>"Sekiro fans are the Rick and Morty fans of Videogames."
Is he, dare I say, right?
>"Sekiro fans are the Rick and Morty fans of Videogames."
Is he, dare I say, right?
Mega64 has been bad longer than they've been good and all of them should die so their legacy stops being butchered.
Garrett is cool tho
Sekiro actually takes skill to fully enjoy the game. Any braindead retard can enjoy Rick and Morty. I know he said this because he thinks both fanbases are elitist but they aren't even the same type of elitism. His analogy is terrible.
I'm surprised he didn't call Sekiro fans the Trump supporters of video games.
Now OP do you mind not posting this shit here anymore so I don't have to remember that they're still going through the agonizing pains of existing.
Yes, Fromsoft fans think they're the hottest shit on the planet and they will make sure you know they play Sekrio or Dark Souls or Bloodborne even if you didn't ask.
I love mega64 but derrick is the least knowledgeable member regarding video games so whatever hot take he has about games usually sounds pretty dumb and uninformed. im not bothered by it.
plus, To be fair, you do have to have a very high IQ to understand Sekiro
Proving his point to a T. You think you're smarter and more important than you are.
>le super hard game only a few 1337 gamers can enjoy, you just wouldn't get it
>Garret will never be your Dad
wtf bros why didn't anyone warn me life would be so terrible
Time code?
25 min
Who cares about some random faggot's opinion?
If garret was such a cool and good guy he wouldnt be hanging around these losers
To be fair, you have to have a very high skill to fully enjoy Sekiro. The gameplay is extremely rewarding, and without a solid grasp on game mechanics most of the fun will go over a typical players head. There's also Sekiro's subtle lore, which is deftly woven into the game, Sekiro's personal philosophy draws heavily from Japanese literature, for instance. The otakus understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these games, to realise that they're not just fun, they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Sekiro truly ARE normies of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the challenge in Sekiro's boss fighs, which itself is it's own reward. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Miyazaki's genius design unfolds itself on their televisions and PC monitors. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Irezumi tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
Sekiro isn't a hard game, people are just too used to movie-games with shit gameplay.
Bless japan
Quality pasta
Mega64 makes AVGN look like actually good content.
yikes, made me cringe
if it isnt a challenging game then why all the complaints that it needs an easy mode?
This, but unironically
>You think you're smarter and more important than you are.
you're too insecure, bro. better leave this board
>Second reply proves his point perfectly
>"DMC fans are the Rick and Morty fans of Videogames."
There you go.
t. eceleb worshiping retard
If he has kids at this point they’ll be autistic because he and tweaker gf are 40 years old
For the money they get on Patreon and merch they don't put out nearly enough content. That Heartslayers show is just dreadful and nobody watches it.
The fuck does that even mean?
I dont think there are enough DMC fans to be the Rick and Morty fans of Videogames. I know there was alot of hype and talk about DMCV but there's no way those were all fans. Where the fuck were they all before?
it's a real shame they invested so much time and thought into it. they even made a full set.
>"I'll prove him wrong by acting exactly like the thing he said I was"
LMAOOOOO. Fucking Sekirotards can't even see how stupid they are
undertale fags are Rick and Morty
Lisa fags are Xavier
>B-B-But DMC!!
reminder Derrick is puerto rican but 100% raised on the us, he doesn't give a shit about PR food, music or any shit. based i guess.
yes because from fags are based and know that for example bloodborne is Gotd, there is no shame in that, actually if you think bloodborne is not Gotd you must be a retard sorry. fromfags have claimed soulsbornekiro games one of the best games in the world and i havent seen a single real argument aginst that they arent.
>g-guyz please pay attention to us
Why are all LISAfags like this?
nobody pays attention to lisa fags nor they even want that, you must be talking about undertale fags they are like furrys or bronies, there propably have been some cringetale cons whith cringe music live events.
>tries to prove him wrong
>proceeds to prove him right
DMC's always been popular but 4 came out came out 11 years ago and DmC made most fans lose hope of there ever being a 5, so the fanbase died down until it was announced.
Sekiro is fun because it's satisfying.
Rick & Morty is fun because you can hold yourself in higher esteem for understanding that high school level physics related joke that dumb retards would never understand.
No one was ever whining that Rick and Morty needs to tone down their jokes that only masterclass intellectualists could understand. It was all a joke shitting on a type of fan that didn't really exist. The people crafting long winded parodies on how they feel fans of the show act such as the "you need to have a high iq to enjoy rick and morty" copypasta were actually more up their ass than actual rick and morty fans by the way. Wheras Get gud is a pretty simple counter opinion for Sekiro . If I thought I was smart and important I wouldn't be shitposting as an user on imageboard, I'd be like this guy Derrick from Mega 64 and spout my opinion on some youtube video like it mattered.
But people who make 'x is the y of z' comparisons are the retards of humanity. So even if he is right and x bears some thematic similarities to y he's still a retard. Retard.
>he responded to an accusation.. something a RICK AND MORTY FAN would do.. heh....
Sekiro/Souls fans are just fans. They play the fucking games and talk about lore and builds online. Then a faggot blowhard games journo writes a shitty blog about the cultural and metaphysical significance of Dark Souls trying to get a reaction out of other blowhard faggots fast forward to today and you've got morons who don't play games and hate their audience fling shit.
I think the game is fun and never been vocal about any of it except in argument about whether it's "souls" or not. can I just like something and not be branded for it?
He’s right but extend it to all fromsoft games
He didn’t say it wasn’t challenging. Why do fromfags always think people are trying to call their games easy?
>Thing I don't like is other thing I don't like of thing
What a witty and insightful comment, I can see why someone as smart as OP would think it was worthy of a thread.
I like you.
>he accuses me of something untrue.. something a fag would do.. heh
I agree
>uhhh dis game sucks bcuz its 2 hard plz give easy mode so me and my quadriplegic wife's son can beat it
>Go play something easier then
Game journos were a mistake. Not sure why people still take them seriously when it was proven that they are dumber than pigeons.
The comparison is that Rick and Morty fans think they’re watching a masterclass on character development and nihilism while simultaneously throwing tantrums at McDonalds because they can’t try their meme sauce. They have a desperate need to see themselves as intelligent despite their stupidity. Rick and Morty validated them.
Meanwhile, Souls fans feel validated by these games because they’re difficult and a lot of people don’t have the skill or patience to complete them. They brag about the ways they finish the game, they label every boss a casual filter and tell people who have problems to simply get good rather than give actual advice, because helping other people understand the mechanics would devalue their own “achievement” in beating the game. Even though they’re just playing video games, they want to elevate it to something else. They don’t make money off of it, they don’t get an award for it, so they seek validation from it by fetishizing difficulty and patting each other on the back because they “got good” enough to win.
any retard can watch rick and morty
retards (gaming journalists and Yea Forums) cant play sekiro because it's too challenging for them
I can't tell if these guys content got worse over the last few years or I just grew out of them.
I still like their podcast but man their actual videos are lame.
I still love some of their older stuff and think it holds up to this day but something about their new videos is just sterile.
Literally a rick and Morty argument
>Go watch something less intellectual
>reddit spacing
Of course
It would be if people were complaining the jokes in Rick and Morty were too deep for them and they demanded joke explanation subtitles