Why don't more video games have reveresed gender roles?
Why don't more video games have reveresed gender roles?
because it would be too hard on my dick
because conforming to gender roles at all isn't woke man
But that's not how male blood elves look like.
At least they wouldn't be more generic than humans if they did.
why do no games have matriarchys in them
I want to marry and impregnate a Night Elf
even normalfags hate it.
They don't look like that either
theyre hot though
Horizon tried having a bit of that in it. Everyone hated it.
>reversed gender roles
There's the answer to your question,mutt.
Fund my book into a game and you will have dominant female orcs
"Sotopurian females are generally dominant, and this shows, since most of their females are the ones who ask the guys’ hands. In case of competition for a single partner, whoever has the best rhymes in their serenates wins the soul of their loved one. The symbol of union is made by breaking a vase, a symbolism to breaking free of the terrible loneliness."
If gender isn't real then why do they have roles?
I'd be fine with this. It appeals to my senses more. But most of today's gender subversion is to lower the standard of beauty.
me on the right
its not over yet
in my setting, female elves have super tight holes, for your raping needs (and also males have lanky penises)
Medium Height: 185cm
Burnew Test: 91
Life Expectancy: 110 years
Same limbs as humans, except they have longer fingers, are lanky, and also possess knife shaped ears, probably comes from incestuous relationships. They are great at magic and problem solving, while they aren’t physically strong or dexterous. Elvish babies are born around 35cm in size, so contrary to dwarves, their women have small, tight, but still long vaginal canals, and so, their male counterparts are also long and thin. Elves have the most dominant genes, so if a dwarf, orc, or human copulates with an elf, a half-elf will be born. Their long life expectancy comes from their latent magic powers."
Okay, you've peaked my interest, I might give it a look at some point, maybe. You can stop shilling now.
Ok, i will stop now
thanks user
have sex
>Burnew Test: 91
What does this mean?
Its a test by an scientist on my setting.
It measures the race's ability to maintain and create a civilization
it goes from 0 to 100
>pouty lips
>knife ears
>30cm eyebrows
>broad shoulders, inverted triangle figure
>lean build, not too muscular
>beautiful long hair, generally blonde
They look exactly like that. That image's eyes are golden, but nowadays you can pick golden eyes for BEs too.
>big strong females who fight and rule
>cute little twink boys who cook and clean
>high ranking females have their male harems
>procreative heterosexual relationships and romantic homosexual relationships
h o t
Interesting. How is it measured?
Male Blood Elves do not look like John Cena with long hair.
Medium IQ, feats, quality of life. All separated by race
you do realize he's wearing chest and shoulder amor, and that that's not a tight shirt, right?
>not plate armor mode
It has to be a sexy matriarchy to go over well and you can't do sexy anymore
life is suffering
Based and Elfchadpilled
Because the vast majority of people are comfortable in normal gender roles.
The artist thinks she is making me laugh, but actually I'm just getting a boner from watching cute guys get abused and mistreated.
Halduron is a total twink, even in that pic, though.
aren't night elves a matriarchy?
Almost no one likes it:
>/pol/tards hate it if it isn't 100% failure because it goes against their worldview that traditions are the only way to succeed
>/pol/ of the left hates it because it makes everyone pin the failures of the fantasy system on the fact that women rule in it, which would explain all the failures in real life
>normal people hate it because it's stupid to have women rule
>only femdom cucks and coping bulldykes like it
They are in the absence of males. When they wake up, they're in charge.
Well he's Ranger-General. He doesn't need a lot of body mass but primarily dexterity and reflexes.
There are heavier Elfchads for dirtier jobs.
>male suicide rate and female crime rate increases the more society enforces gender roles
People obviously aren't comfortable in gender roles.
Because it's a shitty selling point and "challenging the norm" when you're the minority is like hunting a bear with a NERF blaster.
True, but he has an oddly pretty face too. I think one of the worst things about the WoW model is that it simultaneously fails to capture the chad elf look, but also the men aren't pretty enough to look like Halduron in that pic either. Truly the worst of both worlds.
>have that go on for thousands of years
>the moment the magic wears off, men are back to being in charge and women are back to being the pussies that hundreds of thousands of years have made them
I think there's a joke attempt there, but it's failed.
Appealing to a niche is one of the best possible ways a small game can shine.
She just wanted to draw that cute blonde office boy getting smacked in the butt, let's be honest
I want to be sexually abused by 35 year old frustrated women with too much money who can't find a man who makes 3x what they do
Smug elf is top tier.
