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>quarterpounder with soi
sage and report

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i thought kotaku was basically just schreier at this point. what they're going layoff some faggot repeating press junkets lmao


Quackerinv vs Destiny WHEN?

It's just going to burst like a cyst, and all the writers are just going to spread elsewhere. Kotaku was the symptom, not the disease itself (San Francisco).


Oh no, not Kotaku!

And that's a good thing

Don't work yourselves into a shoot brother

how do i cheat my way out of not losing my job?

Nate Grayson is their best writer


faggotry:the post

We won. The targeted gamers. Based jeremy

Pay this base man to spite the libs!

why is the quartering so f***ing based

Be good at sucking dick

How do you lose money blogging?

I don't think anyone cares about the writing, these sites exist just to game google search results and be the first click for some phone fagg.

>How do you lose money blogging?

By paying people to reword press releases.

when u pay journalist wages to clickbait bloggers

based, hopefully polygon is next

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Seriously fucking doubt anyone in the last 10 years has actually read an article on a game site from end to end, probably not even their editors do at this point.

Who is this guy anyway?

>yfw all the endless clickbait was just a desperate attempt at saving journalism and it's finally dying

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I'm glad to hear there's some degree of sanity left in the general public.



woke leftism is simply a trend, like many others, thats coming to and end.

Didn't 47% of kotaku's staff an hero?

Virtually everyone gets their game news from social media, Yea Forums and youtube now, plus absolutely nobody reads game reviews. When you factor in that the handful of people who still follow these sites probably forget to turn their ad blocker off, or browse the articles through twitter, well... paying 10 dudes 40k a year adss up pretty quickly.


Just search gizmodo sold at a loss or 50 million

We are celebrating people losing their jobs now? What the fuck

game journalists call for the firing of people all the time, its time for them to reap the whirlwind

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Holy shit its real

We actually won, I cant believe it

Surprise surprise Quartering loser wrong again

>In an interview, Spanfeller said all employees who worked specifically for the websites that were sold would be part of the new company, suggesting there would be no layoffs. He said he saw opportunities to expand the company’s programmatic advertising and charge for subscriptions to extra articles. The former Gawker Media sites are known for their snarky attitude, and Spanfeller has no plans to alter that.

these jobs are gay, they're better off

Cute and spit pilled.

He addresses this point in the same video retard

>subscription tier
kek theyre doomed.

>he calls writing click bait garbage a "job"

Attached: 1481392609850.gif (360x270, 1.63M)

>gaming journalists

good thing they’re unionized, GAME DEVS UNION WHEN

Reminder Hogan obliterated the entity years ago

Post yfw they fire all the blacks and trannies.

We've been celebrating this for the last few months with Activision blizzard and telltale, the fuck have you been?

>charge for subscriptions

They're dead. Nobody is going to pay to read click bait.

>Online journos dying
How long until youtube journos get the boot like Quarterpounder? Will it be the lack of fans or advertisers tired of feeding faggots who won't bring any consumers?

So our only enemy left now is trannyera right?

Protip: you don't get to decide the definition of working

>quarterpounder with soi

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Wow i hate gamergate now!

Dudes illiterate, he doesn't actually READ the articles.

Even if it is true, I hope Schrier keeps up with his reporting. I actually took the time to read his anthem article and it was pretty cool.

Umm, sweaty. Execs saying no layoffs after acquisition usually mean restructuring months later. Learn to PR.


Not so fast, I pull a dub from my deck!

>videogame sjw clickbait
>clickbait writters


Good riddance

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How else do you want them to make money?

an actual journalist with good connections and ethics in a sea of shit.

I was also pleasantly surprised


I didn't even know they were still a thing


Good. I hope One Angry Gamer is next.

He's a fucking disgusting person but at least does some legitimate journalism from time to time unlike 99% of games "journalists".

game journalists are not people

>Parent corp sells your company to vultures


>free market doesnt work!
alt-right and SJWs btfo!

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so is it a meme to post this hideous bearded glassy-eyed fat creep as the disseminator or are you going to not be retarded and just post information without throwing some randoms face in front of it who has nothing to do with anything?

The tides
They are a changin

Honk honk

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>charge for subscriptions

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How do you get money blogging?

its a clown eat clown world

Sick my chode!

For that to happen we need a better alternative to get the news from . If Kotaku fail it's clear that the audience went somewhere else , youtube most likely.

>no guys, we totally won't sack anyone, trust us
how do people fall for that shit every time?

gaming journalists are not people and gaming journalism is not a job

And Heres Top 7 Reasons Why That's A Good Thing

Number One: Fuck Incels

>assblasted trannies and journalists iit

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Why cant we stop winning

Kill yourself Quartering
Kill your fucking self

t. seething tranny

too bad it isn't true
I want to see all these subhumans like Jason Schreier and Patrik Klepek kill themselves or end up as hobos sucking dicks for food in dark alleys

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>two thirds of thequartering artcles in the past few months have been about how Captain Marvel will totally fail
>the last third have been REEing about how it was a success
Also the guy who runs it looks like the very definition of onions
>funko pops

Attached: this is the guy calling people soyboys.jpg (1200x800, 226K)

they are not people. they are scum of the earth parasitic subhuman vermin who should be send to north korea, put in labor camps and worked to death

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Careful that tranny is gonna beat you up quarter pounder

Yeah the guy is a total faggot, who the fuck cares this is about the news not the messenger

its so weird to see "the left" become sharia-level puritans when it comes to the female body but furry-level degenerates when it comes to the male body

DoA6 was shit though

And that's a good thing.

>to expand the company’s programmatic advertising and charge for subscriptions to extra articles

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Exactly. The only change is now Jason Schreier will be living in Hulk Hogan's house, as property. I want to see that toilet bowl shine, little dude!

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Because it's obvious that the OP is trying to shill his article, just like all the oneangryincel threads whose images strangely enough all have the same formatting.


>We are celebrating people losing their jobs now? What the fuck
reddit please leave


t. tranny who never played it.
it has its problems, sure, but on a technical level it is the best DOA yet.
people just shouldn't buy it now and wait for the "goty" edition with all the cut content put back in.

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Surprise! *honk*

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the liberal men just want to pretend they're feminists and also totally gay, so they can get close enough to women/girls to assault them sexually
>haha look at me i totally love men and their big bulges haha i'm totally not a threat to women, just come in my van little girl!