I'm playing this game for the first time and i just can't get this down. In the first game i could do the block counter regularly but in this game i just can't get it to work 99% of the time, it's like the attack hitbox arrives before the model and the active frames for the block counter are minuscule compared to the first game, is it because this is is 60 Hrz? I have somewhat more success with the regular counter but i can only do it for the easy attacks like the rolling pigs and the samurai plant guy stab. Is there a trick i am missing or do i just need to get good?
As for the game i am enjoying it, it's better than 1 though it has some issues. This is actually a legit action game while 1 was like a pseudo action game. Though i gotta say it looks even worse than 1 in an HDTV, i guess they used more CRT specific image trickery for this one. also FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK those box puzzles.
nu/v/ doesn't play vidya, this thread will do much better on /vr/
Thomas Baker
Great game but its been more than 15 years since I played it. I hope the remaster of the first game sold well enough to warrant remastering this one too.
Henry Myers
The first Onimusha's water puzzle filtered me. Sais.
Grayson Price
I lile Marie.
Luke Brown
i really liked onimusha 2. but all i can remember is the friend system and that goofy muffled voice saying juuuuuubeeeeeeeii at some point near the beginning i think.
Noah Morgan
I highly doubt it did. It looks like it came and went like dust in the wind, no one payed attention. Also they changed the music which was such an integral part of the first game, i'm glad i still have my PS2 copy.
Sucks that the series is tangled web of copyright bullshit.
Blake Bailey
I remember playing this game and beating it multiple times in single sesssions (No memory card). Had to avoid dying too because it took you to the title screen when you got a game over to load a save. Good game. Nobunaga filtered me a few times.
Jack Adams
is the music worse? should i just emulate it?
Chase Gutierrez
The puzzles in 2 look like Mensa shit next to 1, i actually gave up on one of them and just looked up the answer after spending what felt like 40 fucking minutes going nowhere with it, and it was all for a stupid talisman. I guess i am a brainlet but those box puzzles look ridiculously obtuse to me.
The voice acting is hilariously bad but i already knew this going in
Hudson King
Timing is a bit weird for issens in 2, just practice and eventually you will get it If you want to learn timing then check this youtube.com/watch?v=4DIPZoZcEkg
Carson Hill
It's absolutely generic in the remaster, takes a lot from the game in my opinion.
Timestamp for the first link. It does have the Japanese VA and you can switch weapons on the fly though, so that's good. They had to change the music because ws the composer was that RE fart music guy who pretended to be deaf and had a ghost composer do all the work for him but the music in the original is just amazing.
>In June 2013, a reporter from the magazine Aera interviewed Samuragochi at his apartment in Yokohama, but noticed a number of inconsistencies in Samuragochi's deafness statements, including his ability to respond to questions before the sign-language interpreter had finished, and standing up to answer a doorbell when it rang
btw OP Onimusha 1/2 are probably two of my favorite top 20 games of all time, but I haven't played 2 in so long I can't really help. I barely used block issen though in the first one.
I bought the remaster and beat it quickly, wish they were remastering the second one too
Jack Anderson
>He started suffering migraines while in high school, and said that, by the time he was 35, he had completely lost his hearing. The guy's probably not really sane lol. >When Samuragochi's first symphony was performed on tour by a full orchestra, the composer Takeo Noguchi noticed that it was an adaption of little-known works from earlier composers like Gustav Mahler Fucking retard tried to copy Mahler and thought nobody would see ? That's immensely stupid.
Zachary Bailey
Block issen is good in the first one because it's safer, relatively easy to do and it's forward lunging horizontal slash that sweeps an entire area. Also it's just more satisfying to use in my opinion. In 2 chain issen is really cool as well, when i get it to work. I think i just need to block more in this game, i have been getting hit A LOT, i'm not satisfied with how I'm performing, i have to remind myself that i am learning. I'm looking forward to Hard mode even though ihaven't beaten the game yet, i hope it let's me start it from a new game.
I'm not too fond of the gift system since so many of them are just guess work, it practically begs for save scumming,