Too bad the playerbase is full of retards.
He is the Legolas of Blood Elves.
Of cource his official depictions and his in-game model differ as almost the moon from the sun.
This. Even better if it's not smug, but assertive, aka can back the pride up with real actions.
Majority of women don't care if man makes less than them.
Look at this Chad Shin and badly shaved beard
he trully came out from an 80's Action movie
And yet they almost always end up with men who make more than them and leave them if that changes.
I just find the idea of being forced into a woman's role hot. I don't want to be a girl, I just envy their position for fucked up reasons.
Women are hypergamist as fuck. It's only once they hit the wall do their standards drop.
this quest may be older than BFA, but it really describes Jaina's bullshit and Cataclysm's personal boat in Thousand needles.
because it's a dumb fucking concept that only attracts a niche market of mentally ill spergs like you?
That depends on the niche and often that works out in licensed properties, unique gameplay mechanics or the game's presentation. You're asking about getting faggot shit to sell like gangbusters just because it's faggot shit and faggot shit is oppressed so people like you put all your hopes into the idea that a game with faggot shit makes faggot shit acceptable to the public.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>being a libtard
>I just envy their position for fucked up reasons.
Please tell those reasons, sissy user.
I'm tired of everybody.
This generation of humanity is absolutely fucked.
Try not being to people what they are being to you, then you won't be surrounded only by people who are tiring.
Just the idea that they're the natural inferior, socially. That they're sort of supposed to be servile and submissive. How they're outright expected to take a certain amount of good natured abuse. The comic honestly is a little hot to me, especially the guy getting smacked in the ass and talked down to. I dunno if I can explain it more than that. I just desperately want to...I don't know. Be a good boy? That's what my brain says. I'm fucked up.
Nigga, it's stupid people like you who tire me out.
Fuck elves. Always trying to suck all the gold coins out of me.
They are just too stupid to realise that they're digging their own grave if they haven't got the looks.
Just fucking kys you cynical crybaby, you're a thousand times worse than the worst screaming pride parade tranny faggot.
>pretending to be another user
this but unironically
Try not being stupid like you are right now.
Also stop browsing Yea Forums so much, you're too young to avoid driving yourself into edgy cope, like that angry post above
This is like that trans tumblr art crap.
>Hyper matriarchy
>Noble houses only run by the females of the bloodlines, men are the grunts/soldiers sent forth to die when the noble houses engage in warring, espionage, and intrigue.
>According to Drow law, women cannot be enslaved unless overtaken by the matriachs of another noble house. Men on the other hand is fair game but are often not enslaved since they need them to do the grunt work and they can easily sack villages in the Upper World.
>Only females can partake in the sabbath to Lolth and become her priests/clerics.
>Those men who do go against the laws of worship and form cults of their own to become Lolth clerics are quickly culled and murdered on sight.
you just like femdom you retard holy shit stop overcomplicating thing
If being smart means making pointless hills to die on in consumer media and raising a stink about how others who were doing just fine with their mindless entertainment are supposed to have fun to the point companies started posturing for social justice brownie points, then I'm glad to be stupid.
That's cute. It's natural to want to be a good boy, user. Hopefully you get a gf that makes you serve her and calls you a good boy.
For long-term dating? You're completely wrong. They can go for a fuck, yeah, but for long-term dating they'll only settle for a man who makes more than they do by a substantial amount, otherwise the monkeybranching is always ready to fire.
so i'm femdomkin? doesn't really roll off the tongue but i'll think about it
Unironically I wish this would exist
Men in general love to fucking check out and simply do mundane or nothing roles, it's one of the many reasons that through history women had to be used as propaganda to get men to do anything
You think most men would go to war if they didn't have some women fucking nagging them to do it or if they didn't get some White feather to symbolize them being cowards by some vindictive cunt
Men do shit because women don't want to, but if there's no reason for them to do it they completely stop participating in society all together
It's the great truth of society
I don't know what you mean by this post
>men are the grunts/soldiers sent forth to die when the noble houses engage in warring, espionage, and intrigue
That's really not the case, men can also gain powerful positions in drow society, be it in military but especially as wizards. A lot of menial labor is done through slaves from other races.
Saying you're pretending to be another user that agrees with you.
Ah yes, I remember the 1940's and all the male suicides and female crime rates
What the fuck are you even talking about?
