Xenoblade Chronicles 2 sold 1.5 million
Octopath Traveler sold 1.4 million
Persona 5 sold 2.4 million
XIV is the most successful MMO ever
XV is the best and fastest selling FF game
KH3 is the fastest and best selling game in the franchise
Nier Automata sold 3.6 million
Dragon Quest XI sold millions as well
YS VIII sold very well
Pokemon games sells millions despite being shit

What went right?

Attached: xenoblade-cronicles-2-pyra.jpg (960x540, 85K)

Other urls found in this thread:


ironic weeaboos

>What went right?
Less drama. Look at all those western pigs threads.

Japan yet again showing its dominance while WRPG fans hope that their games aren't corrupted by SJWs.

Nier Automata isn't a jrpg

WRPGs are dead

I love my wife Pyra!

Too bad about the quality of the gameplay


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japanese devs finally acclimated to hd development

>XIV is the most successful MMO ever
>XV is the best and fastest selling FF game
Please jump out of a bridge

It's true tho

I just Googled it because I knew it wasn't.

Why lie Barry?

Attached: IMG_20190409_134758.jpg (1080x1186, 262K)

They are action rpgs made in Japan. Just like Dark Souls.

>XV is the best


It's one of the lowest reviews FF games on Metacritic.
Base version (PS4) - 81
Royal Edition (PS4) - 77


Attached: Hold O to Win.webm (640x360, 2.66M)

nigga the jrpg renaissance was during the 90s/early 2000's

I am not Barry

You're comparing lifetime sales of games that have been out longer and have been re-released on several platforms

And XV is outpacing the sales of all those games

Attached: dc922ly-d60b8759-a3ce-48f4-bdba-11d83bc1ecc3.jpg (1024x684, 369K)

...and they all lack soul
I'm gonna go play Parasite Eve and Vagrant Story again.

>XV is the best and fastest selling FF game
This alone sours your whole post.

10th re-release of Skyrim sold 10M. It's a bigger world now, tojo you've lost it's time of western garbage now.

>XIV is the most successful MMO ever
Incredible what a brand name alone can do.
Fucking retarded, brainless fanbase. Literal zombies.

Tes vi comes out and sells over 10 m.
I'm sorry for your shit genre that got stuck in the 90s

Fuck off Barry.
>it's outpacing
Lmao the game is probably fucking done and it has been discounted up the ass multiple times. There's no way it's going to reach 10m.


XV is mediocre, hardly broke an 80 on Metacritic, and is unfinished.

He said fastest selling. Learn to read.

>FF7 has been released like 40 times
>15 released once
>still almost caught up
Final Fantasy oldfags need to go

FF7 sold well for its own merit.

FF15 sold on hype.

15 is already heavily discounted and its not selling nearly as well anymore. It won't surpass X sales.

>15 is already heavily discounted

Royal Edition is already $20 at Walmart and that version is not even a year old.

I was going to buy the RE (already got the base version) but when Square announced MORE DLC for the game, I decided to wait.

but when said DLC got cancelled, I decided to not give a fuck about XV anymore

Same audience though.

>Royal Edition is already $20
I was thinking about getting this on PS4 to satisfy my curiosity. But I think I'll wait until I build a new PC instead.
Good to hear it's already selling for that cheap though.

I'm just glad they're back

Really enjoying XC2 as well

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If only those games were good and not weeb trash. i cherish for the NES days of FF/DQ.

How much did .hack//g.u. Last Recode sell? Didn't bamco say they want more .hack games if the remake sells well?

It sold bretty well


But those games are all shit for a JRPG enthusiast, in most cases theyre the worst of their respective sagas

No, it's the Bayonetta/DMC audience.

Oh hey not bad.

This pic was almost perfect but the girl on the right has a boob coming out of her belly.

>What went right?
Wow, mainstream games selling well in 2018/19, imagine my shock, truly an outstanding phenomenon that has never manifested itself in history prior to this moment.
A true renaissance indeed.

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Maybe it is now but nobody gave a shit before 2butt

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Don't you have orc dick to suck in the classic thread?

I know it's a dead meme but we need a "Virgin WRPG vs The Chad JRPG" image

>Persona 5 is the best Persona since 2
>Xenoblade 2 is the best Xeno since Xenosaga 3
>Dragon Quest XI is the best Dragon Quest since 8
>Ys VIII is the best Ys since 4
What went right?

Also let's not forget Rance went out with a bang with the final game in its series this generation and ended up being JRPG of the decade

Attached: JRPG bad ending.jpg (500x379, 55K)

>Dragon Quest XI is the best Dragon Quest since 8

Wait is Rance really over?


Attached: sad seal.jpg (500x335, 79K)

Why do people like that series? The gameplay is pretty easy and forgettable. I might even be inclined to say youd get more out of it by watching cutscenes on youtube

nobody plays xeno games for the gameplay, they're all admittedly lacking except for xenoblade x

>The gameplay is pretty easy and forgettable.
It's one of those series like Final Fantasy or Kiseki, nobody plays those for the gameplay.

Attached: 1537378869052.png (438x298, 137K)

Final Fantasy simply can't be good anymore all the people that put passion and love into the franchise are simply gone and you have to come to terms with that as an adult

Everything eventually degrades into unsustainable quality the only place to go is down that goes for any video game series or franchise that is a long-running

Jrpgs are still good it's just that Final Fantasy is not good anymore. learn the difference

There has not been a universally praised Final Fantasy in almost 10 years. Persona and nier has taken the place of Final Fantasy for a lot of people as the go-to for jrpgs now so just move on

>vgsales wiki
this is inaccurate as fuck and extremely outdated too and makes up numbers

FF6 didnt sell 10m, it did only 5m across all actual releases, and the rest of that bullshit number there is the wiki counting SNES classic sales as FF6 sales which is the dumbest fucking thing any sales counter could do
FF10 isn't at 10m either it's at 8m while 10-2 is at 6m, as SE confirmed that combined sales of 10 and 10-2 is 14m
XV is at 8.4m as of November 2018, not 8.1 which was its September 2018 number and it is the fastest and best selling comparatively, as no other FF hit 8m in their first 2 years and before XV, the first FF to hit 8m was FF8 after 4 years, XV is selling better timespan wise than 7 and 8 which are the two highest total sales wise.
FF7 is at 12m total not 13m
FF14 hasnt sold 10m it barely even did half that, its less than 5m actually sold, that 10m number is counting all the accounts not sales, which includes all the free accounts and free trial accounts which is not sales
FF13 is at 7.5m not 7.7m
FF12 is at 7m not 7.2m

FF7 only hit 10 after being discounted a few years after release with the greatest hits release
FF7 only sold 6.57m in its first 2 years, and it hit 9.3m only after 5 years after the discount release, then only hit 10m+ because of further discount release, its literally $6-12 on steam

it has an 85 which it earned on its own merits and not riding on the coatails of the ff name like majority of FFs did, and its more finished than any other FF is too especially now

No FF7 literally sold because of advertising, they only showed the CGI FMVs in FF7 commercials

See above, FF7 was discounted moreso than XV ever was

It's because more people play games these days. RPGs are difficult to make in general because they're a lot more complex than some shovelware 9 hour FPS, and if they don't sell well you're essentially shovelling money into a hole.

Now that the JPRPG market is larger, it's less risky.

P.S. NISA has been making a lot more lately, has anyone noticed? It feels like they're really a legit developer now.

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they only canceled the non canon alt timeline dlc which was just bonus dlc, the actual initial planned dlc all released
the main game has been finished for ages

>Jrpgs are still good it's just that Final Fantasy is not good anymore
Final Fantasy has literally never been good.
The complaint of FF "not being good anymore" comes solely from older, disenfranchised fans.

meanwhile xv sold more than both of those combined
nier automata is the only praised nier/yoko taro game you idiot

The Blade games actually have fun combat

2's combat system might be one of my favorite jrpg systems.

