So I got this game and it's shit and it's just a QTE fest with "swipe left" prompts left over from like whatever mobile...

So I got this game and it's shit and it's just a QTE fest with "swipe left" prompts left over from like whatever mobile game it came from, the graphics look like a PS2 game and it's repetitive as shit. Why can't I stop playing it?
Send help.

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What, with like the controller? How would that help anything?

I honestly can't tell if it is actually instagram droids or zoomers that think this is the funniest shit ever.

I haven't seen even a second of gameplay for this game but i'm pretty sure a lot of the fun is derived from collecting characters and team building.

Yeah it has a ton of weird cards like when Gokuh imagined what fusing with Mr Satan would be like.

does it have pic related?

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its literal incels that are doing it.

Off course, it has Future Trunks wife.

>Always dreamed of a game with SSJ5's and shit
>Heroes happened
Fucking sweet.

Ironic. He could save others from virginity but not himself.

Attached: w3ghf.gif (220x143, 106K)

Technically a SS5-lookalike is in the game. Broly also has a couple of beyond-SS4 transformations (Full Power LSS4 and Broly Dark).

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This looks batshit insane. Does the game work on a toaster?

It's a port of an arcade game where you swipe cards across a screen, did you seriously not bother to do any research?
>the graphics look like a PS2 game
Because they are, retard. It's models from and based on the ones from Budokai 3.

>Does the game work on a toaster?

Did you read the rest of the post? The irony here is palpable.

Considering it still uses a modified Budokai engine, pretty sure it could work on most computers.

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Why can't i get a Tapion i'm sick of Gokus and Vegetas!
And fucking hell i can't qualift for the A-rank tournament for the life of me

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Keep training, keep trying, keep at it. You'll be A-rank someday!

Should I stock up on those capsules, or are they useless?

spam em every match

They're pretty good for some of the tougher battles, so stock 'em up.

But is it good? $60 is pretty steep

It sucks that this game has less content than the last DBHX 3DS game had.

Making the 3ds game superior contentwise.

No, it's not worth $60.

its not from a mobile game you idiot
its from the japanese arcade machine where you puts cards direclty onto the machine and you swip them around as you play

my PC died just last night and am now on a toaster, it runs, but it runs very slowly and some QTEs are unwinnable due to not having enough time.

Super Saiyan 3 Raditz is so fucking broken, I feel like I'm cheating when he's on my team.

It's not even worth it for the switch if your switch isnt hacked.
The game does not support cloud saves so alll the 10000 hours can easly dissapear if your switch dies.

Yeah I figured

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I felt the same way at the beginning but his 2k power increase per round just isn't keeping up with monsters like fucking Toppo, Ultra Instinct -sign- and Goku Grand Tour SSJ4
When i find someone else who can keep stamina up like Raditz i'll swap him out

>the only zamasu and goku black cards that can fuse are promo cards

FUCK there's like 5 billion promo cards they're gonna take ages to get.

Bump 'cause i feel like i'll have a question to ask really soon

Getting certain promo cards is gonna be a bitch once DLC rolls around. They really should've divided some of the promos by missions.

Dragon Ball Fusions was like this but better

Whew. I hope they don't actually go the entire mile and leave it that.

I'm enjoying it for what it is. I wouldn't recommend it for a full $60 but for the $30 I spent I'm having fun

My current deck is a bunch of high attack gokus and a whis that can't attack, but adds a insane amount of damage to attackers once per turn. I pretty much forfeit the first round to gain stamina and burst down the enemy on round two with my rested up team.

This strategy worked well on all the story shit so far but the one time I've tried it online I got my ass handed to me by a deck that focused on disrupting stamina.

I also don't mind the gatcha so far. It's weird to play with one that hasn't been fucked to hell to funnel people into buying gems.

The mini games are dumb but I can actually see it being kind of fun in a real life arcade. The game has the tone of a slot/pachinko machine going off.

I kinda want to get this just for all the crazy fanservice but I dunno about blowing $60 on it.

Dragon Ball fusions is the best dragon ball game.

>its from the japanese arcade machine where you puts cards direclty onto the machine and you swip them around as you play

Sounds fun, is it multiplayer in Japan arcades?

No and it shows, balance is wack

Damn, missed opportunity. That would have made an insanely fun arcade game/tcg

Any site with a good deal for this?

Man, I kinda regret buying this. It seems you can plow through anything with any combination of cards or teams, just by putting them all in the front field.

There hasn't been a single second of strategy or careful planning so far. Very disappointed.

