ITT we post lying, traitorous psycho bitches in videogames

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You're literally low IQ if you didn't expect it.

I knew she was full of shit after Simon was transfered to his new body the first time.

The fact that she kept leading him on and lying to him afterwards up until the final scene was what made me really fucking hate this bitch.

Also forgot to mention the amount of fucking GASLIGHTING this cunt did.

Made me want to toss her into the abyss.

What the fuck are you talking about? Did you play the game?

She literally lied to simon about how the consciousness transfer worked.

There was no "cointoss" or a 50/50 chance of getting transfer.
Throughout the entire game, Simon believed that his mind would get "cut & pasted" by the brain scanners, not "copy and pasted", and Catherine used this to lead him on so that he could retrieve the Arc.

Whenever he questioned the process, she would gaslight the fuck out of him to get him to shut up.

nah she does tell him multiple times, Simon is literally just a dumb fuck

She had said there will always be two different conscious entities multiple times throughout the game.
The ending should’ve been even more obvious when Simon switched over to the diving gear, when she said that a Simon still lives on within your original robot body.
How fucking dumb are you? The game literally explains this multiple times and had a section dedicated to this concept alone. Hell the remaining robots you find spell out the ending to you.

I mean, Simon had brain damage after all.

we talking about SOMA?

Hit a nerve, huh OP? She was best girl

She never does this, youre both dumbfuck retards.

During the first transfer when Simon gets his new body, he overhears Simon#2 still talking before he goes dark. During that scene, Simon ask "What was that...?" and she responds, " Oh it was nothing"

Dumbfucks, if she was telling the truth, why was she trying to blatantly hide the fact that the "transfer" was just copying his conciousness????

God damn im mad.

She told him, you the player get it immediately, the problem is Simon is a dumb fuck that can't accept facts

She tells you how it works very early in the game, you're just too much of a dumbshit to notice

>She told him
No, she fucking didn't.

She "told" him how the process half works, but didn't bother explaining to him that its "copy and paste" until the Arc was shot into space when she didn't need him anymore.

Because she knew Simon's a fucking retard that would sperg out just like he does at the ending? She's a nice person but her number one priority is saving mankind, even if she has to tread carefully around Simon because he may break down realizing he's a 300yo brain scan in a zombie robot suit

I want a robot taiwanese gf to keep me company through the apocalypse

Did you forget the part where you copy paste yourself into the new suit? Why would you think the same process would have a different outcome later?

You're a fucking idiot. Anyone could see that the moment Simon 1 kept talking. Simon couldn't accept facts. She did literally nothing wrong

OP is brain damaged

Fuck that cunt, exorcising her was such a pleasure

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*blocks your path*

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>lmaooo look I'm pretending to be retarded so funny xD
do something else with your time. btw thanks for the SOMA thread, lovely game

She never lied, brainlet

Listen you fucking retards.

I,as the fucking player, KNEW she was full of shit. It became crystal clear after the first transfer and you leave Simon#2 to die. Learn to fucking read you stupid fucks.

Im talking about her lack of fucking moral integrity, and the fact that she kept leading on Simon even after he obviously had trusted everything she was telling him

But the church gf is the one that's a stupid fuck that deals with absolutes and can't accept the fact you may be good AND want a succubi gf

everything in mgs v

I feel like SOMA is the perfect example of how you shouldn't make games that cater to specific demographics via protagonists.
Specifically, you shouldn't make brain damaged protagonists because brain damaged players like OP relate to them, and it results in literally every fucking SOMA thread we've ever had on this board.


>SOMA thread
>cointoss brainlets

every single fucking time.

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He was literally humanities last hope. She couldn't risk making him too angry and leaving, and didn't have time to let him wrap his head around the reality, so she chose to keep certain details on a need to know basis. Even when she did tell him the truth he chose not to believe it anyway

You aren't clever, or witty and the fact that you are this asshurt over someone hating your cunt waifu is hilarious.
I just wanted to hug her when Simon started yelling at her...

No. Fuck demons and fuck niggers

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If you, the most retard person on this thread, knew what was happening, Simon did, too. He just couldn't accept it. The coin toss was an easy explanation as to what happened even if it wasn't literally correct, it still "felt" like it as in a Simon was left behind and another one moved on.
>Im talking about her lack of fucking moral integrity
Humanity is fucking dead, the last human alive is a chick connecting to a breathing machine. Her mission is to save what little is left, to launch the Ark. She knows from the get go that the one that will enjoy being inside the Ark will be the consciousness she puts inside, the Katherine in the tool will remain on Earth, and she accepts it. There's a Simon on the Ark too, and robot Simon should've accepted that as well. But he was a manchild, which was the reason Katherine acted the way she did.

So now you admit she was lying to him in order for her plans to go through?

Good. Now fuck off, you illiterate piece of shit. You've wasted enough of my time already.

If saving what’s left of modern civilization means I have to lie/stretch the truth to a dumbass who otherwise will break down into existential despair, then you’re damn right I’d lie.

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>Doesn't mention Catherine once
Maybe moving the goalposts really is the best move for you, it seems like you've been brained too many times already.

>Simon did, too
Except he didn't, you stupid fucking retard holy shit.

Why did you think Catherine came up with that coin toss bullshit?????

It was to convince him to keep going for that chance he would be completely transfered to the Arc, even though it was obvious that's not how it fucked worked and Catherine was a lying psycho.

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and he's still going folks.

>muh Arc
>muh humanity's last hope

For all we know, the Arc probably got hit with space debris or bombarded with solar radiation and immediately stopped working after the ending credits lol

Friendly reminder that WAU did nothing wrong.

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>Except he didn't
Because he's a stupid fuck. Seriously, if you, me, and every single person playing the game got what was going on, yet Simon didn't; there's really only two explanations:
Either he's straight up, not even joking, the dumbest person I've ever seen. Or
He refused to accept it. Maybe not even consciously, he just refused to believe he wouldn't be saved, continue being "the protagonist" if you will. Again, Catherine did nothing wrong, and her and Simon did a wonderful thing against all odds. You should be happy for them OP

Except CHOMP off Simon's arm with its prolapsed anus mouth.

