It's useless in regular souls too.
no its not
You don’t dodge every move. Stay locked in combat attacking and parry until you see a perilous attack and react accordingly.
thank god i'm a block/parryfag since DS1
When I first played Sekiro I tried to play it as a Souls game.
That was my biggest mistake. Try to forget what you learned in soulsborne and learn that new game from scratch, you will have to sooner or later. Remeber that deflect is the main trick in this one and dodging is rarely the best option to make. You will find yourself using jump way more than dodge anyway.
the only dodging you do will be with a prosthetic weapon that leaves a shadow/feather trail upon use.
You are supposed to deflect. You can still dash through attacks but the timing is tight.
Note that your posture recovers faster when blocking.
That's not true at all. You still dodge for repositioning or as a last resort. Mikiri counter is also dodging, and it's the most useful unlocked skill in the game.
deflect faggotttt
It’s bad as a design choice, which is fulfilled by low amount of i-frames but most importantly a shit load of tracking on every attack
>it's bad because I can't just mash dodge anymore
Git gud
because almost every hit is tracks you down
Because Mizyaki wanted to make DMC, you can't dodge every attack, you can't deflect every attack, you can't jump over every attack, you have to combine all three with running around like a fucking retard in order to progress.
Because the game wants you to be aggressive and push your enemies' shit in as much as possible.
I was having the same issues at first, trying to dodge everything. What you want to do is the opposite. Try and deflect or counter every attack you can, don't relent unless you absolutely have to.
because you have to do it at the very last second because of how fast the tracking is in this game (and the tracking is fine because of how much faster you move in these games compared to souls)
you also have to be aware of which way the attack is moving and whether it will hit you during/at the end of the dodge because you can't just dodge into an attack like in souls due to a lack of i-frames (this is better as it promotes more engaging gameplay rather than "dude he attacked let me roll into it and take 0 damage")
Deflecting and parrying is your new dodge, you only dodge when red chickenscratch appears above the enemies head.
>you only dodge when red chickenscratch appears above the enemies head.
Not necessarily. You can counter a lot of those attacks.
True, but that's still the only time you want to dodge.
hold up, you lose everything on death?
reminder that jump has more iframes than dodge
Half your sen and EXP toward the next skill point, unless Unseen Aid triggers.
>running around like a fucking retard
That's not how you play this game. You will be blocking most of the time to keep your posture recovering.
You are still dodging away for repositioning when you need to recover your posture.
because it's not the main mechanic like in souls games, deflecting is. imagine the parry and roll buttons were swaped for sekiro
>you get lasting punishments for lots of deaths
Don't step dodge through attacks. Dodge/Run and avoid attacks completely instead.
Your mobility in Sekiro is like 10 times that of the other games, so it's more than possible.
>you only dodge when red chickenscratch appears
Wrong and dumb.
It just means it's unblockable.
So, you have to either parry it, or mikiri counter, or just use your feather.
>running around
if you are running away and playing defensive you are doing it wrong
>he doesnt know
I actually swapped the two functions on my controller. Not so I could 'unlearn' Souls better, I loved the new formula instantly, so that I could move the camera while sprinting around. I'd recommend it to anybody, also swapping the use item/eavesdrop button if you're using a dualshock. Down arrow way closer to your thumb that way.
You can sprint in circles and punish but it's always slower than staying in your opponent's face and doing deflect/jumpkick/mikiri.
If you attack you force the enemy to deflect and counterattack. Then you deflect the counterattack for more posture damage. Attack again once he's done to repeat the process of winning.
It's not, though?
Dodging is very important to get health damage in. It's just that you can't juke absolutely everything with it anymore.
And every ichimonji or leaping attack
What? Just parry and R1, same result. And if you miss the parry, you'll block.
Deflecting. You aren't doing it.
That's the single thing every person who loved every other From Soft game is failing to get used to.
I think it's because deflecting looks too much like blocking and it doesn't feel right at first.
But yeah I saw a thread a while back from a souls vet who was complaining how long it takes to kill bosses. All he was doing was dodging, kiting, and hitting a slash or two at a time. On EVERY BOSS.
That dude is spending at least double the amount of time and probably more like triple time to kill these things. And he's complaining because he says the game is the stupid one.
Tldr; It's not souls. Deflect.
>same result
>hit with a R1
>do X damage
>hit with a R1
>do X damage + some extra posture damage
you're right, parry is better in literally every way, lower risk, higher reward
>I didn't play the game
>failed attempt at an ad hominem
absolutely pathetic
You need to deflect more. Dodging overhead strikes is really the best use of dodging.
There's plenty of moves you can dodge and rewards you with a chance to deal uninterrupted vitality dmg.
you don't even want to dodge them, you want to jump on their head or mikiri counter them.
cowards deserve death
Real answer: because after dodging Sekiro's guard recovers more slowly, opening you up for attack.
Play the game like a qte fest. It's what it is. To stay combat engaged you must hit the correct button at the right time.
Has anyone made a Sekiro version of the git gud meme yet?
yeah but i didnt save it
What if i told you that It's not, It just doesn't make you invincible like souls games