>Hopefully you get a gf that makes you serve her and calls you a good boy.
Not him but god do I want this
Vastly prefer if it's men doing to dominating, in fact I'm a little put off by the women being in charge. I want to be in a women's role, as a man, with men in charge. That's why it's complicated. I don't like femdom at all, but the role reversal gets to something primal and submissive in me that just personally submitting to someone doesn't fulfill. Part of the appeal is the naturalness of it, that it's supposed to be that way. Hope maybe that clarifies.
I have a boyfriend so I don't see it happening.
Okay, who do you think I am? I just wanted to shit on the edgy little faggot crybaby that hates the world. I hadn't replied to anyone before that.
God I wish I were a cute trap
males generally commit suicide more often because they choose more lethal methods
Sure you have.
Wait, why the Hell are male suicide rates going up but women's aren't?
does your boyfriend put you in your place user?
Drows are too hardcore, desu. I'd rather have a gentle femdom matriarchy. Instead of treating males like slaves, women, while being physically superior, so stronger, smarter etc., would treat them like overgrown children or dumber versions of themselves. That plus some female worship and a goddess cult or mostly female pantheon.
No, being smart means not flying into "reee fucking faggotry" rageposts ever, and also not seeing boogiemen at every corner.
Video games with niche shit in them aren't a jewish plot to replace the population of 14/88 bald Aryans with Black Power Amazons, they're just niche shit for people bored with usual shit and looking for something weirder.
Because life is getting better for women hence their suicide rate goes down
Life is getting worse for men hence their suicide rate goes up
Its not that complicated
>but if there's no reason for them to do it they completely stop participating in society all together
Except for hobbies, work, research etc.
Society is more than just buying a house and having a bunch of spawn.
I like that the implication that gameplay is less important than representation and people are comfortable with the same ol' gameplay as long as they have a different type of representative.
Really shows what state videogames are in if that's your raisons d'être
Not as much as I wish. It doesn't come naturally to him. We're getting there.
Because life has never been easier for women than it is today. Everything is handed to them on a plate.
They don't even get punished for murder, anymore.
why videogames?
>hey let's have a game with elves
>*tips fedora* muh gameplay *tips fedora* elves are more important than gameplay? tssssk *tips fedora*
No wonder you keep ending up surrounded by tiring people, there is always one in your environment.
I knew it, I fucking knew exploding yourself is the least painful way to go. Fuck shooting yourself I bet that hurts so bad.
You would think that but in almost all of those cases especially during the late 80's early 90's most of it was simply males turning to drugs or liquor
You fail to realize that most people aren't particularly passionate about anything and simply want to chase dopamine feelings
>Self improving MGTOW
Is actually a recent phenomena and only works because the internet exists
But it's not as if this is the first time in history that males in countries simply check out of their own society
I sorta also know this sorta first hand because my uncles where born around the 70's in communist Russia where at that time a lot of their friends were basically like that
why've you gotta make Yea Forums gayer with every contribution? just don't
>They don't even get punished for murder, anymore.
You're either smoking some crazy propaganda or are a huge retard who thinks that a mindless clump of cells is a person.
god speed user
just make sure to reward him when he does it
Because like with everything men actually are focus on the task till completion.
I need to find the numbers, but I remember my gf telling me that women attempt suicide more often and in higher numbers than men. The thing is that men tend to take everything in stride until we either go on a mass shooting or off ourselves but when it happens it happens, it's not a cry for a attention.
>dude, they changed their name and started wearing red in honor of their slaughtered people, so uh I guess their eye color changed too somehow idk lol, and also somehow the architecture of their ancient capital and shit is also now fully red n shieet
Fuck blizzard hacks
Plenty of games have elves, user.
We know you're talking about your clown world ladyboys and fake women.
Thanks, it's tought work. He's extremely polite and good-natured so I have to deliberately teach him that I want to be commanded and get him used to the idea that it isn't rude or hurtful to me.
There have been a number of cases where a judge defers a prison sentence on the grounds that the woman has a child. It protects her from punishment and she gets away with it.
I think that's wrong though
Because even in times where it was bad to be a women, the suicide rate didn't exactly change either
Like if that were true there wouldn't be that many mongol genes passed down through history
I honestly can't ever think of a time where Female suicide rates were high. let alone ever reaching male suicide rates
Ah, makes perfect sense. Attempts go up for both but men succeed more often. Thanks for pointing it out, it hadn't crossed my mind.