Gears wasnt too bad either

Nice contrarianism but ff as a franchise had good games.

at least you tried KH kun
XV has an 85 on PC while FF12 on PC has 83

Attached: KH3-FFXV-March-3-2019.jpg (3266x2180, 3.28M)

>meanwhile xv sold more than both of those combined
and lost more money than both of those combined. xv was a critical, commercial, and financial disaster no matter how much you try to spin it, barry.

hello ban evader

Attached: Untitled.png (1920x1030, 161K)

And royal edition on XB1 has its score average as 84 when calculating its score from the reviews posted

Attached: just hold O to win except for when you don't .webm (960x540, 2.93M)

Fuck off Barry

>The Blade games actually have fun combat

more fun than XV's Hold O to win casual pandering bullshit

Attached: 1538265408487.jpg (749x1111, 178K)

No it made more money too and literally made more than any other FF did in the same timespan
XV sold 8.4m
If a mainline FF these days sold only 3m THAT would be a financial disaster

FFXV released on 3 platforms and still hasn't outsold X. now that's embarrassing.

I truly cannot believe that somebody is defending Final Fantasy 15 there is just no way you can defend this shity game

There people still defending Final Fantasy XIII 9 years later

Don't you have a KH thread to go shill in you fucking sperg?

Attached: autistic kh fag coping.jpg (784x2886, 824K)

xv lost $33 million. it was an absolute trainwreck of a "game" (movie) in every way.

>Gears wasnt too bad either
Opinion discarded
>hurr durr muh contrarian
The only contrarians here are faggots like you who pretend FF isn't "good" anymore when it's selling better than ever and still highly rated all around just like in the past.
I know Barry's more of a sociopath than your average FF fan, but even he has a point, the only people who claim FF isn't good anymore are simply nostalgiafags living in the past and pretending the older games didn't have the same exact problems as the new ones and then some, fact is, FF has never been good.

>XV is the best and fastest selling FF game

Attached: Ardyn toast.png (963x789, 638K)

Hold O to lose*

FF10 sold 6.6m in its first 3 years
XV sold 8.4m in 1 year 11 months and did 7m on PS4 alone, FF10 literally is at 8m you idiot not 10m, and FF10 is on PS2, PS3, PS4, PC, Vita, Switch, XB1

Attached: You can hold only O to win amirite.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

KHfags and
>muh turn-based spam attack button to win
absolutely SEETHING

Attached: FF7_Virgin vs FFXV_Chad.jpg (1017x765, 178K)

What's actually sad is how much in denial you are over its success and how great it is. It's obvious you never played it.

>it's selling better than ever and still highly rated all around just like in the past
what does that have to do with the actual quality of the games? xv was garbage, plain and simple. it was an unfinished "hold o to win" movie, not a game. ff has been going downhill in terms of quality since x.

No it didn't you fucking retard

Luminous Productions had nothing to do with XV main game or its development.
Luminous Productions formed only in April 2018, XV came out in 2016. Are you braindead?

The 33m loss has nothing to do with XV which was extremely successful and made lots of profit, it was entirely only because of luminous productions which includes the money for the company itself, R&D, hiring new staff and the multiple new games they were making, they cancelled multiple new games and kept only one AAA game, that's what caused the money loss, not FFXV which sold extremely well and is the highest selling FF ever when comparing release timespans with every other FF, 8.4m in under 1 year 11 months beats the previous first FF to 8m which was FF8 after 4 years.

>what does that have to do with the actual quality of the games?
>Sales don't matter when it suits me
How are we supposed to gauge the quality of those games then? Your very own feelerinos?
>xv was garbage, plain and simple. it was an unfinished "hold o to win" movie, not a game
Same as the rest of the series then, glad we can agree on at least one thing.


Attached: stella-fans-vs-luna-fans.jpg (1472x1080, 599K)

Final Fantasy SUCKS nowadays!!!! The series has went downhill and is DEAD after FFX! What do you mean it's not just my taste and the echochambers I keep dwelling in fueling my opinions?!

PS. Sephiroth is awesome!!

Attached: cloud.jpg (225x350, 39K)

XV was great, plain and simple, it is finished, you press tons of buttons for different commands, and it literally has more manual gameplay than any other FF.

Your beloved turd based FFs are literally movies you select words from a menu to just watch cutscenes, not play a game, and you can beat them by holding literally 1 button in battles.

Attached: ff5 hold x to win battles!.webm (780x540, 2.93M)

i still want VXIII though

Attached: noctis_hellfire.jpg (1920x1080, 204K)

Attached: 1554452253722.webm (1440x508, 1.75M)

>1 + 1 = 3
>the earth is flat
>XV was great, plain and simple, it is finished, you press tons of buttons for different commands, and it literally has more manual gameplay than any other FF.

If it's based on vgchartz, it's 100% bullshit, they constantly make up numbers when there's no official ones and correct the record when official numbers are revealed. The most obvious cases being for games like Valkyria Chronicles where they corrected the record after two years when Sega revealed the numbers (making Valkyria a game that sold more than three times more in its second year than its first according to VGChartz) or even more obvious, Arc Rise Fantasia where they forgot to delay their bot after a surprise delay, making the game end up with more than 70k or 100k sales in US a whole month before its release.

Unironically XIII is better than XV

This. Fucking Yea Forums thinking this is a good thing

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How isn't it finished? How is FF7 or FF9 finished when they are practically corridors for every area not on their literally empty world map and FF7 has no actual defined ending instead just an "open" ending that resolves nothing, and the actual sephiroth doesnt even show up until the end, how is ff9 finished when characters like amaranth, quina, freya exist and when fucking necron shows up out of nowhere?

>Persona 5 is the best Persona since 2
Spicy bait

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Only 2 games there I'd consider worth my time. Jrpgs are still in the same slump as last gen, just without technical errors this time round

No one thinks this besides you badonkadonk

Attached: Screenshot_20190320-173235_Chrome.jpg (1080x1584, 636K)

It's really telling that randomly grinding low level enemies in FF5 is somehow more complex than 90% of battles in FF15. Like even in that deliberately set up webm the guy is still getting his ass kicked and has to chew through expensive consumables. Whereas most boss battles in FF15 you just hold circle and occasionally use a potion.

Damn FF15 was bad.

Square BAD

I haven't enjoyed anything they've made in the last 20 years since FF9 but I still follow every single post about their games to complain

FFXV-kun threads should be deleted on spot. It's always ends like this people arguing over sales.

This isn't vgchartz, no one cares if people bought your shitty game.

>FFXV has a movie that explains story stuff but is nowhere needed to enjoy the experience and get a satisfying ending:
>FFVII has a movie that explains story stuff but is nowhere needed to enjoy the experience and get a satisfying ending:
Whoa this is so cool!! I love how they put all this stuff into a movie so all the fight scenes look cool and flashy!

Attached: ardynshrug.gif (360x202, 866K)

Not him, but it's always you fags who keep saying "lol square lost so much money on XV XDXD"

>Expensive consumables

Attached: 1543173217418.jpg (529x431, 33K)

What's the recommended way to play Octopath Traveler.
>Choose your main 4 and do all their chapters first then once you can switch main change to other 4
>Do every characters chapter and keep party rotated
>Do one character at a time full chapters.

all of them suck

The game's easy, play it however you like, there's really no need to minmax or plan anything outside of basic common sense.