What game?
>inb4 read filename
I got nothing with Xena, and I’m on an Icrap so no imagesearch

Are you retards seriously forgetting that Simon has fucking brain damage?
No shit he can't wrap his head around the fact that he'll only makes a copy of himself.

>You should be happy for them!
No other sentence in the entirety of video games made rage so hard.

I wanted to strangle that cunt so much when she said that shit.

>Simon is going to fucking DIE down at the bottom of the ocean and he did everything she told him because she explicityly said he wouldn't die.
>lol not really, just be happy for those copies of us on the Arc!

Fucking lying cunt psycho punjabi bitch

Kicking Simulator Dark Messiah

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wait that's actually a good point
why didn't she just use cut instead of copy?

Okay, call me an idiot for not understanding, but the reason you cant get into the new suit or the arc or whatever is because usually a human gets their brain scanned and put into the box. Well you arent a human anymore and your brain is 110% robot data. So with that in mind why COULDNT you just cut and past your brain?

Reminds me of my ex desu

She explained it like a coin flip.
You know that this is bullshit. There is no coin flip, no 50/50 chance, there isn't even a 1/99 chance. 100% of the time, his mind gets copied and pasted forward, and the 'original' mind gets left behind.

Are there any mods for this game that just remove simon and catherine from the game?

We're not shown even once in the entire game that Simon's brain bleeding does anything else besides kill his 2015 self. If he showed symptoms of his mind missing a few screws, sure

Really hope she fucking dies in 3.
Not expecting it because randy but certainly hoping.

ok, I never got SOMA
how the fuck does it work
if I'm experiencing the game in present tense, as in not in a flashback, then how the fuck can I be different simons
I get the first simon, the simon that woke up in the station after getting his brain scanned
since his last memory was getting scanned

but how the fuck did I suddenly become deep dive simon?
is it game mechanics?
or is it really what happened in the game
like I was just controlling simon there, I walked through the station, sat in the chair, by all logical conclusions, I should've still been copy simon, the first one to wake up in the station

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You're the fucking retard here. She's not saving mankind at all. Its like putting an already brain dead person on life support. The plan is stupid, humanity is just going to float around for a thousand years and die.

You're forgetting the Catherine that said that also died at the bottom of the sea, just like the real Catherine and every single member of the human race did before them. Man up.

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she's saving mankind's legacy you negro

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You're ignoring the coin flip bullshit, user. Admit it, you're wrong.

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Loved Adam's interaction with her in HR and when you learn where she's working in MD. She may be a cunt but her existence makes Adam a far more interesting character

>p..please stop S..Simon

>the sound of her BEGGING you not to exorcise her
My dick was diamonds.

>She explained it like a coin flip.
She never did this. Simon is the one who compares it to a coin flip and Catherine, realising that she's dealing with a fucking mongoloid, goes "yeah sure I guess" as not to make him panic. Telling him straight up that he (although actually only a version of him) was doomed to lie at the ocean floor forever would have made him freak out and he'd refuse to help.

By extension, even if she did use that comparison, the fact that Simon believes it proves that he's legit retarded.

You probably couldn't. The machine copies your mind, it wasn't designed to kill the body as well

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because there is not cut you negro
jesus christ, it's like I'm actually talking to Simon

Don't play the game?

How? How the fuck is she saving their legacy? The world is dead, the humans are dead and the ARK, (in a thousand years) it will be dead too. Nothing was saved. ...If there was a chance that they could somehow remove themselves again from the ARK, then yeah... I'd give you that. But they've abandoned a ship that's on fire, to go to a slowly sinking ship with no hope of rescue. Good job!

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Because all cut does is delete the original once it's been moved. There is no real method of file transfer, it's all just copying.

and what do you propose mister nigger

>she goes "yeah sure I guess" as not to make him panic
So she lied. That's all I was going for, user. Thanks.

Catherine copy+pasted Simon's consciousness(or data) thus far into that new suit and put his current robot body and consciousness to sleep so he wouldn't realize what happened. Then she does it again with the Ark only this time there is no sleep process and Simon realizes there's no coin toss.

The game switches you to different simons without explanation. It's the only way they could do it without "giving away" the big reveal.

>Telling him straight up that he (although actually only a version of him) was doomed to lie at the ocean floor forever would have made him freak out and he'd refuse to help.
But he wouldn't. He only freaks out because she lied to him.
She could've just said "Simon, the world is dead and we'll soon be too, help me do one good deed before that". I'm sure he'd help her anyway. It's not like Simon had any worthwhile alternatives to launching the Ark. She shouldn't have given him the false hope.

Theres no cut for a human brain, but Simon is 100% robot.

IIRC there's 4 Simons: The one that lived in Toronto in 2015, the one that meets Catherine, the one from the deep dive suit and the one that ended up inside the Ark.
You're the one that decides whether we experience each Simon and we the player just so happen to jump to see the story move forward; or if the entire game we follow deep dive Simon's memories up until the Ark is launched and he stays behind, and THEN we jump to Ark Simon for the happy ending

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yeah I get that
I'm just confused because the game is inconsistent
the only way I can be deep dive simon is if I was always him
but I'm not, since I controlled copy simon to the transfer station

But the coin toss isn't a lie to the Simon that won it

What's the point of deleting the data after moving it? I didn't think that's how cut worked.

This. He was more than accepting of the fact that he was both dead and a robot, which I don't know if I could ever come to terms with that.

women in general?

the point is, there is no cut

>there's no coin toss
But there is. Or you are fucked, or you are not

Magnusson was the only person with a brain in that game.

