Daily reminder TF2 was always shit

TFC was pretty great if you went all out on it, for casuls i can only imagine the hell and boredom they went through.

also this: youtube.com/watch?v=kRrjh8yp5yE

Pic somewhat related, remember that Valve was going to make it Battlefield style game before the fat man decided to sell hats instead?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>bf style game
Why are you pulling stuff out of your ass?

i remember this pic, it made me excited for tf2. shame it turned out the way it did

confirmed never having played tf2 to this day

Fuck, I was so god damn hyped for the 'real' tf2. i remember reading the big article in pcgamer about it and how it would ship with headsets and all kinds of cool shit. tf2 was a fucking joke and its a shame valve has been a complete garbage company for the past 10 years. TF2 was the first big micro transaction game, it really set the standard for selling hats and other shit across the industry.
It's not about how good you make your game, it's about jewing your playerbase into investing in the game monetarily to keep it going instead of through gameplay and expansions.

Valve killed vidya, fuck the fat man.

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Military shooter =/= battlefield clone, fag. Also, the change of the game's artstyle was the best thing they did.

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>Also, the change of the game's artstyle was the best thing they did.
And it was also the only good thing about the game, shame they jewed out and completely fucked the game's artstyle with shitty hats and unusual effects.

>we will never get BoA


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Hats were a mistake and so were unusuals. But you know, ''it's okay when Valve does it''.

Change my mind.

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Not him but there's not much to see, it's basically a shitty, simplified version of TFC
>B-But muh balance wuz better in tee ef too
If we take Unreal Tournament and remove all weapons except for the rocket launcher, make everyone have the same character and the only map is a single platform in the sky, technically it would be more balanced, but it would be an inferior game.

>here's a big open map that can hold 32 players
>big interior base for shootouts to occur
>giant sniper deck where soldiers and snipers can rain hell on the ground below while fighting other snipers
>middle is a nomans land connected by a bridge over water which itself is an entirely different part of the map gameplay wise
>giant bridge that can hold like 30 people

>lol the sniper deck can only fit like 3 snipers and aiming at any of the open parts guarantees splash damage because the fucking players are so big
>lol here's a fucking rinky dinky little bridge and a simplified water level
>lol spawn can only fit like 4 players because they each take up like a third of the screen
>Tiny ass bridge that can hold like 3 people at most

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its my day off

people only like tf2 more because it's free and the colorful colors makes people nostalgic

But why was it generic? BF had yet to come out and military shooters were not even near as popular as they were to become. It was really unique for it's time. Then again, you are probably either baiting, a retarded zoomer or both.

Why has nobody ever tried recreating BoA or track down an old demo of the game and try to complete that?

battlefield wasn't a trend starter dipshit, it was a part of a trend. OP saying that tf2 being another game in that trend would have been better aesthetically is dumb, not even on the subject of gameplay saying tf2s weak point is aesthetics is stupid

>running around sentry
>blast jumping and air strafing
>air shots
You can do this in tf2, moron

But OP never said TF2's weak point is aesthetics. Unless you call shitty hats aesthetics
Also, TF2 BoA was not part of any trend, hell, if it came out: I'd say it would have been the trend starter

>cs doesn't exist

Ok kiddo

Yet you can still do way more in TFC

ITT: casuals who can't win not even a single round in TF2

CS is a completely different style, CS was about terrorism in war and BoA was gonna be actual war with parachute missions, tanks and all that jazz.

yeah when they announced the change in tf2 from your pic related to uh what it became i never got into it. i played a little but the maps were horrible... in any case by then i had moved on to counter strike and then bf1942 etc.

TF2 is a casual game, though. And you cannot singlehandedly win a match, it's a team effort.

there are a lot of people who preferred the half life expansion Opposing Force to its vanilla campaign and wanted team fortress 2 to reflect that aesthetic more, and that's where it seemed to be going until they changed it and a lot of people were pissed. just because you like the gay shit they did instead doesn't invalidate a whole shitload of people and what they wanted.

TF2 was the fortnite of its day. Zoomers have fond memories of it though.

TFC was garbage. pale imitation of TF for proto-zoomers.

if you werent around for tf alpha on e1m5 with 3 classes then dont talk to me about tf

Hey OP

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Wait, this is bait, right? People actually wanted TF2:Brotherhood of Arms? A shitty source engine milsim with a low time-to-kill, paper-thin commander RTS class, a medic who can't fucking fight, all on a janky ancient fucking engine that desperately needed a new coat of paint? A milsim with hitscan weapons, no movement options, and generic realism counter strike rifles?