>I sorta also know this sorta first hand because my uncles where born around the 70's in communist Russia where at that time a lot of their friends were basically like that
Russia is a special case because it's a genuinely shitty country filled with genuinely shitty and evil "people". For example, this is the shit they do to their recruits:
There's also the part where communist russia was pretty devoid of things to do, because having fun was pretty much wrongthink.
Sure, a lot of people will fuck it up, but it's nowhere near as bad in human countries.
There are prisons specifically for women who are raising children
That's fucking corruption
>the male looks cuter than the female
am i gay now
No it's not. Having a subservient partner doesn't make you domineering, rude, or demanding to others. It's a special case, our specific relationship.
Consider the failed suicides, though.
Not all of them are calls for help, many of them are just women being failures at everything they do.
If you count failures, women have comparable numbers to men, except in subhuman, anti-male countries like poland or russia.
You know you're literally a clump of cells right now
If your wife is pregnant and I punch her in the stomach causing her to lose the baby she wanted id get charged with murder, if she kills the same baby then nothing happens
Why is that clump of cells a life if I kill it but not a life if a woman kills it?
abortion is ritualistic child sacrifice
youre just fucking gay then holy shit
I don't see that as anything particularly new or wrong since hazing has existed since the time of the Roman's and i'm not going to read a fucking Vice article
Also this has nothing to do with the particular country because this is something that has happened to any country where economic prosperity stagnates or is in a decline
I can point to the same kind of results of 1929 - 1941 where most males removed themselves from the society and fell to drug abuse or alcoholism in the united states rather than go out and do a "hobby",
Don't act as if Russia is a special case because they practice fucking bullying
That's retarded
lifes always been worse for men
imagine your in the year 1200, would you rarther
A) be raped
B) Sent to war, captured and flayed alive, tortured mercilessly until you give up information that you never had in the first place and then executed shortly after you "confess"
Life was and will always be easier for women than men
Then that just makes it even more fucked up that some judges let them off entirely.
Note that I'm talking about UK judges. We are the most cucked nation on earth.
>literally a case of "draw a girl, call it a boy"
The fact that I want to rail his pucci and suck his dick might mean I'm getting there, though.
I mean, yeah, but that's irrelevant. The vast majority of gay men don't want to be a little bitch slave for someone, trust me. They just like fucking men or being fucked by men or both. I desperately want to be in situation where I have to serve and please someone with power over me. You could say I'm submissive, but it's pretty extreme, and I still have that element of "I wish I was supposed to be doing this". Like I have some need to fulfill a higher purpose wrapped up in my boners.
Life has never been easier for men than it is today. You get everything you want and aren't sent to die in wars. You don't need to learn manners and social codes like men before you and never need to learn crafting skills. You don't need to travel to other villages to talk to women, because society gave you phone, dating apps and plenty of free women that are looking for a boyfriend.
How much more handicaps do you need? If you believe in male independence you should be fine without making life easier for men. Or do you secretly think men aren't independent?
Men were raped in war, in fact it was the best time to do some boy fucking while you were away from the wife and kids and in some weird foreign place that you hate.
Even with all attempts the closest you're going to get to a female suicide rate is Rural China where women overdose with lethal pesticides
You can't calculate attempt as a factor because literally anyone can say they attempted suicide, and the socio economic factors in most places have tons of area's where females are more likely to get counseling or special help so they're more prone to voice their concerns as opposed to males who almost never go to any sort of counseling or treatment
>plastic bag over head 23%
how the fuck is it so low
>because society gave you phone, dating apps and plenty of free women that are looking for a boyfriend
Oh you dear naive boy.
>Don't act as if Russia is a special case because they practice fucking bullying
Nigger, bullying is just one of the symptoms
This subhuman country is a special case because they genuinely hate everyone, at least everyone male.
They have murder rate comparable to africa, highest male suicide rate in the whole fucking world, substance abuse rates so high it's pretty much legendary in the whole world, chinese tier propaganda and suppression, "totally not a dictator" ruler, state-supported oligarchy, massive wealth inequality and many, many more problems that clearly separate them from the world of humans.
Russia is africa but with snow.
It's less of a human country and more of a giant pen full of evil retards.
Fucking understatement of the century.
Be a woman.
>Mongols approach, you are either killed, but if you aren't, you are raped and will have mongol babies and live as a slave.
