>Red dead redemption 2 PC will be Epic Store exclusive
Steamfags on suicide watch
>Red dead redemption 2 PC will be Epic Store exclusive
Steamfags on suicide watch
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Ok, this is Epic
Oh dear, is it spam hour again?
New Austin, home...
Who is surprised by this anymore?
jesus christ who cares
>Beijing... Home
>It appears this leak is fake. Yesterday, the same Yea Forums user claimed that Super Mario Odyssey would be coming on the PC and that it would be exclusive to the Epic Games Store. Nintendo has not released any of its first-party games on the PC so this “leak” does not make any sense at all. Not only that, but the Super Mario Odyssey story reads exactly like the Red Dead Redemption 2 story so it’s safe to assume that they are both fake. So yeah, while it makes sense – from a business perspective – to release RDR2 exclusively on the PC, you should not expect the game to be announced for the PC on April 22nd!
So this is the power of journalism
30% was too much they said
Match epics store or we'll leave steam they said
They actually did it. They killed steam.
possibly one of the most overrated games in recent times
How will switchfags recover now?!
Gee, I guess this means that Red Dead Redemption 1 is gonna get review bombed on Steam
Oh wait
Claire cares
it's not exclusive if i can get it for free without the DRM or lauchers/stores though, right?
>pitiful pc only cucks think rdr2 is something really good
Don't worry mateys, I'll be alright.
Lol all those mad steamfags
steamcucks eternally btfo
Rockstar have their own launcher, theres absolutely no reason for them to make deal with Epic and give em any money for nothing and pissing off fans.
Said the guy whose credit card information were compromised and released in the wild several time by Sony
then why gta series are on steam?
And all I care about for RDR2 pc port is moddability. If people create decent mods for the singleplayer I might buy it a second time. I'd wait until it's on Steam though, I doubt Rockstar would commit to full Epic exclusivity.
We will mod it to make it playable!
Rockstar is a shill company now, up there with EA and all those scumbags, wouldn’t surprise me at all.
just gonna pirate it
Because it convenient and has largest user base.
>implying i don't use visa debit gift cards for online
It won't feel right on PC.
Thats why rockstar will prefer Epic Store instead off the dead Steam shekel goblins
China is the greatest country on earth and you CANT prove me wong.
They do have a very nice wall
So why not just get the normal Rockstat Social Club version that doesn't force you to also use Steam or Epic?
To sell more copies. Steam's network is huge.
GTAV is still one of the top sold PC steam games
I don't have to, their inhumane lack of morality does it for me
I agree with you, but that webm is pure fucking cringe
This guy needs to stop.
What countries is China bombing? eh?
Epic has no users.
I'll just sail the seven seas again if that's the case
their own lol
muh nature simulator
There's a reason I didn't get it for my console OP.
You'll purchase Assassin's Creed: Black Flag on the Uplay Store?
>Not releasing it on Rockstar Warehouse
They would have to be retards if it was just an epic store exclusive.
lets be honest you all pirate singleplayer games anyway
>posting rumour as if it's confirmed
>the same Yea Forums user claimed that Super Mario Odyssey would be coming on the PC and that it would be exclusive to the Epic Games Store
I'll also pirate the game
Go back right now, people like you are why mass shootings are a good thing.
You can have it, chinks.
>implying I'm gonna give chinks any money
That just means the game is free.
All that this means is that there'll be a PC version that you can pirate, which is fine.
STEAMERS are old and busted, based epic and the master race of EPICBROS are going to save PC gaming from the grave that valve was digging with Thier anti competitive steam engine.
Don't you mean Source engine?
she looks like shes fucking 30
You know you can use a ps4 controller, don't you? Also, the game might actually run smoothly, MIGHT, being Rockstar. Saints Row 2 still dips below 60fps with a 1660 ti and i5.
How would it be an Epic Store exclusive when its been on consoles for months?
>making a serious reply to an obvious bait
lurk more
>Comparing Armstrong to Epic
for shame
who dat
Do you have a problem with me saying eh? eh? It's Japanese.
>is delusional
>is rich
>uses underhanded methods
>thinks he can rule with power & money
I don't know, seems pretty accurate to me
Dumbest poster ITT. Exclusivity on the pc, retard.
>inb4 it was a joke
Jokes are meant to be funny so it's still retarded, sorry.
He's probably another seething americuck who hates Canucks for being better and happier than they are.
That's nothing compared to the days of 90210 where they would cast people nearly 40 to play high school kids. These people had fucking crows feet and we were supposed to believe they were in their teens.
I meant more in the way the fight flows.
Epic has no active means of countering pirates, and stood no chance.
I'd make it Denuvo, since there was a time Denuvo could protect a game for longer than 3 days, but pirates have worn Denuvo down to the point where it's like the last battle where Raiden isn't getting his ass handed to him
another free game this year
>buying games
>Red dead redemption 2 PC will be CPY exclusive
nice, can't wait
You didn't answer the question. It's not PC exclusive you buffoon.
It's good desu. Steam has no reason to even take more than 10%. Download traffic became really cheap.