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We're floating around on space right now mate. The difference is our vessel. We don't know how the Ark works, if there's the possibility to build inside of it like The Sims, they could rebuild the world. The only problem would be, you know, having kids

I don't know enough about the current state of the world to come to an informed conclusion. But even if there was a 00.01% chance of surviving on the planet. (maybe by creating infinite workers by copying themselves) Well, isn't that better than literally dooming all of mankind to just live (an argument could be made that its not actually living) just a little longer.

there is a coin toss
if you're in the ark, you won the coin toss and get to fuck taiwanese pussy for 10 thousand years

She did lie, but it was a lie out of necessity because she was working with an over-emotive crayon muncher who was jeapordising the future of the "human" race. Literally for the greater good.

His reaction to "two Simons" proves otherwise. The whole concept of a copy of himself existing rattled him.

But what if there was cut? It doesn't make sense that you can copy data without being able to cut data.

are you 12 by any chance?

Because it saved you the seconds worth of hassle having to delete it yourself or forgetting to and leaving a copy taking up space. That's the reason its exists, people are dumb and lazy.

it absolutely makes sense
do you generate another body every time you get an X-ray scanned?
no, you don't

I love how they foreshadowed Polito being SHODAN by having audiologs where Polito sounds kind and generally pretty nervous, completely different from the Polito ordering you around everywhere.

It was only because the copy (or rather the original) had a physical presence in the world, in the same room even. He wouldn't bat an eye if his data was uploaded to the Ark or wherever.

Not similar. They cannot leave the Ark, we can leave Earth. We're even currently trying to inhabit other planets. The Ark is a fucking prison that just so happens to have a limit life span.

There was no cut for humans. Simon isnt human he's a robot. And his brain is all robot data.

Did I just get spoiled big time? This game was next on my backlog.

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humans are already extinct.
you’re not saving anything but pieces of data.

they are all different simons with all the memories up till the point of cooy and pasting. simon 1 dies of his brain injury in our time. simon 2 is a scan of his brain that is woken up in the facility, simon 3 is a copy of scan 2 that is pasted into the deep diving suit and leaves simon 2 behind or kills him and simon 4 is a cooy of simon 3 that got pasted into the virtual world and shot into space while simon 3 was left at the bottom of the abyss.

the thing is, Simon is the only one with a body
so whether there is a cut or not is irrelevant
because someone always has to stay behind to launch the ark, and that someone will always be Simon

What if the goodie two shoes aliens pick them up, extract them from the Ark and give them shiny new cyborg bodies? And use them as sex dolls.

My argument would be the Ark was a stupid plan that's pretty much the equivalent of putting a brain dead human on life support. The heart is beating, yes but they're not really alive and their is no hope of recovery.


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This is pure speculation, but I think if Simon was aware that his cyber doppelganger was smashing Catherine's bits in VR utopia while another version of himself was waiting for the ocean pressure to destroy his circuits over the next thousand years, he'd be just as upset.

I would've done the exact same shit she did. Simon is literally her only chance at getting the ark into space, and while pointless for them, means a lot knowing that the digitized consciousness of so many others are living in paradise. If I were to know I'm doomed, that would be a good send off. So hell yeah I'd manipulate him.

And hell, she barely even lied to him. Moreso a lie of omission in spots. She was always honest whenever Simon asked about how a coin flip worked, and that her and Simon could put themselves into the ark. The fact that he didn't catch on to how it works after switching to the diving suit is frankly a fault of his own. She purposefully didn't go into significant detail at times, either due to direct manipulation or simply believing Simon understood the mission would end with a hollow victory. If I was her though, I wouldn't explain much either. If he were to give up, the ark doesn't get launched. And frankly, what else of value could he do with his "life"? No matter what he'd wait out his days in slowly imploding/corroding research centers. That or inevitable demise at the hand of WAU's creations. The earth was glassed, the one human alive is on life support, and the only thing of value you could do is launch the ark.

Still one of the most depressing endings in vidya. Being trapped down in the deepest research base, lights turning off around you, knowing outside is pitch black with actual monsters, and you're alone. Literally the only option of any value would be to kill/deactivate yourself. And that's if you can find a way to do that without simply disabling movement (leading to insanity of being trapped). Honestly, allowing the WAU to take over would be good too, seeing how it is when you get grabbed by that one monster. Either way, fucking horrific.

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you didn't, but then you decided to enter the thread

OP is dumb, Catherine is best girl and pretty much all anons here say so. Abandon the thread, avoid spoilers and play her game

You will if you don't leave this thread right now.

nothin personnel's just science

She's also a lesbian.

simon lied to himself, she just didn't correct him

always knew she only fucked my for my genes

At the end he's sitting in the chair, everything is already lined up and the only worry is "there wont be enough time to upload"
There was literally no reason he couldnt go.

The more I think about it, the more I realized that The Ark is absolutely fucked.
>Human brains werent designed to live for eternity
>software corruption
>computer hardware gradually breaking down

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>the Ark was a stupid plan that's pretty much the equivalent of putting a brain dead human on life support.
It's no worse than the whole concept of self-aware biological life in this universe. Both are ultimately destined to end and have no clear purpose. It's all about the journey, not the destination.

The bigger point is that data transfer just doesnt work the same as moving a physical item from one place to another. Unless you take a hard drive from one machine to another its always going to be a copy. Copy copies and cut copies but deletes the source.

damn Citra you a nasty ass bitch but the pussy game too good

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She does tells him, like twice.

Good thing he's too stupid to realize that. And if he wasn't that stupid, he wouldn't get angry at that either.

What do you think the solution would be in a situation like that?

WAU was responsible for literally every bad thing on earth after the meteorite, so he kinda did

poor cath ;_;

I love that you've called me a nigger twice, realized that you can't actually argue with me because I'm right and abandoned the thread. You can't even successfully pretend to be white online, sad.

She wasnt a lying psycho tho,she did what she did cause the people she wanted to protect hanged her bf

user, you’re a low IQ retard. The game, and she, clearly showed you how it works earlier. She spells it out very clearly to you after you copy to the suit. Why would it change for copying to ARK? Did you really not listen?