Be a man
>If you are lucky, you are killed. If you aren't, you are hunted by one of the greatest military forces mankind has ever seen. They are also as cruel as they are powerful, and if they find you, you will be tortured and killed. If, like some did, you manage to escape, you will spend the next month of your life crawling the grounds as to not be spotted by a mongol sentry. Assuming your life as a floor crawler pays off, and you make it to the next town, you will only have a moment of reprise as the mongols are as swift as they are cruel, and if you were able to reach this town, they definitely are going to attack it. There is no escape and the only out you have is a swift death, to become part of the pyramid of skulls of the horde.
>another thread about woodland sprites
carbon monoxide builds up in the blood and causes you to panic
Lmao it's the mongols, all you have to do is surrender, they just want your tribute and to rule over you in name.
survival instincts are the real deal. As long as you still have a way to turn back (that is, ripping the bag) your brain will try to hold you back
No, the noble has to surrender. If the noble cunt in charge doesn't, then they attack. Chances are, you are not that noble fuck, and he is going to get you all killed.
Mongols didn't have slaves, dumbass. Learn history.
Oh give it up little dwarfy. You'll never have that popularity.
the phone makes it harder to find women
before the phone a man was competing with the men in the local area for the women in the local area
with the phone men everywhere are competing for women everywhere which means you have more competition which means female standards raise which means more men die alone.
its harder for men to get a job now because the labour force was doubled by introducing women and then every single year for over 60 years mass immigration has yet again increased the labour pool.
there is literal estrogens in our water supply.
male children are treated as defective girls by the school system
harder to create your own jobs as government regulations continue to increase around the world
life right now sucks for men
What the fuck do you think women are at that time period? Literally property. Learn history.
... so one thousand years of ...
>women laborers (plumbers, electricians, carpenters, etc)
>women soldiers
>women law enforcement
>women fire fighters
>women astronaughts
>women deep sea workers (petrol, communications, etc)
>women window washers
>women trash collectors
>women busers
.... you know, real, uncomfortable, dangerous, and even outright deadly equality.
Well, at least the town you crawl to will probably surrender if you tell them what happened.
God I want to cut off all these ugly ass ears off
>user used bait.exe
>user hurt itself in its confusion
>Haha, look it's the fucking stupid dward doing something funny again!
Gotta love the LotR movies.
Again, it's documented. That didn't happen.
Mongols had kids with women but didn't control their life in any way. They didn't even want to change the women's religion. They just moved onto next village and let them live as they had always lived.
Now I'm confused, what are you saying didn't happen?
The mongals they didnt exist
Guess you could say that settling really wasn't a part of their lifestyle
There should be a bee or an ant race where the only males born are drones used for merciless breeding and then discarded. Only don't make them insects, just aliens with vague insectoid and human features. The workers would be smol girls and the queen and soldiers would be muscular amazons
Fuck you.
I just wish the males weren't super faggy about stuff.
/forthehorde for example the chick sounds more manly than the guy.
Yet you have ultra-chads like Lor'themar as an example of what male belfs can and should be.
You should log off the internet for a bit, my dude.
>chad elves remain unplayable NPCs and guard models
>player elves are forced to be femboys
As it should be. The playerbase would just taint their image, user.
I wish there was an equally popular trend of reverse traps except not the kind where they look like boys who look like girls but the "draw a man call it a girl" kind
>before the phone a man was competing with the men in the local area for the women in the local area
You can still do it. Most people only date someone who is near them.
>its harder for men to get a job now because the labour force was doubled by introducing women and then every single year for over 60 years mass immigration has yet again increased the labour pool.
This was caused by men.
>there is literal estrogens in our water supply.
This was caused by men.
>male children are treated as defective girls by the school system
This is caused by fathers not supporting their son's learning.
>harder to create your own jobs as government regulations continue to increase around the world
This is caused by men.
delusional faggot
I love Blood Elves. And I will never stop pointing out the fact that they have shat upon Lor'themar so much. He is the leader of Blood Elves yet completely underutilized. It's always the same old Sylvanas, Anduin, Jaina and Greymane faces.
Fuck nu-Blizzard.
So, tomboys?
there is real life already for that user
I'm talking about the diametrical opposite of femboys, so more like she-chads
I don't know about you, user, but I don't want Nu-Blizzard anywhere near Lor'themar or the Blood Elves.