>How isn't it finished?
they cancelled the rest of the dlc.
>How is FF7 or FF9 finished
they have a beginning, middle and end that take place over the course of a single base game. you aren't required to watch a movie, an anime, play mobile gacha shit, etc. in advance just to vaguely understand their stories. big chunks of their stories didn't get held back as dlc, only to be cancelled anyway.

Are you looking forward to it?

Attached: FFXVI.png (1245x921, 1.4M)

because it's true. those sales figures you keep touting weren't high enough to stop square from losing tens of millions on the game.

>grinding low level
How are they low level? They are higher level and stats than the literal low level grunts here that you seem to only be able to post that, and the only consumable being used is tent which isn't expensive at all its literally 600 gil in FF5 which you can buy in droves
But you're just being a contrarian again with no actual argument

Hold nothing but O against omega or naglfar or MA-X angelus or Cor or Bahamut or Ifrit or level 120 aranea or Cerberus or the fierce or the rogue or the mystic or ravus or quetzcoatl or dread behemoth or nagarani or red giant or etc
Oh wait you'd fucking die/lose in like 1-3 hits

vgsales wiki is complete bullshit numbers just like vgchartz is you fucking retard, the fact they count SNES classic sales as FF6 sales should be enough to invalidate them

Attached: ara level 120.webm (960x540, 2.97M)

>they cancelled the rest of the dlc.
Retard, the *concepts* began only after Episode Ignis which was December 2017.
>you aren't required to watch a movie, an anime, play mobile gacha shit, etc. in advance just to vaguely understand their stories
Neither are you required to do that in XV. FF7 and XV both have a movie that is similar to how much story they give.
>big chunks of their stories didn't get held back as dlc, only to be cancelled anyway.
Neither did XV, retard.

>. big chunks of their stories didn't get held back as dlc
Yeah, they were straight up cut never to be seen again to begin with.

Attached: 1410852406133.png (725x543, 587K)

and yet the base games' stories were still coherent, unlike xv.

FFXV is lovely and I'm glad it exists

No it isn't you lying fuck, it made pure profit. They didn't lose any money on the game, see If the game lost money they would have reported it in its release FY but oh no wait they said it was their biggest contributor to earnings in their 2017FY which they show having made profits over the previous year and is still the best year financially SE has ever had since being SE

Attached: FFXV 6 million SALES.png (1810x786, 159K)

Best Pokemon Game that isn't a Pokemon Game

Attached: mhstories.jpg (367x374, 56K)

>and yet the base games' stories were still coherent
M8, nobody in their right mind would say those games had coherent stories, especially not games like IV, VIII or IX.

Bring back the A team quality, then we talk.

Attached: 1468482737640.jpg (640x480, 49K)

it's also amusing that barry keeps comparing xv's combat to turn-based games. it's probably because if he compared it to other ff action rpgs instead - like adventures of mana, crystal chronicles, explorers, and even tabata's own type-0 - it would just expose how casualized and dumbed-down xv truly is by comparison.

This. WRPG had their chance but they killed themselves when they drank the SJW koolaid

It's such a bloody shame FF15 was an abomination and after 13/15 i have literally no hope in the offline future of the franchise. They completely lost their way with it.

by final fantasy standards, they're coherent, especially compared to the mess that is xv.

Why are you posting pics of my wife?

FFXV is a real time interpretation of turn based combat, not a true action RPG, like Tales of X.

The holding down O to win simple battles is analogous to holding down or mashing the attack button in the turn based FF games. Sure you can do it but it is rarely the quickest or funnest way to do it.

Are you retarded? The only cancelled dlc was non canon alt timeline bonus sidestory DLC, the last planned DLC was ep ignis then because of fan demand they did ep ardyn and the royal edition content, then as a bonus they were doing non canon alt timeline DLC but decided ti only cancel those, while all the actual canon planned DLC all released

>beginning, middle and end
FF7 has no end, FF9 is literally more rushed than anything you can say for XV
XV has a start, middle and end all in the base game that wraps up the story and still is the same ending for the game because it was always a solidified ending
You just proved you never played it and are regurgitating bullshit you read online

You don't need to watch the movie to understand XV same with FF7, you don't need to watch an anime to understand XV same with FF7, you don't need to play mobile gatcha shit that has literally nothing to do with the game at all, seriously are you fucking retarded?
Literally all the important stuff for the story is learned in the game you fucking idiot

>The best of the team that worked on heavensward
Gonna be the best singleplayer FF game in over a decade with no room for debate

>by final fantasy standards, they're coherent
What standards?
To this day you fags still can't decide whether you fought Sephiroth or Jenova or whether Ulty is her own character or just future Rinoa, yet you complain about FFXV being somehow different.
Have you no sense of shame? You fags truly deserve Barry shitting up your threads, only such an environment of wishy washy goodie two shoes could give birth to somebody like him.

Attached: 1426779221057.png (297x413, 127K)

This was acceptable in 1994.

FFXV was not acceptable in 2016.

No they weren't, XV has the most coherent and straightforward FF story.
Necron makes no sense and people to this day still think the real Sephiroth was encountered throughout FF7 and not only at the end, that isn't coherent at all. FF8 is incoherent as fuck, Kefka has literally a single sentence of backstory which is less than random shopkeepers have in XV, take off those fucking nostalgia goggles

>Safer Sephiroth
>He's actually more dangerous

>What standards?
final fantasy standards. obviously, if you compare ff to better series like megaten or kiseki, then any of its games' stories will look like a mess.
still, not all ff games are equally bad in terms of story. xv just happens to be the biggest mess, with important details split up across all sorts of side media besides the actual game itself.

It's amusing how many times you keep moving the goalposts and also ignore how many times its pointed out how KH is inferior, as that is the only other party based ARPG with both ground and aerial combat
Mana, CC, FFE, T0 etc do not have aerial combat
You're a fucking retard especially since its obvious you never played XV

Attached: IMG_20190401_102354.jpg (2160x3840, 672K)

XV was fantastic though

You're just proving you're being contrarian for the sake of it

You can do that in every ff

"muh aerial combat" is not an excuse for hold o to win. aerial or not, any game that can't be beaten by holding o is automatically better than xv.

Oh so bullshit you made up because you have no actual argument
What important details to the story are only learned outside of the game?
Anything important from kingsglaive is learned in the game during chapter 1 and some later chapters, anything important from the anime is directly learned in the game anyway, no other XV media has any story content that pertains to the main story or anything important learned in them

>if you compare ff to better series
>like megaten or kiseki
Hoooo boi, today's comedy central, it isn't enough that you backpedal, you have to add salt to the wounds.
>still, not all ff games are equally bad in terms of story. xv just happens to be the biggest mess
Not really, plenty of other games are worse than that, FFVII or VIII for instance.
>with important details split up across all sorts of side media besides the actual game itself.
Just like most japanese games?
Just like FFVII?
Have you ever actually owned one of those Ultimania guides? I guess not since you'd know just how much additional info (especially on cut content) you can find on those, FFII even had a novel wiith tons of information about both the main party and the Emperor far back in the late 80's yet you pretend FFXV is any different from the past, FFVII had multiple anime, spinoff games and a fucking CG movie that tried to desperately fill all those plotholes of the original game yet you pretend FFXV is bad for doing the same.

Really, this level of denial is borderline comedic, I can only assume it's due to the usual, genuine ignorance of a casual, especially given your taste in games, but really nigger, educate yourself before pulling this kind of shit.