She said she would "put them on the Ark".
"Them", not "their copies".

user, I think you have a misconception on how data are transferred
we see cut and we think it's like moving stuff in real life
but in reality everything is a copy, it's just what happens to the original file that's differentiates the functions

They did nothing wrong, though.

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Lesbians are just straight women that haven't been dicked properly yet.

I thought the Ark was a spaceship, not a fucking SSD.

This. She did nothing wrong.
>rot on the bottom of the ocean
>hurt Simon's precious feelings, save several consciousnesses and then rot on the bottom of the ocean

Read my fucking post sagain you illiterate retard.

no, I just realized that you're the kind of guy that'd commit suicide during an apocalypse scenario and how pointless it is to "argue" with you

For all we know all the shambling monstrosities WAU made might be living happily in their own personalized VR on the inside.

that's the theme of the game. In a sense, they are on the Ark, just not those instances of them

This is my thoughts
Basically, I don't know. But choosing certain death, so that some abstract concept of who you once were lives on, somewhere, somehow... Just sounds stupid. I'd choose the 00000.1% everytime.

yeah, she seems to have a blast

lol she told him Simon was just really low IQ.

their all them
Catherine has accepted the fact that her "copies" are still her
the fact that she's in a robot body already means that the "real" her is already dead
copies of copies of copies, it doesn't matter anymore, they're all her, and they're all equal
this is what Simon doesn't get

Like I said, lie of omission. What she said is absolutely true, she can and did put them on the ark. The "them" though in question, happens to be a digitized copy.

So again, either she was outright manipulating him knowing he may not make the journey without proper motivation, or she actually expected him to understand fully what she was saying. I would believe the latter personally due to her reaction right at the end as well as multiple people noting how she's kind of a social idiot across the base. She's so deep in her own scientific bullshit that the concept of others not understanding the full ramifications of something so "simple" is outside her comprehension. Hence why she treats Simon like an idiot when he doesn't immediately understand pretty deep concepts of how consciousness is copied over.

You're confused, friend. Its the ARK that is certain death, I choose to fight for life, no matter the odds.

"They" are isnide the ARK, that's the whole point

Another instance of you stops being "you" the moment it's created, because its experience starts to differ from that of the original. It's a completely separate entity, it just shares memories of past events with you.

In the context of the game, there's no difference between a "person" and a "copy" of that "person" at that exact moment. They're both the same, a continuation of that "person".
If the "person" was removed from existence when the "copy" was made, that "copy" would just be the original "person".
Simon is just too low IQ to realise this.

The lies were due to circumstances and lack of trust, justifiable but if it were someone alittle brighter things would've stopped at the bodysuit transfer. No sane human would've believed her there.

am I the same person as before I went to sleep yesterday evening? Are you?

Sorry, friend. ...But at least we now get to enjoy the hopelessness of the situation together. Misery loves company.

>am I the same person as before I went to sleep yesterday evening?
Yes retard.

Whatever the answer to that question, I hope we'll never learn that.

>no matter the odds
There are no odds you idiot
>muh 0,000000001 chance
Earth is done. If you had been Simon the ARK wouldn't have been launched and you would've wasted your suit's energy running around aimlessly the station until you deactivated, died to the WAU, or went mad

Well, I kind of agree with you but I'd prefer to have it both ways. Launch the ark, once that is done try to rebuild. That way an essence of human consciousness lives on, even if humanity doesn't.
That being said, remember that there were a number of people killing themselves once their scans were taken. That's pure selfishness and if I had my way they wouldn't make it onto the ARK. If I were Catherine, I'd hold it over their head during production. "If you kill yourself after I take your scan, I'm deleting it."

Absolutely, but I also don't know how blinded by hope I would be knowing the earth is glassed, the undersea base is filled with horrific monsters, humanity is wiped out, and someone is telling me I will be able to get into a paradise-esque digital world. Oh, and you're not you, you died years ago.

Maybe not sane to believe her, but reasonable for someone with all that shit going on in their head to maybe shirk some important details during the journey. If I was in that position, I may have reacted with surprise too by the end.

>I'd choose the 00000.1% everytime.
Then I'm hapy you'll die in the next 50 years and won't have to choose anything in regards to mankind's survival, because we'd be fucked

A copy is branching the mind into two branches
>A -> B
>A -> C
If B carries out all the work to send C into space B lost the cointoss, while C won. B knows this, but not before B itself is created. B and C are different only in what sets them apart after the copy, in all other matters they are A.

Damn I love games inviting to this type of discussions.

>she always said it was a 50/50 chance of getting on the ark
>but the original one never ever has a chance to transfer.
>the copy it just felt like he transfered because he had all the old ones memories and experiences.
But catherine didn't lie, it was plain to see the entire time. I honestly thought simon realized this after the first copy and he quietly accepted that he was never ever getting on the ark as they rode silently on the elevator down to the depths but decided it was worth finishing anyway. It shocked me when he pissed and shit all over himself at the end cause he jus then realized he was never getting on the ark. If he had opened his eyes and paid a little more attention he would have known the entire time.

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who are "you" then
if every experience changes you

then at what moment, during what experience, is the definitive you
the moment you were born?
during your first step
when you spoke your first word?
read your first book?
had your first kiss?
the thing is, if you use experience as a standard to judge what is you

then you're not you, every second a new you is born

>No sane human would've believed her there.
I dunno, man... You've never been a copy of a dead guy who had brain damage inside of a metal prison under the sea who is become pursued by actual monsters. You might believe anything that gives you a little hope.

Post discarded.

Is Ship of Theseus still the same ship?

give Simon some slack guys
he was plucked right out of 2015

you don't exist

Someone made a perfect copy of you while you were sleeping last night, killed the original and left the copy in its place. Are you still you?

I didn't think people as retarded as Simon really existed, but this thread proves otherwise. I literally cannot fathom how someone can be this stupid.

I can't really blame simon#2 for believing in the coin toss theory. Even though it didn't actually happen, from his perspective he already got body swapped twice, so there's no reason for him to believe that it wouldn't happen again.