Based but bluepilled for doing that shitty bait and switch again

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have you even looked into the dev cycle of that game? big gritty military bases next to each other. unfun gameplay. shitty commanders with good teams and vice versa. it didn't work and the whole thing was scrapped in the early 2000s, years before the hats thing. in fact, vanilla tf2 had nothing to do with monetised hats and had free updates for years...

tl;dr shut the fuck up

Remember when TF2 had more than 200k players? Yeah, me neither.


There's just no place for aFPS anymore
Fortress Forever was everything I wanted of a tf2 and when I found the mod it was already dead ( 2010 or something ).
Millenials growing on TF2 think that the pinnacle of skilled movement is soldier's lethargic RJing and demoman pogo jumping while Zoomers just skipped directly to Fortnite and the like

yeah but again its so clear you werent alive or awake when this was going on. you're acting like people wanted this in a market that was over-saturated, but it wasn't the case. it was by the time tf2 actually came out, but that was fucking YEARS after the pc gamer issue we're talking about. we're talking maybe 2000, 2001 that article was done that got people hyped? you need to think of this from the perspective of people on that timeline not from your attitude of being tired of everything. like yeah its 2019 we're all fucking tired of everything by now. we pretty much were in 2007 for that matter. but not in 2001.

look guys I quoted everyone in the thread for not liking what I like

It has 50 million players, though

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Less people played games back then. It was the casual garbage fps of the day.

Shut the fuck up and kill yourselves, boomers

>Being this level of casual that never saw an autistic rich boy with three unusuals in his mains dominating an entire server.

It literally wasn't casual you faggot.

I wanted it. Got super hyped by the screenshots.
>that spy in the castle at night

>I wanted it.
Because you were retarded? Good to know.

Less people played in the 80s, we're talking about late 00s.
Find me the stats before F2P update not current ones.

No because I wanted a military-like game. Now zoom away.

just play battlefield. you're never getting THAT tf2. keep seething.

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Military games are generic shit for retards, now kil yourself, boomers

No. I just hate hats.

Dont know why I bother, but back then it wasnt. I had great fun in opposing force spawning in marine buddies to fight the ayys. Wouldve killed for a good military game back then.

Daily reminder, bitching about TF2 will NOT bring back aFPS games.
They're dead its time to move on
I say this as someone who still plays QuakeWorld on occasion,QW TF>>>>TFC

>Find me the stats before F2P update not current ones.
how about you yourself look for those "stats".

You are delusional if you think boxy generic military TF2 would have lasted more than a few years. What kind of idiot would even try to contest with a game that has retained the same numbers for a decade?

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It only hased long because of shitty hats

>Pic somewhat related, remember that Valve was going to make it Battlefield style game before the fat man decided to sell hats instead?
I hate that lard sweating fatpig as much as you do, but that's what made him the fat dosh in the first place.
it was purely a business decision. Valve is not a charity.

>but back then it wasnt
Yes it fucking was you retard, games like CS were a thing.

Yeah user I'm sure it has nothing to do with the gameplay. People clamoring for updates just want to spend money on crates and keys, and aren't harping on for updates to Heavy's gameplay (formerly Pyro's.)

Yes, pretty much.

Yeah, and I played that and the plethora of other source mods like firearms. That still wasnt a full blown military shooter. Now zoom zoom away.

Does QWTF have Dustbowl?
I think not

Yeah, you live in a state of delirium.

lol no

And the bridge in TF2's 2fort is covered. That pissed me off the most.

>hating on tf2

How fucking contrarian do you have to be to even think thi-

Oh wait. I forgot. I'm on Yea Forums.

You guys going to talk about how shitty Halo is too?

And it better off for it.
The majority of QW TF maps blew out TFC's. I'd say the maps were one of TFC's weakest points.
Dustbowl worked better in TF2 with it's gameplay flow.

Halo is pretty shitty.

QW TF > Early TF2 (up to the original engi update, all updates after this were downgrades) > TFC > Later TF2

Fuck you, dustbowl was great.

Here's the redpill


people that played team fortress classic and to have been any good at it would have to be 40 years old in 2019
meaning 99% of all these retarded posts are just pretenders that havent experienced the way the predecessor actually played before and are skill-signalling like with quake and name-dropping things they've seen in a top 10 youtube video for a split second

sure thing champ

FUCK you user

QuakeTF was the best TF
Followed by TF2

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