Attached: Cao Cao loses his shit.gif (320x200, 1.9M)

But you tap to attack and have manual finishers with higher damage plus crit/break% boost on finishers, by doing it manually you not only break enenies far quicker but deal far more damage quicker

holding does nothing but basic attack and is no different functionally to basic attack in KH games

but you seem to keep ignoring this Hold nothing but O against omega or naglfar or MA-X angelus or Cor or Bahamut or Ifrit or level 120 aranea or Cerberus or the fierce or the rogue or the mystic or ravus or quetzcoatl or dread behemoth or nagarani or red giant or etc
Oh wait you'd fucking die/lose in like 1-3 hits

You still have no proof against any of those where you claim to win by doing nothing but holding O

Attached: cor wrecks 1.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

No. You cannot do that in FFVI. Good luck only pressing on button when you have characters that need different button inputs for certain attacks.

Yes you can

doing a no item run in xv is harder than sekiro

>Good luck only pressing on button when you have characters that need different button inputs for certain attacks.
Are you implying Sabin's blitz is anything but an exception (that isn't even worth using)?

>comfy game about a young boy helping out a cute girl with big titties after she saved her life.
>fun characters with interesting back stories
>autistic levels of build variations
>tons of replayability
>best story DLC since Witcher 3
>most successful game in the franchise

So glad I didn't listen to all the retards on Yea Forums that told me XBC2 was shit. Maybe I'm just an oldfag but this is the type of game that appeals to me the most. Just a simple adventure story with a good cast of characters and lots of world building. I'm glad JRPGs are going strong these past few years. It's a shame that all the western studios I loved have gone WOKE and ruined their brand. I remember when all I wanted was another Jade Empire or proper sequel to Knights of the Old Republic but instead we got generic space marine simulator and totally not another dungeon and dragons ripoff using 30 year old Neverwinter Nights engine. At least we got Witcher franchise while that lasted, now CDProjekt went WOKE too so I suspect their next game is going to be shit.

Attached: Pyra twintail.png (1825x1687, 3.68M)

but blitz is not sabins default attack
fight is


This was the last good FF game.

Attached: lost-odyssey-d2f49530-ba69-4d26-ba6b-8ee9550ad30-resize-750.jpg (750x600, 96K)

That Pyra concept is way better than what we got

>Pokemon games sells millions despite being shit

Yup, sad that those shit games sells too much

Attached: dc6ipdj-72b06dc8-d86f-4a5c-a278-968f5a5f2a10.jpg (684x1024, 354K)

>Generic trash that sinked Mistwalker for good and has been rightfully forgotten
Oh yeah, I'm sure your offbrand movie garbage is so much better than the real thing, oh wait

Attached: Joe Cue.png (294x317, 45K)

because they are for kids and casuals and they are easy

I like the concept they went with for her personality. Twintails is synonymous with Tsundere and that is Mythra. Pyra has the typical motherly hair style, which suited her more imo. I do like the concept art a lot though.

Attached: Mythra.jpg (950x860, 454K)

This. There are no real world politics or winks in JRPGs. You know how tiresome is to pause regular life to play a game only to find out the real world has somehow infiltrated the fantasy?
I still remember my dissapointment when reading the 4th book of Terramar and realizing that the author just decided to use her franchise to start talking about feminism.

Pretty much this. Playing Xenoblade 2 reminded me why I liked and played jrpgs in the first place, 20 years ago. It unironically have soul, you just know the team had fun making it, from the way some chapters are played out. Or from the music.

Now from the western side, if only we could get good Kotors again.

>XV is the best and fastest selling FF game

Honestly, I completely passed on this game purely because it was a fucking sausagefest. FujoFantasy wasn't really appealing to me, that and the demo I got with Type 0 (which was actually pretty fun) was fucking shit. Worst combat in the series, worst than FFXIII. I don't know why SquareEnix keeps pushing this pseudo-action MMO combat shit in all their new FF games. I wish they went back to more traditional turnbased or the FFXII gambit system than what they have now. Other option would be to just go full action and use an already established combat system like Type 0's which was fucking great and every character felt unique and fun to play. Even the god damn flute girl was more fun to play than FFXV combat.

Attached: ffxv chocobo glitch.webm (500x400, 1.36M)

its literally more linear than ff13

>There are no real world politics or winks in JRPGs
There's plenty though, it's just not as heavy handed and patronizing on average, but it is there.

you're retarded

Attached: IMG_20190401_102349.jpg (3840x2160, 648K)

I can't wait to the final optional extra hard bosses to be required to do more than hold a single button.
Doing dozens of hours to get to finally get to a point where you need to learn a game is bad time investment IMO. Not worth it, specially when the story and characters have tons of problems.

>like Type 0
>which was fucking great
>every character felt unique and fun to play
I'm not sure you played Type 0.

Attached: Visible confusion.jpg (222x297, 50K)

>Now from the western side, if only we could get good Kotors again.

Man, I'm not even dreaming about KoToR anymore. I'd kill just for a no-bullshit new Neverwinter game, even if it had outdated graphics. Just keep all the social commentary bullshit out of the game and make a game with a well thought out story & characters and decent gameplay progression. I don't know why every major AAA developer feels the need to use some kind of hot button political issue to market their fucking games. I don't care if it's 'redpilled' or 'WOKE' just fuck off with that shit and let me enjoy a goddamn fantasy setting. I miss when western developers let you play an actual evil character if you wanted.

Attached: r9k the character.jpg (1182x674, 189K)

>Based Zeke shitting on ungrateful refugees
How did Takahashi and Nintendo get away with this or maybe they didn't, I think I now understand why trashera is on a ramping hysteria about this game, it makes so much sense also the depiction of (((them)))

Attached: Dj6iTxSUUAI3olH.jpg (1200x675, 163K)

I'm not sure you did? Explain to me how the combat was bad and why you think it's strange that I find the characters played different? I put like 200 hours into that game, no joke. Found it was the most refreshing game (combat wise) SquareEnix had pumped out in years.

>Ironicweebblade 2
>2Dindiepath Traveler
>Fuckadults Sleeping Sim 5
>Any MMO
>Final Car Sim 15
>Robowaifu feels sim
>Dragon Rehash 11
>Neo weeb YS
>Pokemon's corpse

The future of JRPGs certainly looks bright.

Don't be butthurt because I don't like your faggot game, faggot.

Attached: FFXV enemies.webm (852x480, 2.92M)

People complain that Xenoblade 2 is too nu-anime, but Xenoblade 2 felt like a lot of the JRPGs and anime of the late 90s and early 00s, both in a good way and bad way.

No game in which you can explore towns, talk to NPCs and navigate the world map is more linear than FFXIII. You probably never played LO in your life.

This wasn't Mistwalker's last game. But nice try with that anti Xbox agenda.

Yeah, I found the game a great filter for newfags. The entire game was a love letter to 90-00s JRPGs and really the spirit of JRPGs before they tried to mass market to the west. The entire thing played out like a 90s Shonen anime.

>Explain to me how the combat was bad
It's literally the same exact thing as FFXV, but with less mechanics all around, you can't say you disliked FFXV's gameplay and then turn around and say type 0 was great when for all intents and purposes it was the prototype for XV, fuck, you can't even jump in Type 0.
And for the love of god, don't say FFXV was a fujo game but pretend Type 0 isn't, there's fucking futa on male doujin of that game on top of all the gay shit.
>why you think it's strange that I find the characters played different?
Because they don't, the entire gameplay is almost entirely focused on critical hits, which is why King, Cater and to an extent Ace shit all over the rest of the party.
Whatever little variation in attack animations you might have is largely pointless because exactly like XV, the core combat is absolutely fucked over by loads of dumb shit, the only thing it does better than XV are summons, which are still useless since you have to literally kill yourself to summon in the first place and summons fall off in power fast like all the FF games either way.

It feels like a PS2 bargain bin JRPG, but without the nostalgia and the excuse of being from an era where we almost got it but weren't really there yet, so it has nothing to stand on leaving it's glaring flaws extra obvious.