I don't know enough about the setting to come to the conclusion that Earth is 100% done for, especially with of the crazy shit that the WAU can pull off... and neither do you. So yeah, I'd rather fight than lie down in my grave like you. But we're just different people, I guess.

user, you're a dumdum.
"You" are not a snapshot, "you" are a process.
But copying works the same for both concepts - it creates a copy.
There's original and there's any number of copies.

that is completely irrelevant to this discussion user, but nice try.

you're not you
not anymore

We could do both. My only concern would be that people don't fight for their life or the survival of the human race under the justification that they're still 'alive' out there, somewhere.

As I said, I'm glad you hold no position of power and will die without being able to choose humanity's future. You're a sad little being.

Why didn't Simon just walk to the shore?

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that all the people that "rejected their copies as a continuation of their existence" is dead
everyone on the Ark chose to be there
and everyone else that said that they want to "fix" earth and "fight till the last breath" is dead
so user is a dumb retard

I blame yonah for fucking everything up or nier

So many people misunderstand the ARK. Listen friend. Choosing the ARK is choose to BE FUCKED! The ARK is certain death. There is no way out of it once its launched and it has a limit life span. How can you be so fucking dense?

you're dead

Well there really weren't any alternative options presented to us as an observer. The only question comes down to whether it would've been better to just let humanity die instead of launching digital copies of us to the orbit.

Fuck off, Sarang.

>The ARK is certain death.
Life is certain death.

pretty much
Simon didn't wake up during earth's final struggle
he woke when earth was fucking dead

Pretty sure that was Jason

You're playing the game from the perspective of the deep dive Simon.

then why was I controlling other simons?

Ending where you live happily ever after with her and your dad is best ending.

that's deep, man

Wow, no need to throw out insults friend. I'm not making fun of you for choosing a slow, cowardly and inevitable death. To each their own. Listen, I know you're mad that you're wrong. But its OK! This is anonymous board, you haven't embarrassed yourself that much.

Deep dive Simon won the cointoss, that is the version of Simon continuing, while the losing part was either left or killed. I don't get what problem people has with the cointoss example.

To sell the idea the the transition was seamless for the deep dive simon. You're essentially playing a flashback.

everything else is already "dead", the ark is just extending "life" in one form and maybe someone or something might find the ark and it will live on or perhaps the ark if those inside were advanced enough could modify it or find a way to extend it beyond normal operational time. simon still would have been stranded at the bottom of the ocean, he could try to walk out to the coast like some did before him and risk being eaten or something, the earth is scorched from what i remember. he could go back to the wau and try to continue life that way but the wau is just doing seemingly random shit, no idea if it would even listen to him.

The game isnt deep, it isnt good. Its just a shitty amnesia clone that relies way to much on the player never thinking "but why though" there is no cut and paste because the plot demands it.

I wasn't talking indivdual death, I was talking about the human race as a collective. If we're talking about whether or not the human race should survive, well... That's a different topic but what I'm talking about and what nobody seems to understand that the ARK isn't saving anyone.

cause plot

the only shit part of the game is that fucking sea monster right at the end that picks you up and carries you around

>this fucking thread
No wonder SOMA's flew over so many heads. How can you not grasp such simple concepts.

>hurr durr why not cut
Jesus Christ.

You've been throwing insults the entire thread, fuck off and get off your high horse


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Good lord women in this game were absolutely terrible, even worse than real women.

there's no cointoss, the player switches perspective user but both simons are right where they should be, we switch perspectives near the end credits after deep dive simon breaka down, it's just a delayed switch to the ark to drive home the fact that the cointoss doesn't exist and both ark simon and deep dive simon as well as the other dive suit simon from the start are all right where they should be if you didn't take him offline.

The human race is already dead at the time of the events of the game. No launching the Ark is just as "useless" as launching it. It's really just the personal preference of what you want to do with your time in this world.
And comet or no comet the human race is still as good as dead in long term perspective anyway.

>You're a sad little being.
How very euphoric of you. You forgot to tip your fedora though, like the superior being you are.

Staying on Earth isn't saving anyone
>b-but the chance to
There's none you faggot. See

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I'm not saying that staying on Earth would work out but so many people think that the ARK is saving the human race, it isn't... Read the replies, so many people are actually butthurt that I'm saying that choose the ARK alone is certain death. Doesn't mean you can't choose both. Get on the ARK but also try and fix things on Earth (even if it doesn't work out) because if you're relying on the ARK alone, humanity is already dead.

>he still thinks the game was about the ARK
The whole thing was about the Warden unit you fucking idiots.

Fucking g thiis

Crouch walking while looking away from the big scary killbox isnt fun user.
Soma is the netflix original of horror.

kids and young adults come here.

there's nothing to fix user
humanity in the flesh is already extinct
there's only the Ark and the Wau

You're right, thanks for reminding me!

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polito isnt any of the things OP specifies.
also, none of the things but lying, but come on, its shodan, does anyone really suspect she might be truthful?

Forgot pic

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You literally spend the first half of the thread calling everyone a nigger, don't sperg out because I insulted you back. Pure autism...

cut and paste is another way of saying copy to clipboard and delete the original as soon as it is pasted in most OSs. you are not actually cutting the data from one place to another but copying it to memory in a temp form and then copying it over to a new location.

Then why does he brush off the uncannily capable protagonist instead of gladly welcoming gordon?
He might have a big brain, like any of the other doctors+alyx, but he has a bigger ego, and not really warranted.
The ending is legitimately terrifying.

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There's several anons replying, but there's only one OP

>user says the ARK is saving humanity
>No, it isn't. The ARK is certain death.

Nice dodge, user.

>how to spot a retarded poster

Not sure if counts

What about the Start Trek Transporter? They dematerialize the atoms in the body, take the patterns and send an energy stream, using said energy to reconstitute matter afresh. In many ways it is a copy of who you were before you teleported

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>Imagine being such a bitch that even your typed replies have a stutter.
I'd get that checked out, user. Yeah, you could argue that. Like the other user said. I suppose its a matter of preference. I see no problem using the ARK but I don't like the idea of solely relying on it. It doesn't actually do anything, it just might make you feel a bit better about dying.