>this was caused by men you don't even know so suck it up
You might be baiting and this is silly offtopic but reading that pissed me off
dont really agree with most of the points anyway except 3 and 5
Elves who would be pristine, but have faced the horrors of war and been left grizzled or disfigured by it are the absolute best kind of elves.
I mean you're wrong
Murder rate is high but less than Africa, and not too far from the States. who have 15x our rape rate
I'll give you suicide rate
Actually america is nearly twice in suicide rate
>chinese tier propaganda and suppression
I don't know what that means considering you have 50 news channels that all say the same thing and Britain vastly has more suppression than Russia
We have a presidential election where there are a number of candidates that get 20% to 25% of the vote, people just like Putin because he stopped the country from collapsing after the soviet union fell.
So saying
>Muh dictatorship
is retarded
If you had someone who saved an entire country after it was stagnated for 60 years with no wealth to speak of, would you call him a dictator or someone who was just liked?
>state-supported oligarchy
As opposed to state-supported monopoly?
> massive wealth inequality
We literally do not have any homeless
You have no idea what you're talking about and have eaten the propaganda pill to many times
>This was caused by men.
>so it doesn't count
Anti-male cucks majorly fuck it up for all men.
Doesn't mean men have it any better, it only lets you place the blame on sex you aren't a part of.
>this was caused by men
sepecifically globalists and their jewish handlers
Merkel the person who is the worst of all time isnt a man either
>Actually america is nearly twice in suicide rate
Shit I meant to say *DRUG RATE
>but especially as wizards
Yeah, the most despised occupation in Drow society provides lots of respect. Not that I'm trying to argue against them being useful to an extent, mind you. But it goes like this:
important bigwig House members
most surfacers
non-Illythiri-descended elves
There are also druegar and svirfneblin somewhere below wizards but Drow don't care that much about inferior slave material so I didn't bother.
so tomboys?
good taste user
They've been shit on ever since they joined the Horde for no good reason other than the fact that Asians complained the Horde had no pretty females.
They were better off neutral after what happened in WC3.
>Government regulations are bad
Yeah, it was way better when people were working for pennies to the dollar at jobs where they could easily die or be disfigured and then would just be shit out of luck for the rest of their life, and the byproducts would just be dumped into the river which would be so bad they could be set on fire.
Pretty much my sentiments.
I didn't care much about the Blood Elves for a long time. Undead player.
Sylvanas and her self-insert fuccboi Nathanos got old fast.
gf got me into playing belf with her, got into the lore and started to enjoy them. My only complaint is that they feel limp af. I get that belfs all about "muh royalty and class" that doesn't mean you wouldn't have some rough fuckers out there.
You know they are going to do it. Lor'themar is a strong male figure and we can't have that.
This was started to grow me. The belfs should be a little more cynical, more worn and resilient.
How long before Nu-Blizz shits on them with their SJW brush?
Stop ruining the image of tomboys. Tomboys can still look like girls.
"it wuz better before" is always wrong anyway
the truth is: "it could be much better today"
yea girls with muscles
For as long as putting shit in LEO and especially beyond remains as prohibitively expensive, smaller, lighter females with their lower nutrition requirements will remain preferable as far as astronauts are concerned.
He´d make a good warchief once Sylvanas is gone.
does your brain even work cyka?
Some of the greatest economic booms in American history where before the start of Governmental regulation
I know that GDP is probably a bad way to show this, but as governmental regulation over products/goods/services increased so too did the prosperity of America decrease
It's nearly 1:1 decline
For what it's worth I had to do the same thing for my ex girlfriend. You get used to it. After 3 years I actually am the dominant top she wanted me to be. Of course this came with the unfortunate consequence for her of me finding someone better, and also becoming a professional female escort on FetLife. Yes women pay me to abuse them the way they want me to (which so happens to be how I want to as well). Strangling bondage slapping irrumatio etc.
>has to wait for YASS QUEEN
>Lost Warchief to Undead Hitler diddu
>Lore reason the blood elves follow the horde... ?
>Lore reasons the blood elves follow slyv... Because she was good to me in the past haha!
Most cucked in every lore aspect of the game.
And tauren/gnome right after.
Ah yes, the New Deal. The famous era with little government influence, oversight, or regulation.
Men can decide much more about their life now than in the past. Don't blame school system if your son is inferior to girls. Raise him better and don't make him think he deserves special treatment for his gender.
They do that without fucking it up?
I might consider coming back.