>buying digital copies of games
Ya know you don't really own em, right?
I buy the good ones.
Unless the company is scummy.
No one really owns anything, man.
>pirate game
>burn to disc
Thread should have ended here.
I don't give a fuck where it comes from. Will my 970 run it? I'm guessing no.
You don't "really" own anything if you really want to get technical about it, you can't buy a McDouble and suddenly have the right to distribute as many McDoubles as you want, same goes for cars, GPUs, or anything
stop shilling
>using journalism to discredit journalism
Wow what a journalist we have here
Say journalism one more time motherfucker, see what happens
Why wouldn't it?
I'm still on a sapphire 290 which is roughly on par with the 970 and runs pretty much anything that's optimized at 60fps/high settings.
Are you some kind of gaming news corespondent? What are you gonna do, columnist, write a journal about it?
Nigger if the pissstation and xbone can run it your 970 won't have any issues.
It runs on consoles dude, of course it will run on your card.
Fake news
>forgot about gta 4 on PC
Was planning on pirating this garbage anyway. Now I can feel justified in it. Thanks Cockstar.
More like a no-sale exclusive har har har.
GTA V runs like dick and I have no reason to believe that Rockstar has somehow magically improved their port process.
Which platform do the SJWs prefer?
So it is just Barry trying to troll some journalists. Pathetic, this epic shilling is going too far, he needs to stop.
What are you on about?
GTAIV ran like shit because it was heavily CPU bound and only ran well on single 4-core CPU's. It was never a GPU issue.
These days games are optimized to run on multiple CPU's to spread the workload. GTAV's optimization was GOAT and I'm expecting the same for RDR2.
But it won't FEEL right.
Tiny monitor, tiny office chair, with Yea Forums an alt tab away.
It won't feel right on PC.
I don't know, maybe it's just me. It ran well for like the first year or two, but at some point updates/patches made it unplayable for me.
GTAV runs even in my potato, so I don't agree with you.
GTAV ran 60 fps on high/ultra settings on my 290.
Sounds like you bloated your PC with crap making it shit the bed.
It's not the game's fault user.
And this pic again.
Holy shit, I can't believe you REALLY ARE Barry! Why you do so many things that are clearly wrong all day?
KHbros and DMChads really need to see this shit.
Time to pick up my hat again. Thanks China for paying for my games.
How can a game be epic store exclusive when I can just get the game for free from my local torrent site?
If it was RDR1 I'd give a shit, but 2 was a big pile of shit.
>Steamfags on suicide watch
I didn't have it before and I won't have it now. Nothing changed except that I can pirate the game now if I really wanted to play the game. Which I don't.
This thread is big AIDs gay and so are you.
What makes it so bad?
I played RDR on 360 and it's my favourite Rockstar game (story-wise at least).
I wont let you shoot me
big slow boring pile of shit, the story isn't enough to save it.
GTAV marks the point where Rockstar became Naughty Dog 2.
Consoles only have 1 launcher, Consoles wins again.
Outside of a pretty alright story and some excellent graphics, it was a bit disappointing though. I played it through once and haven't picked it up since.
It can, it's just that no one wants to install 5 different launchers on their PC since it's nothing but bloatware nobody needs or wants.
Meanwhile consoles can barely handle 1 launcher.
>It can
How do they know it was the same guy? Did they use a trip?
I'm sure this aggressive takeover of peoples' games libraries will go over great.
No, I don't think Steam is flawless, and I think Valve needs to get off their ass for once and stop playing with toys. But I'm sure as shit not going to give up 10 years of accumulated games inventory for a Chinese botnet. There's nothing they could put on their launcher that would convince me otherwise.
more likely rockstar use their own shit game launcher like they did with gta5
Steam manbabies BTFO
Funny AND Original!
Why didn't you buy Artifact Steambros? This is all your fault.
>playing R* games on PC
>implying Max Payne 3 wasn't superior on PC
Both posts were made by Anonymous, duuh
Oh no!
If I wanted to play RDR2, I would've played it on PS4 already. Fuck rock"start of david".
>Hehehe fuck Borderlands I'm gonna pirate it teheheh
Alright I'll just ban you
Not him. Yeah it was, but everything else has been nothing but horseshit. Lots of options and settings, but none of them work well.
Who is storm eagle?
Question for you. Why he only cummed on Xboy, Sonegro and Nintodd?
GTAV is one of the best ports of the past decade
One distribution platform is almost too much. ONE!
They day vidya becomes like shows in a TV channel, that's the day I stop playing vidya.
>Rockstar is a shill company now, up there with EA and all those scumbags
Nice bias fag. They still put in the work and make great games
>pirate multiplayer
Based retard
It's a shit game anyway
No GOG, no buy. I am not joking. I am not memeing. No GOG, no buy.
>playing the dogshit p2w multplayer anyway
>Coming to PC
Imagine all that SFM Porn when it get’s ripped/datamined
Imagine Vandermatthews[\spoiler]
"I need to write an article, quick, but I'm out of ideas"