Spot on

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Really, you got nothing better to complain about that the stuttering response? Are you new here?
If you are OP, then you should've said what you're saying now from the beginning. I guess Simon 3 "has" the chance to try and rebuild things on Earth. Even if he's trapped at the bottom of the ocean. With no power. And no Catherine. And with the WAU outside. And the world burning topside.
But I guess he has nothing better to do while awaiting certain death, so wish him luck.

Remember that episode when the transporter malfunctioned and created an evil copy of Kirk? I think about that a lot.

and like i said the ark could live on past it's lifespan due to a number of factors or even outside variables. i get that there is the option to stay and try and fix earth or work with the wau to bring more life back but that's no more humanity than what is on the ark. all that is left is digital minds in machines on the ocean floor or digital minds in the ark in space, most anons seem to agree that neither is really true human life but extensions of it and that true humanity is dead and has no way of coming back. it's the wau or the ark or both but either way, no more humans as in the people that existed before the disaster.


earth is fucked
the stations are fucked
and simon in the abyss is fucked
Catherine is fucked
so what are you gonna do
ask a retard from 2015 to fix the world?
everybody is dead

Two Rikers

>making a copy of yourself
What could possibly go wrong?

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The day when humans will learn how to digitize consciousness will be a legal nightmare.

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I wish the game weren't as linear and made you either side with the wau or Catherine.
>kill wau and live for a few houndred thousand years in space and die
>work with wau and populate the earth with humanities successors

If the WAU hadn't been making shambling monsters, allowing it to rebuild humanity would honestly have been the better choice. The ARK is doomed, so many things can and will eventually go wrong with it.

>work with WAU
so not humans, so basically the ARK is humanities last hope
thanks for agreeing with me

>Tries to mock someone
>It bites you in the ass
>Oh, shit! Better try and take the high ground now.

Not OP, I jumped in this thread halfway through because I liked Soma and I wanted to talk about it. You're partially right about the ending, it could deviate slightly depending on whether or not you destroyed the WAU but yeah, it seems pretty fucking hopeless. I'd still try though because you literally have nothing to lose. That was my point, the ARK is launched, it seems to have no other purpose than to make you feel a bit better about the end of humanity. So why not give it a shot? Go try and find a way to start the power, go try and find a way to transfer Catherine, go try and make more copies. You'll probably die, but you're going to die anyway. Moving forward is better than doing nothing.

Even by your standards there are no humans on the Ark either.

no the ark is not human either, it's just an abomination that think it is, just like the wau creations

there are an extension of myself
if you ask me what is user, as in, what part of the human body represents me, I'd say my mind, or my brain, and a copy of that is in the ARK
so by my definition of what is me, yes, there are humans in the ark

Huey is a bitch female in my books desu

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Literally both of them are traitors.
Glados tries to kill you in both games
Wheatley betrays you.

Attached: glados_wheatley_portal_2.jpg (1244x700, 68K)

There are copies on you in the machines made by WAU too. What makes the space SSD so special?

>It bites you in the ass
You complained about a stuttered response as if it wasn't usual posting
>Not OP
I thought you were and thus thought you were against Catherine and the ARK, my mistake then. Sure, as I said it's not like Simon 3 has a lot to do, he might as well "try"

That isn't me, user. I'm the one you've been failing to one up the entire thread because you can't seem to accept that going into the ARK is a death sentence. Seriously though, you'd think that ARK was real with how fanatical you are about it 'saving' the human race.

they're not corrupted by the WAU

>humanities last hope

How exactly? The ARK is nothing but digitized consciousnesses, none of it is real. Humanity can't rebuild, reforge and leave a legacy. No children will be born to carry the torch. Nothing will be left behind. Best case scenario some aliens find it and interface with it and remake humanity or something but that hinges on intelligent alien life. the ARK is at best a chance for humanity to live in serenity for a couple thousand years.

imagine being a hot girl walking down the street
suddenly, you wake up in a sex dungeon
turns out your mind just got pirated

Attached: katherine.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

GLaDOS was never a traitor, she never befriended you until she gets turned into a potato, and at that point she's more or less on your side. Anyone who was deceived by her in P1 was retarded.
Wheatley is a traitor though. He pretends to be on your side from the get-go.

That could make a great film desu

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Lmao, how could OP ever recover.

i wish that too, i know what the wau does isn't right in some people's eyes but it is something, a new form of life

I'm not against Catherine or the ARK, I'm just aware that its not really 'saving' humanity and to reply on it soley for that purpose is kinda dumb for a bunch of supposedly smart people. The ARK is powerful in its own way, is actually making them feel a bit better about the end of humanity, which is kind of marvelous.

fuck, I'd go to the black market and buy a pirated copy of my waifu's mind
non-stop sex


holy shit what a pleb

>remove the diamond I'll give you anything you want!

so satisfying

>Simon is going to fucking DIE down at the bottom of the ocean
Simon already died a couple hundred years ago.

wasn't it that wheatly was on your side but he got corrupted by the need to test that glados was used to and since he was the fuck shit up core he didn't know how to handle it? did i miss something, been a long time since i played 2 but he seemed pretty genuine till he was plugged in and he even calls the escape lift only to stop it halfway as he is getting drunk on the power- it seemed more like he legit couldn't control himself than really being evil from the start

Data doesn't get cut and pasted, data is copied and then the original is deleted.

She is manipulative but she ALWAYS has your best interests in mind because Sareth is a dumb youngster.

Johan Ross wans't corrupted, there was good hope for humanity to continue in a sense with WAU

Kat was top cute and best girl and Simon had a bad case of denial.

Use the robot scans to return to the surface and try to salvage whatever possible, collect DNA samples, open the seeds vaults, use your robot immortality and the WAU's AI to secure a future for a generation of humans that haven't been born yet.