It gets a free pass on Yea Forums for buzzwords like "comfy" but compared to the quality of the previous games in the series it sticks out like a sore thumb.

I'll buy a FF game again when they stop being action games and goes back to being turn based :)

I've seen this copypasta like 3 times already, and I still don't get it, it has like 3 mechas compared to the previous games assload of them, how can you possibly list mecha as a positive?

>XV is the best and fastest selling FF game

Sad really..

It's because the team that was writing the game wanted it to be like the anime they grew up with; and because the team's mostly 30+ year old men it's a mishmash of stuff from the 70s, 80s, 90s and early 00s

Parts of it reminds me of Lunar and Skies of Arcadia, which is a plus.

Attached: Rex what i got.png (960x1192, 736K)

I used to be a rabid FF fan. Now I await for Bravely third, xenoblade 3 and smtv more than anything.

Frankly FF16 or 7R are not even on my top ten of hyped games. Its weird.

>There are no real world politics or winks in JRPGs.
>Persona 5 second-to-last boss is a populist politician

Let's be real here

Shells were shit.

I forgot Kirito even existed

It's certainly Nu-Anime, no matter how much the story and themes resemble old anime/games.

It came out today, has that neo-anime glossy artstyle that's the jap equivalent to the CalArts cartoon artstyle that's plaguing western cartoons, and a story that wouldn't be out of place in SAO.

It might as well be considering it's a numbers game.

They were literally the only thing worth playing that game for.

Attached: 1422962194047.jpg (612x518, 63K)

They were called Skells, or Dolls in the Jap version.

If you think X was the only Xeno game with a focus on mechs, you must be very, very new to this series, this series was founded on mecha anime.

You're ine of those fags that thinks only 80's anime was good aren't you?

>50 hours in the game and required a 8 part boring ass sidequest
>played like complete shit

>I've seen this copypasta like 3 times already,
I literally wrote that post a few minutes ago XBCX-kun. Why are you faggots so sensitive?

And they were shit
>Gears is totally about mecha garbage
X was a fucking mistake bringing in all these faggots. Once nu-xeno always nu-xeno

>Fixed fanart version of Rex
>Rex being anything like Reyn
>Using SAO as a example of bad anime despite a literal SAO character being paid DLC in the game
This is a XC2DF shill post.

He thinks only "manime" counts as good, probably.

Attached: muh 80s anime had no moe.jpg (640x1524, 271K)

The director and writer of the game even says he doesn't watch, like or understand current anime. After the game came out and Japs were randomly comparing it to Galaxy Express 999, he confirmed that the influence was intentional and that it was his biggest influence. Regardless, like 70% of the plot is stolen from Future Boy Conan.

Nah, there's good nu-anime, but if you think Xenoblade 2 is somehow not nu-anime, or "just like the old days" you're delusional.

It's the same exact shit anime has been for 10 years now, it just has the Nintendo bonus, so people that PS1 games and jumped ship to Nintendo think it's just like the JRPGs they used to play as kids, despite us getting a truckload of them inbetween that time.

Go away Andrew.

Well, I mean the original Xenogears had a lot of mechas and they were certainly integral to the story and used for combat. However, it has always had more of a focus on other dimensions and God sprinkled with tons of fedora shit. I mean, the protagonist of Xenosaga was basically the reincarnation of Mary Magdalene.

Attached: KOS-MOS lewd.gif (400x240, 1.62M)

Clearly better than what we got this year

Nigga, I watched and enjoyed pic related, I'm certainly not a manimefag.
Also Chibi Vampire, Azumanga, and I even watched Hamtaro back when I was child, so all my life I never once was strictly "manime"

Attached: Oran_Koko_Host_Club.png (640x480, 537K)

>It's the same exact shit anime has been for 10 years now
40 years*

>It's the same exact shit anime has been for 10 years now
Except it isn't, like at all you fucking autsitic retard. Saying something that isn't true repeatedly doesn't make it so. I'm 100% sure you didn't play the game and just have a hateboner for anything you don't approve of.

Attached: Xenoblade chad meme.png (2518x1024, 293K)

He didn't write the whole game, and he also stated in the same interview he still keeps up with modern anime to know what sells, so he certainly put a lot in XC2 for modern anime fans.

>Ys VIII is the best Ys since 4
I know this is bait, but you better mean Celcetta. Origin shits all over it.

>Using SAO as a example of bad anime
Imagine not being able to understand a simple thing

2019 is the year of fujoshit and cancerous isekaishit, sad.

>X bringing in Mechafags
>Not literally every game in the series outside of XC2

This is the brain of a Smashtard secondary.

>especially now
I guess? You can call cancelled content technically a "finished" game now.

In the same interview he says he keeps up with current trends in all media, even though he doesn't enjoy them. Xeno's always been a series aimed at otaku and has always balanced between otaku humour and serious scenes.

The entire writing team was told to base Xenoblade 2 on the anime they grew up, by the way. That's why the range of references is so wide (late 70s to early 00s).

So seeing a statement like "best story DLC since Witcher 3" three times can't possibly be the same person?

Dude, you're probably the only person in XC2 threads that plays western games at all.

FFXIII aleast feel like a FF game, and if not for FFXIII I wouldn't have been able to experience the best game play the IP has even offered up to this point.

But, XBC2 had mechas and way better looking ones than X.

Attached: Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Siren.jpg (1384x2362, 290K)

X was falsely advertise as that "mecha game" aka a piece of shit and brought in the biggest cancer Xeno as ever seen because it's nu-Xeno trash

>outside of XC2
2 has some of the best mech designs in the series. I've said it years ago and will say it again, Xeno should be about Super Robots, not Real Robots.

Attached: Xenoblade 2 Siren.jpg (765x600, 293K)

There's a little something called archives you could use to prove that I'm some kind of shitposter with pasta. Of course all it will show is that you are a delusional retard that can't stand seeing XBC2 talked about on Yea Forums so everyone positive comment about it is 'pasta.'

Attached: Pyra.png (383x520, 298K)

This, unironically better mecha design than the last three Gundam series. Which, isn't saying much since the franchise has gone to shit over the years.

Try to make a counterargument then, it literally brings nothing new to the table, it has the "bring girl to location" storyline at least 5 other JRPGs had, a nu-anime artstyle, a story that's not out of place in a modern day adventure anime, and one of the worst protags of all time.

If it wasn't on the Switch, and came out at the perfect time, it would have been forgotten.

A few references here and there doesn't mean it's "just like the old days"

And it wasn't "muh mecha trash" like X especially when the actual gameplay in the mechs where trash.

Attached: 8f812e8104a348cc6fcc83f95fc34935.png (1988x2560, 2.25M)

>and one of the worst protags of all time
Fei > Lora > Rex > Elma > Shulk > Shion

>need to calculate 5 different versions vs 2 to even compete

Attached: kun triggered.jpg (465x657, 103K)

Lora isn't the protagonist

Attached: IMG_20181011_011528.png (500x626, 239K)

>XV is the best and fastest selling FF game
let's be honest, this was mostly due to Versus hype. evident by the fact that the game was a flop on PC once they realised we were all hoodwinked

Attached: 1504490157602.jpg (2400x3000, 2.88M)

So you never once claimed it's DLC was "The best DLC since Witcher 3" before now? Because I've been in every one of these threads since the beginning, and I've seen that exact statement made 3 times at least.

I mean, we got to see her death in a main game flashback, but I really wish Torna would have showed her death scene.

