>it gets good 100 hours in bro
It gets good 100 hours in bro
40 to be exact and that's still faster than TitS.
Are you some kind of wagie who doesn't have 16 hours per day to waste completely? What the fuck are you doing here?
Yes, you need time to enjoy Kiseki games. And it's not even that good since Falcom can't kill any characters.
>protagonist shows panties to escape
That's still garbage
>Are you some kind of wagie who doesn't have 16 hours per day to waste completely? What the fuck are you doing here?
I could complete an actually good game in those 40 hours
You mean it gets good at the last hour of the game
It got good half a game ago and you're just in the lull of the action.
Everyone is holding back the series. Shit series.
I just replayed CS1 recently after playing the crossbell games and it's hilarious now to see that CS1 literally ends at the beginning of Ao's climax. Really trying their best to one up the cliffhanger of Sky 1 but it doesn't really work because you know how everything is going to resolve already.
>Not including Wazy when he had the best rivalry in the game and personally beat his antagonist
Never have I ever had to invest more effort in a rpg. Game is basically a shitty Persona 4.
No, you got it wrong
It gets good 150 hours into the series aka during the Zero/Ao saga
It got bad again during the Cold Steel
>everyone is holding back
I've seen this mentioned a lot for Kiseki. Is this remotely true or just a meme?
>This time i'm not going to hold back !
>You didn't show us your true power right ?
took about 30h to get good but man once it got good it was gooooooood
A lot of the times you beat the boss only for you to get a cutscene
>hah pretty nice... but I was using 10% of my power
or something like this
and then usually he steps back for the reasons or someone else appears in the cool entrance to save your party
And it was already in the Trails series but in the cold steel its even worse
That is basically a good handful of sen 2 battles
You mean best girl won
Best girl is clearly Crow. Even nips know that.
and only if you really like generic shonen anime
I liked CS from the start. can't be bothered with sky though. have to use arts too much