>please stop

>Simon is going to fucking DIE
how can he die when he's not even really alive? He's a robot with a downloaded consciousness.

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Humanity was effectively extinct at that point. They only lived on in robot shells.

which only work in water by the way

>But there is
ahahahahahaha every fucking time

The wau robots were pretty much humanoids.

how are people so mentally retarded to think there's a fucking coin toss? There's no chance of a transfer. It's just a copy being made. Simon never had a chance to transfer to another suit or the ark.


Woah, it really makes me think.

How does the ark knows what pussy or dick feels like?

>does anyone really suspect she might be truthful?
I did, only because I was like 70% robot by the end and didn't really understand what was going on with the french lady in that hangar on the command deck.
[x] I'm not a robot

they can modify the experience while being inside it like the player modifies the experience of those memories they boot up to find info midway through the game. since cat is in control and she's a lesbo she likely knows exactly what puss feels like and can work on it based off her memories

Your DEUS ex? Desu ex?

You can really tell who actually played SOMA and who watched a playthrough.
Catherine did nothing wrong.
Simon did nothing wrong he was just ignorant by choice to be hopeful and continue working with her. I feel he knew better but wanted to believe there's a possibility things could be better.
Instead of debating this you'd all realize how deep the entire game is.
The full scope of things are all futile; even the ARK.
Also if you paid attention the concept of them living on also goes for the WAU. The ARK was infected and you had the choice to kill the core of the WAU on earth just like you had a choice to kill the second Simon. The only upside out of it all is that the ARK will run for an abnormal amount of time thanks to the WAU infection on the device so despite if the circuitry fails or anything it will still be taken care of. The whole damn thing from pressing start from boot to the credits was useless. Almost like the preservation of human life in general. All of the narrative themes are bleak and dripping with futility.

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Yes they are. They're copies of Simon and Catherine, who were also WAU-made to begin with.

>The ARK was infected
I thought the whole thing with that one bitch on life support guarding the ark was to hammer the point that the ark was the one thing that wasn't infected by the WAU.

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>and she's a lesbo
I don't remember this, did I miss something in the game?

If you look at it there is a drop in the device. It's infected because that drop looks just like when you used the WAU to fix a chip earlier to access an elevator.

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Alright Charlie brooker

Also it was there on everything the entire time. It even helped you find passwords you had no way to obtain. It was on the omnitool that Catherine was one the entire game. She basically helped preserve it and that's what the WAU wanted. Humanity was already fucked and nobody knew that better than the WAU in its many failed attempts. How else do you explain the other monsters walking around in suits taken over by the WAU? Failed attempts.

Simon was the only one that succeeded because he was kept ignorant to the true objective by a well made lie that was parallel with a believed human's interests... survival.

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I am I and you're a huge faggot

you don't exist

>Fawns all over Luke for first third of game
>Coldly turns her back on Luke wishing him immediate death in second third
>Turns out to be a butt fucking psycho traitor hypocrite from the very beginning in the last third

Anise was a bitch and i'm glad Ion died on her watch, it cements her being a failure at everything.

Attached: Anise.Tatlin.full.863701.jpg (1350x2300, 1.18M)

Literally the second ghost in the shell movie


Main reason i quitted soma is because of this fucking glitching screen everytime you see a monster, jesus fuck what they were thinking?

Catherine is an incel and has never seen a vagania

I'm a little bit retarded and didn't saw the "plot twist" and even me being on Simon's level of intelligence I never thought Catherine was a traitor. I was mostly pissed off that I forgot about the fact that I SAW that shit happening with Simon 2.

I don't get why some think Catherine was lying to Simon when he had a first hand experience.

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Catherine is pretty unlikeable, but she didn’t lie

He knew it would simply copy him the whole time, he just didn’t want to believe it.

Simon was very hopeful to escape this hell that he was thrust in and used this false hope as a motivation; that’s all.

>b-but muh she's only 14
Arietta would've been so much better as a party member

The ARK is underwhelming. Also, why are emo tendencies forced on me

>Catherine is pretty unlikeable

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Well, she’s unlikeable if you’re not into being condescended by an annoying women 24/7

God I've never hated a main character more than I did with Soma

>Has the concept explained to him when it happens the first time
>Doesn't consider the possibility of it happening the second time
>Him getting upset about not getting on was pretty stupid when you consider at the start of it all he decided to help with the Ark for the hell of it

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she wasn't ever condescending towards simon tho...

Still better than the other 99% of video games

she was pretty annoying and detached to him; never once considering his predictament or how abruptly he was thrust in to it with no idea of what was going on.

This is the brain of a liar. "I didn't lie, I just encouraged the not-truth! Hurrr"

I disagree, I think for her character being a dorky socially inept scientist with no friends she was absolutely trying to do her best to be comforting and and understanding of simon's situation. She's a brainlet when it comes to social skills and can be annoying but it's kinda charming in a way. At least that's how I saw her.

Why? Borderlandslet here.

You just tolerated it due to giving her a waifu status in your head
She was pretty insufferable, and I felt bad that Simons last interaction with people was with her

>Im talking about her lack of fucking moral integrity, and the fact that she kept leading on Simon even after he obviously had trusted everything she was telling him

The only time she tries to lie to him is when she tries to cover up that Simon #2 was awake after the transfer.

She'd already explained what happened to Simon #1 back in his original time, but he failed to grasp the implication then. When she got called out by Simon after the transfer, she did her best to get him to understand and even asked him to choose what to do with Simon #2, so his grasp of the concept should have been thorough by then if he wasn't a giant goddamn retard.

As she says it herself, she's not responsible for his inability to grasp the concepts she's laying out for him. I don't know how more plain she could have made it than "Hey it's your choice what happens to this other Simon, we can either leave him to suffer and die truly alone in this place, or you can kill him now so he doesn't have to go through that".

Also we should never have gotten to see Simon #4. It was a total tone kill, we as the players conceptually knew that there was a Simon who was copied into the Ark, but WE WEREN'T THAT SIMON, it was the whole point of the game. We worked through the whole game for the sake of a coin flip, and lost.