>I get that belfs all about "muh royalty and class" that doesn't mean you wouldn't have some rough fuckers out there
why the fuck was this deleted
He´s just waiting for the perfect moment to strike
I remember in warchief threads when someone suggested him, another user said Blizzard will kill him if that happens and he stays alive by not being plot relevant. Or that was another blood elf, I don't follow WoW too much
You don't sound like you want it if someone had to force you into it for 3 years.
My gf did something similar. She wants me to be more controlling, the thing is I can see her doing it. Trying to change me into a more dominant me.
Here's the thing, I'm such a sub that I'm willing to follow her indirect orders to change into a dom for her. It's weird as I get both disgust and pleasure from treating her as a lesser person.
So sub that I'll dom for her.
Literally freaked out for no reason at everything around him this xpac and has become even worse in lore but no one pays attention to him because he's written as a 4th party character.
More or less he would die because no one would write him as a great leader because they fear writing men as leaders anymore.
See the death of the alliance king and them trying to make his son a huge pussy even after trying to tease him pre BFA as someone that was about to genocide the horde with jaina.
Only to make him and jaina both cower down again while slyv runs around being evil.
Until you realize they aren't as smart on average. Good luck staffing your space team with an extreme minority.
I prefer roles to be shared and not reversed, feminine males are disgusting attention whores.
Belves were shit the minute they got the sunwell back and their mana addiction became a non-issue.
>aren't as smart on average
>on average
user, I...
Because feminism doesn't exist outside extremely isolated pocket societies
Yeah, It was
The new Deal stopped prohibition which was governmental influence, which allowed making it legal once again for Americans to buy beer
One of the problems of farmers before the New Deal, was the federal government supported farmers directly. President Hoover's administration tried to support farmers by providing them better credit and then by buying farm produce to stabilize the prices. But that just caused farmers to grow more, which in turn lowered prices even more.
When Roosevelt became president, the belief was that low prices were caused by high production. The supply of crops and livestock was much higher than the demand for those products, and so the prices dropped.
Hence the new deal stopped the governmental influence of crop
Following that the National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) was an unusual experiment in U.S. history, as it suspended antitrust laws and supported an alliance of industries.
Under the NIRA, companies were required to write industrywide codes of fair competition that effectively fixed wages and prices, established production quotas, and placed restrictions on the entry of other companies into the alliances. These codes were a form of industry self-regulation and represented an attempt to regulate and plan the entire economy to promote stable growth and prevent another depression.
Hence anti-governmental influence
Than came the Glass Seagull act which stripped bankers of their governmental protection that they had before.
Under the act, bankers could take deposits and issue loans and brokers at investment banks could raise capital and sell securities, but no banker at a single firm could do both.
Hence removing the governmental protection to do as they pleased that they had before
Almost everything in the New Deal was about removing governmental institution's that had hurt free trade economy
Which is why it was considered very out of left field at the time
>Bloodelves in Legion tell the Nightborne to lose the Nightwell because you don't need it to be strong like us!
>They get the sunwell back and gain glowing eyes
Blizzard is FUCKING retarded.
Nightborne don't join the alliance because Tyrande is a meany and the alliance are all going to kill the other races of the world so we will join the Undead Queen that does exactly that next xpac and the nightborne don't have anything wrong with it because blizzard can't write a story straighter than 2 faggots ass fucking a dog.
there are limits to suspension of disbelieve
>all these Night Elf faggots seething about Blood Elves again
Based and demonpilled, don’t listen to these tree hugging orc cucks. They’re jealous they’ll never be a Chad Elf
Also green/gold eyes with blonde hair > blue eyes with blonde hair
>blood elves
not anymore lmao
They've had the Sunwell back ever since TBC when Velen took pity on them and fixed it for them.
Golden Eyes are a result of the Sunwell being Holy now instead of Arcane.
Are there even any NPCs who use these Mary Sue eyes?
i know i'm saying that the story for nightborne is ass backwards crap
My dude, literally all of those are government regulations.
You should probably actually read and understand your sources before you use them as evidence.
>wanting to be a prissy faggot.
Give me a fucking break. Men shouldn't think the way you are, you're fucked in the head.
Most NPC Blood Knights now.
>anybody who doesn't like blood elves must love night elves
Yeah, it's not because of butchered lore and literal hack Blizzard writing
>>all these Night Elf faggots seething about Blood Elves again
I thought it was just regular elf-haters. I'm that user and I like night elves more.
I wish random women would slap my ass...
So removing governmental regulation is governmental regulation?