Have fun trying that in PvP.

Go fight Golden Freeza in the arcade

the game isn't worth 60 but the physical cards that come with it are. Seriously they are Tier 1-1.5 level relevant and most people I know that are buying the game don't even have a Switch. This is some yugioh type shit. At least you get a playset of the battle card. Back in my day you had to buy 3 games to get your playset of Disc Commanders.

I've been seeing a lot of people say this isn't or doesn't look like it's worth $60, which is the standard price for most new release games. Can someone that thinks this give me an explanation as to why? Is it just the graphics? I feel like the game is bursting with content and I'm having a blast playing it.

>Can someone that thinks this give me an explanation as to why?


That post says it's not worth $60, but it doesn't tell me WHY it's not worth $60. It just goes on about why the cards that come with it give the game value to them.

You guys have any tips? I try to be conscious of the descriptions and abilities but man it feels like a lot to learn and memorize.

to be blunt the game is NOT worth the 60 dollars it is on Switch but Bandai like Konami knew that so they threw in promo cards to get some extra sales. And it looks like it worked. Most stores don't have the game now.

If you're really looking for tips, I'd go to the Dragon Ball General on /vg/. There's lots of people there discussing the meta, so they might be able to help you out immensely compared to whatever help you might get here.

Again... this isn't telling me why you think the game isn't worth $60. What is it about the actual game itself that you feel isn't worth $60?

Because you're actually enjoying yourself, but your brain is too wired to think "Well these mechanics have to be objectively shit, right? QTE turned based combat is bad, isn't it?" and won't just give in to the part admitting you're having fun.

I actually think the game is worth it on sheer content. There's a fuckload of game here, and I don't feel like my money was wasted.

I do, too. Which is why I'm trying to figure out the opinions from the other side for why they think what they do.

nice thread

Is there any way to know just looking at the card what will be it's starting stamina and CI speed?

Can somebody seriously redpill me on this game. I keep seeing everyone praise it and talk about how addicting and good it is but everything I've seen from it just looks awful

I went to Japan AGES ago, and I played the One Piece equivalent of this game and I thought it was dull then.

What am I missing? What makes this game good? I'm not willing to dump 60 bucks into this

>I'm not willing to dump 60 bucks into this

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That's fair. Really, how valuable all that content in comes down to a core couple questions: How much do you like team building games, are you cool with this style of combat, and how much do you like Dragon Ball?

Heroes and Elites always start with 2 bars, Berserkers always start with 1. As for CI speed, typically the stronger a card is, the faster it moves, although I don't think you can read it directly on the card anywhere.

If you're into teambuilding, theorycrafting, and shit like that, there's a fuckload of stuff to do here, and Heroes is a lot more engaging than most of these styles of games. There's also a lot of fun card and mission creation stuff.

Is there any specific mission in the game that's best for farming custom card parts? Like the visual stuff, not the abilities; I know custom missions are broken for those.

>typically the stronger a card is, the faster it moves
Well this complicate things, i made this team of jobbers pretty much as a meme to check out the Z Mode on multiple characters but the perfect bonus for Elite types is seirously starting to feel busted, regaining all of the stamina on 5 characters and with the current CI speed i'm getting them pretty consistently so i've been thinking how i could take this shit further

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It's one of the things meant to keep lower powered cards at least somewhat viable. They're less risk to use. Not all of the more powerful cards have fast CI's, but try going into a fight with a team of all 1 star units and you'll see a difference.

There are cards with abilities that slow down the CI speed of other cards.

People also like to make super obnoxious teams and stages that spike your CI to ludicrous speed.

Is playing a shitton of custom missions the only way to unlock the rest of the mission creator songs? I want my goddamn God Mission theme and seeing it so low in the list is disheartening.

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Bro this game is complex unexplained effects and random QTE. Surprisingly still one of the better card games out there.

It's really repetitive, though, and it only has like one song. I feel like I'm playing a JRPG that's nothing but random encounters, always on auto.

Cooler never jobs!

Play tournaments so you get the DORAGON BOORU HEROES song

You can unlock more songs eventually, and you can get anime songs too if you're willing to shell out 30 bucks.

Same here. Bought it, started to hate this left clicking simulator, played it every day since release.
Considering it is just a ported arcade game may justify the simple gameplay. But when it comes to deck building and addictive card collecting the Japs know how to make a game.
Good 20€ game of the price 50€.

Great to play stoned and just sit there and watch all those flashy animations.

Fair enough, but I don't think more than one song should be something you need to unlock, let alone pay for in a game.