad Deadweight
>Motivation man returns
DMC has been fujobait for more than a decade, it only ramps up from here.
>Waaaaah why are gay people expressing themselves? How could this happen? It must be those awful roasties that won't fuck me
Clock is ticking. You're never going to be a dad.
Sekiro is as least as hot as Halo and Zelda though.
Just let us date Emma in the sequel
this is the best goddamn fucking doujinshi in the world
>Amazing Trap Ahead
nagi-ichi and tsukuru made me gay
It's certainly one of the must reads, but the sameface ruins it
Not that guy but you're both making the same point. Why are you arguing with him?
>two endings have Kuro die
>one ending has Sekiro die
>last ending has Kuro disintegrated into a loli instead
Face it gays, there's no history where the end up together.
Truthbomb old Yea Forums didn't like traps, that's why it's called a fucking trap. You got someone to jack it to linetrap then called them gay, you dorks.
Even if it were true, that's only sexual if you have brain problems
You're not gay you're just a lonely degenerate who is overexposed to porn and traps are just another kink for you
>trish is ugly
>lady got a massive manjaw and will never be as cute as 3
>nico is disgusting and most likely smells
>kyrie doesn't even have a model
anyone with some taste won't care about them
yall need jesus
I played through it and didn't noticed any gay shit. It must be (you).
doesn't matter when the face is sublime
>thinking the sexual fantasies of a teenage boy translate into adulthood
Just because you fucking mega fags think every man is a gay doesn't mean straights think every woman is a lesbian.
the fact is that licking pussy is more gay than sucking cock you queef.
But i dont do that
>you're not gay you're just aroused by dicks
getting "that's not REAL communism" vibes from this shit
AND they gave one of them a robot arm, which further fuels all the tumblrina disability fetish fags
AND they gave him a human looking long haired Devil Trigger, with spirit arms, and angelic wings which fuels all the monster fags as well.
>true end has Kuro share a female body so he can bear Sekiro's children
Jesus christ.
You're not fooling anyone, underage
I mean cute and hot boys sell. Thank God that people are realizing it now.
Fucking str*ight "people".
Gay is the future.
I'm 30 and got here in 2007. Bridget always made you gay you queermo.
probably, but i've come to terms with bisexuality at this point so it's not a big deal
It's gaykino though
No, user. He's with the centipede now.
Wrong. The Future is Female.
>I'm 30 and got here in 2007
>a japanese game includes gayshit now
You will be OK with this!
It's funny to think that Sekiro the battle hardened shinobi assassin is actually a boy-molesting fruit that wants to see the Divine Heir dress up like a wolf and strike a cute pose.
Now? There is a Trans snake boss in 1, a sex changing coffin in 2, and I think a literally make you gay ring in 3.
>Solaire might be cannonically bi
>Prince Lothric and Lorian
And gay.
Yuri shall rule the world.
If you're curious who keeps bumping these threads
Fair 2007 was cancer, but I'm still not wrong.
>Secret Trap Ahead
Why did you respond to me? What is your point?
fucking degenerate
Well, yes, once the Y chromosomes dies, the future will be of an all female lesbian society with asexual reptile like reproduction.
It's not even a souls game, it's a Tenchu game made by from software. It makes me wonder how different a game would have to be before people stop parroting that line.
based ESL-kun
>disgusting gays
>I'll bump their thread and give them a reply
Seems suspicious.
it's a tehcnu/souls spinoff, brainlet
From software could make a racing game and people would still call it dark souls
Hormone what now?
Literally not from a tranny discord, I just bump threads like these to make you seethe, sweetie
greeks and romans couldn't be wrong. as long as you're the one fucking there's literally nothing wrong with it
The problem is that Bloodborne is a thing, so anything From's does with loss progress towards dead/one last chance to get it back, "bonfires" and Item/bacground hidden lore will be forever be seen as part of the "soul" series one way or another.
Speaking of Bloodborne, what gay shit did I miss in it? I am coming to realise there is a lot of that in this games.
It's payback for hiroshima nagasaki.
>entire game with the new realistic artstyle and grit
>Dante's DT pretty much the same as DMC4
>majin DTs for both Vergil and Dante are full on monstrous
>suddenly Nero's DT is a full on long haired beautiful animu bishounen
Based fujos
The Dragonair is the master in the relationship I don't think he would let woof mount him.
>greeks and romans
Japanese samurai also did it. Google Shudō (衆道).
Well that is what happens when you pander to women. You get a lot of cure and hot boy art. I Love it.
Those faggots got kicked out for a reason.
Yea Forums is literally pedo central, since cunny gets you autobanned they all swarmed boys instead
The ugly bastards ruin it
Yeah. Christianity.
>projecting your gayness
stop, homo
Based Christianity
>loss progress towards dead
BASED esl-kun
cunny only gets you autobanned cuz lolifags can't help themselves and keep posting lewds on a blueboard.
Every thread.
Every fucking sekiro thread I see this bullshit amount of fujoshit art.
I can bet my fucking dick that there doesn't exist a thread without that shitty kitty trap kuro pic.
It's either that or constant rage wars between fujofags and Emmafags.
Don't make me fucking started on the git gud disputes.
>Hey I plated Sekiro
>Git gud I plated Sekiro with bell demon and without Kuro's charm
This constant fucking circlejerking is driving me insane. Can I have at least one fucking thread where we talk about something that isn't one of the things mentioned above???
seems that you care so much that you dissolve into an apoplectic rage at the mere mention of them
Git gut filtering fujo arts lmao
Also Germanics, there was a tribe of Germanics called the Heruli who the Romans noted being homosexuals.
Fujos don't like traps. It's all faggots posting that shit.
>Fujos don't like traps
Oh my sweet summer child
Based. Thank you Jesus.
>like traps
>/d/ is entirely about trannies
>no cute boys in sight
/y/ and /cm/ dumbass
Hope you enjoyed it while it lasted, it's on it's way out.
You still count as a faggot, tranny.
>BASED sand niggers telling me what to do and eradication my culture
That's just sad.
t. Afghan
/d/ has trap threads what are you talking about?
You mean
t. Romans, Greeks, Japanese, Germans, Afghans, basically every single culture except Sand-Jews
I'm not even defending it, that's just the facts.
>eradication my culture
>his culture is all about sodomy
That's just sad, homosexual.
based desert cult destroying rome and all of european culture
Not having a smell fetish.... shit taste.
It's all trannies with hormone tits.
Literally unmasturbatable to.
>the only change Christianization made to culture was kicking out the mean evil faggots
You don't even understand what you lost. I guess if you have no connection to your past, it doesn't really matter. I'm not surprised to hear it though, I'm sure you'd gladly throw your lot in with Muslim killers if it meant getting rid of the icky wicky fags.
Hardly. There's still normal traps all over the threads
not as sad as being one of the sandniggers' puppets
You mean destroying degeneracy and let it rebirth as something dignified and becoming golden standard for civilized people all across the globe?