>japan is exclusively making porn and children's games, usually some combination of the two
>le what went right XD
I genuinely don't understand how you niggers can enjoy this garbage. XC2 is one of the worst games I've ever played, and I've play thousands of games. On the other hand, I've been quite pleased with CRPG releases. Underrail, Expeditions Conquistador, and Age of Decadence were all great, the Bard's Tale trilogy remake was surprisingly a flat out improvement over the original titles, Kenshi is cool, and Colony Ship/Xenonauts 2 is right around the corner. But whatever I guess.

Attached: tile-mural-cat-with-a-book-by-louis-wain-pet-kitten-6-x8-glossy.jpg (320x400, 136K)

This post literally says nothing outside of an objectively bad opinion.

>Persona 5 sold 2.4 million
Is that all? Seemed like a much bigger deal when it came out. People wouldn't shut the fuck up about it.

Weltall ID is the shit. Shame new Xeno is not about Mechs.

Attached: NftyBj2.jpg (850x591, 60K)

>let's be honest, this was mostly due to Versus hype
100% this

Attached: 1491925980150.jpg (3500x5500, 2.27M)

The only thing objective here is that you have ahit taste

>Try to make a counterargument then, it literally brings nothing new to the table,

Why does it have to bring "something new to the table," are you one of those gaming is 'art' pretentious retards?

>it has the "bring girl to location" storyline at least 5 other JRPGs had,

Give me examples of a storyline you find interesting in a JRPG? Because otherwise what you said is entirely you opinion my dude.
>a nu-anime artstyle,
muh buzzwords. The art style of the game was hailed by just about everyone as a huge improvement over the previous games and it's actually one of the better animated JRPG's to come out in a while. They managed to create 3D models that look almost identical to their 2D counterparts and every single cutscene in the game is animated with those models. Showing a large array of emotion and articulation.
>inb4 you shitpost with 'le epic silly cringe dance webM' that has been reposted over a million times on Yea Forums.

>a story that's not out of place in a modern day adventure anime, and one of the worst protags of all time.
Again, your shitty opinion. Also, please refer me to a modern day adventure anime where the MC has to take a living blade to see god while traversing through giants in a sea of clouds that is really a miasma of nanomachines that replicate all life in the planet created by a 'God' that is a human split between two dimensions. The game reminded me more of something like Eureka 7 than My Hero or w/e hot new shonen series kids are watching now.

Attached: Xenoanime.jpg (1024x721, 450K)

Isn't it a bad thing that these games are selling like hotcakes? It just means things are going to get even worse instead of better. Imagine if people actually bought all those glitchy SJW infested low effort pieces of shit made in the West.

Should have sold less so persona wouldn't be pure normalfag trash

I literally haven't posted in a XBC2 related since I beat the game back when it came out you fucking autist. Laughing right now at how insane you anti-XBC2fags are, get help my man.

For a niche as fuck series that is great, it was even the most sold Atlus game


Attached: 1521671015442.png (2412x1550, 3.09M)


>Why does it have to bring "something new to the table," are you one of those gaming is 'art' pretentious retards?
It doesn't, but most of it's fanbase sure as hell seem to think it did.

>Because otherwise what you said is entirely you opinion my dude
I only said that because people think the story is somehow unique, when it's overall structure was so overdone Disgaea 2 parodied it back in the PS2 days.

>The art style
I don't care if they're most expressive, since it's artificial expression, it's like Wind Waker, where the characters are basically emoticons given form. The head artist also literally can't draw faces, they're all the same, crop 2 of faces and compare them without eye color, you'd never tell who they are.

>The game reminded me more of something like Eureka 7

Eureka 7 was shit though, you must only like it because of nostalgia, it had the worst protag in anime outside of Shinji.

Fine then, there must be another Witcher 3 player in the XC2 fanbase I mistook you for.

>artificial expression
Now this is shitposting

>but most of it's fanbase sure as hell seem to think it did.
Citation needed
>I only said that because people think the story is somehow unique
Citation needed

I'm sure there are many....since Witcher 3 kind of set the standard for how DLC's should be handled. It's not that unique of an opinion user.

There's a difference between making characters actually emote, and slapping an anime sweatdrop or vein on them.

People have always been praising the witcher dlc

I would post 30 separate images of posts talking about how the story was unique, but then you'd just claim they don't represent the XC2 fanbase at all.

Come on man we've seen what Nomura is capable to do if let on his own: KH3, the single most disappointing game in the last decade. You play through the game and end it like
>did I wait 13 years for this?

>Rex that high

Attached: 1554592322462.png (235x257, 126K)

Why do I even bother with you people. Look I get it, you don't like the game because it's too weeby and it annoys you that other people like it. Obviously you have nothing to add to the conversation and are just salt as fuck that people could possibly like something you hate.

>Eureka 7 was shit though, you must only like it because of nostalgia, it had the worst protag in anime outside of Shinji.

You also have a terminal case of shit taste my friend.

Attached: 1480792128696.png (1800x1578, 199K)


good job retard

>I don't care if they're most expressive, since it's artificial expression, it's like Wind Waker, where the characters are basically emoticons given form. The head artist also literally can't draw faces, they're all the same, crop 2 of faces and compare them without eye color, you'd never tell who they are.
But there's a clear difference even when it's three versions of the same character? What is wrong with you?

Attached: 1539717839918.png (1280x720, 1.25M)

If I was retarded I would pretend X was a good game

man are xenoblade threads garbage

Attached: 1554681801141.png (500x483, 247K)

no one plays FF VIV, no one cares about FF XV and no one cres about DQ outise of japan

Which literally only happens as a joke in two scenes.

Attached: 1525113932102.jpg (1280x720, 106K)

>no one plays FF VIV

So you have no argument?
You can't argue with my point so you're just like "Anti-Weeb BAD!!!" even though I probably watched more anime than you?

>You also have a terminal case of shit taste my friend

It really was bad though, I had to drop it because at a certain point I just couldn't stomach anymore, I don't know why people like beta bitch MCs so much.

yes. Square Enix going bankrupt when?

Crop out the faces, just the faces, and turn it black and white.

Mix them up, and try and guess who is who.

Then do that with the previous games, and see how recognizable the previous characters were compared to XC2's artstyle.

>XIV is the most successful MMO ever

WoW is the most dead it’s been since vanilla and it still has more subscribers than FFXIV

It's not only that, the eyes are practically just textures on their face that change, it's so fake.

It's more than ''here and there'' when you have so much people wrongfully shitting on the entire chapter 4 just for that.

frankly I only come to JRPG threads to amuse myself by the shitflinging. Modern JRPGs are typically so shallow that meaningful gameplay/lore discussion is rarer than a pink tail.

This isn't even a Xenoblade thread, but like always it's fanbase's autism infects everything it touches.

Even the robot expressed more emotion than the previous game's character models.

Attached: Poppi disapoint.png (1661x948, 2.57M)

>people wrongfully shitting on the entire chapter 4 just for that
You're implying that wasn't just "I clapped when I saw the reference" the chapter?

Do you have face blindness? Their eyes alone are completely different.

Attached: 1543454998762.jpg (500x279, 52K)

As long as we aren't talking about FFXV

Artificial expression though, at least X had actual eyes.

Attached: Elma_Character_Shot.png (600x600, 781K)

It's literally just the same eyes recolored.

>XV is the best and fastest selling FF game

>So you have no argument?
I do, and I wrote a fucking wall of text explaining why I think your points are wrong. You clearly are just baiting and have literally nothing of value to post other than 'XBC2=bad.' Now you are moving the goal post and trying to flex your anime e-peen in a Bangladeshi carpet weaving emporium. You may have watched every anime in existence and you still would have shit taste.

Continuing to reply is like running in circles.