>waifu status
i never gave her waifu status. I just didn't have a have a problem with her, especially since she really doesn't bother you all that much throughout the game. When she's not plugged in she can't even talk and when she is plugged in none of her exposition dumps are generally helpful and pretty easy to follow. It's simon's fault he was a retard and didn't understand her.

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I think you're the one retarded here buddy

>no Mirror's Edge 2 where she's a fully-kitted cop runner and she's hunting you down the entire game
God ME2 could've been kino as fuck, instead we got Catalyst

Attached: Mirror's Edge Catalyst Combat.webm (960x540, 2.92M)

Imagine being this gay

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And then what? The continents are nothing but smog and raging firestorms

She fucks up hard after she stops being a random merc/vault hunter and starts making shots. Starts out in the pre-squeal where her and moxxi get into a little gal pal talk to fuck everything up, pretty much cause the events of 2 to happen, and then proceed to fuck up even more in that. Spoiler for old ass game, but she gets captured and watched roland die first hand cause she is to stubborn to listen to anyone. Was told to not come along for fear of fucking things up, so she decided to come along and surprise, fuck things up. She has a Main character complex about her and shows it off too much.

Very true. This plot is real next level sci-fi.


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Sightseeing. At least there are no WAU monsters up there.

It's my deepest desire getting cloned, this game is bananas

Yeah.. It's true.

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>It even helped you find passwords you had no way to obtain.

Wasn't that supposed to be the one asshole who was somehow running around inside WAU's networks? I got the impression it was one of the last scientists left alive after they killed Catherine.

I left WAU alive so I actually don't know what happens if you "kill" WAU.

remainder that if you killed anyone during your playthrough (except that first robot where the game didn't give you choice), you deserve to spend eternity alone in an underwater base populated by monstrosities.


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Cut her some slacks, she’s a friendless kissless autist

I normally despise first person games with voiced protagonists and lots of dialogue but for some reason in SOMA it didn't bother me at all

If you kill it doing so will cost you an arm because it will bite it off. From there the place will collapse and most of the base functions of anything connected to it will cease.

> I got the impression it was one of the last scientists left alive after they killed Catherine.

If you notice all of the machines that are still running could only be running if someone knew what WAU was up to and make plans to stop it. Nobody figured it out in any of the logs before they died. It's a learning AI the WAU so of course he learned how to use humans to influence.

fuck you she is based and would be your cumdumpster after you take throne of hell you nigger

structure gel isn't evil on it's own, it's only when the wau uses it to the extreme and has control over it is it bad. structure gel holds the entire complex together in many ways before the disaster so it's likely part of everything. question is does the gel remain under the wau's influence being that far away? is it programmed? from what i recall the abyss was the one place free of the wau's control so structure gel on it's own should be fine.

She also put the Ark launch and the consciousness transfer on the same button because "we still need to be here to launch it once we're on board." But she KNEW they would still be there to do the launch anyway. She deliberately made Simon think he was getting on and even risked the possibility of them making it (Simon's transfer just barely finishes in time) to keep up the lie.

it'a all perspective user, don't worry to much about it

This is what I think too. The ark would have been perfectly safe in the bottom of the ocean. In a place powered by geothermal energy. A better idea for the preservation of humanity would have been to send out satellites relaying the information on how to save what was left and where to find it. With proper automated maintenance our species could survive longer after the comet than life itself as existed so far and would eventually only be exterminated by the Sun going red giant.

I think the game should have changed Simon's attitude based on how the player answers the surveys during exploration. The ending you get where Simon is mad for being retarded would have only been the result of answering to the surveys in a cynical way. Hopeful answers should have given an altruistic and understanding ending where the two characters sacrifice themselves to save the others and their own copies.

I didn't kill anyone and I also never interacted with WAU's cancer assholes. I assume those things are meant to heal the player based on the prompt.

I see what you mean but consider the structure gel in the lab with the disappearing monster in the cube. It was shown to grow and develop independent of the WAU's influence. My take is it has its own form of procreation using the gel.

I think the creatures created with it each are like newborn children trying to make sense and learn from square one with nothing but it's basic programmed motive considering any other tampering with it that made the monsters.

He DID have brain damage

This Wheatley is literally a program designed to come up with stupid ideas. He was incapable of formulating a plan to betray Chell. If it was in his best interests to betray her, that wouldn't have been an idea that he would have come up with because it's not retarded.

she actually never betrays, she a loyal little succubus

you're literally low IQ if you think it was a betrayal

cut in this case is just an hero

maggie chow from Dude Sex

Celeste is the only videogame character who's ingame appearance is superior to her concept art.

Attached: mirrors_edge_celeste.jpg (479x581, 38K)

She did nothing wrong.

Attached: Celeste_bust.jpg (752x833, 606K)

But the WAU is creating shambling monsters, so the point is moot. The WAU doesn't understand humans and never will.

Jesus I hate this bitch so much. Blames everyone for Roland death, betrayed Jack and she's a bitch

This. Fuck this bitch

Not yet. As long as you stop reading.

Yes, you did.

user he posted 5 hours ago

>He's a robot with a downloaded consciousness.
What's the ARK? A machine with a bunch of downloaded consciousnesses. If we're drawing the line there, then that ARK is also pointless.

That's the standard way of moving data around.
Another way would be to update the address of the data over the whole hard drive but that's prohibitively complicated compared to copy+remove.

I like to think the right course of action for Simon left behind on Earth would be to go back to the base, study the fuck out of everything left behind there (there is a number of books, computer terminals and whatnot). Try to study and communicate with WAU, since it is the key to reinstate humanity. They have all kinds of labs in there as well as there are enough human biological material to try and just clone human beings. With WAU it should be possible to make artificial wombs. Everything is possible and being a robot made of flesh and nanobots gives you all the time in the world to figure shit out. Just don't give up and keep on going.

>Someone has been killing me every night and replacing the body with a copy
This is a way creepier thought than expected

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