Attached: Slav.gif (300x200, 4M)

imagine being upset over other people not enjoying what you like

Attached: 8725AAFB-F3BB-4DE0-B7AE-121F492BF70F.png (500x460, 24K)

Oh so you're actually just completely blind. Since text-to-speech won't cover images, Mythra has pointed eyes, Pyra has rounded eyes, Pneuma is in between. Glad to hep.

>You clearly are just baiting
I'm baiting because I called out Eureka 7 as a terrible anime?
Why do you think it's so good?


>Mythra has pointed eyes, Pyra has rounded eyes, Pneuma is in between
Wow, such difference.

Meanwhile compare pic related to

Attached: Nagi_zoom.jpg (813x455, 38K)

why people shit on chapter 4? besides being Tora filler

Nothing wrong with chapter 4, same people that bitch about it hate the game in general.

How else would you put it? Shion's undoubtedly one of the worst protagonists in JRPG history. Canon Shulk (Jap VA) is the whiniest protagonist in the series and most of his victories arise from Zanza/Monado carrying him, and although Elma isn't bad by any means she never really develops at all beyond being an ayylmao and is virtually the same exact character developmentally throughout the game.

Unironically Cross is the best Xeno protagonist

Mor Ardain requires some effort to navigate. And near the end you have to make the incredibly difficult realisation that you should put a tank on Rex with Tora out of the party.
It's genuinely too difficult for people.

>Nothing wrong with chapter 4, same people that bitch about it hate the game in general.
I loved the game and I HATED chapter 4.

It's the "I clapped when I saw the reference, true anime bros" chapter.

>Protags are so bad you think a literal silent protag is the best

explain yourself incel

It's a chapter where literally NOTHING happens that's important to the main story and they crammed some shitty 1970s mecha kaimen rider subplot

Persona 5 is the game of this generation

DQ11, XB2 and Rance X were better.


Attached: 0fee582e-3708-454e-bbdb-d62613603f0c.png (547x161, 116K)

The way chapter 3 ended was awkward but interesting, and the infodumps at the very beginning of chapter 4 had me really invested in where the story was going next.
Then came the sleepwalking scene. After that, the long filler section in Gormott that felt like they had awkwardly shoved a sidequest into the main plot. Going to Mor Ardain gave me the impression that just maybe the game was getting back on track, but no, how about we have the characters go to a fucking hot spring instead? (actually that part ended up being perfectly fine and some nice foreshadowing, but at the time I expected it to end with some bullshit like pic related)
Then there's the whole Lila plotline (and the encounter with Zeke). The story for those parts wasn't too bad - it was cheesy and dumb, but in a good way - but traversing the Old Factory was a nightmare. The framerate was fucking horrible, you only have two party members for most of it, enemies are constantly aggroing you through walls, and the map is useless for figuring out where you actually need to go.
Everything from the fight with Rosa on was good, but it wasn't enough to save the rest of the chapter.

Attached: screenshot.png (1280x720, 1.12M)

I liked Xenoblade Chronicles 2 more

I guess. Tora was funny and that's what saved the chapter for me

>That many buzzwords
Try actually playing FFXV Royals first then talk shit.

Still waiting on your reasoning for why Eureka 7 is a good anime.

America education

>Japan yet again showing its dominance while WRPG fans hope that their games aren't corrupted by SJWs.
Divinity: Original Sin 2 outsold most of those games despite being made with a fraction of their budget, resources and development time.


>Divinity: Original Sin 2 Generated $85M in Revenue Last Year According To SuperData Research

Attached: 1551998688553.png (680x680, 124K)

The first third or so of it is a glorified sidequest that got put into the main story for padding.
Once you actually finish that and get to Mor Ardain it's 10/10.

Attached: 1524478869886.png (335x335, 229K)


P5 is literally one of the weakest jrpgs ever made


Only bait is pretending P5 was good

P5 is one of the greatest JRPG

Its literally peak jrpg genre

Triggered XC2fag

Attached: 3472486-supersmash.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

i don't like persona but there is so much fucking garbage out there

P5 is literally one of the worst games ever made with a story that doesn't make any sense and braindead casualized gameplay. The story is ineffectual in the same way most Japanese stories of societal change are and the party's victories are pretty hallow. There's nothing stopping the Japanese government from doing shit like this again, Burgerslut's Company is still going to be awful to work for because it's in the company's best economic interest to pay their employees shit and work them to the bone, starving artists will still be exploited by profiteers, etc. The Jungian elements of modern Persona worked best when the "conflicts" (accepting your flaws, 4 and coming to terms with death, 3) were more personal. Attempting to apply the same philosophy to societal issues and hoping for positive change requires fucking magic to make work, because it dismisses the material and social incentive to act like a cockend and attributes these failures to character faults.
Despite being "narrative driven", All but four or so characters are written horribly and the structure is ripped straight from the previous game. It's a story about social rebellion and literal masks where the designs don't actually inform character and the writing plays things as safe as humanly possible. It's a game that adds so many little "quality of life" features that it guts all difficulty and strategy (even though p5 removed the list of personas and now forces you to load every single fucking stat page while flipping through them now). There is no resource management, SP items are everywhere and so is a easily obtained permanent SP restorative equipment + money drops like candy from demon negotiation which you can break in the first ten hours. Baton pass completely breaks random encounters which allow you to go mutiple turns in one and spam physical AOE all day. Merciless is super easy with a 3x damage modifier on everything. Dungeon design is terrible outright.

Attached: 1508522910893.png (512x512, 181K)


Hello obvious copypasta

>no argument
Yikes! The state of p5 babbies defending one of the worst games ever made

Attached: 1519778593860.png (502x502, 257K)

The only modern JRPGs worse than P5 are Compile Hearts and Gust kusoge.
P5 is all style no substance.
Story is shit. More importantly, the pacing is all fucked up, one moment you're waiting a month for Futaba to wake up, another month you're literally locked out of anything for story reasons. Characters are garbage with a few exceptions like Sojiro. Makoto literally kills the team dynamic. Faggot can should've died at the end of Kamoshida palace
Gameplay is TRASH. Random encounters are 95% all outs. Even if element resistant enemies are present, it's just a crit into all out. Guns are trash outside of maybe Haru and Joker's specials. Bosses are nothing interesting to speak about as well. Exploration is incredibly samey, puzzles are primitive, interesting environment hazards stop existing after the second dungeon. Entire dungeons are puke worthy like space port. Don't get me started about the Mementos, a fucking Compile Hearts puts more effort into their content.

Attached: 1547539878155.png (350x336, 120K)

>The only modern JRPGs worse than P5 are Compile Hearts and Gust kusoge
And Xenoblade 2

Why are you so obsessed about Xenoblade 2. Don't deflect. Answer

Why are you so obsessed with Persona 5?

>Xfag literally does what I say and deflects
It's not even funny anymore. You are just sad.


I didn't know you hated P5 so much, number 1 fan.

XB2 blows P5 so hard both narratively and gameplay-wise it's like watching a puppy being murdered.
P5 is nowhere near any good JRPG of the last generation. It gets destroyed by Cold Steel. It got fucking murdered by Automata, down to the quality of OST. It's worse even than the niche shit like Alliance Alive or Radiant Historia remaster. I can bet my ass any normalfag shit eater defending P5 would actively shit on it if it was produced by Compile Hearts but was absolutely the same game.

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Don't know about your fanclub but it's not hard to figure out it's you. X is also a bad game. You will do exactly like I ask and reply to this post and even bump on page 10

Not an argument

>The only modern JRPGs worse than P5 are Compile Hearts and Gust kusoge.

and FFXV

Can't wait for P5 to come on Switch, or PC, or whatever, just so people can see it's overrated. Good, but overrated to hell. Like Vesperia was. Or like Octopath was, PCbros will soon see for themselves.

>It got fucking murdered by Automata
We get it user, Automata needed to win RPG of the year, but life is hard

Well, that's probably true. I've avoided FF15.

>but it's not hard to figure out it's you
Just like it's not that hard to figure out it's you, number 1 fan.

Why is XC1 so much better than XC2?


You got fucking destroyed by arguments, and this is the only thing you can shit out? Seriously?
My little shitposter can't be this braindead.

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You keep on imaging your boogeyman. We all know it's you.

Considering how desperate Nintendo fans are for it, we'll get endless praise for it the moment it comes to Switch.

Another number 1 fanism, he thinks he's a hivemind for the entire XC2 fanbase.

>Xenoblade Chronicles 2 sold 1.5 million
>KH3 is the fastest and best selling game in the franchise
Jesus Christ, people unironically eat up any kind of trash that's thrown at them, huh?

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Any PCfag can see how awfully overrated it is, especially after recent RPCS3 breakthroughs.

You sound like you're coping pretty hard there.

Persona 5 sold 2.4 million so yeah

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>Jesus Christ, people unironically eat up any kind of trash that's thrown at them, huh?

yeah. Look at the sales of the mediocre unfinished mess that was FFXV

I still don't understand why are you trying to talk with a mirror.

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Yes. We know it's you.

Only 2.4?
I thought this garbage sold more.


It has the heteronarmative patriarchal politics in Japanese games,thanks no

All the HoMM games combined have sold around 1m.

What's even the fucking appeal of Persona? Just waifus?

How long that pile of shit was in development? Since 2011 at the very least? With such a ridiculous amount of time i dread to think how much money they were sinking into it.

Thankfully no


Certainly not gameplay or story, so yeah.

I for one am glad more innocent anons are being introduced to the Barry of Xenoblade

>Saw that list of games
>Knew almost instinctively this thread was going to a shitshow of bitching and shit flinging
>was right

What is it about those game that bring out the worst in people? Jesus

Those sales should be a good thing, and yet everyone here still has reasons to complain

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fetal alcohol syndrome face

a shitposter that is wrong 100% of the time but deludes themselves into being right? Also thinks that anyone against him is the same person?

>What is it about those game that bring out the worst in people?
Normalfags and entry level weebs.

Bad games don't deserve good sales. It means future games will be just as bad.

FFXV, KH3 and Nier Automata were awful fucking games. Selling a lot means nothing to me as a consumer if the game is crap.
Also, FFXIV still isn't bigger than WoW, even as WoW declines into nothingness. The only reason so many people are migrating is Blizzard's terrible business model, lack of content and the simple fact that WoW is dated.
If Blizzard remade WoW in a better engine or released a sequel it would depopulate FFXIV of everything but the ERPing cancer.
Also, when a WRPG comes out that isn't total garbage infused to the bone with political virtue signalling it outsells all of those. It's rare, and getting rarer every day, but it happens.

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It seems to be a common theme. Probably a certain personality type that draws people to shitposting.

That's Xfag alright

Only bad BAD game of the list is XV

No fat and bitter western women.
No ugly western women
No western trannies/faggots.
No baby-tier politics
No holier-than-thou preaching
Love of cute, pretty and beautiful women.
Plenty of good voice actors.

Persona 5 is barely any better.
The rest are pretty nice.

And p5, octopath, NieR, and Pokemon

Now if only any of those games besides DQXI was good

There it is again.
Put your name back on.

If you want to say something, say it to my face.

What took you so long to respond. You are glued to your screen.

>P5, Nier and Octopath bad
And pokemon was better than many games out there

Nier is fantastic and Octopath is serviceable.
P5 is fucking awful.

And KH3, and Automata, and the new Pokemon titles.
P5 is a bad game for anyone but the extremely dedicated fanbase. It's narratively dead, it has no protagonist and mostly gets off on style over substance.

Went to get a snack, anything else you'd like to know about my personal life, number 1 fan?
I know it excites you.

I think the other 96 IPs in this thread would be interested to know about your mod brother boyfriend

Answer the question

Ah, it is you, you're the only one that keeps bringing that up.

Way to expose yourself.

What question?

if anything I would assume that P5 is only likable by people that havent played the prior ones since the narrative is just bits and pieces of other persona games hacked up and glued back together

You know you can double reply right? How can you be this mentally disabled?

You said you'd talk about your personal life, now stop deflecting and tell the class

Why would I do that?

Barry wouldn't praise KH3

>P5 is a bad game for anyone but the extremely dedicated fanbase.
It was the most sold and critically acclaimed one

I went to get a snack, and I have a doctor's appointment later today, what more would you like me to tell you, number 1 fan?

It's an absolute bare-bones structure that can barely be considered political. The politician goes from "fuck the people, I'll do bad things on purpose hahahah" to "wow, I should do good things because people want me to do good things".

I think Xfag might be way worse than XV-kun. Obviously XV-kun is obsessed, but he's not a deranged lunatic.

user err that politician was literally inspired by a real one

Barry is absolutely a deranged lunatic, but Xfag is definitely worse because he has mod protection.

You're the only one who cares about "Xfag" number 1 fan.

I don't have any mod protection, I've been banned many times, and warned even more.

Critical acclaim for a niche dungeon crawler series like megaten is a giant red flag. Only absolute casual shit gets 9 or higher from generic reviewers. A great niche game gets a 6 from IGN and a 9.5 from ionlyreviewdungeoncrawltacticalrpgs.org

Unless Xfag also does this shit on other websites, he's not nearly as bad.

Holy mother of cope.

how do we combat the slanteyed menace?

Wtf are you on ? ever since P3 persona always had more than 85 in scores

>persona after p3
Shit megaten games

All those games are shit aside from Dragon Quest

Octopath is fucking terrible. Octopath just tries to be a extension of Bravely but does so terribly. They drastically reduced the number of classes, skills, and passives as well as magic. They then gutted the bravely and default systems to only allow limited types of moves. They then made specials and equipment less complex.

The only good thing I can say about the battle system is the guard crush stuff which is neat but not nearly enough, especially when you can achieve a similar effect as it in BD and BS anyway with certain builds because the combat is so much more flexible and offers actual depth. Octopath has poor boss and encounter design on top of all and overall the game is braindead easy. Not having more control over your party for a large chunk of the game is bad game design and awful design choice (locked character slot for protagonist and character chapter progress + no backup party member EXP growth is a chore). It desperately needed intermediary classes to fill the midgame too because of the step back in the number of jobs and complexity. You start with basic jobs then jump straight into super jobs. Even Final Fantasy 5 constantly put out new jobs as you went throughout the game. By the time you start Chapter 3s in Octo, you have already learned everything from your basic jobs. From there it's just find a weakness and spam the same abilities you've been using for 20 hours and with the same boosting strategies get used over and over again into the same battle loops, most of status effects and buffs aren't very good also because battles only last a few seconds.
The stories of the bland and boring characters is incrediblely generic. Two revenge stories with extremely predictable outcomes, dumb merchant story that ends with "THE BEST TREASURE WAS THE JOURNEY ALL ALONG". Apothecary learning that not everything is black and white.
The only story that was worth anything was Cyrus, because he himself was the only developed character.

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SMT iv and IVA got good scores too and they are great games

He's only active on Yea Forums it seems. Yea Forums breds the worst shitposters.

So? How does that stop it from being shit?

lol good1

>Not liking SMT IV or IVA
Even if IVA story was funny it was the best gameplay of the whole Megaten

Can't let this thread die yet.

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You're right. I really hope SMT V combines the good things from Nocturne like sacrificial fusion and HP for physical skills with skill affinities and hama/mudo doing direct damage